The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 25, 1908, Image 6

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    "ryir 3 v - Tcfrr?5'r.;,H lcsss;
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But Curstf After Doctors 8aM Than
, Was No, Hope.
Sylvanus .tO. VerriH. Mllford, Me
ays:' "Fire years ''ago a bad Injury
paraiyzea me ana
affected, my kid
Beys. My sack hart
me terribly, and
the urine was bad
ly disordered.-' Doc
tors said my right
kidney was, practi
cally dead. They
011 T mahIjI mavav
.walk again. Iread
f Doan's Kidney Pills and began us
ing them. One box made me stronger
and freer from pain. I kept on using
them and, in three months was able to
get out on crutches, and the kidneys
were acting better. I Improved rap
Idly, discarded the crutches and to
the wonder of my friends was soon
completely cured."
Sold by &U dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foster-Milbura Co- Buffalo, N. Y.
Agnes. Had Only Followed in the Foot
steps' of Her Mother.
Even if there had not been kernels
of rice on her hat and a glad light
of love in her eye any bachelor could
have told that she was a bride. And
the manner in which she spoke to her
husband showed they had not been
married long.
A man in the passing crowd spied
the" couple, and rushed over to greet
the bride.
"Well, well, Agnes," he cried, ex
tending'his hand, "you don't mean to
say that you're married?"
"Why why, yes," the girl stam
mered, vivid color mounting to her
cheeks, as she tried to defend her
novel situation. "You you know, it
runs in the family. Mother was mar
ried, too."
For Six Months Baby Was Expected
to Oie with Eczema Now Well
Doctor Said to Use Cuticura.
"Six months after birth my little girl
broke out with eczema and I had two
doctors in attendance. There was not
a particle of skin left on her body, the
blood oozed out just anywhere, and we
had to wrap her in silk and carry her
on a pillow for ten weeks. She was the
most terrible sight I ever saw, and for
six months I looked for her to die. I
used every known remedy to' allevi
ate her suffering, for it was terrible
to witness. Dr. C gave her up. Dr.
B recommended the Cuticura
Remedies. She will soon be three
years old and has never had a sign
of the dread trouble since. We used
about eight cakes of Cuticura Soap
and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment.
James J. Smith, Durmid, Va., Oct 14
and 22, 1906."
Mrs. Newrich Will your hounds fol
low a fox?
Newrich Why er I think they
would if the fox was dressed and
No Cremation.
"I was visiting Atlanta during the
late wave of reform there," recently
said a Philadelphia, "when I over
heard ah amusing conversation in a
barber shop 'between1 a patron and the
boy'' who shines shoes.
"I saw you playing craps this morn
Ing.'o said the patron, by way of a
joke. - "If the grand jury got at you.
It would make you tell all about the
gambling-among the darkies."
"No, suh, "dey wouldn't," protested
the negro, warmly. "I knows enough
about de law to know dat a man doan
have f tell nothin' dat cremates his
se'f." T .An Intelligent Child.
"A small boy was playing with the
scissors, and his kindly old grand
mother chided him.
"You musn't play with the scissors
dear. I, know, a little boy like you who
was playing with a pair of scissors
just like that pair, and he put them in
his eye and put his eye out, and he
could never see anything after that"
The child listened patiently, and
said, when she got through the nar
rative: "What was the matter with his
other eye?" Bystander.
Found In Chang to Right Food.
After one suffers from acid dyspep-
. sla, sour stomach, for months and then
finds the remedy is In getting the right
kind of food it is something to speak
out about
A N. Y. lady and her young son had
such an experience and she wants
others to know how to get relief. She
"For about fifteen months my little
boy and myself had suffered with sour
stomach. We were unable to retain
much of anything we ate.
"After suffering in this way for-so
long I decided 'to consult a specialist
In stomach diseases;, Instead of pre
scribing drugs, he put us both on
Grape-Nuts and we began to improve
immediately. .
