The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 16, 1908, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
ft Special Offer
i ssx . niiTia
northwest of Columbus for
W rr
sale. The best kind of
lana very rich ana
productive. This
will make a fine
home for some
body. See it.
Hockenberger &
Hogs, top 25 to $6 35
CHWtlllllllilllllil IIIHUIIimrMilHM
Files of tiie Journitl Sept. 17, 1874.
The li..ppy and joyous school days
have returned. They can be found at
the new achool building-, No. 1. 0. L.
Hill, aa principal of this graded school,
will direct and conduot the pleasing ex
ercises in the pursuit of knowledge.
School ojtened Monday.
' A great deal of hay standing out dur
ing the recent rains, will be found on
examination, to be entirely spoiled.
Those who have grain stacks that have
not hat! good close tops on them would
do well is examine them. We notice
aonie grain in the stack has begun to
sprout. It may be serious loss to some
if (be grain should go uncured for.
ltev. J. E. Elliott, who went east last
week, showed us on Saturday a com
plete ini nature Indian lodge with all the
paraphernalia. A professor of Amherst
Col'ege, Mass., baa requested Mr. Elliott
to stmd him some specimens of the Paw
nee life, uud Mr. Elliott thinks be can
not take a better specimen than this
which he had prepared. The lodge is
two feet in diameter and one foot high,
and is exactly proportioned, and built
of the aiue materials which the Pawnees
una. The little mats were made by the
Indians, together with a buffalo bead,
cut out of stone; Mr. Peter Duffy con
tributing a tiny tomahawk with a pipe
bundle. The lodge contains minature
sacks of eqnaw corn, etc, the cooking
apparatus, the mortar, the beds, the
bhriue, the steaming appartus, toy pa
pooses, etc. It must have taken a good
deal of work on Mr. Elliott's part, to
prepare this gift to his alma mater, and
he could certainly present no better il
lustration of Indian life.
We are having a dry spell and corn is
drying faster than it ought to in some
Albert Anderson, C. A. Peterson, Ed
ward Peterson and John Swanson were
passengers to Columbus Saturday.
Axel Nelson of Newman Grove, was
out in Walker township with his auto
mobile Sunday, visiting friends and rel
atives. He came as far south as John
Swunsou's place.
Joseph Borg returned from Oakland,
Uurt county. Saturday, where he had
leen attending the wedding of bis
brother Charley, who it seems came all
the way from Panama to wed a young
lady of that town.
Marriage LiceiMf .
Dave T. Jones, Monroe 24
Francis A. Sheridan, Monroe 24
f'harles A. Loeffler, Humphrey 30
E'onora Classen, Humphrey 21
The remains of Victor E. Oline, form
erly of Monroe, who was drowned at
Spokane, Wash , last week, arrived in
this city Wednesday and were taken to
Monroe, where the funeral was held the
same afternoon. S. W. Lightner, brother-in-law
of the deceased, accompanied
the body from the west.
Two and one-half
acres located 12
blocks from our
postoffice. A beau
tiful site for an
outside home.
AND 60.
Any person desiring to register for the
opening of the Rosebud lands in Tripp
county. South Dakota, most go to
O'Neill or any of the other towns desig
nated in the president's proclamation,
and there sign and swear to an applica
tion for registration which will be tar
nished by the officer before whom he
makes his oath. This application must
be sworn to between October Sand Octo
ber 17, 1908, and after it is sworn to
must be enclosed nnfolded, in an envel
ope, which will be furnished by the
officer administering the oath, and the
envelope must be addressed and deliv
ered to "James W. Witten, Superintend
ent of Opening." at either Dallas or
Gregory, South Dakota, before 430 p.
