The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 22, 1908, Image 7

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Giles Dmllev arrived In San Francisco
to Join his friend and distant relative
Henry Wilton, whom he was to assist
in an important and mysterious task,
and who accompanied Dudley on the
ferry boat trip into the city. The re
markable resemblance of the two men
is noted and commented on by passen
cers mi the ferry. They see a man with
snake eyes, which sends a thrill through
Dudley. Wilton postpones an explanation
of the Strang.- errand Dudley is to per
form, but occurrences cause him to
know it is one of no ordinary meaning.
Wilton leaves Giles in their room, with
instruction to await his return and snoot
any on.- who tries to enter. Outside there
is heard shouts ami curses and the noise
of a quarrel. Henry rushes In and at
his request the roommates quickly ex
change clothes, and he hurries out again.
Hardlv has he cone than Giles is
startled bv a cry of "Help." and he runs
out to find some one being assaulted oy
a half dozen men. He summons a police
man but they are unable to find any
trace or a crime. Giles returns to is
room and hunts for some evidence in-n
might explain his strange mission. Jic
finds a map which he endeavors to K
cipher. Dudley is summon-! to tm
morgue and there finds the dead bod . m
his fri-nd. Henry Wilton And thus Hilt
on dies without ever explaining to l urn
ley the puzzling work he was to nerrorm
in San Francisco In ord. r l d.scn er
the secret mission his friend had entrust
ed to him. Dudley continues his dlsuiM
and permits himself to be known .is.
Ilenrv Wilton. Dudley, mistaken for
Wilton, is employed by Knapp to "?
il a stock brokerage deal. "Dl"Uy takes
lb- -t-ipposed Wilton to Mother Uorton s.
M..t; ISortnn discovers that he is not
Wilton. The lights are turned out and a
Trc for all light follows. Giles Dudle
tinds himself closeted in a room with
Motrier Uorton who makes a confidant
r him. He can leain nothing alout the
tnxsterious bov fin titer than that it is
fini Terr.ll and Darby M.ek.-r who are
ift.-r him. Ho is told that "Dicky Nani
-Is a traitor, plaving both hands in the
smiik. Giles tinds himself locked in a
-ooiii. He es.ap.-s through a window.
The siitipose.! Wilton carries out his dead
riend's work with Doddridge Knapp. He
las Lis experience as a capitalist m
he Hoaid Itooin of the Stock Kxcliallge.
Duilley receives a fictitious note purport-
ng to be lrom Knapp. the forgery of
.vhich he reaihlv detects. Dudley gets his
irst knowledge of D.vker. who is
Knapp's enemy on the Hoard. The forg
d note mystifies Knapp. Dudley visus
he home of Knapp and is stricken by
he beautv of l.uclla. bis daughter. Moie
nysterv about "the boy." I.uella
informs Dudley that she has dis
overed his deception and knows he ss
lot Wilton.
CHAPTER XIII. Continued.
The sight that met my eyes was as
tonishing. Clothes, books, papers,
were scattered over the floor and bed
and chairs. The carpet had been
partly ripped up, the mattress torn
h part, the closet cleared out, and
every corner of the room had been
It was clear to my eye that this
was no ordinary case of robbery. The
search, it was evident, was not for
money and jewelry alone, and bulkier
property had been despised. The men
who had torn the place to pieces must,
I surmised, have been after papers of
some kind.
I came at once to the conclusion
lliat 1 had been favored by a visit
from my friends, the enemy. As they
nad failed to find me in, they had
looked for some written memoranda
A the object of their search.
I knew well that they had found
nothing among the clothing or papers
that Henry had left behind. I had
searched through these myself, and
Ihe sole document that could bear on
the mystery was at that moment fast
:n my inside pocket. 1 was inclined to
scout the idea that Henry Wilton had
hidden anything under the carpet or
in the mattress, or in any secret place
The threads of the mystery were car
ried in his head, and the correspond
ence, if there had been any, was de
As 1 was engaged in putting the
room to rights the door swung back,
and ! jumped to my feet to face a
man who stood on the threshold.
"Hello!" he cried. "House-cleaning
i ainV"
It was Dicky Xahl. and he paused
with a smile on his face.
