!. ?y ''-'-. J . . "? - ; ", --. f """"" ..;:: .,- j. -s -1 v- Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 44. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1909. WHOLE NUMBER 1,942. V '' -V "' -far v ?' gh i nriY virvvr s at m m ztr Now is the time to do it Insure in Good Companies Mr Ml Mi Mi Mi M Mi m m m m m m m Mi Mr Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mr Mi Mi Mi The cost is the same m BECHER, H0CKENBER6ER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MARKETS. Oats ! 41 Wheat 89 Cora t 49 Hogs, top $5 00 to $5 40 Cmmmunmmmvnmmmimumm MANY TEARS AGO. mtnmiuiiiiiMiniimnHUTNi Files of The Journal, February 3, 1875. It is not safe to say to much about the weather or any particular future day. The January thaw indicated last week, closed up on Saturday with a very cold day, and J. Frost congealed every thing in the shape of thaw into solid ice. In Ohio 'the house of representatives resolutions were adopted January 29 re questing congress to grant no more sub sidies to railway and steamship lines A resolution favoring a single presidential term -of six years and declaring against a third term was tabled. Winter is slipping away pretty rapidly. Planting time will soon he here, and the "probability" is that we shall have an early spring. Experience has taught the importance of providing good seed for sowing, and having it thoroughly clean. Now is the time to attend to these matters before the- spring rush of work. Win. B. Coffin and family of Genoa, thi9 county, returned home on Friday of this week from a long visit of friendship and business to the eastern states. Mi. Ooftin reports very hard times in the east, upon the laboring men especially, as many have been thrown out of em ployment. Factories are runing half their usual number of hands and those on half time merely keeping in runniug order ready to resume full operations when the business of the country shall demand it. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Another team, the Stars, will be orga nized this week. The services for Sunday will be in the hands of the traveling men of the city, and there will be special music and an extra service. The board of directors will meet Mon day night to select delegates to the state convention, which will be held at Hast ings the latter part of this month. Plans are being formulated for a "Live Wire" club, which will meet every two weeks, to consider the current topics of the day. The first meeting will be held on February 12. A membership lunch for about sixty members will be served this evening, at which State Secretary J. P. Bailey will be present, and matters pertaining to the association will be discussed. Baptist Church. Sunday Bcbool 10 a. m., preaching 11 a. mn Junior 3 p. m.. B.Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. preaching 7:30 p. m.; annual meeting of church Thnrsday 8:00 p. m. Subject Sunday morning, Our Church." Sub ject Sunday evening, "Future Destiny of the Unbeliever." All are welcome. Rev. R. W. Reixhart, Pastor. Now is the time to get your Signs We do Artistic Sign Writing' Paper Hanging and Decorating Latest 1908 Fall Styles of Wall Paper KAVANAUGH & BETTEBTON Last Tuesday evening Gus G. Becher, jr., secretary of the Commercial Club re ceived a message from-H. E. .Babcock at Omaha, requesting him to send a de legation from Columbus to meet with the Commercial Olnb of David City Wednesday evening. Those who re sponded to call were Henry Rgaz, M. D. Karr, Edward Johnson and Leopold I Jaeggi. Besides Mr. Babcock were also Mr. Wakefield, of Omaha, secretary of the Nebraska Power Company, and Mr. Portar, a former representative from Butler county. The meeting was held in the conn-house and was vtry well at tended by the members of the just one week old Commerical Club of David Oity. Mr. Babcock's address before the meeting was an extract from bis well written printed matter and he told his hearers, who listened with enthusiastic interest, of the enormous importance of the coming Columbus Power Canal, and what the enterprise would do for the whole state, and especially for the cities and lownB situated within a radius of a hundred miles. Mr. Karr extended greetings from the OolumbnB Commer cial Club and invited the members from David City to join hands in pushing this great enterprise by pointing out the ad vantages it would bring for oar towns and state, and highly complimented Mr. Babcock as a sticker. Mr. Porter, in answer to Mr. Karr, stated that from ex perience as a former member of the legis lature, he was convinced that it would be very nn wise to ask' any political body to assist in building such an undertak ing, as this was a distinct business pro position and should not get mixed into political