The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 23, 1908, Image 6
or ' v .-; jjt: . z . r . .. .... , z - .'.- ' Av --- sr f -, ."- Hi MM1 1 a - fylMMjffir For the farmer's use the drafter is the best animal to own. Have the poultry house light' and airy and, above all,' clean. Spraying is absolutely useless un less done at the right time. The best milk pail is the one with the fewest number of seams. Hens compelled to sit upon the ground are apt to develop rheumatism. Don't let the harness get stiff and hard. Money out of your pocket if you do. The orchard is no place for live stock, save perhaps pigs and the chickens. Well-kept machinery will make the work of the farm easier, both for the farmer and his team. Never mix fertilizer or manure with lime. Work the lime into the surface before applying the fertilizer. The sore neck aad shoulder upon the horse is more easily prevented than cured. Keep close lookout. Fruit trees that are worth a place on the farm are worth caring for. Without care you will not get satis factory results. Do a little forestry work on the farm this fall. Plant a patch of trees. The nursery catalogue, at the- forest service of the agricultural department may help you. Send for it to Wash ington, D. C. Who would think to look at the scrubby teams some farmers are con teat to drive that there was one bit of personal pride or ambition in them? It pays to have a good team and it pays to keep them right. On fields where the clover crop was almost a failure, the Ohio experiment station tried liming with good results. The lime was burnt and then ground ami spread over .the ground at the rate of one ton per acre. The man to be a successful breeder of livestock must' have a true love and interest in his work, and he must also have a thorough knowledge of the pedigree of his animals, that is, he should be certain that there is real basis for the qualities which he thinks his stock possess. Do you know that it is poor econo my to save the cost of building at the expense of heavy loss of feed stuffs? Do you know that the hay stack win tered out doors loses in value many times what the interest would be on the money invested in a building suit able to house it? Figure it out for yourself. You study to provide just the right conditions Tor growing the biggest crops. Are you doing as much for your boy? Remember he needs the right kind of soil to grow in and the right kind of cultivation to develop the best in him. 'and who but mother and father should give the matter most thought and attention? The wagon or buggy that is left out of doors in the hot sun is more than cerlaia to develop a case of rattles about the wheels, and when far from home some time you may roll a tire off and the wheel collapse. If the tires become loose run the wheel through boiling linseed oil and, after letting stand for several days, paint. This will give them a new lease of life. Come now, be honest. Do you know just what yaur cows are doing for you? Ten chances to one that there are Homft' robber cows in your herd and you don't know it, because you have never kept any record of their milk yield, neither have you tested their milk as to butter fat content. It is just guess work with you. What would you think, of the merchant in town that was content to handle goods year in and year out without knowing whether it was at a profit or loss? And yet that is exactly what the dairy farmer is doing who does not know each individual cow and what she is doing for him. Make up your mind you begin at once to find out what each cow is doing and weed out the unprofitable ones. Farmers throughout the countrj will lie interested in the investigations which the experts appointed by Presi dent Roosevelt are to make into the social, sanitary and economic condi tions of farming communities. The men he has chosen are wel equipped both by experience and training to perform well the task in hand and to make recommendations which will prove of real practical help in solving some of the most vital problems which face, the farm life of to-day. These men are Prof. L. H. Bailey of the New iYork college of. agriculture; Henry Wallace of Wallace's Farmer, Des Moine.s. la.; President Kenyon L. But ter field of the Massachusetts agricul tural college; Gilford Pinchot of the United States forest reserve, and Wal ter H. Page, editor of the World's Work. New York. m This commission will make its report in time for the president to incorporate its recom mendations in his message to congress nsxt December. k ' Good cows in a good' barn and given good care will return good profit. Whitewash will do wonders towards brightening and purifying the old barn or cowshed. - ' Stagnant pools and mud-boles around .the pasture make poor watering places for the cattle. Remember that. Try dairy farming on the run down place. The cows will return a profit, white the soil is being improved by the manure., If you cannot grow clover success fully, try cow