The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 17, 1909, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
Imtmm. 1
" "
Hgsf. -
tCf "
S Now is the $
$ time to do it
Insure in
Good Companies i
The cost is the
Oats 41
Wheat 89
Corn 49
Hogs, top $5 00 to $5 75
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The indoor ball game between the
Star Specials and the Business Men's
specials leenlteri in a victory for tbe
former by thcecore of 18 to 11. The se
cond ame bet wean the County Team
and the Y. M. C. A. Bines was one by
the latter, the score being 29 to 3. The
Blues made there big score in the last
inning, scoring fifteen times.
Tbe following delegates were selected
to attend tbe state convention of tbe
Yonng Men's Christian association
which is held in Hastings this week, be
ginning Thursday and continuing until
Snnday. Thos! Boyd, D. Burr Jones,
It. Harney, Earl Kicnel. F J. Uilgert,
John Babcock, Clatence U inland, Henry
Ragaiz, jr., Will Hockenberger and J.
E Erskine.
The third monthly banquet of tbe
Business Men's Club of the Y. M. C. A.
was held Tuesday evening at tbe build-
in ir. about eighty being present. Carl
Kramer acted as tonstmuster and short
addresses were made by C. O. Sheldon
and E. .1. Niewohner. Mr. White, for
eign secretary of the Y. M. C. A., located
at Burmah, India, was also present and
gave an interesting talk on the foreign
work of the association. Tuesday even
ing the association reported 2111 mem
bers, three new ones being taken in that
evening. The three hundred mark will
easily be passed before March 1.
It is the misfortune of any great suc
cess, that unscrupulous persons attempt
to trade on its reputation. Such is tbe
case with The Holy City. Certain
movinu picture operators, in various
pirts of the country have been present
ing pictures of the Passion Play and de
ceiving the public by advertizing it as
The Holy City. Thus tbe public, ex
pecting to see this great play, have
found the exhibition only a moving
picture show, and hence were disappoint
ed, and many of tbe less informed have
gone away with tbe impression that this
disappointing 'swindle was the original
Holy City. This ib a grave mistake and
a great injustice to one of .the finest
plays ever written. The Holy City is a
powerful drama, in four acts, presented
with a cast of excellent actors, wearing
tbe most elaborate and beautiful cos
turns and presenting the great play
with a full equipment of splendid scen
ery. It is not a stereopticon or magic
lantern show; but a tine play, a drama,
given on a regular theatre stage, with
all the characters played by living men
and women. At North Theatre Friday,
February 19th. Prices 23-3o-50-75.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
Steam beat, electric light, shower bath,
hot and cold water, location center of
city, S8.00-S9 00 and $10 00 Apply Gen
eral secretary, Y. M. C. A.
Now is the time to get
your Signs
We do
Sign Writing'
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Latest 1908 Fall Styles of
Wall Paper
Quite a numhsr of promoters hnve en
deavored to build a north and south
railroad through thia state, but so far
none have materialized. But there is a
possibility that some day such a line
will be built in fact, in recent years the
.project has been seriously considered on
several occasions. But the following
from the Norfolk Daily News would in
dicate that actual work on suchTa line is
to begin next month and Columbus is to
beone of the towns through which the
proposed road will bd built: The Yank
ton, Norfolk fc Southern railroad, now
being actively promoted, is to parallel
tbe Union Pacific from Norfolk to Co
lumbus, where it will cross the Platte.
The road will then extend southwest to
York, reaching Hastings with a short
spur. It will enter Kansas at Smith
Center and will follow tbe tier of counties
to the south to tbe Oklahoma line, pas
sing through tbe county beats. From
Oklahoma it will pass through Wichita
Falls, Texas, to Cisco, Brownville and
Austin and thence east to Galveston
Unlike Fremont Hill's proposed Yank
ton Southern road, the Yankton, Nor
folk & Southern will not pass through
Wichita, Kan., but will go fifty miles
west of that city. The projected line to
the gulf is 1,200 miles long. Tbe air line
from Galveston to Yankton is 900 miles.
While for the present at least operations
will be carried ou from Yankton accord
ing to tin: charter of the new road the
general office of the company has to be
located in Yankton. Norfolk, Columbus
and York are tbe principal Nebraska
cities through which the road is slated
to pass. Tbe company, it is annonnced
in Yankton, is in tbe hands of W. P.
