The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 30, 1908, Image 8

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Sstor Btarkett WiH Speak at New
eaa Grove and Humphrey.
The meets of October will be a'hot
one, politically in Nebraska. Bspubli
osnspseehes will be' made in every
county in the state and the gospel of
Republicanism expounded by able men.
On Satarday afternoon, October 3,
Senator Borkett will addreas the voters
of Newman GroTe and vicinity, and in
the evening will apeak at Hamphrey.
Y. M. C A. Notes.
A Young Men's Christian Association
has bsea organized in Columbus. It
-was not the intention to organize until
the building was ready for occupancy
batit waa found necessary. There were
utters that the provisional committee
did not fsel that they coald paas upon
andit was accessary to have aa organiza
tion ready to receive the building when
A ooaaittee on organization and con
stitution was appointed. They drafted
a constitution in conformity with the
uniform requirements of the Inter
Natioaal committee and reoommended
that the provisional committee organize.
In accordance with the recommenda
tion the committee adjourned and those
present organized by electing Henry
Hookenberger chairman and M. Brugger
The constitution submitted by the
committee waa read and adopted by a
motion that provided that amendments
might be made at the next meeting.
Last Friday night the meeting reas
sembled at the call of the chairman and
adopted aeveral amendments to the con
After the consideration of the con
atitutioa the following directors were
elected: H. Hockenberger, M. Brugger.
J. D. Stires. . H. Neumann, W. S.
Evans, W.L. Cbenowetb, J. C. Echols,
LBagatz,jrMLH. Britell, I. Brock,
J. T. Boyd, David Thomas, R. Ramey, A.
E. Vailier and 0. O. Sheldon.
The board organized by electing H.
Brugger as tempory chairman and L H.
Britell as temporary secretary. H. Hock
eaberger was elected president. 0. O.
Sheldon vice president, L H. Britell
recording seoretary and M. Brugger
treasarer. The following were elected
trustees, 6. W. Phillips, G. A. Scott, H.
A Clarke, T. Friedbof , C. H. Sheldon.
A. J. Galley, J. E. Paul and H. S. Elliott.
jar. nooasnoerger men came from a
meeting of the furniture committee and
in a few remarks thanked the board for
the compliment paid him in electing him
presideat but said that for reasons which
seemed to him anilcient he could not
accept the position. After failing to
convince him that he should reconsider
hia decision he was elected vice presi
deat and O. O. Sheldon president. It iB
a matter of regret to those interested in
the association that Mr. Hookenberger,
who k the acknowledged father of the
movement should not be its first presi
deat. The officers elected will hold
omee until the annual election next May.
xne ouiiaing is rapidly neanng com
pletion and as soon as it is finished it is
hoped to have arrangements perfected
for beginning work. Aa soon as the
directora have determined upon the dif
ferent classes of membership applica
tions will be received.
A number of applications for dorma
toriee have been received and as soon as
they are furnished and ready for in
spection they will doubtless be readilv
filled as they are very attractive and desirable.
sacBHPI3KaVNlmmnamtl. BBBBBBBBBjBBBflaBjuammi .aSBmaaBBBJBamlk - -
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77ic Chicago
plement Will
Tribune's Great Fashion
Be Printed September
All of the advanced ideas for Fall and Winter styles
will be fully illustrated and described in this number.
-, ;
MazriBf e Licenses.
Charles Henrkh, Sohuyler 23
Anna L. Barger, Schuyler 23
Edward L. Mackeo, Platte Center.... 23
Lata X. Burrows, Platte Center.... 23
Sunday Closing.
On and-after October 4, 1908, the
undersigned will close their meat mar
kets on Sunday.
S. E. Marty & Co,
C. H. Buschxan.
Otto Merz.
Baptist Church
Hundav school 10 a. m.. preaching
a. m., B. Y. P. U- 7:30 p. m , preaching 8
p. m., prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m.
Owing to the absence of the pastor, who
will be at Pawnee City attending state
convention, there will be no preaching
services on Sunday Oct. 4th
Bev. R W. Beinhart, Pastor.
New Fall and Winter
WE ANNOUNCE to the people of Colum
bus and vicinity that our NEW FALL
and WINTER stock of dry goods is now
complete and we are showing one of the
largest and best selected stocks of merchan
dise in the city. Consisting of DRESS
GOODS in all the latest styles and novelties.
Also a complete line of staple dry goods.
Ladies' Cloaks, Ladies' Dress Skirts,
Ladies' Underwear, Ladies' Neckwear
Ladies' Collars, Ladies' Belts and
Pocket Books, Ladies' Kid Gloves
Carpets and Rugs, Blankets and
Comforts, Gent's Underwear,
Gent's Shoes, Furnishing
Goods, Gent's Hats and
Caps, Gents' Neckwear
Call art tasptcf Thtst Ntw Satis ft Bit PricM
Men's and Boys9 Clothing'
We are going out of the CLOTHING BUSINESS
and in order to close out this line we are making excep
tionally low prices on Men's and Boys' Clothing, Overcoats
We have some specially good bargains in Overcoats and
Suits it will pay you to call and get our prices.
