The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 25, 1908, Image 5

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    s M,-i;
Insures delicious, health
ful food for every home, every day:
The only baiting powderf made,
from Royal Grape Cream or Tartar
made from grapes.
Safeguards your J food against alum and
phosphateof Imie -harsh mineral acids which
are used in cheaply made powders,
From the Gazette.
We don' know whether they belong to
Columbus or not; but a troupe of four
men and two girls came over from said
city Tuesday evening and tried to give an
entertainment in the opera house. They
may now "thank their stars" that the
egg market is bo high. But suckers will
Joseph, the fourteen year old son of
Anton Svitak, met with a serious accid
ent in the Union Pacific yards in David
City Monday morning. Young Svitak
wae in some way thrown under a moving
freight train and both legs cut off just
below the knee. There was no witnea
to the accident, and it is not known just
how it happened, but it is presumed he
attempted to board the train while it was
moving. He was taken to the hospital
where he died at noon. His mother,
who has been ill for some time previous
with internal trouble, died the same day.
Before her death, we learn that she was
informed of her son's death.
From the Signal
Peter Schmitt was in town Tuesday,
and reported that be had finished gath
ering his corn. He had one hundred
and ten acres and it averaged a little bet
ter than forty bushels per acre. He and
his boys did it all.
The news reaches us of the arrival of a
son at the home Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rior
don, of Beaver Crossing. This is their
first son and of course they are justly
proud of him. Mrs. Iliordan was former
ly Miss Nellie McGuane, of this place.
A man from Monroe was in our town
Wednesday with a number of canary
birds for sale. He disposed of them all
in a short time. Denny .Roberts took
four of them. By the way, Denny's new
cottage in the southwest part of town is
nearly completed. We will endeavor to
keep the public posted on matters along
this line as fast as they develop.
John Maher received notification last
week that he had drawn a homestead in
the Tripp county drawing last month
The delay in the notice reaching him
was caused by its being addressed to a
postoffice in New York and being held
there for some time to expire when it
could be returned to the sender. The
number of the claim is 3992, and Jobc
says when the time come he is going up
there acd see what he can find.
From the Democrat
Miss Rose Walker who has been here
on a week's visit to the editors family,
- -...-. .iw - .5
405 11th Street,
returned to her homeatOolumbusMon-'
It is rumored that Humphrey is to
have a third bank in the near future,
which will be capitalized at $50,000 and
the stock sold to Humphrey people only.
Albert Wilde has sold his residence
property in town and his well business
to Tbelen & Mueting. We understand
Mr. Wilde will move to South Dakota in
the spring and again engage in the well
John Hallatz died very suddenly
Tuesday morning of this week at his
home near St. Anthony's church, the
cause of which is thought to have been
heart failure. The deceased was 84
years old and had lived in the St. Anth
ony neighborhood for a number of years.
The funeral was held from St. Anthony's
church yesterday forenoon and the re-
mains were laid to rest in the cemetery
near the church. "
The Democrat is in receipt of a letter
from Mrs. Wm. Dougherty of Chicago
advising us of the death of her mother,
Mrs. Mary Kirkland, which ocourred at
her home in Chicago last Thursday.
The remains were shipped to Omaha,
where the funeral was held from St.
Patricks church Monday morning of this
week. The deceased was a resident of
Humphrey for a number of years and she
had many friends here who will be sorry
to bear of her death.
Platte County Teachers' Association
Will be held at Monroe. Nebraska, Sat
urday, November 28, 1908, in the High
school building at 1 o'clock.
Song "By-lo Land," Primary Pupils
"Art Work in the Country Schools,"
Maud Goodwin, DiBt. No. 13
Margaret M. Collins, Monroe schools
Song "Going to School,''.
Intermediate Pupils
"Thoughts on Language and Gram
mar," . . . Mary Ohristensen, Dist. 68
"The Ideal Teacher,"
Gideon Braun, Dist. 73
Chorus. "Lullaby" Grammar Pupils
Eunice Schumaker, Dist. 34
"The Story Hour,"
Minnie Johnson, Dist. 65
Recitation. .Eva Patterson, High School
Prof. A. J. Patterson, Platte Center
Trio "Life's Golden Dream."
