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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1908)
;, C ; ssj st v y im v "55. -T-5 14 . .v f p--;; i R Columbtu Weltr. Kafsrsiatthe Featosses.Colauaea.Hshr.. as owmumcmxraoMi jw WEDMESPAT. BEPTEMBEB 2J. 1MB. STBOTHER 8T0CKWELL, Proprietor. UDnWAUS-Tte date oppostte.jour iim ou yosrasw.orwraaierslKiws,toWBat time your sabterjptfoa to said. Taae JaaSS aaows that mf! fees bM received ap to Jan. 1, 1MB. lakMtoIab.i.lMaBdaooB. When pajmeat tr muds, the data, which aaawaca aa a receipt, will be aaaaaai scfiordtaalr. nidmwninTAKCES Banoaaible sabsotib- ata will eoatiaae to receive thia journal until tha pahllsatn sodaed bj letter to discontinue, whoa aUarrearaene mast be paid. If you do act uiak the Jcuraelooatiaued for another raw af ter the time paid for baa expired, you aboald cvrloaalr adUzy aa to diaaoatiaM tt. CHANGE IN ADDRESB-Wbam orderiac a ahaae ia tha aavraai. subscribers ahoald ba aaxa to atf that old aa wall aa tbair aaw address. What has become of the "Bryan Volunteers? Let the Democrats who want the offices do the contributing. The ten-cent com party still has its hat out for the coin of Platte county farmers. No one has yet been injured in the rush in this county to drop a dollar in the Bryan hat "I am a Christian and won't vote for no dam Infidel," is the reason ad vanced by a Cedar county man for re fusing to support Taft. On a silver basis the Democratic National Committee received in one lump $650,000 to be used in electing Mr. Bryan to the Presidency. The Democrats of Platte county are standing nobly by the publicity plank in the Denver platform. They have published the names of the men who contributed that $76.75 to the cam paign fund. Platte county Republicans are lin ing up to cast their solid vote for Tail and Sherman. And the revolt among the German Democrats indicate that the Republicans will have enthusiastic allies in the contest The politicians who are trying to unite the Democrats of Platte county on Latta have a tough job on their hands. Latta's record while a mem ber of the State Senate is too rank even for a Platte county Democrat to swallow. Chairman Dickinson, assisted by the other members of the county com mittee and all the privates in the ranks, purpose to make a strenuous campaign for Taft in Platte county, and reduce the Democratic majority possibly wiping it out entirely. That plank in the Denver platform declaring for publicity of campaign contributions before election has already been repudiated by the man who dictated it Mr. Bryan has not answered the question, "Where did that $300,000 come from the Demo cratic committee is spending?" If the amendment to the constitu tion providing for an increase in the members of the supreme court, receives a majority at the election in Novem ber, it is hoped that the Governor, in making appointments, will not be governed by partisan consideration. The time has come for a non-partisan judiciary. With a candidate for governor whose wealth is estimated in six fig ures, a candidate for congress who is said, by good Democrats, the richest man in the Third district, why should farmers and laboring men be asked to donate a five or ten dollar bill to the Bryan campaign fund? Let the men who are after the offices pay the bills. What the fanner wants is a crop guarantee. He wants to feel safe'be fore he votes for Bryan. He does not want to take any chances of reducing his bank account in order to get a law guaranteeing his bank deposit In the fall of 1896, when the country was under the rule of the party Mr. Bryan now claims to represent, Platte county farmers were hauling wheat to Colum bus and selling it for 32 cents a bushel; oats for 8 cents, corn 12 cents, and for the hogs they brought to mar ket they received $2.25. At the same time the market price for eggs was 6 cents, and for butter 8 cents. And sow sosse of the farmers who marketed their products at the prices stated above are asked to step up to the hat sad deposit smosey to assist in return ing to power the party that brought cahuaity upon the country in 1893, 1894, 1895 and 1896. ' A WEAtf CANDIDA? & The day has passed in politics whem the "crack of the party whip" is loud enough to line up the voters for an objectionable candidate. Political ties rest lightly upon the voters. Evem in national politics one hears of Bryan Republicans and Taft Democrats. Republican papers are demanding that candidates for congress' pledge them selves to vote against the re-election of Cannon for Speaker, and other Re publican papers insist that the Speaker is right in the course he has taken in handling thr most unruly body of law makers in the world. In Oklahoma a faction" of the Democratic party is opposed to the ire-election of Governor Haskell on account of the scandal connecting him with the Standard Oil Company. In Texas the Democratic party is divided into two