The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 23, 1908, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
R. S. STROTHER, Publisher
Charles Evans Hughes was nominat
ed by the Republican state convention
on the first ballot to succeed himself
as governor of the state of New York.
He received 827 out of a possible 1,009
votes, as against 151 for James W.
Wadsworth, Jr., of Livingston county,
speaker of the state assembly, and 31
for former Congressman John K. Stew
art of Montgomery.
New York Democrats nominated a
slate ticket headed by Lieut Gov
Lewis S. Cbanler for governor, and
closed their convention with a great
meeting which was addressed by Mr.
Henry B. Quinby was nominated for
governor of New Hampshire by the
Judge A. Heaton Robertson of New
Haven was nominated for governor of
Connecticut by the Democrats.
The Republican party was victorious
in the Maine state election, Bert M.
Fernald of Poland being chosen gov
ernor over Obadiah Gardner, the Dem
ocratic nominee. The Republicans
also elected all four congressmen and
maintained their majority in the legis
lature, although the Democrats made
a good gain in their representation.
The plurality received by the Republi
cans was not much over 7,700, the
smallest received in any presidential
year In 25 years.
Ex-Congressman John F. Lacey was
chosen by the standpatters of Iowa to
oppose Gov. Cummins as United
States senator to be voted upon at
the primary in November.
James A. Tawney, James McCleary
and Clarence B. Miller were winners
for congressional nominations in the
three disputed districts of Minnesota.
Miller had a landslide in the Eighth
district, defeating J. Adam Bede by
three to one.
Congressman Laning of Ohio was
acquitted of the charge of misapplying
?unds of the Laning Printing Com
pany. Count Leo Tolstoi has been elected
to honorary membership in the fac
ulty of the University of St. Peters
burg. Mrs. Carrie Nation called on Judge
Taft and tried to discuss the liquor
question with him.
Wilbur Wright broke the European
record for sustained flight with an
aeroplane, remaining in the air more
than 39 minutes.
Senor Corea has resigned as Nica
raguan minister to Washington and
Dr. Rodolfo Espinoza has been named
to succeed him.
Wilson Collins, former cashier of a
bank at, Elkhart, Ind., was released
from the federal prison at Leaven
worth, Kan., after a six-year sentence
for violation of the' national bankfng
Wliile Orville Wright was making a
two-man flight in his aeroplane at
Fort Myer a propeller blade broke and
the machine was dashed to the ground.
Lieut. Thomas E. Selfridge of the
Army Signal corps, who was with
Wright, was so badly injured that he
died a few hours later. Wright sus
tained very severe but not fatal in
juries. The tragical mishap was wit
nessed by about 2,000 persons.
The board of signal officers was con
vened at Fort Myer by Maj. George
O. Squier, acting chief signal officer
of the army, and made an official in
quiry into the aeroplane disaster,
which resulted in the death of Lieut.
Selfridge and the injury of Orville
Wright. It blamed no one for the acci
dent. With masts and smokestacks brok
en, boats washed away ahd upper
works badly smashed, the steamship
Colon limped into port at Colon, Pan
ama, after a most trying experience
in the West Indian hurricane. During
the storm three members of the crew
who were repairing a water tank in
the hold were killed.
The will of the late Giovanni P.
Morosini distributes the entire for
tune of the former banker and art
collector among his five children.
W. W. Reamer of East St. Louis
tried to burn his house and family and
then made two attempts at suicide.
Lured to a lonely spot in Oklahoma
City, Okla., Mrs. Harry Pearson was
6hot and killed by Harry Parker, a
grain inspector from Iola, Kan., be
cause she wouldn't elope wifh him.
The business section of Keosauqua,
la., was partly destroyed by fire, the
loss being $50,000.
Dr. George Morton of New York
was arrested in Philadelphia on a fu
gitive warrant from New York, charg
ing him with securing $100,000 by
means of fraudulent notes.
Six persons were killed and 30 in
jured, four of whom are not expected
to live, as the result of an explosion
of a car of black powder at Windsor,
For convicts escaped from the state
prison at Ionia, Mich.', and two from
the penitentiary at Chester, 111.
Umpire Jack Sheridan of the Ameri
can Baseball league was attacked by
angry baseball enthusiasts in St.
The Utah Federation vof Labor re
fused to indorse Samuel Gompers cir
cular urging laboring men to vote for
g Most Important Happen- g
8 ings of the World X
O Told in Brief. 8
A cablegram from Fanning, island
said the long missing British -steamer
Aeon was wrecked on Christinas is
land but all the passengers aad crew
escaped and were camping comfort
alby ashore.
Many towns in, Maine were threat
ened by forest fires.