"Ah. Dicky!" 1 said with an effort
to keep out of my face and voice the
suspicions I had gained from the in
cidents of the visit to the Borton
place. "Entirely unpremeditated, 1 as
sure you."
"Well, you're making a thorough
job of it." he said with a laugh.
"Fact is," said I ruefully, "I've been
entertaining angels of the black kind
unawxires. 1 was from home last
night, and I find that somebody has
made himself free with my property
while I was away."
"Whew!" whistied Dicky. "Guess
they were after you."
1 gave Dicky a sidelong glance in a
vain effort to catch more of his mean
ing than was convened by his words.
"Shouldn't be surprised." I replied
dryly, picking up an armful of books.
"I'd expect them to be looking for me
in the book-shelf or inside tiie mattress-cover,
or under the carpet."
Dickly laughed joyously.
"Well, they did rather turn tilings
upside down." he chuckled. "Did they
get anything?" And he fell to helping
me zealously.
"Not that I can find out," I replied.
"Nothing of value, anyhow."
"Not any paper, or anything of that
sort?" asked Dicky anxiously.
"Dicky, my boy." said I; "there are
two kinds of fools. The other is the
man who writes his business on a
sheet of paper and forgets to burn it."
Dicky grinned merrily.
"Gad, jou're getting a turn for epi
gram! You'll be writing for the Argo
naut first we know."
"Well, you'll allow me a shade of
common sense, won't you?"
"I don't know." said Dicky, consid
ering the proposition doubtfully. "It
might have been awkward if you had
left anything lying about. But if you
had real good sense you'd have had
the guards here. What are you pay
ing them for, anyhow?"
I saw difficulties in the way of ex
plaining to Dicky why I had not or
dered the guards on duty.
"Oh, by the way," said Dicky sud
denly, before a suitable reply had
come to me; "how about the scads
spondulicks you know? Yesterday
was pay-day, but you didn't show up."
I don't know whether my jaw
dropped or not My spirits certainly
"Ry Jove, Dicky!" I exclaimed,
catching my breath. "It slipped my
mind, clear. I haven't got at our
ahem banker, either."
I saw now what that mysterious
money was for or a part of it, at all
events. What I did not see was how
I was to get it, and how to pay it to
my men.
"That's rough," said Dicky sympa
thetically. "I'm dead broke."
It would appear then that Dicky
looked to me for pay, whether or not
he felt bound to me in service.
"There's one thing I'd like explained
before a settlement," said I grimly, as
I straightened out the carpet; "and
that is the little performance for my
benefit the other night."
Dicky cocked his head on one side,
and gave me an uneasy glance.
"Explanation?" he said in affected
"Yes," said I sternly. "It looked
like a plant. I was within one of get
ting a knife in me."
"What became of you?" inquired
Dicky. "We looked around for you for
THE" 5GffT 7724TT3FTI2y'72:S msASTQNTSffllfG
an hour, and were afraid you had been
carried off."
"That's all right, Dicky," I said. "I
know how I got out. What I want to
know is how I got in taken in."
"I don't know," said Dicky anxious
ly. "I was regularly fooled, myself. I
thought they were fishermen, all right
enough, and I never thought that Ter
rill had the nerve to come in there. 1
was fooled by his disguise, and he
gave the word, and I thought sure that
Richmond had sent him." Dicky had
dropped all banter and was speaking
with the tone of sincerity.
"Well, it's all right now, but I don't
want any more -slips of that sort.
Who was hurt?"
"Trent got a bad cut in the side.
One of the Terrill gang was shot. 1
heard it was only through the arm or
leg. 1 forgot which."
I was consumed with the desire to
ask what had become of Borton's, but
I suspected that I was supposed to
know, and prudently kept the question
to myself.
"Well, come along." said I. "The
room will do well enough now. Oh,
here's a ten. and I'll let you know as
soon as 1 get the rest. Where can I
find you?"
"At the old place," said Dicky;
"three twenty-six."
"Clay?" I asked in desperation.
Dicky gave me a wondering look as
though he suspected my mind was go
ing. "No Geary. What's the matter
with you?"
"Oh. to be sure. Geary street, of
course. Well, let me know if any
thing turns up. Keep a close watch
on things."