"It -was the key to a new life. I
found we had been eating tod much
heavy food which we.could not digest
In a ,few weeks, after commencing
Grape-Nuts I was able to do my house
work.'""! wake in the morning with a
clear head and feel rested and have no
sour stomach. My boy sleeps well and
wakes with a laugh.
"We have regained our lost weight
and continue to eat. Grape-Nuts . for
both tee jaornlng and evening meals'
We are well and happy and owe it to
Grape-Nuts." "There's m Reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
WellTille," fat pkgs. r
mi the akve letter A new
to Usee. Tfcex
-' i frk m
Brevet Rank
(Cefjrlcbt. Dotfd. Mad Compmy.
The crew of the Elizabeth Hopkins
sat on deck in the gloaming, gazing
idly at the dusky shapes of the barges
as they dropped silently down on the
tide, or violently discussing the Iden
tity of various steamers as they came
swiftly past Even with these amuse
ments the' time hung heavily," and
they "thought longingly of certain
cosy bars by the riverside to which
they were wont to betake themselves
in their spare time.
To-night, in deference to the wishes
of the skipper, wishes which approxi
mated closely to those of royalty in
their effects, they remained on board.
A new acquaintance of his, a brother
captain, who dabbled in mesmerism,
was coming to give them a taste of
bis quality.
"I never 'eard the likes of It." said
one, with a deep breath, as the skip
per concluded a marvelous example.
Voices sounded from the wharf, and
the night watchman appeared pilot
ing Capt Zingall to the schooner. The
crew noticed that he . came aboard
quite like any other man, descending
the ladder with even more care than
At first he was not very successful.
The men stared at the discs he put
into their hands until their eyes
ached, but for some time without ef
fect Bill was the first to yield, and
to the astonishment of his friends
passed Into a soft magnetic slumber,
from which he emerged to perform
the usual idiotic tricks peculiar to
mesmerized subjects.
"It's wonderful what power you 'ave
over 'em," said Capt. Bradd, respect
fully. Capt Zingall smiled affably. "At
the present moment," he said, "that
man is my unthlnkin' slave, an' what
ever I wish him to do he does. Would
any of you like him to do anything?"
"Well, sir," said one of the men,
" 'e owes me 'arf a crown, an I think
It would be a 'ighly interestin' experi
ment if you could get 'im to pay me.
If anything 'ud make me believe in
mesmerism, that would."
"An he owes me elghteenpence,
sir," said another seaman, eagerly.
"One at a time," said the first
speaker, sharply.
"An 'e's owed me five shlllin's since
I don't know when," said the cook,
with dishonest truthfulness.
Capt Zingall turned to his sub
ject "You owe that man half a
crown," he said, pointing, "that one
elghteenpence, and that one five shil
lings. Pay them."
In the" most matter-of-fact way in
the world Bill groped in his pockets,
and, producing some greasy coins,
paid the sums mentioned, to the in
tense delight of everybody.
"Well, I'm blest." said the mate,
staring. "I thought mesmerism was
Passed Into a Soft Magnetic Slumber.
all rubbish. Now bring him to again."
"But don't tell 'im wot 'e's been
doln'," said the cook.
Zingall with a few passes brought
his subject round, and with a sub
dued air he took his place with the
"What'd It feel like. Bill?" asked
Joe. "Can you remember what you
Bill shook his head.
"I should like to put you under the
influence," said Zingall, eying the
The mate complied, and everybody
gazed spellbound at the tussle for su
premacy between brute force and oc
cultscience. Slowly, very slowly, sci
ence triumphed, being interrupted
several times by the blood-curdling
threats of Bill, as they floated down
the companion-way. Then the mate
suddenly lurched forward, and would
Trouble Was Not Organic.
Official's Ailment One Comparatively
- Easyto Cure. '
- Gen. Joubert Pienaar was talking
to a Washington reporter about. a
West African vofficiaL
"It is la that man's territory." said
Gen. Pieaaar, "that the blacks are still
branded. The man neglects his work.
have fallen "buiUutfstrbag. 'hands
caught him and restored him to his
"You are Capt Bradd, master o
this ship;" he said, slowly.
