The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 24, 1909, Image 4

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Columbus f otimal.
ColumbTU( Nebr.
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mbaeriptioB ia paid. Thus JaaW bow that
paymamt baa bean rewired up to Jan. 1,1886,
FabSS to Feb. 1,1106 and so on. When payment
Is anda,tba date, which aaawan aa a receipt,
DlflOONTINTJANCES-Beaponaible anbacrib
rawill oontinae to receive this Journal until the
pcbliabersare notified by letter to diacontinae,
whan all arrearages moat be paid. It yon do not
wiah the Jonmaloontinaed for another year af
ter tbe time paid for has expired, yon anonld
prarioaaly notify na to diaoontinae it.
CHANGE IN ADDRESS When ordering a
akan In the ddnaa.aobacribersahoald be
to gtte their old aa wall aa their new address.
Commenting editorially on Senator
Burkett's speech on postal savings, the
Lincoln News says:
"Senator Burkett's recent speech on
behalf of the postal savings bank bill
disclosed that he has a few colleagues
who need watching. When the sena
tor first became a member of the upper
house he seemed, as was natural, to be
somewhat in awe of the men with
great names against whom he rubbed,
but a closer acquaintance has opened
his eyes to the fact that there is a good
deal of masquerading at Washington.
Here are some pointed quotations
from the senator's speech:
"In my opinion, Mr. President, we
ought to enact this legislation without
much of delay. We ought not to
juggle with the confidence of the
American people, so recently and so
universally reposed in us as a party.
We ought not by procrastination, to
exasperate the American people with
the idea already too prevalent, let me
say, that there are influences more
potent and more controlling in legisla
tion than the interests of the great
mass of the people.
"Whatever may be senators' ideas
as to the effect of this legislation upon
those within their own small circle of
friends, no senator can be blind to the
efficacy of it and the desirability of it
to the untold thousands of Americans
without the domain of legislative in
fluence other than the ballot of Amer
ican citizenship.
"It took fifteen years of patient and
persistent endeavor to make some men
believe that it would neither wreck the
republic nor ruin the railroads for
Uncle Sam to take a hand in the leg
itimate control of our great transpor
tation companies; and yet one objec
tion after another has melted away,
until today everybody wonders who it
was that objected. Within a week we
have seen in the public press the
address of one of the great railway
magnates of the country compliment
ing the congress upon the legislation
that it has enacted.
"I have seen congress, or a part of
it, apprehensive before, and that is
why I have called attention to the
meat-inspection law and the rate bill
in this connection. I have spoken as
I have for the consolation of those
really honest but timid souls who
would rather offend the interests of all
the people and the common sense of
all the world than to offend their own
theoretical and shelf-worn interpreta
tion of governmental function."
Frederich Palmer, who has been
with the big battleship fleet during its
journey around the world, makes a
startling assertion in the last number
of Collier's. As the fleet nears home,
he asserts that throughout the voyage
around the globe not as many
merchant vessels flying the American
flag have been seen by those on board
the. fighting ships as there are vessels
in the fleet. As the latter is made up
of sixteen big ships and a few smaller
ones, the seriousness of Mr. Palmer's
declaration is very evident.
It means that foreign ships have
supplied our fleet with coal and that
vessels flying all flags except our own
have keep the American officers and
sailors supplied with the things that
they had to have from day to day.
"What "is your navy for? asked a
man in a South American city after he
had marveled at the splendor and
equipment of our battleships, and
then, gazing over the broad bay, had
Boticed the absence of merchant ves
sels carrying the emblem of the United
And of what value, indeed, is the
big navy that we are building .unless
we have with it those messengers of
peace and plenty that carry between
oar ports and the ports of the world
thenatural products and manufactures
of many nations? Lincoln Star.
In alendid and admirable way
President Roosevelt is rounding up, so
far as possible, the primary policies of
his administration. He has set in mo
tion ereat things that are still
progressive, some of which will con
tinue to progress, it is hoped, through
out the life of the nation. And now
that he is about to retire from the
Presidency he is doing his 'utmost to
give these movements. as much new im
petus as his influence can furnish.
