The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 24, 1909, Image 1
!- t "A" y ,Vi-, 35? - 4 m Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 47. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1909. t WHOLE NUMBER 1,945. -j m Mtttmrtts " t ' I Now is the 7 time to do it z ifc 4s Ik a. 1 r Insure in Good Companies Mr Ik ik Ik ik ik Ik ik The cost is the same ik nrntirn unnvryoroprn o DCbncn. nuLrttnocnucn a ? CHAMBERS J COLUMBUS MARKET8. Oats 45 Wheat 96 Com 52 Hogs, top $5 00 to $5 75 An opportunity will be soon given lo cal theatre-goers to witness the big laugh-producing hit of this season, "Lena Rivers," dramatized by Beulah Poyntrr, from Mrs. Mary J. Holmes' no vel of that name. Mrs. Holmes is pro bably the mod popular of American fiction writers and over ten million cop to of her books have been read in the past twenty years, "Lena Rivers" lead ing in popularity. North Theatre Fri day, March, 5. Mrs. M. Maher, of south of Platte Center, died last Saturday after an ill ness of several months, airs. Maher was the widow of Michael Maher. who at one time represented this aistrict in the state senate. She leaves four child Ted, John G. Maher of Lincoln, and E'lwanJ, Blake and Nellie Maher of Platte Center. Fnneral services were Monday at the Catholic church in Platte Center and burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery. Route No. 5. H. L. Olcott returned last week from a visit at Belvidere, HI. Miss Mary Jahn, who haB been in Co lumbus, returned home Tuesday. The families of Gottlieb and Chas Klnui have been sick with the grippe. Mrs. A. W. llahn was a guest at the home of the carrier, F. L. Hahn, in Col umbus Sunday, and Tuesday at the home of L. Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. H. L Brian moved to Columbus last Saturday, where they will make their home. A man from Duncan has rented the place vacated by Mr. Brian and is moving on it. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbue, Nebraska, for the period end ing February 24, 1909: Letters Henry Barn, C H Darnell. Jfttnes T Hogan, F T Kiser, Edw H Mar telle, J H Blorrow. Cards Harry Durham, Miss Anna Frigge. Mary Moriep. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Caul Kkamek, P. M. Notice. Notice is hereby given of the annual 'meeting of the stockholders of the Ne braska Central Irrigation company, to be held at the office of Becher, Hocken berger & Chambers, in the city of Co lumbne, Nebr., on Tuesday, March 2d, 1909, at S o'clock p. m. J. C. Frkydig. Sec'y. TUNGSTON ELECTRIC Light Bulbs cive more light takes the current. All sizes, from 20 to 100 watte. Gray's. The Growth of the Equitable Building, Loan & Savings Assi ASSETS January 1, 196 $ 14.5M January 1, 197 $ 4ft,ttt January 1, 198 $ 93, January 1, 199 $152,Ht The Equitable Building, LoiB&Saiiigs Assi Office with ELLIOTT, SPEICE & CO. P. O. Block C. L. Lund has decided object ions to the city ailowiag the Union Pacific rail road company to build a spur tiuck id front of his planing mill for the aocom modatiou of the Columbus Light. Heat & Power Co., and through his attorney filed a remonstrance with the council at their meeting Friday night. Another matter of importance before the council was the ordinance relating to the erec tion of bill boards id the city, and regu lating them so they cnnot become a menace to the pedestrians. The new pumps at the water works are being put in position this week, and the first pay ment of 81,520 for them was allowed by the council. The important ordinance before the council wa- the one vacating the east twenty feet of Olive street for the use of the Union Pacific railroad. The ordinance was to come up for the third reading, but when it was presented a motion was made to refer it back to the committee. When the roll call was made the vote resulted in a tie, Elias, Willard, Clark and Nichols voting to re fer it back and Byan, Gass, Brunken and Lachnit voting against the motion. In this case the mayor had the deciding vote and cast it in favor of the motion, and it was declared carried. There is do secret about the fact that there is much opposition to the proposed ordinance, and that a good deal of it comes from the south side. The counoilmen who represent the First and Second wards were aware of this and voted the senti ments of their constituents when they endeavored to have the ordinance placed on its final passage last Friday night, which would have meant defeat. Tuesday of this week an entirely new ordinance covering the Olive street pro position was drawn up and will be pre sented to the council at their adjourned meeting