Agent for Standard Patterns
J, H. Galley
505 llth St, Columbus, Neb.
Columbus People Greatly Interested
in the Generous offer of Pol
lock & Co. Druggists.
The people have already demonstrated
that they would rather trust a man who
is natnrally honest, than one who was
honest only beoaase he had to be.
Pollook & Co. druggists, have a firmly
established reputation for square deal
ing and sterling honesty. When they
told the people that Bezall Remedies
are the purest and most dependable re
medies that it is possible for modern
science to produce, and that; they would
tell the public exactly what each one of
these 9000 remedies contained, and that
they .sold Bexall Remedies on their own
personal guarantee that they would
give entire satisfaction or the medicines
would not cost the user a single cent,
they were believed.
Ever since this announcement the
stores of Pollock & Co have been crowd
ed by people buying Rexall Remedies;
all of which proves that Pollock & Co.,
have the the confidence of the people
and that honesty is the best policy.
There is no "cure-all among the Rexall
Remedies, there are 300 different and
separate medicines; one for each human
ill, and each unquestionably the best of
its kind.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are parti
cularly recommended for the positive
cure of stomach irritation, indigestion
and dyspepsia. They are rich in Bis-
mouth, Subnitrate Pepsin and Carmina
tives, and are prepared by a special pro
cess which perfects and enchances the
great curative value of these well-known
medicinal agents. This remedy sells for
25c. a package. Everyone suffering from
a stomach disorder should try Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets, inasmuch as they cost
nothing if they do not satisfy.
Pollock & Co. are certainly fortnnate
in securing control of the sale of these
remedies, and we urge everyone in need
of medicine to investigate and take ad
vantage to their frank and generous
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9HaHHHsBKaHa Utat-i ' 'M' BSxH'XC , I
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K aaaaaaLHaaaaBHalaaaBa LPLllaflalaaBaaHlaw f vti-n Vf tfjJ
nKHaaiaBCjLBlaaaaV - , J-NVT-VJ
Australian Yate Tree.
The yate tree of western Australia,
growing to a height of 100 feet and a
diameter of 2 to three feet, yields
the strongest timber known. Late
tests showed an average tensile
strength of 24,000 pounds to the
square inch, equal to that of cast
iron, and some specimens resisted
17 tons to the square inch, equal to
the tensile strength of wrought-iron.
The Swashbuckler.
The swashbuckling patriot is akin
to the religious fanatic; the one can
see only his country and the other
only his sect And in both cases the
intellectual outlook is generally so
narrow that scarcely anything more
is revealed to the patriotic or religious
fanatic than a distorted view of ma
terial greatness or spiritual goodness.
Frightened the Feminine.
"Spacer out of a job? Why. I
thought he was running a fashion de
partment in a woman's magazine."
"Yes, but he caused the magazine to
lose so many subscribers, they fired
him." "How In the world did that
happen?" "Why, the lobster headed
his column. 'New wrinkles for
women.' " The Wasp.
Everybody ia basy sediag ainoe the
rain. ,
Adam Smith is Improvise hk ataa
with a woven wire fence arosad tk
house aad bam yard.
D. F. Doaogaue shipped a oar of hoga
and C. H. Sheldon & Hon three oars of
cattle from the Wiaslow siding last
Miss Grace Dodds, who has been visit
ing the home folks the last three wsefca,
will return to Lincoln Snnday. waera
she has a position as trained aurss. ,
tisonard Swasson bsa agaia taken up
his studies in the Genoa High school.
Mrs. John Swanson aad children visit
ed at Martin Olson's Sundsy aftsrsoon.
Rainy and cold weather has sat in aad
we are all huddled around the stove
tryiagtoget warm.
Mrs. Geo. Saleatrom returned from tas
Grove Snnday where she has been visit
ing friends and relatives.
Grant Johnson is saffenng with a
broken leg. Dr. Frank of Newman
Grove is taking cars of him.
Walter Frederickson, the newly mar
ried man, has moved on to his father's
160 acre farm on the Looking Glass.
Oliver Swanson, son of candidate John
Swanson, has gone to the state univer
sity and taken up the study of civil
Isnl Istata Transf sra.
Becher, Hookenberger Chambers,
real estate agents, report the following
real estate transfers filed for record in
the ofiee of theooanty clerk dnrisg the
week ending Sept. 28,1908:
Pioneer Town Site Co to Geo Worth, pt
oat lot "K", Lindsay, trd $ C45 00
H Hockenberger to Johanna Saeal. loto
and IS. blk 3. Hockenberger add. wd 560 01)
Frank Baggi to B S Dickinson, se 23-17-
Jw.wd 2MO0O
Jwepbine Wilhrim to Bertha Borke et
al, lot 1 and 2. blk 15B, Colunbas. ... 300 00
Wm McEver ta H Ilockenberger. lot 1,
Wk59.'Colainba. wd 5000 00
Richard Kamey to Loretta Conley. lot
13.blkS.SmithVadd.Hd iWO 00
Pioneer Town Site Co to H J Finch, lot
6 and 7, blk 3, Lindsay, wd. 350 00
Stan Mitera to James Mitera, lot 1 and
2. blk 317, lot . blk 230. lot 1. blk 231.