"Ay, ay," said the mate, earnestly.
"And that's your mate, George," said
Zingall, pointing to the deeply inter
ested Bradd.
"Ay, ay," said the mate again, with,
a sigh.
"Take command, then," said Zing
all, leaving him .with a satisfied air
and seating himself on the locker.
The mate sat up and looked about
him with an air of quiet authority.
"George," he said, turning suddenly
to the skipper with a very passable
imitation of his voice.
"Sir." said the skipper, with a play
ful glance, at Zingall.
"A friend o mine named Capt Zing
all is coming aboard to-night" said
the mate, slowly. "Get a little whisky
"Who Are You Calling George?"
for him out o my state-room."
"Ay, ay, sir," said the amused
"Just a little In the bottom of the
bottle 'II do," continued the mate;
"don't put more in, for he drinks like
a fish."
"I never said such a thing, captain,"
said Bradd, in an agitated whisper. "I
never thought o' such a thing."
"No, I know you wouldn't" said
Zingall, who was staring hard at a
nearly empty whisky bottle on the
"And don't leave your 'baccy pouch
lying about, George," continued the
mate, in a thrilling whisper. .
He leaned back on the locker and
smacked his lips. There was a faint
laugh from one of the crew, and look
ing up smartly he seemed to be aware
for the first time of their presence.
"What are you doin down here?" he
roared. "What dojrou want?" .
"Nothin', sir," said the cook. "Only
we thought "
"Get out at once," vociferated the
mate, rising.
"Stay where you are," said the skip
per, sharply.
"George!" said the mate, In the
squeaky voice in which he chose to
personate the skipper.
"Bring him round, Zingall." said the
skipper, irritably. "I've had enough
o' this. I'll let 'im know who's who."
Still holding him with his gaze, Zin
gall clapped his hands together, and
stepping up to him blew strongly in
his face. The mate, with a perfect
scream of rage, picked him up by the
middle, and dumping him heavily on
the floor, held him there and worried
"Help!" cried Zingall, in a smoth
ered voice; "take him off!"
"Why don't you bring him
round?" panted the skipper.
"Because I can't," said Zingall,
shortly. "It'll have to wear off."
"Wear off!" repeated the skipper.
Zingall drew himself up with a lit
tle pride. "Well, see what I've done,"
he said. "The fact is 'I was charged
full with electricity when I came
aboard, and he's got it all now. It's
left me weak, and until my will wears
off him he's captain o' this ship."
"And what about me?" said Bradd.
"You're the mate," said Zingall,
"and mind, for your own sake, you act
up to it. If you don't cross him I
haven't any doubt it'll be all right,
but if you do he'll very likely murder
you in a fit of frenzy, and he would
n't be responsible. Good-night."
"I'm going to bed, George," said the
mate, staring at him. "I feel a bit
heavy. Give me a call just afore
high water."
"Where are you goin to sleep?"
demanded the skipper.
"Goin to sleep?" said the mate,
"why, in my state-room, to be sure."
Any idea that the skipper might
have had of the healing effects of
sleep were rudely dispelled when the
mate came on deck next morning, and
found that they had taken the schoon
er out without arousing him.
' "I know you're a good sort, George
Smith," he said, leniently, "nobody
could wish for a better, but while I'm
master of this here ship it don't be
come you to take things upon yourself
in the way you do."
"I want to explain the position of
affairs to you," said the skipper. "Do
you remember Capt Zingall what was
aboard last night?"
"Eh!" said the mate, sharply.
"He mesmerized you," said the
skipper, hastily. "Now keep quite
calm. You say you're Benjamin
Bradd, master o' this vessel, don't
-, ---,-l-l-l-lllltr--(-u-unj1J-IJ-u-(J-u-u
"The physician frowned at the fat.