this evening. The new ordin ance does not vacate any portion of Olive street and requires the company to maintain the sidewalk where it is now located, and also keep it clear from trucks and baggage and express, except at such times as it is in actual use. The company does not give the city the twen ty feet on the west side of the .street. Tuesday evening the Columbus Com mercial club listened to the report of Messrs. G.W. Phillips, G.Frischholz, G A. Schroeder and M. D Karr, who were appointed as committee to look up re garding the proposition of Columbus and Columbus township voting bonds for the construction of a bridge across the Platte river, south of the city. The substance of their report is a9 follows: The new bridge should be of steel with a sixteen foot roadway, and will be 2,000 feet in length with spans of from eighty to one hundred feet in length. According to the estimates in the hands of the committee, the structure will cost approximately 845,000. To meet this expense the reports suggests that the county set aside SlO.OoO for this pur pose, the city of Columbus vote $30,000 bonds, and the township $5,000 bonds. The question was raised as to whether the city could legally vote bonds to that amount, as the Loup river bridge bonds and also the city water works 'bonds were still outstanding, and a committee of three Messrs. W. A. McAllister, H. A. Clarke and Henry Ragatz, were appoint ed with power to act, and if these bonds can be voted they are to request the council at their meeting this evening, to issue a call for the bond election, to be held on the same date as the city elec tion this spring. The club will send five delegates to the state meeting of Com mercial clubs at Norfolk next month, these to be selected by the president and announced later. March 26 is the date for the club's annual banquet, and President Karr announced the folio wirg committee on arrangements: M. D. Karr. C. L. Dickey, Henry Bagatz and Julius Nichols. This committee will have geueral charge of the banquet and I has power to appoint whatever sub com mittees was are neeaea. Tuesday evening Albert J. Galley and Miss Grace Woods of this city were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Susan Woods, at 1514 Rickley street. Only relatives were present at the cermpny, which was performed by Bev. Dibble of the Con gregational church, after which a recep tion was given to the relatives at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Galley. Mr. Galley is one of the prominent young men of this city, which has always been his home, and besides being engaged in the mercantile business has been chief of the city fire department for a number of years. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Susan Woods and is a Columbus girl. For the last six years she has been employed as saleslady in the Galley dry goods store. Mr. and Mrs. Galley have a host of friends in this city who extend congratu lations and best wishes for their future happiness. Mrs. Lucy Haight, sister of Chas. E. Chapin of Oconee, died at the home of her brother last Thursday morning, from rheumatism and dropsy, from which she suffered for a number of years. Mrs. Haight was formerly of Denver, "but of late years has made her home with her brother at Oconee. Funeral services were held in the Oconee Presbyterian church last Saturday morning at '11 o'clock, Bey. Harknesa officiating, and ithe remains were brought to this city and interred in the Oolnmbus cemetery. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Cumpton, the high priced plumber. Dr. Vallier. Osteopath. Barber block. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 95. First-class printing done at the Jour nal office. Drs. Martyn, Ewans and Ireland. See the OolumbusHide Co. before you sell your iron and junk. Crushed rock salt for hides, and for stock. Columbus Hide Co. Mr. and Mrs, Gus Ernst were guests of Schuyler relatives over Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Steven son. Friday February 19, a daughter. A special ice cream for parties, every day, at Hagel's bowling and billiard par lors. The O. W. P. club held another series of their dances at the Maennerchor hall, Tuesday evening. Charley Rickley of Omaha was in the city Monday and Tuesday looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Scheidel of Platte Cen ter, were the guests of Columbus friends a few days last week. Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye. nose and throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted. Office 1215 Olive street. Found, a lady's belt. Owner may have same by calling at the Journal office and paying for this notice. Martin Costello has purchased the residence of the late J. A. Smith and will take possession about March 1. Miss Maud Galley went to David City Friday evening, where she was the guest of friends until Monday evening. Lost A necktie pin, with a large amethyst setting. Finder please return to Pollock's drug store and receive liber al reward. A -few boarders will be taken by pri vate family. Nice, airy rooms. Prices reasonable. Frank Bridel, 122 East llth street. Superintendent Conn left for Chicago Friday afternoon to attend a National meeting of all school principals and su perintendents. Mrs. Herman Schuster was called to Silver Creek several days ago by a mes sage announcing the serious illness of her aged mother. Smoke Victoria, five cent cigar, and White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Oolnm bus made goods. They are the beet brands offered in this city. F. J. Eotlar of this city has been ap pointed substitute clerk in the railway mail service and will be assigned to a run as soon as a vacancy occurs. Miss Emma Neumarker. who for the past six weeks has been visiting friends and relatives in St. Louie, Mo., is expect ed home the latter part of the week. SEEDS Garden and Field Gray's Miss Mettie Connley, after an absence of one week caused by illness, has again resumed her position as stenographer for the firm of Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. Mrs. Jennie Walker and her brother, Gene Condon, will soon move to Den ver to reside. At present they are visit ing in Lincoln, but their household goods will be shipped this week. E. W. Gassman is sojourning in sunny California, his present address being Redlands. Letters to friends indicate that be is quite taken up with the country, but the chances are not in favor of his making his permanent' home there. Carl Kramer was in Omaha Friday and Saturday of last week attending the reunion of the Pythian Veterans. Mr. Kramer reports a splendid gathering of members of the order and the reunion, which closed with a banquet, was one of the best held. On Thursday March 7th afternoon and evening a Tea for the benefit of the Tabetba Home at Lincoln, Nebr., will be given by the ladies of the German Ev. Prot. Church, at the home of Mr. Sam Gass, 1002 Idaho street. Every body cordially invited. The explosion of a gasoline stove in the rooms occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Kauff man and her daughter, over Keat ing & Schram'e grocery store, called out the fire department Monday morning. The fire was soon gotten under control and very little damage resulted. The German play given under the aus pices of the Gruetli choir in the Orph eus hall Saturday evening was well at tended, and was pronounced a success in every respect, and no doubt another play of the same nature will be given in the near future. The amount realized amounted to one hundred dollars, Columbus will have twelve saloons the coming year, and no more at least an ordinance has been introduced fixing that as the number the council will grant licensee for. The ordinance was placed on its first reading last Friday night and there will probably be some minor changes before its final passage. Help yourself The goods ar here at the rates are right. Make your se lections and see how well it fits into the needs of your purse. Let us help you remember that you need some Paints and Wall Paper. We'll save you money if you'll come to LEAYV'S SOUTH SIDE DRUG STORE Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Fur mitts at cost at F. H. Rusche's. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Dr. C. A. Allenbnrger, office in new State Bank building. Drs. CarstensoD & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum bus State Bank building. Immediate private sale of household goods. Inquire of Mrs. B. R. Cowdery. IMfJl TC I CANE SEED Vlala I Dl Gray's. It pays to sell your bides where you can get the most money from them. See Columbus Hide Co. a I have a quanity of sweet cider, which I will sell cheap. For further informa tion inquire of A. C. Mahaffey. There are a few dwelling bouses for rent on the list with Becher, Hocken berger & Chambers, including one fur nished. Advises received from Secretary, Hay ward of the National committee state be will be unable to be present at the re publican banquetin this city tomorrow evening. Those who have taken the trouble to ascertain the condition of the io in the Loup river report tbat it is exceptionally heavy this year, it being twenty four in ches in thickness in some places. For sale At a