The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 07, 1908, Image 6

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(.Copyright, Dodd. Kaxl Company.)
"Wimmin aboard ship I don't 'old
with," said the night watchman, se-.
verely. "They'll arsk you all sorts o'
silly questions, an' complain to the
skipper if you don't treat 'em civil
iH answering 'em. If you do treat 'em
civil, what's the result? Is it a bit o'
bacco. or a shilling, or anything like
that? Not a bit of it; just a 'thank
you,' an' said in a way as though
they've been giving you a perfect treat
by talking to you.
"We 'ad a queer case once on a
barque I was on as steward, called the
Tower of London, bound from the
Albert docks to Melbourne with a gen
eral cargo. We shipped a new boy just
after we started as was entered in the
ship's books as 'Enery Mallow, an' the
first thing we noticed about 'Enery
was as 'e had a great dislike to work
and was terrible sea sick. Every time
there was a job as wanted to be done,
that lad 'ud go and be took bad quite
independent of the weather.
"Then Bill Dowsett adopted 'im, and
said he'd make a sailor of 'im. I be
lieve if 'Enery could 'ave chose 'is fa
ther, he'd sooner 'ad any man than
Hill, and I would sooner have been a
orphan than a son to any of 'em. Bill
relied on his langwidge mostly, but
when that failed he'd just fetch 'im a
cuff. Nothing more than was good for
a boy wot 'ad got 'is living to earn,
but 'Enery used to cry until we was
all ashamed of 'im.
" 'Go to your duties,' roars the skip
per; 'go to your duties at once, and
don't let me 'ear any more of it. Why,
you ought to be at a young ladies'
'"I know I ought, sir,' 'Enery ses,
with a w'imper, 'but I never thought
it'd be like this.'
"The old man stares at him, and
then he rubs his eyes and stares agin.
'Enery wiped his eyes and stood look
ing down at the deck.
" 'Eavens above," ses the old man, in
a dazed voice, 'don't tell me you're a
" T won't if you don't want me to,'
ses 'Enery. wiping his eyes agin.
"'What's your name?'vses the old
man. at last.
" 'Mary Mallow, sir,' ses 'Enery, very
"'What made you do it?' ses the
skipper, at last.
I ""My father wanted me to marry a
man I didn't want to,' ses Miss Mal
low. 'He used to admire my hair
very much, so I cut it off. Then I got
frightened at what I'd done, and as I
looked like a boy I thought I'd go to
'"Then the skipper took Miss Mal
low helow to her' new quarters, and to
'is great surprise caught the third of
ficer, who was fond of female society,
doing a step-dance in the saloon all on
'is own.
."That evening the skipper and the
mate formed themselves Into a com-
'Talk Romantic to'Er About the Sea.
mittee to decide what was to be done.
" -She must have a dress, I tell you,
or afrock at any rate,' ses the skipper,
very mad.
'"What's the difference between a
dress and a frock?' ses the mate.
"'There is a difference, ses the
" 'Well, what is it?' ses the mate.
'"It wouldn't be any good if I was
to explain to you.' ses the skipper;
'some people's heads are too thick.'
" I know they are,' ses the mate.
'The committee broke up after that,
but it'got amiable agin' over breakfast
nest morning,' and made quite a fuss
over Miss Mallow.
"She went up on deck after break
fast and stood leaning against the side
talking to Mr. Fisher. Pretty laugh
she'd got, too, though I never noticed
it when she was in the fo'c's'le. Per
haps she hadn't got much to laugh
about then; and while she was up
' " -
One Man Who Disbelieves
Laughter Aids Digestion.
T don't know whether nature fitted
xae out with a different sort of diges
tive apparatus from the average
man," remarked a magazine reader,
who looked up from the printed page.
"Here is a writer who sets it down as
a solemn fact that 'laughter and good
cheer are enemies of dyspepsia. Now
there enjoying 'erself watching us
chaps work, the committee was down
below laying its 'eads together agin.
"When T went down to the cabin
agin it was like a dressmaker's shop.
" 'By Jove! I've got it, ses the old
man, suddenly. 'Where's that dress--ing
gown your wife gave you?'