Well lntentloned, but lazy. In his Ig
norance he suffers all sorts of iniqui
ties to go on among his people.
"Yes, he is lazy and neglectful In
the last heat he was taken sick and a
physician was sent for.
"T. want you to tell me frankly. he
said to the physician, 'what is the mat
ter with me.'
"Let bm
hear anybody say as I ain't"
"Yesterday," said the skipper, pluck
ing up courage and speaking very
slowly and impressively, "you were
George Smith, mate, but my friend,
Capt Zingall, mesmerized you and
made you think you were me."
'1 see what it Is," said the mate,
severely. "You've been drinking;
you've been up to my whisky."
In obedience to the summons of
Capt Bradd the crew came up, and
being requested by him to .tell the
mate that he was the mate, and that
he was at present laboring under a
delusion, stood silently nudging each
other and eying him uneasely.
"But damn It all, man." said the
mate, taking a mighty grip of Bill's
collar, "you know I'm the captain,
don't you?"
"O' course I do. sir," said BUI.
"There you are. George," said the
mate, releasing him, and turning to
the frantic Bradd; "you hear that?
Now, look here, you listen to me..
Either you've been drinking, or else,
your 'ead's gone a little bit off. You
go down and turn in, and if you don't'
give me any more of your nonsense
I'll overlook It for this once."
Time, Instead of restoring the mate
to bis senses, only appeared to con
firm him in his folly, and the skipper
after another attempt to convince him,
let things drift, resolving to have him
put under restraint as soon as they
got to port
They reached Tidescroft In the ear
ly afternoon. He warned them of pub
lic houses and other dangers, and re
minded them affectlngly of their du
ties as husbands and fathers. "Al
ways go home to your wife and 'chil
dren, my lads," he continued with
some emotion, "as I go home to mine."
"Why, he ain't got none," whispered
Bill, staring.
"Don't be a fool, Bill," said the
cook, "he means the captain's. Don't
you see he's the captain now."
Meantime, Capt Bradd had reached
his house, and was discussing the
situation with his astonished spouse.
She pooh-poohed the idea of the po
lice and the medical faculty as being
likely to cause complications with the
owners, and, despite the remon
strances of her husband, insisted up
on facing the mate alone.
"Now you go In the kitchen," she
said, looking from the window. "Here
he comes. You see how I'll settle
The skipper looked out of the win
dow and saw the unhappy victim of
Capt. Zingall slowly approaching.
"I've come home," said the mate.
"So I see, Ben," said Mrs. Bradd,
"He's told her," said the mate to
"Children all right?" he inquired,
after another pause.
"Yes," said Mrs. Bradd, simply.
The mate pulled out an old leather
purse and counted the contents, two
pounds and a little silver.
"There isn't five pounds there,"
said Mrs. Bradd, "but I may as well
take last week's housekeeping while
you've got it out"
Before the mate could prevent her
she had taken the two pounds and
put it in her pocket.
"No, no, I want the money myself,"
said the mate at last He put his
hands to his head and began to pre
pare for the grand transformation
scene. "My head's gone," he said, in
a gurgling voice. "What am I doing
here? Where am I?"
"Good gracious, what's the matter
with the man?" said Mrs. Bradd, with
a scream. She snatched up a bowl of
flowers and flung the contents In his
face as her husband burst into the
room. The mate sprang to his feet,
"He's come around!" said Bradd,
ecstatically. "Don't you knew what
you've been doing?"
The mate shook his head, and
stared round the room. "I thought we
were in London," he said, putting his
hand to his head. "You said Capt.
Zingall was coming aboard. How did
we get here? Where am I?"
In a hurried, breathless fashion the
skipper told him, the mate regarding
him the while with a stare of fixed
incredulity. t
"I can't understand .it," he said at
length. "My mind's a perfect blank."
