The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 23, 1908, Image 3

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"Hello, Bp,
Aldermen of Every Type !n
the City Council.
Expert Tells of
Wide Ranee In
Ability. Character.
Mainerisms. etc,
of the Men Who
Represent the
People Locally
How Prestlee Is
Gained by Betas
Y duties as a
member of the
Board of Local Im
provements, and,
afterwards, as
mayor's secretary,
brought me daily in
w contact with vari
ous members of the city council. This
body had for some years previous to
my sudden elevation to office enjoyed
the reputation of being "out for the
stuff."' Not that there were no honest
men in the council far from it but
there was a clique of men in it who
managed, one way and another, to "put
over" ordinances which carried with
them the strong suspicion of beine;
"crooked." By cajolery, by party lean
ings, by straight-out bribery, bj- trick
ery and by many other methods there
had been "smooth work" done, with
out a doubt. But that day had passed.
In ray official existence the council
had an honest majority. Of course
when I say honest, I do not mean to
accuse each individual alderman of be
ing honest. But one thing can be said
for every individual of them, they
were as honest as their constituents.
They suited their wards, and if an al
derman wwid not hesitate to "take
his bit" whenever he got a chance, you
may rest assured that his "constits"
were of the same caliber.
It was intensely interesting to watch
the different methods they employed
to gain a favor if they wanted one;
and they usually did. Sometimes it
was the hail-fellow-well-met salutation
of "Hello, Bo," or "How are you, pal?"
from the free and easy kind, or the
pouter-pigeon assumption of Impor
tance of others as they stated their
wishes. Occasionally a cigar was
handed out, but when they found I
did nut smoke, this avenue of approach
was abandoned.
There was a leaven in the council of
aldermen of genuine ability, lawyers,
business men, politicians, who really
made up the backbone of the body.
They were usually the heads of the
most important committees, and were
not only good talkers, but men of af
fairs, executive ability, thinkers and
workers. But these men could be
numbered within a score of the 70
It spoke well for the frankness of
the predatory class among the alder
men that they thoroughly respected
ability, steadfastness and honest. You
could hear one alderman who was sup
posed to be "no better than he should
be," break out into praise of some oth
er alderman whose reputation was
flawless. I remember my amusement
on one of these occasions. One of
the aldermen, giving vent to his feel
ings about honesty, remarked: "Yes,
sir. I like an honest man. Give me
an honest man. Give me one that will
stay honest I don't mean merely mon
ey honesty, but outside and inside hon
esty." Then he added rather irrelevant
ly: "There's so and so, (referring to
a certain well-known and justly hon
ored alderman) he's the only honest
man in the council."
Very ignorant and generally newly
elected members of the council had
an idea that everything was "graft"
and that a five-cent cigar was the
open sesame of the city hall, and that
the mayor's secretary was a person
age of secretly great power which he
was not, in my time. So they might be
expected auy time to drag in a wild
eyed looking"constif," ask for me, shove
a cheap black cigar into my hand, in
troduce the "constit" as a most par
ticular friend, and then ask to have a
city ordinance violated, or a state
law abrogated, or the constitution of
the United States set aside for the
benefit of the said "constit." As for
the mayor, these fellows did not be
lieve there was anything on earth he
could not do if he wanted to.
In the council you could hear more
varieties of oratory than Demosthenes
ever dreamed of. Some of the alder
men were "wind-jammers." making a
fallowing, frothing harangue, such as
they were in the habit of making in
their campaigns, but outside of their
admirers in the gallery, they never
amounted to anything. This body of
TO men. mind you, was shrewd as the
very devil. They knew "hot air," when
they heard it, and the "bunk,"- the
"con," the specious argument, was
something they detected instantly.
Kven the most ordinary among them
had been educated in the school of
men. and while they might be induced
now and then to sell a gold brick, it
was against their principles to buy
Of wit. there was enough and to
spare. Sometimes a coarse kind,
sometimes biting and keen. Two or
three of the aldermen were pleasant
to listen to. for they always prepared
themselves for their efforts and were
very clear and terse in their state
ments. One of them in particular
was very happy in his way of stating
a proposition. He never wasted a
word, and when he was through the
council understood the situation ex
actly. Others floundered painfully
about, knowing what they wanted, but
word-bound as to vocabulary and slow
in thinking on their feet. Some of
them were thorough parliamentarians,
and would remorselessly tangle up an
opponent to gain an advantage. The
helpless look of a new alderman when
his motion, or order, or request was
side-tracked ny means of parliament-
- r r i -"" "" """""" - - ..