"The nate looked up. 'I don't know,
he ses, slowly. Tve mislaid it'
" 'Well,' ses the skipper.
'"Three o' them new flannel shirts
o' yours,' ses the mate. 'They're very
dark, an they'd hang beautiful.'
"They went to-the mate's cabin and,
to his great surprise, there it was
hanging just behind the door.
" I sha'n't want that, Mr. Jackson,'
he ses, slowly. 'I dare say you'll find
it come in useful.'
"'While you're doing that, s'pose I
get on with them three shirts,' ses Mr.
"'What three shirts?' ses the skip
per, who was busy cutting buttons off.
" 'Why, yours,' ses Mr. Jackson.
Let's see who can make the best
" 'No, Mr. Jackson,' ses the old man.
'I'm sure you couldn't make anything
"Don't Tell Me You're a Gal!"
o' them shirts. You're not at all gifted
that way. Besides, I want 'em.
" 'Well, I wanted my dressing gown,
if you come to that,' ses the mate, in a
sulky voice.
" 'Well, what on earth did you give
it to me for?' ses the skipper. 'I do
wish you'd know your own mind, Mr.
"It really didn't look half bad when
he'd finished it, and it was easy to see
how pleased Miss Mallow was."
"I must say she 'ad a good time cf
it. We was having splendid weather,
and there wasn't much work for any
body; consequently, when she wasn't
receiving good advice from the skipper
and the mate, she was receiving atten
tion from both the second and third
officers. Mr. Scott, the second, didn't
seem to take much notice of her for a
day or two, and the first I saw of his
being in love was 'is being very rude
to Mr. Fisher and giving up bad lang
widge so sudden it's a wonder it didn't
do 'im a Injury.
"I think the gal rather enjoyed their
attentions at first, but arter a time she
got fairly tired of it. She never 'ad no
rest, pore thing. If she was up on
deck looking over the side the third
officer would corae up and talk ro
mantic to 'er about the sea and the
lonely lives of sailor men, and I actu
rally 'eard Mr. Scott repeating poetry
to her. The skipper 'card it too, and
being suspicious o' poetry, and not
having heard clearly, called him up to
'im and made 'im say it all over again
to im. 'E didn't seem quite to know
wot to make of it, so 'e calls up the
mate for 'im to hear it. " The mate
said it was rubbish, and the skipper
told Mr. Scott that if he was taken
that way agin 'e'd 'ear more of it.
"There was no doubt about them
two young fellers being genuine. She
'appened to say one day that she could
never, never care for a man who drank
and smoked, and I'm blest if both of
em didn't take to water and give 'er
their pines to chuck overboard, and
the agony those two chaps used to
suffer when they saw other people
smoking was pitiful to witness.
"It got to such a pitch at last that
the mate, who, as I said afore, was a
very particular man. called another
committee meeting. It was a very sol
emn affair, and 'e made a long speech
in which he said he was the father of
a family, and that the second and third
officers was far too attentive to Miss
Mallow, and 'e asked the skipper to
stop it.
" 'How? ses the skipper.
'"Stop the draught-playing and the
card-playing and the poetry, ses the
mate; 'the gal's getting too much at
tention; she'll have er 'ead turned.
Put your foot down, sir, and stop it.'
"The skipper was so struck by what
he said, that he not only did that, but
he went and forbid them two young
men to speak to the gal except at meal
times, or when the conversation was
general. None of 'em liked it, though
the gal pretended to, and for the mat
ter of a week things was very quiet in
the cabin, not to say sulky.
"Things got back to their old style
again in a very curious way. I'd just
set the tea in the cabin one afternoon,
and 'ad stopped at the foot of the
companion-ladder to let the skipper
and Mr. Fisher come down, when we
suddenly 'eard a loud box on the ear.
We all rushed into the cabin at once,
and there was the mate looking fairly
whenever I go to a dinner where a lot
of good stories are told or amusing
speeches made and I laugh more than
usual the result for me is an aggra
vated attack of indigestion. More
than this, and although I never drink
anything in the way of intoxicants, I
am certain to have an attack of hic
coughs as a result of laughing, which
always amuses my friends who are
aware of my non-drinking habits. I pre
sent the anomalous picture of perhaps
4 -x
thunderstruck, with his hand to bis
face, and Miss Mallow glaring at 'im.