"A perfect blank," said Mrs. Bradd,
cheerfully. It might have been ac
cident, but she tapped her pocket as
she spoke, and the outwitted mate
bit his lip as he realized his blunder,
and turned to the door. The couple
watched him as he slowly passed up
the street
"It's most extraordinary." said the
skipper; "the most extraordinary case
I ever heard of."
"So it is," said his wife, "and what's
more extraordinary still for you, Ben,
you're going to church on Sunday,
and what's more extraordinary even
than that, you are going to put two
golden sovereigns in the plate."
Match Production in Brazil.
The number of boxes of matches
produced In the federal district of Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1907 was 202,041,
400, of which 189,550,000 were wood
and 12,482,000 wax matches. The
stamp revenue was $1,218,384, or about
six-tenths of a cent a box. The output
is used In the district itself. The
"match tax alone amounts to a little
over $1.50 for each man, woman and
child. The explanation for this ex
ceedingly large consumption of
matches is in the fact that almost
every male inhabitant of the district
is a smoker, and most of them smoke
Long Life Passed in Health.
Mme. Dardelin, who recently died at
Beaune at the age of 105, had been a
widow for 33 years, and her last ill- l
ness, which lasted four weeks, was the
first she had ever had.
flushed face and, frankly enough, re
"'The trouble with you. sir, Is that
you are suffering from underwork and
over pay.' "
Overdoing the Orderly Life.
Men who live an orderly life are in
great danger of doing nothing else.
We wrap our virtue up In little bags of
respectability and keep it in the store
house of a safe reputation. But if it
is genuine virtue, it is worthy a
better use. Jlenry van Dyke.
"I do." said the mate.
straight Lines for Fig
ure Is Absolute Edict
of Fa?bforj.
As It was rumored la the summer,
the padded waist line has come to
t-ass. There is an oblong pillow worn
down the center seam of skirt and
princess frock to give a large waist
line and a straight drop from bust to
Extra thin women are padding the
corset at the back, where the straight
frock or coat is apt to fall into a curved
waist line. This spoils the effect of
the wide, straight back, which Is the
feature of good fashion to-day.
Women who have large waists are
happily letting them out and having
comfort for the first time in their
Ives. The only thing is that one must
wear gowns and coats in straight
lines, otherwise the effect is absurd.
Anything that tends to enlarge hips
ana oust is considered bad manage
ment in dressing, and even though the
waist line is not only let out, but pad
ded, the hips are laced in absolutely
tight from the waist down.
Every 'wjunan does not know how to
lace a corset, and If she is In error the
result will be worse this year than for
many seasons before.
It must always be unlaced its entire
length every time it is removed. Oth
erwise bones break and steels snap
and the corset lasts half Its appointed
When It is put on it should be
hooked up in front, then the hands put
under It to draw up the flesh. Next
the elastics are fastened to the stock
ings and the figure comfortably adjust
ed before the lacing begins.
The lacers, which have loops in the
center, should be pulled a little at that
line first, then they should be pulled
hard at the extreme lower edge, bring
ing the edges of the corset together.
This should be done all the way up
over the hips, the extra length of
lacers pulled out at the center.
The same method of lacing should
then begin at the top 'of the corset,
only it is not necessary to lace 'so
tightly above as below.
The strings in the center are pulled
as tight as one wishes and tied in a
loose knot. They should never be
brought around the corset and tied in
front, as this destroys the waist line
by denting it and finally breaking the
corset bones.
Old-Fashioned Braiding.
Some of the new coats have their
entire surface covered with a close de
sign of soutache braiding. This was
the height of style years ago, and it
has been revived In exactly Its old
The soutache is put on as though it
were cut out with a jig saw, and it Is
quite effective.
One model in green broadcloth has
a seven-gored circular skirt, with high
waistband, and fastens down the left
front with buttons of green velvet cov
ered with soutache.
The coat falls below the knees at
back and to the knees in front. It Is
covered from shoulder to hem with
these scrolls and turns made of
ine fronts do not meet except by
means of a heavy black satin waist
coat fastened with green velvet
Velvet Roses.