factions Baily and anti-Baily Democrats. In Wisconsin party lines were almost obliterated the last time LaFollette was a candidate for Governor, and had it not been for Democratic votes he would have been defeated at the polk. More care is now taken by both political parties in the selection of candidates. An objectionable candi date causes dissatisfaction, and where the vote is close he is liable to be defeated. Both parties have placed in. nomi nation in Nebraska good men, with one exception. The renomination by the Republicans of Attorney General Thompson does not add strength to the ticket He lacks force of character, or inclination to perform the duties connected with his office. While the Attorney Generals of Kansas, Mis souri, Oklahoma and Texas have taken up the fight against the Lumber Combine, the Attorney General of Nebraska has remained inactive. Although the Supreme Court of the State has reversed the decision of Judge Post, referee in the Lumber Combine cases, yet the fact cannot be denied that the Attorney General has remained conspicuously and persis tently inactive in the discharge of his duty in prosecuting members of the Combine. Why, then, should the Republicans of Nebraska vote to retain a man like Thompson in a position of trust and responsibility? Although the Journal is a Repub lican paper, it is not so intensely republican as to be unreliable, or so bitterly partisan as to advocate the re-election of a candidate whose past record furnishes ground for the belief that he like the referee whose de cision was not sustained by the Supreme Court of the State enter tains, for some reason, not yet made public, sympathy for the men com posing the Lumber Combine. A DISCREDITED "PROPHET." Mr. Bryan continues to picture a deplorable condition of business affairs if the people decide to elect Mr. Taft President. As' late as January of this year he asserted that the free coinage of silver was not a dead issue, and was just as emphatic in his statement as he was in 1896, when, in a speech at New ton, Iowa, on the 9th of August of that year, he said: "Some of the laws of finance I may say all the great laws of finanee are aa certain in their operation and as irresis tible in their foroe as the law of gravita tion. If you throw a stone into the air you know it will come down. Why? Because it is drawn toward the center of the earth. The law upon which we base our fight is as sure as the law of gravita tion. If we have a gold standard, prices are as certain to fall as the stone which Is thrown into the air." This quotation is authentic, being taken from Mr. Bryan's book "The First Battle," page 301. Since that speech the gold standard has been adopted first by the Repub licans and later by the Democrats, Mr. Bryan himself stumping the coun try for the gold standard candidate of his party. And how about prices? About the only thing that has fallen is the rate of interest on real estate loans and the reputation of Mr. Bryan as a political prophet On the day, August 9, 1896, that Mr. Bryan predicted at Newton that the gold standard would reduce the price of farm products, the following prices were being paid for wheat, oats, corn and hogs in Platte county: Oats 8c to 13a Wheat 32c to 35c Corn 12c. Hogs $2.25. Now note the accuracy of Mr. Bryan as a prophet On the 13th day of August, 1908, twelve years after the Democratic candidate had predicted disaster to the American farmer and business man, farm products were sell ins: in Platte county at the following prices: Oats 41c Wheat 80ic Corn 65c Hogs $5.80. The prices, instead of declining, have advanced. For the third time Mr. Bryan is telling the American people what will HOT SHOT FROM HEARST. Bryan the Human Ostrich Swallowi His Own Words The Rag Picker of Politics. A Political Shoplifter The Fearless Prestidigi tator of Modern Politics. The following is taken from the speech delivered by William Ran dolph Hearst at the notification of John Temple Graves, Independence party candidate for Vice President at Atlanta, Georgia, last week. Hearst, at a 'great sacrifice of business, sup ported Bryan in 1896 and 1900, but is bitterly opposed to him today, and is supporting the candidates of the Independence party: We fought and lost, and I was not tired -of fighting; but apparently Mr. Bryan was, I was fighting for a patrio tic cause, he was fighting for a personal victory. In 1904 he handed down bis flag and made a compact with Parker that he would support Parker and all that Par ker represented if in return Parker and all that Parker represented would sup port him. Do you doubt it? Can you doubt it? Look at his action in denouncing Parker before the convention. Look at his action in supporting Park er after the convention and practically supporting him in the convention. Look at the twenty thousand dollars which Mr. Byan, Mr. Parker's sponsor, contributed to Mr. Bryan's Senatorial campaign