peas or some other leguminous plant. It will help the soil into good condition. uoni expect you can itsi iuc ( of a cow in a month. Observation rec ords should cover at least a year in which there has been a calving. Whatever specialty in farming you have set your heart upon following be gin in a small way and work up to large things. This is the sure way of developing a profitable business. It is a little extra work to take the harness off the work horse at noon.but it rests him and. he is better able to go back to work than he would "have been had the hot collar not been re moved from the shoulders. The fanner who thinks fly nets for the horses are too much trouble and expense to bother with is the same fellow who leaves his machinery out of doors because it takes time and money to provide a toe? shed. The difference between profit and loss on the farm is often measured by the waste that comes from the careless handling of machinery and the shiftless methods of planting, cul tivating and harvesting the crops. For the farmer wnose aim is dairy farming exclusively, the dual purpose cow is a great mistake. The only one who has any warrant in keeping such type of stock is the farmer whose chief purpose in stock raising is beef. Do not wait to cool the milk until all the milking is done. As fast as you milk one cow pour into can and set can Into tub of cold water. The high temperature in the summer time causes the germs in the milk to mul tiply rapidly. In fattening animals in the winter time, remember that experiments have shown that good quarters and plenty of bedding are essential to profitable feeding, the animals thus cared for showing a gain of over 30 per cent, more than those under less comforta ble conditions. One of the destructive pests of the garden, against which the farmer is almost powerless, is the root maggots which attack cabbage. It may inter est some of the readers of Meadow brook Farm Notes to know that the New York experiment station has tried screening the beds of cabbage with cheesecloth with good success. The frames used being made of 12 inch boaids. Face the cows away from each oth er, for, while it is true that the feed ing is made easier where two rows of cows face the same alley, it makes the work of cleaning and caring for them much harder. Where the gut ters of two rows of cows are on the same alley it is possible if the barn is properly constructed to drive the manure spreader through the alley, thus making but one handling of the manure necessary. Then the milking is done easier. Provide comfortable quarters for your hired help and manage the work in such a way as to enlist his inter est in the work assigned him, and you will find that the farm help problem is not such a difficult one to solve as most farmers think. Don't be afraid to talk over matters with the hired help. This is possible without sur rendering mastery, aud will add to contentment and interest. Don't over work the help. There are times when it is impossible to make exact hours however, if work is well planned there is no need of excessive long hours, ex cept in emergencies, and if the hired man is interested he will appreciate tfce necessity of working over time in certain seasons when work is rushed. The "Garden City" is a 'new move ment which is in successful operation in portions of England to provide so cial advantages for farmers and their families. The farm homes are clus tered about a common point and stretching back from this are the fields and cultivated areas. There will, of necessity, be some manufacturing plants; but these are grouped by themselves very much as the manu facturing section of a town is separ. ated from the residence district. The farm homes have all the comforts or city life and all the pleasures of the country. The schools are' centralized and kept most effectively; the church life and social life generally are of the very best. The farms vary in size and stretch awa over i'ae distant fields in all directions. These have as their prototype the earliest villages known in European history. Hornless strains of cattle are be coming more common and are bred in the following ways: One method is by watching for hornless offspring and breeding these together, selecting the hornless progeny for further breeding. In this way some hornless strains have already been developed, if we may believe the more or less reliable records that come down to us. The other way is to make an out-cross into a hornless breed and then select as breeders the animals that are hornless and have otherwise the characteristics of the foundation breed. Thus if one wished to create a strain of hornless Herefords, the plan would be to make an outcross in the direction of the Red Polled cattle and- then fall back to the Herefords, selecting as breeders the results of the cross that showed Here ford characteristics, with the excep tion, of having the Red Polled charac teristic of hornlessness.. CONVENIENT POWDER