The President has just submitted to
Congress a new and special report on
the Panama canal, together with a
message setting fqprth the present sta
tus of that great project He has re
ceived and transmitted the report of
his Farm Life commission, together
with one of the most important mes
sages he has ever written. The first
meeting and report of his National
Conservation commission will soon be
followed by the report of the Continen
tal commission, composed of delegates
from Mexico, and Canada and the
United States. And to complete the
scope of his conservation purposes he
will call an international commission
to be held at The Hague, the informal
approval of which call he has already
received from the principal powers.
Each nation owes it to itself and
to civilization to safeguard its natural
resources: Therefore, each nation, be
cause of its obligations to civilization
and humanity in general, should be
ready to co-operate with other nations
in such international policies as may
be helpful to all without being injuri
ous to any. In such a meeting the
nations may learn much from one an
other. The United States will be an
especial beneficiary, for it may learn
much more than it can hope to teach.
It is the richest and the most wasteful
of nations. It has much to learn from
those people who have had to conserve
their natural wealth.
Incidentally, though scarcely less
potentially, the good of the. world
would be promoted by such a confer
ence through the mere fact of meet
ing, conferring and co-operating; for
whatever brings nations into common
undertakings makes for international
tolerance, peace and security. Kan
sas City Star.
In Victor Hugo's novel, "The Man
Who Laughs," Gwynplaine, a stroll
ing mountebank, who had known all
his life only starvation and misery,
was suddenly discovered to be Baron
Clancharlie. He had been stolen in
his infancy, and the discovery of his
rank and his entrance into his estate
was the matter of a day. One day he
played to a mob in a booth, the next
he delivered a speech, as an hereditary
ruler in the House of Lords. This
address, which is notable even for the
great Victor Hugo, is, in part, given
"My Lords, you are loftily placed.
It is well. We must believe that God
has His reasons for this. You have
power, opulence, joy, the sun always
motionless at your zenith, unbounded
authority, undivided enjoyment, an
immense oblivion of all others. But
there is something beneath you. Above
you, too, perhaps. My Lords, I come
to tell you news. The human race
"I am he who comes from the depths.
My Lords, you are great and rich.
That is perilous. You take advantage
of darkness. But take care, there is a
great power, dawn. Daybreak cannot
be conquered. It will come. It is
coming. The irresistible ray of day
light is within it And who will hin
der that sling from hurling the sun
into the sky? The sun is Man's Right
You you are Privilege. You may
well be afraid. The real master of the
house is going to knock at the door.
Who is the father of Privilege?
Chance. And who is his son? Abuse.
Neither Chance nor Abuse are firm or
enduring. Both of them have an evil
morrow. I come to warn you. I
come to denounce your own happiness
to you. It is made of the misery of
others. You have all, and this all is
composed of the nothing of the others.
My Lords, I am the hopeless advocate,
and I plead a lost cause. God him
self will gain this cause. I am noth
ing but a voice. The human race is a
mouth, and I am its cry. You shall
hear me. I come to open before you,
Peers of England, the great assizes of
the people; that sovereign, who is the
victim; that convict, who is the judge.
I bend beneath the weight of what I
have to say. Where shall I begin? I
do not know. I have gathered my
enormous, scattered, brief in the vast
diffusion of suffering. What am I to
do with it now? It overwhelms -me
and I cast it pell mell before you.
Did I foresee this? No. You are
astonished, so am L Yesterday I was
a mountebank, today 1 am a lord.
Mysterious play. Of whom? Of the
Unknown. Let us all tremble. My
Lords) all the azure is on your side.
Of all the immense universe you see
only the holiday; learn that there are
shadows. I was cast into the abyss.
For what end? So that t might see
its depths. I am a diver and I bring
back the pearl. Truth I speak, be
cause I know. You shall hear me,
my Lords. "I have felt I have seen.
Believe me, most fortunate gentlemen,
suffering is not a mere word. Pov
erty I grew up in it; Winter I have
shivered in it; Famine I have tasted
it; Contempt I have endured it; the
Plague I have had it; - Shame I
have drunk it I hesitated before per
mitting myself to be led to this place.
But it seemed to me that the hidden
hand of God urged me this way, and I
obeyed. I felt that it was necessary
for. me to come among you. Why?
