The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 07, 1908, Image 5

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IWlTheonlybaldngpowder made from ami
I V Ry1 Grape Cream of Tartar Ag
I cPslVV. f greatest healthfulness and JfMX
I jflOvsW. U8enes No alum or JT'WM
I jiOPWaw phosphate adds .JpSi
I S8T w Absolute!
Republican States Have Been Lib
eral in Legislation for
Democratic SUtes Have Done Little
to Make Labor Conditions Better
Within Their Bounds.
It is a fact that every important step
for the benefit or American labor has
been taken either by a Republican
Congress and administration, or by tbe
legislature of a Republican State, of
course with the consent, and sometimes
by the advice, of the State executive.
Democratic Congreshos have been no
tably negligent in this respect, and
Democratic States have either done
nothing to make labor conditions bet
ter within their bounds, or have slowly
and reluctantly followed at a distance
lu the trail of Republican reforms.
State l,tra;l slat Ion.
The States have control of labor leg
islation within their respective bounds,
federal authority being confined, so far
as labor is concerned, to the District
of Columbia and the territories, federal
reservations and lederal public works.
The story of labor legislation shows
that nearly all labor reforms originated
in Republican States, and at the pres
ent day the Republicans are far ahead
of the Democrats in the enactment and
enforcement of laws for the welfare
of .men and women and children who
work for a "living. Twenty-six out of
thirty Republican States have labor
bureaus, and only seven out of sixteen
Democratic States have similar bu
reaus, without which labor laws are
often dead letters. Twenty-three Re
publican States have factory inspectors
to see to the enforcement of the factory
laws. Only six Democratic States have
factory inspection services. Fifteen
States thirteen Republican and two
Democratic have free employment
agencies. Eighteen States have laws
on their statute books prohibiting labor
on government works or public con
tracts for more than eight hours a day.
Of these States sixteen are Republican
and two Democratic. Four Republican
States and one Democratic State have
laws declaring eight hours to be a legal
working day In the absence of a con
tract. Twenty-seven States prohibit
the employment of children under four
teen years of age in factories. Of these
twenty-three are Republican and four
are Democratic States. Laws limiting
the hours of the employment of chil
dren in factories or stores have been en
acted in twenty-four Republican and
thirteen Democratic States. Eighteen
Republican and ten Democratic States
prohibit night work by children. Twelve
Republican and three Democratic
States prohibit the employment of chil
dren in operating dangerous machinery
or cleaning machinery iu motion. Fif
teen Republican and six Democratic
Gents' Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street,
States limit the hours of labor of wom
en. It should be noted that twelve of
the Republican States which limit
women's hours of labor have factory
insj sectors to see that the law is obeyed,
while only three of the Democratic
States make such provision. In twenty
three Republican and ten Democratic
States employers are required by law
to provide seats for female workers.
Twelve States have enacted -legislation
intended to effect the extinction of
the sweatshop system, with its degrad
ing and revolting accessories. Of these
twelve States ten are Republican ami
two Democratic. Seventeen Republican
and five Democratic States have laws
requiring the payment of wages weekly
or fortnightly, or, in some instances,
prohibiting a longer period than one
month between pay days.
Trade Union Labels.
Fourteen Republican States and only
one Democratic State Nevada have
laws iu force prohibiting employers
from discharging itersons on account of
membership in labor organizations, or
from compiling persons to agree not
to becom? members of labor organiza
tions as a condition of securing employ
ment or continuing in their employ.
Forty States have passed laws allowing
trade unions to adopt labels or trade
marks to be used to designate products
o'f the labor of their members, and pro
hibiting the counterfeiting of tbe use
of such labels or trade-marks by un
authorized persons. Of these States
twenty-eight are Republican and twelve
are Democratic.
The foregoing presents for considera
tion by intelligent, patriotic labor sub
stantial facts and figures taken from
the statute books of the several States.
No platitude can upset them. They
prove the records of the Republican
party and of the Democracy on the la
bor issue, and they must convince ev
ery reasonable reader that the Republi
can party has not only brought Ameri
can labor up to Its present honorable
standard, but that labor can look only
to the Republican party for assurance
of protection and prosierity in the
Wonld Restrain Unlawfal Trusts.