reasonable price, one three horse engine and a boiler. Would be suitable for a farmer who wishes to purchase one. For imforma tioa, plsjase call at Journal office. Miss Maud Galley entertained tbe Senior class of tbe High school Monday evening at a masquerade party. Tbe guests were dressed in colonial styles and this added much amjisement to tbe evening's entertainment, which was devoted to music and games. Refresh ments were served and the hostess was pronounced a delightful entertainer. Burton Nixon who has presented many successes, stars and plays, has organized an unusually clever company for the presentation of the big metropolitan suc cess "Lena Rivers," a dramatization of Mary J. Holmes' novel, by Beulah Poyn ter, and those who have seD the per formance pronounce it one of the best ever given. At the North Theatre Fri day March 5. FOB SALE. 160 acre farm, located near Primrose, Neb., 120 acres under plow, 12 acres alfalfa, good 4 room house, barn for six head horses, granary, corn crib, wind mill and sheds. The land is first-class soil and one of the smoothest farms in that section of country. Price $50 per acre, easy terms. Elliott, Speice & Co. Now is the time to get your Signs We do Artistic Sign Writing' Paper Hanging and Decorating Latest 1908 Fall Styles of Wall Paper KAVAttAUGH tc BETTERTON Wednesday of last week Mrs. George Winslow, accompanied by her brothers, F. A , Earl and Carl Scofield, left for Stuart, bolt county, iD response to a message telling tbem of the death of their father tbe day before. Mr. Sco field was seventy-four years of age. and, death was the result of a general break ing down. In 1888 Mr. Scofield came to Columbus from St. Lawrence county, New York and formed a partnership with H. M. Winslow in the stock busi ness on the latter's ranch west of this city, and in 1899 he moved toStuart, in Holt county, which has 6ince been his home, and where his wife died about five years ago. Besides tbe children mentioned above, there are five others, Frank, Edward, Gertie and Bessie Sco field and Mrs. O. E. Knox, all of Holt county. The funeral was held at Stuart Thursday of last week, and he was laid to rest in the family lot in tbe Stuart cemetery. The Thirty-fifth Annual Mask Ball of tbe Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, was held in the Orpheus hall Monday evening and a large crowd dressed in many different garbs enjoyed the even ing by dancing under mask to music furnished by the Orpheus orchestra, and in spite of the disagreeable weather which prevailed, a large number of specators as well as dancers were present. At eleven o'clock tbe maskers were invit ed to remove their masks aud after an ititermieoion of twenty minutes, which was devoted to the partaking of refresh ments, dancing was again resumed, in which all persons who so desired were permitted to take part. W. A. Mc Allister in behalf of the Hookies present ed to Mrs Axel Nelson and C. O. Jones each with a beautiful parasol. When the fire boys found out that their chief, Bert Galley, was to be mar ried Tuesday evening, they at once be gan to figure out something for the occasion. They finally decided that a false alarm would be just the thing, so all members of the department were notified, and promptly at 9 o'clock the whistle blew. The chief had just arrived at his home, where the reception was being hold, and but for friends who knew of the alarm be would have responded to it. However, about an hour after the alarm bad been turned in tbe fire boys marched to the home of the chief and serenaded him. Last Wednesday forenoon tbe wed ding of Miss Mary Frances Borowiak of this city and Wilbur F. R. Jessup of Cincinnati, O., took place at St. Bonaven tura church, Father Marcellinns offici ating. Miss Borowiak was for a num ber of years employed in a Columbus millii-ery store, and the groom was a former resident of this city, but tbe last few years has been traveling, with Cin cinnati as his neadquarters. Mr. and Mrs Je6:up will make the Ohio city their future home. Tbe couple have many friends in this city who extend congratulations and well wishes for the future. Mrs. Edward Olark, assisted by her son Herbert, entertained a number of friends Sunday evening, tbe occasion being tbe twenty-first birthday of her youngest son Earl. A number of per sons responded to the invitations and the evening was devoted to cards. At a late hour refreshments, such as the host ees is noted for, were served, and after wishing Earl many more happy birth days the guests departed. Mr. Foley of New York, was one of the honored guests. President M. D. Karr and