- rv si -7j A (A & iy yr 2?s'2ec5-c'r3K'' TT?WiwWW HT.. - '.. - .. .- kLlA-JafefcgJdaw5C5Ea i H ' -III g insel! ,y - : y - - -v ' - - - A y I . jl .bbbbbbbbW - """"""" " "I -!.-;."-j;!i.."5? ?l. - I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw) .BBBBBBBBwaav lyssp"yyBBpBflp"wj"jp, " . - & -- - linm l UIMM J For Infants an- 11i8 Kind Yi V .v V f . r4 n 6 A - n ft ll i W if r iiH .r -p. I.. "Why, professor! Why are you wearing ear muffs on the street on a hot day like this?" "0, I forgot to take them off! Our baby makes such a noise all the time at home!" The Unexpected. The judge was about to pass tence upon the condemned man. '"In view of certain contingent cir cumstances," he said, Tm Inclined to treat you with leniency." A veiled woman who was sitting at a little distance suddenly burst into tears. "Are you the prisoner's wife?" his honor inquired. The -woman could only no. "I think that in view of all these mitigating influences," the judge re sumed, "'I will fix three years " The veiled woman suddenly gasped. "It ain't half enough, judge; it aiu't half enough!" she wildly shrieked. 4 Supporting the Aristocracy. Senator Tillman, discussing interns tional marriages the other day, said perticently: ' What are we coming to?' A friend o' mine, an arrant foe to monarchies roared out in a speech last week: ' 'Downtrodden as they are abroad,! 1 rstill'fail to understand how they can enuure to be taxed to support idle, ex travagant and dissolute Toyal families.' "Then my friend wiped his heated brow, and, "hurrying home, sent sn a sock assessment of $18,000 in order to help the president or the Dash rail road -purchase -a titled son-in-law." Royalty on Exhibition. In -the eighteenth century the Xon doner could look at royalty on Sun day ior a modest fee. In a guide to London, published in 1767, it was eaid: "At St. James' -chapel royal by.kxock ng et the side door and slipping a ..hilling for each person into the "band of the verger who openc it, you may have -admittance and stand during di vine -eervice In presence of their majesties; and for one shilling eacn person more, you may sit In their roy al presence, not -in pews, but in turn up scats on the side of them." Sheen white goodst In fact, -any 1-no wash gcods when new, owe much ot their attractiveness to the way tbei are laundered, this being -done in a manner to enhance their textile bean--tyr Home .laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention wes given to starching, the first essential 'being good -Starch, which has-sufficicnt .strength to stiffen, without thickenin; tlie goods. fl?ry Defiance Starch and 3-oiNwill be -pleasantly surprised at iho -improved -appearance .of your work. Waiting for His Ltttle Airship. The birds were flying south. Pres ently they espied a lone robin percheu on a lofty limb. "Gome on," they cried, "and join the bunch." But the robin perked iis heat on -one side and shock it vigorously. "What are you waitine for?" -toey .cried. "I'm waiting," replied .the robin, "for one of these daffy little airship ciiappies to blow along and .then nidv toy I can sneak a ride." Mot Th&t Brand of Areakfaoi Food. '"Waiter." said the guest in a non fashionable hotel, "have yoc tablt-' ohote here?" The waiter considered. Then the I5ver against warning ike "do-not-ac-ceptof-a-substitute waxniag is issued, seized upon him. "We haven't any of that, air," he replied, "but I can brine you some corn-flakes. u F. ijth smooth Iron and- Defiance Tldh, you can launder yor sliirt Nor thrust as well at home as the Mr. Ka"nry caa; it will hare the cstiffHeBS and finish, there will 99 less wear and tear of the poods, &nd it will be a positive pleasure to tire a Starch that does not stick to . iiwi. Goad Work. "Ks brains earn him his living." "Hals! I've read his stuff in all the magazines, and there's no sense in any "I knofv.it, but think how smart he is tc get it ia sll the magaziaes?" The Probable Reason. "Papa, why do brides wear long reiis?" ' To conceal their satisfC,'j0p, 1 pre- sjcse, my son. Smart Set. Dlreciipr Omaha