schemes that would very likely turn into corruption and ruinous delay of the undertaking. He said further that the Power Canal is sure to come and that its financing is as much as assured, even if the people of Nebraska do not take hold as they should, yet an even chance is offered to everyone who is willing to invest his money the same as the large bankers in Wall street, who consent to a partnership with the home people in Nebraska. Mr. Bell, the grain dealer, and who is also owner of the Da vid City electric light plant, endorsed the statements made by Mr. Babcock, saying that he has' known the Loup river for forty years and believes fully in its steady flow, and that if it is harnessed will do all that it is claimed for it. He also firmly believes that electric power could be furnished for one-fourth of the present cost, and he assured Mr. Bab cock that he would be the first electri cian in Nebraska to throw out his pres ent costly equipmont and make applica tion for power from the Loup. One of the worst storms since January 12, 1888, visited this section last Thnrs day evening. The drizzling rain of the day changed to a wet snow and between five and six o'clock in the evening it was almost impossible to see. The velocity of the wind was very high and farmers report a number of windmills demolish ed. Train service was badly crippled, especially from the east. No. 5 of Friday evening being composed of 15 and 3 and the regular No. 5, which managed to reach here about ten o'clock. Branch trains fared better, however, and with th6 aid of double headers managed to make their trips. A report reached this city that the ice in the Loup was break ing up Thursday, but there did not seem to be any foundation for the story. To those who experienced the storm of twenty-one years ago the fury of the storm brought back recollection of that event. The Btorm coming without warn ing no doubt caused a large loss of live stock, as the winter, as well as others, have been such as to not warrant any extra provision for a storm like this. The special stamps which will be is sued by the government in commemora tion of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, will be on sale here. The stamps will be ready for distribution among the offices a few days before Lincoln Day, February 12, and Postmaster Kramer al ready has his order placed for them. The designs and portrait of the stamp will vary somewhat from the usual pat riotic series, which bear the busts of famous Americans. On account of the greatness of the occasion the stamp will be highly distinctive in size and character. Only one denomination of the stamp will be issued, that of two cents. It is understood that it will not be ready for the public until just prior to Lincoln day, and they will probably not continue in circnlation longer than a few months. Wednesday and Thursday of next week the Twenty-fifth annual encamp ment of the Nebraska divison, Sons of Veterans, will be held in this city, in the Herchenhan hall. A number of the divi sion officers are residents of this city, among them being the commander, Bert J. Galley; division patnotic instructor, H. B. Reed; division inspector, H. W. Westbrook; division secretary, A. L. Rollin; division treasurer, E. P. Dussell. The annual encampment brings a num ber of delegates to this city, and while the Nebraska division is not as large as some of the eastern divisions, the prospect is good for instituting a num ber of new camps. Stacy Tripp, who was brought from Denver by Sheriff Carrig to answer a charge of wife desertion, has made up with his wife and they are again living together. County Attorney HVnsley may dismiss the case against him in case he lives with his wife and supports her. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Fur mitts at cost at F. H. Rosche's. Dr. Vsllier, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 96. First-class printing done at the Jour nal offioe. Drs. Martyn, Evans and Ireland. See the Columbus Hide Co. before you sell your iron and junk. Crashed rock salt for bides, and for stock. Columbus Hide Co. Wm. Spear will leave the city in a few weeks for Chicago, where he will reside. Mrs. Johnson of Leigh, was the guest of Columbus relatives and friends sever al days last week. Charley Krouse of Albion, was the guest of his mother. Mrs. Emily Krouse several days last week. Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye. nose and throat specialist.. Glasses properly fitted. Office 1215 Olive street. Found, a lady's belt. Owner may have same by calling at the Journal office and paying for this notice. Misses Clara and Marie Krehmke of Grand Island arrived in the city today for a visit with relatives and friends. Emil Miller, a Platte county farmer will leave in the spring for Riverdale, where he will engage in the implement business. Miss Jennie Wilson has gone to Pierce, where she has secured a position for a time in the office of the Pierce Leader. . S. E. Marty has been improving the appearance of the interior of his meat market with a eteel ceiling and other changes. Mrs. Henry Simpson and little daugh ter Mildred, who have been visiting her parents at Genoa, returned to their home at Curtis, Neb , Monday. Smoke Victoria, five oent cigar, and White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Colum bus made goods. They are the best brands offered in this city. Chas. Snodgrass and children, who brought Mrs. Snodgrass here for burial last week, will return to their home near Burlington, la., this week. The many friends of Mrs. Albert King who ufiderwentan operation at SL Mary's hospital last week are pleated to hear of her speedy recovery. The many friends of Mrs. R. L. Hun ter, who was badly burned, at the time of the Thurston hotel ' explosion, are pleased to hear that she is getting along nicely. Miss Yelma Haines of David City, ac companied by her little sister, Marie, ar rived in the city Friday evening, and are the guests at the home of G. M. Douglas. Last Satnrday Wm. Buoher was in receipt of a telegram telling him of the very serious illness of his sister's hus band, Henry Lange, at Piqua, Ohio, and he left at once for that point. Will Plageman and Henry Tiddeke who are visiting with Eugene Swartsley at Riverdale, recently went oat on a wild cat hunt in Buffalo county and se cured several fine specimens. George Hagel and Charley Krebs left for St. Joseph, Mo., Monday morning, where they will take part in the big bowling tournament, competing in the single and double score event. Last week Mayor Phillips received a receipt from the secretary of the Red Cross at Washington, for 9201, the money collected in Columbus by Leopold Jaeggi, for the earthquake sufferers in Italy. Daniel Mahaffey and Everett Owen, who have been the guests of G. M. Douglas and family for the past two weeks,departed for their homes Saturday morning. The former going to Waco, while the latter went to York. The most important local event to take place soon is the mask ball given by Pioneer Hook & Ladder Co. on Monday evening, Feb. 22. Committees are already at work as is usual with the firemen, and this ball will be np to the standard always maintained by tbem. Thursday of this week the Union Pacific railroad confessed judgment in the sum of $3oO. in favor of Herman Lammers, who bad brought suit against the company for the death rof his wife who was killed in a runaway in the yard of the company, and the suit was withdrawn. M. Brugger, who since the firm started in business in this city a number of years ago, has withdrawn from the firm of O. A. Lutz & Ck, manufacturers of wood en shoes. The business of the firm has grown until it required to much of Mr. Brugger s time and he makes the change in order to devote his entire time to the banking business. Sunday morning about ten o'clock a tramp appeared at the H. A. Clarke home and asked tor something to eat. His request was granted, bat instead of being satisfied with what he was given to eat, he appropriated a watch that was lying conveniently near.- As soon as the Ions was discovered it was reported to the police, who are looking for the fellow. It is probable that after committing the theft he left town on the first traia. Germozone 1 Prtveitafif aid Cur. - For chicken cholera, roup, canker, inflammation of the throat, frosted combs, chicken pox, sore head, limber neck, and all the diseases of poultry. For sale at LEAVY'S DRUG STORE SEEDS Garden and Field Gray's Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Far mitts at cost at F. H. Rasohe's. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Dr. C. A. Allenbnrger, office in new State Bank building. Drs. Caratenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., offioe new Colum bus State Bank building. Immediate private sale of household goods. Inquire of Mrs. B. R. Cowdery. August Boettcher is in Shelby this week, where he was called on business. The O. W. P. club will give another of their series of dances this evening in the Mannerchorhall. It pays to sell your bides 'where you can get the most money from.them. See Columbus Hide Co. O. T. Roen, who has been sojourning on the Pacifio coast for some time, re turned Monday evening. I have a quanity of sweet cider, which I will sell cheap. For further informa tion inquire of A. C. Mahaffey. Miss Mae Bloedorn, who was the guest of Omaha friends last week re turned to her home Sunday evening. There are a few'dwelling houses for rent on the list with Becher, Hooken berger& Chambers, including one fur nished. Lost, a collector bill-book near the Thurston hotel Monday evening. Finder please call at Journal office and receive reward. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bredell have rent ed the residence recently vacated by D. C. Kavanaugh and family and will soon take possession. M. W. Thomas, Frank Gerharz, Ed. Kavanaugh and Chas Burke went to Greeley Sunday, where they assisted in the initiation of a class into the Knights of Columbus at that place. Sheriff Carrig returned Tuesday eve ning from Sidney, where got the fellow who is wanted for obtaining money un der false pretenses from Wm. Bucher. After leaving here the fellow went to Schuyler and then beat his way to Sid ney. We are wont to associate the nsme slave with the menials of sordid calling. But it is the exception that always proves the rule. The slave in Clarence BenuettV "A Royal Slave," which comes to the Opera House, Feb. 9 is a descend ant of kings, his royal blood showing in his distinguished bearing and kingly grace. The Growth of l The Equitable BHiliiRg,LiaR&SaviHsAssi ASSETS January 1, 19tt $ 14,5H January 1, 1W7 $ 4,tH January 1, 198 $ 93,tft January 1, 19t9 $152,tM The Equitable Bailliitg, Lsaa & Saviags Assa Office with ELLIOTT, SPEICE & CO. P. O. Block President Karr issued a call for a spe cial meeting of the Commercial Club Tuesday evening to talk over the Platte river bridge situation. Quite a number representative men of the city were pres ent and afier the discussion the con clusion arrived at was that the o-ily way to secure a substantial bridge across the Platte was for Columbus and Columbus township to build it. Some favored a bridge Similar to tbe one across the Loup while others thought a wood en structure would answer for years to come. There is talk of calling a special election for the purpose of voting bonds, and a committee of four, consisting of G. W. Phillips, G. Frischolz, G. A. Scbroe der and M. D. Karr were appointed to look up the matter and report to the club at the meeting called by the presi dent The Platte river divides three counties and as a matter of justice this city and township should not" be com pelled to build a bridge, bat it is either do this or lose all the trade from south of the river, and that means a big sum to Columbus and Columbus merchants. And those living south of tbe Platte, and tributary f.o this city, are very loyal to Columbus, and while they are unable to induce the counties they live in to con tribute their just share toward the bridge, they have offered to do what they could by individual subscription. After tbe bridge proposition was dis posed of, Postmaster Kramer suggested that the secretary of the club be in structed to correspond with Congress man Boyd and Senator Xoris Brown, re questing them to urge on tbe post office department the necessity of commencing work on the Columbus public building as soon as possible, and a motion to that effect was carried. Early closing was another subject brought before the club, bat as there were very few mer chants presenl, it was deferred until another meeting. Mr. Porter, repre senting the Columbus Power Canal, spoke on behalf of that project and as sured his hearers, that, barring another panic, the money for the bnilding of the canal would be forthcoming, and if everything was favorable an announce ment to that effect from Wall street could be expected within ninety days. Mrs. Dietricbs, wife of August Diet richs, passed away at her home, one-half mile north of this city, Saturday after noon. Deceased had been in ill health for tbe past two years. In December Mr-and Mrs. Dietricbs went to Colorado Springs, where Mrs. Dietricbs entered a' sanitarium and remained there until a few days previous to her death, at which time Mr. Dietricbs received a message stating that Mrs. Dietricha wi'hed to return home. Mr. Dietricbs imme diately went to Colorado and returned last Thursday evening with his wife. At first the change of climate seemed to be beneficial to her. but later it was decided that it was best for her to return home. Mrs. Dietricbs, nee Miss Winnie Hejt nenek, was born in Austria. April 16. 1867, and when at the age of eighteen she accompanied her parents to America, coming direct to Columbus, where Feb ruary 23, 1889, she was united in mar riage to August Dietrichs. To this union ten children were born, namely, Winnie, Clarence, Ruth. Rachael, Esther, George, Harvey, Phillip, Howard and Evelyn, all of whom are living except Clarence who died in infancy, and who with their father mourn tbe loss of a kind and loving wife and mother. With the exception of six years, three of which were spent in New York and three in Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Dietrichs have resided in this city during their married life. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from tbe family resi dence, Rev. Dibble, pastor of the Con gregational church officiating and bnrial was made in the Columbus cemetery. Relatives who attended the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dudek, jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Dudek and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dudek, sr., all of Schuyler. About a year ago a fellow, by tbe name of Trienes was arrested at Humphrey and taken before Justice Schuetb, who assessed him a fine, which included with tbe costs, amounted to about $19. The fellow gave his note for that amount and was released, but failed to pay tbe note. He landed in Humphrey the other day and when the justice found it out he committed him to the county jail to serve out his fine, and Tuesday Deputy Sheriff Jaworski went to Humphrey and brought him here on the noon train. When he arrived with his prisoner it was too late for dinner, so Tom took him to a restaur ant for something to est. Evidently the fellow had been fasting for some time, for he seemed to want 4o eat everything in sight, and when the de puty sheriff went to pay tbe bill be found that the fellow had eaten $1.50 worth. Evidently he will not need another square meal for some time. Weakened by the force of the explosion of tbe acetylene plant, tbe boiler of the steam heating plant of the Thurston hotel gave way last Wednesday, and con sequently tbe hotel is without heat and cannot take care of any guests. George Lehman; the owner of the building, who returned home from Excelsior springs, Mo., last week, has had a number of firms figuring on replacing the old boiler with a new one, and this portion of tbe work will be pushed at once so that tbe hotel caa accomodate those who wish rooms, as at present it is very difficult to obtain a room in the city after nine o'clock in the evening. Grade your seed corn. Capacity 15 by. per hour. Price only $1 50 Gran's. Mrs. Bert P. McKinnie and little son of Loup City, arrived in tbe city today fora viBlt with relatives. Mr. McKinnie having gone to South Omaha with a shipment of stock, will arrive in the city later in tbe week. "In Mexico" U only one of tbe numer ous song hits in "A Royal Slave," which will be seen at the Opera House. Feb. 9. Perhaps no better idea of the rich, pul sing nature of Mexican life could be had then by bearing those splendid melodies characteristic of tbe people and the time, sung by sweet voiced singers, they carry their hearers back to tbe day of Maximi lian, in the land of sunshine and of flowers. Tuesday of this week George Lehman, presented the fire department with & check for $50, with an accompanying letter expressing his appreciation of their prompt and efficient work at the Thurston Hotel fire last Monday even ing. In speaking of tbe way the alarm was responded to, it is safe to say that there was never any quicker work on the part of the department and it was that which saved the hotel from being badly damaged. D. G. Bartells, of north of Columbus, returned Sunday from Buffalo conuty, where he went to inspect some farming land. He was well pleased with the country and advises any of his Platte county friends, who are thinking of making a change to go and inspect this land. Mr. Bartells was so well pleased with that part of Nebraska that he has expressed a desire to live there, but js he is a very successful Platte county farmer he will no doubt remain here. Tbe Guthrie, Okie, Leader has the following to say regarding a former Co lumbus boy: "Pete Duffy, the El Reno poet, is the author of a few verses en titled 'El Reno's Kind of a Good Old Town.' Everybody who visited the city Saturday feels certain of tbe appropriate ness of the title and tbe sentiment ex pressed in the poem. Pete by the way, is a probable candidate for governor, and did his full share in entertaining the visitors and making tbem feel at home " The hearts of the feminine contingency of tbe audience at the presentation of "A Royal Slave," which comes to the Opera. House Feb. 9 will flatter when the magnificent gowns worn by the Countess Inez are seen in their gorgeous-' nsss. She wears six altogether, a differ ent gown in each act and two in tbe first act It requires a handsome woman, who assumes the role of the Countess to display these gowns to advantage At North Opera House, Tuesday, Feb. 9 Prices 25,35, and 50. There is something about tbe char acter of a newspaper correspondent as be is shown on the stage that is irresistibly attractive. He is always breezy, humor ous, Bohemian, ready for fun, work or any old thing that comes along. In Clarence Bennett's "A Royal