Dickinson & Company of Chicago, who
are financing tbe road and who have
built tbe southern division of which 105
miles are in operation. It is said that
while Mr. Graham is still at the bead of
the Norfolk, Yanton & Southern, a
change of officers will take place within
a week. Work on tbe bridge at Yank
ton is to begin by March 9. A tempor
ary bridge is first to be thrown over tbe
river to reach the gravel. The perma
nent bridge is to be forty-one feet wide,
with a double railroad track, two wagon
tracks and two footbridges. It will cost
according to tbe promoters, $1,000,000.
John Deegan, a former Columbus
resident, passed away at his home in Red
Lodge, Montana, Saturday, February G,
after an illness of two days, death re
sulting from heart trouble. Tbe de
ceased bad up to the time mentioned
enjoyed good health, considering his ad
vanced age. The remains were brought
to this city Thursday for burial, and the
same afternoon funeral services were
held in the Catholic church, Father
Marcellinius officiating, and interment
was made in the Catholic cemetery. The
deceased was born in Roscreu, county
Tipperary, Ireland, May 1836. and at the
time of his death was almost seventy
seven years of age. In 1855 be left Ire
land and came to America, stopping for
a short time in New York, but later
moving to Wisconsin, where in 1871 he
was united in marriage to Miss Rose
Dnffy, who died in February, 1902. In
1875 accompanied by bis wife he came to
Platte county, settling on a farm a few
miles from Lindsay, where he resided
until several years ago when he came to
Columbus, purchased a residence in
southeast Columbus, where be lived un
til two years ago, going to Montana,
Oregon and other places in the west to
visit bis children. The children who
survive their aged parents are Miss Mar
garet and Messrs. George and Edward
Deegan of Red Lodge, Montana, Miss
Ida Deegan of Portland, Oregon. W. J.
Deegan of Kirwin, Wyoming, Mrs. M.
H. Maher of Hood River, Oregon. Pall
bearers who bore the remains to thei
final resting place were Wm. O'Brien,
J. S Haney, John Curry, Thos. McTag
gart, John C. Byrnes and Adam Smith.
Relatives and friends who attended the
funeral from out of town were, Jenny
Deegan of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Duffy of St Joseph, Missouri, Mr. and
Mrs. Deegan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewijo
bann of Lindsay, Miss Margaret Deegan
and W. J. and George Deegan of Red
Lodge, Montana, Mrs. Emma Riede,
John and James McPhillips. D. S. Hayes,
Fred Ball, David Lloyd, John James,
and 0. Gudemeyer all of Lindsay, Matt
Farrell and J. Gilsdorf of Humphrey.
Next Thursday evening, February 25,
Platte county republicans will hold a
banquet in tbe Maennerchor hall. Fifty
cents a plate will be charged and all re
publicans are invited to be present. Be
sides the banquet there will be a num
ber of prominent speakers from out of
town present, who will make appropri
ate talks. Chairman Dickinson desires
that all republicans attend this ban
quet, and hear what the speakers
have to say. Thia is the first of tbe kind
that has been given and those having it
in charge are endeavoring to make it a
Mr. and Mrs. Shell Clark returned last
Saturday from their extended visit in
Ohio. Shell says the weather there was
exceptionally good during their stay,
the only thing they had that Nebraska
did not, was mud, and they bad plenty
of that. Ten degrees below zero wss
the coldest during his stay, and be did
not mind it as there was no wind.
and Field
Urs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Compton, the high priced plumber.
Fur mitts at cost at F. H. Rusche's.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barter block.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veteriBarian, phone
First-class printing done at the Jour
nal office.
Field and garden seeds. Johannes &
Drs. Martyn, Erans and
See the Ool umbos Hide Co. before you
sell-your iron and junk.
Crushed rock salt for bides, and for
stock. Columbus Hide Co.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Good wages. Mrs. C. J. Carrig.
A special ice cream for parties, every
day, at Hagel's bowling and billiard par
Mine Minnie Gaeth returned to her
home at Schuyler today, after a visit at
the home of Paul Hagel.
Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye. nose and
throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted.
Office 1215 Olive street.
Found, a (lady's belt. Owner may
have same by calling at tbe Journal
office and paying for this notice.
Mrs. Carl Kramer left last Thursday
for a visit of several weeks with ber
daughter, Mrs. M. J.Kelley, in Chicago.
Lost A necktie pin, with a large
amethyst setting. Finder please return
to Pollock's drug store and receive liber
al reward.
