The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 09, 1908, Image 8

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Township News.
Harauut HM&bdt ia keeping the road
qmlUi dwly ib the diraetkm of Wm.
I was op to Stanton coun
ty Sudsy aftenoon aad night to visit
aoaae of kia friends.
Henry MOler'a hired man, H. Gergin,
will aooa leare for Oolorado, where he
haa parchaeed a farm.
Miaa Jalia O'Neill and Qua Engelbart
wen gmaata of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engel
bart at (Beaton, Satarday.
The people ia thia neighborhood are
naTing Jaaay Bros, to shell their oorn,
for they are doiag: good work.
Jofcm Bakhaa, who haa rented the H.
WordaaMa fans, will aoon be married.
Boya leak oat aad get your tin cans
Miaa Maggie Martin, who was working
at Fred Feye'a, left Friday evening for
Soribaar, where she inteoda to remain
with her awter for a while.
Gar. Loeeke, jr., from Loaeke oreek,
waa a guest at H. Hunteaan's Sunday
ereiing. At what time he went home
you will have to ask some onaelse.
Joka Swaaaoa ahipped s osrlosd of fat
hogs to South Omaha Monday.
Martia Johnson waa spending last
weak is Oataha, visiting friends and rel
Mra. N. C Nelson and children are
dswaia Omaha visiting her parents, Mr.
aad Mis. A. G. Rolf.
A. P. Johnson, P. P. Johnson, John
Jsaaaon and their families visited at
August Dahlbergs Monday of last week,
We are having a cold Bpell here now.
Soaaeanow has fallen but not enough
to bother any. It ia clear and cold this
P. P. Johnson was hauling corn to
Iiadaay Friday. Oorn was coming into
Liadaay that day by the wagon loads in
leas strings.
lamto L I
Edwin Aherna has a force of teams
hauling hogs last Saturday.
The Miaaes Katie aadjfay Bead were
Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C.E. Devlin.
Harry Erb of Central City is visiting
st the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Seed.
The Misses Mathilda Cattau and
Bertha Hake were leap year callers at
Christ Micheleon'a one evening last
Everyone enjoyed a good time at the
pie social last Friday evening in district
No. 16. Prof. Beese save be will not
need any more pie for some time.
O. G. Moore and wife, and daughter,
Miaa Ethel, have retired from farm
life and moved to Columbus. C O.
Moore of Oconee has moved on the farm.
Ajtfarttaai Latter.
Following ia a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post offloe at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing December 9, 1906:
Letters John Campbell. Mrs Lulu
Cue, James Cooper (Phillips Comedy Co),
Orlaado Mason, E I McNsught, E B
Measer, O E Roer, Frank Smith, Charles
Willis, Earl Wilson.
Cards Grovar Lennon, Miss Margaret
Nolaa, Jeaaie Richard.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please aay advertised.
Oasoi KBAwre, P. M.
Susday aohool 10 a. ax, preaching 11
a. Bk, Junior 3 p.m.. B.T. P. 17.7 p.m.
Union mass meeting at the Methodist
church Sunday evening.
Bar. B. W. Bkhthart, Pastor.
Forest Merril is having a large new
barn built on his place.
Adolph Laudenklos shelled corn Tues
day and delivered it at Oconee.
Miaa Grace Dodds earns up from Lin
coln and spent' a few daya with the home
Frank and Florence Hilliard returned
Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with
their sister, Mrs. Moerle, at Clearwater.
There has been good " skating on
Moore's pond and the young people of
that locality have been taking advant
age of it.
J. C. Dawson and J. 0. Dineen ship-
ed a mixed car of hogs and cattle to
South Omaha last Wednesday evening,
Mr. Dawson accompanying the shipment
Since the cold weather Miss Gertrude
Donoghue, who- ia attending school in
Platte Center, is now staying there in
stead of driving back and forth, as she
was during the warm weather.
Live for Joy Alone.
But we must live as much as we can
for human joy, dwelling on sorrow
and pain only so far as the conscious
ness may help us in striving to rem
edy them. George Eliot.
Keeping Up to Date.
After all, you know, keeping abreast
of the times is a simple matter. It
consists merely of doing a lot of things
that your neighbor designates as foolish.
Household Note.
All men may be born free and equal,
but no man is as independent as a
hired girl. Burlingon (la.) Hawk-Eye.
Gold of Different Shades.
The yellowest gold comes from Alas
kan placers, the reddest from the
Ural. California gold is yellow in
hna that from Australia reddish.
Comething Here to Suit Everybody
That's a broad statement to make but no broader than is warranted by
our immense assortments of Beautiful Holiday Goods, conveniently laid out
for your choosing before the great Christmas rush begins. ;
Read the Headline again.
it is literally true that we have, in these carefully selected stocks of attractive gift-things, something ap
propriate for presentation to anyone, young or old articles of useful as well as decorative character. The
handsome, stylish wear-things vie with artistic home-embellishments for your favor and there are toys galore
for the children.
Whatever you select here, you choose with safety
with our broad guarantee of satisfaction back of every
purchase you make with our assurance, which comparisons
will verify, that here you will secure the "very
best that the amount you wish to spend can buy anywhere.
