The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 11, 1908, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
rf tf f WKttt
The John F. Siems
For sale at
t a bed rock price 5
Anyone interested
should investigate
at once.
nrnucn unmrcuDCDGCD ft
DLunnn. nukitciiDtnuLn o
Hinunrnn ai 4
UtlAMDEIK, Agenis
Hogs, top $5 00 to $5 15
B iwi 111 wmwiHuwiuunnumii
Files of The Journal. Nov. 11, 1874.
A large amount of provisions, we
learn, are on the road coming west,
wbicb are soon to reach the State Aid
Bociety, and by the activity of that asso
ciation the suffering people will find re
lief. God bless the charitable people.
Something like a bald eagle came
down upon a goose the other day, near
Mr. Gerhard Loseke's dwelling on Lose
ke creek. It is described as a very heavy
bird, one person saying its legs were as
large as those of a child six years old.
Several farmers in the northern part
of the county have expressed a willing
ness to exchange their cattle for sheep,
at the first favorable opportunity. We
have no doubt on the question of sheep
raising in Nebraska properly conduct
ed. We are informed that a great deal of
timber has been stolen from timber land
on Taylor creek, this county, and that
the school land on Ihat creek has been
entirely stripped of timber: Those who
have timber there, had better look after
it a little.
The weather prophets in Nebraska are
sadly at fault, they cannot tell what a
day may bring forth. Saturday last the
dark clouds rolled up under a strong
wind, the lightning flashed, and a sound
came out of the clouds resembling the
discharge of distant artillery. That was
Nebraska weather at Oolumbus on the
?th day of November, 1874.
Monday evening the board of directors
of the Y. M. C. A. building met for the
first time in the new building. Since
November 4 heat has been turned on the
building and the electric light and hot
water connections have since been made.
Already a number of rooms have been
rented and are occupied. As an induce
ment to rent the rooms the board of
directors are allowing a fifty per cent
discount to all who rent rooms before
December 15. Indications prove to all
the rooms being occupied before the
opening week, which will be from No
vember 29 to Deoember 6. The furni
ture is being installed this week and the
finishing touches are being put on the
lower floors, which includes the installa
tion of the apparatus in the gymnasium.
Presbyterian Church.
Sunday services in the Presbyterian
church as follows: Sunday school at
9:45. Morning service at 11:00. The
subject of the sermon will be "The
Triumph." A number will join the
church by letter and upon profession of
faith. Christian Endeavor at 6:30.
Evening service at 7:30. The subject of
the sermon will be "Material and Spirit
ual Progress." Thursday evening at
7:30, a short Bible study. You are cor
dially invited to these services.
Samuel D. Hakkness, Pastor.
We have on hand a train load
of all the best grades of coal on
the market, and can give you any
kind you want. Give us a trial
order and get one of our E. Z. Dust
Pans FREE.
Harness and Caal
Both Phones No. 74
aammmmmmur ?-nEBk.
JL f- ainfmmrc
On next Thursday night November
12ib, one of the most faseinating xtories
ever told in play will be the offering at
the North Theatre. "The Girl and the
Stampede," a story of the life encounter
ed upon the American frontier in the
early days of strife with the invaders of
Wyoming. The author baa endeavored
to picture in a true manner the scenes
and incidents just as encountered and
experienced by those who braved the
storms and hardships of life in the days
that the play demonstrates. The piece
comes to us with the very highest en
dorsements as 'to its worth and from
authentic reports from the various cities
in the east where the company, appeared,
it is a production of exceptional merit.