BOXES The Bath Box Now More Popular Than the Puff. The bath powder box and puff have ousted the face puff, partly because other ways of applying powder to the face are liked better than by the use of a puff and partly because the bath puff is such a comfort and joy. Dainty women are never without their large bath powder set, which Includes a box or receptacle of glass or lacquer and a puff four times the size of an ordinary puff. Japanese boxes are charming and cost less than the glass or silver kind. They measure eight or ten inches in diameter and are as deep as an ordin ary pan, with a coyer the same size as the bottom. They can be had in white with a pink, blue or green lac quer lining and gold knob for a handle, orj in scarlet with gold and black Ori ental decoration. They have been made in other colors as well in black, for instance. The ribbon, tied in the center of the huge swan's-down puff that is as large in circumference as the box in which it belongs, matches the color of the lining of the box. Other bath powder boxes are made of plain crystal and fitted with a silver top, or one can buy expensive cut glass boxes with an elaborately chased or embossed silver top. Where price has to be considered a very excellent substitute for the Jap anese lacquer- box is found in the small carved natural wood dish that comes from the far east. These boxes are about six or eight inches across and fairly deep deep enough to hold a good-sized powder puff.. They are fitted with a carved lid which has' a wooden knob in the middle. For or dinary use these answer quite as well as the more expensive kind. The price of the box is something like 60 or 80 cents and the powder puff can be bought separately in almost any drug store or department store where there is a drug counter. Bath powder should not be used in quantities. A little of it can be dusted on just after the bath and by the time one is dressed most of it wil have dis appeared, but the skin will be dry and perfumed with the most delicate odor. MQdte M HE well dressed woman spends T BBBBBBB B """""""iC. ' ll ' IIbBbB Mb5be9mm5beEKS vbTbTbTbtbTbi b- bTbtb HflfllV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB upon accessories nowadays, and if she has a taste for pretty belts she may invest a surprising amount in that one item of her wardrobe. For certain costumes of severe tailored type the plain leather belt is the thing most desirable, but even here if one demands smartness one must pay for it, and a plain belt of fine quality and wit a good buckle is never cheap. The new belts of this class just placed on view in the shops show great variety in width, color, buckle and shaping despite their limitations, and particularly pretty effects are obtained in the colored moroc cos. No other leather lends itself to the dyer's purposes so readily as does mo rocco, and in consequence it is in this leather that one can find belts of almost every color plain, rather narrow belts with unpretentious buckles of bur nished gold. For the wider belts softer leathers are usually chosen, or at least this is true of the wide belts' which fold once in the middle as most of the chic models do. Here, too, one finds a surprising variety of color, though the smooth dull finish leather and the suede or ooze leather generally selected for such belts do not take the colorings so richly as does the morocco. For these wider crush belts large buckles are used and often slides or ornaments of some sort at the back, but a certain severity characterizes even the large metal buckles when they are associated with leather. Buckles covered with soft leather and studded or trimmed with steel or other metal are used for some of the wide leather belts, in white or light colors, but the very ornate buckles are usually reserved tor silk, ribbon and elastic belts. Patent leather is more used by the. belt designers than it has been in re cent seasons, but is more often combined with other leathers than employed alone. Very good designs are shown in white leather and black patent leather, these belts usually being rather narrow by reason of their conspicuousness.. When one comes to the subject of fancy buckles and ribbons or silk belts, description falters, for the buckles of the day are legion and are of all grades of beauty and value. Many handsome designs are turned out in old fashioned L cameos and in coral and semi-precious are used in every imaginable way. Amethyst, topaz, tourmaline and chryso prase are particularly liked by the designers, but of course a vast majority of the designs are turned out in cheap imitations of these stones. FEMININE FADS AND FANCIES Velvet will be much worn. Large brooches are again favored. Lace rosebuds are used on net blouses. Dull gold is a favorite hue for ma trons hats. The hair ribbon fad has brought forth the ribbon comb. - The tiny thick ruches of tulle about the throat have been followed by those of silk. For dust coats the heavier pongees of the