fund. Look at Parker's attitude now, and Byan's attitude now, and Bockfeller's attitude now. Look at the $300,000 campaign fund in one lump that Maok admits having received, but forgets how he received. Look at the kind of trust-owned pa pers that are supporting Bryan now and the private cars that are tendered him now, and the private cars that used to snap at him and now fawn on him. Look at this man Haskell, whom Bryan made chairman of bis committee on platform and treasurer of his cam paign fund. This man Haskell, known and exposed in court as a political paymaster of the Standard Oil, is asked by Mr. Bryan first to make a platform the Standard Oil will approve of and then to collect from the Standard Oil the material expression of their approval. Look at Bryan himself. Look at his modified principles and altered attitude. Look at his half -gratified longing to be a Lazarus at the dinner table of the rich. Look at his pitiful pride in that humble position and bis chuckling crumbs that are dropped him. Look at his ever-changing effort to please and his sueceesion of varying sentiments until he finally finds a set that seems to satisfy the wise men of Wall street. Mr. Bryan, I say, has hauled down his flag and surrendered; how could I fol happen if they fail to elect him Pres ident The issues of 1896, and 1900 have been temporarily shelved or entirely repudiated, and new theories advanced in the attempt to gain favor for the discredited prophet of 1896 and 1900. CANNON AND BOYD. The principal opposition to Speaker Joseph Cannon comes, of course, from Democrats men who are opposed to him politically and from disappoint ed congressmen who failed to secure appropriations for government build ings. The bills introduced providing for appropriations for postoffice build ings runs up into the hundreds of millions every session of congress and Cannon has proved his good sense by opposing a drain on the treasury that would make the surplus disappear quicker than it did under the rule of Democracy in 1893, if a strong and fearless man like Cannon were not in the speaker's chair. Columbus people will always have a kindly feeling for the venerable 'Speaker of the House and for Congressman Boyd. The action of Uncle Joe Cannon made it possible for Columbus to secure an appropriation of $65,000 for a post- office building. THE BANK GUARANTEE TRIED BEFORE. Mr. Tail's assertion that Mr. Bry an's scheme of guaranteeing bank deposits was tried years ago in the state of New York and that it proved a failure, has induced a New York correspondent to uncover an interest ing chapter of financial history. The bank deposit guaranty plan was in effect in New York from 1829 until 1842, and its. results were far from satisfactory. The facts as to the law's operation are clearly set forth in a work entitled "The History of Bank ing," by John J. Knox. It was called the New York safety fund system, and the bill passed by the legislature in 1829 provided that all new banks and each others then existing as might be willing to avail themselves of the law by rechartering pursuant to its provis ions should pay into the state con troller and treasurer one-half of 1 per cent on their capital stock annually - ' low him into the camp of the enemy? How could I who, at least, had fought desperately and devotedly, become a political mercenary fighting on this side and then on the other without principle andfors prios? When in all of Mr. Bryan's vacillating coarse with its igaomuuoa conclusions oomld I find an aspiration for further devotion or an opportunity for honor able approval? Where ootid I find the stability of statesmanship, and oonsistenoy of con scientious convictions the heroism born of high ideals aad patriotic purposes? I have oometo regard Mr. Bryan as a trickster, a trimmer, a traitor.. Do yon think that Mr. Bryan ia a statesman advocating permanent poli cies based on eternal truth and justice? I say he is a very ragpicker of politios who, with bis little forked stick of self interest, picks up this policy here and that policy there, without regard to their souroe or their use or their ultimate dis position, without regard to their fitness or even their cleanliness, and slaps them into the basket on his back he calls his platform. He is a political shoplifter, who takes feloniously and surreptitiously the poli cies that belong to others and then ruuh es frantically forth shouting "atop thief" after some unconscious wayfarer who has not stolen anything. I said in Indiana that Mr. Bryan was the fearless prestidigitator of modern policies, who makes his principles dis appear and ohanges'bis policies in full view of the audience; a showman at a county fair executing a shell game with his political opinions. But Mr. Bryan is more than a show manhe is the whole show. He is the astonishing ventriloquist who throws one voice here and another voice there, and all the time