y-jw,,".--Jjrj33 rx "t-JgrtZfr. -' : 4 h .; I I I S a? it IB 11 1 E Swat Heat with Little Fuel "lira, stretni" RmrtiMt fim lut BOYD & MURRAY BMteVo.4. J. 0. Dawson was transacting business im Columbus Tuesday. Fanners on this route have nearly all finished husking corn. Mrs; Oajoa Cunningham of Grand Is land was visiting Miss Susan Bray. Walker. Q. W. 8wanflon has gone to Genoa for a visit. We had a thunder storm Sunday even ing. Not much rain fell. John Swanson's family visited in Boone county Sunday afternoon. Otto Olson of Newman Grove was out in Walker township with his automobile Saturday. He went as far as St. Edward. Farmers in this locality are all done picking oorn. They have bad unusually fine weather for gathering the crop. P. W. Carlson of Newman Grove is up on his farm in Walker township putting up hog fencing and otherwise improving his property. iMU It. 3. s. i Mary Langs is visiting friends at 8t Edward. J. F. Gosdeken was at St Edward last week looking after business matters. Mrs. L. E. Ssefeld spent Sunday at Monroe with her daughter, Mrs. O. B. The young people on the route enjoy ed thssasclves at the home of D. Brunk- ealast 'Saturday evening. August Brunken is making prepara tions to goto Portland, Ore., where he expsets to stake his future home. In speaking of the runaway accident last week, we said that Fred Brunken was in it. This was an error, as it should have been Henry Brunken. John Randall, the retiring road over- seer of District 1, has been doing some exoeUeat work on the Meridian line and also on the road west, grading them from Oohmbvn to the north side of the township. Mr. Randall has made an ex cellent road overseer and we predict that at sosae tissein the future he may hold that position again. lemte Is. L Henry Lussohen, jr., has a very sick boy. Adolph Mueller is building an addition to his house. Ed Losske took first prize for yellow corn at the corn show last Saturday. Henry Lueechen.sr., had the misfor tune to break his arm last Monday, the accident occuring while he was feeding cattle. Miss Lillian Devlin, who was at the hospital for an operation, is out again iBBBBBBBWsVBBBBBBBfew .BBBB LBBBw BWT .-"l n m Jr Jf 'V kv few bbbb. I ITTLbbbbCCsZ3 H '"?MriaBsaassBMI bbB V m MUaBBMsaBBMBSSSSSSSSSSj Mfli Mt SSB1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB yUjeSBT; SSSSSBBSBjSB BBSf MBm SbKmiS eBBW MtMfn Olobe-Wernicke "Elastic': Bookcase fMws wife yes tossy and always fits it, that h ssees f ef enkn cssifessjaasflBasaavatistyef artiste sfjeess. Fsslf sasiaa, ens ataHsst, wMhnrt riilijatthebsofa. Flttl waatfcceaiv ear ls ii if waWhnrhg a toils dear that niM ill enaat ptentef HFNRY filft llklini UflOU BBW In selecting a heating stove, it is natural to seek one that produces the greatest amount of heat with the least fuel, that is easy to regu late, cleanly in operation, and pos sessing desirable features. The "Novel Superior" fulfils all the above requirements and is indeed one of the best heating stoves ever constructed for obtaining good results in the use of coal. Very little coal is needed to operate, the combustion is perfect, and the distribution of heat uniform. The NOVEL SUPERIOR is built upon a new orginal plan. Hardware Go. and has so far recovered as to be able to ride to town. Joseph Henggler and family, who have been visiting here the last week, returned Sunday to their home near Stockville, Frontier county. Mrs. B. E. Amigh and daughter, Miss Olive, who have been visiting Mrs. Amiga's daughter, Mrs. O. E. Devlin, ex pect to remain until after the holidays before returning to their home in Johns town, Pa. Routs Be. 5. S. O. Podrazaand John Jahn market ed grain this week. This week will finished the corn husking on route No. 5. Carrier No. 5jeceived a ssck of oats for his Thanksgiving present. A. W. Eummer and O. A. Church were building fence this week. Harold Cockson and Miss Nellie Nichols were married at Bellwood last Monday. Mrs. Lola Latham of New Orleans, La , is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. L. Hahn. W. A. Wade marketed twenty-one Thanksgiving turkeys, the market price being fifteen cents. per pound. Frank Hennings, who has been at Osceola for two or three