High School Pupils
All interested in the advancement of
the educational interests of our county
are cordially invited to be present.
F. S. Lecron. Co. Bup't.
First-class printing done at the Jour
nal office.
kt "l '"'rJ
W .
Furnishing' Goods
goods At
1 it irsjr c
BBBBBV aawBBfe, a .aSa
m BJ Vh arm arH
From tae Repahlieaa. , t
A number of farmers ia this locality
are belling their hogs beTra tht-y are
really ready for niarkit, claming that it
dtxB not pay t feed forty -eight cent
corn to five beat hogs.
W g' Carpenter of the Carpe ler
paper Co. of Omaha, is a guest at th
borne of Paul Gertscb, north f town
Mr. Carpenter ia enj;y bur a hrt vnca
titn and aUo doing a little quail hunting
The post office department h.Bordwvl
n change in' rural route Nil 2 from Mon
roe, effective Oerawber 1. The last aule
oir'L, wbih 14 r-trMjw!, wi'l bediscon-tinut-d,
and the roate, is again'put osthe
line between Monroe and Joliet town
stiii, lUcttamt- aait was .at first. The!
length of the route will lie twenty-eight
miles, two, miles shorter than at present.
Three blocks of water w rksaaiBS
have been' .laid and covered so far this
week Mcdt by, Saturday , sight all the
trenches will be'dug. Tfeo-e who have
been. dggiBg found .some very hard
ground irest of the livery stable, it.being
mostly gumbo, but east of that
hs bean comparatively easy-aad good
headway, ia being made. Foreman Gil
try wkm cuuipeiled to go to Fremont last
.Saturday to secure, additional help, in
order to complete the contract assonn as
p tmibie. The big tank has not been re
ceived yet, but the contractors are. hur
rying it up and hope to have it here when
they arc ready for it The eegine, pump
and air doiiiprrSbor will be' placed some
tim n-xt wxk, at d ihen the wells will
be connect d. -So rar satisfactory pro
gross is taring made, and December 1,
will see the plant in operation.
The Twelfth annual convention of the
Platte county 8unday.schoole was. held
at the Presbyterian church in Monroe
Monday and Tuesday of this week. The
first session on Monday afternoon was
called to order by Pres. A. J. Alfred, and
the time was taken up with enrollment
and assignments of delegates to the var
ious places of entertainment. In the
evening a thirty minute song service was
held, followed by an address of welcome
by C. W. Talbitzer, which waa responded
to by Rev. Ward Morse of the Methodist
church. The principal address of the
evening was by Prof. H. M. Steidley,
state secretary. Devotional exercises
were conducted by Henry Olayburn.
For Tuesday the morning service waa
taken up by reports of officers, schools
and delegates. Prof. 8teidly and Miss
Mina Stobker, both state workers, gave
talks on general Sunday school and ele
mentary work Tuesday afternoon, which
were followed by a round table. The
evening session took report of committee
on resolutions and also election of offi
cers. Miss Bennett of the public schools
gave a short talk on organized adult bible
classes, and Mr.Steidly and Miss Hook
er both gave short addresses on 'general
8nnday school work. Following are the
officers elected: A. J. Alfred, president;
Olaf Alfred, vice president; Paul Greig,
secretary and treasurer; Rer.ABouab,
superintendent of teachers; Gertrude
Fellers, home department; Esther John
son, elementary department; E. A. Ger
rard temperance department; Rev. Bus
eel, adult class; Rev.Rinehrt, pastor's
department. Delegates to the state
convention, Paul Greig, Gertrude Fellers,
Esther Johnson. Excellent music was
furnished by the combined choirs of the
two churches under the direction of W
H. Groves, with Mrs. John Gibbon as
From the Times.
The dynamo for the electric light
plant arrived Monday morning. Con
tractor. John Early, hopes to turn the
plant over to the village in running
order about the first of the coming week.
A dead earner pigeon was found. in the
top of an elevator at St. Edward. On
one of it's leg's was attached a'small
cylinder of paper upon which was writ
ten these words: "Denver, Colorado
Convention hall. Bryan dove.