Smoke Victoria, five oent cigar, and
White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Colum
bus made goods. They are tbe best
brands offered in this'city.
James Carrig of Kearney, but former
ly of Platte Center, is tbe guest of his
son, Deputy County Clerk Carrig. and
other Platte county relatives. a
Mrs. Lloyd Swain and mother, Mrs.
Parker have returned from Omaha,
where tbey were guests at tbe home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan for the last
three weeks.
Judge I. L. Albert came up from Lin
coln last week to spend Sunday at home
.and. take a rest from his labor of fram
ing up a bank guarantee law that will,
please both the governor and the legis
lature. Miss Margaret Seipp entertained a
number of friends Sunday evening,
covers being laid for twelve, with decor
ations in carnations and ferns. Mr.
John Foley of Brooklyn, -New York was
tbe only out of town guest.
Miss Inez Beck of Fullerton and Cecil
Keaster of Omaha were the guests of
tbe Misses Mae and Katie Reed from
Friday until Monday of this week. Miss
Grace Lemons of Olarks is also a guest
of Miss Mae Reed this week.
J. D. Horton, traveling salesman for
the Bennett Piano Company, and Miss
Myrtle Chase of Central City, arrived
here this week and are assisting Mana
ger Williard of tbe local Bennett store.
Miss Chase is in the store in tbe capa
city of sales lady.
On Friday evening there will be a
double game of basket ball at tbe High
school gymnasium between the Genoa
Indians, boys and girls, and the Colum
bus Higb school boys and girls. These
teams are pretty evenly matched and a
good game can be looked for.
Last Saturday a partnership was form
ed by Gus R. Prieband August Dietrich,
they combing their interests in the
painting business into one under the
name of Dietrich & Pneb. They are
occupying tbe Dietrich building and be
gan business Monday morning.
The funeral of C. B. Speice was held
last Friday morning from the home and
was conducted by Rev Roush of the
Methodist church. The services were
attended in a body by the Sons of Her
man and the Eagles, the former using
theburiai service of the order at the
On account of the severe storm last
weeks delegates to state Sons of Veter
ans encampment failed to arrive, which
necessitated a postponement of the en
cauipment to some future date. Divi
sion Commander Bert J. Galley has ad
vised the commander-in-chief of tbe
postponement, and as soon as word is
received a new date will be announced.
Mrs. Otto Merz entertained a few lady
friends Snnday afternoon in honor of
her birthday, and the same evening Miss
Carrie, assisted by her sister, Miss Kath
erine, entertained a number of friends.
The South Side orchestra was present
and furnished music for the occasion.
The evening was devoted to dancing and
at a late hour refreshments were served.
Nine days from the time the boiler
was telegraphed for until it was in place
and heating the building in pretty Quick
time, but that was the record made by
A. Dussell &Son in replacing the boiler
at the Thurston hotel. When Mr. Leh
man gave tbe firm the order he stipulat
ed that it should be in place at a certain
time, and the boiler was loaded oa the
cars at Chicago and shipped here and
placed in position, with on day to spare.
Are you going to buy any
Wall Paper
this spring? If so,
better see
nice, cheap line, all
llth Street, South Side
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St.
Far mitts at cost at F. H. Rusche's.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
People who get results advertise in tbe
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Carstenaon & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum
bus State Bank building.
All kinds of field and garden seeds.
Johannes & Krumland.
It pays to sell your bides where you
can get tbe most money from them. See
Columbus Hide Co.
I have a quanity of sweet cider, which
I will sell cheap. For further informa
tion inquire of A. C. Mabaffey.
There ate a few dwelling houses for
rent on the list with Becher, Hocken
berger & Chambers, including one fur
Oscar Hagel returned home Monday
from Portland, Oregon, where he has
been at work during tbe past few
ThomaB Branigan't) second horse sale
this month was held Monday and the
stock offered was exceptionally good,
and brought good prices.
As Mr. and Mrs. Ed Webb will move
to the poor farm, which Mr. Webb will
have charge of after March 1, their
friends and neighbors planned a pleasnnt
surprise for them Monday evening.
About forty-five were present and an en
joyable evening was passed.
The Quaker doctors, who are at tbe
North Theatre, are giving one of the beet
shows of tbe kind ever presented in Co
lumbus. For the remainder of the week
with the exception of Friday evening,
there will be no lecture in7 connection
with tbe show, bat a good entertainment
all the way through.