m. on October 17, and not after that,
either by mail or in. person, or otherwise,
but not by registered mail, and the
envelope most not have the name of the
applicant written on it. A drawing will
be held at Dallas, South Dakota, on
October 19th to determine who of the
persons registered will be given the right
to make entry. If a person draws a
number smaller than 4001 he will be
notified by mail, addressed to the post
office given in his application, unless he
subsequently gives another, to appear at
some date, probably in the month of
March, 1909, when he will be permitted
to enter one quarter section, or less, of
these lands, for which he will be requir
ed to pay the usual fees and commissions
and six dollars per acre. If the number
drawn is between 4000 and 6001, the
applicant will be notified in the same
manner of some date in August, 1909,
when he can make entry at $4.50 per
acre, if any of the lands remain unen
tered at that time. The fees and com
missions and one-fifth of the purchase
money must be paid when the entry is
made, and the remainder of the purchase
money in five equal payments, without
interest. At the time he makes final
proof be will be required to pay the
usual fees and commissions required of
homestead entrymen for making proof.
Last Saturday' the republican county
oommitte met at the council chamber to
select the chairman and secretary of the
committee, select a delegate to the state
convention at Linooln and transact any
other business in oonnection with the
campaign. C. J. Garlow called the com
mittee to order, and B. 8. Dickinson
was made temporary chairman and Geo.
Fairchiid temporary secretary. These
two were made the regular officers of tbe
committee, although David Thomas was
mentioned as chairman, but his name was
withdrawn before a vote was taken. R.
P. Drake was elected treasurer and W.
A. McAllister will represent Platte
county at the state convention, which
meets in Lincoln to draft a platform.
C. J. Garlow was recommended for tbe
congressional committee. David Thom
as and Bruce Webb were selected to
assist the chairman in conducting the
campaign, aad tbe central committee
will meet every two weeks until elec
tion, to talk over and plan for the cam
paign. Last Wednesday afternoon one of the
largest and swellest weddings that ever
occurred in Polish circles was held at
the church in Prairie Greek town
townsbip. The groom is a prosperous
farmer living near Columbus, John
Zuroake by name, while the bride was
was Miss Adelaide, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs John Podrazo of Newman
township. Great preparation were
made for the event, a string band from
Columbus being one of the attractions.
The reception at the home last night
was attended by many of our citizens,
the automobiles being in great demand
as well as every rig in town. Tbe par
ents of the bride are well known in this
county and enjoy the respect and con
fidence of the business world. The
young couple started on life's journey
well equipped for the race of life, and
their numerous Nance county friends
will wish them much joy as they journey
along. Fullerton News-Journal.
Grand Island will be in gala attire to
receive the guests for tbe Frontier Days
and Harvest Festival to be held there
October "6, 7 and 8. The citizens of
the Sugar City have made elaborate pre
parations to give their visitors for the
three days celebration the best of enter
tainment, a veritable reproduction of the
early frontier days. Grand Island citi
zens have never taken upon themselves
so great an undertaking and they have
taken bold with the spirit which is bound
to bring success. The event will be tbe
equal 'if not better than the Frontier
Days at Cheyenne. Besides the regular
grand stands on the ground, additional
seating capacity has been built to ac
commodate 5,000 more people, giving a
5ood view of tbe mammoth arena as
well as the race course.
The firemen were called to the home
of John Marthis, who reside on 6th and
Olive street, Thursday night at 11:30 to
extinguish a blaze in a stack of alfalfa,
which had caught on fire in some un
known manner, it is thought on account
of the alfalfa being green that in the
process of fermentation it set a fire frosa
its own heat. The firemen experienced
little diMcalty in protecting Mr. Marth
is' resideaoe and other buildings from
the flames. Damage to the amount of
tea or twelve dollars was done. This
was the third ire last week the other
two ware aisntioaed in last week's is-
Dr. Neumann. Dentist IS 8c
G. B. Prieb, painting aad paper
People who get results advertise in the
For the fall bride, diamonds at Nie
wobner's. Dr. C. A Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Carsteason & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum
bus State Bank building.
Balance of our wall paper goes at 30
per cent discount. Leavy.
Miss Katharine Rueche is suffering
from a severe attack of appendicitis.
Miss Mamie Weber of Humphrey, was
the guests of Columbus friends Sunday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haney, of
East Columbus, Tuesday Sept. 8th, a
baby boy.