" 'Mr. Jackson,' ses the skipper, in a
awful voice, 'what's this?'
" 'Ask her,' shouts the mate. 'I think
she's gone mad dr something.'
"'What does this mean, Miss Mal
low?' ses the skipper.
" 'Ask him,' ses Miss Mallow, breath
ing very 'ard.
"'Mr. Jackson,' ses the skipper, very
severe, 'what have you been doing?'
'"Nothing, roars the mate.
" 'Was that a box on the ear I 'eard?
ses the. skipper.
" 'It was,' ses the mate, grinding his
teeth. i
" 'Your ear? ses the skipper.
"'Yes. She's mad, I tell you' sea
the mate. 'I was sitting here quite
quiet and peaceable, when she came
alongside me and slapped my face.' -
" 'Why did you box his ear?' ses the
skipper to the girl again.
"'Because he deserved it,' ses Miss
"The skipper shook his 'ead and
looked at the mate so sorrowful that
he began to stamp up and down the
cabin and bang the table with his
"Tf I hadn't heard it myself, I
couldn't have believed it ses the
skipper; 'and you the father of a fam
ily, too. Nice example for the young
men, I must say.'
"'Please don't say anything more
about it ses Miss Mallow; 'I'm sure
he's very sorry.'
"'Very good ses the skipper; 'but
you understand, Mr. Jackson, that if
I overlook your conduct, you're not to
speak to this young lady agin. Also,
you must consider yourself as removed
from the committee.'
"'Curse the committee screamed.
the mate. Curse '
"He looked all round, with his eyes
starting out of 'is 'ead, and then sud
denly shut his mouth with a snap and
went up on deck.
"We got to Melbourne at last, and
the fust thing the skipper did was to
give our young lady some money to go
ashore and buy clothes with. He did
it in a very delikit way by giving her
the pay as boy, and I don't think I
'ever see anybody look so pleased and
surprised as she did. The skipper
went ashore with her, as she looked
rather a odd figure to be going about,
and comes back about a hour later
without 'er.
"'I thought perhaps she'd come
aboard he ses to Mr. Fisher. 'I man
aged to miss her somehow while I was
waiting outside a shop
"They fidgeted about a bitand then
went ashore to look for 'er, turning
up again at eight o'clock quite wor
ried. Nine o'clock came, and there
was no signs of 'er. Mr. Fisher and
Mr. Scott was in a dreadful state, and
the skipper sent almost every man
aboard ashore to search for 'er. They
'nnted for 'er high and low, up and
down and round about, and turned up
at midnight so done up that they could
'ardly stand without holding on to
somethink, and so upset that they
couldn't speak. None of the officers
got any sleep that night except Mr.
Jackson, and the fust thing in the
morning they was ashore agin looking
for her.
"She'd disappeared as completely as
if she'd gone overboard, and more
than one of the chaps looked over the
side half expecting to see 'er come
floating by. By 12 o'clock most of us
was convinced that she'd been made
away with, and Mr. Fisher made some
remarks about the police of Melbourne
as would ha' done them good to hear.
"I was just going to see about din
ner when we got the first news of her.
Three of the most miserable and sol
emn looking captains I've ever seen
came alongside and asked for a few
words with our skipper. They all
stood in a row looking as if they was
going to cry.
" 'Good morning, Capt. Hart ses one
of 'em, as our old man came up with
the mate.
'"Good morning ses he.
" 'Do you know this? ses one of 'em,
suddenly, holding out Miss Mallow's
dressing gown on a walking stick.
" 'Good 'eavens ses the skipper, 'I
hope nothing's happened to that pore
"The three captains shook their
heads all together.
'"She is no more ses another
of 'em.
" 'How did it happen?' ses the skip
per, in a low voice.
"'She took this off ses the first
captain, shaking his head-and pointing
to the dressing gown.
"'And took a chill?' ses the skip
per, staring very 'ard.