Slave," which will be seen at tbe Opera House, Feb. 9- there is a correspondent who not only gets tbe news but gets the right people out of trouble and then gets the news but gets tbe right people out of trouble and tbe other people, in trouble, and finally gets the dainty dancing girl as well. The insurance adjusters are here look ing over the Thurston loss, and as soon as an agreement is reached Mr. Lehman will have workmen begin on the repair ing of the building. It is bis intention to put the bnilding in first class condi tion, and remove all traces of the ex plosion. While the weather may be against rapid work on the reconstruction still it will be pushed to completion as fast as men can do it, and when com pleted it will be as good as when first built. The present scarcity of hotel ac comodations made all haste necessary, and the hotel people are as anxious as the public to again occupy the building. On Friday evening, February 5, the local Sons of Veterans camp will cele brate Union Defenders' day at their hall. This is an important event for this or der and this year it is more so than ever, being the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Lincoln, which marks the date for Union Defenders' Day. Tbe Grand Army of tbe Republic will join with the Sons of Veterans inobserving the day this year, and in addition to this all eligible Sons of Veterans and their families are invited to be present. An excellent program has been prepared and the camp is doing everything to make it a pleasant evening for their guests. There was an accidental shooting af fair at Lindsay Sunday in which Nathan Bordy. son of S. Bordy of this city, was one of tbe principals. Mr Bordy was playing with a small 22 calibre revolver, and did sot know, it was loaded, when in some way the revolver was discbared, and the ball struck a Mr. Johnson of Wahoo, who was standing near, tbe ball entering near tbe ear and into the brain rendering him unconscious. At present tbe injured man is resting easy and there is hopes of his recovery. Mr. Bordy was almost frantic over the acci dent. Monday the city marshall of Lindsay placed him under arrest and be was brought to this city and given a hearing, when he was placed under a $1,000, bond which he furnished. tSssfsBBBBBBf KM m ssBB53Wt'-!e?ijr". JERSEY CREAM TOILET SOAP 4 cakes for 5tc which includes the neat metal box shown in cut POLLOCK & GO. The Druggist on tbe Corner Columbus, Nebraska In Joor Base Ball at the Y. M. C. A., Tbe first two games indoor base ball for tbe local league which was recently formed, were played at tbe Y. M. C.'A. gymnasium. The first game, between tbe Business Men's Regulars and te Y. M. C. A. Reds resulted in a victory for tbe former by a score of 31 to, 11. The following was tbe lineup for .'the two teams: S,' i:l'sine!sS mkn' reuulars. , - V. H. Weaver Catcher D. I. Kau&h Pitcher A. L. Rollins Short C. H. Dack First Base and Captain N. Matzen Second Base A. E.Vallier Third Base C. A. LinBtrum Field Henry Ragatz, jr Substitute V. M. C. A. BEDS. Carl Wolfe Catcher Alex Andereon Pitcher Henry Becker Short John Neater First Base E. M. Ragatz ; Captain and Second Base Dave Fox Third Base Tom Boyd Substitute The secoud game was between the Business College and High School teams and the latter went down to defeat by a score of 10 to 13. Following is tbe lineup for the second game: 1IU.SINK.SS COLLEGE. Hilmer Catcher W. Lners Captain and Pitcher E. Krumland Short Sutton First BaBe G. Hill Second Bace C. Umland Third Base HIGH SCHOOL. H. Kramer Catcher C. Galley Captain and Pitcher F. Lubker Short P. Hockenberger First Base H. Colton Second Base H. Whaley Third Base C. Douglas Field For next Tuesday eveniug there will be another double header, tbe first jfi.me being between the BusireeSj AlenV Spe cials and the second between the County Team and Y. Al. C. A. Blues. Hog and Cattle Sale. Poland-China bred sows and Short horn cattle auction eale at my farm 4J miles northwest of Columbus, on Thnrs day. February 18, 1909. at 1 o'clock p. m. Forty head of sows, all ages, bred to the beet boars the country affords. Eight head' of cattle, consisting of two cows, two heirers and one bull (all pedigreed), and three jearling" bull calves. Come and see tbem sell. Free lunch at noon. Fred Wille, Owner, 43 3 Columbus, Nebr. NOTICE. The office of the Colmm bus Iiight, Heat & Power Co. is removed to Room No. 14, German National Bank building. Supplies can be bad at tbe office. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous ittunsitig Underwear, th best popular priced 'Union Suita on the market. Prices in mens from $1.60 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splennid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S .-'- .