The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 10, 1909, Image 3
;- Ci." ---- .-jr i- ..;''" i-trsief vj--v--fV- 1 .-. , - - 4 i. '- - v;.t, t-v-rv V . 'fc'nw -v ?..-- "x,7J?n " I . f ill ! ii i ' ; ? 7 Enjoy the full confidence of the Well-Infonnsd of the World and the Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen tial that the component parts of Syrup -of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxative xemedy of an ethical character, arc assured "by the Company's original method of man ufacturc known to the Ccmpany only. The figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles 'arc obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. ALL OF ONE KIND. r Ha MHRai W "Have your poems been read by nany peopla?" "Certainly about twenty publishers that I know of." CHILD HAD SIXTY BOILS, And Suffered Annually with a Red Scald-Like Humor on Her Head. Troubles Cured by Cuticura. "When my little Vivian was about six months old her head broke out in boils. She had about sixty in all and 1 used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment which, cured her entirely. Some time later a humor broke out be hind her ears and spread up on to her head until it was nearly half cov crcrl. The humor looked like a scald, very red with a sticky, clear fluid com ing from it. This occurred every spring. I always used Cuticura Soap and Ointment which never failed to heal it up. The last time it broke tu. it became so bad that I was dis couraged. But I continued the use o Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resol vent until the was well and has never been troubled in the last two years. Mrs. M. A. Schwerin, C74 Spring Wells Ave.. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 24. 1908." IUer Drug & Chcni. Corp., Solo Plops., Boston. Looking Forward. Mr. Wiggins, being in a frivolous mood, was giving a burlesque imita tion of palmistry pretending to read his wife's fortune in her palm. Six-year-old Ruth was listening with intense seriousness, but neither of them was noticing her. "And, finally," he concluded, after the usual recitals about a dark man, a light man, a journey, and a large for tune, "you will live to a great age." "Thank God!" broke in Ruth, clap ping her hands ecstatically. "Then my children will have a grandmother!" Come Get Your Medicine. If that little bit of three-coniered, ialf-jointed, pin-headed squirt with a big automobile and a size three head on his miserable, slanting shoulders, who turned the corner of Ferry and IVIain streets on two wheels the other ofternoon, and nearly sent three pedes trians into Kingdom Come, will call at this office we'll tear his scrawny soul to pieces and lick him to a "fraz zle" after the most approved Roose veltian methods. He knows who we mean. Ruffalo News. Enforced Economy. A friend of Pat's was caught in a shower near his cottage and asked shelter from the elements. Pat opened the door. One of the first tilings the friend saw was rain coming steadily through a hole in the roof. "Pat. boy," said he, "for why don't ye fix th' hole in th' roof?" "The hole in the roof, is it?" asked Pat, spearing for an excuse. "Oh. yis. 1 would, ye know, but whin th rain is comin' in 1 can't fix it, an' whin it don't rain it don't need fixin'." NO MEDICINE But a Change of Food Gave Relief. Many persons are learning that drugs are not the thing to rebuild worn out nerves, but proper food is required. There Is a certain element in th cereals, wheat, barley, etc., which is grown there by nature for food to brain and nerve tissue. This is the phos phate of potash, of which Grape-Nuts food contains a large proportion. In making this food all the food ele ,, ments in the two cereals, wheat and barley, are retained. That is why so many heretofore nervous and run down people find in Grape-Nuts a true nerve and brain food. ul can say that Grape-Nuts food has done much for me as a nerve renew er," writes a Wis. bride. "A few years ago, before my mar riage, I was a bookkeeper in a large firm. I became so nervous toward the end of each week that it seemed I must give up my position, which I could not afford to do. "Mother purchased some Grape-Nnts and we found it not only delicious but I noticed from day to day that I was improving until I finally realized I was net nervous any more. "I have recommended it to friends as a brain and nerve food, never hav ing found its equal. I owe much to Grape-Nuts as it saved me from a nervous collapse, and enabled me to retain my position." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well ville,". in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read tfce above letter? A mew erne appears from time to time. They are Kntoiar, me, u xtui ! m Merest. POINTS OUT IMPROVEMENTS FOR COUNTRY COMMUNITIES Special Message of President of Utmost Inter est to Farmers. Urges Tliftt Social as Well as Productive Side of Farm Life Be Built Uf-Work for the Federal Department Washington With the report of the country lifo commission President Roosevelt sent the following mes sage to both houses of congress: To th Senate and House of Represent atives: I transmit herewith the report of the commission on country life. At the outset I desire to point out that not a dollar of the public money has been paid to any commissioner for ills work on the commission. The report shows the general condition of farming life in the open country, and points out its farser problems; it indi cates ways in which the Rovernment, na tional and state, may show the people how to solve some of these problems: and it suggests a continuance of the work which the commission began. Judging by 20 public hearings, to which farmers and farmers' wives from 40 states and territories came, and from 120.000 answers to printed questions sent out by the department of agriculture, the commission rinds that the general level of country life is high compared with uny preceding time or with any oth er land. If it has in recent years slipped down in some places, it has risen in more places. Its progress has been general, if not uniform. Yet farming does not yield either the profit or the satisfaction that it ought to yield, and may be made to yield. There is discontent in the country, and in places discouragement. Farmers as a class do not magnify their calling, and the move ment to the towns, though, I am happy to say, less than formerly, is still strong. Under our system, it is helpful to pro mote discussion of ways in which the people can help themselves. There are three main directions in which the farm ers can help themselves: namely, better farming, better business and better living on the farm. The national department of agriculture, which has rendered service equaled by no other similar department In any other time or place; the state departments of agriculture: the state col leges of agriculture and the mechanical arts, especially through their extension work; the state agricultural experiment stations: the Farmers' union; the Grange; the agricultural press; and other similar agencies: have nil combined to place with in the reach of the American farmer an amount and quality of agricultural infor mation, which. If applied, would enable him, over large areas, to double the production of the farm. For Better Business and Living. The object of the commission on coun try life, therefore. Is not to help the farmer raise better crops, but to call his attention to the opportunities for better business and better living on the farm. If country life is to become what it should be. and what I believe It ultimate ly will be one of the most dignified, de sirable, and sought-after ways of earn a living the farmer must take advan tage not only of the agricultural knowl edge which is at his disposal, but of the methods which have raised and continue to raise the standards of living and in telligence in other callings. Those engaged in all other Industrial and commercial callings have found it necessary, under modern economic con ditions, to organize themselves for mu tual advantage and for the protection of thir own particular interests in rela tion to other interests. The farmers of every progressive European country have realized this esesntial fact and have found in the co-operative system exactly the form of business combination they need. Now, whatever the state may do to ward Improving the practice of agri culture, it is not within the sphere of any government to reorganize the farm era' business or reconstruct the social life of farming communities. It is, how ever, quite within its power to use its Influence and the machinery of publicity which It can control for calling public at tention to the needs of the facts. For ex ample, it Is the obvious duty of the gov ernment to call the attention of farmers to the growing monopolization of water power. The farmers, above all. should have that power, on reasonable terms, for cheap transportation, for lighting their homes, and for innumerable uses in the daily tasks of the farm. Necessity for Co-Operation. It Is true that country life has improved greatly in attractiveness, health and com fort, and that the farmer's earnings are higher than they were. But city life is advancing even more rapidly, because of tlie greater attention which is being given by the citizens of the towns to their own betterment. For just this reason the in troduction of effective agricultural co operation throughout the United States is of the first importance. Where farmers are organized co-operatively they not only avail themselves much more