"The three captains shook their
'eads agin, and I noticed that they
seemed to watch each other and do
it all together.
"'I don't understand ses the skip
per. '"I was afraid you wouldn't ses
the first captain; 'she took this off
"'So you said before ses the skip
per, rather short.
"'And became a boy agin ses the
other; 'the wickedest and most artful
young rascal that ever signed on
with me.'
"He looked round at the others, and
they all broke out Into a perfect roar
of laughter, and jumped up and down
and slapped each other on the back,
as if they was all mad. Then they
asked which was the one wot had
'is ears boxed, and which was Mr.
Fisher and which was Mr. Scott, and
told our skipper what a nice fatherly
man he was. Quite a crowd got
'round, an' wouldn't go away for all
we could do to 'em in the shape o'
buckets o water and lumps o' coal.
We was the laughing-stock o the
place, and the way they carried on
when the steamer passed us two days
later with the first captain on the
bridge, pretending not to see that Imp
of a boy standing in the bows blowing
us kisses and dropping curtsies, nearly
put the skipper out of 'is mind."
i iT""----- --- ------
being the only man at the table who
has not taken a drink of any kind and
yet my actions are those of a man who
had decidedly too much liquor. You
can't make me believe that old saw
about laughter being good for diges
tion, in spite of the solemn gentleman
who wrote this article."
Law and Justice.
It Is pretty difficult to get people to
discover any justice In a law which
interferes with their schemes for ac
quiring wealth.
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I SAW lately a lovely trio of tea gowns which had been devised in Paiis for
a round of Country-house parties, and they showed the tendency to over
elaboration which is the pitfall of this particular kind of dress, says a
writer In Country Life (Eng.) The first had a skirt of white tulle with a deep
flounce of Venetian point mounted over soft satin of the palest rose color, just
enough to give a faint suggestion of color under the lace and tulle. Over this
was a directoire redingote, with the basques reaching to the hem of the skirt
and forming a short train behind, the material of the redingote being a thick,
soft silk in a lovely shade of rose. The short directoire fronts of the coat were
caught with a single diamond button at the breast, and the soft square revers,
as well as the edges of the basques and round the train, were embroidered
with a raised design of roses in silver thread. The same embroidery formed
turned-back cuffs to the elbow-sleeves, and a soft folded fichu of tulle appeared
between the revers, while a most effective and original touch was given to
the whole costume by a sash of deep Burgundy satin charmeuse which swathed
the waist and was carelessly knotted at one side in front on a level with the
hip. The particularly praiseworthy feature of this dress was that it was es
sentially a tea-gown; it could not be mistaken for a dinner-gown or an after
noon frock, and that positive note in a costume, no matter what occasion it is
meant for, is always praiseworthy.
Heavy Linen in White and Plain
Light and Dark Colors.
Among the shirt waists designed for
autumn and early winter use are some
of heavy linen in white and plain
light and dark colors. They are ap
parently almost tight-fitting, for the
reason that the two deep side plaits
crossing the outer ends of the shoul
ders are stitched flatly to the waist,
and there is scarcely any fullness un
der the arms. The fronts close blind
ly a little toward the left side by
means of an irregularly shaped band
that is decorated with four large pearl
buttons, the sleeves are of the "small"
shirt type, plaited into the armsize
and finished with turn-back cuffs, and
there is a turnover boyish collar,
which fastens with a fan-plaited mus
lin rabat.
Fancy wool braid of the scalloped
or pointed order is being employed for
the garnishing of some of the challis
shirt waists, which are to be worn this
winter under runabout street suits,
as they are decidedly warmer than
those of linen and launder equally as
well. They have the twin deep shoul
der plaits, but in addition there are
shaped bias bands which encircle the
neck from back to front whence they
extend, gradually tapering to the waist
line. The braid is used to border
these bands and also as a finish for the
cuffs of the conventionally shaped
sleeves, and for the high turnover col
lar, which, like the cuffs, is decorated
with small buttons similar to those fas
tened to the' fronts.