Dicky locked at me in some appar
ent perplexity as I walked up the stair
to my Clay street office, but gave only
some laughing answer as he turned
But I was in far from a laughing
humor myself. The problem of pay
ing the men raised fresh prospects of
trouble, and I reflected grimly that if
the money was not found I might be
in more danger from my unpaid mer
cenaries than from the enemy.
Ten o'clock passed, and eleven,
with no sign from Doddridge Knapp,
and I wondered if the news I had car
ried him cf the activities of Terrill
and of Decker had disarranged his
I tried the door into Room 16. It
was locked, and no sound came to
my cars from behind it.
"I should really like to know." I
thought to myself, "whether Mr. Dodd-
ridge Knapp has left any papers In his
desk that might bear on the Wilton
I tried my keys, but none of them
fitted the lock. I gave ur the attempt
indeed, my mind shrank from the
idea of going through my employer's
papers but the desire of getting a
key that would open the door was
planted' in my brain.
Twelve o'clock came. No Doddridge
Knapp had appeared, and I sauntered
down to the Exchange to pick up any
items of news. It behooved me to be
looking out for 'Doddridge Knapp's
movements. If he had got another
agent to carry out his schemes, I
should have to prepare my lines for
attack from another direction.
Wallbridge was just coming rapidly
out of the Exchapge.
"No," said the little man, mopping
the perspiration from his shining head,
"quiet as lambs to-day. Their own
mothers wouldn't have known the
Board from "a Sunday school."
I inquired about Omega.
"Flat as a pancake," said the little
man. "Nothing doing."
"What! Is it down?" I exclaimed
with some astonishment;
"Lord bless you, no!" said Wall
bridge, surprised in his turn. "Strong
and steady at eighty, but we didn't sell
a hundred shares to-day. Well, I'm
in a rush. Good-by, if you don't want
to buy or sell." And he hurried off
without waiting for a reply.
So I was now assured that Dodd
ridge Knapp had not displaced me in
the Omega deal. It was a recess to
prepare another surprise for the
Street, and I had time to attend to a
neglected duty.
The undertaker's shop that held the
morgue looked hardly less gloomy in
the afternoon sun than In the light of
breaking day in which I had left it
1 when I parted from Detective Coogan.
i n
The office was decorated mournfully
to accord with the grief of friends
who ordered the coffins, or the feelings
of the surviving relatives on settling
the bills.
"I am Henry Wilton." I explained to
the man in charge. "There was a body
left here by Detective Coogan to my
order, I believe."
"Oh, yes," he said. "What do you
want done with it?"
I explained that I wished to arrange
to have it deposited in a vault for a
time, as I might carry it east
"That's easy done," he said; and "he
explained the details. "Would you like
to see the body?" he concluded. "We
embalmed it on the strength of Coog
an's order."
I shrank from another look at -the
battered form. The awfulness of the
tragedy came upon me with hardly
less force than in the moment when
I had first faced the mangled and
bleeding body on the slab in the dead
room. The undertaker was talking, but I
knew not what he said, I was shaking
with the horror and grief of the situa
tion, and in that moment I renewed
my vow to have blood for blood and
life for life, if law and justice were to
be had.
f V V
!; -i X
Thinks That Bears Should Be Treated
Like Gentlemen. .
The Eskimo can say that he had a
friendly feeling toward all living
things, notwithstanding that he fed
on flesh and that wild beasts some
times fed on him. says the Contem
porary Review. Not that he ever
talked of wild beasts, for he had no
tame ones. He had not a vocabulary
of rude terms about animals. He was
inclined to credit every species with
many potential merits. The Eskimo
is afraid .very much afraid of bears.
Yet he is the first to admit that the
bear is capable of acting like the fin
est gentlemen. A woman was in a
fright at seeing a bear, and so gave
him a partridge; that bear never for
got the trifiing service, but brought
her newly killed seals ever after. An
"We'll take it out any time," said
the undertaker, with a decorous re
flection of my grief upon his face.
"Would you like to accompany the re
mains?" I decided that I would.
"Well, there's nothing doing now.
We can start as soon as we have
sealed the casket."
"As soon as yon can. There's noth
ing to wait for."
