.V J y " J. !' I: e i . . V SqPkI HHp I Absolutely Royal Baking Powder. U.WJ Comes from Grapes The only baking pow der made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Mtatioa baking powders awe waa&m from bank auaeral acids aad leave tke feed unheaJtkful properties ra R!& TTieChief Wins the Cook Tta Arguments for the ROUND OAKQHEF STEEL RAN6F arc convincing because true Of course you know a "good thing" when you see it, so come in and look at the ROUND OAK CHIEF steel range. It is what you should have in your home. It is the best. The best is always the cheapest. The Chief is a complete finished range, made of the finest material and the work manship is positively supe rior to all others. The oven is the finest you ever saw large high capa cious, gracefully arched, and insulated by asbestos board, three times the thickness commonly used. The fire box is the right size and shape to insure econ omy of fuel and quick results. The duplex grate admits of the use of either wood or coal without change. The reservoir supplies plenty of hot water and you can bake, and heat water at the same time. The Chief is a range with out an equal. It does the work it was meant to do cooking, heating, etc., to per fection. It is dependable, economical, and its appear ance is beyond'eriticism. It is easily the leader of ranges. 1 ! To Get Rid of Mice. rhcn traps are of no avail or are objected to in catching mice a good plan is to saturate bits of sponge or cotton wool with oil of peppermint and place it in their holes, or sprinkle the oil in any place that they are likely to frequent. Another plan is to make a cement of plaster of Paris, cayenne pepper and cold water, and fill the mouse holes with this. The best rem edy, however is a cat First Breech-Loader. A brech-loader called the Ferguson was in use in the revolutionary war. The first United States patent for a breech-loading musket was granted to Thornton & Hill of North Yarmouth, Mass., May 21, 1S11. The first suc cessful breech-loading shotgun was that of Lefaucheux, invented about 1852, following many impractical devices. Twelve Greatest Inventions. A Paris newspaper has been ask ing its readers to name the 12 great est inventions. Over 400,000 coupons were sent in and the votes were cast m the following order: The locomo tive, the potato, vaccine, the cure of rabies, sugar, electric telegraph, matches, the boiler of a steam engine, the telephone, petrol, the sewing ma chine and soap. Snakes' Ears. Snakes have no external ears, but inside the head the " ear bones are very crude, says St. Nicholas. Snakes "hear," however, by feeling vibration of sound on their delicate scaly cov ering, and searching for sound vibra tions by protruding the wonderfully sensitive tongue which is filled with thousands of microscopic nerves. Their sight is very keen in distinguishing moving objects. Moral and Material Responsibility. Private life should be walled in and sacred, but public life has no such right. All public existence created by great public interests creates a respon sibility, and this responsibility is moral as well as material. There is no gainsaying this, and all public func tionaries admit they are responsible for their personal actions. Pierre An toie Rerryer. The Great Pacificator. The uncle of Europe, who Is also the ruler of 400,000,000 of the human race, has been the great pacificator of our age. He, more than anyone, has helped to clear the world's sky. He may even act as a bridge of true friendliness between France and Ger many, the only nations that cannot yet be quite friends without reserve. Sheffield Daily Independent FRISCHHOLZ BROS. .SHOES CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, Columbus. PLATTE CEKTKB From the SicnaL Pour cents a. bushel iahat fanners xre pacing for husking their corn. Host of tbe corn is gcd aid bit-2-era ought to make good waged at that price. A gang of the Standard Bridge Com pan'smrn were driving piling yesterday for the rip-rapping which is to be done nt the Murphy bridge, about a mile north of town. Messrs. Maboney, Greisen and Qrose nicklaue, who had been doing jury duty in the federal court at Omaha tor three weeks, arrived home last Friday eveniug. having been discharged. P. F. Carey last week disposed of .his furniture and nndrrtkicbusinese to Mr. A. J. Glodowski of Dodge, Neb. Mr. GlodoAbki is a brother of the Glo-d-iwski Urothere, who have been in the hardware and implement "business here since last spring. Mr. Carey did not sell the building in which the stock is located and the transfer will not take place until about tbe first of the year. George Humphrey, brother of Bob, arrived here from Blue Springs, Neb., last Saturday morning with a car load of vt-ry fine apples, which he is selling out to our people. The car arrived in Co lumbus about midnight Friday and be tween then and morning was broken open and ten sacks of apples and some pears stolen. These apples were some choice varieties nnd were sacked, aad were all handy to be carried off. Besides the fruit they carried nway a pair of overalls belonging tn George, which be