" Dispatches from Tabriz said the
bombardment of that city by the
shah's forces was imminent.
Jilted by an 18-year-old girl, John
Smith of Calhoun,- Wis., shot and fatal
ly wounded the mother of the girl
Mrs. Agusta Grabbw, wounded the girl
herself, and then wounded the sheriff,
who came to arrest him.
'The explosion of 250 gallons ol
gasoline on board a barge at the Mare
Island navy yard resulted in the death
of Chief Machinist Teddy May and
injuries to three other men.
The American Atlantic fleet, under
the command of Rear Admiral Sperry,
left Albany, Western Australia, for
Manila, 3,600 miles away, where it is
due to arrive October 2 or 3.
Heavy rainfall in northern Michigan
and Ontario checked the .forest fires
and insured the safety of the threat
ened towns.
Maj. Gen. Charles Edward Luard,
retired, whose wife was mysteriously.
murdered near London August 24,
committed suicide by throwing him
self in front of a railroad train. He
had received letters accusing him of
killing his wife.
Forty men were overcome by smoke
in a fire which threatened the destruc
tion of Swift & Company's packing
plant in South St. Joseph, Mo. The
loss is about $60,000.
The Oklahoma election board re
fused to put the Prohibition electoral
ticket on the ballot.
The home of Mark Twain at Red
ding, Conn., was, entered by two bur
glars. Later the men were captured
and in making the arrests Deputy
Sheriff Bangs was shot in the leg'.
Three hundred and five cases and
115 deaths from the Asiatic cholera
were reported for one day in St
Petersburg. The municipal adminis
trations are under fire from all sides
for their criminal inefficiency in han
dling the epidemic.
Minority stockholders filed a peti
tion in the circuit court asking that a
receiver be appointed for the State
Trust Company, a St. Louis real es
tate firm capitalized at $1,000,000.
Edward Quick, a penitentiary guard
at Michigan City, Ind., was murdered
in his home by a burglar.
Five persons were killed and 16 in
jured by a boiler explosion in a mine
near Aix-la-Chapelle.
Joseph James, the negro murderer
whose crime helped start the race
riots in Springfield, 111., was convicted
and sentenced to death.
When Judge Gerard in the supreme
court granted Miss Helen Maloney,
daughter of Martin Maloney, a Phila
delphia millionaire and papal marquis,
a decree annulling the marriage cere
mony which she went through with
Arthur Herbert Osborne, a young
broker, on the afternoon of December
25, 1905, it came to light that the
young woman was influenced into tak
ing the step by the fear that she was
to be forced into a marriage with one
of two titled foreigners known to her
The Bay Shore hotel, at Green
Springs, la., one of the largest hotels
on the west coast, was totally de
stroyed by fire, 40 guests having nar
row escapes.
Fire in the library of Johns Hopkins
university, Baltimore, did inestimable
damage to ancient papyri and parch
ments. John Cook, aged 78 years, a farmer
living near Philo, 111., shot and killed
Mrs. Edna McClelland and attempted
Dense fog in Chicago caused ac
cidents on .steam and street railways
that resulted in the death of two
men and the injury of many others.
The Interparliamentary union met
in Berlin to discuss anew the peace
of the world and how to maintain it
through arbitration.
A powder magazine near McAlester,
Okla., was struck by lightning, the ex
plosion killing one miner and seriously
injuring eight others.
Police Commissioner Bingham of
New York publicly retracted his re
cent statement in a magazine article
that half the criminals in New York
were Jews.
The New York, stock exchange house
of E. R. Chapman & Co. was victim
ized to the extent of $30,000 by means
of fraudulent checks.
The American battleships Maine and
Alabama, the vanguard of the Ameri
can fleet on its round-the-world voy
age, arrived at Naples.
Suit for the recovery of $100.00C
damages, alleged to have been sus
tained because of a boycott, has been
begun against the United Hatters ol
America by D. E. Loewe & Co., of Dan
bury. Conn.
John and Wilbur Patterson, charged
with holding up a street car near Bos
ton, Pa., last May and robbing 11 pas
sengers and the conductor, were con
victed in the criminal court at
Pittsburg. v
The Republican state convention of
Utah nominated a ticket headed by W.
E. Spry for governor.
The average wages per hour in the
principal manufacturing and mechani
cal industries of the country were 3:7
per cent higher in 1907 than in 1906,
while retail prices of food were 4.2
per cent, higher, according to the July
report of the bureau of'labor.
The United States circuit court of
appeals at Richmond, Va., sustained
the opinion of Judge J. C. Pritcbard
in the famous case of the Flieschmann
Company and others against the South
Carolina dispensary commission, hold
ing in effect that a state cannot con
duct liquor traffic, that being a private
Whisky and other liquors must have
age and natural color or be labeled
"imitation." So decided Judge Hum
phrey in the United States district
court at Springfield, 111., in the case of
Wollncr & Co., distillers and rectifiers
of Peoria, 111.