Before the election Mr. Bryan prom
ised to present his trick mule "Maud"
o.the preeinctin Nebraskamaking the
largest democratic gain. Colonel
Vaagbt.insiBta that Genoa democrat
have earned that mule, and when ii
arrives be is going to ride itfrom the
depot to the 'Parker lively 'barn, where
"Maud" will make her future home.
From the Leader.
- A 8t Edward paper says that a W
Flemming from Virginia has started a:
store at Woodville.
The St "Edward 8un reports that a
farmer in'ihe vicinity of that'place re
ports that he plowed up an bl'd'alfalfa
pasture last spring which he-planted" to
corn. There were five, and two-thirds
acres in the field which yielded 517 bush-;
els of corqwhich4rQyed,that there ia
nothing better to renew your land than
The board of education at Omaha have
reached the conclusion; that 'the infioeov
ce of too many female teachers in. their:
high school khaving a badinfluence up
on the boy pupils. Ia other words that
the Omaha boy is becoming a realsissy',;
and they propose to secure more Den'
teachers by paying .them $100 more, peri
year then the women teachers are re-:
Woman's Racerd . Bass .Catch.
The Jargest striped bass caught by.'
a woman with, rod and line on this,
coast was captured a" few days 'ago!
m Larkspur sloujEh by Mrs. CarrieM.;
Blnndon. The nah' scaled 2S "pounds:
dressed, and was' replete ha spawn ai.
the time of its -death. The jraccessfuli
Ssherwbraan said that she was using:
a: very .light rod at the time the big:
fish snapped -her clam. bait-from the:
mud bottom,. but the battle it gave-tor1
Its freedom -waa not what the angler
expected In fact. It juccumhed wlth-i
In ten aUates of. the f ttee. ljt. was
"hcoked. Mri. 'Blinjion.'1s,TjBOwivr,t
-very proiiioaW achWamwat-Saaj
rraacisco Chroalcle. '
There is nothing
better lor a nupi
in cold weather
than a nice fur
coat. My line of
- fur and fur lined
coats is better
and larger than
- ever. It will pay
you to come and
look at them
Eleventh Street
Columbus, Neb.
till Work Guaranteed
Americans Make a 'Mistake in Eating
Too Much Meat.
Most Americans In the tropics make
the mistake of 'eating large quantities
of beef and salt meat The best antl
cheapest fish market In. the world is
found right at our doors. Spanish
mackerel at 1 cents a pound can be
bad any day. Fifty cents will fur
nish .fish for 50 people. The lbngosta
del mar is a forty-second cousin of
the American lobster and altogether
toothsome. It may be ordered the
day before and delivered alive at your
Mindanao coffee will not be found in
the market just now, but Senor Tor
rejon, our enterprising grocer, will
secure it soon. The writer will then
tell the ladies how to make coffee from
the best bean in the world. The Sin
gapore coffee sold in the Chinese
stores is infinitely superior to the com
missary brand, and can be freshly
roasted, without which no coffee
should ever be drunk. Mindanao
Pretty Story Told -of Daughter of
Queen Victoria.
A pretty story is told of Princess
Louise when her husband, the Duke of
Argyle, then Marquis of Lome, was
Governor General of Canada. She wfis
sketching one afternoon fu the neigh
borhood of a town where she was to
be present with the 'Governor General
at some great function in the after
noon. The day was hot and she be
came thirsty, so she went to a nearby
cottage and asked for a drink of
water. The mistress of the house was
ironing., "I would, gladly give you a
drink," she said, "but I have no water
in the house and I haven't time to go
to get it, for I'm ironing a dress for my
daughter to wear this afternoon when
she goes to see the queen's daughter."
"Then," said the queen's daughter, '(if
you will get me the water I will go on
with the ironing."
A Threatened Drought.