weeks, came home to haul his wheat crop to market. Miss Mary Sullivan and Dean Effner of Omaha returned home last Friday after a visit at the home of F. L. Hahn. School in the Thomas district closed last Monday on account of the resigna tion of the teacher. Miss Emma Gerhold. A little road work yet remains to be done before cold weather. The Clear creek bridge, near Frank Tscbauner'e and J. H. Halm's, needs the approaches graded and banked up. The south channel bridge across the Platte, near Kuenzlrs. has been replank ed and the ends graded up. It is a very creditable job and puts the bridge in good condition for winter. Presbyterian Church. Sunday school 9:4 a. m., morning service 11 a. m., Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m., evening service 730 p. m., Thurs dsy evening at 8:00 p. m. union Thanks giving service. The Sunday morning sermon will be "The Relation of the church to the Y. M. C. A-, and the even ing sermon "The Every Day Man." Ton are cordially invited to worship with us. Samukii D. Harknkss, pastor. Baptist Ckurch Sunday school 10 a. m., preaching 11 a. m., Junior 3 p. m., B. T. P. TJ. 7 p. m., preaching 7:45 p.7Lm., union prayer meeting Thursday evening at Y. M. C. A. Subject Sunday morning, "The Belstion of the church to the Y. M. C A." Subject Sunday evening, "The Wiggle Woggle Family." Bbv. B. W. BanmART, Pastor. FiRNITUIE&MlEITAKIK Both phones SS-zt921SWtlllhBt K '- I MAMT TEAKS AGO. I Files of the Journal November J5, 1874 At this place, during the past week, a variety of weather prevailed. Rain, fol lowed by a quiet, gentle snow, with one or two tolerably cold days, making very nice winter weather. Win. Burgess, U. 8. agent for the Pawnees, called at the Journal office Monday morning on business. - We learned from him that he would start for the Indian territory, leaving here Mon day last In our opinion the department could not have' selected, a more 'suitable person for locating the new reserve. .. . We learn' from the Grand Island In dependentthst the citizens are about or ganizing a party for a grand buffalo, hunt, to start from Grand Island next Monday. About fifty teams and one hundred men will be needed to join the party. Hunters will regard this party as a nioeobance for rare sport and by distributing the proceeds among the meatless grasshopper sufferers will make glad the heart of many a generous hunt er. No man can deny the fact that there is pluck in the citizens of Nebraska. There is a determination, a vim, that is very appropriate in times like the present. A gentle man has just stepped out of our sanctum, the father of a family, who lost many a dollar by agrassbopper raid, who don't know where his winter's fuel is coming from, who wean his old cloth es, cuts down his grocery bills, and re mains hopeful through all that Provid ence which has oared for him hitherto will not fail him in the time of need. ACTUAL STARVATION. Pollock & Co. the Druggists Give Facts Regarding Dyspepsia. Although Indigestion and Dyspepsia are so prevalent, most people do not thoroughly understand their cause and cure. There is no reason why people should not eat anything they desire if they will only ohew it carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve them selves into sickness through fear of eat-, ing every good-looking, good-smelling and good-tasting food, because it does not agree with them. Dieting cannot cure Dyspepsia. If we refuse every article of food that disagrees with us, before long we .have nothing left, and find ourselves chronic dyspep tics. We can cure Dyspepsia. We are so confident of this fact that we guarantee a cure, and promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to everyone who will use it, who is not perfectly satisfied with the results which it produces. We exact no promises, and put no one under obliga tion whatever. Surely, 'nothing could be fairer. We are located right here in Columbus, and our reputation should be sufficient assurance of our offer. We want everyone in Columbus who is troubled with Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any form to come to our store and get a box of Bexall Dyspepsia tablets. Take them home and give them a reason able