One Chicago woman was almost in
stantly killed and nearly two score of
other persons, most of them residents
of Indianapolis, were hurt when a
Lake Shore suburban train ran. into an
excursion train at Chesterton. Ind.
The itinerary for Mr. Taft's first cam
paign tour through ten middle states '
was announced.
Unsanitary 'Conditions Greatly Assist
in Spread of Scourge and It May
Be Hard to Suppress.
St. Petersburg. St Petersburg is in
the grasp of the Asiatic cholera, which
already has exceeded in severity and
'numbers the visitation of 1893. The
disease is increasing daily to an alarm
ing rate and unless the authorities
show in the future a greater degree
of ability to cope with the situation
) than they have in the past, there is
every reason to fear that it will get out
of hand.
j The government's threat to apply
provisions of martial law has driven
the municipality. officials to bend all
their energies to clearing the city of
the scourge. The aldermanic council
j voted $250,000 to enlarge the hospital
space, to purchase and distribute dis
infectants, the supply of which in St.
Petersburg is well nigh exhausted, and
to expedite the interment of bodies,
which has been notoriously slow. The
dead houses are overcrowded and
many corpses are unburied.
Under his authority as prefect of St.
Petersburg, General Dracheffshy pro
hibited the sale fit liquor throughout
the city, including the government
vodka shops, until September 22, and
he has further ordered that after that
the sale of liquor shall be suspended
at 2 p. m., on Saturday until 10 a. m.,
on Monday. This action has been tak
en in order to diminish alcoholic ex
cesses, which very materially increases
the liability of cholera infection and
the general spread of the disease.
A beginning was made when public
schools were transformed) into hospital
wards. A number of the grammar
schools were closed and 4,000 students
sent to their homes. The department
of war has opened stores to supply
immediate needs and army field kitch
ens have been dispatched to the poor
er quarters to dispense free food.
The situation assumes a graver
aspect from the appearance of a very
virulent type of the disease in two
cases in which death followed within
fifteen minutes of the first symptoms.
As announced by the official bulletin
the cases numbered 349 and the deaths
148 during the twenty-four hours be
tween Friday noon and Saturday noon.
This was a considerable decrease from
the preceding day, but there is doubt
of the accuracy of the official state
ment. The record for the same twenty-four
hours, ascertained from unof
ficial but reliable sources, shows the
actual number to have been far in ex
cess of that.
Points Out Necessity of Electing the
Republican Nominee.
Oyster Bay President Rocsevelt in
a letter to William B. McKinley, chair
man of the republican congressional
committee, appeals to disinterested
citizens to join with the national re
publican commitee and the congres
sional committee, in a movement to
elect William H. Taft, as president
and a republican congress to support
him. After reviewing some of the im
portant legislation of the last seven
years, the president declares that Mr.
Taft and the republican candidates
for congress seek election on a plat
form which specifically pledges the
party to continue and develop the
policies which have been acted upon
for seven years past.
All the aid that can be givsn to per
petuate the policy of the government
as now carried on, the president says,
should be given by every good citizen
as it is far more-than a partisan mat
Orville Wright Improves.
Washington Orville Wright, who
was seriously injured Thursday in the
aeroplane acident which caused the
death of Lieutenant Selfridge, con
tinues to improve.
Start for Manila.
Perth, West Australia The Ameri
can 'fleet of battleships passed this
coast this morning on the long run to
Manila. The fleet was proceeding in
two columns, the Connecticut and
Louisiana leading.
Signs Lease Bill.
Atlanta, Ga. Just at midnight Sat
urday night. Governor Hoke Smith
signed the convict lease bill, which,
hereafter prohibits the leasing of fel
ons except by the consent of the gov
ernor and prison commission.
Senator Borah Coming.
Des Moines It was announced from
the republican committee ladquar
ters today that Senator Borah will
speak in Iowa for two days about the
middle of the month of October.
Georgia Governor to Take the Stump
for Bryan.
Atlanta, Ga. Governor Hoke Smith
has been requested by Chairman At
wcod of the speakers' committee of
the democratic national committee to
make speeches in support of Bryan
and' Kern during the month of Octo
ber in a number of eastern and west
ern states. The governor expects to
devote about two weeks to speechmak
ing in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and
Paris Central in Ruins.
