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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1908)
. - ?-'r,t"- --"" ' ! jag "jvTMv,y r?- vs;w .-w- ?"v"-" s -S f,trt. at.- 1 M3&S--7-Yr r i - . . Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 33. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1908. WHOLE NUMBER 1,931. -. -"7i (Main partial W3F -; U:- 2 9 : m w m m m The John F. Property For sale at 3 a bed rock price 5 m m m m m m m m m m Anyone interested should investigate at once. BECHER, H0CKENBER6ER & CHAMBERS, Agents 4MM4MW44IM9r COLUMBUS XABJCST8. Hogs, top $5 20 to $5 35 SMMmranHfMi I MANY -J 1 wniiiwiwt 1 TEARS AGO. Files of the Journal November 18, 1874. Tea drinkers eaat may calculate to be well supplied with that article, as it passes over the U. P. railroad at the rate of twenty car loads at a time. -Messrs. Turner & Hnlat completed' their removal into their new bank build ing on Monday. They now have very commodious quarters, and are prepared to do any amonnt of business in the best manner. The fire department made a splendid parade Thursday morning, preceded by the Columbus Cornet band. After par ading through the principal streets of the city, and being reviewed by mayor and council, the department retired for refreshments at the suggestion of the mayor. We have good reason to know, and likewise be thankful for the efficien cy of the Columbus Fire Department. which is not excelled in this respect any where. One of the most important national questions is that of transportation. Con gress has the constitutional right to reg ulate commerce, and in -puraaaaeek-jof this power we see no reason why con gress may not construct a trunk railroad for freight at least, between the Atlantic seaboard and the Missouri river. The west very greatly needs a system of cheap transportation for her suplus product, which she is now compelled to part with at -vmoet ruinous prices, and the east feels the same great want for a reverse reason. The Mylet-Niemoller case, which was up for trial at the November term of the district court last week, was settled out of court, the plaintiff, Wm. Mylet, who sued to recover 500, receiving $250 Peter C. Lindbald, who sued the Union Pacific for $1,950 damages, because of a hand car accident in September, 1907, was given a verdict for $1, 150. He claim ed that the accident was due to the neg ligence of the section foreman. The company produced a recepit for $50 from Lindbald in settlement of all claims, but the jury returned the verdict for the above amount. The reorganization of the Nebraska national guard is one of the problems that will confront Governor-elect Shallenber ger, and in order to get opinions of ne of the beet posted men on military affairs, he came to Columbus last week to consult Dr. G. D. Evans on this matter. The doctor's experience and the interest be took in the national guard while surgeon general has placed him in the front rank in such matters and the governor-elect was seeking his advice. The report that the doctor was seeking something from the new administration is without foundation, as it was the governor-elect who desired information regarding the national guard and he came to one whom he considered one of the best informed men in the state. We have on hand a train load of all the best grades of coal on the saarket, and can give you any kind you want. Give us a trial order and get one of our E. Z. Dust Pans FREE. L. W. WBflVER & SON flarntss and Gtal Both Phones No. 74 BBvBUBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBfek BHTaBBBHR'SKLukT nAata The last week has been a busy one for the committees having in charge pre parations for opening week at the Y M. C A. The music committee have arranged a meeting for next Sunday at 3 p. m. at the Methodist church for a rehersal for the Men's chorus and are soliciting all those who will take part. The wives of the members of the board of directors held meetings this week, with Mrs. C. Sheldon presiding, and took np the details of the reception to be given Tuesday evening by the board of direct ors and their wives to the contributors, city and county officials, and the press. The ladies' general committee, which will have charge of the Friday evening banquet held a meeting Tuesday of this week, Mrs. Edgar Howard being chair man and Mrs. Ray E. Eaton, secretary. The following sub-committees were ap pointed: Menu committee Mesdames H. S. Elliott, J. N. Umland, J. C. Echols, C. C. Gray, J. B. Gietzen. G. D. Evans. Dishes and silver Mesdames M. D. Karr.H. Thuma, H. A. Clarke, L. F. Rector, F. W. Herrick, D. O. Kavan augh, C. H. Dack. Table linen Mes dames . E. Brooks, H. Ragatz, jr., W. b. Evans, H. G. Fricke, W. A. McAllis