Mrs. S. E. Marty returned last Thurs
day eveniug from El Paso, Tex , where
she accompanied her daughter. Miss
Louise, several weeks ago. While there
she made a trip into Old Mexico. Mrs.
Marty reports a pleasant trip and that
her daughter, who has consumption in
the first stages, is not nearly so bad as
was first thought, and the doctor there
gives every encouragement for her ulti
mate recovery from the disease.
160 acre farm, located near
Primrose, Neb., 120 acres under
plow, 12 acres alfalfa, good 4
room house, barn for six head
horses, granary, corn crib,
wind mill and sheds. The land
is first-class soil and one of the
smoothest farms in that section
of country. Price $50 per acre,
easy terms.
Elliott, Speice & Co.
The Growth of
The Equitable
Building, Loan & Savings Assn
January 1, 19t $ 14,5W
January 1, 19t7 $ 46,ttt
January 1, 198 $ 93,Ht
January 1, 19t9 $152,ttt
The Equitable
Building, Lian& Savings Assn
Office with '
P. O. Block
In compliance with tbe action of the
council at their last meeting, two hun
dred copies of the ordinance vacating
twenty feet on the east side of O.ive
street for the use of the Union Pacific,
were printed and distributed. At tbe
head of tbe ordianance was a call for a
citizens' meeting to be held in the coun
cil chamber Monday evening, and it was
in response to this cull that about sixty
of the representative business men of the
city met at the city ball on that date.
The meeting was called to order by
Mayor Phillips, and Henry Ragatz was
chosen chairman with Daniel Schramas
secretary. Attorney Cornelius, who
drew up tbe proposed ordinanoe, was
tbe first speaker, and he explained the
various provisions of tbe ordinance. H.
A. Clarke started tbe discussion by
bringing up tbe point as to the time
tracks could obstruct the street, under
tbe provisions of tbe ordinance, and
favored inserting a clause limiting tbe
time to a few minutes before tbe arrival
and departure of trains. There were a
number who supported tbe ordinanoe in
its present form and there were also
those who opposed it quite strenuously,
claiming that it would eventually close
the street. Just before tbe close of the
meeting a resolution was introduced to
ascertain bow tbe meeting stood on tbe
question, and tbe vote finally takeu was
35 for to 20 against. Some of those
opposed to the ordinance claimed this
did jot fnirly represent the sentiment.
On Friday night tbe ordinance will come
up for final action, and in the meantime
those interested in tbe matter, eitber for
or against, are seeing to it that tbe coun
cilmen in the various wards thoroughly
understand tbe opinion in tbe matter of
those they represent.
After suffering for almost a year as a
result of ruptured blood vessel, which
occured while he was assisting in the
unloading of a heavy box of freight,
Adaniram J. Smith, for many years a
Union Pacific, conductor, died at his
home in southeast Columbus Snnday
morning. "Doc" Smith, as be was uni
versally known to his friends, was born
at Elmira, New York, June 1854. bis
father being a Baptist minister. In 1860
he removed with the family to Ottawa,
111 , and in 1867 to Afton, la. Here he
resided until nineteen years of age when
he began bis railroad career with the
Burlington at Creston. la., in 1871. In
1876 he quit the service of tbe Burling
ton and went to tbe Santa Fe with which
company he heldthe position of yard
master at two of the principal yards on
the system for eleven years. In 188:: he
resigned bis position with the Santa Fe
and came to tbe Union Pacific, locating
at Council Bluffs, since which time he
has been constantly in tbe employ of
the company as eitber conductor or yard
master. He was transferred to Colum
bus in 1896 and has since made this his
home In 1881 he was married to Mary
J. Madden at Creston, In., who with
three sons. Frank F. of Rawlins, Wyo.,
Euer H.and John J., of this city, sur
vive him. Besides tbe immediate family
he leaves an aged mother and two sisters,
Mrs. T. H. Sess and Mrs. Florence Lum
beck of Denver, and two brothers, Grant
Smith of Stillwater, Minn., and Eber H.