Mr. Bryan asks me what I would do
with the trusts. I answer that I would
restrain unlawful trusts with all the
efficiency of injunctive process and
would punish with all the severity of
criminal prosecution every attempt on
the part of aggregated capital to sup
press competition. lion. Win. II. Taft,
at Columbus. Ohio.
The Hope of It.
"it is true dat Jordan is a hard road
ter travel." said Brother Williams,
"but dar's dls consolation: We kin
all lay down our burdens on de green
banks er de river an' go iu swimmin'
w'en we gits dar!" Atlanta Consti
tution. Nobility of Labor.
There is a perennial nobleness, and
even sacred ness, in work. Were a
man ever so benighted, or forgetful
of his high calling, there is always
hope In him who actually and earnest
ly works; in idleness alone is there
perpetual despair. Carlyle.
Made PtoclMe by Recast Rabat
Caaatractlve Repablicaa
. Palicy.
Caavaatiem Batwaea America
Eaclani ia Meet Oct. 1 Its
Bleasinga to Fereiga
Bora Crtiaaaa.
ORBBftNO. 1G67.
The Postal Administration af Great
Britain having concurred therein:
It is hereby ordered. That, commenc
ing on the 1st day of October, 1901
tbe postage rate applicable to letters
mailed in United SUtes, addressed for
delivery at any place in the' United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
shall be two (2) cents an ounce or frac
tion of an ounce.
Letters unpaid or short paid shall be
dispatched to destination, but doable
the deficient postage, calculated at said
rate, shall be collectible of the ad
dressees upon tbe delivery of the an
paid or short paid letters.
Postmaster General
Behind this simple statement is a
vast amount of Republican construc
tive legislation which resulted in tbe
significant accomplishment, set forth
by the Postmaster General. It Is elo
quently prophetic of a world-wide pen
ny postage, for which the credit will be
due to a Republican administration.
Sixth Universal PMtal Cmm
The Sixth Universal Postal Congress
convened In the city of Rome, Italy,
April 7 and continued until May 26,
1906. Sixty-five countries, including the
United States, were represented. The
assembly was for the purpose of dis
cussing the postal systems of all nations
and, if possible, agreeing upon measures
for the Improvement in all practical
ways, of the regulations governing In
ternational Intercourse through the
malls. The first congress of this kind
met in Berne, Switzerland, In 1874.
Tbe United States Postofilce Depart
ment was represented In this World
Postal Congress by two delegates the
Superintendent of Division of Foreign
Mails, as in previous postal congresses,
and the Hon. Edward Rosewater of the
Omaha Bee, who had also served in the
preceding postal congress.
Mere for Universal Fenny Pacta.
At this Universal Postal Congress
representatives of the United States
proposed a universal two-cent postage
to all nations. The Hon. J. Hennlker
neaton, M. P., who is the father of the
two-cent Idea in England, speaking of
America's action at tbe Borne conven
tion, hi standing out for a universal
two-centpostal -rate; said:
"The British members stood coldly
by. They did not recognize that this
was a great historic occasion, a worthy
parallel of that solemn scene on July
4, 1776. when tbe Declaration of Inde
pendence was adopted; for If the
Americans are ' illlng to adopt a penny
postage to all parts of the world, it fol
lows that they are willing to establish
It to the British Empire and form with
us a 'Restrictive Postal Union.' "
The Hon. Whitelaw Reld, America's
Republican minister to the Court of St.
James, praised the work of the Ameri
can delegation and solicited the friendly
co-operation of the British government
at a Fourth of July banquet speech in
London hi 1906. Mr. Reid said:
'The American people hoped for
closer and cheaper communications
with all other nations as the best means
of promoting better acquaintance and
perpetuating friendship. They were
.gratified to find that the British apostle
of penny postage (Mr. Heaton) at this
moment focusing his efforts on what
ought to be tbe easy task of persuad
ing tbe authorities on both sides of tbe
Atlantic, that it was as cheap to carry
a letter from London to New Tork as
from London to Calcutta ; or from New
York to Manila and quite as useful."
Asaerlemn Reaaallcaaa Leaa the Way
So it has come to pass that the Unit
ed States, under Its Republican admin
istration, has finally succeeded' in en
tering into a convention with Great
Britain whereby after the 1st of Octo
ber this year, a two-cent postage rate
will obtain between this country and
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
We already have such an arrangement
with Canada. Mexico, Cuba, Panama
and our colonial possessions. This great
accomplishment Is universally recog
nized as the proper beginning which hi
to result hi a universal two-cent postage
rate around the world.