Frost's intensity Hard for Dwellers in
Temperate Climes to Realize.
It is difficult for us to form any con
ception of the degree of cold repre
sented by the SO degrees of frost re
corded from certain parts of Russia.
Sir Leopold McClintock tells how in
one of his Arctic expeditions a sailor
was foolish enough to do some outdoor
work at precisely this temperature.
ary rules, when he was just going to
make or had just finished an Impas
sioned speech about it, was something
instructive; and unique.
There was always the ordeal of
"learning the ropes," for every incom
ing alderman who had not served be
fore in the council. This meant finding
out about the regular order of busi
ness, learning how to draw and pre
sent orders and ordinances, and in
general to get acquainted with the
council's method of carrying on its
business. It usually took an alderman
about a year to get himself familiar
with these things, so that his first
two-year term meant actually one
year which would be of any public
On any night when there was to be
a hot contest over any particular or
dinance the galleries would be crowd
ed, and police stationed there to pre
vent disorder. The respective cham
pions of the different sides would be
aloft, and they would cheer wildly at
the speeches made for their various
sides. Sometimes it was necessary to
clear the galleries on account of the
uproar, but usually a ferocious ham
mering of the mayor's gavel, and a
threat to clear, was enough to hold
the galleries in tolerable check. There
were old-timers who always came to
the council gallery, just as people at
tend the theaters, for the excitement,
and to hear the speeches. These old
timers were usually on the alert for a
reformer, especially if he had the gift
of biting sarcasm, and fluent and so
norous oratory. When this was the
case the clans would gather and cheer
their champion on.
Under the mayor's raised platform
the reading clerk and the city clerk
and his assistants sat, and below them
the newspaper men were ranged in a
half moon at the writing desks. The
pages came and went with messages
and papers, and the sergeant-at-arms,
who bad nothing at all in the world to
do but "chew tobacco and draw a
hundred dollars a month" salary,
lounged easily around the outskirts.
To the right, and raised from the
council floor, was a set of reserved
seats placed there for visitors, par
ticularly ladies. There was usually
something on hand that interested
them, the piece de resistance in my
time being a cigarette ordinance,
which came and went and was mauled
over and sent to committees and gen
erally hopscotched and battledored
and shuttle-cocked from one year to
another. But its lady champions were
always on hand, alert and determined,
and apparently undiscouraged and in
discourageable. There was such a thing as alder
manic "courtesy," both in the way the
aldermen addressed one another, and
in extending privileges to each other
during the sessions of the council.
They never thought of disgracing the
council chamber as the senate and
the house of representatives has oc
casionally disgraced itself. Personal
encounters were unknown, and I never
even heard the word "liar" exchanged,
as I have in the courtrooms and else
where. There was plenty of dignity
in this respect, although the irre
pressibility of the "kidders" was al
ways in evidence. The "kidders" were
those aldermen who had made a repu
tation in that line in their various
wards, and who rarely lost an oppor
tunity to raise a laugh at the expense
of an opponent. And us ridicule is
so potent as a weapon, the "kidders"
often won by a joke what a solid argu
ment would never have gained.
All aldermen who have an eye to
re-election, and most of them have,
are as tenacious as snapping-turtles
for the improvement and benefit of
their respective waids. To "be good
jujy i
Galleries Would Be Crowded.
to your ward" was to be good to your
self. A few electric lights here and
there, an improvement in the way of
paved streets where your "constits"
wanted it, or a paving proposition
knocked out if they did not want it
(no matter if it was needed badly)
was just so much strength for the al
derman in the next campaign. Then
there was the ward "appropriation" to
be fought for in the council. The big
ger the appropriation the more money
to spend for hiring men and getting
in improvements. So an alderman
who could get a large appropriation
for his ward was a hero with "medals
to distribute." '
Round about the council chamber
were always lobbyists and spectators
who were interested in the passage of
some order or ordinance, and ex-alder-
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His hands froze and when he rushed
into the cabin and plunged one of
them into a basin of water so cold
was the hand that the water was in
stantly converted into a block of ice.
At 25 degrees. Dr. Kane says, "the
mustache and under lip form pendu
lous beads of dangling ice. Put out
your tongue and it instantly freezes to
this icy crusting. Your chin has a
trick of freezing to your upper jaw by
the luting aid of your beard; my eye?
I men and city officials more or lea in
terested in the proceedings. Some
times a visitor from some neighboring
city, occupied a seat alongside the
mayor, and watched the proceedings.