The western play has been an important
factor in the amusement field during the
past five years. A natural question pro
voked by this circumstance is summed
up in the word Why? A person who has
seen "The Oirl and the Stampede" will
not hesitate a monent for the proper re
ply. They will say the western play ex
ists and is patronized and admired be
cause it pulsates with youth, life and
manhood. It presents scenes and char
acters with which we are familiar from
present recent associations. It revives
memories of the most cherished days
among the strongest reasons for its pop
ularity is the fact it is clean and whole
some. It shows sturdy, manly men and
women. A representation of such men
and women and life as lived in the west
in the earlier days attract the best which
is today the largest element in any com
munity. A man of family finds in it the
spirit he would inculcate in his eon and
daughter and have them admire. The
western play restores to all who have be
come tired many of the inspiring illu
sions of their early days. It has de
lighted a million people in the past three
years, it will- be the same for you. 'The
Girl and the 8tampede" will be the offer
ing next Thursday night.
Mrs. Mary Otterpobl passed away at
her home in Madison, last Saturday.
Heart failure was the immediate cause
of her death. For the past eight
months she had been an invalid, and
although she was in poor health,, her
death came very unexpectedly. Mrs.
Otterpobl, nee Miss Mary Wagner.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner
of this city, was thirty-nine years old at
the time of her death, and leaves, be
side her husband, four small children,
the youngest a babe of eight months, to
mourn the loss of a kind and loving wife
and mother. The deceased is also sur
vived by her aged parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wagner, and one sister, Mrs. Cecil
E. Ewing of Madison, and four brothers,
namely, August of this city, Will, Joseph
and George, who are located in the west
and who were unable to attend the
funeral, which was held Tuesday morn
ing at Madison and interment was made
in the Madison cemetery. Relatives who
attended the funeral from here were
Mr. and Mrs. August Wagner.
The marriage of Karl A. Becker to Miss
Ruby H. Rasmussen took place in Omaha
Wednesday. The bride and groom, ac
companied by Miss Blanche Neiwohner
and Herman Kersenbrock, left for that
city Wednesday morning and at high
noon Kev. L. R. De Wolf, formerly pas
tor of the M. E. church in this city
spoke the words that pronounced them
man and wife. For the past year the
bride has been employed in the Henry
Ragatz grocery store and is well known.
The groom has for several years been
employed in the Friedhof dry goods store
and by his courteous manner and friend
liness has won many friends who will
join the Journal in extending to this
estimable couple their heartiest con
gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Becker
have returned from their short wedding
trip, most of the time beisg spent in the
metropolis, and are now at home to
their many friends in a residence at
812 west Fourteenth street.
Tuesday of this week the Oolumbus
Game and Fish protective association
received between two and three thou
sand black bass and croppies, which
they planted in the various ponds, in
cluding Stevens' lake and the ice house
pond. The fish commissioner also sent
a consignment of bull frog tadpoles, and
these were also distributed. The asso
ciation has been doing 'some good work
since its organization and those having
charge of the fish and game of the state
are willing to help them whenever they
can. The result of the organization will
be that when other parts of the state
are without game and fish this locality
will be supplied.
Mrs. George H. Thomas and Mrs. C. 8.
Raney went to 8chuyler Thursday,
where they attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. A. K. Waldron, who passed
away Tuesday of last week in an Omaha
hospital, death resulting from a surgical
operation, which she underwent a few
days previous to her death. Mrs. Wald
ron was quite well known, as she fre
quently visited friends in Columbus.
Her husband died last Jane. Mr. Wald
ron will be remembered as having been
in the employ of the Burlington railway
company at the time of his death.
J. F. Siems aid family will
leave sow for Los Aagles, Cali
fornia, ami have iispesei of all
mersomal property aai kelrag
ings as' previously advertised
except 15 cvfaries of fcees,
which will he sold at a hargaia.
Dm. Paul and Matzea, Dentists.
Fur mitts at cost at F. H. Rasche'a.
Dr. Vallisr, Osteopath, Barber block.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
Deering corn picker and hunker. L.
Our Thanksgiving silver is here. Ed.
J. Niewohner.
Say, tut! tut! to any person that tells
you there's a better spectacle man than
Born, Friday, No. 6, 1908, at Loap
City, Nebraska, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert P.