Magpie reliefs for white net blouses
are in the form of attachable neck
and waist ruffles, or rather, collar and
cuffs, as they literally take the place
of those accessories. They are formed
of the two-Inch side-plaited net ruf
fles shirred through the center on a
tape attached to the under side. Their
edges are bordered with very full little
frillings of inch-wide black thread
lace, which also finish the ends by be
ing gathered into little fans which
merge into a sort of rosette when they
are joined at the back of the neck
or at the outer sideof the wrist.
Treatment of Darning Cotton.
Every one who wears darned stock
ings and that means almost every
one in the world knows how the
darning cotton sometimes shrinks
away from the sides of the hole, ma
king the stockings tear around the
darn. This may be avoided by holding
the card or skein of darning cotton
over the spout of a kettle of boiling
The steam shrinks the wool, and
when the stockings which have been
mended with this cotton are sent to
the wash no fear need be entertained
of the darn shrinking.
Fashion for Pearl Earrings.
It is interesting that the style in ear
rings has not changed. It is as pro
nounced as ever. The large baroque
pearls are worn against the ear, and
all manner of semi-precious stones are
worn in pear-shaped drops that fall
half-way down the neck.
Topax and amethyst are the favorite
colors this autumn, but nothing is
more fashionable than the pearl ones
which are linked together with tiny
Tea whd
mmmm ,..-1-wftftftfxft
Fur-Trimmed Hats Are Sure to Be the
Mode Again.
The vogue which fur-banded and all
fur hats enjoyed last winter has left
its traces on some of the shapes de
signed for the coming season, and
while they are not so weighty and
destructive to the hair as the heav
ily trimmed felt hats are reputed to
be, they are quite as fetching, Inas
much as the same softening effects
about the face are gained. For in
stance, a hat may be wholly of some
fabric such as satin or corded silk, but
its brim may be edged with a narrow
strip of fur, which is repeated In the
edging or center banding of its nich
ing. Furs of many sorts will be used
for this purpose, but most of all black
marten, which is destined to enjoy a
tremendous vogue, and sealskin, which
is said to be literally worth its weight
in gold dollars. For the nonce, the
light-colored furs chinchilla, white
fox and ermine seem destined to be
rather out of the running, but as it is
to be a winter of both garments and
trimmings of longhaired animals, the
chances are that pelts of nearly every
species will be in evidence.
Large hats will be the favorite dur
ing the fall. One of the striking char
acteristics of the new style is the Im
mense crown, which is seldom high
except in the directoire modes, but in
circumference is enormous.
It is rumored that the chevron de
sign will be the smart thing in all neu
tral tones of cloth for autumn wear.
Smoke and elephant gray, several
shades of brown and dark blue have
all been dyed ready for the counters,
and each one of them will be chris
tened with a fine new name.
Tassels are enjoying a glorious reign
of popularity. They fall from the back
and adorn the panels of skirts, not to
mention the increasing vogue for long
tasseled fringes which edge the draped
skirts of to-day. And the new pointed
tunics are nearly always finished with
heavy tassels.
A round rosette of lace, fastened to
the pigeon-tail jabot of lace, is recog
nized as one of the smartest collar
decorations. The rosette is merely a
long ruffle tightly drawn to form a
round disk. It takes three-quarters of
a yard of lace 2 inches wide to form
the rosette alone.
rMain and Plaid Skirts.
One of the novelties in skirts for
young girls is the insertion of a plait
of plain colored cloth between groups
of plaits in plaid cloth.
Young girls will wear plaited skirts
more than grownups will and several
new devices have come out to vary
the sameness. This colored plait is
one of them and has met with high
Sometimes the skirt carries a fonr
inch front panel to correspond, and it
always carries the five-inch fold of the
solid 'color as a hem.
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It is impossible to keep the milk
utensils too clean.
'Corn for the silo had rather be too
ripe than too green. '
The dairy without the Babcock test
'er is like the engine without the gov
ernor. Cream that Is ripe for churning pre
sents a smooth, satiny appearance
when stirred.
The well-worn hoe Is a good testi
monial for the farmer. The rusty hoe
tells another tale,
Little things done in season will
lighten the big tasks and make farm
ing more pleasant and profitable.