The new thing of the moment is the
immense rose with petals that are
larger than an ordinary rose, made
of helio velvet and worn on the front
of a hat. Sometimes two smaller ones
are placed at the sides, and between
them is a festoon of helio tulle.
These roses are also worn at the
front of bodice and just below the left
hip on an evening gown made with a
tunic that crosses over at left and is
slashed to show an underskirt of tulle
or chiffon.
Baidto DeecDrsiitfldDini
III teoessnillElBViB? SmmmmamammaammF osmams
Our sketch illustrates a very effective way of decorating the space imme
diately above the dado with a number of small pictures, all of the same size.
This form of decoration is especially adaptable to a reading or smoking room,
and may be carried out entirely round the room. Small oak frames, ready
made, can be purchased in many of the shops at a moderate cost, and are very
suitable for framing photographs and engravings.
In the room from which our sketch was made, a number of photographs
had been framed quite plainly in this manner, and they were arranged in a
row resting on the beading at the head of the dado. Above them, and cut so
as to slightly overlap the top of the frames, a second beading had been nailed,
and held the pictures In their places. Beadlngs suitable for this purpose can
be obtained very cheaply, and for a similar decoration, of a smaller kind,
cabinet photographs look wonderfully well and make an interesting addition
to a room. Pictures or photographs so arranged In no way interfere with lar
ger pictures that may be hung above them.
Long Sleeves.
Long sleeves, even in the more
dressy blouse, will be much worn, and
this is where the clever woman in buy
ing either the ready-made or the mate
rials to make herself will seek for
novel ideas, and she will find plenty
of them. While they are all close
fitting, they are trimmed in such a
variety of ways (mousquetaire with a
soft full frill running up the outside
fold, tucks running around and going
i the entire sleeve length, frills let in, on
the outside from wrist to elbow, small
cap effect, finished in rounding points
from which depend short tassels, etc.)
that each individual taste can be
suited and still be in fashion. With
these long, close sleeves, high, close
fitting collars, topped with thick
ruching, are the correct finish at the
When Hanging Curtains.
A house decorator gives this impor
tant advice to women who are arrang
ing their homes. They should not
hang curtains of one color against a
wall paper of another color. They
shoukl not join carpets of opposite
Facial Distortion a Fre
quent Fault of tfcs-
: A' .- -
Do you realize how rare it Is to ace
a stroag, quiet face? The next t.iue
you go down the street in the cars
look for one.
If there were an epidemic of St Vi
tus dance there might be some excuse
for the. distorted countenances you
see. The girl who does not bite hei
lips. and. draw in her eyes toward her
nose, arches her eyebrows (thinking
it. coquettish), or puckers her mi.uth
till one thinks of persimmons or a
gathering thread.
One would feel like laughing if it I
did not seem more to be cried over.
For much of this distorting is needless
and all is disfiguring. Oddly enough,
lack of facial repose is more noticea
ble in women and girls than in meu
or boys. Is it because the former are
more self-conscious?
There are some girls who think a
quiet face must be a stupid one, so
they smirk and jerk and shrug in the
mistaken idea that they are animated.
Forced piquancy has but one ending
wrinkles for the piquant and sneer
ing amusement for the looker-on.
Many a woman spends a small fortune
on electricity, cold packs and massage,
when all she needs is to root out dis
figuring habits. There is no wrinkle
cure known that will conquer con
firmed wrinkle-making.
Sometimes facial distortion comes
from bad eyesight or lack of nervous
control. Whatever the cause, whether
silliness or physical ills, try to get rid
of it.
Find out whether yours is a reiiose-
ful face. Your family will be only too
glad to give you the information.
Then ask their help in making it so.
You will not like that help. It grows
deadly wearing to have friends say,
just when you think yourself looking
fine: "Milly, stop squinting;" "Mar
garet, get away from that frown;"
"Don't be coy, Violet." But endure
it as you would a bad medicine.