read ily of business opportunities and im proved methods, but it is found that the organizations which hring them together In the work of their lives are used also for social and intellectual advancement. The co-operative plan is the best plan of organization wherever men have the right spirit to carry it out. Under this plan any business undertaking is man aged by a committee: every man has one vote, and only one vote; and every one gets profits according to what he sells or buys or supplies. It develops In dividual responsibility and has a moral as well as a financial value over any other plan. I desire only to take counsel with the farmers as fellow-citizens. It is not the problem of the farmers alone that I am dismissing with them, but a problem which affects every city as well as every farm in the country. It Is a problem which the working farmers will have to solve for themselves: but it is a problem which also affects in only less degree all the rest of us. and therefore If we can render any help toward Its solution. It is not only our duty but our interest to do so. Work to Help the Farmers. The commission has tried to help the farmers to see clearly their own prob lem and to see it as a whole: to distin guish clearly between what the govern ment can do and what the farmers must do for themselves: and it wishes to bring not only the farmers, but the nation as a whole, to realize that the growing of crops, though an essential part. Is only a part of country life. Crop growing is the essential foundation, but it is no less essential that the farmer shall get an adequate return for what he grows: and it is no less essential indeed, it is literally vital that he and his wife and his children shall lead the right kind of life. For this reason, it is of the first im portance that the United States depart Take the Extra Men of Science See Danger in Arising Too Early. We have been imposed upon, it seems. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man nervous, grouch-, sub ject to insomnia, and a neurasthenic. After suffering all these years from the homilies of the early-rising maniac, this news is welcome. When next the fiend presents himself at the bedside, ment of agriculture, through which as prime agent the ideas the commission stands for must reach the people, should become without delay in fact a depart ment of country life, fitted to deal not only with crops, but also with all the larger aspects of life in the open country. From all that has been done and learned three great general and immedi ate needs of country life stand out: First, effective co-operation among farmers, to put them on a level with the organized interests with which they do business. Second, a new kind of schools In the country, which shall teach the children as much outdoors as indoors and per haps more, so that they will prepare for country life, and not as at present, main ly for life in town. Third, better means of communication. Including good roads and a parcels post, which the country people are everywhere, and rightly, unanimous in demanding. To these may well be added better san itation; for easily preventable diseases hold several million country people in the slavery of continuous ill health. , Duty of the Government. The commission points out. and I con cur in the conclusion, that the most Im portant help that the government, wheth er national or state, can give is to show the people how to go about these tasks St organization, education and communi cation with the best and quickest results. This can be done by the collection and spread of Information. One community can thus be informed of what other com munities have done, and one country of what other countries have done. Such help by the people's government would lead to a comprehensive plan of organi zation, education and communication, and make the farming country better to live in. for intellectual and social reasons as well as for purely agricultural reasons. The only recommendation I submit is that an appropriation of $23,000 be pro vided, to enable the commlslson to digest the material it has collected, and to col lect and to digest much more that is within its reach, and thus complete its work. This would enable the commis sion to gather in the harvest of sug gestion which is resulting from the dis cussion it has stirred up. The commis sioners have served without compensa tion, and I do not recommend any ap propriation for their services, but only for the expenses that will be required to finish the task they have begun. To Develop Country Community. To improve our system of agriculture seems to me the most urgent of the tasks which lie before us. But it cannot, in my judgment, be effected by measures which touch only the material and tech nical side