bad left in the car. (J. J. Carrig is the only one we can thick uf in Columbus whom tbia garment would come anywhere near fitting, and well, draw your own conclusions. ' CENTRAL CITY. From the Nonpareil. The colored troupe of tbe Two Bill's Comedy and Vaudeville show came to grief here last Friday when one of the actors was accidentally shot and killed by another member of tbe company. They arrived here last Wednesday and were billed to give a performance Satur day night. It seemed that the mode of travel adopted by this company was via the covered wagon route and while they were here they lived partly in a wagon and partly in the opera house. From the evidence brought up by the coroner's inquest it appears that finding themsel ves in need of another horse they had ar ranged a trade with a party in Grand Island, giving in exchange a band uni form and a shotgun. The woman being instructed to have these gooda and chat tels ready was handling the gun while getting breakfast. Hearing the approach of her husband she undertook to lay the gun down when in some unaccountable way it was discharged the obarge taking effect in the heart of her husband who was just mounting the wagon, killing him instantly, Tbe authorities were immediately notified and Coroner Tooley accompanied by Attorney Boss and Sher iff Her came immediately. An inquest was held, the jury finding the death ac cidental and attaching blame to no one. The body was later removed to Central City for burial. Archer Correspondence. MONROE. From the Republican. The diphtheria quarantine has been raised from the home of P. B. Lindblad, and the patient is now well and all out of danger. The prompt action of the school and village authorities prevented the spread of the disease. The house for the water works tank and engine is ready for the tank, which will have to be placed before the build ing can be completed. The contracting firm are expected to commence the work of laying the mains any time now. John Sheridan and D. T. Jones moved out of the hotel last week, Mr. Sheridan moving into the Evans house and Dave moving into the house formerly owned by A. E. Priest. The hotel business did not seem to be a paying proposition for them. P. H. Gleason returned last Friday from Dallas, 8. D , where he was during tbe rush for the registration to secure Tripp county lands. He said that at Dallas prices were reasonable during that time, and everybody was pleased. Phil registered, but be was not among the lucky six thousand who drew claims. He saw Mike Jones, formerly of this place, and said he was getting along nicely. SCHUYLER. From the Son. On Tuesday, Mrs. A. O. Ballon was called to Maysville, Mo., by the death of her sister, Mrs. Foster. But recently she accompanied the remains of another sister, Mrs. Ingram, to that city for interment and is now called there by the decease of another sister. Her many friends here heartily sympathize with her in her sad bereavements. E. T. Hodson, at one time the most prominent attorney in Oolfax county, and republican candidate for district judge two years ago, was taken from the New York hotel at Fremont Thurs day morning suffering from mental de rangement. He went there Wednesday night, engaged a room, sat up all night smoking and drinking ice water in the dining room and in the morning refused to let the large table be occupied by any other than himself. HUMPHREY. From the Democrat Mn. D. T. Diokinson has been ill for the past few days as a result of a fall re ceived while on herreceBt trip to Dallas, 8. D. While getting off a crowded train in the night at Anoka during the recent land seekers rush. Mm Dickin son accidently fell down an embankment and while no bones ware broken ahe was severely shaken up by theocemrreace. Amir the Theater STEP INTO THE Beer Garden And Enjoy A Cool Glass of Beer An orderly place ev ery thing neat and clean. We strive to please our patrons with the best of service. W. L. BOETTCHER KLEfrENTM STRfcET. CRESTOH. From the Stateaaua. We have been told that "some people are compelled to put boards in their windows on account of scarcity (?) of glass. Arthur Jackson is very sick with ty phoid fever, at tbe home of his brother, W. M. Jackson. He is under the care of Dr. Morris and a trained nurse. Smart Clothes for Young Men J. K. BADER Plasterer 'Bricklayer Columbus, Neb, All Work Guaranteed BOTH THINKER AND DRINKER. Eminent Englishman One of the Most Bibulous of Men. The great Porson, librarian and Greek scholar, would sit up drinking all night without seeming to feel any bad effects from it. Home Tooke told Samuel Rogers that he once asked Porson to dine with him in Richmond buildings, and, as he knew that Por son bad not been in bed for the three preceding nights, he expected to get rid of him at a tolerably early hour. Porson, however, kept Tooke up the whole night, and in the morning the latter, in perfect despair, said: "Mr. Porson, I am engaged to meet a friend at breakfast at a coffee house in Leicester square." "Oh," replied Porson, "I will go with you," and he accordingly did so. Soon after they had reached the