It is said that a great drought,
for a short time, threatened tb prevail
at President recently., m An. order fpr
six cases of beet had been, left with an
Oil City dealer in the "brewery product
to be sent to President by express. It
.was. unloaded? at v that station, but
-whehtthe consignee was about to load
it oh the ferry boat he was stopped ty
the ferryman, who is a stanch Prohibi
tionist "You. can't load that on my
boat," he said. ''Why. it's, poison. I'd
rather handle rattlesnakes." And
neither threats nor cajoling could in
duce him to recede from his expressed
position. The beer was finally ferried
across the river in skiffs. Oil City
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will core
Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorb
the tnmora, allays oace.acta as a poul
tice, cirea iaatant mlief . ..Williams' Indian Pile
Ointment itTpiepared for PUoa and itching of the
priTata part. Sold bydmgxiatM, mail SOo and
UMi William' MT. Cos Props., Cleveland. O.
All Kinds of
Clover Xeaf and.
Recognized as the
"leading Spreaders on
the market today
rMore.corn on the,same
acreage try usirigtKe
Deere; planter. . It is
always ready for either
hilling or drilling;,
.-T?7r . your
tools and implements to be;
sharpened and repaired now.j
it ww save yon time wnen
spring opens up. We keef
only the latest and best in
buggies and carriages
Our. horseahdes stick tfnd '
doht lameyour .horse
-- V
2 x.aS
Louis Schrelber
Plasterer Bricklayer
Farm talents
What Happens inKhe. Small Tewn
After Sunset.
If you happen to spend an evening
in an EatliBh business town you can
not fall to be surprised aHh'e almost
complete solitude that surrounds you,
says the Philadelphia Record. This
town, that you .may have een In the
afternoon swarmlns with "such "num
bers of busy people; teeming with so
intense a fife. Is now deserted.
To its previous; animation has suc
ceeded a, straasa calm.. Jt la as though
you walked in a cky of the dead.
K It ia because every evening, after air
o'clockwork. Ja oyer Jn , the English;
town; tne complex, macmnery oi me
Immense labor bigaalxation-stops.
The factory, and the 'office, their'
doors, wide cast into the street
thejr world of liberated workers... Br
crowded tramways, by crowded pave
ments, the town-disgorges itself. Each
one clerks, workmen, " workgirls, of
fice boys, bankers and 'merchants
with the same haste to regain his:
dwelling. leaves' behind him the gloomy;
town where' he labored, where he
strove aa in the listsi'It ia an immense
and enthusiastic retreat.' It is the
daily exodus of the English toward
their "home."
What, then, is it. this home of which
the English f constantly speak, the;
thoughtof which touches their heart,
whose memory dijjis their eyes, that
enfolds aty the happiness :pf their life?'
It Js be.aplace .in which to for-
get .the .aggravations, of the world, in
which to be with one's, 'dear .bneey
'one's pets and one's lares and penates
Shaw'a Lift PrlncFple.
Leslie M. Shaw of Iowa, formerly
secretary oMhetAasury,; haa a story
on tap to-fit almost every situation
that presents itself. He was gov
ernor. of Iowa whencPresjdent.'
become a-.member
of his cabinet He went to Washing
ton in response to a summons 'from
the White House. While Mr. Shaw's
appointment had. been rumored, it.had
not been announced, officially, and a
persistent .rumor was jn circulation to
the effect that he would not accept, the
cabinet offer. Several correspoudents
waited on Mr. ilhaw ,at his hotel to
learn his intentions regarding the mat
ter, i
"When I was a boy," he aald, ."I
started off one day on a fishing trip
with another boy. We had . a long
tramp to the. fishing .place, and as, -the
weather waa warm we got very thirsty;
and coming, to a farmhouse my com
panion suggested that we stop and get
a drink of water. The lady bf the
house not only'gave us a drink out of.
a nice tin dipper, -but insisted uppn
our 'taking some pie. Bill, my com
panion, took a iarge piece, but from
diffidence .or something, I declined.
Bill looked at me with amazement
'Les,' he said, 'always help yourself to
'pie when .it is passing.' That was
pretty sound advice, and I have, acted
on that principle ever since." Wash
ington Star.
A Study Iri Black.
Like a glimpse of "the 'southland was
a little scene on lower Seventh avenue
one morning this week; says the New
York Globe. On the pavement direct
ly In front of the entrance to a poor
tenement sat- a .negro boy not more
than five years old. Bare-headed and
bare-footed, clad,, only in two ragged
garments, he squatted-like a tailor,
his ebony face 'alight with apprecia
tion as he munched a bit of fruit.