There is no remedy too severe in
the interest of a restful face in this
day of distortions. Plain features that
are quiet as nature planned them have
more real beauty than a Greek nose, a
perfect mouth, and inspiring eyes that
are always in motion.
Fox furs are the leaders.
Sleeves cannot grow any smaller.
All the latest coats are directoire.
Millinery wings are larger than
Long lines characterize every gar
ment. The big pillow muff supersedes all
In belts proper elastic will be the
most popular.
Not for years has parted hair been
so fashionable.
The one-piece dresses lead all others
in popularity.
The neck outline of bodices is likely
to grow higher.
Padded pipings with soutache are
leading decorations.
The sealskin coat will be more pop
ular than for years.
There is a fad for heavy embroidery
on gauze stockings.
Opposite Materials.
In dress goods fabrics there is a
merry war going on between the
roughest Df lough tweeds and the soft
est of satin weaves. Both are at the
top of popularity, and each woman
wants a suit of one and a gown of
the other.
colors. They should not put different
papers on the walls of adjoining
rooms which have wide archways or
folding doors between. These are
simple suggestions, but they mean a
great deal. The woman who is guided
by them will arrive at much better
results than she who ignores them.
When it is not possible to have the
carpets alike in rooms that are joined
by wide openings, a rug should be
laid over the long seam to hide it.
Relief for Tired Feet.
Tired feet cause an almost unendur
able pain, yet many suffer from such
merely through carelessness in not
having the heels of shoes straight
ened. You know what it is to put on
an old pair of shoes that have been
cast aside for months, and if the heels
are crooked it is almost an impossi
bility to step in them, yet one will go
on for weeks wearing high-heeled
shoes that throw the ankles out of
place. Burning feet are caused by
poor circulation. This can be cured
in a short time by plunging the feet
into moderately hot water, then cold,
and applying witch hazel or bay rum.
Mr. William F. Vahlberg, Oklahoma
City. Okla., writes: " .
"One bottle of Peruna which I have
taken did more toward relieving me of
an aggravated case of catarrh) of the
stoatach, than years of treatment with
tne oest pnysicians.
"I had givem up hopes of relief, and
only tried Peruna as a last resort
"I shall continue using1 it. as I feel
satisfied it will effect an entire anil
permamemt cure.
"I most cheerfully recommend Peruna
to all who may read this."
' Peruna is usually taken as a last re
sort Doctors h:ive been tried and
failed. Other remedies have been used.
Sanitariums have been visited. Travel
has been resorted to.
At last Peruna is tried. Belief is
This history is repeated over and
over again, every day in the year. It is
such results as this that gives Peruna
its unassailable hold upon the people.
We could say nothing that would add
force to sueh testimonials as tlie above.
That people who have had catarrh and
have tried every other remedy avail
able, find relief in Peruna, constitutes
the best argument that could be made.
A Long Wait
"Well, Jesse," said a New Engend
er, on returning to his native Vermont
town after an absence of several years,
"how are things? Are you married
yet? And did that rich old uncle of
yours leave you any money?"
"No, I ain't married yet; nor ain't
likely to be, so far's I kin see.' an
swered Jesse, despondently. "If Uncle
Bill had done as he ought to, I s'pose
I'd been settled down in a house of my
own a long time ago."
"So he didn't leave you a cent?
That's too bad!"
"Yes; an It puts me an Mary in an
awful hard place. There ain't nothin
for us t do now but to set down an'
wait for some o' her folks to die."
Starch, like everything else, is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all in
jurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
If we got everything we prayed for
the earth would have to be enlarged
in order to make rcoru for our posses
t buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 10.1
X. V. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
One trouble with a tightwad is
that he doesn't care who knows it
Feet Ache Use Allen FooUEime
OrrrOILuaitrsrimonhil. IWu.soliniuiUons. itundfot
tree trial package. A. 8. UlmMcd. Le Hoy. N. Y.
Time isn't money, yet people are
always spending it
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