ter, J. F. Oarrig. Soliciting com mittee Mesdames M. Brugger, J E. Peterson, U. B. Robinson, E. H. Cham bers, E. H. Neumann, J. N. Umland, Richard Ramey, Christ From, E. R. Jar min, J. C. Byrnes, G. B. Speioe. Super vision committee Mesdames A. M. Post. D. T. Martyn, C. Baney, Ray Ea ton, H. A. Clark, Miss Jennie Dawson. Dining room committee Mesdames Thos. Boyd, Frank Robinson, L F. Rector, J.N. Umland. J. J. Sullivan, O. E. Pollock, M. C. Keating, W. F. Schram, J. Kasmussen. L. O. Yoss. J. E. Paul. Receiving committee Mesdames C. H. Sheldon, D. T. Martyn, H. 8. Elliott, H. F. Fricke, R. S. Dickinson, P. J. Hart and J. E. Erskine. Platte county officers succeeded in landing a badly wanted forger Monday of this week. His name is L. G. Living ston and he was representing a Chicago house. His method of doing business was to go into a town and sign some merchant's name to a check, get it cashed and then move on. He was traced to Grand Island, but gave the officers the slip at that place and came to i Columbus, where he had mail await ing bim. In order to avoid suspicion he presented an order at the post office for his mail, giving the impression that he was not the man. but before he got it I became suspicious and ML TbeoMosrs then found out that he had some bag gage and that it was ordered sent to Norfolk, and they immediately instruct ed the officers at that place to arrest him. He was brought to this city on the freight Monday evening and taken to Omaha Tuesday morning by a deputy sheriff from Douglas county. Living ston was also wanted in Chicago, and the authorities from the Windy City were on his track first, but the Omaha people found out he was under arrest and man aged to get him first. "The Farmer's Daughter" the present season's emotionally dramatic rural dra ma, which is generally selected as the successor to "The Old Homestead" and "Way Down Eaat", will be the attraction at North Theatre on Wednesday Nov. 25th. As a play it is described as a dramatic relief from the general run of similar works, depending wholely and solely on its truth of nature, its moral lesson and consistency. There are four acts, and it is one of those dramatic of ferings wherein the audience become so deepely enthused as to fancy the vari ous characters their friends or enemies, in keeping with the incidents of the play, or in other words, become imaginative participants. A splendid company pre senting a splendid play always will be welcome the world over, and that is what may be looked forward to in the forth coming presentation of '-The Farmer's Daughter" in this city. Mrs. Thomas, widow of the late W. D. Thomas, who was one of the prominent early citizens of Fremont, died Novem ber 11, at Denver, Colorado, after an illness of two weeks. Mrs. Thomas left Fremont three years ago to make her home with her son. Will, in Denver. She was sixty-seven years of age, and was born in New York state. Her family, the Toncrays, came to Dodge county in the early sixties, being among the earli est settlers. Mrs. Thomas is survived by three children, Will Thomas, Bay Thomas and Miss Lizzie Thomas. Bay Thomas, who makes his home in Fre mont, hurried to Denver Wednesday night in response to a telegram which said that his mother was in a serious condition, but arrived two hours too late to see her alive. Metz Brothers bowling team again proved their superiority over the Colum bus, Neb., team, defeating theai in a fast three-game series rolled 8usday evening at the Association alleys on Harney street, the total soores being 8106 to 2,310 at the end of the game. The first game was won by the Omaha sea by the score of 828 to 723; the second by the score of 933 to 731, but the third and last game was taken by the Columbus boys by the close score of 856 to 847. The highest individual soores for a single game were made by Cochraa'of the Metz Brothers team and by Sawyer of the Colambus aggregation, each man scoring an even 900. The highest score for the three games was made by Gjerde of Omaha, who rolled 54 pointa Omaha Workt-Bsrald. . Toilet Bets at Leavy's. Dra. Paul and Matzsa, Dentists. .Fur mitts at coat at F. EL Rasche's. Dr. Vallisr, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. W. H. Slater. veterinarian, phone 96. First-class printing done at the Jour nal oatoe. Deering corn picker and hueksr. L. Schreiber. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Damron, on Monday, a son. .Head your Christmas list with a Ko dak. Ed. J. Niewohner. Crashed rock salt for hides, and for stock. Columbus Hide Co. See those gaits at Gray's ready for ThaaksgiTiag sale. Dr. York, bile. A. E. Yallier spent 8unday in He made the trip in an automo- Miss Hsttie Brodfaehrer is this week entertaining Miss Rogene Dellecker of Omaha. Mrs. Anna Nuget has returned from Omaha and Kansas City, where she was called on business. Miss Gladys Slaughter of Genoa, was the guest of Miss Martha Hirshbrnner a few days last week. Mrs. Moses Kuntzelman, who been seriously ill for the past week, is somewhat improved. Mrs. Gris Blascr oameup from Omaha Saturday afternoon to visit with friends and relatives for a week. We are loaded from collar buttons to diamonds. Do your advanos shopping now. Ed J. Niewohner. Miss Lena Boettcher left last Thursday for Grand Island, where she will visit with relatives and friends for a week or two. The Belgrade bowling team will be here Monday evening for a match game with Captain Hagel's home team at the Hagel parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heggi, who live six miles southwest of Columbus, are the proud parents of a baby boy, which was born Saturday. , Smoke Victoria, .five cent agar, and. flthite Seal, tea cent cigar, both Colas. bus made goods. They are the best brands offered in this oity. Mrs. M. J. Kelley left Wednesday for Edgemont. South Dakota, where she will be the guestof Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Neumarker for a few weeks. D. O. Brown of 'Kansas Oity, arrived in the city Sunday evening and will re main until after Thanksgiving with his daughter, Mrs. F. D. Nsylor. The Mises Clara Blosdorn and Maggie Frischholz went to Humphrey last Tues day evening, where on the following day they attended the Weber-Sohroeder wedding. Mrs. Frank Schram, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Julia Has rauesen and other Columbus relatives for the past few weeks, will leave this week for her home in Colorado. Mrs. George Eagle and two children of Clarke, were the guests of John Burnes and family several dsys last week. They also visited at the home of H. B. Reed, who lives one mile north of town. Frank 81ater of Annawan. Hlinoie. was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Sister several dsys last week. Mr. Slater was returning from the Black Hills, where he has been for the past few months. Miss Lida MoMahon, who was the guest of Columbua relatives and friends for the past few days has returned to her home in Geneva. Miss MoMahon is superintendent of the girls' industrial school at that place. Ma. Nellie Ryan has returned from Colorado, where she went some time ago in hope of benefitting her health, and her many friends will be pleased to learn that she is much improved aad has de cided to remain in this city. The Ladies Guild of the Reformed church will give a 10c tea at the home of Mrs.C. Rohde on Friday. November 20th. from 3 to 8 o'clock, for the benefit of Tabitbe Home and Hospital at Lin coln, Neb. The publio is invited. "Oh, mamma! mamma! I've found oat something," "Go on and feed the chickies, daughter; bat what is it you have found out?". "I've found oat why your neighbor's Lizzie bakes such good bread. She uses Peter Schmitt's flour. Oscar Nay and wife arrived from Cheyenne .last week, -and after Oscar takes a week's haat at Ord, will make this city their home. Mr. Nay was working at the printing rusinnsn in Cheyenne and expects to follow that trade here. "T" of tie Celaanfeas Laai, Loaa & Bailiiag Aftteeiatiea kegiai NaT. , 1908. Mea are met aft to tare tea Mack, let ter take stock mew.- H. Haek eakerger, Secretary. North Theatre Friliy ni Sitwiay Bight A Mountain Feud This is Sehys latest picture and it is taken from real life in the mountains of Colorado and is one of the best films ever produced by them. Don't miss seeing this pic ture, for it will pack the house. ; Admission 10c I Dra. Martyn, Evans & Ireland. Dr. D.T. Martj-n neidaaea phone. Bell 42, Ind. 42. Jr. C. D. ErmaB rMaaco phone. Bell, black 82, Ind. 256, Dr. 6. A. Ireland residence phone Bell. 150, Ind. 159. OSce phones. Bell 19, Ind. 19. Office west side of city park. Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Lee's Egg maker at Leavey'e. Fnr mitts at cost at F. H. Rueohe's. G. R. Prieb, painting and paper hanging. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Clover leaf manure spreader. Louis Schreiber. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. For storage room, enquire of the Columbus Hide Co. Dr. C. A. Allenburger, offloe in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenson & Hylaad, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr ofloe new Colum bus State Bank building. You are invited to look over our holi day line now. Ed. J. Niewohner. - Miss Edna Iaastrusi was the guest of Genoa friends several .days last week. Attend Gray's getting ready for Thanksgiving gale on lin ens. It pays to sell your bides where you can get the most money from tbem. See Columbus Hide Co. Mrs. M.G. Keating left Wednesday evening for Omaha where she will visit relatives for a few days. I have a quanity of sweet cider, which I will sell chesp. For further informa tion inquire of A. C. Mahaffey. Wanted Room and board with pri vate family, by respectable young man. Address X, care of the Journal. Mrs. E. D. Fitzpatriok has gone to Hastings, where she will visit her daugh ter, Mrs. J. J. Murphy for a short time Mrs. D. T. Martyn. and Mrs. O. T. Boen are receiving a visit from their sis ter, Mrs T. H. Phillips of Los Angeles, California. Alvert Kellogg of Council Bluffs, is the guest of Columbus relatives and friends. Mr. Kellogg will remain in the city indefinitely. Miss Lizzie Patsoh, formerly of this city, but who is now living in Omaha, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Patsch this week. Oran O. Breece, who has been suffering from a severe attack of bronchitis is somewhat improved, and it is thought that he will soon be able to return to bis duties in the Columbus creamery. Mrs.Iven Holmes and little son Buses!, of Lincoln, arrived in the city Thursday evening, and while here will be guests of Mrs. Holmes' mother, Mrs Stovioek, and other Columbus relatives for a few weeks. Now is the time to get your Holiday Signs We do Artistic Sign Writing am Doooratinf; Latest 1908 Fall Styles of Wall Paper KAVANAUGH fc BETTEBTON Recently ia "The' Morning Tele graph", a New York newspaper consider ed aa authority on matters theatrical, there appeared a review of America's tost popular plays. Of course, "Unole Tom's Cabin" beaded the list, and the came mestioa of such old time favorites aa "The Old HoaaSBteed" "Way Down. East" "A Trip To Chinatown", 'Shore Acres", M'liss". "The Daaites", snd "My Sweetheart" Comingdown to the last decade The Morning Telegraph's expert seleotd The Mask Master", "Ben Hur", "Paid In Full" and "The Farm er' Daughter", as the plays most likely to attain greatest longevity. "The Farmer's Daughter" which is probably one of the most successful of the present day rural plays, will be the attraction at the North theatre for Wednesday, No vember 96th. The Ministerial Association BMt at the Presbyterian house last Monday morn ing. An opening prayer was offered by Uev. itoush, alter which tne program committee announced 'that the Thanks giving service would be held in the Methodist church and that an address upon 'Thanksgiving snd its relation to the Christian Church" ahould be de livered by the Presbyterian minister, al so that the first Tsaaperenoe Union Sun day evening meeting be held in the Methodist church and Rev. Dibble be the speaker. Rev. Reinhart gave an earn est talk upon The Needa of Columbus." A note of thanks was extended to him at its oloee. Adjournment was made with prayer by Rev. Dibbel. Samuel D. Harkness, secretary. Palmer's dry and steam cleaning works does all kinds of cleaning, dyeing and repairing of ladles' and gent's clothing. We reline and altar ladies' coats and jackets, put 1b aew sleeve lining, velvet collars and new buttons. We repair worn skirts, put on new braid and waist bands. We also dry clean rugs, ourtains and tapestry. Furs cleaned and relined. We make buttons to order from yoar own goods. 1218 Platte St. Both phones. Persons living in the vicinity of William Bucher's residence in East Co lumbus have been molested of late by a man, who has been endeavoring to play the part of a holdup, but thus far has not been fortunate ia securing any money or valuables. Although this party has not been disturbed in his night raids, it will be wise for him to choose amors honorable profession, or otherwise ha I wijljbe dsalt, with accordingly. Platte county is not going to be left out in the distribution of pie by Governor elect Shallenberger. Fred Pratt of the Humphrey Democrat, put in his applica tion for deputy oil inspector bright and early, and dispatches in the daily papers say that Fred will land the plum and that other democratic newspaper men are also to be rewarded. Editor Pratt is to be congratulated on his success in landing the appointment. A. W. Lamb, west of Albion, was in the city last week enroute to Omaha., Until a few years ago Mr. Lamb was a resident of this oounty, living in Joliet township, where he was engaged in the hog business, handling thoroughbred stock. On account ,of railroad facilities he changed his location and in his new home is gaining much more than a local reputation as a fancy stock breeder. The fire department was called to the home of Gus Stoll Monday evening, a hay stack containing about five tons of hay having been accidentally aet on fire by some children. The department wa compelled to couple up all the available hose in order to reach the fire, as it was located near the cemetery, out of reach of hydrants. The blaze was confined to the hay, which was a total loss. Mrs. Fred Geiser was agreeably sur prised by the members of the Degree of Honor Thursday afternoon. The ladies gathered at the home of Mrs Louis Held and then repaired to the Geiser home. The afternoon was spent in plsying cards. A five o'clock lunch was served. Mr. snd Mrs. Geiser were also surprised by a number of their neighbors and friends Sunday afternoon. Mr. Joseph Gahm, pianist, and Minn Gahm, harpist, will give a concert at North theatre, Thursday evening, Nov. 