McKinnie, a son.
Miss Jean Campbell of Broken Bow
was the guest of her brother, Dr. C. V.
Campbell, several daya last week. -j
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nichols pleasantly
entertained a number of friends last
Saturday evening to a chafing dish sup
per. Mrs. D. C. Kavanaugh returned from
Norfolk Monday, where she was the
guest of Dr. and Mm Young for a few
days. t
John Stovieek went to Seward Thurs
day morning and before returning home
will visit relatives and friends in Lincoln
and Omaha.
Captain George Bagel will take his
bowling team to Omaha next Sunday, to
play a return series with the champion
Metz team of that city.
Smoke Victoria, five cent cigar and
White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Oolum
bus made goods. They are the best
brands offered in this eity.
Miss Erakine, who has been the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Erskine for the
past few days departed Sunday evening
for her home In Minnesota.
Mrs. Mary Parker, who has been visit
ing relatives and friends in Platte Cen
ter and Norfolk for the past few weeks,
returned to this city Wednesday.
County Clerk John Graf, who suffered
from a stroke of paralysis, is improving
rapidly and now able to take afew steps,
and will soon be able to take a little out
door exercise.
Hubert Burruss, formerly a newspaper
man in this city, is very ill at his home
in Swea City, Iowa. He is suffering from
alsevere attack of acute liver trouble
aud hk'reoovery m said to be very doubt
ful The members and congregation of the
Presbyterian church are invited to be
present at the reception to be tendered
by the church to Rev. and Mrs. Hark
nees at the Presbyterian house on Fri
day evening.
Sheriff Carrig received a telephone
message from Creston last Friday saying
that a bay horse and sorrel horse had
been stolen from E. C. Campbell on
October 29. There was no clue as to
who the thief
Dr. Harry Arnold returned to the city
Saturday evening from Omaha. He
came east especially to have an operation
performed, which was snooessf ully aone,
and after1 a week or more with his old
friends here in Columbus, will return to
his California home.
John T. Cox of Sioux City, Iowa, but
who was formerly B. and M. station
agent in this city, was calling on old
friends and acquaintances a few days
last week. For the past few years Mr.
Cox has beea employed as traveling
agent for the same company.
Someone broke in the large plate glass
window in Otto Merz meat market early
last Wednesday morning, between one
o'clock and' daylight Mr. Men has hsd
the glass replaced, but he would like to
know who did the job, as it is quite ex
pensive, and there was no insurance.
Dr. and Mis. O. D. Evans assisted by
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. North entertained
the members of the Evening club Thurs
day evening. This was the first meet
ing of the season. During the evening
five hundred was played. Mm. D. T.
Martyn and Mr. C. 0. Gray received the
Mr. and Ma Ralph Ooolidge delight
fully eatertaiaed the members of the
Bissell Hose company Thursday evening
in honor of Gene Tiffany and Gus Beoh
er, jr., who have served five years in that
company and are now permitted to re
tire from active service if. they desire
The evening was spent in play iag cards
and at a late hour the host and hostess
served lunch.
B. O. .Wade, general secretary for the
Omaha Y. M. O. A., was in the eity but
Friday, the guest of D. Burr Jonas. Mr.
Wade built the new Y. at C.A. build
ing in Omaha, the Inset one in the state
and in speaking of the local beaming
said that it was fully as up to date and
convenient as any he had seen, and the
Oolumbus promoters should be com
mended for their work.
Palmer's dry and steam cleaning works
does all kinds of classing, dyeing aad
repairing of ladles aad gent's clothing.
We reline and alter ladies coals and
jackets, pat is new sleeve Using, velvet
oollam and new buttons We repair
worn skirts, pat on -sew braid and waist
bands. We aho dry dean rugs, curtains
aad tapestry. Foiseleaaad aadrehaed.
We make buttsste te order from'' your
own goods. 1218PUtteSt. Both phones.