Important Things Aeeaaspllahea.
Two other important things that the
Republican administration accomplish
ed at the Rome Universal Postal Con
gress through Its representatives; must
not be lost sight of.. One was the adop
tion of a universal return coupon
stamp, in exchange for which, upon Its
presentation at a postofilce In another
country, the person presenting it shall
receive a postage stamp of the value of
5 cents, good hi any country of the
world, thus enabling people here to
prepay postage at regular rates noon
reply letters.
The other significant concession was
that in all World Postal Congresses to
be held in the future, tbe United States
is to be granted an additional vote, In
view of Its' island possessions ; so that
at ad future congresses our country
will be entitled to two votes, as against
one vote each cast by every other na-r
tion hi the world.
Practical Benenta the Peenle.
No doubt 'the Democrats may inquire
as to what all this has todo with the
welfare of -American- citizens. .Fee
their enlighteameat and
may be stated -that, according to the
United States-census of 1990y the for
eign barm aepalatioa 1a- the United
States at that ttaaewaal0.4i0.085. The
Book Case
Froth stock
just received
j I ;;. .rv ri
219-21-23 West Eleventh 8L
(one or both parents having been born
in foreign countries) was 2ti.198.U39,
or a total foreign population of 36,
659,024. The, report of the Immigra
tion Commissioner by years since then
shows that 6.668,656 have since come
to America, thus eking out the total
foreign population at the present time
to 46,327,680. This does not take any
note of increase since 1900 in American-born
children, one or both of whose
parents are of foreign blood. Estimat
ing that only one-half of this number
21,003,840 write one letter to foreign
countries every two weeks, or 26 weeks
each year, w have 120,983,040 letters
written annually, which, at the present
rate of 5 cents postage each, amounts
to an expenditure of $0,499,152 annu
ally. Under the present postal law
foreign correspondents may send let
ters to the United States "collect," but
when they reach their destination tbe
recipient must pay double postage. Fig
uring tbe double postage on tbe same
basis, the foreign population of the
United States pays during each year,
for postage under the present system,
Under the new and cheaper postal
charges advocated by the Republican
party, should the 2-cent rate become
universal, the foreign population iu
the United States, to their direct cor
respondents, would only pay $3,249,576
annually for direct postage and $9,748,
728, for letters sent to them from for
eign countries "collect." In other
words, this Republican measure will
save tbe highly esteemed adopted citi
zens of our country, and those born
here of foreign parentage $12,998,254
annually, in the necessary correspond
ence with their loved ones abroad. But
perhaps the Democrats do not think
this is worth while.
- Soma Glaring Inconsistencies.
At present an American can send a
letter 5,000 miles by land say from
Mexico to Alaska for 2 cents, but
must pay 5 cents for a letter of half
tbe weight sent 3,100 miles to England.
An Englishman pays 5 cents on a let
ter crossing the Atlantic, 3,100 miles,
and 2 cents on one crossing the Indian
and South Pacific Oceans, 16,000 miles,
to New Zealand. AH this is to be rem
edied on October tbe first next, thanks
to an enligbteued Republican adminis
tration. World la Reaa tor Redaction.
It will probably be but a short time
after the convention between this coun
try and England goes into effect, until
the dream of a universal 2ent letter
tostage, championed by the Republican
party, will be realized. Australia, New
Zealand and Egypt have already called
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in season.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Nab.
All Kinds of
Fan Implements
Clover Leaf and
Success Manure
Recognized as the
leading Spreaders on
the market today
More corn on the same
acreage by using the
Deere planter. It is
always ready for either
hilling or drilling
bring in
tools and' implements to be
sharpened and repaired now.
It will save you time' when
spring opens up. We keep
only the latest and best in
buggies and carriages
Our horseshoes stick and
don't lame your horse -try
Louis Sohrelber
for the 2-cent rate. The Emperor of
Germany has said that if England es
tablishes a 2-cent postage rate with
the United States, he will have Ger
many do the same. France, Italy,
South Africa, Japan, Belgium, Hol
land, Denmark and Sweden would nccu
little more than an Invitation to fol
low suit
A 2-cent postal rate would bind all
the South American republics and the
United States still more closely togeth
er into a peaceful, reciprocal, progres
sive, civilization, which would mean a
more rapid development of both Ameri
can continents and a new application
of tbe Monroe doctrine. With these
countries agreed, on the object desired,
the continent of Europe alone would
then be wholly onts'.de this compre
hensive postal union, and then, the
continental powers would not long
stand aloof from It.