To rule successfully such a body- of
men required executive ability of a
high order, and judicial fairness. The
slightest symptom of "playing favor
ites" would get a mayor into hot wa
ter instantly. The aldermen wanted
a man in the chair who knew his busi
ness and who would give a fair hear
ing to any question which arose. Dur
ing my time the council was "with
the mayor. That is, tjiey entirely .re
spected and trusted him, although .of
course they did not all like him. Bnt
they never openly or secretly accused
him of any favoritism, and they had
confidence in his judgment and opin
ions. It was common knowledge, that at
the conclusion of four successive
terms, no appeal had been made from
any one of his rulings to the body of
Some of the Aldermen Were "Wind
Jammers." the council. And never during these
terms had any veto of his been nulli
fied by being afterward voted down. It
was a remarkable record. It was a
record that justified the council in
giving him a grand farewell banquet
by the entirebody, and showing that
party preference had no weight in de
termining questions of individual ex
cellence. Aldermen quite frequently voted
against one another even when from
the same ward. As there were two
from each ward, and often one Demo
crat and one Republican, there was
sometimes shrewd rivalry as to which
should most nearly suit the constitu
ency. A new alderman was elected
every year and one alderman "held
over," the terms being for two years,
and elections for the "incomer" being
held each spring.
Whenever a very important or
dinance came up, it was a battle roy
al. The measure had always been
first offered and then referred to com
mittee, and then discussed and
threshed out in the newspapers. Mass
meetings in the various wards had
been held, and a good many of the al
dermen had been publicly and private
ly "feeling" out their "constits." Com
mittee meetings sometimes were held
in public, and even witnesses and
experts examined as to the whys and
wherefores of the proposed measure.
Of course the champions of both the
measure itself and the opposite side
had been busy log-rolling, persuading,
threatening, writing letters, denounc-
ing, praising, and otherwise making
things lively, and aldermen by singles
and doubles and in groups had been
discussing the ordinance with the
mayor and various heads of depart
ments. When the night came to take up
such an important measure there
was a sort cf invisible feeling of war
fare in the air. The "gallery gods"
hung far over the railing and front
seats were at a premium. All the
reserved seats were occupied, and
even the emptj space behind wa3
jammed with spectators. The door
keeper was on the alert to keep out
the mob that surged to get in after
the gallery was filled. The officers In
the gallery had been increased in
number and admonished as to keeping
order. Special newspaper represent
ation was present and photographers
fully bent on taking all sorts of
ghastly "snap-shots" were on hand.
And when the proceedings com
menced, after the perfunctory roll
call and waiving of the reading of the
minutes of the last meeting, there was
"something doing" from start to fin
ish. It was then, at times, that the
men grew bitter. Crimination anil re
crimination were bandied back and
forth, and real ginger was injected in
to the speeches, cha'rges and counter
charges. Yet even then some witty
retort would occasionally clear the at
mosphere. "Don't ever ask me for any more
money to help out the party," said
one indignant young alderman of paternally-descended
wealth, "if that is
your vote," pointing his finger scorn
fully at a certain alderman who had
accumulated large gobs of filthy lucre
by means of the contracting route.
The retort came as quick as light
ning: "Oh, I guess I've got as much
money as you have, and I didn't in
herit it,' either."
It was a solar plexis, and the dis
comfited and youthful alderman sank
back in his seat amid the howls of
the gallery ERXEST M'GAFKEY.
(Copyright. 130S. by -osenh R. Bowlesj
have often been so glued as to show
that even a Wink was unsafe."
Removing Cinders from Eye.
A simple remedy- for removing cin
ders from the eye is to dip a small
and perfectly clean camel's hair brush
in water and pass it over the ball of
the eye. This operation requires little
skill and generally removes all par
ticles of dust instantly without dan
ger of inflammation. Of. course, this
remedy is not suggested for the train,
where uo one could get the brush. J
Interesting Bit
at tne National Capital.
Capital Hostesses
1 WHMTz-n- utP
WV-- '!,
WASHINGTON. What will become
of Mr. Roosevelt's "nice young
men" if Mr. Bryan is elected? This
problem is really giving serious con
cern to the pleasant, and notably the
dinner-giving aliens sojourning tempo
rarily "in our midst." It seems an
odd sort of thing to worry about, but
Washington is an odd sort of place,
unlike other cities in many of its as
pects, and its residents, both perma
nent and flitting, have anxieties and
responsibilities unknown to urban
dwellers where the social population
is less transient and changing than it
is here.