Paris Fire broke out Sunday night
in the Central Telephone building and
spread with such rapidity that the tel
ephone employes were forced after
brief and ineffectual efforts to extin
guish the flames to flee hastily to the
streets. The entire building was soon
in flames, and this together with the
postoffice, which is located close to
the Place de 'Victors, was totally de
stroyed. The loss is estimated at
$5,000,000, but a higher loss is likely
to be involved through complete inter
ruption of telephonic communication.
of Greater or Lesser Impor
tance Over the State.
Recepts of the Fillmore county fair
were over $1,500.
Tecumseh schools opened with an
t nusual large attendance.
The contract for the new school
Building at Fairmont, to cost $28,000
has been let.-
M. D. David of Bloomfield fell from
an Ice ; wagon receiving injuries that
proved fatal.
Bessie Robertson of McCook set a
steel trap for rats but instead thereof
caught a big bull snake.
The Edgar Canning factory closed a
successful season, the entire pack
amounting to about 700,000.
The new Iliff Chapel church was ded
icated at Memphis Sunday by Rev. T.
C. Iliff, a speaker of national reputa
tion. A young man by the name of Burk
holder Is in the custody of Sheriff
Giltan at Seward. The charge against
him is that of attempted rape.
Successful bidders for the govern
ment postoffice building at Grand
Island have been looking over the site
preparatory to commencing operations.
Word was received in Beatrice last
week stating that Horace Mitchell, a
.former Beatrice resident, was killed
-n a raIlroaa- accident at Atchison. Kas.
That David City will have a public
library and gymnasium building is
now a certainty. The $20,000 has
been raised and nine directors were
Word has just been received in Peru
that the European party, led by Profes
sor W. N. Delzell, landed safe in New
York after a pleasant sea voyage to
their home land.
Harold Kesterson; the Shelton lad
who broke both his arms at the wrist
in a fall, while making a slide for life,
was taken with lockjaw and died after
suffering intensely.
The cost to Buffalo county of the
recenty primary election was $915.15.
There were 1,609 votes cast in tne
county making the expense of each
vote cost 56.8 cents.
The infant baby of Clyde Lynch and
wife of Humboldt had a peculiar expe
rience, beng attacked by rats in the
home and severely bitten about the
hands, one or two of its Angers being
partially gnawed away.
Farmers should all have telephones.
Write to us and learn how to set the
best service for the least money. Ne
braska Telephone Company, 18th and
Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use the
With the record of the largest at
tendance, best displays and greatest
number of racing events in its history,
the Dundy County Fair association
meeting came to a close. The attend
ance was good and the exhibit fine.
While stacking hay at his home
rhree miles south of Platsmouth, R.
Sponii fell from the stack and landed
on an inch gas pipe in such a manner
is to cause it to penetrate the arm and
pome out at the top of the shoulder.
An unknown man about twenty-five
years old, committed suicide ty stab
bing himftelf with a knife as Union Pa
cific train No. 3 was leaving the
Kearney yards and threw the knife
from the train. The body was re
moved from the train and shipped to
Grand Island. He was not identified,
but was en route to Los Angeles.
William Prowett of Fullertcn re
ceived a telegram from Washington in
forming him that he had been appoint
ed clerk of the insular treasury in the
Philippine Island. Mr. Prowett grad
uated from the Fullerton High school
in June. 1907. Last December he took
the civil service examinations, passing
with unusually high markings.
The building fund of the Young
Men's Christian association at Fre
mont was given two substantial lifts.
C. A. Smith, an old resident of Fre
mont, made a contribution of $5,000.
Mr. Smith previously had given $600
to the association. Elmer Williams,
cashier of the Fremont National bank,
made a contribution of $500 to the
Judge J. W. Johnson of Plattsmouth
has been entertaining in his home an
old comrade of the civil war. A. H.
Pratt, aged 78 years. They each en
listed in the First Nebraska regiment
in 1861 and during the battle of Shloh,
Mr. Pratt had his hat blown off by a
cannon ball and he was left on the
field of battle for dead. During the
night he regained consciousness and
found his way to the Union line in the
morning and asked to be sent to the
The last legislature appropriated
$24,411 to pay bounty on wild animals.
This was for old claims that were on
file. The legslature also appropriated
$35,000 future cairns, but this was
vetoed by Governor Sheldon. Clerk
Lawrence of the state auditor's office
is now busy adding up the claims on
file that have not been paid and which
will come before the next legislature
in the form of a deficiency claims. He
has not completed the work, but esti
mates the total at $40,000.
The annual statement of the Ne
braska City chautauqua has been
given the public and it shows that the
meeting cost $3,6CS.42 and that the re-
cepts were something like $134 over
and above all expenses.