rajah and French tussore va rieties are the most serviceable. Belts for dressy gowns are old gold or silver ribbon, with colored flowers woven into the glittering'meshes. Jewelry that imitates the antique hand-beaten sort in old designs comes in a variety of gold and silver brooches. A pretty handkerchief effect is pro duced by heavy corners of white on a colored foundation. Scallops share popularity with the quarter-Inch hem as a nnisn. AN AID TO SLEEP, Use a Bag of Ice Water for Pillow on Hot Nights. Some one has written the newspa pers suggesting using a water bag .filled or partially filled with cold wa ter as a pillow on hot nights. Now this is excellent for those who can stand it. The" writer fills a two-quart hot-water bag more than half full of ice water and slips it between the base of the neck and the pillow on very hot nights. It serves to cool the whole body, and one sleeps blissfully throughout the whole of a sultry night Because a strong, healthy person can bear ice water or cold water for some hours at the base of the brain It does not follow that a very delicate or neuralgic person could. The writer, despite excellent health, never having heard of it properly applied, tried it, at first with some slight misgivings, months ago with good results. Probably one who could not bear the ice water about the head could use it applied to some other part of the body, the ankles being a good place also, without any but good and com forting results. However, the article referred to mentioned the use of the water bag as a pillow, and if one has thick hair it might not be more than comfortably cool, so used, but quicker results are obtained at the base of the head. Woman Lets Vain Than Man. Personal admiration never turns a woman's head as it does a man's. She is not naturally vain like a man. and compliments after a time become too much a matter of course to dis turb her equanimity. If she is pretty she is already aware of the fact, without being told it; if she is not, she has sufficient imagina tion .to believe that she is. To Remove Deep Wrinkles. If the lines in your face are too deep to be taken out by massage, stretch the skin smooth and stick on a piece of cardboard just before retiring for the night. Water and flour paste or mucilage, will do, and you will see an improvement after each application. BeM: aimdl Bmidfefe a large part of her dress allowance stones, and imitations of these stones The Wish Book. An ingenious woman who is fond of music and art has made an inter esting wish book, which she calls "The Moonbeam." Its plan is based on the superstition that wishes made when seeing the new moon will be granted. It is a charming little conceit, and has just that symbolic touch that every person wishes. It is gotten up in an artistic way, with a number of illustrations representing scenes in which the moon appears. Each page has a border illustrated with fanciful and symbolic designs. In fact, the spirit of superstition is brought into play on every page of the book. On the pages are spaces for each day of the year, in which wishers are to write their most precious desires. ! signing their names beneath. There are also pages for common every -day wishes. Khedive a Poet. It is not generally known that the khedive of Egypt is a poet of no mean order in Arabic, of course. Forward Move v OFlbRESTlHaTCi ORGANIZATION OFFELD DSTTVCm WM$ DjryrF admhce. iBBBBBBBBBWBiWWRllBWMBBIMBfBBJBBWBWBBBlBBW L&AwSFBK X BH:vB9bbtJEbBB9bBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBSSlBnBlBVW0H'xBBEBBBVBBBBBBBB iHMyBiiVBwffJBk bHwMSWbbVkHbbb1bbbH IHBHBaSKlKSfffBSI'aKBBlBiBBHB aBIHBBBBBBISjBBESKklrlaBMfeBmBMBKMHBBlBBl BbbIbBbbbbB bbHJmJVV I Plans for the forest service field headquarters which are soon to be es tablished in the west are being rapidly worked out in detail. Each headquar ters will be modeled after the Wash ington office. In ail there will be six distinct headquarters, one located at each of the present inspection district headquarters Portland, San Francis co, Albuquerque, Salt Lake, Denver and Missoula, Mont., or some other points equally well or better located for the purpose. At the head of each office there will be a -district forester and an assistant district forester. Under these will be experts in charge of the various lines of work. A chief of grazing will have J?l'Y(?S?t5 SfttTJYG charge of range matters. A chief of products will handle the preservative treatment of timber and strength tests and study market conditions. A chief of lands will look after such matters as land examinations. The office of lands deals with questions involving the validity of claims asserted under the public land laws; applications for special use of the resources of the national forests; changes in bound- aries of forests, and the examination of lands applied for under the act of June 11, 1906, for agricultural settle ment. The forest service, however, never passes on the titles themselves. That is