Hostesses aver that a shortage ex
ists in Washington of presentable
young men who can be called upon at
short notice to fill vacancies at a
dinner table. In the face of an eager
demand, Mr. Roosevelt has done much
toward creating an available and vis
ible supply.
Diplomatic and official society has
taken most kindly to Mr. Roosevelt's
importations. They are commonly
spoken of as the president's "nice
young men." The possibility of their
k v-'-'jor x-n
lm ..
. S fCl
New Record in Timber Cut Established
FIGURES of the lumber cut in 1907,
compiled by the bureau of census
and the forest service, showed the
largest total ever reported in the
United States, exceeding by over
seven per cent, the cut reported for
1906, until then the record year. This
does not necessarily show a larger
actual cut than in 1906, for the re
turns obtained last year were more
complete than ever before. The fig
ures disclose some interesting facts.
In 1907 28,850 mills made returns,
and their production was over forty
billion feet of lumber. This is be
lieved to include 95 per cent, of the
actual cut. In 1906 22,398 mills re
ported about thirty-seven and one-half
billion feet. Since, according to these
figures, nearly 29 per cent, more mills
reported last year than the year be
fore, while the increase in production
was a little over seven per cent., it
Diplomatic Row Is
THE recent death in London of Lionel
Sackville Sackville-West, second
Baron Sackville, recalls the diplomatic
row which resulted in his dismissal
as minister to this country.
Lord Sackville was born in 1827.
He was British minister to the United
States from 1S81 to 1888, being dis
missed by President Cleveland in Oc
tober of the latter year.
Lord Sackville's dismissal by Cleve
land practically ended his diplomatic
career, for since 1SS8 he was never
intrusted with any important diplo
matic mission. He lived quietly the
life of a country gentleman and sel
dom appeared in London society. He
always retained a grudge against
America and Americans, and It was
his custom to avoid any meetings with
travelers from this side.
Congress May Take
ARMY officers and at least one prom
inent civilian official of the war
department expect the disposition of
the cadet hazing cases to result in the
creation of a jolly row in congress
next winter. They base their belief
upon the fact that the six cadets sus
pended for a year were never found
guilty of anything .other than hazing,
for which the only penalty is expul
sion. The query has been going around
among officers who think the six
should have been dismissed as to what
answer Secretary Wright will make
when congress asks by what authority
those cadets were suspended. Such
an inquiry is firmly expected.
.Assistant Secretary Oliver, it is
well known at the war department,
does not agree with his superior as to
the wisdom of the action taken by
him. Gen. Oliver took great pleasure
in announcing that the president had
closed the case by approving the find
ing of guilty and directing their dis
missal. He left Washington, thinking
that the case had been closed and
that the order dismissing the cadets
would be Issued as a mere matter of
routine. He did all he considered nec
essary to bring about such an ending.
When the papers came to him he for
warded them to the president. When
they came back indorsed with the
president's approval, Gen. Oliver an
nounced the fact. So did Secretary
Loeb. Both were invited to join the
Ananias club. Secretary Wright es
caped by saying that when he spoke
of the finding as having been approved
w .
off News Gath
Fear the Election
departure for other fields of activity
outside of Washington, and becoming
actual, though obscure, workers in
the vineyard, is viewed with alarm.
Toward the end of the winter ap
prehension was expressed at many
dinner tables. lest Mr. Bryan came
to Washington, bringing with him in
subordinate capacities youths from
the corn and hog-raising states who
might be addicted to the prudent
usage of mashing their peas.
Over the imminence of this dire
possibility there has been a sad shak
ing of heads. Active and persistent
dinner-givers" in the diplomatic, cab
inet and senatorial "sets," as well as
among the merely rich people, who in
increasing numbers are making Wash
ington a place of resort in the winter
months, have found Mr. Roosevelt's
"nice young men" almost a necessity
in making their social plans for enter
tainment and amusement.
In any event, it is realized that the
tennis cabinet, as such, is doomed.
It will dissolve into its constituent
elements and fade away from the
scene of Washington activities, social,
political and sporting, after March 4
Whether Mr. Taft or Mr. Bryan is
elected, the tennis court in the rear
of the executive offices seems certain
to become once more a flower bed
for the display of geometrical figures
of early blooming crocuses or a play
ground for children.
might be thought that the, amount
actually manufactured must have been
greater in he earlier year. This, how
ever, would be a too hasty inference,
for it is almost wholly among mills
of small individual output that the
gain in the number of establishments
reporting has been made.