is sitting in a different place with a different natural voice and a different national oharacter. He has no mustache with which to de ceive, but he deceives you nevertheless. He is the msrvelous contortionist who bends forward and backward with equal convenience and walks upon his feet or upon his hands with equal facility. He is the astonishing juggler who keeps the whole of the surprising collec tion of conflicting principles in the sir at the same time, but balances Belmont, the anion labor preaker, in one hand and Gompers, the union labor leader, in the other. He is the human ostrich who swallows his own words in regard to bosses and who is able to retain upon his stomach even the Taggarts and the Rogers Sulli vans of politics. He is the worldrenowed loose-skinned man who can reverse himself in his own integument so that you cannot tell whether he is coming or going. until a fund of 3 per cent was created. Out of the fund, as created, the losses to depositors in failed institu tions were to be paid, and when the fund was reduced below the standard 3 per cent on the capital stock of all the contributing banks, it was to be made good by further assessments. The bill provided further that the bank safety fund should be the subject of special supervision, and to this end three banking commissioners were ap pointed with power to make regular examinations at intervals of four months and special examinations whenever they saw fit. All told, the measure was considered the acme of perfection, as indicated from this state ment of the senate banking committee in reporting the measure: "The committee flatters itself that it has hit upon a measure that will possess the valuable recommendations of creating a complete and infallible security to creditors and that will im part a solidarity to the currency and to the bank paper of the state not equaled by any in the world." But these bright hopes were not realized. The first result of the bill was a speculative craze for starting new. banks subject to its provisions, which was made easier because the stocks of such an institution found a ready sale throughout this state and elsewhere among investors who had heard of the wonderful safety fund scheme. Agencies were organized throughout this country to promote the sale of these securities, and "mel ons" were cut for the political and personal friends, of individuals engag ed in the speculation. Next came an era of contests for the control of institutions' so established. The commissioners appointed under the safety fund law became alarmed and remarked that the new incorpora tion exceeded the limits of reasonable investment. As early as 1832 the bad effects of the scheme became felt A large in crease of currency followed the estab lishment of the host of safety fund banks, which encouraged over-trading and was considered one of the causes of the financial crisis of 1834-5. In ,1836 specie payments were sus pended aad affairs speedily went from CHOICE South Dakota Farms in the Famous JAMES RIVER VALLEY. - We are offering on the saarket a great many beautiful farms; also several thousand acres of uniaaproved lands in quarters, half-sections and larger tracts, all of which are located in Spink County, South Dakota. These lands are all tributary to good towns and produce all kinds of small grains and corn. BaassaassaaaaaasMaaaaBBMaawwaaBfi5tfM'.g'M.fc -.---atHfTi gai.-r'j'iA,-.' jMfc'--.."HBaBaBrjv'.Hr""'' wjm SCENE ON THE FARM OF FRED HOWELL,-5 MILFS SOUTHEAST OF REDFIELD, S. D. Our Mr. W. J. Else is now in Nebraska and will be pleased to call on you whenever possible and give any infor mation desired. Should you desire to consult him, write us at once, so that we can ask him to call on you at the earliest possible moment. Our Redfield office will als O gladly furnish information, lists of lands and free booklet upon request. Inasmuch as these lands are selling rapidly, and that the best tracts will go first; we urgently request that you arrange at the very earliest moment to make a trip to Spink County on the next excursion. EXCURSIONS every first and third Tuesday of each month. EL&fc LAND CO.. Redfield and Deland. a. D. bad to worse until 1841, when ten out of ninety safety fund banks failed and revealed the fact that the fund accu mulated was notoriously insufficient to pay the debts of the suspended banks. The law was repealed the following year, and it was not for fifteen years afterward that the situation was straightened out Lincoln Star. STILL FOR FREE SILVER. Mr. Bryan has "never recanted, says the New York World. Most assuredly he has not. He has never recanted 16 to 1, nor free silver, not initiative and referendum, nor govern ment ownership, nor anti-imperialism, nor extension of the powers of the gen eral government by "judicial construc tion," nor populism, nor government loans to farmers, nor greenback-infla tion, nor any other of the