The second annual Hastings Fron
tier Festival, which will take place
on October 14, 15 and 16, will be a rep
etition of last year's notably success
ful event, though on a much more elab
orate and extensive scale. The pur
pose of the managers is to perpetuate
the festival as an annual amusement
enterprise for Hastings and central
With all counties reported but Holt,
official figures of the recent primaries
in the state show Barton, republican
candidate for auditor, to have 12,417
votes as against 12,134 for Alden, his
nearest competitor. W. B. Price of
Lincoln wins in the democratic con
test for the same place.
Valentine business men and the
Commercial dub are making exten
sive preparat'rns to t?ke care of the
large crowds thajt will be there to reg
ister for the Trip county land. They
rill have all possible kinds of trans
portationvto tare the land seekerr. out,
to look over the ground
Both Amendments to the Constitution
to Go to Voters for Final
Following is the result of the official
canvass of the votes cast at the recent
primary, the total vote cast being
George Lawson Sheldon (rep.)....50.2S2
George "V. Berge (dem.) !.894
George W. Berge (pop.) 7 2,317
James C. Dahlman (dem.) ....10,137
Ashton C. Shallonberger (dem.).. .12.526
Ashton C. Shallenberger (pop.).... 1,354
Roy R. Teeter (pro.) 711
C. H. Harbaugh (soc.) 240
J. W. Walker (soc.) 172
M. R. Hopewell (rep.) 4S.032
E. O. Garrett (dem.) ir,r..2
E. O. Garrett (pop.) 2.573
James A. Urimison (dem.) 6.167
James A. Grimison (pop.) S44
A. S. Tlbbets (dem.) S.420
Frank E. Linch (pro.) 715
Thomas Jorgenson soc.) 245
W. C. Rodgers (soc.) 161
George C. Junkin (rep.) 46,961
A. T. Gatewood (dem.) 15,418
A. T. Gatewood (pop.) 2.263
John Mattes, jr (dem.) 14.521
John Mattes (pop.) 1,153
Henry F; J. Hockcnberger (pro.)... 720
Henry J. Aberly (soc.) 409
John H. Alden (rep.) 1 2.264
Charles S. Allen (rep.) 5.119
George Anthes (rep.) 2.P68
Silas R. Barton (rep.) 12.527
H. I. Cook (rep.) 5.460
Robert Haynes (rep.) 1.S41
John C. F. McKesson (rep.) 3.380
John L. Pierce (rep,) 5.410
Edwin H. Lulkart (den) 14,711
Edwin H. Ltilkart (pop.) 1.797
William B. Price (dem.) 15.046
William B. Price (pop.) 1,577
Lawson G. Brian Otep.) 46.0S0
Clarence Mackey (dem.) 28.489
Clarence Mackey (pop.) 3.333
STRUCTION. E. C. Bishop (rep.) 21.42S
George D. Carrington. jr., (rep.).. 9.533
James E. Delzell (rep.) 10.598
S. H. Martin (rep.) 7.510
N. C. Abbott (dem.)
N. C. Abbott (pop.)
Ada K. Schell (soc.) 392
William T.-Thompson (rep.) 45.072
Harry B. Fleharty (dem.) 16,066
Harry B. Flehartv (pop.) 1.479
E. B. Quackenbush (pop.) 1.547
E. B. Ouakenbush (dem.) 8.122
Menzo Warren Terry (dem.) 5,703
Menzo Warren Terry (pop.) 797
B. W. Frazey (soc) 228
N. H. Nye (soc.) 173
Edward B. Cowles (rep.) 20.173
William Husenetter (rep.) 7.699
Harvey L. Sams (rep.) 4.866
Josiah M. Shively (rep.) 14.716
W. B. Eastham (dem.) 19.773
W. B. Eastham (pop.) 2.316
Cassius B. Manuel (pop.) 1,207
Casslus B. Manuel (dem.) 9.066
Albert Thomnson (pro.) 63S
William M. Aarons (rep.) 8.772
F. H. Abbott (rep.) 8.368
C. L. Hedlund (rep.) 6.2S2
Myron D. Krr (rep.) 4.492
J. A. Van Wagenen (rep.) 1.527
S. M. Wallace (rep.) 4.066
J. A. Williams (rep.) 15.751
Gennte O. Brophv dem.) 14.407
William H. Oowjrill (nop.) 2.037
William H. Cowgill Worn.) 15.207
George R. Brophv (pop. 1.352
Andrew FInkenkeller (snc.) 384
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with reference to the Investment
of the permanent school fund (rep.). 31,
127: against. 5,570.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to liidicial powers (rep.),
26.153; against. 7,824.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with reference to the investment
of the permanent school fund (dem.)