Smith of this city. Mr. Smith was a'
member of tbe Order of Railway Con
ductors, Royal Highlander and Tribe of
Ben-Hur. Funeral services were held
Tuesday morning from St. Bonaven
tur's church. Father Marcellinus officiat
ing and burial was in the Catholic ceme
tery. Last year the members of Engine
Company No. 1 concluded to have a
smoker and invite all tbe honorary and
active members of tbe company. And
so well did they carry out their plans
that the smoker was at once made an an
nual affair. Last Wednesday evening
the second smoker was given by the com
pany at Maennerchor ball and it was, if
anything, a more enjoyable affair than
tbe first one. Besides the refreshments
and cigars an orchestra of fifteen mem
bers, composed of either active or honor
ary members- of tbe Engine Company,
furnished some excellent music. After
tbe banquet was served there were short
talks, Sam Gass acting as toast master.
There were two out of town members of
the compauy present, Gus Locker of
Omaha and Mort Murphy of Seward,
and the former who was a charter mem
ber of tbe company, to'd of fighting
fires in early days.. Short talks were al
so made by Fred Frischolz, Earl Galley,
Louis Schwarz, C. G. flickok, Bert
Galley and President M. D. Karr of the
Commercial club. Mr. Karr spoke in
behalf of the business men of Columbus
and voiced their appreciation of the
efficient work of the firemen in protect
ing the property of the city and invited
the members of the fire department to
join the Commercial club witboutcostto
them. Bert Galley, chief of the depart
ment, complimented the company on
their good work whenever tbey were
needed. The committees who had charge
of the smoker worked bard to make it a
success, and tbey succeeded admirably
is vouched fur by everyone who was
Notice is hereby given of tbe annual
meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe Ne
braska Central Irrigation company, to
be held at tbe office of Becher, Hocken
berger & Chambers, in tbe city of Co
lumbus, Nebr., on Tuesday,- March 2d,
1909, at 8 o'clock p. m.
J. C. Fkeydig, Sec'y-
,la Honor Of Lincoln's Birth.
For a number of years tbe local Sons
of Veterans camp, together with tbe
Grand-Army "post of this ciy have ob
served Lincoln's birthday, but this year
tbe Son of Veterans put forth an extra
effort for the occasion this year. A com
mittee,' consisting of H. B. Reed. O. E
Devlin and A. L. Rollio. prepared the
following program, which was well
rendered. Bert J. Galley acted as chair
man for tbe oecnsion. Tbe following
is 'the program, which is published bv
Opening remarks by Commauder A. C.
Song "Just Before the Battle, Moth
er," aud "In the Prison Cell I Sit," were
rendered by a quartet, composed of
Craig Turner, Mr. Wells and the Misses
Lydia Turner and Hazel From, with Miss
Louise Echols at the piano.
Invocation by tbe chaplain, Craig
Song by tbe audience, Battle Hymn of
tbe Republic.
Remembrances of Abraham Lincoln,
Comrade R. L. Rossitcr.
Recitation by Vernetta Devlin.
Address on Abraham Lincoln by W.
A. McAllister.
Reading Lincoln's Gettysburg address,
Wm. LaRue.
Violin Solo by Helen McAllister.
Toast to tbe Flag by Mips Katie Reed.
Piano Solo by Mrs. W. A. McAlhsttr.
Our Memorial by A. L. Rolliu.
Song by tbe audience, America.
Instrumental muBic ' by the Drum
After the program a supper was served
in the hall by Caterers Jones and L. A.
Some interesting war relics were ex
hibited, one of tbem being the cap and
belt worn by Comrade R. L. Rossiter
when spoken to by President Lincoln in
Washington, D. O.,' in 1864, also a ilag,
now in the possession of Comrade E. O.
Rector and valued very much by him,
that was made by tbe girls of Salem,
Wis., in 1861, and presented to tbe boys
who enlisted from that place, provided
they would erect a Hag pole for it. So
many a day it floated from a ninety-six
foot pole at Salem, for which no doubt
the boys of that company, far away from
home, had sweet memories, while they
nurcbed to the tune of "The Girl I Left
Behind Me "
The attendance at the exercises was
quite large, and taken all in all, the oc
casion was a success in every particular.
Route No. 5.
The Valasek boys were hauling bay
Monday and Tuesday.
H. L. Olcott is in Belvidere, 111.,
where he is visiting with bis aged father.
Quite a number of farmers on the
route attended tbe horse sale at Colum
bus Monday.
H. J. Brian was getting ready for his
sale, which he will have, and then move
to 'Columbus.
There was a card party at the home of
J. 11. Hahn last Saturday night, but on
account of the bad weather not many
were present.
Claud and Miss Katie Kinsmsn cime
up from Lincoln Friday, where they are
attending tbe State university, return
ing Monday.