One farmer recommends quarter
pound doses of baking soda for colic
in animals.
The fruit tree that shows a tenden
cy to split at the crotch can be'saved
by boring a hole at the point of the
split and putting a bolt through with
a washer at either end.
A two-inch hole bored a foot deep
into the stump and filled with salt
peter to which water is added and left
to stand a couple of months will
hasten the burning of the stump
The Intestinal nodules in nodular
disease of sheep have been regarded
as tuberculous in character, but are
now known to be due to the irrita
tion caused by the immature form of
an intestinal worm.
After harvesting the root crops turn
the sheep in on the fields. They will
pick up many of the small roots left
behind. Surprising how much good
feed is lost if the animals do not help
to pick it up.
Carrots are good feed for dairy cows
as well as other stock. When not fed
in too large quantities they provide
the best winter food for the milk cows.
The carrot is always greedily eaten
by stock, as it has in it a consider
able quantity of sugar and no element
of bitterness. Carrots are also sup
posed to help color the milk in the
direction desired, but it would take
a good many carrots to accomplish
much in this regard. The effect of
feeding carrots is very good on the
digestive system.
Hogs need clear water and plenty of
it. The amount of water they natur
ally use is very great. It has been
found that a pig fed corn meal as a
principal diet used about 900 pounds
of water to 100 pounds of gain. A
pig fed barley meal used 1,500 pounds
of water in making 100 pounds of gain
on that diet. Many pigs get little
moisture outside of what they get in
the slop. They should have a separate
drinking tank or trough, filled with
water where they can drink whenever
they so desire. Even if they get an
abundance of slop they will drink
much water.
The appointment of a commission
by the president to study farm con
ditions with a view to suggesting re
forms that will make farm life more
pleasant and wholesome has afford
ed the humorists of the country a
aew subject for their witticisms.
Here is how it strikes tha rhymster
Dn the Washington Post:
Ve've been Investigated down to Pohlck
on the Crick,
An I reckon that reform win strike us
farmers purty quick;
We want the chickens taught to lay an
egs just as they should,
Thout settin' up a cackle that'll wake
the neighborhood;
We want the pigs to break away from
customs of the past
An learn to use a linger bowl and not
to eat so fast;
And cows should be persuaded not to
overturn the palls
When mHkin time comes 'round, an" not
be switchin of their tails.
We ought to make arrangements with
the weather bureau, too.
For bavin rain turned on or off, accord-
in as It's due;
It's a mighty glorious feelin' to be look
in' toward thj day
Whcn we'll give up all the bothers of our
plain old-fashioned way.
When we'll sit up on a fnce rail in
some cool an shady nook
An help the corn an' 'tatera grow by
readin from a book.
"We've rolled our shirt sleeves down; no
body wants to do a lick
Until this farm reform has lit at Pohlck
on the Crick.
"No," said a farmer with whom I
talked the other day, "I never break
my horses until they are four years
of age. They always do better work
than the horses of my neighbors that
are broken earlier." What did he
mean? His idea of breaking a colt
was putting it to hard work, and when
I suggested that the training of a colt
should begin early in the first year he
looked at me in amazement. I asked
him if it was not a pretty tough job
breaking the four-year-olds, and he
admitted it was. The training of a
colt does not mean that he must be
worked. It simply means the edu
cating of the animal to obey words of
command, to submission to touch of
harness and to follow the guidance of
the reins. And how easy all this is
while the colt is young and easy to
handle. A horse broken in this way
is more thoroughly broken than he
ever can be where the task is left
until he gets his growth and habits
are formed. Who would think of leav
ing the education of a child go until
It had attained its growth and was
able to stand a man's work?
Watch the butter mllli ain L sine
you are not losing lots of baNer t.
Little leakages cause big losses in
the aggregate. Remember that.
Young ewes should as a rule never
be bred under 14 months.
When through using a tool, or ma
chine, put it up. x
Feed the horses regularly. Irregu
lar feeding encourages bolting of food,
leading to indigestion.
It is no longer a question: Does the
silo pay? Rather, what is the best
method of handling the silo?