15.515; alnst. 4,335.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to liidicial powers (dem.),
12.716: ncalnst. 5.947.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with reference to th Investment
of the permanent school fund (pop.),
1,832: against. 562.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to judicial powers (pop.),
1,375: against 909.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with reference to the Investment
of the permanent school fund (pro.), 44S:
against. 56.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating, to judicial powers (pro.),
371: against. 102.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution "with reference to the Investment
of the permanent school fund (sci), 21 S;
against. SO.
For proposed amerment to the consti
tution relating to judicial power (soc).
171; against, 103.
Presidential Electors.
O. C. Bell (rep.) 4 ".506
Joseph J. Linger (rep.) ...41.837
Michael F. Harrington (pop.) 2.S8-,
Michael F. Harrington (dem.) 23.492
Henry R. Gcrlng (dem.) 21.587
Henrv R. Gerlmr (pop.) 2.571
Robert F. Smith (dem.) 13.919
A. W. Potts t nor.) Si"
William R. Plnton (soc.)
Thomas L. Phillips (soc)
377 1
The annual fair given by the Cedar
County Fair and Driving association
closed last week. In point of attend
ance and in the display of stock and
general farm products, it was the most
successful ever held in the county.
Steven J. Kelso, a Beatrice contract
or and builder has disappeared, leav
ing behind him unpaid bills aggregat
ing $5,000. He had thirty-five men in
his employ, nearly all of whom he
owed two weeks salary.
Farmers should all have telephones.
Write to us and learn how to get th?
best service for the least money. Ne
braska Telephone Company. 18th and
Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use the
H?sting's drug stores will not be
allowed to sell liquor under any con
sideration. The September term of district
.court of Custer county was in session
last week, with Judge Bruno Hosteller
of Kearnev presiding. The docket
will possibly t3ke two weeks to clean
it up. Much interest, however, is
centered in the case of James Car
land, who is charged with the murder
of John Sanderson, which occurred
several months ago. The trial prom
ises to be unusually exciting, there
being a host of important witnesses
on each side.
The city water works of Franklin
have been completed and turned over
to the city. A test was made as to the
merits of the entire system from en
gine to water plugs. Water was forc
ed fully sixty feet high.
When Sheriff Gillan of Seward county-
went into the county jail the other
morning he discovered that during the
night James B. Dawson, the man who
was bound over to the district court
for stabbing William Held with intent
to kill, had packed up his little suit
case and silently stole away. He dug
a hole in the floor and got into the cel
lar and his escape was easy.
Charles It Robbins (rep.) 7,462
R. E. Watzke (dem.) 3,938
R. E. Watzke (pep.) 110
J." D. Nesblt (pro.) 11
Howard H. Baldrige (rep.) f... o,712
Charles L. Hoover (rep.) 1,771
Sophus F. Nebl (dem.) 4.019
Sophus F. Neble (pop.) 9
E. T. George (pro.) IS
Parker S. Condlt (soc.) 3e
Julius Hollander (soc) 39
John P. Eaton. (rep.) '... 7.875
Douglas Shawvan (dem.) 6,200
Douglas Shawvan (pop.) 377
Martin I. Brower (pro.) 73
Otto Mclcher (soc.) 28
George F. Hurlburt (rep.) 9.6S3
K. O. Weber (dem.) 4.555
E. O. Weber (pop.) 60S
Frank A. Burt (pro.) 167
John H. von Steen (pro.) SS
William H. Ashby (soc.) SS
C. A. Luce (rep.) 6.772
Frank T. Swanson (dem.) 3.592
Frank T. Swanson (pop.) 1.0S6
A. B. Lafferts (pro.) 117
W. E. Nichol (pro.) 63
Fred Legler (soc.) 102
Edward S. Davis (rep.) 7,522
A. D. Cameron (dem.) 3,090
A. D. Cameron (pop.) 762
William Henry Stratton (soc.) 127
E. M. Pollard (rep.) 7.2S5
A. P. Fitzsimmons (dem.) 1.SS2
A. P. Fitzsimmons (pop.) 76
J. A. Maguire (dem.) 2,556
J. A. Maguire (pop.) 49
Thomas W. Blackburn (rep.) 2.060
A. W. Jefferis (rep.) 3.716
Charles L. Saunders (rep.) 2,671
G. M. Hitchcock (dem.) 4.S24
F. H. Alexander (soc.) 26
George C. Porter (soc.) 3S
J. F. Boyd (rep.) 7.S37
Edgar Howard (dem.) 3.63S
Edgar Howard (pop.) 260
J. P. Latta (dem.) 4.359
G. M. Woodcock (soc.) 30
Charles H. Aldrich (rep.)
E. H. HInshaw (rep.)
W. F. Cramb (dem.) 1,535
W. F. Cramb (pop.) 130
Charles F. Gilbert (dem.) 2,110
Charles F. Gilbert (pop.)