Mrs. J. L. Stovieck, who has been seri
ously ill for the past few days is improv
ing BIOWlV.
Oscar Hagel came down from Grand
Island 8unday to spend the day with
home folks.
For Sale Four room house with two
ots, bargin. Inquire at the Nebraska
Biene office.
Miss Lulu Luke went to Platte Cen
ter Saturday evening for a short visit
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. King entertained
Willis Summer and George Moore of
Omaha, several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poesoh are the
proud parents of a baby girl, that arrived
at their home last Wednesday.
Dr. O. A. Allenberger returned Friday
from a two weeks' trip ia Canada and
other places of interest. Be reports a
very pleasant trip.
Miss Mazie Magill returned Monday
evening from Creston, where she has
been tbe guest of relatives and friends
for the past week.
Miss Bernice E. Breecroft. who has
been visiting friends in the oity for tbe
past few days returned to her home in
Omaha Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ohss. Segelke, ar., return
ed Friday evening from Fairbary,
where they have been visiting at the
borne of Dr. and Mrs. Leach.
M. H. Barber, formerly editor of tbe
old Nance County Journal, and well
known in this oity, died at his home in
Boise, Idaho, on September 4.
Louis Meier and family are this week
moving into their new residence on east
12th street, wbioh had recently been
completed for their occupancy.
The North Nebraska annual conferen
ce of the Methodist church will convene
at Stanton, next Wednesday with Bis
hop Robert Molntyre presiding.
Mrs. Katheriae Hayes departed Thurs
day evening for Cheyenne, Wyoming,
where she will visit for one month with
her daughter, Mrs. Joe Ryan and family.
Mrs. William Kaufman went to Oma
ha Saturday for a short visit with her
mother, Mrs. Sturgeon, and other re
latives. She will be absent several days.
Mrs. A C. Mahaffey, accompanied by
Mrs. Samuel Heaton and eon Wilber of
Waco, Nebr., we're guests at tbe home of
G. M. Douglas and family several days
last week.
Cigar salesman wanted in your local
ity to represent us; experience un
necessary; $110 per month and expenses.
Write for particulars. Monroe Cigar
Co., Toledo, O.
Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Adams and son
Bradford of Denver, Colorado, are the
guests of Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. G. Becher. Mrs. Adams will
remain in the city indefinitely.
Dr. A. Heintz and Fred Fluokiger re
turned Sunday evening from Europe,
where they have been on a pleasure trip
during tbe summer and early fall. They
visited at the home of their boyhood
and also many points of interests.
Herman Lueeohen, who resided on a
farm ten miles north of Columbus was
calling on old friends Saturday. It has
been some time since Mr. Lueeohen was
in the city and his many friends were
pleased to renew hie1 acquaintance.
J. M Kaafman has returned from
Grand Island, where be went a week
ago, and while there submitted to an op
eration upon his throat. He is improv
ing rapidly and his many friends will be
pleased to learn of his return home.
Geo. A. Scott, jr., left Tuesday morn
ing for Kansas City, Mo., where he is
taking a course in pharmacy. He was
accompanied by his annt, Mrs. J. H.
Dawson, who has beea a gaast of Co
lumbus relatives for the last two weeks.
Mrs. Julia Raeauiaaen was called to
Omaha Saturday by a message announc
ing the serious illness of her daughter,
MissNRose, who is suffering frosa an
acute attack of appendicitis. Miss
Rasmassen'a friends will be pleased to
learn that she is slowly improving.
The fire department was called to the
home of F. D. Naylor on West Fifteenth
street, Monday, a blaze having bean
started by soma oily rags thrown on a
lumbar pile near tbe alley. Mr. Naylor's
auto was stored in a building near the
ire aad it took some hard work to pro
tect the buildiBg aatil the
arrived. The damage
North Theatre
High-class mov
ing pictures and
illustrated songs
Change of pro
gram every Mon
day, Wedndsday
and Friday
First show be
gins at 7:45 p.m.