trial, according to directions. They are very pleasant to take; they soothe the irritable stomach, strengthen and invigoratthe digestive organs, promote a healthy and natural bowel action, im mediately relieve nausea and all stomach irritation, produce perfect and healthy digestion and assimilation, and promote nutrition. A 26o. package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets furnishes 15 days' treatment.' In ordinary cases, this is sufficient to pro duce a cure. In more chronic cases, a longer treatment, of course, is necessary, and depends upon the severity of the trouble. For such cases, we have two larger sizes which'sell for 45c and 89c Pollock & Co. the druggists on the cor ner. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing November 25, 1908: Letters Miss Lillian Brown, J D Calkins, Mrs. James James, Carl Mol berg. Oberg& Johnson, Charley Ban dell, Miss Margaret Williams, Clifford Williams. Cards J D Calkins, Axel Johnson, Miss Blanch Johnson, J H Walters, Miss Edith Walker. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Oakl Kbamto, P. M. Card of Thanks. In this public manner the surviving relatives of the late John G. Becher desire to acknowledge their debt of gratitude, and to offer their earnest thanks to all who were so kind and help ful during the last illness of our beloved one. Mrs. John G. Bkchkr, For Aiiii the Rx&attvks. Marriage Licemses. William N. Burton, Columbus 32 Hazel E. Smith, Columbus 18 George C. Siebken, Albion 27 LydiaJ. Reed,' Omaha . 32 Alvin G. Lneschen, Columbus 88 Gertrude Elias, Columbus 19 For Sale. One yearling Polled Shorthorn bull and two Polled Shorthorn bull calves. Will be large enough for service next summer. Albert Strhqer. Entitled to Admission. Rev. Edward Everett Hale, chaplain of the senate, went over to the state department a abort time ago to see Secretary Root He didn't know it waa diplomatic day at the department, when only diplomatists are received during certain hours. He started to go Into Secretary Roofs oflce wham a- messenger stopped kJam. "Are yon a foreign safsJeter?" We," reeled Dr. Male, T sen a do- jT 1 .rw j. -c m Colonial Holidays rlEopeaaie- I place, the I cncUaglop.! die loutiag chat- I aak, the jhale oil leighbelU the aaow-naatled guoU! ThefestneDOMd the podoi barn the quaiat, old china, the family 2ver brought boa iUhklBg place! The pride ia that abctl And now year (amfly aim? b it the"CoIoaiaTacfc thebMNtie old Iowa of Newbsty. port, Massachs setts? If so, roe have eqeal pride yours. This spleadki pattern m Stan ing Silver re fects all the court ly grace aaddtg aky with which your great-great-grandske led the codlUoa or dis pensed the hospi tabies ofthe feast Are you pre pared for your Holiday carriag? We propose a bird set ia the I -Coloaial" lor yoar own use, or 4W Ana sKCCpCsVMO -, gift. Made a conplete table ED. J NZEWOH9ER Jeweler and Optician. It Looked Uneseapable. The barber paused In his fretwork operations. "Will you have a close shave, sir?" he asked. "It looks like It," returned the vic tim, moodily. "At present the odds against my getting out of this chair alive seem very heavy indeed." Lon don Globe. : VCtOC('?ShbbkSbrw "V "Zfi FARMERS-TAKE NOTICE! JAMES S. GIBSON of Council Bluffs, Iowa, will conduct a dem onstration on hogs, showing the different diseases to which they are subject, on next Saturday, Nov. 28, 1908, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., at the office of the local agents, the COLUMBUS HIDE CO. (11 West Eleventh St. New Location We have moved our store from the old location to the Terasinski corner, Eleventh and Olive street, where we have a much nicer room and can display goods to better advantage. H. F. CRIER AfANOOM THIIU OLD CUtTOM. Peruvian Women fteplaee Somber Headgear with Colors. As the visitors from the American feet went, about in Lima., one change, national in character, impressed itself upon them immediately. Every writer on. Peru haa. commented on the fact that the headdress of the women, worn universally, is the black manta. It is said that it.ls a relic that has come down from the Incas when they put on mourning for their great chief Atahu alpa. Rich and poor have worn that headdress