The ride to the cemetery took me
through a part of San Francisco -that
I had not yet seen. But I paid little
attention to the streets through which
we passed. My mind was on the friend
whose name I had taken, whose work
I was to do. I was back with him in
our boyhood days, and lived again for
the fleeting minutes the life we had i
lived in common; and the resolve
grew .stronger on me that his fate
should be avenged.
Arriving at the cemetery it was soon
over. The body of Henry Wilton was
committed to the vault with the single
mourner looking on, and we drove
rapidly back in the failing light.
I had given my address at the under
taker's shop, and the hack stopped in
front of my house of mystery before
I knew where we were. Darkness had
come upon the place, and the street
lamps were alight and the gas was
blazing in the store-windows along the
thoroughfares. As I stepped out of
the carriage and gazed about me, I
recognized the gloomy doorway and
its neighborhood that had greeted me
on my first night in San Francisco.
As I was paying the fare a stout
figure stepped up to me.
"Ah, Mr. Wilton, it's you again.
I turned in surprise. It was the
policeman I had met on my first night
in San Francisco.
"Oh, Corson, how are you?" I said
heartily, recognizing him at last. I
felt a sense of relief in the sight of
him. The place was not one to quiet
my nerves after the errand from
which I had just come.
"All's well, sor, but I've a bit of
paper for ye." And after some hunt
ing he brought it forth. "I was asked
to hand this to ye."
1 took it in wonder. Was there
something more from Detective Coog
an? I tore open the envelope and
read on its inclosure:
"Kum tonite to the house. Shure if
youre life is wurth savein.
"Muther Borton."
Mother Borton's Advice.
I studied the note carefully, and
then turned to Policeman Corson.
"When did she give you this and
"A lady?" said Corson with a grin.
"Ah, Mr. Wilton, it's too sly she is to
give it to me. 'Twas a boy askin' for
ye. 'Do you know him?' says he.
I do that," says I. 'Where is he? says
he. 'I don't know,' says I. 'Has 'e a
room?' says he. 'He has,' says I.
Where is it?' says he. 'What's that to
you?' says I "
"Yes, yes," I Interrupted. "But
where did he get the note?"
"I was just tellin ye, sor," said the
policeman amiably. "He shoves the
note at me ag'in, an' says he, 'It's im
portant,' says he. 'Go up there,' says
I. 'Last room, top floor, right-hand
side? Before I comes to the corner up
here, he's after me ag'in. 'He's gone,'
says he. 'Like enough,' says I.
'When'll he be back?' says he. 'When
the cows come home, sonny,' says I.
Then there'll be the divil to pay,'
says he. I pricks up my ears at this.
'Why?' says I. 'Oh, he'll be killed,'
says he, 'and I'll git the derndest
lickin',' says he. 'What's up?' says I,
makin' a grab for him. But he ducks
an' blubbers. 'Gimme that letter,'
says I, "and you just kite back to the
folks that sent you, and tell them
what's the matter. I'll give your note
to your man if he comes while I'm on
the beat," says I. I knows too much
to try to git anything more out of him.
I says to meself that Mr. Wilton ain't
in the safest place in the world, and
this kid's folks maybe means him
well, and might know some other
place to look for him. The kid jaws a
bit. an' then does as I tells him, an'
cuts away. That's half an hour ago.
an' here you are, an here's your let
tei." I hesitated for a little before saying
anything. It was with quick suspicion
that I wondered why Mother Borton
had secured again that gloomy and de
serted house for the interview she
was planning.
"That was very kind of you. You
didn't know what was in the letter
"No, sor," replied Corson with a
touch of wounded pride. "It's not me
as would open another man's letter
unless in the way of me duty."
"Do you know Mother Borton?" I
"Know her? know her?" returned
Corson in a tone scornful of doubt on
such a point. "Do I know the slickest
crook in San Francisco? Ah, it's
many a story I could tell you, Mr. Wil
ton, of the way that ould she-divil has
slipped through our fingers when we
thought our hands were on her throat.