of the subject; the whole busi ness and life of the farmer must also be taken Into account. Such considera tions led me to appoint the commission on country life. Our object should be to help develop in the country commu nity the great ideals of the community life as well as of personal character. One of the most important adjuncts to this end must be the country church, and I invite your attention to what the com mission says of the country church and of the need of an extension of such work as that of the Young Men's Christian as sociation In country communities. Let me lay special emphasis upon what the commission says at the very end of its report on personal ideas and local leader ship. Everything resolves itself In the end into the question of personality. Neither society nor government can do much for country life unless there Is vol untary response in the personal ideals of the men and women who live in the country. In the development of charac ter, the! home should be more important than the school, or than society at large. When once the basic material needs have been met. high ideals may be quite in dependent of income: but they cannot be realized without sufficient income to pro vide adequate foundation; and where the community at large is not financially prosperous it is impossible to develop a high -average personal and community ideal. In short, the fundamental facts of human nature apply to men and wom en who live in the country just as they apply to men and women who live in the towns. Given a sufficient foundation of material well being, the influence of the farmers' wives on their children be comes the factor of first importance in determining the attitude of the next gen oration toward farm life. The farmer should realize that the person who most needs consideration on the farm is his wife. I do not in the least mean that she should purchase ease at the expense of duty. Neither man nor woman is really happy or really useful save on condition of doing his or her duty. If the wom an shirks her duty as housewife, as home keeper, as the mother whose prime function is to bear and rear a sufficient number of healthy children, then she is not entitled to our regard. But if she does her duty she is more entitled to our regard even titan the man who does his duty: and the man should show spe cial consideration for her needs. Welfare of Nation at Stake. I warn my countrymen that the great recent progress made in city life is not a full measure of our civilization; for our civilization rests on the wholesomeness, the attractiveness, and the completeness, as well as the prosperity, of life in the country. The men and women on the farms stand for what is fundamentally best and most needed in our American life. Upon the development of country lift rests ultimately our ability, by meth ods of farming requiring the highest in telligence, to continue to feed and clothe the hungry nations; to supply the city with fresh blood, clean bodies, and clear brains that can endure the terrific strain of modern life; we need the development of men in the open country, who will be in the future, as in the past, the stay and strength of thu nation in time of war. and its guiding and controlling spir it in time of peace. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. The White House. February 9, 1309. Joel Chandler Harris Memorial. The Juvenile Protective association of Atlanta is to have charge of the Uncle Remus Home for" Children, to be established as a memorial to Joel Chandler Harris near Atlanta. The site for the institution has been given to the association a"nd much of the money necessary for the buildings has already been collected. The institu tion is to be known as a juvenile state. It will contain a school, a gymnasium and mechanical workshop. Forty Winks disguised as an alarm clock, and armed with a panoply of proverbs, he may be put to rout by two shafts of scientific authority one from Dr. Savary, who told the members of the French Academy that early rising is most likely to drive a man insane; the other from Dr. Forbes Ross of London, who comes on the scene with the awful warning that persons with weak hearts who have jumped up, Jo pzA m j?' &6&t fit && H4U0UtU MTttjCSfoAt- CuGi irt&fr t&y &, wo & rCyCft MW 44 & XS3v h&JZf, &M C ihsvJhZ, rfA && The Gettysburg Address, Notember 19, 1863. Facsimile of the Original First Version. Centenary of Lincoln's Birth Is Appropriately Remembered by Country Worthily have the American people Joined in an appropriate celebration of the Lincoln centenary, and extend ed it to the r e m o t -est corners of the land. The 12th of this month i s the one h u n dredth a n n i -versary of the birth of L i n coln. That date is ob- rcftrroH vrith solemn and yet grate- tul ceremony