Plenty of room and good
seats. Prices 10c
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Ireland.
Dr. D.T. Martm residence phone. Bell 42, Ind.
42. Or. C. D. Evans residence phone. Bell, black
62, Iud. 258, Dr. G. A. Ireland residence phone
Bell, red 22, Ind. H. Office phone. Bell 19, Ind.
H. Office west side of city park.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Lueeohen Occulist and aurist.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
Miss Katie Sohaok was quite ill several
daya last week.
Daisy worm powder (for hogs.) Does
the work. Leavy,
For storage room, enquire of the
Columbus Hide Co.
You'll get fountain pen satisfaction if
you go to Niewobner's.
Attorney Wm. Cornelius went to
Monroe Tuesday, where he was called
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. . H. Chambers, and
Mr. and Mrs. G. 6. Becher visited in
Humphrey Sunday.
Mrs. Herman Schuster went to Silver
Creek Saturday for aahort sojourn.
She will "be absent for ten days.
Mrs. O. Simmons of Chicago, arrived
in this oity Sunday, and while here will
be tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mrs. Carl Rhode left Tuesday evening
for Denver and other western points,
where she will visit relatives for about
two months.
Mrs. Ross Westcott and two children,
who have been visiting relatives at Crea
ton for tbe past few dayB, returned home
Monday evening.
Smoke Victoria, five cent cigar, and
White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Colum
bus made goods. They are the beet
brands offered in this city.
Miss Grace Lewis, who is teaching
school near Bellwood, spent Sunday in
tbe city visiting at tbe home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis.
Miss Louise Gass, who has been visit
ing relatives in Egg Harbor, N. J., for
the past two months, returned to her
home in Columbus Saturday afternoon.
Anyone desiring large pictures of Taft
and Sherman can secure them by calling
onR. 8. Dickinson; office in the base
ment of the Commercial National bank.
R. 8. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes
and repairs Ladies' and Gents' clothing.
Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Germania Dye
Works. Nebraska Phone.
Mrs. W. E. Weaver and children, who
have been tbe guests of tbe former's
mother, Mrs. J. P. Becker, for the past
three months, departed for their home
in Morrison, Illinois, last week.
A Taft and Sherman banner has been
put up at tbe corner of Thirteenth and
North streets, near the Taft club bead
quarters. It is a good sized banner and
shows the enterprise of tbe club.
Joseph 8us, aged 66 years, died at bis
home on West Fifth street last Saturday
morning. The funeral was held at the
Catholic church Monday morning and
burial was in the Catholic cemetery.
Charles Hirschbrunner went to Cen
tral City Sunday, where he will remain
for a few weeks. He is in the employ of
A Dussell & Son, the plumbers, who have
a contract for some work in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westbrook re
turned last Friday from their extended
trip in Ohio and report an enjoyable
vacation. Mr. Westbrook, who is
baggageman on tbe Spalding freight, re
turned to work Monday morning.
Last Thursday Judge Rnttcrman
issued a marriage license to Dave T.
Jones and Frances A. Sheridan, both of
Monroe. The groom is a son of I. N.
Jones of Joliet township and tbe bride
is a daughter of Mm. Sheridan of north
of Monroe.
Andrew Rdeewater of Omaha, who
has been employed by the city council
to make an estimate on the new pumps
needed by the oity when the electric
light eeapany begins pumping water,
was in the city last weak securing tbe
required data.
Olaf Hanson, aged 40, residing on a
farm north of Monroe, committed sui
cide last Friday afternoon bf shooting
himself. Shortly after eating his dinner,
Hanson took his shot gun and went to
tbe barn where he loaded the weapon.