On account of my rags of yesterday.
It was in order to speak to the over
fed, that God had made me mingle
with the famished. O, have pity! O!
that fatal world to which you think
you belong, you do not know it; being
so high, you are out of it I will tell
you what it is. I have experience,
indeed. I have come from beneath
the pressure. I can tell you what
you weigh."
The True Story of the Ex-Army
Officer Peddling Wood on
Streets of St. Louis.
At the time of her marriage my
father had given Julia eighty acres of
land, a part of the White Haven
estate, and situated only about half a
mile from our dwelling. On this land
the captain and Mrs. Grant decided to
build their home. It was good land,
and with the aid of the three slaves
which father had given Julia they had
no fear of not earning a living.
Perhaps I ought to explain some
thing about these slaves. For two
generations the story has been current
in certain parts of the country that
Captain Grant himself was a slave
owner. He never was, but his wife
was. The Dents had owned slaves
from the date of their settlement in
this country.. At the time I was
growing up my father owned about
thirty slaves, of all sizes and sexes.
Either at birth, or as we grew older,
he gave to each of his three girls three
negroes. These, with the parcels of
the homestead which he gave us as his
bridal present, were supposed to be our
dot. When Julia was born father
gave her the girl Eliza, little ginger
colored Julia Ann and Dan, who was
about' the most polished specimen of
human ebony you ever saw. They
were to serve her as maid, cook and
house boy. My sister Nelly, who
afterward became Mrs. Sharp, had
Phyllis, Susy and John. As for me,
I was given Mary, my old nurse, Lucy,
Louise and Jeff.
Thus, we were each provided with
our slaves, and at her marriage Julia,
of course, brought her three to Captain
Grant And although I know that he
was opposed to human slavery as an
institution I do not think that he was
at any time a very rank abolitionist or
that he opposed it so violently that the
acceptance of Julia's slaves had to be
forced upon him.
The house that the Grants built
was of logs. The logs for it were cut
and shaped by the captain himself. It
was planned by Mrs. Grant, ancTwas
both fashioned and furnished with an
eye to the artistic, as well as for com
fort and coziness. Though not pre
tentious to modern eyes it was not the
mean, ramshackle hut that the popu
lar mind supposes it to have been. It
had five good rooms and a hall, which
furnished all the space the Grants
needed at that time. I know that it
was on exhibition at the World's Fair
in St. Louis, and it looked anything
but elegant there, amid its more garish
surroundings. But it had been'built
fifty years before, and it had not been
lived in for a great many of those
The captain's father, Jesse Grant,
gave him $1,000 to furnish it with,
besides a team and a wagon. With
this team of two white horses, a cow,
the three slaves, the eighty acres of
land, and the log house the Grants
began life as civilians.
A very prominent man has recently
said on a public occasion that General
Giant's life at this time was a failure.
It is difficult for those who knew him
intimately in those later fifties to
regard it as such. It is true fame had
not yet come to him, nor had riches,
but he had never shown greater
strength of character, greater fortitude
under adverse circumstances, nor more
determination than he did at this time
nor do I think that anything he did
in the Civil war is more to his credit
as a man than these simple days of
hard work on his Missouri farm. If
earning and,winningtthe reputation of
being one of the best farmers in a
country of farmers is to be a failure,
then, perhaps the ex-army officer at
that period was a failure. He worked
early and late; his crops were put in
always at the right time, and culti
vated at the' right time; they turned
out better than crops of his neighbors.
He had Dan to help him, and in busy
seasons he hired other help, but the
bulk of the work he slid himself. He
was not ashamed of rough work onjthe
farm, and, in fact, he liked it Grant
turned farmer after he left the army,
not because he couldn't do anything
else, but because he wanted'to be a
farmer. That he later left the farm
and became a store-keeper was not due
to any vacillation of character, but to
ill health, and a clear-sighted endeavor
to better his finances.
There was a good deal of woodland
on the Grants' farm when they settled
on it and this he cleared away, corded
and sold in St Louis to the wood
At this point I must say a word con
cerning the general belief in the
Grants' object poverty at this time.
The Grants were not poor. They
were not rich, but they were in com
fortable circumstances, with plenty to
eat and plenty to wear and no depend
ence upon their relatives or any others.