Close beside him on the sidewalk
was an old soap box. In the soap box
was an ebony baby of 18 months, clad
in a single garment and -equally
happy in-, an, endeavor to. swallow 'a
share, of the fruit The, soap box .was
a substitute for an unattainable baby
carriage, and JJhe 'flye-year-pid a sub
stitute for an 'unattainable nursemaid.
Dire poverty meant' nothing to the
pair of negro children. (
"There's an opportunity for a flue
canvas," said, -one observer. "I wish
I were an artist."
Immigrants' 'Purses.
The immigrants who 'stream into
New York all have' different ways bf
carrying their money.
The Irish immigrant carries a canvas
bag in which notes and coins are
crammed together.,
The German 'wears a money belt
gay "and costly, of embroidered cha
mois. "
The French and Italians carry brass
tubes wlthscrew" tops -wherein thy
keep their cash in 2ffanc gold pieces.
The Swede is sure to-have an -immense
pocketbobkjof '.cowhide - that
has been handed down from father to
son for. generations.
ThelSlavs.earry "their money in their
high boots, along with a fork and
An Eye te, Business.
. An expertgodfer hadthe-mlsforturie
to playa,partIcuUrly.vigore-a. stroke
atihe( moment thai a seedy wayfarer
skulked across the edge of 'the' course.
The ball; struck the trespasser" and
rendered -him bfielly:'ittsenslble. When
he recovereda." fiveIolIar bill was
pressed lhto His handbylhe regretful
goiter.- .. 4. y ji
after a kindling, glance -at the money.
"An-wheu "wiU'you be playln' again,
sirr' Lipplncoft's.
His "liiat Joke.
Touiay 'you wbuldllke more ex
ercise?" said2 the 'death watch to th'e
coadeaaed;Ban.;tWhat sort of exer
cise would you likef
,"I should like tosklp the rope," re
plied the' prisoner" with a grin.
AtTait!.. i
.' Tf -you'll "wait Y moment," nanted
the druggist "I'll "attend Jo yourpt-der.-
Tve had -a shock. You "seegae
woinan-gofn'r out? Well,-she's bfjen
Irving ii'lhis Blghbffood'for'ibbat
two years. r3hVs'Jea:inhre nearly
:every day; and eveijme'-'she.'iame
In she. bourtt--siimbVone ; arjmnii
rscettmeaV11ibnJenJea :two, and -now
aie tka three or foaf." -. ?
Then whatr asked The "wiHfag
custoaef: " - , ;
rwiryrj-w.tarfed thV:drug
gftt. ahe Sofet Vcake of -sbaj.-
m ChSrf Wm Ike Mk
- ae-ar hoate needs anew
depeniahie cooksng; range- Yo-s
will find in the ROUND OAK
CHIEF a sieel'range that will
eaeet every requirement. Get
Started right; econoaay now
will, mean comfort in after
-The Chief ia the; aaoat eco
noeaical range you can -buy- It
to reasonable iaprice, ecoapai-.
jcal ia coWuxnpWa of fuel
easy Tto keep clean. It is the
.range you want. Made of the
best material, this range will last
a lifetime. The body of the
Chief is made of the finest,
toughest polished steel known.
The top and the parts exposed to the fire are made of ROUND OAK
ast iron-abted for its strength and durability. The fire front aad back
are insectioaa and are extra heavy. The fire box is oval and just ex
actly the right size.
j -The well fitting hot' plates and covers are braced and strengthened
differently and better than others. The duplex grates burn 'successfully
any kind of coal and wood. The oven is a gem in size, efficiency and
Call r- and examine the range at our store. We' know an inferior
range will stand no show after. you have seen the Chief.
Ask' for booklet of the range.
aaaaaB'aaaaaaaaaaar "'awaaaaaaam aaaaaaar "aaaaaaaaaa
.allaL 'BHaaaaam 'LaaV Laaaam
waaaaaaaaaaTaaaaVaaaVaaaaaaaaaaal Baaal etfa
rBBaaaaaaaTBaaVwaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaan BbbbI bbbbbbbV
Objects to-"Sutfragette."