Now is the tune to get
your Holiday Signs
. Weo
Sign Writing
Paper Hamming
aad Duooratiag
Latest 1908 Fall Styles of
Wall Paper
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Ireland.
Dr. D. T. Martya reaidenoe phooe. Bell 42, Ind.
42. Dr. C. D. Eraas reeldeooe phone. Bell, black
S3, Ind. 258, Dr. G. A. Ireland residence phone
Bell, red 1S. Ind. ISO. Oalce phones, BeU 19,
Ind. 19. OBoe west side of city park.
While Ambros Brqner, who is employ
ed ss blacksmith iq Louie Schreiber's
blacksmith shop was doing some engine
repairing for John orn, he as well as
Mr. Born was severely injured. They
were heating the piston of the engine
and getting ready o do some repairs
on it. Moisture had gathered in the
piston, and when jt was heated to a
certain heat exploded, blowing the fire,
cinders and ashes into the faces of the
two men. Mr'Scbreiber was also near
when the accident occurred but was only
slightly scratched about the face, while
the other two men were badly burned
about the face and head. Their eyes
wereseverly injured and it is not known
as yet whether the accident will deprive
either of the victims of their eyesight.
The marriage of Louis L. Scbroederof
this city and Miss Mary A. Weber of
Humphrey has been announced and the
wedding osremony w,ill take plaoe today
(Wednesday) at the Catbolur church in
Humphrey. After a short wedding trip,
Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder will return to
Columbus, where they will reside in a
cottage on East Fourteenth street, which
hss recently been prepared for their oc
cupancy. The groom is one of Colum
bus' progressive young business men and
is engaged in plastering and bricklaying.
The bride is well known in the city, as
some time ago she lived here, and by her
kind and gentle manner has won many
friends, who will welcome her to her
new home.
The Lincoln 8tar is authority for the
statement that Judge Sulliyan of this oity
will be offered one of the places on the
supreme bench, which were created by
the adoption of the constitutional amend
ments at the recent election. While this
is only a rumor, the many friends of the
judge, not only in Columbus 'and Platte
oounty, bufall over the state, hope that
it iB true, as he is one of the best quali
fied men in the state for the position, and
made a splendid record during hie one
term on the supreme bench.
District court is in session this week,
the term beginning Monday, with Judge
Hollenbeck on the bench. The first ease
for jury trial was John Lueschen vs.
Platte oounty, being an appeal from an
award of $90 made by the supervisors,
for a road. After being out all after
noon the jury brought in a verdict for
$90 for the plaintiff, the amount origin
ally allowed by the board. Tuesday eve
ning a jury for the Mylet-Niemoller case
was empanelled and the case will be tried
The work of putting the sheet iron
covering on the new T. B. Hord eleva
tor is about completed, and the inside
finishing work is now being done by
their fproe of twenty men. All the
electrioal parte are here and will be in
stalled soon, and they expect to have
the elevator ready to receive grain about
Christmas. The building, which is one
of the largest in the state outside of
Omaha and Lincoln, is quite an impos
ing structure, and quite an addition to
our city.
On Saturday evening November 14,
the picture show at North theatre wilL
be given for the benefit of St. Mary's
hoapital, that institution receiving a per
centage of the gross receipts. The en
tertainment on that evening will be some
thing special consisting of, three full
reels of pictures, making ovsr an hour's
entertainment. The first show will be
gin at 7:80 and continues until 11 o'clock.
The price of admission will be 15 cents
Come out and help the hospital.
Mr", and Mrs. Dueli Scott. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Soott, and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Scott, went to Osceola Thursday,
where they attended the faneral of the
late Mrs. J. M. Logan, who passed away
at her home near Benedict, Nebr., last
Monday morning, death resulting from
heart failure. Mrs. L?gan was former
ly Miss Maggie Scott. The deceased is
survived by her husband aad twelve
Dr. Neumann. Dentist IS St.