There is the famous story of Captain
Grant living in such' poverty that he
had to haul his poor little faggots of
wood through the city with an ox
team and blow on his ungloved fin
gers to keep them from freezing. Mr.
Winston Churchill, the novelist, has
done Captain Grant the honor of de
picting him as a sort of run-down-at-the-heels
countryman of the ne'er-do-well
and ill-luck class, as one whose
wood peddling was barely able to keep
his meager clothes upon his meager
body. It is a very interesting picture
but it is not true. He never peddled
wood about the streets.
The truth is that he and his negroes
cut the wood and he often sent one of
them to the city with a load to sell to
the families of a Mr. Blow and Mr.
Bernard. Mr. Bernard was the broth
er of my brother John's wife. . During
the Christmas holidays one winter the
negro who generally drove the team
for Captain Grant was ill and there
was no one to send in his place. The
Captain's St. Louis friends sent him
word' that they were out of wood, and,
accordingly, he hitched up his team of
white horses to his big wagon, loaded
on the wood, and hauled it to the city
himself. He probably hauled several
loads in this way. I do not know how
many. Any other man with the same
temper of spirit and the same lack of
false pride would have done the same.
On one of these trips, as the captain
was driving along seated on his load of
wood, he suddenly came face to face
with General Harney and his staff.
The general, .resplendent in a new
uniform and gold trimmings, eyed the
figure of the farmer on the wagon
with astonishment Then he diew in
his horse, Grant stopped his team, and
the pair smiled into each other's eyes.
"Why, Grant, what in blazes are
you doing?" exclaimed Harney.
The captain, sitting comfortably
atop his load of wood with his ax and
his whipstock at his side, shifted one
muddy boot across the other and
"Well, general, lam hauling wood."
The thing was so obvious and Grant
so naive that General Harney and his
staff roared with laughter. They
shook his hand and joked with him
and finally carried him off to dine
with them at the Planters' hotel. That
is the true story of Captain Run-down-at-the-heels
Grant peddling wood for a
pittance in the streets. Emma' Dent
Casey in the February Circle.
Have Use for Old Piling.
There has been secured by a New
York state pulp company an option on
500,000 cords of sunken pine piling
now lying submerged in the Rideau
river and lakes back of Kingston,
Ontario, Canada. The piling was sunk
about 80 years ago when the Rideau
river was a center of commercial activ
ity. The piling will be -converted by
a chemical process into the finest
grades of stationery.
A Long-Felt Want
This, ladies, is the non-burglar-hiding
bed, the steel sides of which
preclude- the possibility of there being
a man under the bed, yet can be un
locked and collapsed for tbe purpose
of sweeping, etc. It Is especially in
tended for the use of unmarried wom
en. Kansas City Times.
Where the Clove Tree Thrives.
There is no place in the world where
Jthe clove tree thrives as well as in the
islands of Zanzibar and Pemba. It is
the principal product of the islands,
and, together with copra and the ivory
brought from the mainland, cloves
form the principal item of export
Cow's Happy End.
George, the four-year-old grandson
of an extremely pious and devout
grandfather, came rushing into the
house a few days ago in a state of
wild excitement. "Grandpa! Grandpa!"
he called. "Mr. Barton's cow is dead!
God called her home!"
Virgin Land in Cuba.
In the mountain regions in Cuba
there are many ridges and valleys of
extremely fertile land, nearly all un
touched, and existing practically as
they did before the time of the Span
iards. Had True Savor of the Sea.
At a service of thanksgiving for the
harvest of the sea at Port Isaac
church, Cornwall, the walls from end
to end were draped with fishing nets,
walla lobster pots, and packing bar
rata ocmpied the wiadow spaces.
Too Many of Us Cultivate Our Critical
Side Until It Takes the Zest Out
of Everything Try to
Enjoy Life.
If you want to get the worth of the
bargain in life cultivate gladness. The
one who mopes doesn't enjoy herself
and surely no one enjoys her.
Anyone can be glad when things go
her way; to be glad, when the maid
breaks your best dinner set, and the
frock on which you've broken yourself
turns out a fright shows a disposition
that can be counted' on to oil life's
x There's a lot of gladness going, but
many of us are blind to it. What we
want is to take life like a healthy child
and find .enjoyment in simple things.