entirely a matter for the general A 3-YEAR-OLD WITH ALIASES. He Was Keeping a Druggist Gusy and Had the Police Worried. "Hello: No. 4 police station?'' Sergt. Cassius Larrabee of the Wal nut street station, who had just grabbed the receiver to keep the tele phone from ringing itself off the desk, adnt.tted in a gruff police voice that it was No. 4, says the Kansas City Times. "Well, this is the drug store at Twenty-first and Troost. We've got a kid in here that's lost. He won't tell us his name gives aliases, I think, and he's about three years old. He rambled in here about an hour ago and I've been keeping him. hoping hir mammy'd come. He stood on the May marines, beatin' on the window and watehin' the cars quite a while. But that got stale, and now nes tearing Kidnaping Boys. "Speaking of kidnaping," sighed the mother of the grown boy, "something ought to be done about this kidnaping of boys by older women. You see I have no jewelry on, that I never wear it. Well, wait till I tell you. My beautiful boy, just 20, began to wait on a woman of 35, who led him into marrying her. After they had been married a day or two my baby boy, he was nothing else, came to me heart broken, saying he didn't want to be married, he didn't want to he married. bb 1bbbSbbbbb?5bbbS I Bi'LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk WYbBBBBBBBL BH yVJB,BHEMBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVWtf' k fll UJBSKtVlBtSBBESKBBT'lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBOU-KaSBPvVVBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH SSBf.-' ' 'VPkKBVaBrb3SaBBHBBBBBBH 7y&. i-A:'W''m-x tfJ t JHftif -KiiiflOKBBBn " l5i A TtX bW .''Jfc25?v VaBaClBWiHlBBBU ''IVStsS B-Sb lBi3WiStSci''SBBBBUBl RArtGSWiABOAM AT WORC jg 3 BMMBBMBBIPllWI'yPKte0jgwtagj.Mij. TTT??yiBB BBBBWiBBiBBlBBBWIffTiiTwteMBBBBBMffBmi VBllliffrlBFffWTBaTliWBTB S IbHrbHbbbbbhIbbIbV i)fc-ZA-.'i:- CjtZZEsZ'MWStBQttff&K B H BBBBHSE9fil3GuBBBlB9E2BBBBBSfV"L' BsTMBBafinn!s8BBk91VBS KlBVBtt9HBTSQ9SBBlw9EBfiHEBalBKMV RVBBlfiBlGBVsiKHHBKSflHBBBBM mlKtSSaSSBtfSUBaf vWbsmbHbWJbwAvsH HlDBBBlKSsCSyBfrc&MfaABRaBHSSVauaEpIwKSf ' W9 flPuoMBBBKBHBBMBBMSxKJSBB I bbbbBHbHKbHHbBbK QSVIbKbb HawAYAYAYABBwfiBVAYMYATnBvWBwK' fBWBwAVAVABaVJ H btbtdtbtbtbtbbtbtbTbbtbtbtbtbTbtbtbtbtbtbbH3bV't& BVBftUnrSL 3. TBinK 7VVK9UnBVQtSc vCE-A'itfiBTMjti bTbIbtbtbtbtbtbtbtbtbtbtIbtbtI JwM"-"SBg"P't3M' rBiTy'wjFlTTffTTMniffg nEH B BaJiBJjBaBBBBVwJBff SaMMf BwJg MpMTBJBrg fc5aBMKa5BBFBwTBLywMJE bbEpbWHHbbH bVJ land office to decide. In the case of applications for homesteads under the act of June 11, 1906. the forest service is called upon to decide whether the land is in fact more valuable for agri culture than for timber, and if it Is. to recommend its listing as open to entry and patent. In the case of claims the service ascertains whether any facts exist which seem to show that the claim is not a legal one, in order that national forest land may not be unlaw fully taken up. But it rests always with the land office of the interior de partment to decide whether the title should or should not be granted. The branch of lands in the district forest service organization does not mean any new assumption of land business. There will also be in each district a chief of silviculture, who will have charge of timber sales, planting and silvical experiments, and a chief of op eration. The latter will supervise the personnel of the forests; the perma nent improvement work, through an engineer in charge; the accounts of the district, including receipts, dis bursements and bookkeeping, which will be directly supervised by an ex pert accountant; and the routine busi ness of the district. In each of the lines of work the management will be in the hands of a man who is a specialist and who has had thorough experience both in the west and iu Washington. The for esters and clerks at each district head quarters will number about 50. The establishment of tfiese field dis tricts will bring the service Into more immediate touch with the public. It is merely the completion of the move ment, started some time ago, to have the forests administered as far as pos sible by men actually on the ground. The change will not affect the In vestigative work of the service, which will center, as hitherto, in Washing ton. Mr. Pinchot is expected soon to name the men who will till the various positions. WVMWM around here obliterating things. He wears a white tam-o'-shanter and a blue coat. I asked him his name four times. He said it was Willie. Jimmie. Neeno and John. I believe those names are false some of them. "Ding-a-ling-br-r-r-r-rrrh!" came the other telephone. The sergeant said yes. that was No. 4. and a wom an's voice said: "I want you to send officers out to look for I.eo right away. He's lost may be killed. He's so inquisitive and his mother. Mrs. Miller, is sick in bed here at 2316 Charlotte. Tell all the jKJlicemen right now. Leo ha., a white cap and a blue coat and a pair " "Pardon