M'WWWVWrf'MMMWM'MWMAAtfW CiiveMFttciorf UI9 rntts Aulabauf hs eo plctc catalogue will suiow you what you wlant G. N. AULABA rtoti. isotaitiMSL.i GK aha BILLIARD TABL POOL TABLES LOWEST PRICES. EASY PAYMENTS. Yoa cannot afford to experiment with untried goods sold by oonunisaoa pg- CatalogBes free. TM 3raKatKBsflMvSMMMrCMBfMRy 07-T. Mth SL. BfiLZ. SWUU.NEt. RUBBER GOODS b? mU at cut erlees. Send to? tn eatalosne. )fERS -DILLON DRUQ OO.. OMAHA. NEB TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS - m ' 1517 lttfis St., MUM, NEB. ZJ XeUableDendstrrstMMtontfePricor M. piesberger & Son Co. Wholesale illinerj TheBestUtkeWett OMAHf NEB. ten- l- vy -r-'-;: in i n .a. ec. n kb , , fMiini lmm mji m w Mmm llV I 2ttJ3SSOCZOZEZ? . M II TO?- i - as PI. mVmTmTZw 2 ((?, JSM Jaw )-Aa SYNOPSIS. &25JLB" JlL58L ' 'tM- t1 "Vanishing Fleets." a story of "what TSP53tS faTMESSaMaawk 1 JT T I nipht have happened." opens in Wash- JK&9 lrM K31 CMawaaaaaBBBBalam W " I ngton with the United States and Japan FETm? izAm!wmS. i IKwHSwMSawLJ awi - - m the verge of war. Guy Hillicr. sec- yllhlal3rrBawrSuht 7" lraillawaS$w885a-"""r W" "Vanishing Fleets." a story of "what nipht have happened." opens in Wash ngton with the United States and Japan jn the vTRe of war. Guy Hillicr. sec--etary of the British embassy, and Miss Vorma. Roberts, chief aide of Inventor Roberts, are introduced as lovers. The government is much criticised because ?f its lack of preparation for strife. t the most inopportune moment Japan Jeclares war. Japan takes the Philip pines without loss of a. man. The en irc country is in a stale of turmoil be--ause of the froverniwnt's indifference 3uy Hillier starts for Ilnpland with secret message and is compelled to leave Norma Itoberts. who with mili ary ollicerfe also leaves Washington on mysterious expedition for an isolated point on the Florida coast. Hawaii is -aptured by the Japs. Oounlr. in tur moil, demands explanation of policy from government. All forts are closed. Hillicr going to England on last boat. Englind learns that Jap fleet is fast approaching western coast ot America. CHAPTER IV. Continued. The .prime minister, as if recog nizing their informant's plight, in a friendly tone of voice said: "Air. Hil lier, I presume you are tired after your journey and would like to rest before any further discussion of this subject. I would suggest that you go to your chambers and return "here to morrow." "Whst sense is there 1n his returning-?" came the angry question of tho loril of the admiralty, as the sec retary bowed himself out of tthe room. "He doesn't even Tcnow, I presume, that Japan is already sending every available ship she has against the western ccast of America .as fast :&s steam will carry It." Sending an invading fleet against an apparently passive country in some part of which was the woman he loved! This "thought reiterated itself through 'Guy's mind as he passed down the corridor and out into the din and movement of the street. Where could she be now he wondered, and what of her father? Insane, perhaps, and incapable of offering her protec tion of which she would stand so sadly in need in case ol Japanese success. The words of a letter which he car-' ried In his pocket, and which to himn was of more importance than tho dis patches he delivered, constantly re currefi to him: "It is always within the realms of possibilitj-, when wir is on a land, that friends may never meet again. If such should be our case, I pr?y that you wiE remember thi", even up .to the last I loved J60U." In the dusk of early evenheg an army of countless men and wtmen hurrying to the trams, the tubes .and tt'e buset, swept iast him ignorant of his misery. What was war to tficm In.a country thousands rtf miles across a aea and in which perhaps tliere was none bounc .to them by cies of affc tioE.? The .United Stater, might iso late itself by sea .and Intrench itself behind cordons at soldiers; but he a would go back! STes, he would find a way to pa&s all their barriers and gain the side of the woman who mer ited hlf