Secretary Gus. G. Becher, jr., aud A. L. Rush of tbe Hord Elevator, represented Colum bus at tbe banquet given by tbe Central City Commercial club last Friday even ing. Tbey report that the Commercial club of our western neighbor did things up right, and besides the local speakers,, among those present were Mayor J. O. Dahlman of Omaha, E. R. Gurney of Fremont and General Manager Mohler of the Union Pacific. There will be several speakers of state and national' reputation in attendance at the republican banquet at Maennerchor hall Thursday evening. Chairman Dickinson has received assurances that Secretary Hay ward of tbe national com mitte will be here, and also State Chair man J. Warren Kiefer and E. R. Gur ney of Fremont. These gentleman will be speakers of the evening, and W. M. Cornelius will act as toastmaster. A. A. Carrick of Janesville, Wis, brother in-law of H. G. Frioke, who has been here Xor some time, returned home last Friday. While here Mr. Fricke, who is looking for a location, decided to come to Columbus and when he re turns again he will bring his family with him. He has purchased a lot from Mr. Fricke in the Hockenberger addition and will build a residence. R. J. Pugsley of Monroe was in tbe city Tuesday, enroute home from a trip to the western part of tbe slate. Ralph reports the snow storm very heavy in that section, and says the train tbey re turned on was tbe last one to arrive from Cheyenne for some time and when they arrived here tbe train was fifteen hours late. Weather conditions cut no figure with tbe City Band boys. And we can siy the same for our fire laddies. Did you notice the Hookies parade Monday? Of course the band had a covered wagon to ride in, but all kinds of instruments were exposed to the weather, and tbe music made all hands brace up and face the torm. , Ttie Black Haqd In Columbus. I It was with surpriee and amazement that Columbus people learned that an attempt bad been made to extort money from two well known, business man of this city, but the facts, which came to light Thursday morning, are as follows: On Wednesday afternoon H. B. Robin son received an unsigned letter out of the Columbus post office, which read as follows: ' Mr. H. B. Robinson: I demand you to put $500.00, wrap ped up in as small a pHckage as you can make it, in 5, 10 and 20 dollar bills. Put it iu nndrhe iron plate in crossing" at southeast corner of the high school. Put it there to night at lo o'clock. Remember this is a demand, so put it there and tell no one about it. I don't want no crooked business, for if there is I will blow you off the face of the earth. Go there put it there then go, and go quick, too, remember. If you don't do this, something is going to happen. Tell this to any--body, and I kill you. It was evident that the letter had been mailed in this city and whoever tbe parties' were, they were not very far away. Mr. Robinson did not pay mnch attention to tbe letter, but later showed it to a friend, who at once insisted that the officers should he placed in touch with the cane. This plan was followed and an attempt mads to apprehend the blackmailer. Guards were placed at convenient points and at the appointed hour Mr. Kobinson placed the package in tbe designated place and hurried away. But no one appeared, and al though tbe guards were vigilant during the entire night, they failed to catch the blackmailer. There is no doubt but that whoever the author of the letter was, his intentions were good, as threats of this character are not made for a joke. Some people are inclined to believe this was the work of some local parties who were familiar with the locality, and that while preparations for tbe capture were going on they were uext to all the plans. While Mr. Robinson does not take the matter seriously, he would like to find out who the author of tbe letter was, and has stated that be will give one hundred dollars for information as to whom it was, and keep the name of the information secret. The other case of attempted blackmail occurred some time ago, when Wm. Bucher received a similar Ietter,demand ing that he place a large sum of money in a sack and deposit it on the top step of tbe northwest entrance to Buffalo pqnare Instead of Mr. Bucher going to the designated place, a policeman dis guised in Mr. Buclier's clothing went to the designated spot and deposited tbe sack, but no one called to get the money. In the letter to Mr. Bucher threatB were not only made against bim, but also members of bis family. Comparison of the" Robinson and Bucher letters indi cate that the author of both is tb same. Whether tbe blackmailer