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Gahm have just returned from a two year's study under the masters of Berlin snd Leipsig, and this will be one of their first concerts since their return. It is under the aus pices of the choir of Grace church. Admission 50 cents. Helen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Kummer, who reside on East Tenth street, entertained a number of friends Saturday afternoon in honor of her sixth birthday. Many pretty and useful pres ents were received. Lunch was served aad lata in the af tersoon the guests ae parted for their respective homes, wish ing that Miss Helen might have a happy birthday every day. Next Sunday a new time card will go into effect on the Union Pacific. But two passenger trains will be affected by the ohange, No's. 8 and 4, both arriving in Omaha a little earlier, and a corres ponding change be made here. No. 16, the fast mail from the west, will be an nuled and run with No. 10, although this has been done for some time. Mrs E. H. Jenkins and Mrs. Wsa. Terrell were visitiag with friends at Primrose aad Cedar Rapids from Friday until Tuesday eveaing. Far reatatoace, tae Heary Wilcktas atase. Mowera. Call atBieaaoatee. All ts gentlemen singers in the city are requested to meet at the M. E. eharoh next Saaday, November 23, at 3 p. m. to rehearse for the men's chorus for the opeaiac week of the V. M. C. A. Y. MCA. Baaeic. eommittee. John Jacob Gerber, living one mile south of Duncan, died Saturday. No vember 14, aged 71 years. Mr. Gerber was born in Oantoa Berne, Switzerland, and csmeto America in 1866, remaining iaNew York for a few. months and coming to Platte ooonty, Nebraska, in November the same year, and taking the homestead where he has since made his home. For the last eleven years Mr. Gerber has beea in poor health and suf fered several strokes of paralysis, and the last' three years has been quite feeble. About three weeks ago his brother, Emanuel, was called from Chi cago and remained at his bedside until bis death. The deceased lesves, besides his wife, tea children, Mrs. Lucy Eggli, Mrs. H. W. Wagner, Mrs. Fred Schup- baeb, Mrs. Arnold Gerber, Jacob Gerber and Julius, Boas, Clara, Sam nd Lil lian Gerber. The funeral was held Tuesday from the home, Bev. Neumarker conducting the services, and he was laid to rest in the Duncan cemetery. Iaatt'ft.4. Frank Hilmer is attending commercial college in Columbus. D. D. Bray shipped a oar of cattle to South Omaha Sunday evening. MraGertie Zimmer was in Columbus Tuesday to attend the wedding of her brother from Osceola. laatt Vo. 5. Some much needed road work needs to be done on the route before the ground freezes up. H. F. Hahn of Upton, Colo., arrived last Thursday evening for a visit with his brothers. School was resumed in theKuenzli district Monday, with Miss Mary Wilcox as teacher, in place of Miss Ellen Person. Walker. Fine corn picking these dsys. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. "Martin -Olson . visited at. J. SwajBHxm's Sunday. It is said that a new candy store wss built all in one night at Grand View. So now the boys have a ehanee to buy candy for the girls. Martin A. Nelson, of the firm of Swan son & Nelson, dealers in live stock at Genoa, was calling on friends on the Looking Glass Snndsy afternoon. Ittu M: 1. Miss Sophie Frerichs of Osceola visited at the home of Frank Arni last Sunday. D. C. Kavanaugh had a force of men painting th Frank Adamy barn, Tues day of this week. Frank Arni finished husking hs corn last week and reports a yield of thirty five bushels to the acre. Cbas. Godel of Soribner is moving on the Fred 8tenger place, which be will farm the coming summer. There will b a pie social next Wed nesday evening at the school house in district No. 16, Miss Emma Luera, teach er. Into M: 3. Wm. Goedeken is in St. Louis, Mo. Jesse Bisson returned to Tulsa, Okla last Saturday. Otto Reins of near Platte Center, vis ited friends on the route Sunday. Fred Brunken is going to Chicago as soon'as be can possibly get there. County Superintendent Lecron was visiting schools on the route last week. The families of Peter Lutjens and Mason Albera were in Columbus Sunday. J. F. Siems was payings farewell visit to friends on the route Tuesday of this week. Mr. and' Mrs. L. F. Rector of Colum bus were taking in the sights on route No. 3 Tuesdsy.