on the street for centuries. It waa an established institution. Well, it is going. About one-half of the women, some of them In good cir cumstances evidently, wore mantas on the streets, but as for the rest well, a man haa no business to write about women's hats. All that this man can aay is that he never saw more das sling specimens of flower gardens than those bobbing around over the graceful drapery with which the Peru vian women adorn themselves. Thus does fashion war successfully upon established custom. The Peru vian woman loves a beautiful hat just as much as any other woman on earth. Moreover, what ia said about her sur passing beauty Is true. Given great beauty and the love of a hat on the part of a woman what chance has a black manta got? The manta has got to go and is going. Truly this Is a world of change and there are those who will aay, it is one of decay, but let no one breathe that In a fashion able millinery shop in Lima. Another Joke. Down the street he dashed with his hair flying In the breeze. "The bitter end!" he shouted wild ly. 'The bitter end!" "He's going to jump off the bridge!" shouted one of his pursuers. "Catch him!" yelled another. And after a dozen men had tumbled over one another trying to round him up they found him calm and smiling. "What's the matter with you?" they demanded. "Nothing." he responded mildly. "Well, what about the bitter end?" "Here it is, gentlemen. The end of a Pittsburg stogie. I am selling these stogies to-day at ten cents for five and with each stogie you get a genu ine Chile diamond" But 20 determined men rushed him and his stogies down into the tunnel and left him. Chicago News. The Amenity ef Tennyson. An American young lady the daughter of an ambassador who was exceedingly anxious to meet the lau reate, was given the chance to fulfill her eager hope one night at a soiree. After she had been introduced to him the following dialogue began: Tennyson You are American? Girl Yes. Tennyson You know Walt Whit man? Girl No. Tennyson Then you don't know the only man worth knowing In America. Whereupon the laureate turned away and the Interview was over. The Conservator. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. For Fathers and Children. Clubwomen at Orange, N. J., are to build a $56,000 clubhouse, which Is to be a meeting place, not only for the mothers, but for the fathers and chil dren, too, according ! the plans of the ladies. The clubhouse of the women of Los Angeles cost $20,000. Will Have Plenty of Water. When New York city's Catskill aqueduct Is completed the city will have water enough for a population of 7,000,000, without any cause for anx iety. Not as of Old. It Is a rare mother who will tell her children that she married their father for love's sake, and then fail to add, "bat he has changed." Atchison Globe. Impossible. It Is difficult to understand how the young man with the turned-up trousers and the striped hat band can be as foolish as he looks. Chicago Record Herald. Holland's Fishermen. Holland conducts its famous herring fishery with a fleet of about 750 ships perhaps 45 of them steamboats and only 10,000 men. In Scarecrow's Pocket. On an allotment garden at Ash bourne, Derbyshire, robins built and reared a nest of young ones in the breast pocket of a scarecrow. City Growing Fast. At the prevailing Increase in popu lation New Tork city will he the home ef ll.t0t.Mt persona la 1932. BJ New Fall and Winter MERCHANDISE llE ANNOUNCE to the people of Coliim- bus and vicinity that our NEW FALL and WINTER stock of dry goods is now complete and we are showing one of the largest and best selected stocks of merchan dise in the city. Consisting of DRESS GOODS in all the latest styles and novelties. Also a complete line of staple dry goods. A NEW Ladies' Cloaks, Ladies' Dress Skirts, Ladies' Underwear, Ladies' Neckwear Ladies' Collars, Ladies' Belts and Pocket Books, Ladies' Kid Gloves - - Carpets and Rugs, Blankets and Comforts, Gent's Underwear, Gent's Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Gent's Hats and Caps, Gents' Neckwear GallaMi lisfOTImt Urn Im I let Meat Men's and Boys9 Clothing We are going out of the CLOTHING BUSINESS and in order to close out this