W. B. Jones , (pop.) . . r
W. B. Jones (dem.)
S. L. Mains (dem.)
S. L. Mains (pop.)
F. Birmingham (pro.)
George W. Norris (rep.)
Fred W. Ashton (dem.) 3,825
Fred W. Ashton (pop.) 1,303
G. G. Larkv (soc.) SI
M. P. Klnkaid (rep.)... 6.S16
R. G. Ross (rep.) siS?
R. G. Ross (dem.) 321
C. A. Sibley (rep.) 1.2S1
Walter Johnson (dem.) 957
Walter Johnson (pop.) 328
W. B. McXeel (dem.) 763
W. B. McNeel (pop.) 163
H. G. Stewart (pop.) 307
H. G. Stewart (dem.) 282
AV. H. Westover (dem.) 1.401
W. H. Westover (pop.) "I0
L. Stebblns (soc.) US
T. H. Harnby (pro.) 7S
Nominees for State Senate.
Following is a list of candidates for the
state senator by districts:
1. Republican. J. R. Cain; democrat, G.
E. Hall.
2. Republican, T. J. Majors.
3. Renublican. E. F. Warren; demo
crat. S. H. Huck.
4. Republican, Orlando Tefft: demo
crat, W. B. Banning.
3. Republican. Alex. Laverty; demo
crat, W. R. Patrick.
6. Republican. W. P. Adkins, E. G.
McGlIton. N. P. Swanson; democrat, E.
E. Howell, Frank T. Ransom. John M.
7. Republican. O. R. Thompson; demo
crat. 'Fred Wlggers.
8. Republican, G. W. Wiltse; demo
crat. N"k Fritz.
9. Republican. M. C. Bressler; demo
crat. J. D. Hatfield.
10. Renublican. W. D. Haller; demo
crat. Fred Volpp.
11. Republican, C. A. Randall; demo
crat. David Ress.
12. Republican, J. A. Fiala; democrat.
F. J. Henry.
13. Republican. F. W. Phillips; demo
crat. J. A. Donahoe.
14. Republican. E. L. Meyers; demo
crat. G. M. Adams.
13. Republican. G. II. Kinney; demo
crat. J. A. OUIs. ,, , .
16. Republican. E. D. Gould; democrat,
17." Renublican. Harry Scliickendantz;
democrat." J. H. Buhrmann.
18. Republican, E. L. King; democrat.
A. C. Templln. ,
19. Republican. II. A. Graff; demo
crat. G. W. Fuller.
20. Republican. S. W. Burnham. E. P.
Brown: democrat. R. T. Chambers. J. i.
Miller. ,
21. Republican. Auam jucuumcii; ucm
crat. Jacob Klein.
22. Republican. G. W. Baldwin; demo
crat. F. W. Bartos.
23. Republican. Dr. F. Wilcox; demo
crat. Smith Ketchum.
24. Republican. John Doran; demo
crat. Herman Diers. j-,
25. Republican. J. M. Cox; democrat,
R. G. Brown.
Nurses Want Legislation.
Nebraska nurses will endeavor to
have a law passed by the next legis
lature which will require the registra
tion of all nurses in the state in a
dmiiar manner to the registration re
quired in several other states of the
anion. This decision was reacnea at
a meeting of the nurses of the state in
this city. The matter of pushing the
framing and passing of the law has
been left in the hands of a committee
whieh is composed of four graduate
nurses of the state, as follows: Miss
Stuff, Lincoln: Miss Bicker, Omaha;
Mrs. Pinkington. Omaha, and Miss
Hardwick, Lincoln.
J. A. Singhaus, United State com
aissioner, and a federal marshal from
Omaha came to Herman and placed
Walter West and C. West under ar
rest for selling liquor and drove to Te
kamah with them and lodged them in
jail. It is thought there had been a
deputy United States Marshal there
for several days disguised as a sign
painter and he succeeded in collecting
several bogus jags himself and bought
liquor from a good many in town.
Fern Charter, the 6-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Charter, of
Hastings, whose divorce suit is pend
ing trial two weeks hence, was abduct
ed by her father and taken away in an
fiutnmnhnp. He called for her at
school and induced her to leave.
John G. Setsby, aged 22 fell from
the top of the new school building in
Milford while wheeling mortar for the
bricklayers. His left leg was so bad
ly crushed that the physicians ampu
tated it above the knee. Other com
plications set in and he died in the
The first jury trial in the Chadron
division of the federal court of the
United States closed with an acquittal.
Charles Henderson and Christopher
Abbott, both of Crawford, were de
fendants. They were accused of
buying blankets of soldiers Cram Fort
Boone county's corn crop is the best
ever produced.