Colnmbaswd 90S 00
Stan Mitera to James Mitera. lot S to
8, blk 219. lot 6. blk 220. wd 300 00
E E Fellers to Geo Durham, lot 7, blk 4.
Terry add, Monroe, w d. 1 00
Jerry f-angan to Saie Hayes, lot 6. blk
S. Platte Center, wd 700 00
L Gerrard et 'al to Wm L Miller, lots 1
awl 2. blk 3. Highland Park, w d 500 00
Bank of Monroe to Sam C Terry, lots 1
and 2. blk 3. Terry's add. Monroe, wd 1 00
Sam G Terry to Bank of Monroe, lots 7
and 9. blk 3. Monroe, wd '100
Estray Notice.
Came to my place, six aulas west of
Columbus, about three weeks ago, one
cow and carf. Owner please call and
prove property and pay expense.
Max Borowiak.
Lay Low.
"Let us get out in the sunshlns."
says a Georgia, poet, "but be careful
to keep far from the farmers who
would waylay and plow us. I believe
in 'sticking to the soil la literature,
but not in down-right reality at the
plowhandles, for Instance, and aa the
man with the hoe In his hand. There
Is no poetry in the hungry brayia'g
of a Georgia mule, or the 'ge-haw of
the plowman!" Atlanta Constitution.
Of the Prince sf Conns.
Nothing was more inviolable to the'
prince than' the rights of friendship.
When a favor was asked of him, it was
he that appeared obliged; and never
was his joy so natural or lively aa
when he conferred pleasure upon
others. Jacques Benigne Bossuet.
All Cater to Foreign Trade.
Owners of even the smallest toy
manufacturing establishments In the
Nuremburg district. Germany, cater
for the foreign trade. Factories em
ploying from six to twenty people are
no exceotion.
London's Health.
For a populatisn which easily
counts into several millions, London
is a remarkable city from the point of
health, and a splendid example to the
rest of the cities of the world. The
provincial cities, too. may well look
upon the health statistics of the
mother city with envy. Loudon
AaTsrtlMd Lstttn.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office st
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing September 90, 1908:
Letters Miss Mils Anderson, Frank
D Berry. S A BonesteeL M D, Chas
Cleaveland, Kra, F Connoly, J W
Daugherty, Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Hon
Wm Holmes, Minister Christian Church,
BO Morris, Joseph N McKnight, J
Smith, Miss Marion Smith, R F Welch,
Lam Wilson, Heinrioh August Wieener,
WUI Zeckser.
Cards Miss Mils Anderses. Wm
LUlie Brown, Miss Louise Hill, Magnus
Xsben, August 8attler.
Parses calling for any of the store
will pwassssy advertised.
Union Pacific R. R., for the Ak
Sar-Ben Festivities, Omaha,
Sept. 23 to Oct. 3,
has authorized the exceptionally low
rate of one fare for the round trip to
Omaha, and return. Tickets on sale
Sept. 28, 99. 30, and Oct. 1. 2 and 3, with
final return limit Oct. 5, 1908, For full
information inquire of E. G. Brown,
Special Excursion
Frontier Harvest
brand Maui, Nab.
Thursday, Oct. 8, 1908
Leave XJolumbus at 8:00
a m., arrive at Grand Is-
land at1 10:45 a m. Re
turning special train will
leave Grand Island at
9:30 a. m., via
For information
inquire of
. G. BROWN, Agent
The Yankee Doodle Boy.
The manager of the North Theatre
has secured last year's popular success
as the attraction for Tuesday, October
5. It is a musical play affording a di
versified entertainment, consisting of
comedy, pathos, music and songs. The
central figure, which is denoted in the
title, is a clever Chicago boy, typical of
the great city. He takes life easy and
is happy with his 812 a week, which he
earns in a broker's office. Of this he
pays $4 for board, and the other 88 he
fiddles away for glad rags, as he expres
ses it. i"ou will like him, everyone
does, because be is every inch a man
He is a little nosey and butts in other ,
peoples affairs, but somehow you think
more of him for it, and you'll agree with
his sweetheart, Truly 8pencer, when she
says in the last act, Bud, you're the
candy kid. The ten big song hits are all
new this season, and book has been
brightenea up by the author, Mr. Hal
ton Powell, making the Yankee Doodle
Boy practically a new show. Prices, 25c,
35c and 50c.
National Platforms.
A complete pamphlet, of 64 pages, is
sued by Uaioa Pacific Railroad, con
taining the Platforms of the Republican,
Demooratis. Prohibition, People and In
dependence Parties; alo, other valuable
and atatiseiesl information, complied
from oSetsl sources.
A copy will be mailed free by mention
ing this paper and enclosing two cents
to cover postage. Address,
S. L. Lokax, G. P. A.
Omaha, Neb.
amfmAmafsnmmJ &m mm
Omaha, Sept. 23 to Oct. 3
Tickets on sale Sept 28, 29, 30 and Oct
1, 2 and 3, 1908, via
Enquire of E. 6. BROWN, Agent
m) I
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