protection through htr avowed iove, atd in this, her hour of need. seemed .crying out to him across the iwttermos: spaces of the wccld. be seeching him to return only to re turn! CHAPTER V. .lo Secret Paths. JOjjpoa, -tie home of the Samurai, in hex adoption of newer -methods, Iiad not permitted her secret service de partment to .remain in ancient form. Modeled on those lines which had made the intelligence bureau of Rus sia one of the most effective in the entire world, and profiting by the pub licity given to nearly every movement of importance in the United States, she was minutely feformed of all that had been and was taking place in the country she hoped to overcome. She had depended upon this knowledge as a valued factor for the subjugation of tb Axserican colossus, not foreseeing that a country capable of closing its doors to the world would also find means to circumvent foreign agents. To the last minute she relied upon her emissaries In nearly all the larger cities of America under the direction of Count Seigo. Away back in the time of the Toku gawa Shoguuate, when the almost in vincible leader Seigo was an idol to the youth of Satsuma to be toppled over only in the civil war of 1S77, his son was being educated in a leading American university. The downfall of the father practically exiled the lad in the United States until family and political influence had time to reas sert itself, when b3 progressive steps he gained the good graces of his gov ernment and was given responsible positions in affairs of state. ' His knowledge of the American political situation was complete and accurate. ,nd no man was better informed on thestrength and weakness of the re publWil It haid been largely through his ad vice that irhe dispute between the two nations, trivial in itself but porten tous in possibilities, had been used as a pretexUfot'r war. Thoroughly con versant withy congressional methods in the United uStates, he had watched year by year Ohe quibbiings of legis lators over navad biiis which usually ended in inadequate appropriations. Of broader mindthat they, he had long foreseen that v country which had come into distantl&rolonial posses sions must of necessitf enlarge Its navy and augment its efficiency, es- pend money in unremittinA? streams ! for maintenance, ar-d stimulate Its men to seek individual excellence in j lem krVH V i BBVaBBWaBW. & -" sillm Ml Seiop'e Mobx Valuable gunnery -nd drill. He "tad observed the growth of conceit, which, like rust beneath a coat of paint, led mex to believe so devoutly in American su- perj0rity that they neglected to ana lyze the actual power Which could positively "be developed. By a process of elimination 'he estimated The jilt ing value of the American navy, dis carding vessels still in service but obsolete, and others still on paper. but looked upon by the unsophisticatefi as t part of the nation's strength. Na tional prowess he regarded us a small factor when granting equality. Seigo's ohservations ' had been so careful and 3iis conclusions bo logical, tbLt reports sent to and passed upon by the elder .statesmen of Japan htd led them to tfeel certain of victarv long before wur was declared. Xosr had his predictions ia. the opening events been unfulfilled. True he had not expected the abandonment of the Philippines; but Jie had confidently foretold the period of torpidity, of con fusion and lack of cohesicn, which had followed. It was with satisfaction, tfcierefor.e, that he obt erved the trend of .events when hostilities were finally doclared, and from ?tke quietude of Ills stmdy saw the whole country waiting for the government to act while ap parently it remained somnolent. The surrender of the islands came as 1& first perplexing problem for which be -could neither accouut nor understand, and his activities prior to that event were nothing when com pared with those subsequent. He was too adroit ever to have appeared as a laborer hi the- limelight, and was therefore eminently fitted to drop from sight at the outbreak, when his fel low countrymen were