, . It has remained for the United
States to take the initiative in a move
to reap the great glory of being the
pioneers of a world wide 2-cent post
age. MiH'tnr of our citizens wil1 feel
almost as grateful for this bctiellceiic
not as millions of slaves did. when tlte
Republican party broke the shackles
thai iHjuud tbem to perpetual physical
Mr. Taft Compares Republican and
Democratic Platforms.
(From Mr. Taft's Speech of Accep
tance.) '
The chief difference between the Re
publican and tbe Democratic platforms
is the difference which has heretofore
been seen between tbe policies of Mr.
Roosevelt and those which have been
advocated by the Democratic candidate,
Mr. Bryan. Mr. Roosevelt's policies
have been progressive and regulative;
Mr. Bryan's destructive. Mr. Roose
velt has favored regulation of tbe busi
ness In which evils have grown up so
as to stamp out tbe evils and permit
tbe business to continue. The tendency
of Mr. Bryan's proposals has generally
been destructive of the business with re
spect to which he is demanding reform.
Mr. Roosevelt would compel the trusts'
to conduct their business In a lawful
manner and secure tbe benefits of their
operation and the maintenance of tbe
prosperity of the country of which they
are an important part; while Mr.
Bryan would extirpate and destroy the
entire business in order to stamp out
the evils which they have practiced.
Not Much Use Made of Water Trans
portation In Egypt.
It is a curious' fact that the Nile and
most of the canals in Egypt run north
and south. The wind blows nearly all
the year from the north, and thus fur
nishes the cheapest propelling power
for boats going south. When the boats
return north the rapid current of the
Nile is the motive power. The regu
larity of the wind and the steadiness
of the current are two reasons why
boats propelled by any other power
are so little used. Time Is not so im
portant an element In business In
Egypt as in some other countries, and
it does not matter, therefore, that
boats propelled by wind or current are
slow. But not so much use is made
of water transportation in Egypt as
one might think, in view of the possi
bilities offered by the Nile and the
many canals throughout the Delta.
The Nile is navigable for many hun
dred miles. The first cataract is at
Assouan, but .there is no interruption
of. traffic until Wadi Haifa is reached.
800 miles from Cairo. The primary
object of the canals is to distribute
water for irrigation, but they are real-'
ly broad and deep water courses, easi
ly navigable by sailing boats and
small steam tugs. With Egypt's awak
ening the value of these canals will
soon be realized.
No Need to Come to Court.
"There was a lawyer in Cincinnati
who was noted for the strength of his
lungs and the vehemence with which
he would roar out his remarks to the
court," said a jurist. "He had a case
down for argument one morning, but
was unable to be present. A clerk
appeared 'and asked the judge to put
over the case until two o'clock that
afternoon. 'Where will Mr. be
Jiist before two o'clock?" queried the
judge. 'In his office, your honor,' re
plied the clerk. "And that is how far
from here?' continued the judge.
'About three-quarters of a mile,' said
the clerk. 'Tell Mr. not to bother
coming way up here to court,' said the
judge. 'Let him make his argument
right from his office. We can hear
him just as well as though he were
In court."'
Husband and Wife.
No man yet was ever made more
tender by having tenderness de
manded of him; no man yet was ever
cried into loving his wife more. I
am willing to admit that men are as
faulty creatures as women themselves,
unsympathetic in small .things, often
blind and that they may easily be
exasperated into small brutalities of
. speech. If a woman refrains from ex
acting devotion and is unswervingly
kind and unselfish, a husband who has
any affection for his wife at all can
be .left to look out for doing his share.
He will look out for it anyway; no
one else can make him. Neither tears'
nor entreaties will wring from him
those small kindnesses aad attentions
so dear to women. A Wife, in Har
per's Bazar.
Compounding Aluminum.
Aluminum la now compounded with
magnesium to form.magnalium, a new
alloy, which is almost unaffected by
damp air, water, gaseofus ammonia,
cabonic acid and most organic acids.