Before the year closed the general
business depression was severely felt
in the lumber industry. It was not,
however, the most important cause
of a falling off in the production of
the year where a falling off occurred.
For decline in production took place
only in certain regions. The south is
the region of greatest activity in lum
ber production, and yellow pine the
most important wood, forming 33 per
cent, of the entire cut of the country.
The cut of yellow pine reported shows
an increase of 13 per cent, over that
of 1906. In the early part of the year
many of the southern mills cut so
heavily that, in spite of the curtailed
output which followed the business
disturbance later, the total was great
er than ever before. But in both the
lake states and the northwest a
smaller cut was reported than foi
1906, though the number of mills re
porting increased.
Recalled by Death
A few years ago Lord Sackville
created a sensation by publishing a
pamphlet, for private circulation
among his friends, in which he vindi
cated his diplomatic work in the
United States. The newspapers ob
tained a copy of this publication. In
it Lord Sackville explained with mucr
picturesque detail that the trap intc
which he fell in this city was a Fcniar
conspiracy; that the Fenian organiza
tion harassed him during his residenc
in America, kept spies after him and
plotted to assassinate him. Few o
the diplomat's friends took this storj
seriously. Most of them regarded it
as the imaginings of a disappointec
old man who was brooding upon whal
he considered his wrongs.
The minister was given his pass
ports by the president after his recall
had been requested by the American
government, which request was not
acted upon by the British government.
The occasion of the diplomat's dis
grace was that he had been trapped
into writing a letter, written as he
supposed to an Englishman, favoring
the re-election of Cleveland. This let
ter was used against the president.
Up Hazing Cases
he spoke without having nersonal
knowledge simply assuming the re
ports given out by Acting Secretary
Oliver and Secretary Loeb to have
been accurate.
The understanding here is that Con
gressmen from the districts in which
the cadets live will introduce bills au
thorizing the president to restore the
dismissed cadets to the academy and
take the order of suspension from the
six who were found guilty of one thing
and punished for something not speci
fied in an accurate manner.
A youth slunk into the dentist's c
fice with a pained expression on hi.?
face. His hat was gone and his smart
attire showed evidence of a struggle.
The dentist stepped forward with
a professional air. "What can I do
for you?"
The youth glanced apprehensively
at the door. "I I wish to have a
tooth removed."
"Very well, please be seated."
Shuffling over to the chair the youth
crawled into it on his hands and
knees. The dentist looked on in
"Great heavens!" he cried, "what's
the matter with you? .Are you
"Well, you see I went to call on
Miss Neverhome, and and "
"And what?"
"Fido bit me." Judge.
Not So Bad.
Mr. Subbs (after engaging cook)
There's one other thing I suppose you
should know, Miss Flannigan my wife
is a chronic invalid, confined to her
Miss Flannigan That's fine! I wor
afeerd she might be wan iv thim
chronic kickers that ar-r confined t'
th' kitchen, begobs!
Doyou want one
in you home
If you're; contem
plating the purchase
of a piano now or in
the future, don't fail
to write or call on
We cany the largest and most comply stock of high-grade
pianos in the country. Every piano sold uyusis guaranteed
to give satisfaction or money refunded. You have here to
select from the following: " Knabe, Estey, Wegtnan, Franklin,
Softmer, Fischer, Schaeffer, Anderson, Price &, Temple,
Smith & Nixon, Smith & Barnes, Eversole, Starch,
Milton, etc All sold on easy payments if desired.
16th tad
Try HAYDEN'S First
Indian Woman Not Likely to Be Left
Far BerTind in Life's Battle.
Writing of the famous Dean Kaye
of Topeka, in Suburban Life, Paul A.
Lovewell, says:
"Dean Kaye has had interesting ex
periences during his soujourns in the
wilderness. Once an Indian woman
came to his cabin.
"'You marry?' she asked.
"'Yes,' said the dean, 'I can marry
folks. Have you got a man?'
"Again the woman grunted, and de
parted. About sundown she returned,
dragging with her an apparently
abashed and reluctant brave.
" 'Got him,' she remarked, laconical
ly, producing her marriage license.
The man knew no English, but the
woman prompted him when it became
necessary for him to give his assent
to the dean's questions. When it was
over the squaw paid the minister bis
fee and 'led her husband away in tri
Pinxit I have just finished the late
Mrs. Peck's portrait. It's a speaking
The' Widower Peck Would it be
too much trouble to er change it a
bit'in that respect?