- , George Syas, a young man from Den ver, Colo., who is working for Peter Lutjens, entertained the young folks with his phonograph Sunday evening. Perhaps the nicest little social event of the season occurred on the route Mon day evening. About twenty neighbors snd friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barg mann came in on them and gave them a complete surprise, the occasion being the fortieth anniversary of Mrs. Barg maan's birth. What might have been a very serious accident, happened Sunday Fred Brun ken and Mr. Krauae being is the dlixup Their team became frightened at aa automobile and ran away. npsettiBg the buggy and throwing them out and tear ing the top snd seat from the buggy. After getting rid of the boggy the team knocked down a mail box and ran over a mile to Mr. Buss's, where they jumped a four foot gate. Neither one of the ani mals were iBJared. There is now no need of allowing coughs to continue f torn any excuse, as Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup relieves at once the most stubborn cough and quickly cures sore throat, harshness, difficult breathing and all in flammation of the throat and respiratory tract POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist oa the Coraer Columbus, Nebraska Holiday perfumes at Leavy's. Our Christmas Toilet Seta are hers now for your inspection. Ed. J. Niewoh ner. Remeauber Gray's gettiag ready for Thanksgiriagsale oa skirts. Mra.0. O. Pennington, who has beea seriously ill for the past few weeks is muoh improved. Miss Louise Rudat has returned from Madison, where she went several days ago for a short visit with relatives. Mrs. Edward Clark, who is at present visiting relatives in Denver. Colorado, is expected home soon. Mrs. Clark has made quite an extensive trip ska also went to North Dakota and Canada where she has land interests. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bridell, formerly of this city, but a resident of Geneva, this state for the last few years, are guests of Columbus friends this week. Mr. Bridell is looking for a location and may decide to remain in Columbus. Miss Edna Peak of Louisville, Ky., who has been the guest of Miss Eileen Kavanaugh for the paat few dsys,, left Taesdsy afternoon for Spalding, where shewilLvisit relatives for a short time.. On her return to Columbus she will make an extended visit here. For the first time since he has suffered from a stroke of paralysis, John Graf was able to be out Monday of this week and walked over to the court bouse. It will be some time, however, before he will be able to resume his duties, but his many friends are pleased at his rapid re covery. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheidel, sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Scheidel, jr , aad their daughter, also Mrs. Macken and Mr. Burrows of Platte Center, were the guests of Columbus friends last Wednes day, and while hero attended the Spe-r-Burrows wedding, which took place tlit afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brodfuehrer. John Ziljun. who lives in the westt-rn part of the county, south of the Loup, was before Police Judge O'Brien Mon day, on complaint filed by O. W. Pool, a school officer in district No. 34. This is result of some trouble between the teach er and Ziljun's daughter, and the father took a hand. After hearing the evidence Ziljun was assessed $15 and coats for his part in the matter. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Gruetli society was celebrated last Saturday evening at the Orpheus hall. A program, coosistiag of speaking, singing and drilling was given, and was well received by those present. Following the program Bev. Neumarker. pastor of the Germsn Reformed church, delivered an address, and the balance of the evening was passed in dancing, music being furnished by the Orpheus orchestra. During the intermission re freshments were served. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous M nosing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Saita on the market. Prices in men's from 91.60 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, tl and $1.95. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for yoar in spection and ranging ia price from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S "' r "&. , s- "..-kvtf. -S$&S&S-. i--. - x- - 1