Far mitts at cost at F. H. Rasohe's.
G. B. Prieb, painting and paper
, 4
People who get results advertise in the
Clover leaf manure spreader. Louis
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
- For storage room, enquire of the
Oolumbus Hide Go.
Dr. C. A. Alleaburger, omoe in new
State Bank building.
Jewelry the gift of gifts. Niewohner
hae lota of it for sale.
Drs. Carstenson Hyland, Veterinar
ians.. Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Msrtyn.tjroffioe new Oolum
bas State Bank bmildiag. -
Prof- bberman of Kearney was celling
on Columbus friends Tuesday.
C. W. Pearsall was out from Omaha
last week looking after his business in
terests. Miss Louise Rudat has gone to Madi
eon, where she will visit friends for a1
few days.
Mrs. Alouis Scholz snd children of
Osceola, were the guests of Oolumbus
relatives last week.
The Nebraska Biene Publishing Co.
has purchased the lot on Platte street,
south of Palmer'e oleaning works.
J. J. Moackler, manager of Swift &
Co's, plant in this city, was the guest of
his mother in Fremont over Snndsy.
Mrs. M. C. Calto went to the St.
Mary's hospital Tuesday, where in a few
days she will undergo an operation.
Mrs. P. Black departed Wednesday
evening for Albert Lea, Minnesota, where
she will visit relatives for several weeks.
Mrs. Harry Lohr of Grand Island, is
the guest of her father, J. E. Kaufman
and other Columbus relatives this week.
Superintendent Perdue of. Madison,
inspector of high schools in this state.
wss in the city Tuesday inspecting the
Mrs. F. D. Naylor and baby went to
Omaha last Friday to meet her father
who. will come to Columbus and visit
with her. -
The North theatre will give a portion
of the Saturday night proceeds to St.
Mary's hospital, being under the auspices
of St. Anne's guild.
Miss Ida Egger, who for the past few
weeks has been working in one of the
printing offices at Madison will return
to her home Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Anson of Creston, was a
Columbus visitor several dayslsst week,
and while in the city was the guest of
Mr. snd Mrs. John MagilL
The Misses Meyme Oosh and Marie
Krempke of Grand Island were the
guests ot Mies Clara Bloedorn and other
Columbus friends over Sunday.
W. F. Schram is moving into his new
residence on East Fifteenth street and R.
G.Strotber ill occupy the house va
cated by Mr. Schram on Quincy street.
Miss Stella Becher returned from
Omaha last Friday, after spending a few
days with relatives. She was accom
panied home by her sister, Miss Lottie.
E. O. Rector has been appointed as
truant officer. August Scback, ohiefof
police, formerly held this position but
owing to other duties wss compelled to
J. F. Siems and Henry Wilckena went
to Greeley, Colo , last Saturday, return
ing Tuesday. While there they inspect
ed some, mining properties they are in
terested in and ware much pleased with
the showing made.
"T" of the Columbus Land,
Loan & Baildifcg AssociatioB
begins Nov. 6, 1908. Men are
not apt to saye too much. Bet
ter take stock mow. H. Hock
enberger, Secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. North leave next
Sunday afternoon for a oix months' so
journ st Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. North's
health has not been the best for some
time, and it is hoped the change will
benefit it. While away they will visit a
number of old Columbus residents who
are making their home in California.
The referee sale of the Kerr estate,
which was held at the court house Tues
day afternoon, resulted in the purchase
of a farm by Cbas. Kerr for $67.60 per
acre. The bidding was quite spirited
and the price is a good one; showing that
Platte county land is in demand. A num
ber of" those wbe live in the locality of
the farm north of Monroe, were present,
and were among the bidders.
As soon as it was definitely known
that Taft would be the next president,
aspiraats for the Columbus post omoe
began to get busy, although Postmaster
Kramer's time does not expire until a
year from next February: So far there
are three candidates in the field, the
present postmaster, Carl -Kramer. W. A.