Socialism in Japan.
Socialism has no footing in this
country as yet, nor is there any indi
cation that it will gain a footing in
the near future at all events. Prior to
the war with Russia a small coterie
of men calling themselves socialists
argued vehemently against the open
ing of hostilities and published a
newspaper organ to propagate their
creed. But they soon dwindled into
insignificance, and although a period
ical of so-called socialist views con
tinues to be published it has no in
fluence, nor does it serve any purpose,
apparently, except to furnish material
for occasional comment on the part of
amused readers. Japanese Weekly
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
A Carlyle Wedding.
Cralgenputtcok. where Carlyle'a
"Sartor Resartus" was written. Has
Just been the scene of a notable wed
ding. The bride was Mary Carlyle of
Craigenputtock, a grandniece of Thom
as Carlyle, a farmer, of Pingle, Dum
friesshire, a son of Thomas Carlyle'a
favorite nephew. Pingle is about four
miles from Ecclefechan, Carlyle's
birthplace, and this village is the
original of the Entuphl of "Sartor
Resartus." London Standard.
More Important.
"Ah! Mrs. Newcomb," said the up
pish Mrs. Subbubs, "my many social
duties have prevented me from calling
upon you as I should. However, I will
surely return your visit some day "
"Oh! that doesn't matter much,"
replied Mrs. Newcomb promptly, "but
I do wish you'd return the groceries
you've borrowed from time to time." -Catholic
Standard and Times.
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Contrast in Wills.
If, as Is stated, the will of the late
duke of Devonshire contains nearly
18,000 words, it is certainly entitled
to rank high among long-winded tes
taments. Probably the shortest will on rec
ord was that of a Streatnam gentle
man, proved a few years ago, which
consisted of the words: "All for moth
er. C. TV Westminster Gazette.
Electrified Water Used in Washing.
A Hungarian washing machine
makes use of electrified water.
mYA Vll BfliLw ti3liB
The Wert.
Piaao House.
Women Fishermen.
On the coast of Holland, Belgium
and Northern Francethe flsherwomen
are a familiar sight, with their great
hand nets and quaint costumes. Many
of the towns have distinctive costumes
by which their women can be recog
nized anywhere. Those of Mana-Kirke.
near Ostend, wear trousers and loose
blouses, while their heads and shoul
ders are covered by shawls. They
carry their nets into the sea and scoop
up vast quantities of shrimps and
prawns, with an occasional crab or
lobster and many small fish. They
often wade out till the water is up to
their necks, and they remain for hours
ata time in water above their knees,
rarely returning until their baskets
are full.
Populous China.
The population of the Chtaese em
pire ia largely a matter of estimate.
There has never been such census of
the empire as that which Is
taken every decade in this country.
But the estimate of the Almanach de
Gotha for 1900 may be taken as fairly
reliable. According to that estimate,
the population of the empire is, in
round numbers, about 400.000,000. It
is probably safe to say that if the
human beings on earth were stood up
in line every fourth one would be a
The Modern Mother.
Madam (to the nurse maid, who has
just brought home her four children
from a walk) Dear me, Anna, how
changed the children look since I last
saw them! Are you quite sure they
are the right ones? Fliegende Blaet
We grind oar own In
visible bifocal lenses.
There is no cement
to flake or ujrly lines to blur the vision. One
solid piece of Klas.-. Ask to see them. Free
examination. 1IUTESOX OPTICAL. CO.,
Exclusive Opticians. 213 South Ifith Street.
Omaha. Nebraska. Factory on premises.
Wholesale and Ketail.
Omaha Directory
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writ as for prices ea uai, uwtalllbt aara to kava It.
Man oraera carefully nuea.
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ya w tiu-ok KScwV; Ht
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Yon cannot afford to experiment with
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If not ask your grocer for this
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A GOOD PLACE to invest your money where
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Field Glasses, Binocular and Telescope.
Warn Optical Co.
We test eyes only ore-
ncribeulassps when needed. Kveslaues and aorcta-
cles properly fltt.'d. Consnltnsflrst. Warn Optical
Co., S--w-l (MrWk aa. Faraaa Mmcta, WUmJL, ID.
GIT Chiilrapf OI-403 South 13th St.
C onilKen omaha. Nebraska
of all kinds, direct froaa
maker to -wearer. Save
the middle man's profit.
On. Bailey Sfach. The l
&a noor. run:
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Dental offlce In the Middle West. Latest appUaaces.
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Take Faroam Street car. Two Italian a dar I
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