About 4 o'clock he fastened the gun in
the bottom of his buggy with a piece of
wire attached to tbe trigger in suoh a
manner that by pulling it the gun could
be discharged. After all preparations
had been made, Hanson stepped to the
rear of the buggy, and placing his left
breast against tbe muzzel of the gun
and grasping the wire with bis hand,
called his wife to step to the door a mo
ment. Tbe supposition is that he de
sired his wife to witness bis rash act,
but when he called she was busy and
did not at once respond. Evidently
Hanson got tired of waiting for bis wife
to come and see him die, and pulled the
wire. The charge from the gun entered
his body near the heart and he died al
most instantly. An inquest was held and
a verdict returned in accordance with the
facts given above. Hanson had been
considerably depressed owing to busi
ness trouble and some of his friends bad
remarked that hu mental condition was
not exaotlv right. Funeral services were
held Sunday and tbe remains interred in
the Quaker cemetery west of Monroe.
Deceased leaves a wife and three child
ren. For a long time it was evident to tbe
casual observer that Dr. Edward John
son had a longing for the banking busi
ness. In tbe years that be had been in
business here he has stood at tbe very
top in point of business ability, clear in
sight into every detail of tbe successful
man of business. Always a money mak
er and a money saver, it will not be a
surprise to those who intimately know
him that he has decided on the course
above outlined. He will be missed from
tbe business life of this city with which
he bas been so closely identified lor a
quarter of a century. The good people
of Columbus have certainly gained two
men that Fullerton would rather not
have spared. The Fullerton National
was started by A. B Miller on June 1st,
1900 with a capital of 925,000, and in
eight years that he has been here he baa
seen it grow until today it reacnes a
business of a quarter of a million dollars.
Mr. Miller may well feel proud of the
record he leaves in Fullerton. Always
kind, courteous and obliging, be is an
ideal banker. Our people are loth to
lose such men from our business world
and regret that the wheel of time has
taken them from this place. News
Journal. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Holliday left Sat
urday morning for Nebraska City, where
Mrs. Holliday will visit her parents for
one month. From there Mr. Holliday
will go to Illinois for a few weeks' visit
with bis parents, whom be has not seen
for the past thirteen years. Mr. Holliday
has been manager of tbe Nebraska Tele
phone exchange in this city for the past
four or five years and has never enjoyed
a vacation of any length. In the absen
ce of Mr. and Mrs. Holliday several tem
porary changes have been made in the
office force. Ray Donelly of Lincoln will
serve as manager. Miss Anna Rossi ter
is taking the place of Mrs. Holliday,
Miss Mary McCabe as collector, and
Miss Matilda Schneider is filling tbe
office of assistant chief operator.
There will be thousands of ladies and
gentlemen who will take in tbe Frontier
Days at Grand Island and see the sights
horseback. In this manner they are en
abled to be on tbe race track while the
contests are going on in tbe mammoth
arena and when tbe wild horseraces and
other event b take place on tbe track,
they can remain in tbe arena. Many of
tbe ladies of Grand Island and surround
ing country are preparing to take part in
the Cow Girls' race. These races and
wild horse races and others are open to
the world and anyone can take part.
Mr. and Mr?. Otto Kumph have re
turned from Omaha, where tbey went
several days ago on a short wedding trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sbaw also return
ed from the Metropolis, where they
went last Tuesday on a like misson. Mr.
and Mrs Kumph have gone to house
keeping at the home of tbe groom's moth
er on East 8th street. Mr. and Mrs.
Shaw are as yet undecided just where
tbey will locate but will., continue to
make Columbus their borne.
Frontier Days are going to be tbe
biggest days Columbus bas ever seen.
Special trains will be run and tbe at
tractions will be tbe best money can
procure. Those in charge are giving the
event all the publicity possible and tbe
little yellow battons are quite a feature.
In addition to the Frontier Days tbe
Parker amusement company will be here
during that time so that all who come
to Columbus will be sure of plenty of
D. Burr Jones, tbe general secretary
for the Columbus Young Men's Chris
tian association, arrived Monday evening
and took charge ofv the local work here.
For the present Mr. Jones will assist the
building committee in tbe work of com
pleting tbe building, and also superin
tend tbe other work of tbe association.
Tbe new building will be completed in
from four to six weeks, and in the mean
time the secretary will have a temporary
office there.