thousand and one "remedies" he has "discov ered." True, he does not noisily ad vocate all of his well known heresies just now. But why? Because he has abandoned them? Not at all. He has merely placed them in temporary hiding because their exploitation might impair his chances of election. We defy the world or anybody else to point out a single instance of disavowal of any one of these precious "princi ples" by Mr. Bryan. What, then, would he do in the quite probable contingency of a deficit and a decline in the treasury's supply of gold? Would he maintain the sin gle standard, asGleveland did? Or would he direct the payment of inter est upon the millions of outstanding "coin" bonds in silver? He would have the power to do so through his secretary of the treasury, without let or hindrance from congress or the courts. And would he not be justified? He has "never recanted" the double standard. It has simply "ceased to be an issue." But it would become an issue quickly enough in the event of such a happening as that to which we have alluded as possible, if not indeed probable, during the next four years. And what could be expected of Mr. Bryan? Would he give the lie to every word he has ever uttered and "never recanted" respecting the true relations of the two metals? Would he fly in the face of the millions of free 8ilverites whose apostle he has been, and who have stood behind him all these years? Would he have the moral right to break faith with them? And who would have a just claim upon him to do otherwise than put the country upon a silver basis when, with full knowledge of the fact that this has always been the cardinal principle of his creed, the people had elected him president of the United States, and so, according to the new interpre tations, had "conferred a mandate" upon him to "carry out the people's will," without regard to the disposi tion of other branches of the govern ment. We should like an answer from some one preferably the World for, rest assured, not a word will William J. Bryan say on this subject Harper's Weekly. LATTA'S RECORD. Chairman Stephens boasts about the record made by Mr. Latta in the last legislature. Let us see "how he voted on reform bills wanted by the com mon people. He voted against the Child Labor Law, house roll 9. He voted against the Direct Pri mary Law, house roll 4(15. His was the only vote against the Pure Food Law, senate file 64. He refused to vote on a bill to pre vent railroads going into the Federal courts and enjoining the state from collecting taxes, senate file 87. He refused to vote on a bill to pre vent discrimination, senate file 34. Mr. Latta was pledged by his party platform to favor every one of these needed reforms. If a state senator violates the pledges of his platform, in his state legislature, what would that state soaator do in congress? Voters are requested to verify this record by comparing it with the offi cial report of the secretary of the senate. Go to your court house, or to any lawyer, and ask to see the senate journal of the last session of tbe Ne braska legislature. Edgar Howard. THE FATE OF TWO PIONEERS. The work of building, the Union Pacific railway, which, with the Southern Paci fic, formed the first Pacific line, was largely due to the efforts of Oakes and and Oliver Ames. In commemoration of the Ames brothers and their service to the road, the company in later years decided to erect a substantial monument to their memory at Sherman, Wyo., where tbe road went over the Medioine Bow mountains, 9.000 feet above sea level, and at the time the highest point on any railroad in the world. The monu ment was built with a massive pedestal, as substantial, apparently, as the famed Egyptain pyramids; it would stand long as a tribute to those pioneer railroad builders. From the mere station it was in tbe beginning, Sherman never grew very mncb. and tbe monument remained the chief attraction to travelers that way. The town grew little, but slowly. But great as was the building of tbe Union Pacific, and the men who made it "go," the civil engineers employed made a few mistakes. And even after the road was in running order, mistakes continued, at least one of which concerned the Ames monument. The government, more Ji- beial then than now, gave the Union Pacific each alternate section of land for twenty miles on either side ef a 200-foot right-of-way. On one of these sections it was supposed the Ames monument wss erected, but it is related that an en terprising local surveyor made the dis covery that the monument stood on government land. Immediately follow ing this discovery, a shopman named Murphy made entry on the quarter which held the monument. That was grasping opportunity, all right, but the Irishman failed to improve tbe opportun ity after it was in his grasp. He started to, but weakened. He wrote immediat ely after seeing that his papers were re gularly filed, to the