A report from the town of Eagle,
eighteen mile seast of number of cele
brators became intoxicated. Charles
Burns, a farmer, was assaulted and so
badly beaten that he died.
Every effort to be made by the
Commercial club of Omaha to secure
the next meeting of the Transmissis
sippi Commercial congress, and H. 3.
Weller, chairman of the conventions
committee, has started work to se
cure a strong delegation to attend the
meeting in San "Francisco October 5
to 10.
ut Curtd After Doctors Said There
Wm No Hope
Sylvanus O. Verrill, Milford. Me.,
says: "Five years ago a bad injury
paralyzed me and
affected ray kid
neys. My back hurt
me terribly, and
the urine was bad
ly discolored. Doc
tors said my right
kidney was practi
cally dead. They
said I could never
walk again. I read
3f Doan's Kidney Pills and began us
ing them. One box made me stronger
lad freer from pain. I kept on using
them and in three months was able to
get out on crutches, and the kidneys
were acting better. I improved rap
idly, discarded the crutches and to
the wonder of my friends was soon
completely cured."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Only Then Are You Appreciated for
Your True Worth.
Upton Sinclair, the novelist was
talking about wealth at Lake Pla
cid. "It is pleasant to be rich." he said.
"Nobody can deny that. Many of the
pleasures of wealth, though, are false
and mistaken ones.
"When I was making my living by
the composition ofb!ood and thun
der tales for boys and I could turn
out my S.C00 words a day I knew a
pale, bent, ink-stained old chap who
wrote love stories.
"His stories did not pay; he was
very poor; but an aunt died, and sud
denly the old fellow found himself a
"He saw me one afternoon on Broad
way. He stopped his red car and wo
chatted about old times.
"'And is it pleasant to be rich?' I
" 'Yes. it is." he answered, as he
lighted a Vuelto Abajos and handed
me another. 'And do you know what
is the pleasantest thing about it? You
have an opportunity to make real
friends, friends who can understand
you. You get at last to know "people
capable of esteeming you for your own
qualities alone. You find, sir, that
you are at last appreciated." "
Artist (who has been bothered by
rustics breathing on him all the morn
ing) My good fellow, I assure yon
that you can see the sketch with more
advantage from a little distance!
Microscopic Writing.
A remarkable mcnine made by a
lately deceased member of the Royal
Microscopical society for writing with
a diamond seems to have been broken
up by its invenfor. A specimen of its
works is the Lord's prayer of 227 let
ters, written in the 1.237,000 of a
square inch, which is at the rate of
53.S80.000 letters or 15 complete
Bibles, to a single square inch. Ta
decipher the writing it is necessary to
use a 1-12-inch objective, which is the
high power lens physicians employ for
studying the most minute bacteria.
Wanted to Go the Same Way.
We were taking a little trip into the
country. The only vacant seats in the
train were turned so as to face each
other. I told my little girl, four
years old. to take the seat in front of
me, as riding backward would not
make her sick. She hesitated, and
"I know it won't make me sick, but
if I ride backward will I go to the
same place you are going to?"
Conan Doyle at It Again.
"It is clear, Potson," said Herlock
Shonies, "that the farmer who raised
this spring chicken was very tender
"How in the world do you know
that?'' asked the astonished Potson.
"It's simple enough. The farmer
hesitated so long before striking the
fatal blow." Bostou Transcript.
What's His Age?
"After all. you know, a man is only
as old as he feels."
"Yes. How about the fellow who
'feels like a two-year-old?" Philadel
phia Press.
Girl Starving on Ill-Selected Food.
"Several years ago I was actually
starving." writes a Me. girl, "yet dared
not eat for fear of the consequences.
"I had suffered from indigestion
from overwork, irregular meals and
improper food, until at last my stom
ach became so weak I could eat
scarcely any food without great dis
tress. "Many kinds of food were tried, all
with the same discouraging effects. I
steadily lost health and strength until
I was but a wreck of my former self.
"Having heard of Grape-Nuts and
its great merits, I purchased a pack
age, but with little hope that it would
help me I was so discouraged.
"I found it not only appetizing but
that I could eat it as I liked and that
it satisfied the craving for food with
out causing distress, and if I may
use the expression, 'it filled the bill.'
"For months Grape-Nuts was my
principal article of diet. 1 felt from
the very first that I had found the
right way to health and happiness,
and my anticipations were fully re
alized. "With its continned use I regained
my usual health and strength. To-day
I am well and can eat anything I like,
yet Grape-Nuts food forms a part of
my bill of fare." "There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich. Read 'The Road to Well
ville," in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A nev
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human