M. F. Bittner, tbe Twelfth street
cigar maker, returned Wednesday from
Toledo, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Seefleld, on
rural route No. 3, have issued invitations
for the marriage of their daughter,
Martha Sarah, to Orry B. Preetoa of
Monroe, on Thursday, October 1.
Tbe speakers' committee of democratic
national committee has assigned Edgar
Howard of tbe Telegram to a one week
speaking tour in Indiana. This is quite
an honor for Mr. Howard, as Indiana is
one of the states where only the best
speakers are sent.
In honor of Miss Ruby Ott of Louis
ville, Kentucky, who bas been a gueet at
tbe home of Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Evans
for the past week. Miss Nell Evans,
assisted by her brother, North, gsve a
dancing party at tbe Orpheus ball Tuer
day evening. About one hundred guests
responded to the invitations, and all
present enjoyed a delightful evening.
The season for tbe Firemen's league
olosed Sunday with one of the best
games of tbe season;-' and there was
muoh interest taken because whichever
one was victorious, meant the winner of
tbe obampionship. Hose Companies
No. 1 and 2 were tied for tbe first place
before the game, and No. 2's won by a
score of 7 to 6, placing them in the lead.
Mrs. Agnes Bozoo, wife of Mike Bozoc,
died at tbe family home, Seventh and
Speioe streets, Sunday night, aged 74
years. Her ailment was tumor of the
stomach and she has been a sufferer for
sometime. Beside her husband she
leaves a daughter, Mrs. Geo. Mostek.
Funeral services were held at St. Bona
venture's church Tuesday morning
and burial was in tbe Catholic cemetery.
The tearing down of the Farrell build
ing on West Eleventh street removes the
remaining land mark in that portion of
tbe city. This building was built by
Mr. Farrell a good many years ago and
used for a saloon when tbe Union Paci
fic passenger depot was located north
west of it. Of late it has been gradual
ly good to rack and was torn down to ob
tain the material for use in another
Edgar Howard will assist in framing
tbe democratic state platform this year
and J. O. Brynea will be chairman,
Jerry Carrig, secretary and G. W. Phil
lips, treasurer of the democratic county
committee. Besides selecting these
officers, the county committee, which
met at the court house last Saturday-afternoon;
passed strong resolutions endor
sing C. M. Grnenther for chairman of
tbe democratic state central committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Terrell returned
Tuesday evening from tbeir visit with
relatives in Philadelphia. Tbey very
much enjoyed their outing, more eepe
pecially at Atlantic Oity, where crab
fishing and sailing occupied considerable
of their time. Mr. Terrell had quite a
visit with Fred Zoll, an old time Colum
bus and Platte county citizen, who is
proprietor of a meat market in Phila
delphia, and who wished to be remem
bered to all his old friends in Nebrasks.
The ladies of the Congregational
church tendered Mrs. S. E. Brindley a
farwell reception at the home of Mrs. C
H.Sheldon Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
Brindley departed the following after
noon for Kearney, where she has accept
ed a position as dean of women at tbe
State Normal. For a number of years
Mrs. Brindley has been a teacher in tbe
city schools and by her kind and gentle
manner she has won many friends, who
will wish her success in her new field of
Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Evans returned to
tbe city Saturday evening after a short
sojourn in Los Angeles, California, and
other western points. On September
third the Doctor and Miss Florence
Wbitmoyer wehe married at the home of
tbe letter's sister, Mrs. Howard Geer in
Los Angeles. Both Mr. and Mrs. Evans
are well and favorably known and have
many friends, who will welcome them
home. Dr. and Mrs. Evans are now at
borne to tbeir many friends at the
groom's residence at 1421 North street
L. H. North returned from tbe east
Sunday morning, where he has been
attending tbe race meets with Black
Douglas, and considering the fact that
he was compelled to race on half mile
tracks, tbe horse made a creditable
showing. Last week he disposed of
Black Douglas to Al. Russell, who takes
him to Wisconsin to finish the season.