by the whole American people, who owe more to Lincoln than to any other citizen of the republic, save only Washington. Lincoln is, after Washington, the greatest figure in our national his lory. Xo other man performed serv ces so great as his. or was so high a character. His conduct during the trying days of the civil war, when the union that had been founded with high hopes for human liberty seemed destined to be destroyed, was such as to appear inspired by a power greater than human, and many an American has thanked God in his nightly prayers that so wise, gentle, forbearing a leader had been raised up by divine direction to guide the country to safety. His death was a great calamity, not less to the south than to the north; for. if Lincoln had been spared, his qualities of heart and mind would have made the task of reconstruction much easier than it proved " and would have healed the wounds of war much sooner. The south will join with the north in observing Lincoln's one hundredth birthday, for now, in these latter days his memory is as deeply beloved south of Mason and Dixon's line as north of it The celebration is worthy to be remembered as an expression of the gratitude and affection of a great peo ple. When we once resolve to lay aside desire to make of Lincoln's life and words an arsenal from which to draw weapons with which to right for spe cial causes, and consider with quiet thought Abraham Lincoln as all Amer icans know he was, we find the ma terials ample. We see Abraham Lincoln as a home ly, kindly, patient man, who loved his country as men love their mothers. We see him seeking the welfare of all that mother's sons because he was one of them. We see him working humbly and patiently under burdens such as no American before, save awakening early, have sometimes fallen back dead. Defy the alarm clock, therefore. Science has spoken. Ninety per cent, of the early risers end .by suffering from insomnia, says science. Rarely do science and in clination so coincide. When they do, the opportunity ought not to be missed. Self-Made Men. AH men who achieve anything mus; be self-made. No accident of" birth or wealth can make any of the sons 'Tfr'M ill VBi HatfttmmKimH LL'tHtr Csttttfttt iffitoit. f sM JnsfivU Washington, and none since, has been called upon to bear. We see him always charitable, real izing that in this human world men are moved by all sorts of motives, and appealing to all motives that in honesty and honor he could, asking only that the results of the appeals be acts helping to save and restore to peace the nation mother. And so Abraham Lincoln wrought with the tools at hand, never com plaining of their human Imperfections, using to his great end not only the noblest aspirations of the best but every force of hu man desire, and thus de livering a race from b o n d -age and sav ing a nation because he ever wroughtm "with mal ice toward none and with charity for all." ALWAYS HAD SUPERB FAITH. An Incident, Hitherto Unrecorded, of Lincoln's Trust. As illustrative of Mr. Lincoln's su perb faith, I will give an instance that I have never seen in print, says a writer in the Century Magazine. In the largest room in the White House, on the second floor, were gathered a number of officers of the army, then of prominence by reason of the com mands that they held in the field; many civilians who held no offices, but who had come from the north to see Washington and pay their respects to Mr. Lincoln, and perhaps get contracts essential to running the government; and a few members of congress. At first it appeared more like a large reception, where after shaking hands, people stayed to chat with one another. Not far from Mr. Lincoln a prominent senator, whom we may call Senator D , in a strong, deep voice remarked: "I believe that, if we could only do right as a people, the Lord would help us and we should have a decided success in this terrible strug ple." Mr. Lincoln, hearing the remark of the senator, with his clear, shrill enunciation, cried out: "My feith is greater than yours." Everybody turned and looked at the president, who was head and shoulders above all those assembled. The sena tor who had spoken then said: "How so, Mr. Lincoln?" "I am confident," said he, "that God will make us do sufficiently right to give us the victory." of men a man. All of us are born children. Powerless we must remain to death unless we take the tools at hand and not only learn to use them, but .use them, and go on using them until we have wrought out some work worth while in the eyes of men. Everywhere in Ireland are the holy wells. People as they pray by them make little piles of stones that will be counted at the last day and the prayers reckoned up, or so it is believed. b!l tfSiaSSra&TB W ArMEBllB3ftfe?H tie! ma