leaving by hun dreds seeking places of refuge across the border lines north and south or embarking on the high seas for for eign ports. Singularly enough, race prejudice in the eastern states had never reached the point of acute dis crimination which made the denizens of that section classify the Japanese and Chinese in one broad category as orientals; It was therefore easy for Seigo to don the garb of a laundry man in (he city of Washington, im provise a pigtail, and without inter ruption assume to pursue this voca tion. Fertile of resource, he readily dis covered that in a situation where an archy might thrive the followers of the red flag would be his most val uable spies. Without . difficulty he allied himself with this element, and gained a friendly footing wi'Ji them by ostensibly favoring the advancement of" their cause in Russian domains. Their confidence in him was strength ened by the fact that he was accom plished In their language, which he spoke fluently, and was a liberal con tributor to their treasury. Having thus ingratiated himself, the next step was made easy. He se lected such tools from the ranks of these malcontents as seemed best fitted to his hands, and thereby es tablished a means of securing news that would have been impossible in any other way. From his little hovel he directed these men as seemed best, assigning them to tasks of more or less magnitude, and paying lavishly for anything of value; and to his ob scure place there came divers men when night-time offered the cloak of darkness to the furtive. Seigo's most valuable ally was one Meredith, of English parentage, and a man who for years resided on Cross street, Paterson, N. J., that unfor tunate city whose very industry and peacefulness had made it .the gather ing place of the Reds' Meredith was a machinist by trade, and an employe WMtoferi u! Ally "Was Owe Mcreflith. of ia. supply house; so it wzis -not sur prising thax he "brought news of strange an unusual purchases made th:uugh many sources by the United Stetes government. In this there was nothing alsrming, and it was rather w!h curiosity that the astute de scendant tn a Samurai looked over these reports and vaguely 'wondered whether they might have bearing on war. He was sufficiently painstaking to tsk for others and check them up; but in this lie gamed nothing beyond the certainty that the nary depart meEt, while existing in a. state of seeming stagnation, was inwardly very active. He made man?- trips to the points where these purchases were made, hut found them innocuous in so far as he could reason. As time wett on, however, he found that -the greater iwrtion of these ship ments were being sent to Miami, Fla., and wus driven to the final conclusion that if the government, was active in any way at all, the key must beat the small city on the southeastern coast News had leaked through to him to the effect that the ships of the United States were scattering5 out over many seas instead of mobilizing, in western waters. More than this, Seigo learned that in all navy yards there had been a cessation of work, whereas an in crease would have seemed more rea sonable, considering the unfinished state of several cruisers and battle ships. On first thought he attributed this latter lapse to one of the frequent changes of policy or a dearth of funds, but now, iri view of these later ship ments and purchases, he began to question. In Washington no news was obtainable. The administration was preserving a wooden front toward not only the world but its own people as well. Congressmen and senators knew nothing beyond the declaration of war and the empowering of the president and his cabinet In special session to act for the country, and the administration was apparently doing nothing whatever out of the regular routine of business. It was this pauci ty which drove the sham laundry man from his irons and away upon a journey. His trip souti 'v-.rd was accom plished with r" .lous ease. He bought his tickc. to Miami without KSL 'Sie.,J!!Sl boarded the second-class or smoking! M,,,WWW