McAllister and George Fairehild. All
have petitions aad are oirculatiag them,
although itwillbeslawsta year before
the coa test is finally nettled.
The. Cora Show.
The committee appointed to arrange
for a local corn show decided to have
the exhibition on Saturday. November
21. The object is to select the best ex
hibits aad eater them at the aatioaal
show in Omaha. If sufficient interest
is shown the committee may decide to
make a oounty exhibit.
There are some very attractive ptem
iums offered and the committee hopes
that the Platte county farmers will
show enough interest to make a credit
able showing from the county.
Parties interested may receive a com
plete premium list by applying to the
secretary, Albert Stenger.
All exhibits must be at the Firemen's
hall by 11 o'clock a. m., Saturday, Nov.
2lst, and will be taken in charge by a
member of the committee. v
Any exhibits brought in previous to
the date of the ebow, may be left at
either one of the mills, securely packed
aad the name of the exhibitor plainly
marked on the package. The committee
will call for them there.
The prizes offered by the local show
are the following, 10 ears to form an ex
hibit. Yellow corn First prize $500; sec
ond prize $3.00; third prize $3.00.
White corn First prize $5.00; second
prize $3.00; third prize $2.00.
Any other variety, including Calico
etcFirst prize $5.00; second prize
$3.00; third prize $2 00.
Land For Sale.
The following land will be offered for
sale Nov. 21, 1908, at the north door of
the court house, commencing at 10
o'clock a. m. upon the following con
dition. The land will be sold by the
referees appointed by the court, the
land mentioned being included in wbst
is known as the old Hart ranch about a
mile northeast of Central Oity, Nebras
ka. The following is the description of
theland and the terms: The referees
will first offer for sale the Northwest
Quarter ot Section 35, Township 14,
Range 6 West, in Merriok County, Ne
braska, for one half cash and the bal
ance secured by a first mortgage thereon
note to draw six per oent interest and to
be due on or before five years from date
of sale. Said referees will, second, offer
for sale the Northeast Quarter of said
section, township, and range, for one
half cash, balance secured by a first
mortgage thereon, note to draw six per
ceat interest and to. be due on or before
five years from date of sale. Said- re
ferees will, third, offer for sale the
Southeast Quarter of said section,
township and range, for out- half cash
balance secured by a first mortgage,
note to draw six per cent interest and to
be due on or before five years from date
of sale. Fourth, said referees will offer
for sale, either as two separate tracts or
together, as they may deem for the best
interests ot the owners thereof, the
East Half of the Southwest Quarter of
said section, township and range, 'con
sisting of eighty seres.' more or less, and
all that part of rtection 3. Township 13,
Range 6, in Merrick County, Nebrasks,
which lies north of the Union Pacific
Railway Company's right of way, for
cash, or one half cash and the balance
secured by the. first mortgage thereon,
note to draw six per cent interest and
be due on or before five years from date
of sale. Sale will be conducted by John
D. II. Burkk, Referee.
HUM sTo. X
A number of the farmers on this route
have finished shucking corn.
The earrier wishes to extend many
thanks to the. lady patron who so kindly
left a sack of new oats at his barn last
Quite a number of farmers were haul
ing hogs to Columbus yesterday, among
whom were Nick Adamy and Franz
Luchsinger, who each hsd a carload.
One ot the patrons of the route played
a joke on the carrier last evening by plac
ing a gunny sack containing about three
dozen freshly killed pigeons on a mail
box. The carrier ie willing to be made
the butt ot as many jokes of the same
kind ss seems necessary to the patrons
of the route.
Ohas. Kula finished husking corn
The Misses Eileen snd Paula Kavan
augh were visiting at Forest Merrill's
lsst week.
Mies Florence McParlaud left Monday
for Idaho with her brothers, who have
beea here for a few weeks.