In speaking of the horse Mr. North said
that he was confident he would easily
make a record of 2.-05 in 1909. Mr. North
brought borne with him King Lorin, the
horse he took in exchange for Black
Douglas, and will probably campaign
bim next year.
Ten carloads of men, horses and steers,
the whole crew from Cheyenne Hugh
Clark, world's champion roper, Dick
Stanley, world's champion rider, Steam
boat, the outlaw horse, broncho busting,
steer roping, real life and sport of the
plains these are just a few of the attrac
tions that will be in Columbus on Fron
tier Days, October 1 and 2. Besides this
.. ... . ... mn - - ,.-'
mere win oe ei,ouuin prizes, rronuer
life in all its realism will be in Columbus
these two days. Special trains will be
run, one from Albion and Spalding
branches leaving Columbus at 9 p. m. on
October 2. The management are spar
ing no expense or effort to make the
Columbus Frontier Days the best ever
held. Make up your mind to be in Co
lumbus both of these days, aa it will be
tbe biggest attraction of the year.
One Gallon Makes 72
Gallons of U. S.
Base DtamrGtaftt far fttakJa Um
PRICE, $1.25 PER 6AL
The Druggist on the Comer
Columbus, Nebraska
Mrs. W. S. Lioiger is suffering from a
severe attack of rheumatism.
Miss Georgie Post of Cbioago, III., is
visiting with home folks this week.
Miss Gertrude Herrod is this week en
tertaining Miss Agnee Eyth of Milwau
kee, Wisconsin.
Free personal examination of the eyes
and sight is one of tbe ways of convincing
the public that we are opticians. Nie
wohner. Word bas been received from L. F.
Gottsohalk, who has been touring
Europe for tbepaat two or three months,
that he has started on bis homeward
journey and will land in New York Sun
day. Wm. Kauffman. George Bloedoro, aad
J. R. Fox left Tuesday moraine for a
two week's hunting trip. Their camp
will be located near Ord, Nebr., and at
that place they will be joined by a few
friends, who will also enjoy a few daya
of out door life.
Mrs. John Rickerts and daughter re
turned Friday evening from Hot Springs,
South Dakota, where the former went
several weeks ago on account of poor
health. She is much improved aid' re
turns to the city feeling better than i
has for many months.
Columbus will have the first Frontier
lsays ceieorauon in .NeDrasaa tnu year
and it will be tbe biggest and best of
the season. It will be fully up to tbe
Cheyenne show, and better if .anything.
Remember the dates. October 1 and 2,
and make arrangements to be in Colum
bus at that time.
Columbus will at least bear one presi
dential candidate this year. Eusane W.
Cbafin, tbe prohibition candidate this
year, tbe prohibition nomiaee being
scheduled to speak in this city on Thurs
day, September 22. The meeting will
be held in the park if the weather is
favorable, otherwise the Methodist
church will be used.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rollin, formerly of
this city, but who now are located in
Manila, are expected to arrive in the
city some time next month. Mr. Rollin
is now in tbe employ of tbe postal ser
vice on tbe island and has a five months'
leave of absence' much of which time
will be spent in this city visiting at the
Rollin and Early homes.
Gertrude Lorkowbki, a thirteen year
old girl whose home waa in Farwell, died
at the hospital last Saturday morning of
Bright'e disease. She was brought to
that institution for treatment about nine
weeks ago and the prospe cts for her re
covery were good until a few days be
fore her death. The remain were Bhin-
ped to Farwell Saturday and tbe funeral
held there Monday.
The county commissioners have let
the contract for plumbing aud heating
the bouse on tbe poor farm to B. Com
ptonof Columbus, Neb., for $100886.
This is to be -a new and fine improve
ment at the farm as there bas been
nothing of this sort before. Tbe bouse
is to be fitted with water works from a
tank and tbe beating plant will be of
the hot water style. Schuyler Sun.
We have tbe agency for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Saits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 76c, $1 and $1.25.
In two piece garments we have
a splenaid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in prion
from 60c to $2 50 a garment. Bay
early while the sizes are complete.