An.l it's many of her brood we have
put safe in San Quentin."
other bear saved the lif of three men
who wished to reward him. He polite
ly declined their offer, but if in winte:
time they should see a baldheaded
bear will they induce their compan
ions to spare him? After so saying
he plunged into the sea. Next winte.1
a bear was sighted and they were go
ing to hunt him, when these men, re
membering what had . happened,
begged the hunters to wait till they
had a Icok at him. Sure enough it
was "their own bear!" They told the.
others to prepare a feast for him, and
when he had refreshed himself he lay
down to sleep and the children played
around him. Presently he awoke and
ate a little more, after which he went
down to the sea, leaped in, and was
never seen again.
It is estimated that there are 2,- !
500,000 dogs in Great Britain. '
Patrick H. Houlahan Promoted to
General Manager of Alton.
Chicago. Patrick Henry Houlahau.
general superintendent of the Chicago
& Alton and the Toledo, St. Louis &
Western railroads since January 1,
1908 has assumed the duties of his re
cent promotion general manager of
two great combined railway systems,
with headquarters in this city.
From a water boy and track hand in
1S70, to one of the country's most
prominent railroad men in 190S, has
been the experience of Mr. Houlahan,
and each step he has taken in his up
ward climb has shown him to be the
possesor of those qualities of pluck
and energy which are the essentials
of really forceful men.
Mr. Houlahan was born March 13,
1855, at Ottawa, III., and at the age of
12 years entered the railway mail
service. In 1870 he was a water boy
and track hand on the Ottawa, Oswe
go & Fox River Valley road. Later he
was employed on the same road in
various positions from track hand up
to baggageman and station agent. In
1S75 to 1880 he was brakeman and
conductor on the Chicago & Alton,
and in 18S1 was promoted to assistant
trainmaster of the St. Louis division.
On July 1, 1884, he was appointed
trainmaster o'f the St. Louis division
of the Burlington system; May tc
November, 1886, master of transpor
tation, Missouri and Kansas division,
St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas railway.
From November, 1SS6, to April, 1890,
trainmaster, and April, 1890, to May,
1891, assistant superintendent; May,
1891, to June, 1892, superintendent
west division; June, 1S92, to Decem
ber, 1904, superintendent, Hannibal &
St. Joseph railroad.
From December, 1904, to date, Mr.
Houlahan has been general superin
tendent of the Toledo, St. Louis &
Western, and from January 1, 1890, i
also general superintendent of the
Chicago & Alton Railroad Company.
Murry Sandusky Hopes to Win by
Means of His Wife and Voice.
Macon, Mo. A man totally blind Is
making the race for the Democratic
nomination for treasurer of Macon
county, an office which pays about
$1,200 a year. He Is Murry Sandsky,
and he frankly admits that personally
he will not be able to perform the cler
ical duties of the office, but his wife
is bright and familiar with figures, and
she is ready to attend to the real
work of the office.
Mr. Sandusky is a barytone singer,
and when attending political meetings
or rallies he sings instead of making
speeches. He has become popular be
cause of his strangely sweet voice.
At one night meeting the lights went
out, but he did not know it, and kept
on with his song.
Mrs. Sandusky accompanies her hus
band on his campaigning tour and
guides him about from place to place.
They make no secret of the manner in
which the office is to be run. but
pledge themselves that the duties will
be faithfully performed.
Mr. Sandusky was born in Sullivan,
Ind., 39 years ago. The greater part
of his life has been passed in Mis
souri. For some time he tilled a
large farm northwest of Macon. One
day he suffered a sunstroke. He re
covered the use of his body, but he
has not been able to see since.
Small Per Cent, of Exports.
Of an annual output of manufac
tures valued at $15,000,000,000, we ex
port only about five per cent., and if
from this amount we deduct such near
ly crude manufactures as copper, pe
troleum and its products, iron and
steel in bars, pigs and rails, we have
an export of the more highly finished
products of only about three per cent,
of our total manufactures.
Oldest Park in America.
Xew York city has one public park
that is 250 years old, and that is Bowl
ing. Green, which was the playground
of the first Dutch settlers.
Publisher The third chapter la this
manuscript la ao Blurred I caa't make
It out
Author Tea; that la where I uaad
London atmosphere. That la the log.
you kaow.
A Woman's Duty.