We can cultivate our critical aide until
it takes the zest from everything.
What if we haven't an overflowing
pocketbook, need we hang down the
corners of our mouth when there is
health and" the outdoors and love to
make for gladness?
Does it come easier to look on the
black side? Has the pose of misfortune
become your natural state? Forget it
and take to grinning.
At first that grin may be as strained,
but most of your friends will think it
more lovely than your usual hangdog
expression. The brand Improves with
Forced cheerfulness is not pleasing,
'but it is better than chronic depres
sion. Keep pumping out that oil of
gladness and by and by the dumps
will be lubricated.
Gladness isn't an effort to be glad;
it is just being glad. You cannot wor
ry yourself into it; neither does it
come by simulation; it does come
from taking life easy and enjoying
things whether they were meant to be
enjoyed or not.
Tou sad one, try for a day to hunt
causes for gladness. Instead of sum
ming up your woes and mourning over
the total, get in a receptive mood for
joys. You'll be surprised at the end of
the day to find how many have been
the occasions for smiling.
Does your head ache? Sample the
laugh cure. Are the children obstrep
erous? Don't mope over your sorry lot.
but charm them with a smile. Does
the future seem a coal-black wall? See
what kind of a wedge a day of cheer
ful can make.
Gladness never comes with time to
think about your troubles, so get busy.
The full life is rarely the somber life.
Get grateful for your mercies; you
may think it takes a magnifying glass
to find them, but the eye is sharpened
by the looking.
If you have no other cause for glad
ness, if your friends are not what they
should be, if fortune frowns and things
generally seem "rank," just be glad
you are alive! St Louis Globe-Democrat.
The Cold Bacteria.
The common cold is now classed by
some authorities among the diseases
due to bacteria. It has not been set
tled that any particular organism is
the cause, but it seems that more than
one species may play an active part,
and a recent British investigator re
ports that in one severe local epi
demic he found micrococcus catarrh
halls present in all cases, while in
two other epidemics, both of a severe
ly Infectious character, the bacillus of
Friedlander was recognized in every
case examined at its onset The or
ganism, however, often disappears
within twenty-four or forty-eight hours.
In the second and third epidemics re
infection sometimes occurred, produc
ing either a second acute cold or else
a chronic cold lasting for months, and
the bacillus was so virulent that it
killed inoculated mice, guinea pigs and
even rabbits.
True Missionary Spirit.
Speaking at a recent meeting of the
Colonial and Continental Church soci
ety, In London, the bishop of North
Queensland said: "I spoke at Oxford
the other day, and asked for men to
help me in our great work. Eight of
the finest young graduates volunteered
to go back to the bush with me.
Then I searched for a leader, and
turned to Ireland, the home of mis
sionaries. I sent a telegram to Rev.
E. H. Crazier, vicar of St. George's,
Dublin, asking him if he would give up
his rich living, worth 500 a year net,
and come and be the leader of my
band of recruits In the bush at 50 a
year. The answer I received was:
'Yes, the Lord being my help.' "
Daily Thought.
Whatever our place allotted to us by
Providence that for us is the post of
honor and duty. God estimates us not by
the position we are in, but by the
way in which we fill it Tryon Ed
wards. A Man's Birthday.
We do not know whence a man
comes nor whither he goes; yet we
choose his birth or death day to cele
brate his recurring century. We
should choose his day of achieve
ment London Saturday Review.
Notice is hereby given that E. H. Chambers,
H. F J. Hoekenberger and W. E. Harrey have
associated themselves together for the purpose
of forming and becoming a corporation under
the laws of the state of Nebraska.
First-The name of this corporation shall be
The Home Builders Company.
8econd. The principal place of transacting
its baainews shall be Columbus. Nebraska.
Third. The nature of the business to be trans,
acted by this corporation shall be to boy, sell,
exchange, hold, plat, subdivide, improve, mort
gage or lease real estate and to take, hold, sell,
assign, transfer or pledge any mortgage, contract
or other property acquired in the course of
said business.