Route No. 4.
BoyB, get your tin cans ready for you
may need tbem on Route 4 soon.
Pat Fuller was sawing wood last Fri
day, using the Iossi Bros, gasoline en
gine and saw.
Simon Iossi is missing. Someone says
be is hunting a wife, but rumor says he
is in Sherman county.
Mrs. Gertie Zimmer has commenced to
move on tbe farm she has rented for the
coming year, which is six miles north
east of Columbus.
On account of there being two sales on
tbe same day on Route 4 last Thursday
neither one was well attended, but ever -thing
sold fairly well.
Ernest Iossi says be is ready to begin
planting potatoes on March 1. But
there are some who think he will be
obliged to shovel snow before be b tarts.
Chris Abegglen came down from Kear
ney last week and is shelling bis corn,
Donoghne Bros, doing the work. Obas
seems to he well pleased with bis new
home in Buffalo county.
Those who imagined that the cold
weather for the winter was over were
rudely awakened to tbe fact that Old
Boreas is still here. When tbe record
of thirteen below zero was made in Jan
uary, it was thought this wosld be tbe
limit for this season, but Mosday morn
ing tbe thermometer registered sixteen
below, which went it three better. And
now that tbe water in the river has been
melting and freezing for some time, it
looks as though the ice was heavy enough
to make considerable trouble when it
begins to move.
Superintendent Lecron reports an
enthusiastic and interesting teachers'
meeting at Humphrey last Saturday,
and tbe attendance was better than was
The February term of tbe district
court is in session this week, having be
gun Monday, Judge Thomas presiding, t
(awlfiiBhMii' -saaB
4 cakes for 5c
which includes the neat metal box
shown in cut
The Druggist on the Corner
Columbus, Nebraska
Immediate private sale of household
goods. Inquire of Mrs. B. R. Cowdery.
" W. L. Clienowetb left last Thursday
evening for Chicago, in the interest of
the dry goods department of tbe Gray
Mercantile Co.
Tuesday morning at tbe German Re
form church the wedding of Chaa. De
Land, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. DeLand
and Miss Ahvna Leuschen. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Lenscben, of north
east of Columbus, was solemnized. Rev.
R. Neumarkcr officiating. Only mem
bers of tbe immediate families were pre
sent at tbe ceremony, tbe wedding being
a quiet one. Mr. and Mrs. DeLand left
on the noon train for Denver and other
points in the west, where they will spend
their honeymoon, after which they will
go to housekeeping on a farm ten miles
west of this city on tbe south side of the
Thtre is one event that is always look
ed forward to by the young people of
the city, and especially those who enjoy
dancing, and that is the annual mas
querade ball given by Pioneer Hook and
Ladder Company No. 1. This, the
thirty-fifth annual bail, will be fully up
to former ones, and Columbus people
can anticipate a good time. This year,
the boys are going to take extra pre
cautions regarding the admittance of
objectionable people, and those who
mask are assured that they will not be
apt to meet any such people. The boys
are going to make this ball better than
former ones, if possible.
A. M. Avery, manager of the Gray
store at Fullerton, aud Miss Nettie
Miller of this city, were married at tbe
borne of tbe bride, on West Fifteenth
street, this Wednesday morning, Rev.
Roush of the Meibodist church officiat
ing. The- bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Miller, and for the last five
years has been employed as trimmer in
the Gray dry goods store in this city.
The groom is a cousin of W. L Chrno
weth of this city, and for the last six
months has been located at Fullerton as
manager of the store at that place. Mr.
and Mrs. Avery went to Fullerton Wed
nesday, where they will make theirhome.
There is always some reason for suc
cess. In this ace of commercialism,
everything must have some real merit in
it to be a lastiDg success. Anything
must be worth one's time and money, or
tbe public will soon relegate it to tbe
rubbish pile. This is as true of plays as
of everything else. They mnat be real,
sterling, sound and solid value to hare
a long continued success. The ever
growing triumph of Clarence Bennett's
"The Holy City" tells its own story of
the triumph of real merit and true
worth "One of tbe few, tbe immortal
plays that were not born to die!" Mr.
Bennett himself will be seen here in this
production, which gunrantes its merit.
Tee dance of Salome is another drawing
feature and is handled gracefully by
Edna Barshail. North theatre, Friday,
February 19
We have the agency for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from 81.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, 81 ' and $1.25.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy
early while tbe sizes are complete.