MMMMMMfwWwVlrVMAMMM TRAITS OF AUSTRALIAN GIRLS Equally at Home, in Saddle or Ball- room, Says Writer. Many Australian girls live right up in the bush, or "stations," which are miles away from any town or village, and their time is largely occupied with riding and driving; they are as much at home on a horse as a duck is in the water, and think nothing of riding 20 miles or so to pay a visit, says a writer in Woman. Household duties claim a share of their time, however, and any day they are liable to be left I without servants and with a house jln mil ui visuors, oui are in no wise uauutcu uy aucu an occurrence, men the bush girl comes down to the cap! tal for the season, and far from ap pearing a country bumpkin or a tom boy after her free and open-air life, she coach at the head of the train with out hindrance, and rode away in un disturbed solitude. Tfo one seemed aware or in any event to care for his presence. There were no attempts al conversation, except in one instance where a good-natured southerner hailed him with: "Hello, John! Going to start a wash shop somewhere?" nor was he in the least perturbed save on an occasion when a rough threatened to tweak his pigtail; but even this went no further than words. Everywhere were criticisms of the conduct of the war and imprecations against the administration. The Amer cans themselves were no more cog nizant than he of why Eoldiers had been stretched along the border line, ports closed, and communication cut 1 off. The citizens of the country itself were as mystified as the Japanese, and frankly thought the situation a foolish one. In all that long journey down the eastern ccAst he learned nothing whatever of importance. His delayed train dropped him off late at night in the Florida town, and he was compelled to seek lodging with strangers or to sleep in the open. He chose the latter course, and went out below the city, across the bridge and toward the Punch Bowl, where he found Test beside the road till early morning. When the first rays of the sun were filtering through the great trees and drenching the creepers with light, lie returned to the city, assisted on liis way by a kindly farmer who was driving in Tar supplies. From him ho learned where the Chinese laundries were situated; but coukl gather nothing whatever con firming his suspicions that tho govern meat was either in possession of a plant at this point or even conducting any experiments in the vicinity. Still disguised and acting upon what had been told him, he sought the abode of the Chinaman, who was already sweating over his tubs, and found him amenable to persuasion and desirous of giving assistance when paid considerable sums of protection money. His horn of plenty was a gol den one, but proved useless in a day ol fruitless effort, his most careful in quiries bringing nothing in the way of return. VTired and discouraged, he passed the early part of the night in sleep from which he was aroused by nightmares of horror and forebodings of failure, his mental state robbing him of i rest. In the hope that fatigue would cure insomnia, he donned his clothing and sauntered away through the deserted streets, his heavy leather soles clumping upon board walks and across sandy patches. It was past one. o'clock in the morning, and all was. still. He wandered idly along the main thoroughfare, and reached the far end of the town, before his attention was attracted by a sound from the watei front, where hollowly through the still ness a steam winch was chugging and sputtering as it toiled away with its load: It brought him to a quick half! and aroused in his mind a multitude of questions, because along the entire shore line of this -great country no craft was now loading and none ar riving, according to his knowledge. He hastily directed his steps toward the wharves, stealthily seeking the shad ows of the palm trees, and stopping now and then to avoid any., chance of being observed. Lying against the pier was a small gunboat of the United States navy, which was receiving supplies, and the men at