Ed Dubrava of Monroe is threshing
for Chris Hilmer. This will finish the
threshing on route No. 4 for the season.
Mrs. Florence Pride -returned last
Saturday from Sycamore, III., and will
visit a few days with her sister, Mrs. J.
J. Barnes, before going to Idaho for the
Last Friday, while Mrs. Cbas. Wills
wss on the road to Columbus, an auto
mobile frightened her horse, causing it
to run away and upset the buggy, break
ing it. Mrs. Ed. Mayberger took Mrs.
Wills home snd Ohas. picked up the
baggy next day.
fteate Me- 5.
School in the Thomas and Kaenzli dis
tricts have closed for a short vacation.
Some of the farmers sre through
huakiag corn, while othera are Iookiag
for hunkers. ' '
There is now no
need of allowing
coughs to continue
ftora any excuse, as
Cherry Juice
Cough Syrup
relieves at once the most
stubborn cough and quickly
cures sore throat, harshness,
difficult breathing and all in
.flammation of the throat
and respiratory tract
pollock &ca
The Druggist oa the Corner
Oolumbus, Nebraska
Boyd Dawson snd Miss Minnie Green
both of this city, were married Tuesday
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
Richard Ramey,. Rev. Rinehart of the
Baptist church officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Dawson left Tuesday for Kansas city,
where they will visit relatives for a short
John Albrecht, who has been visiting
st the farm residence of Mrs. H. C.
Rhodehorst, passed away Wednesday
morning after a lingering illness with
pneumonia. About three months sgo
Mr. Albrecht returned from Spokane,
Washington, where he went several years
previous with his pareate, Mr. Snd Mrs.
Albrecht, who formerly lived on a farm
near Duncan. Mrs. Albrecht, mother of
the deceased, was st the bedside of her
son when death came; she having arrived
from her home in Washington two weeks
ago in response to a moss age informing
her of the serious fllness of her son.. No
arrangements have yet been made for the
Opening week for the new Y. M. C. A.
building, which has been considerably
delayed by unavoidable causes; will be
held from November 29 to Deoember 6.
It will be a week of jolifieation and
praise, starting on, Sunday with a Men's
praise service at' 9:30. Monday there
will be a general reception to the public
by the executive committee of the pro
visional committee, assisted by -their
wives. At this meeting there will be a
statement of the building committee and
(he treasurer, and the turning over of the
building to the board of directors and
trustees. The feature of the program
will be an address by a strong associa
tion speaker from out o town. Tuesday
evening the board of directors will give
a reception to the contributots, other
association officers, state committee and
state secretaries and secretaries of other
citioe, and city and county officials, aud
the press. This will be an invitation
affair. Wednesday there will be a gj m
nasium exhibition by the -gymnasium
class under the direction of Physical
Director Pentland of the Omaha associa
tion, and possibly a swimming exhibi
tion in the pool. Thursday the churches
will unite in a union prayer meeting in
the gymnasium; led by one of the pastors
of the church. Friday the ladies of tbe
various churches will serve a banquet to
tbe business men of tbe city. Judge
Wharton of Omaha, and General Secre
tary Wade of Omaha and Mr.' Mead of
York will be in at'endance. Saturday
afternoon will beboyB' afternoon, which
will include a swim in tbe pool, and
Saturday evening there will be a gener
al open house. 8unday will be the clos
ing of tbe week, and there will be as
sociation services in all the churches.
The speakers will be association men of
the city and outeide. At 4 p. m. there
will be a men's mass matting in the gym
nasium, and at 7:30 p. m. there will be a
mass meeting for all, the speaker of tbe
evening will be Bishop John L Nuelsen
of the Methodist Episcopal church, tbe
youngest and one of the best know bish
ops in tbe country.
We have the agency for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
beet popular priced .Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.50 to 94.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, II and 1.35.
In two piece garmeata we have
a splenaid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 60c to $2 60 a garment. Bay
early while the sizes are complete.
If ?i
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