HOI TO IBM UT DONT NEED TO WORK NOW SO HARD. The experience of the Bisser Bros. In Western Canada is similar to that reported to every agent of the Cana dian Government, whose advertise ment appears elsewhere: Wheatwyn, Sask., Nov. 6th 1908. "To the Commissioner of Immigra tion, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Dear Sir: L in company with my brother and other relations, arrived in this coon-, try In the spring of 1893. At the time we got off the train at Wolseley, Sask., we had only a Jew dollars, not enough to start farming on our own account, so we were compelled to work out for a considerable time in order to make sufficient money to enable us to es tablish" ourselves. When we thought we had enough money to start' with, I and my brother took up one quarter section (160 acres) land each in the Loon Creek district. In 1900 we moved on our homesteads with one team qf horses and one walking plow. While I was engaged with the work in the field, my brother built a shack and barn of logs, which we have hauled during the time we were not able to work in the field. We were certainly working very hard, but I am glad to say that we made our fortune in this country. To-day we do not need to work so hard as we used to, as we have three men hired steady for whom we pay $30.00 to 140.00 a month, besides board and lodging during the summer time! I am also glad to tell vou that to-day we are owners of a section and three-quarters of the best land, with first class buildings thereon, besides having all the necessary ma chinery. We always do our own threshing, for we have a 22 horse power threshing outfit "Our success in farming in this country also enabled us to get rid of a number of horses of less value, and instead we bought 10 pure-bred mares, representing a value in the neighbor hood of $5,000. "Regarding raising grain, which is the mam factor in our district, I am proud to say that we have always had good success. We have raised wheat as high as 25 bushels to the acre; and this year, although we suf fered from lack of sufficient rain, our wheat went 27 bushels to the acre, and we had 900 acres in crop. We have broken this year about 100 acres new land, and by next year we will have about 1,110 acres in crop. For one carload of wheat which we have shipped a few weeks ago we got a price of 97 cents per bushel, and it graded as No. 2 Northern, although we have a quantity of wheat which will surely go as No. 1 Northerft. During the six years we have been farming for ourselves we have never had one frost around here, so that we always had a good crop. "I, for myself, feel compelled to say that our Great West is the land where a person who is willing to work and trun his hands to anything, can make a fortune, and a comfortable living. Our country is a thoroughly free coun try, and we have a good Government; and, as long as we have good crops, and a good Government, we are satis fied, and I think that is all we want. "Yours very truly, "LORENS BISSER, "P. O. Wheatwyn, Sask.." HE ALMOST REMEMBERED IT. Boy at Least Had Combination Some where Near Right. Donald had returned from a visit to the country, and was full of rem iniscences of persons and things that had interested him. "I met a boy, mamma," he said, "that had the queer est name I ever heard. He said his folks found it in the Old Testament. It was it was- let me see yes, it was Father William, or William Fa ther; I've forgotten just now which. But it was one or the other." "But, Donald," said his mother, "there is no such name as Father Wil liam or William Father in the Old Ttestament." "Are you sure, mamma?" "I certainly am, dear. I have read it through several times. William is a comparatively modern name. It isn't anywhere in the Bible." "Well, but oh, I remember now!" exclaimed Donald. "It was Bildad!" Youth's Companion. Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desifted stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. But Soon. "Come, don't be foolish," said the pretty young wife, "he's merely an old flame of mine." "Indeed!" cried her aged but rich husband. "I'll warrant you dream of his tender advances yet." "No," she replied, with a faraway look, "not yet." The Catholic Stand ard and Times. The chronic borrower depends for spending money on his friends, and says: "Why If they didn't lend it, the chumps would only go and spend it" The Herb laxative, Garfield Tea, aids Nature in maintaining the general well-being of the body; it corrects constipation, purifies the blood, brings health. Occasionally a woman goes to church for the purpose of ascertaining how many of her neighbors'don't OXW ONE "BROMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look foi the signature of K. W. UROVK. Used the World orer to Cure Cold in One