The woman of taste keeps abreast
of the fashions In a way that la, sha
drops wornout styles and adopta what
ever new ones she can adapt to her
use. If she can afford it she patroa
lzes first-class dressmakers and gets
her money's worth by wearing her
clothes two or three seasons without
losing her prestige aa a well-dressed
woman. There la aa advantage la
this method, aa yoa can see, and I
have been told by women who use
It that there la economy aa welL
It is no economy to save at the ex
pense of good looks. It Is a woman's
duty to look her best, a duty she owes
to her family. If she can secure It
by a small expenditure, so much the
better, but to save by accepting shab
biness is not creditable save in dire
stress of circumstances. Poverty la
an excuse for shabbiness and nothing
else is accepted by the world, save la
the rare cases of shabby millionaires.
Chicago Journal.
Sheer white goods. In fact, any flu
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done In a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory If proper attention waa
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be. pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
Things That Trip.
"It's a fact," said the man who was
given to moralizing, "that oae cannot
be too careful about trifles. Some
times when a man'a going along plan
ning some big things some little thing
that he's overlooked trips him up."
"Yes." the plain man agreed, "and
there should be a law against throw
ing banana skins oa the pavement"
With a smootk Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just aa well at home aa the
steam laundry can; It will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and It will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that doea not atlck to the
An Effective Hint.
"She won't ask directly for wlae.
but when she Is where It Is, she al
ways pretends to be takea with great
"I see; aa all around case ef aaaai
Yoa always get fall value ia Lewis'
Single Binder straight 5c cigar. Your
dealer er Lewis' Factory, Peoria, UL
Don't forget that a thing Isa't doae
because you Intend to do it
Ommm aS botHWa a
FtaeiolM a luiuiftaft Krovaw
Intr Valla to Xastor Otar
oair w its lonaiBi voter.
no oumi m nur
.wrjhtMfA's Eyt Water
Lot He Send Yon a Package off
Defiance Starch
irhk your next order of tjrroceriea and I will gnaraataa
0 ft
I .''X. V w' M
I IbbtO V'Y'F I V aWV yaV
area hA. .k" Tef r ?BBMaTaTaTaW
BaaV m. d Vaaf ata!sBB
I aaaaV " l-"- Ke cheep preaiumaaragiTea
I H yiy -( 111 tat tou ear oxa-maa noma
I aTaTaTal JZ Y I li on Toca aoaar thaa of aay
BBBaTaa VS' IP ether brand.
I aLJaaa V T lOo for a li-os. package, aa I
I V HI - w11 refund tout taooaj If M
JVi AmX sticks te the lroa.
I "' af aw JWM I Truly yours
I aUl Cr J Hovasr Jons; I
I I'fwaf a-afcafeC I
I u! Hi (igfiflnce 2 1
I iaytopeTBiwiworcrtemevy
tine aaw I gpoJuo)) tspensrwA
token o ledger ncecjed astKe bestef
WmwlicwKcaYeered, arcto assist
nature ana1 net te aueplant the netisa
) faction, h(cn must depend ulti
tiQtcfrt upon propCT noutishment,
KWfaseeU ljvmrli
Taget its benejtciai effects,
buy tn genuine
Fig Syrup Co. oniy
enesoeeWy, r.fcoar 50 Hr Bottle
Vienna Sausage
You've never tasted
trie beat sausage until
you've eaten Libby's
Yieoa Siisage.
It's a sausage product
of high food value!
Made different! Cook
ed different! Tastes
different and is different
than other sausage!
Libby's Vieiu
SMSife, like all of the
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It can be quickly
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ing; not over-flavored
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Ubby. McNeffl ft Ubby,
Lire Slock aad MisceBanetna
la great Tarlety for sale
at the lowest prices by
11 W. A4aa at, CHICAGO
- m rial law i
PENSIONS) VaafelssMei & & .
Nebraska Military Academy
Llacola, Nbrmak
aid ballOln aad cmnnda. Fmiru n? ,-MTiXV3
m1bm. HpelaIipanaBtforTcaDaboTDDder!al
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 30, IMS.
that jou will ba better satisfied
with it than with any tf tarch ya
nave erer uaad.
I claim that it has no superior
lor hot or cold starching;, and
It Will
to the
-personal ejteus limine erasuMv
of tfceoitt Troty WJiftl &.
remedy Oyrun ojfifc end JUutr ajdmej
jwKicK enable onetejform retder
RaMa daitv s tkaf aatittanoe to rate