work were evidently hurrying at their utmost. The vessel had not been there during the daylight hours of this he was certain hence her loading at night could indicate but one thing, a desire ior secrecy. His nerves keyed up in the hope of a dis covery, alert and inquisitive, he crept close to the freight shed where the arc lights threw huge spots of white. So 'this accounted for the disposal of those mysterious orders which had been reported to him by Meredith and others! Hut where could they be bound? What was the destination of this ship which, even as he watched, was casting off her lines preparatory to sailing away Into thenight? (TO BE CONTINUED.)" & "--.-.-r.nnjinnjmnjwiiVTJUUl is as much at home in a ballroom as any town-bred girl, as neat and well aressed as If she. had never ridden barebacked over wild tracts of country with little thought of appearances. Witch's Comb in a Window. So many "precious" things are on sale every day that one grows rather skeptical about them. A curio shop uptown has in Its window a comb with an alliterative and .alluring legend that it was "worn by a witch." It Is one of those hieh shell nhiecrsi familiar old portraits, and though It Is not carved, as are many specimens, the ara excites the interest of passers-by -ikely enough some girl who had an- ?stors in Salem, Mass.. will buy the Qimb and proclaim it an heirloom. ' w York Press. v ! i,5 EHBBPEMEBMMBflKMMM b BslMMEffSSEXalMfMMl SB Jffi ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVcgetablc Preparation for As similating tteFoodandReguIa tng the Stomachs and Bowls oC K m K Ill Wi Promotes DigcsHonhccrful ness and Rcsl Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nawc otic. JSrcrpe trOldDrSAMUEimarER s5 jUxStnitm tehtUsfsfb - A .ltt Sttd . , fbptrminl -JtiCwinnUSiJt HormStU -ClorJtift Sfr Hmkyrttn ffovor, 4i if.o fag A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion ,Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverisn ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The'Centaur Company.. T" B NEW YORK. . HAD AN EYE TO BUSINESS. Romance Clearly Had Little to Do with Silas' Marriage. Preston Kendall, the actor, tells a story of a ne'er-do-well In a little New England town, where he has often spent his summers. "I was walking down the main street one day," said Kendall, "when I saw old Silas grin ning from ear to ear. I 'hardly thought that he was that glad to see me. So, after speaking to him, I said: 'Why the smile that won't come off, Silas? What has happened to make you so happy this morning?' 'I've been a-git-tin' married this morning was the un expected reply. 'Married! You? I exclaimed. 'Why. Silas, what on earth have you done that for? You know you can't even support j-ourself aB it Is.' 'Wall, said Silas, 'you see, it's this way: I ken purty near support myself, an' I kind of figured out that she could finish UDthe iob.' " He Wanted to Get a Fair Start. An old citizen, who had been hen pecked all his life, was about to die. His wife felt it her duty to offer him such consolation as she might, and said: "John, you are about to go, but I will follow you." "I suppose so, Manda," said the old man, weakl "but so far as I am con cerned, you don't need to be in any blamed hurry about it" Argonaut. Pleasure First. "Bobby, did you give a piece Of your cake to little Sam Green?" "Yessum, but I punched his face first." Quick as Wink. If your eyes ache with a smarting, burn in? sensation use PlvTTITS EYE SALVE A 11 druggists or Howard Eros., Buffalo, X. Y. As a result of marirage a woman always loses her maiden name, but a man frequently loses his identity, too. OXMT ONE "UKOMO QUININE" That is IJIXATIVE BBOMOOUININK. J f ot tbc blKnatare of E. W. GltOVk. Uv-d tbo World oTer to Cure a Cold in One Uaj-. 2Sc. It is better to desire the things that we have, than to have the things that we desire. Henry van Dyke. o.Yo,u always get full value in Lew,v Single Binder straight 5c cigar. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, III. Love your country, tell the truth, and do not dawdle. Lord Cromer. PIt.ES CURED IN S TO 14 DATS. !0,.0INa3?.BSTJ.s 6Trntcl to cure any case of Itchlnjr. Blind. Blcedin or Protruding- Piles In C to U days or money refunded. 50c. You may guess what a womaa la. but that's your limit It's always the open season for hunt' tag trouble. esft "Gwi LHAiCwiat'A HAIR BALSAM AaA ftiiiilW.. t Promotaa a luxuriant .m. BgnrTmlU to Beetorw Ofay .-" 7" fw iinuuu uv'or. vwwniB nisrsswi a naff aaniinnar MHMMMMMtMllHtMMMMMMMMWMlMMMUMlWIU 1 11 " r a .&. mm .a. wmi-H -- amA m cav aaHaVWSHPBOTPlafllalaVWAIalaH aam alaH aVaVSinHiaRam Eai H flaam tit Xuaranfreed under jhe Foodagfl VBT I wJ'aitl.Slal Exact Copy of Wrapptr y ywxezwtuimcomvimt.mvavcnti&rrr u PJQBflb eaHCaTeseeah diseasM hairralliag, sayaajfjaaw ajURfllffillB H Tboai and bipT H Bred rat tUprotecbea agwod coal LH I eadSsEsat that is obtained trcea QH Bawl Rn,,C? Ton b-Tcacoaafc El Bl etccs!ccseroD3,besBitak. M B fcaPSto.Ccre tocbyandcoBane Pa an'JiyomarewdL Ccrethccoasb BaH SH wL3e it is troa, trn-a a f e ekwes ararara rt P.f i n -i. arararsl IKI w-taeci. FaaoosrorbaS aea - BBBa lary. rleasant to taste. Free boar H opiate and hsrmrcl iarrc&nav Jj Ataadk-W.25cla JJ Always Boir 1,939. Bears the Signature : In Use For Over Thirty Years SICK HEAitfCHE CARTER'S Ifesitrvely cored fcjr' tacse Little Plllav Tfcey also rellere Dto t jwss f rota Dyspepsia, J- diffestionacifToo Hearty E.itlnjr. A perfect rem rrriE IVER PILLS. edy for Dizziness, Nan sea. Drowsiness Bad Taste in tlicMontti, Coat cu Tongue, Paia In tb Side, TORPID IJVEB. They regulate the Bovrtls. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE SMALL MICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. I positively URe RUPTURE IN A FEW DAYS I haTe a treatment for the cum ot Rupture watch 1 atfeandtaconTciilrnt to tats, asnotlce Uloat. lai tbe Inventor or tn system and tha enlj phyittian 1 noioa uniusi states ratc.it tnutc-nutrk tor a B rare which baa restored thousands to na!ta past SO years. All ctbers are ImltaUon. I have nothing- for ralc.ae my specialty Is th CwrtnB Of Rupture and if a person baa doobte.Jaet awl law raoney In a bank and pay vh.cn satisfied. Ifo 1ka9 doctor will do this. When taking my trratxneart fV tents mast come to my office. RefereneM: U. S. Ban Bank, Omaha. Write orcal), FRANTZ H. WAY. M. D, 306 Boo Building, OMAHA f Pj I Wte and Sell More Bars t"-- - mi any TTTKrr s wsaiiBn Hlllllll ia fcMa cnatsatlea ef trsJaa niir la the country. wM-JMaxaoB areata tat, xt setter, aa aw leatartaaa t Method of Tumlnfthe8oln mates Umm riwmwumu uMsamr wearing von turn tmm , Woatea,Balawew sued) Can PIIITIAal I None enraina n(ihi w i i UflUIIUtl I name and price stamped on rart(lerKye!teVsdZsclMrfiy. CitaJegaa w. a. auvULAa, IW Satrfc St. JUST DOUBLE 320 ACRES INSTEAD OF 160 ACRES As flatter to Kttlcaeoft ef aW wheaUnwcg laada 4 Western "irrfi, aV Caaac'iaa 'GommmtmM hat increased it mfm that maw t. L L -. rwaeateader to 320 acres IG0 free and 160 be pwehasetj at $3.00 per acre. Tbese lafais are ra toe gram-raising area; where mixed fan is also earned oa woh tinqwitiaed saccess. railway wiu snottly be bait to Hudtoa Bay, um " wow s saaneu a moasaad auies : tbese wheat-Bekk. where schools aad are conveaietaV climate exceHeat,raaways all seawaaeats. aad local availeta ood. "It would take time to aaaJmriat W. , tions that a visit to the great empire lytat the North of tn anlblded at everv torwV.' correspondence of NAttaul Editor. wA saaw Western CmudstnJagast, 1969. T LmcU auy also be parciawd froa raawayaat land coBrpaaies at low prices aad oa easy laraa, For painpMets, maps and Infermatlaa as ta' low railway rates, apply to Sirperinteskaee of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or ta authorised Canadian Cbvernment Ageat: V.V.BEII1IZTT. I Hew Tttk Lifc laMaati. a na,iTa- A of AAfr m ML Wp a a aP A 1 At aV MaV f CARTERS rrrtE WlVER g PILLS. . weald thsa seaii mi. . ijjCiaT atone. It hatter, aad tZXZZ-!f!itSH ! 1 I A W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 2, 190t. L. - isw?6fe; ki k&fefrgr C-.i A r?J -''J v t