Union Pacific head quarters at Omaha, telling them to move their old monument off his property, or he would use it as a bill board. The officials were horrified, and immediately sent an expert civil engineer to tbe scene, who accomplished nothing but to verify the findings of the local surveyor. Then a claim sgent wss sent out with instruc tions to buy out Murphy's rights to tbe land, even tf it cost several thousand dollars. Here was where Murphy per mitted opportunity to slip away, and go galloping over the prairie; he allowed PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. rntUm i11iriv nromiud aMtaAHflt te Che coastttutloa of the Stats of He braftka, as hmlaafter sot forth la fall. Is rabmlttta to the doctors of tho Stata of SToaxaska, to ho voted uvoa at tin roaeral election t- "ld Taoaaay, Srovemht 3x4, A. . lSSai 1 A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose an the Constitution of the State of Ne- B it BtsolTca aad Zmactod By tho Miataro oz ,.... !.. , Kainilant.) Th:it at the t-cneral election for state and legislative officers to be held on thp Tuesday -uc- .ji. v. ttrot fnnilnv !n KflVPrnbiT. 1908. the folIowinK nrovW " p- """T' and suDmiiiea xo xno eieciur ui State as an amendment to aa . At.. cle 8 of the constitution of the State of Nebraska: M M . ,, -. section . tHMJiv ""!, .-- . ii fimit. holnniriiiir tn tilf state -j..oinnoi MiriuKM tln interest and Income whereof only are to be used, shall be deemed trust iunas neia y i-- mi'-. and tho state shall supply all losses thereof that may in any manner accrue. .t t, .MA Vil1 romnln fnevr WO lllJtl llic oainc "" .- -- - - - - Inviolate and undiminished; and snail not oe invested or ioan-u extLin - "' States or state securities, or roistered ... ,Am nt this stnti. or registered school district bonds of tills Jtaj''- -in1 such other secnrnies as me ikuwiu may from time to time direct. And such fund with the Interest and Income there of are hereby solemnly pledsed for th purposes for which they are granted and set apart, and shall not he transferred to any other fund for other usy Section 2. (Ballots: Adoption.) That at said election in the year 1K on the ballot of each elector voting thereat thre hall be printed or written the words: "For proposed amendment to the Cons.i-i - tloa wun reierence iu n the permanent school fund and "against said proposed amendmenf to the constitu tion with reference to the investment of the permanent school fund." And if a majority of all voters at said election shall be for such amendment, the same shall be deemed to be adopted. I Geo. C. Junkin. Secretarv of State. of the State of Nebraska, do herebr cer tify that the foresrolnsr proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill. as passed by the Thirtieth session of th fcjrislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said orijrinal hill on file In this office, and that said proposed amendment Is submitted to the qualified voters of the Stat of Nebraska for their adoption or relectlon at the general elec tion to be held on Tuesday, the Sd day Of November. A. T. 1W. Tn testimony whereof. I have hereunto set mv hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin coln, this 15th day of July. In the vear of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hun dred and Eight, and of the Independence Of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this State the orty-secoa4V .!,.....- fiKO. C JUNK1W. i - . flscrstary at fltata, I himself to be talked out of his claim, which might have netted a small fortune for two paltry town lots. It was another case of Agent; the claim agent was paid for being a good talker, and convinced Murphy his good fortune was a lemon. But later years proved other mistakes of the early engineers. It was found that mistake had been made in building over the Medicine Bow range via Sherman. Twelve miles of new track would shorten tbe distance, and lessen the grades. A tunnel was necessary to the change, and some other difficult railway construction but all this was accomplished in time, and now the trains run over the new route, past a new Sherman. Not a living creature is left at old Sherman, nor bar ely a sign of life, except the Ames monu ment, aud the graves of lesser folks, who died there in an effort to make a town out of a mountain siding. Travelers may now catch fleeting glimpses of the Ames monument, several miles away from where the road now passes, but no longer will it receive the attention that was its during the twenty-minute stops at the old Sherman. Kailroad men will remember .the Ames brothers, and their work until airship supplant tbe locomo tive, something we are uever likely to see, but the rest of the world will forget, as it forgets the many pioneers who made tbe great Went possible. And their monument has become what most other monuments become in time; a something left to solitude and dead things, of which the active life of the busy world takes -mall notice, important and well beloved us were once tbe men for whom it stands. Atchison Olobe. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The followiat proposed asssataeat to the coaatitatloa of tho State of Be ratka, as hereinafter set forth la fall, U aaeaalttoa to the electors of the Stats of Betoaaka, to fee vottd apoa at tha feaeral electloa to he held Taesiay, Bo-. veathex 3rd, A. . 1908: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sec tions two (2). four (4). five (5). six (i) and thirteen (13) of Article six (ti) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska, relating to Judicial Powers. Be it Besolved by tho Xrtglmlatare of tha State of Behramka: Section 1. Ameadaieat propose. That Section two (2) of Article six (6) of tha Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follow: Section 2. (Supreme court; Jadfes; jurisdlctlOB.) The Supreme Court snail consist of seven (7) judges; and a ma jority of all elected and u.uallfiel judges shall be necessary to constitute a quorum or pronounce a decision. Th Supreme Court .shall have jurisdiction In all cases relating to the revenue, civil cases in which the state Is it party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law. Section 2. (Amendment proposed.) That Section four (4) of Article six ' of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows: Section 4. (Supremo court, images, electloa, tens, residence.) The judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the electors of the state at large; and their terms of office, except as hereinafter provided, shall be six years. And said Supreme Court judges shall during their term of office reside at the place where the court Is holden. Section 3. (Amendment proposed.) That Section five (5) of Article six (6)- of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows: Section 5. (Supreme court, judges, electloa, term; chief Justice.) That at the areneral election to be held In the state of Nebraska in the year 1909. a each six years thereafter, there shall be elected three (3) judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; that at the general election to be held In the state of Ne braska In the year 1911. and each six years thereafter, there shall be elected three (3) judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years: and at the general election to be held la the state of Nebraska la the year 1913. and each .six years ilitn after. there shall be elected a Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court, who shallx hold his office for the period of six years. Provided that the member of tho Supreme Court whose term of office ex pires in January. 1914. shall be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during that time until the expiration of his term of office. And, provided further, that upon the adoption of these amendment h'- ": electors of the State, the Governor shall. Immediately upon Issuing his proclama tion declaring said amendments adopted, appoint four (4) judges of the Supreme Court, two (2) of whom shall be ap pointed to hold said office until their successors shall be elected at the general election In 1909. and have qualified; and the other two (2) shall hold their office until their successors shall be elected at the general electloa held la 1911, and have qualified. Section 4. (Amendmeat proposed.) That Section six. (6) of Article six fR) of the Constitution of tha State of Nebraska, ho amended to read a follows: Section 6. (Chief justice.) The Chief Justice shall serve as such ourlac all the term for which he was elected. He shall preside at all terms of. the Supreme Court, and In his absence the judges present shall select one of their aumber to preside temporarily. Section 5. (Amendmeat proposed.) That Section thirteen (13) of Article six (6) of the Constitution of Nebraska be amended to read as follows: Section 13. (Judges, salaries.) That Judges of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary of $4,500. and the Judges of the District Court shall each receive a salary of $3,000 per annum. paable quarterly. Approved April 8. 190T. I, Geo. C Junkin. Secretary of State, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and en grossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file In this office, and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday, lie 3d day of November, A. D. 1908. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal ef tbe State of Nebraska. Done at Un coil, this 15th day of July, la the vear sf oar Lord One Thousand Nlae Hundred and Eight, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thlrty-thlri. aad of this State the Forty second. GEO. C. JUNKIN. Vs H $ 1 i- ! -1V 1 4 W i stats, L fc Xt, A3?M;&t- cite. .3?&r,ilk6e-A-- JeJ-'i'.t ,.' -i3y . i -S25? ftL-la." . -ysvi-Tw-itS..yefcS$f '". s .. . . '. .."irf .'-, J .A J . .t.V $