coffee house Tooke contrived to slip out, and, running home, ordered his servant not to let Mr. Porson in, even if he should at tempt to batter down the door. "A man," observed Tooke, "who could sit up four nights successively might have sat up 40." Tooke used to say that "Porson would drink ink rather than not drink at all." Indeed, he would drink any thing. He was sitting with a gentle man after dinner in the chambers of a mutual friend, a Templar, who was then ill and confined to bed. A serv ant came into the room, sent thither by his master, for a bottle of embro cation, which was on the chimney piece. "I drank it an hour ago," said Porson. London's T. P.'s Weekly. Salt Purification. Salt is purified by melting In the new and rapid English process. The crude rocksalt is fed automatically to a table contained in a large furnace, is then fused and runs into troughs, from which it is drawn at one side of the furnace into large cauldrons. Air is forced into the molten mass and lime is added. The impurities sink to the bottom, and the upper portion is ground and screened while the low er part is used for chemical manure. PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will core Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a ponl tioe. gives instant nlief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Sold by druggists, mail 50c and $1.00. Williams' MTg. Co.. Props., Cleveland. O. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season, S. E. MARTY Ac CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus, Neb. All Kinds of Fan Implements Clover Leaf and Success Manure Spreaders Recognized as the leading Spreaders on the market today More corn on the same acreage by using the Deere planter. It is always ready for either hilling or drilling,1 JFarmers. bring in , ---. w. your tools and implements to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when pnng opens up. We keep nlythe latest and best in buggies and carriages , Our horseshoes stick and ( don't lame your horse lay them Louis Schreiber is LINDSAY. From the Post. Jack Brackley, son of Nick Brackley, was taken to Columbus Friday, where he was operated on for appendicitis. He is getting along nicely. Lindsay's fire bell arrived the latter part of last week and was placed in posi tion, an alarm will be turned in Tuesday evening to try same, do not be alarmed Wm. Berg, a brother of lire. John Husemann. and. hiB oldest daughter Florence, of Missouri visited John Huse mann and family. The former returned home Monday, the latter will stay for a few weeks. LEIGH. From the World. On Tburbday Peter Fusselman and Mrs. Bowman drove to Stanton and at three o'clock in the afternoon were quiet ly married at the residence of Mr. and Mr?. Wm. White. Rev. J. J. Klopp per forming the ceremony. Henry Bridges and daughter Daisy left Wednesday for Los Angeles, Califor nia, where they will make their future home. Mr. Bridges b one of the old pioneers of this county and while their removal from our midst is greatly re gretted, their many friends wish them happiness and contentment in their new home. ALBION. From the News. All indications are that our electric light plant will close down in the near future. Now is the golden opportunity for the city to acquire tbe plaut. With municipal ownership of all our public utilities we will be a favored community. County Attorney Needham went over to Cedar Rapids last week and prose outed a group of gamblers before Jus tice Sargent. Two of the parties plead ed guilty to the charges and Wesley Appling and John Flakus were bound over to the district court. It seems that these gentlemen have been conducting a gambling business over there until the citizens grew tired of it and made complaint. GENOA. From tho Leader. Did you see the report sent the World Herald from Genoa in regard to Senator Brown's meeting here on Saturday night last. If not you should hunt up a paper and read it, and then try and pick ont the pin head who wrote it. The school children reports that Prof. Sutherland was crosser than a parlor bear on Monday last, which is something we cannot understand unless he was dis appointed because the stork brought him a girl instead of a boy theevening before. This office is in receipt of a letter from Dr. N. A. Williams which conveys the information that he has moved from Bangor, Michigan, where be has been lo cated for several years, to Ann Arbor, Michigan. He sends best regards to all old Genoa friends and states that self and family are well and happy. uanng tor une's Own Ax. Beware of men with axes to grind. Let them grind the axes themselves; take care of your own and keep it sharp and bright to cut your way through the world to success and honor and the respect of your fellow men. The Voyage of the Beagle. Darwin was a member of the expe dition undertaken for the scientific survey of the South American waters on the ship Beagle. The voyage was begun in 1831 and lasted almost five years. Much of Darwin's data for his works were gathered on this trip. Psychological Mystery. New London has a haunted house in which dried