Don't forget that charcoal is good
for the hogs, salt, also. Have it where
.they can help themselves.
The road horse stuffed with hay
makes a poor traveler. Feed light on
hay and heavier on oats when using
the horses much.
Good bacon brings good prices. See
that your breed of hogs is right, aud
then feed for the best results.
Large animals consume less pounds
of dry material per 1,000 pounds live
weight per day than do small ones.
The bull that isn't dangerous and
the gun that isn't loaded both belong
in the same class and should be given
a wide berth.
Be sure the chickens, young and
old. have plenty of gravel. Much
bowel trouble is caused by lack of
good grits.
Intelligent feeding of live stock re
quires not only a knowledge of the
food constituents, but a knowledge of
the animals fed.
When building the hen house be
sure it has a south exposure and good
window space. It will make it bright
and warm this winter and will make
the hens feel like laying.
It is a good thing to have the horso
so gentle as to be able to crawl un
der him, and then it is a good thing
not to do it. It Is a poor place to be
if the horse should suddenly startle.
It has long since been demonstrat
ed by experiments that corn alone
does not make the best or most eco
nomical fattening ration. The corn
must be balanced by a feed containing
more of protein.
The board silo can be given a ce
ment lining by cleating with lath and
applying the cement. Silos thus lined
should be thoroughly cleaned each
year and then washed with thin .ce
ment to fill the cracks which may
have formed in the thin lining.
Cream that has been allowed to
stand too long will break or become
watery and will not make the best
flavored butter. The secret of good
butter making is knowing just when
the cream has reached the right stage
of acidity.
The horse with a long-established
case of worms should be given a pur
gative before any tonic treatment is
begun. Administer four drams of
aloes before breakfast or on an empty
stomach. Also give a warm enema of
four quarts of strong soapsuds. Fol
low this with a course of tonics. Sul
phate of iron, two drachms; gentian,
four drams, and columbo, two drams;
twice daily, for a week or two. Give
at the same time sound, nourishing
diet and gentle regular exercise.
Successful dairymen plan a system
of crop rotation which enables them
to have one market or cash crop, be
sides the profits from the dairy. The
increased fertility brought on to the
farm from the use of concentrated
feed stuffs more than offsets the
amount of fertility removed by the
sale of the dairy produces. Another
factor is that the same help required
properly to conduct a dairy can find
time, outside of the regular routine
of dairy work, to care for a profitable
market or cash crop.
Tuberculosis symptoms vary accord
ing to the location of the disease.
Commonly the lungs are more or less
involved. The disease is character
ized by dullness, tenderness of with
ers, back and loins, occasional dry
ness of the nose, heat of the horns
and ears, want of pliancy of the skin,
accelerated pulse, bad breath, slight,
infrequent, dry cough, blue watery
milk. If you are alarmed at the ap
pearance of your herd write for ex
pert opinion to your state experiment
Here Is the experience of one fann
er with potatoes which showed a ten
dency to blight. In a patch of about
half an acre he dug one-third just be
fore the tops were dead, dried and put
them in the cellar. Not one of these
rotted and all seemed to keep in per
fect condition. At the same time he
pulled the tops on another third of
the lot and burned them, leaving the
potatoes in the ground until the mid
dle of October, when he dug and
put them in the cellar. These also
kept perfectly. The other one-third
he did not disturb until the first of
October, and when dug fully one-half
had rotted.
Clean cream, cold cream and rich
cream are the three graces of the
dairy business. Be clean and sanitary
in milking. Have all pails, crocks,
cans and dairy utensils scalded and
clean. Keep the separator clean by
washing after each separating. Cool
each lot of cream in cold water before
setting it away and have it thorough
ly cooled before adding to the general
lot of cream. Have a tank of cold
water or a well -ventilated cool cel
lar in which to keep the cream. Stir
each of the separate lots of- cream,
every day to keep them uniform.
Have a wire screen for each vessel so
as to "air the cream" and keep out
flies and Insects. Skim a rich cream,
35 to 40 per cent., and It will keep'
sweet longer. Deliver the cream to- -1
the creamery or receiving station i
three times a week in summer and
twice a week in winter.
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