IJar. 25c The first time a girl is engaged she imagines that she is as important as the heroine in a novel. Lewis' Single Binder Cigar has a rich taste. Your dealer or Levj' Factory, Peoria, 111. The highwayman has a low way of j doing things. I ONLY GOT BACK Hit OWN. Umbrella Had Long leen Absent from Its Proper Hall Tree. "Stories about umbrellas," said ft Kw Virlr nticalotan arhon that TtOAfnl j article was the subject of discussion, ! "are as numerous as fish' stories, and often test just, as severely tho credulity of those who' listen to them. This Is a true one: A, patient tele phoned an hour after he had been at say office one morning that he had left his umbrella on the hall rack; would I see that it was kept for him? My servant found it, and that evening while we were at dinner he ca'led, got the umbrella nad came in to thank me. There he told a long story as to how he valued the umbrella because he ha carried it a long time, and it was just the right weight and showed a dent in the silver handle which had been made by his little boy when he used It as a hockey stick. I saw my wife smile while the story was being told. She understood my wink, however, and we said nothing. But when the man had gone away with the umbrella under his arm we laughed, for we had recognized the umbrella which I had carried out and never brought back more than three years ago." INAPPROPRIATE. "I am glad that Washington's birthday Is a holiday; it gives me chance to lie in bed in the morning." "George wouldn't like to have you celebrate his birthday by lying." MIX FOR RHEUMATISM The following ia a never failing recipe for rheumatism. To one-half pint of good whiskey add one ounce syrup 'sarsaparilla and one ounce Toris compound, which can be pro cured of any druggist, Take in tea spoonful doses before each meal and before retiring. Boston Profanity. Katy, aged five, and a resident ol America's seat of culture, ran to her father one morning, exclaiming: "Father, brother George swore." "Swore, did he?" inquired the par ent, grimly, reaching for the slipper. "What did he say?" "He said 'ain't,'" responded Katy, solmenly. Success Magazine. Try Marine Eye Ree4y For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Murine Doesn't Smart. Soothes Eye Pain. Try Murine for Your Eyes. A good son Is a good brother, good husband, good father, good kinsman, good friend, good neighbor and good citizen. Chinese proverb. Asthmatics, Read This. If you are afflicted with Asthma write me at once and learn of something for which you will he grateful the rest of your life. J. G. McBnde. Stella. Nebr. On the spot where the first white settlers of Seattle first set foot. Alkl Point, has been built the South Alkl Congregational church. A good honest remedv for Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat in liamlins Wizard Oil. Nothing will so quickly drive out all pain and inflammation. You can not learn to be a dramatic critic by reading the Acts. ' PILES CURED XX 6 TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to euro any raM of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or lro trading Pllea la 6 to It days or money refunded. 60c Even a girl has no use for the other side of a mirror. 4Guara?I WANTED AGENTS " to handle stocks of high grade corporations ntuler a guarantee plan. Every fehare in.iuretl and guaranteed against loss. GRANITE SECURITIES COMPANY, 5th Floor Bradbury Building, Loa Angeles, Calif. Stocks Insured. Bonds Matured. Omaha Directory RUBBER GOODS by mall at cut price. Send for free catalogue MYERS-DILLON DRUG GO.. OMAHA. NEBR. M. Spiesberger & Son Co. Wholesalt Millinery The Best in the West OMAHA, NEB. Millions ladt Hippy Wonderful but true, no more fanurtown orcitr home need bewltboata bathroom, front the want of a mer, water and heat In? system. Tbe Alien Portable Bath Appar atus t blessed onenn of water with, icreatrr cleaiulni; efficiency tban twenty ir&Hoci. as nl in an ordinary bathtub. Uel everywhere tiiat water -lata and praised by thouMtnilf. Think of It. a bath PcrlVct In Ita aptill- mtlon.wlth only one gallon ot water, with the lant drop a clean and i.nn- aa tlietlrstdrop. yparLltr.s epray that clennMM. refrn-ae and Invljr orattai C'08tonlytCUtotT.ja ready to ue -crta nothing to oerate. Portable can h. turd In any room without a mCM,concnleiit.durablemn' ltary. Se time, viizsw, labor and space. The Ideal Lath room fortownorcountry homes; at a price within the reach of every homo that gBSCnnhMfsfBzs prlxe cleanllnen. Ask your hardware ami furniture dealsrsor them. If noaicenttn Tourcltr. nd Tour order to us direct, and It .hall har. oar prompt attention. All cratnta guaranteed. Allen Portable Bald Mfg. Goipan 2564 Manderaon Street OMAHA. - NEBRASKA BfaBffBsaf! BHMslBBsfijSfaSsaBBiBI TlHsfiBsMssB