Fourth. The authorized capital stock of said
corporation shall be One Hundred Thousand
Dollars, Forty Thousand Dollars of which must
be subscribed and paid np before commencing
business. .
Fifth. The existence of this corporation shall
commence on the 24th day of November, 1908,
and continne for a period of Ninety-Nino years.
Sixth. Tbe highest amount of indebtedness to
which this corporation shall subject Itself shall
not exceed two-thirds of its paid up capital
Seventh. This corporation shall be managed
by a board of directors of not less than three nor
more than five and the officers shall be a Presi
dent, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treas
urer. Tbe secretary aad treasurer may be one
aad the sawn parson.
- H. F. J. Hock nnnamrs, Secretary.
nMUiam J. Voss, in. the implement line,
; I s here with the goods for nineteen-ought-nine. ,
Large stock of implements, suiting demand,
Leading and popular makes are on hand.
1 n plows and in planters, disc, harrows and drills,
A.nd harvesters and hay tools that will filfthe bills,
-Pi akes of wagons, the best for to haul heavy loads,
J aunty buggies, well made, to" spin o'er the roads.
Voss sells the "New Way," a planter correct,
(Jutclasses all others in every respect.
Seek Voss for harness, at straight prices, too
Opending money with him saves money for you.
Cme here for good work in harness repair,
Jn every occasion our prices are fair.
W. J. VOSS & CO., Columbus
BSER ' sIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW
f hot it abosjt time to djaasd that old rlamry aalid bmsrur. tat 1
I acvsr acoammodatrrl your books or yow space, tad start a I
Out grow with your library and
aad can be anaafcd in a variety of
aiatimwabxKrfdsrttwtiagthcbookj. fittedwkb tbe oaf? per-factdotf-proof
fotttr-bcaring aon-bfadng door that puakivtry aot
frtoatof orier. Call aad seestor write far oar i&abatssl catalog.
n kltl! I UnOO
Charm of the Atomizer.
"My aunt has the prettiest cat," said
the girl who had just come in, "but it j
was delicate. She used my cousin '
Philip's atomizer on its throat. The
cat had asthma. Finally she gave
It away. The grocer took it miles in
the country, but it came back in a
week and sat on the wlndowsill. wait
ing to be let in. Philip said it came
back because it missed his atomizer."
Illuminated Shoes Are Costly.
"Illuminated leather for shoes can j
make a girl s footwear run up to a
gigantic size I mean, it can make the J
cost run up." was the utterance of a
dealer. "Gowns of green must have
dull green suede shoes, and these
must bear birds or flowers. Gowns of ?
blue must have blue shoes decorated
in consonance." The directoire gowns j
offer abundant opportunity to show an
unusual shoe and an anklet. Many
girls are wearing anklets of pale green
or yellow. The superstitious say such
bracelets on the ankle are lucky if
they are gifts.
' -t- ,-t . fr-ji & at1 T .- vk
should be photographed at regular intervals. The photographs are a
pictorial history of their progress and growth.
here and yon will secure the best portraits it is poiblo to produce. Do it now while
they are all with yon. The dearest poe-isioii in some household is a picture taken of
come loved one ho ha gone away or bejoud.
Successor to Wm. Helwig. DeHART STUDIO.
Mapine Binding
Old Books
In tact, for anything in tb book
binding line bring your v ork to
Phone 160
"Elastic'' Bookcase
always fits it, that is
artistic saapes
ErtI ilir.5::-;:i'.i!-2? Wff tilth fit
Only Needed a Start.
One night little-Margaret, on kneel
ing by her mamma to say her prayers.
finished: "Now I lay me," and for
got. "Mamma," she said, "you just
start me and then I can go -a-wbjz-zing."
Marks End of Honeymoon.
The honeymoon Is mostly over
when the couple quit buying their
meals in hotels and the bride tries
to provide them at home. New York
South Africans Fond of Oatmeal.
South Africans ar? distinctly an oatmeal-eating
people, over $300,000 worth
of this American breakfast food be
ing imported annually into South Af
rica. Not a Bark.
"Then you don't have any dog-watch
on this craft?" inquired the anxious
passenger, according to a writer ia
Life. "No. This is a catboat."
Off he
? -