"It is time," observes a writer'in the
London "Chronicle, "that the term suf
fragette was abandoned, as the suffra
gist movement has taken its serious
place in politics. The word is not
worth preserving. It is used as a term
of reproach and does not enrich the
language. Women do not want the
vcte in order to maintain a distinction,
but in order to obliterate it. They
want to be suffragists. and citizens Just
as men are. Therefore, we have no
place for such a mongrel word as
'suffragette' in our 'political vocabu
lary. The latest addition to political
terminology is more useful. It is
platformula.' , It was invented by
John. M. Robertson, M. .p., and is
intended to describe something rather
indefinite in the way of political
pledges something which is partly a
'formula' which politicians should
adopt and at the same time is sun
posed, to have a place in the party
, Mysteries "of .Civilization.
"You have' persuaded the Indian to
give up his' picturesque headdress 'and
blankets' and wear hats and trousers,":
said the sardonic person. 1
"Yes; in. the Interest of .civilization."
"And I suppose it is also in the in
terest of civilization that we pay high
prices for tnese cast-off garments or
the Indian and use them for wall deco
We inyi.te all who desire choice
steak, and the very beat cuts of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in.sea?on.
Telephone sNo. L - ITnlumbun. Nh.
afarjl sfat I'Bt I I
...737am No. 4 6K)5ain
....11-JOam 4A)an
...UflsB No-14al2J3d lKH)pm
....11:14 am 0. 2:iapm
.... 3d9pm No. IS 2AJira
.,. 631) pm No.l0 3:12pm
... 6:10 pra No. 8 6:11pm
...7:15pm No. 2 7:15pm
.... 7j00am No. 60 SgOam
... 5KX)pm No. 64 5KX)am
No. 11 .. .
No. IS
J O. v .
No. 7 .....
No. 15.....
No. S .....
No. 5 . . . . .
No. 58
No. 63
No. 79 mxd..d 60 a m
Nn. 31naa . dl'JOnm
NowTlraxd. d 630am
No.29paa ..d 723 pm
No. SO pas ..al2:45pm
No.78mxd..a60pm No. 52 pas ..al2S0pm I
No. 80 mxd..a 70 p m ;
Daily except Saaday.
Woa. 1. 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare traisa.
Nos. 4. 5, IS and It are local passengers.
Nod. 58 and Ml are local fretsnts.
No. 9 asd 19 are mail trains only.
No H doo in Omaha 4:15 p. m.
No. 6 doe in Omaha 50 p.m.
pa aa
Mapme Binding
I Old iBooks I
I Rebound I
I 111 fiict, for anything in the book I
I bliiclifi lirie bring your work (o I
I fie I
I Joornal Office I
I Phone 160 , I
WaBHttatMa. '
HP -i
HDfaaHLS :
-"? BBh91Saw i
:MaaaBBBiB?jBaBBjaasaaBBai .
Electric Lightcd,Throughout.
Tbis superbly appointed firat.clff
train running daily in Denver. via the
Union Fnuibc; and equipped rwfib Buffet
Observation Sleeping Cirr piiUniaB.Jfal
ace Sliepint: Cnrn. Free reclinfifrlDriNir
Cars, Dynamo Buvgage Can and Dinii g
Car (meals h la, carte), ia.all. eleouic
liihtei throughout All sleeping rar
passengers have access to the6bserva
tinn parlor both in the.Paror Oars and
the Sleeping Cars without extra charge..
For retervationaon this and othar Union
Pacido trains inquire of E G Brown.
8?.. . lJf -j mzhx U V. .UlOO UIUiilJ
jo zcyiiMtJ .'ii ."at
.The riKht.
nK-nre nn fZCllDtpoHitnti..i:ilanr
or cimmisioii for Colnmhti! mim! tI:
cinitjr- Hit"vformr-rroiB'nn
and aivo referMio. Addrcxtt LOCK
Createa, Kea.
Dates can be made at the
Journal-Oflee " -
, , A
For Speed
Safety, Surety
A solid roadbed is es
sential. Visibility &
Speed in the Under
wood (Tabulator) type
writer are supported
by perfectly balanced
1617 Farnam St. Omaha
ffira Bl-rK -
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jT . JCaTC .A-i -.V
wS- -e-