It can be cast in the liquid conditions,
like pure aluminum, and the castings
can be machined, acquiring a smooth.,
mirror-like surface.
Williams' Iadiaa Pile (Matmeat will core
Blind, Bleedisc aad Itching Piles. It absorbs
tba tumors, auays itchlag at once.acts as a pbiU
tiee, gives iastaat relief. ' Williams' Iadiaa Pile
Oiatmeat is prepared for Piles aad itckityc of U
nrlrat nuta. flnU hv AmrmiatM nail "SO -X3k
I JLOO. Williams' MY Co, Propk, Clsrelmad. Q.
Smart Clothes for
Young Men
The Continent of Lemuria.
There was also supposed to be a
prehistoric continent that occupied
the greater portion of what 13 now
the Indian ocean. Madagascar Is said
to 03 a remnant of it. Sclater, an
Englishman, has called this continent
Lemuria, after monkey-like animals
said to have Inhabited it.
I The right party can
secure an excellent ignition, salary
or commission for Columbus and vi-
.:! MtatA ftiM. fnrmppnranruitinn
and trivp reference. Address LOCK .1
HOX 438, laucoln. Neb.
finer the Theater
Beer Garden
And Enjoy
A Cool Glass of Beer
An orderly place ev
ery thing neat and clean.
We strive to please our
patrons with the best of
No. 11 2 41 am
No. IS 11:10am
No. 1 lltftam
No. 9 lt:iam
No. 7 321 pm
No. 15 Citlpm
No. S 6J0 pm
No.5 7:lHpm
No. 59 7:00am,
No. 03 5:00 pm
No. 4 6:33 am
No. 12 4:13 iim
No. Hal2:3THl 1:00 pm l:3n pm
No. IB 2:fpiii
No. 10 3:12 pm
No. 8 B:I0 p in
No. 2 0:32 pm
No. 60 f.uiOain
No.ftl 50 am
No. 79 mxd..d 6.-00 a m
No. 31 pas 1:30 p m
No. 32 pan ..al230pm
No. 70 mxd. .a 70 am
No. 77 mxd . d 6:15 a m
No. 29 pas ..d75pm
No. 30 pea 2:15 pm
No. 78 mxd. .a 60 p m
Daily except Sunday.
Noe. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains.
N08. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local passengers.
Nos. 58 and 59 are local freights.
Noe. 9 and 16 are mail trains only.
No. 11 dne in Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No. 6 dne in Omaha 50 p. m.
Old Books
In fact, for anything in the book
binding line bring your work to
Journal office
Phone 160
p .,.
THE hardest sort, of
'clothes to provide,
successfully are the
clothes for the dapper
young dresser,
wants me limit in scyie. .
We've met with great
success in clothing these
young fellows in our1
"Dandv - Make" of I
Collegian clothes. There1
is always a"distmguish-.
ecTiair about the cutarid.
style of these exclusive
young men's suits that
maybe called extreme,
because they are '$?
treme, for every idea or
kink thats new is shown
here. The tabrics are
swell and prices pleasing ,
-. - - Vx4
iu. aix. auri
$18, $20, $2251
..r. -,v
Electric Lighted Throughout.
This superbly appointed first-claae
train running daily to Denver via the
Union Pacific, and equipped with Buffet
Observation Sleeping Oar, Pnllmaa Pal
ace Sleeping Can, Free reclining Chair
Oars, Dynamo Baggage' Car, and Dining
Car (meals a la carte), is all1 electric
lighted throughout AM sleeping, car.
passengers have access to' the observa
tion parlor both in tbe Parlor Oara and
the Sleeping Cars without extra charge.
For reservations on this and othar Union
Pacific trains inquire of E O Brown.
Agent '
Crestaa, MeV.
Dates can be marie- at the
Jonrnal Office
-f (rf ito,
, fm
For Speed
Safety, Surety
A solid roadbed is es
sential. Visibility &
Speed in the Under
wood (Tabnlator) type
writer are supported
by perfectly balanced
UiifrwMal Typrariftr
1617 Farnam St. Omaha
' I
t. Jft-4
-. -t & v -Z?Zr
'. "---VSlKV--- -
' .--i -.; f-v --& v.- -e-SiiTC-
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