me. madam." interrupted Sergt. Larrabee. kindly. "Just step over to the drug store at Twenty-first and Troost. and you'll find Leo and. for the druggist's sake, hurry." "Oh. thank you; thank you sg much." nj-Lnrxj-ij-i rrBii ""-" --.. aaaaaawi Do you suppose I drdve him away from me? No. indeed. I kept him at home and comforted him. And what does his middle-aged wife do but sue me for alienating his affections. That is why I can't wear my jewelry. While the suit is pending, if she caught me wear ing it, she could take it away from me. Yes. That's one of the lovely just rules here in New York." New York Press. The man who masters himself is free. Epictetus. AVOID RISK IN BUYING PAH. T. " " " You take a good deal of ri k if vi buy white lead without having so lute assurance as to its purity, and quality. You know white lead is often adulterated, often misrepresented. But there's no need at all to take any chances. The "Dutch Boy Paint er" trade mark of the 'National Lead Company, the largest makers of gen uine white lead, on a package of White Lead, is a positive guarantee of purity and quality. It's as depend able as the Dollar Sign. If you'll write the National Lead Company, Woodbridge Bldg., New York City, they will send you a simple and cer tain outfit for testing-white lead, azd a valuable book on paint, free. A Doctor's Disadvantage. "In one way," said a collector. "It is easier to get money from a doctor than anybody else who is slow pay. It is more difficult for him to swear that he hasn't been able to make any collections himself since the first of the year. A doctor's reception room is open to all possible patients. A col lector with a grain of ingenuity can find a way to worm out of the men on the waiting list information as to the terms of payment. After an inter view with three or four persons who have paid spot cash for treatment and who have told the collector they paid, it takes a mighty nerve on the part of the doctor to insist that he hasn't a dollar to his name." Even the Hash. Embarrassed in the fashionable restaurant by the menu written in French, the Wall street man of busi ness exclaimed: "Hang these froids, entrements and hors d'oeuvres bring me a plate of good plain bash, if you've got' such a thing on the premises." "You mean an olla podrida. sir." said the waiter, in a tone of dignified reproach. "And afterwards?" The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity ot Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Close Quarters. The following extract from a letter of thanks is cherished by its recipient: "The beautiful clock you. sent us came in perfect condition, and is now in the parlor on top of the book shelves, where we hope o see you soon, and your husband, also, if ho can make it convenient." WE SKM. Gl'SS ASD TRAPS CHE.ll & buy Fup &. Hides. Write for catalog IUj X. V. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Had Something Coming. "That's the parson that married me." "Shall I soak him one for you?". . Simplicissimus. ' Lewis' Single Hinder the famous straight 5c cipir, nhvaya bot quality. Your dealer or Lewis Factory, Peorw, III. Married life should be one grand, sweet song, but the divorce courts fre quently make a duet of it. Mrs. TVIbsIow's Soothlne Sjrtip. For children teething. softeDS the K'irua. reduce ta gttiiunaUon.mUityspaln.cureawindcollc. JScatiotUa. There is nothing little to the really great in spirit. Dickens. It Cnre While You Wulk AlIen" forrornsanil bunions, hot. sfar cuIliu- achlric fttt. Zjo.ill UrumciU. He has no force with men who has no faith in them. HELPFUL ADVICE You won't tell your family doctor the whole story about your private illness you are too modest. You need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass., the things you could not explain to the doctor. Your letter will be held in the strictest con fidence. From her "vast correspond ence with sick women during the past thirty years she may have gained the very knowledge that will help your case. Such letters as the fol lowing, from grateful women, es tablish beyond a doubt the powerof LYDIAEfPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND to conquer all female diseases. Mrs. Norman It Barndt, of Allen town, Pa writes : 44 Ever since I was sixteen years of a$p I had suffered from an organic de rangement and female weakness; in consequence I had dreadful headaches and was extremely nervous, l&y physi cian said I must go through an opera tion to get well. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I took it and wrote yoa for advice, following your directions carefully, and thanks to yon I am to day a well woman, and I am telling all my friends of my experience.' FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands ot women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear in j-down feeling, flatulency, indiges-tioa,dizzinessrnervou3prostration. I'bbBb'b'b'b'b'b'SuSbb'b'H JK?vP 4H f5TBTBBBHSABBBBBK20!BB59 Ifl 4 4 N X jn j V