line we are making excep tionally low prices on Men's and Boys' Clothing, Overcoats We have some specially good bargains in Overcoats and Suits it will pay you to call and get our prices. Agent for Standard Patterns J. H. Galley 505 1 1th St. Columbus, Neb. Naming the Baby. The naming of a baby is considered important even among people whom we are apt to regard as uncivilized, And, curiously enough, these very folk contrive to avoid the arguments that so often ensue when father and mother disagree over whether the lit tie stranger shall be called Jack or Marmaduke, Priscilla or Jane. The Mahometan father and mother each write the choice of a name on a slip of paper and place both in the Koran. Whichever slip is drawn first Is the name given to the child. A pretty Egyptian custom Is to light three candles, naming each after a god or some exalted personage. The child is called after the candle which burns longest Hindu mothers name their children, paterfamilias not having a word to say in the matter. The naming cere mony usually takes place when the baby is about 13 days old, and a flower name Is usually chosen. Chinese girls are simply numbered one, two, or three, until they reach years of discretion, when they are al lowed to choose a name for them selves. The boys, however, are given a temporary name until they are 20, when pa decides what magnificent ap pellation they shall rejoice in for the rest of their lives. N. Y. Weekly. Ignorance of the Bible. Biblical allusions, which permeate our literature, touch no responsive chord in the majority of college stu dents nowadays, writes Prof. W. L. Cross, in Education. Though some of them are fairly familiar with names like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Samson, David and Daniel, very few know any thing about the lives of these men as related in the scriptures. Not long ago, to recall an extreme case, not one of 40 students under mv instruction fMfiftfl el 02 Great Opportunities for Investments in le Northwest WRITE for booklets and information in regard to this territory then go there and see for yourself what can be done in the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho When you go be sure your tickets read vi UNION PACIFIC Eleetrfe The Side trip, daring season, to Yellowstone Park, at low rate on all through tickets. Ask about the Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition at Seattle, Wash., 1909. Inquire of E. I LINE OF could quite place Judas Iscariot; and a venerable colleague of miae discov ered a Jew amoBg the seniors who had never heard of Moses. To lift the bur den of this ignorance, several colleges have recently incorporated parts of the Old Testament Into their most elementary courses in English with great success from the standpoint both of the student and of the Instruc tor. But a knowledge of the Bible ob viously belongs to an earlier stsge than this. It is a pity that political and religious considerations stand in the way of introducing into the pub lic schools an available body of splen did literature. Fortunately- politics and prejudice cannot hamper many of the large preparatory schools. Her Sublime Admiration. "Oh. dear, will you look at It again? sighed Mrs. Howard Newcome la an ecstasy of bliss. "Isn't it magnificent? Turn this way now. A side glance brings out the traditional beauty. I have never seen anything so perfectly exquisite. Dear, do come over here and look at it from this view. One would never believe that such a lovely thing existed in the world. The perspective is simply grand. How inspiring and noble. Here is another view from the right. Doesn't it show off even to bet ter advantage? I am simply entranced with admiration." What is Mrs. Newcome looking at? Some masterpiece in a picture gal lery? No, indeed. It is an old kitchen chair she purchased at a second-hand store, which she thinks is a "genuine an tique." -The Bohemian. The Unknown. Blessed ten times is the man whose nearest neighbors do not know sis name nor where he lives. , jSKSP" Sicaal Fretetiear te Travel; G. BROWN. 1 I VI 4 -. v4 J ;"frfr- -gri-t j- yfk-.t-.-. . JIH.".I'N"' "' mii ni in, ii mill m. Will mmimwnmmitifmmMmgammmmmmaammrrf2SKCtU. . ,Vi- -