is in earnest or joking, his writing such letters will sooner or later get into a lot of trou ble, us there has been plenty of strong condemnation of his work. District No. 4 and Vicinity. Next week is hurry week, the week for moving. Now is the time for farmers to trim their grape vines. Thomas Lynch is commencing to nove to Platte Center. Mrs. Gertie Zimmer will soon leave this neighborhood. There was a dsnee at John Donoghue's last Saturday night. Henry Bines sold a bunch of fat cattle in Platte Center Monday. John Iossi has been doing considera ble corn shelling last week. Peter Zumbrun of Columbus was out on tbe Oarng ranch last Thursday. The good snow of Monday insures plenty of moisture for the winter wheat. D. Donoghue marketed wheat in Platte Center last week at 96 cants a bushel D. Lincoln of Omaha was out nn his farm Monday looking after the build ing add other interests. Simon Iossi returned from Sherman county last week, where he had been looking at land and also visiting a cousin, John Heasler, who went there from this county two years ago. Route No. 1. Wm. Luesche shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha last week, from Colum bus. Adolph Muller is cuttiug down a row of trees on his farm and sawing tbem up for fire wood. Joseph Boehrn and family of Shaw nee, 111., are visiting at the home of August Wurdeman. Last week John Heibel shipped a car of hogs of his -own feeding to South Omaha, making the shipment from Richland. Godfrey Meyers is moving from tbe David Thomas place, south of the river, to the Galley farm on Dohn creek, on route No. 1. COAL. We have all the leading grades of soft coal. Also Penna. hard coal and Seinianthracite furnace coal, Newman & Welch. JERSEY CREAM TOILET SOAP 4 cakes for 5tc which includes the neat metal box shown in cut POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on tbe Corner Columbus, Nebraska Route No. 2. The melting snow makes the roads pretty heavy for hauling. Chas. Reiuke and Wm. Beoning each have new munurc spreaders. Beu Fixa, who owes a portable gaso line engine, was shelling corn and run ning a saw with it last Friday. Route No. 4. Ony Eby will work for J. O. Dineen the coming summer. Frank Zioans has moved on to tbe Murry place, southeast of Oconee, and formerly occupied by Arthur Bray. Mrs. Ed. Stick ley and son Ed of Gush ing, Neb., who have been visiting friends and relatives in tbe neighborhood for the last three weeks, expect to return home Saturday. Route No. 3. Mrs. J. W. Albers, jr , who has been very sick, is on the road to recovery. Fred Ernmland moved from Route 3 to Route 4 last Friday, and will live on a farm formerly occupied by J. Bruckner. Wm. Lange loaded a car of hogs for tbe South Omaha market Monday even ing, making the shipment from Platte Center. Wm. Behlen is packing up his house hold good preparatory to moving to Ben ton Harbor, Mich., where be will make bis future home. The Shell Creek Kaptist church has ex tended a call to Bev. Koch of Kansas City, and he expects to arrive so as to take charge about May 1. J. F. Gnedeken made an overland trip to Monroe last Saturday, remaining over Sunday, while there he purchased two colts from his old friend,. fobn Keeler. Engelke Buss, one of tbe well-to-do and prominent farmers on this route in Biemark township, passed away nt bin home on February 'l'i, nged 9 years arid 18i!hjs. Sir. Buss was born in Han over. Germany, February 4, 1840. In 1809, shortly after his marriage, he moved to Plntte county on Schaad creek, and took up a homestead. Here he prospered and was considered one of the well fixed farmers of the county. His wife died in 1894, but he leaves five children to mourn his loss, Henry Buss, Mrs. John Bachenhns, Fred Buss, Mrs. Ed. Backenhns aDd Katie Buss, all of whom reside in Bismark township. Tbe funeral will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock from the borne, and the Losc ke church. Rev. Denniger officiating, and the burial will be in the Loseke creek cemetery. Furnished Rooms For Rent. Steam heat, electric light, shower bath, hot and cold water. location center of city, $8.00 .$ 00 and S10 CO. Apply Gen eral secretary, Y M. C A. Underwear UNION SUITS We have tbe agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, tbe best popular priced Union Suits on the; market. Prices in men's from 31.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and 1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splenuid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 82 50 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S ? WfBi-s-X. !V-.. . V -" M - U. . A r