Below we print a list of happy gift-suggestions for Christmas shoppers interesting items which, after all
merely give a hint of what this wideawake store has to offer. Come to the store and see with your own eyes the
greatest display of useful holiday goods this town has ever known.
Rubberized Coats for Christmas
Misses Rubberized Coats in red,
blue and brown, at . . .
Ladies' Fancy Rubberized
coats, at
Ladies' Rubberized Coats,
worth $20.00, at . . .
Beautiful Fur Sets for r ifl aa
Children and Ladies, prices 00 III vU
LBLdSMbbW C abfaiMaulaaW.
Beautiful Head Scarfs for Christmas, 75c to $3.50
Ladies' Embroidered Hose at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50
Ladies' Alligator Bags at '- $3.98
Ladies' Fascinators in White and Colors.
Plain and Embroidered Lunch Tray Cloths at
50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Ladies Phoenix mercerized mufflers in white ' "
and colored at OOC
Beautiful ruch collars 25, 35, 50, 75 aad A,
up to ll.OO
Ladies back combe in almost any style and quality
yon may deaire 25, 35. 50, 75, 81.00, n
$1.50, $2.00, 2 50 and $3.00
Ladies belts put up in Ohriatmas boxes A, .
50, 75snd $1.00
Ladies ilk lined kid and raooba gloves A
at $1.25 and ? $1.50
Silk hose with lisle sole colors
black, pink blue and white.
Beet Sugar In Europe.
Europe's production of beet sugar In
the season of 1907-'08 was 6,552,000
tons, a decrease of 158,000 tons from
1906-'07 and 380,000 tons from 1905-.06.
Germany led in 1907-.08 with 2,132,000
tons followed by Austria-Hungary
with 1,440,000 and Russia with 1,410,-000.
An Echo, Not a Voice.
He who floats with the current, who
does not guide himself according to
higher principles, who has no ideal, no
convictions such a man is a mere
article of the world's furniture an
echo, not a roice. Henri Frederick
Seaweed as a Water Filter.
Seaweed may be planted in the
Schuylkill river in Pennsylvania as an
experiment to attempt to filter the
water which is used for drinking pur
poses in Philadelphia.
Glass Bottle Making.
Although glass bottles were made
by the Romans as far back as the
year 70 A. D., their manufacture was
not begun in England until 1558.-
Much Wood Needed.
It takes about 2,000,000 cords of
wood a year to make the newspapers
that go through the presses of New
York city.-
Devon silver.
We hear little nowadays about the
silver mines of Devon, but the time
was when they flourished exceedingly.
So late as 1800 we hear of 9,000 tons
of silver ore sent to South Wales for
smelting. The mines are now discon
tinued, but there is plenty of silver
there yet. Cardiff Western Mail.
Cigarettes in Egypt.
Cigarette smoking is epidemic In
Egypt. Of the 12,000,000 natives, one
half smoke an average of ten a day,
making a total daily consumption of
60,000,000. Dr. Lipa Bey of Cairo
found among 25 patients 22 who were
suffering from the effects of nicotine
Is Head and Heel Worker.
A woman may be a ballet dancer
and yet have other brains than those
in her heels, as is attested by the fact
that Mile. Marie Rutowska, a ballet
dancer in an opera house at Warsaw,
has just received her degree of law.
She will be a lawyer in the daytime,
but will continue to dance at night,
and will no doubt make more money
at the end of the day.
Practically Impossible.
The chance of one fingermark being
exactly like another is one in 64,000.-000.000.
There seems to be no one so hard
to discourage as the person who cast
6ing. Atchison Globe.
Hadnt Been Kissed for Years.
Ella She isn't a very attractive
Stella That's right; If anybody
ever printed a kiss on her lips the
copyright must have run oat.
Where Air Is Pure.
The atmosphere Is free of microbes
at an elevation of 2,000 feet.
A Chinese Delicacy.
Soup made of fried wasp is a
nese delicacy.
Groceries, Queensware and Crockery
In malring announcement of our entry into grocery circles in Columbus, we desire first above all to make it
known that under the new management the old Ragatz grocery will go on just about as close as possible to the old
and good lines adopted by Ragatz & Co. It shall be our aim to do as Ragatz did carry the largest line of fresh and
up-to-date groceries, crockery and queensware in Columbus.
We shall try to retain all the clerks who have contributed to make the Ragatz store so popular. We shall make it an every-day endeavor to keep the atmos
phere of our house just as cheerful as Ragatz kept it, and we shall go just as far as he went in offering accommodations.
The active management will he in the hands of two men of good name in grocery circles in Columbus-Mr. Albert Rasmussen and Mr. Homer Tiffany, both
being members of the Columbus Mercantile Company. Mr. Rasmussen began his grocery career with Ragatz & Co., and of late has been conducting a house of his
own in Lindsay. Mr. Tifiany will be pleasantly remembered as formerly with Gray's grocery department.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. December 22. 23 and 24
We will give souvenir to every caller at our store. Come and get one, no matter whether you are an old or new customer, or whether you ever intend to be
Watch for the Beautiful Ring.
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