beans fly about reckless ly. That's the ghost of a small boy easy enough. But the ghost of a bean-shooter presents greater psycho logical difficulties. Mottoes as-ln junctions. A motto is very much the fashion these days. If you see an office with out some sort of injunction on the walls you may be satisfied that the occupant is either behind his genera tion or ahead of it. How True. "One of the greatest comforts In life," remarks a prominent newspaper man, "is to be able to go to a poor show now and then, and feel superior to the people who seem to be enjoying it'- Policy and Politics. "Honesty," said Uncle Eben, 'Is de best policy, an I's mo' dan half ex pectin' to see de day when it's also considered de bes' politics." Wash ihgton Star. Immense Herds of Cattle. Australia's largest cattle herd is that running on the Victoria river sta tion, northern territory, 320 miles south of Port Darwin. It numbers 60,000,000 head. Aurora Boreal is. The aurora borealls is supposed to be caused by electricity. Its appear ance is frequently accompanied by In- lenerence wiin tne leiegrapn as rar south as Chicago. Not Worth Repeating. Kind Lady "But .that Isn't the same story you told me the last time "you were Jiere." The Hobo "Course la ain't Touse didn't berleeve de odder one." THE hardest sort of clothes to provide successfully are the clothes for the dapper young dresser, who wants the limit in style. We've met with great success in clothing these young fellows in our "Dandy Hake" of Collegian clothes. There is always a "distinguish ed" air about the cutand style of these exclusive young men's suits that may be called extreme; because they are exi treme, for every idea, or kink thats new is shown here. The tabrics are swell and prices pleasing. $10, $12, $15. $18, $20, $22 so GREISEN BROS. ... -i Fine English Church Bells. In England for ages past church bells have been connected with every thing sacred in life. Here the bells are loved for their old associations. Who has not heard of the famous "Bow church chimes" of Cheapside. London? They date from 1761 and are a fine peal of 12 bells In C, their total weight being nearly eleven tons. The whole bell tower Is swayed by their ringing, and their rich tones vi brate throughout the entire city, as It is said those in the lofty bell tower of St. Ivan's do in Moscow. Hens Hatch Fish. Chinamen have a way of tricking hens, so that they assist in the hatch ing of fish. Fish eggs are carefully plated in an egg shell, which is then sealed and put under an unsuspecting hen. In a few days the spawn is warmed into life and the contents of the shell are then cast into a shal low pool, where the sunshine com pletes the work. His Plaint. "The times may grow better," he as sented, as they went down in the ele vator together, standing before the mirror in which she finished crimping. He gazed sorrowfully at the vacant spot that constituted the great dis tress of his life, "but," he added. "I'm afraid the hair will never again grow back on my head." THE COLORADO SPECIAL. Electric Lighted Throughout. This superbly appointed first-claps train running daily to Denver via tbe Union Pacific, and equipped witb.Buffet Observation Sleeping Car, Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Can, Free reclining Chair Cars, Dynamo Baggage Car, and Dining Car (meals a la carte), is all electric lighted throughout All sleeping car passengers have access to the. observa tion parlor both in tbe Parlor Cars and tbe Sleeping Cars without extra charee. For reservations on this and other Union Pacific trains inquire of O Brown. Agent BRUCE WEBB AUCTIONEER Createm, Heb. Dates can be made at the Journal Office ntT WANTED 1 The right party can salary seen re an excellent position, nalan or commission xor ioiumnu ana vi cinity. Btate age, former occupation and give reference. Address LOCK BOX '-38. Lincoln, Neb. UNION PACIFIC THE TABLE WEST BOUND. No. 11 241 am No. IS 11:10 am No. 1 11:24am No. 9 11:48 am No. 7 3:24 pm No. IS 6:32 pm No. 3 630 pm No. 5 7:18 pm No. 59 70 am No. 63 30 pm EAST BOUND. No. 4 6:33a m No. 12 4:13 am No. 14al2:35d 1.40 pm 0. 6 1:3(1 pm No. 16 2:52 pm No. 10 3:12 pm No. 8 6:10 pm No. 2 622 pm No. 60 5:20 am No. 64 50 am BBAKCHES. itoaroLK. No. 77mxd. d 6:15 am No. 29 pas ..d 735 pm No. 30 pas ..al2:45pm No. 78 mxd.. a 6:00 pm Daily except Sunday. SPALDINO ALBION. No. 79 mxd.. d 60 a m No. 31 pas ..d 1:30 d m No. 32 pas ..812.30 p m ' Mo. iU mxd. .a 70 a m note: Nob. 1. 2, 7 aud 8 are extra farotrains. Nob. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local passengers. Nob. 58 and 59 are local f reishts. Nos. 9 and Iff are mail trains only. o. i une in umana .? p. m. o. 6 ane in Umana 5U p. m. M B Underwood Standard Typewriter KWKrBQBBmmSmfmKnK3r ffHBB For Speed Safety, Surety A solid roadbed is es sential. Visibility & . Speed in the Under wood (Tabulator) type writer are supported by perfectly balanced construction. Ihdtmtd Typtwriter Ctapany 1617 Farnam St. Omaha Mapi Binding Old Books Rebound In fact, for anything in the book binding line bring your work to Journal Office Phone 160 .,'5--