ummmigvifn'mjm VSWSW!fJsa SAVED FROM MATERNAL WRATH. BED-BOUND FOR MONTHS. 1 i TBKSemimm Hopa Abandoned After Physician Consultation. Mrs. Enos Shearer. Tew and Wasav ington Sts., Centralis, Wash., says: 1 111 m 8 m a, m ! If M S?l 1 1 t; lip m i , l w "! Boys' Fervent Prayer Wat Answered in the Nick ef Time. A suburbanite is fond of telling thli story of his flve-year-old son Bobby. Being of an inquiring turn of mind the youngster one day managed to turn on both faucets in the bathtub to see what would happen. It chanced that the stopper was in place, and the tub rapidly filled up, to the great de light of Eobby. Finally, however, the tub became so full that It threatened to overflow on to the floor, and Bobby, having a proper respect for the mater nal slipper, became frightened and tried vainly to turn off the water. Be ing unable to, for some reason, he gazed tearfully at the ever-rising flood, and then, mindful both of his religious training a'nd the occasional visits of the plumber, he plunged down on his knees, and his elder sister, who hap pened to be passing at the moment, heard him exclaim, fervently: "O, Lord, please stop this water running! And, O, Lord, If you can't do it, please send somebody that can!" His prayer wa3 answered, for hit alster rose to the occasion and turned oft the water and temporarily saved Bobby from the much-feared slipper. ITCHING HUMOR ON BOY His Hands Were a Solid Mass, and Disease Spread All Over Body Cured in 4 Days By Cuticura. "One day we noticed that our little boy was all broken out with itching sores. We first noticed it on his little hands. His hands were not as bad then, and we didn't think anything serious would result. But the next day we heard of the Cuticura Remedies being so good for itching sores. By this time the disease had spreaj all over his body, and his hands were nothing but a solid mass of this itch ing disease. I purchased a box of Cuti cura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment, and that night I took the Cuticura Soap and lukewarm water and washed him well. Then I dried him and took the Cuticura Ointment and anointed him with It I did this every evening and in four nights he was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Don ahue. 20S Fremont St, Kokomo, fcL, Sept 1C, 1907." SWEET THINGS. Maude How do I look in the water, .dear? Mabelle Best ever when your fig ure is totally immersed. The extraordinary popularity of fins white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Perhaps you have noticed that when a woman says: "There's no use talk ing," she keeps right on talking, just the same. Lewis' Single Binder costs more than other 5c cigars. Smokers know why. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 11L Sufficient unto the day are the 24 hours thereof. Mm. HVInsIow'a Soottatnp Syrup. For children teething, soften the pjrai, reduces B fiaomatlon. alU j ptn, cant triad colic 25c a bout The place should not honor the man, but the man the place. Agesilaus. Feet Arhe Use Allen's Font-Kane OverSO.WOtostinionlals. Heftise imitations. Send tot tree trial package. A. S. Olmsted, Lo ltoy, N. T. Blunt language is often used in mak ing sharp retorts. FOUR GIRLS Restored to Health by tydia E. Pinknani'sVegetableCompound. ' Mad What They Say. MIssLtllianEcsnaC East 84th Street. Xnv York, writes: "Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegeta. ble Compound over. came irregularities, pe riodic suffering, aud nervous headaches. after everything else had failed to help me, and I feel it a duty to JeJ others know of it." KatbarincCrai$:,2355 Lafayette St., Denver, (joi., writes: "jnanks to Lydia . Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound I am well, after suffering for months from ner vous prostration." Miss Marie Stoltz man, of Laurel, la., writes : "I was ina run- downconditionandsuf- fered f romsuppression, indigestion, and poor circulation. Lydia . Finkham's Vegetable Compound made me well and strong." Miss Ellen M.Ulson, of 417 2. East St., Ke- waneo. III., says: " Ly-diaE.Pinkham'sYego- tablo Compound cured mo of backache, side ache, and established my periods, after the best local doctors had failed to help me." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia & Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been "the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively curedthousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to bealth. Address, Lynn Mass T vF 1 bjFfcvBKJmftfc " Sgsssy i" OP9sjMb2m sbbw lflr bs .""BBnB iVs-B 0 f:tj- "sH iaBW-A a - --. gasH t-j3v &r-m ar hbb bbb SS fe-:;! BBBMBBBft "': - A V 'svsbI kStharimrjwF mWL ySaal M& mtm BBV .kgSBBgSBW MA8lt STcSlMAHy f"gsSw"i ?"- BBS?'-::?! i"-SBl tutw m otsoNy O you intend to become an essay ist, gentle writer? Then learn the art of apt and appo- i I s I site quotation. Vial Quotatons are I J no more esir- J rj J able to a stock- IT Vf broker than they should be to you. Cultivate Bartlett. To plant in the bare sands of an arid imagination the borrowed flowers of the successful garden ers of literature" is to prepare a parterre that shall please even the critical. For when a man not variously learned comes on a passage that he has him self read in the original setting, his vanity is tickled. Tickle your reader's vanity often enough, and he is yours and will sound your praises. "A nightingale dies for shame .if another bird sings better," but you who are not a nightin gale might die for shame if it were not for the singing of that large cho rus of English birds that make your songs possible. "Homer himself must beg if ho wants means," and if Homer begs, who are you that says, "to beg I am ashamed?" See only that you beg at the right gates, and you shall en Joy a borrowed richness that in the minds of many passes for a home made garment of great value. "Some books are to be tasted, oth ers to be swallowed," and others quoted. "Reading maketh a full man." not only that, but "out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh," and he who has read much and re membered much can write well. "Discretion of speech is more than eloquence," and the most discreet man is the man who knows where to borrow to advantage. There be those who write original essays of which the best that may be said is, "It is his own." Better far the essay that glit ters and sparkles with a thousand gems filched from the world's great lapidaries. "Brevity is the soul of wit," but it does not follow that every postal card contains an epigram. The safest way l 4 fa rt-'ovw. JmIVNWWMWWWWWMWWMWWMMMMMMSMMWWWNwMMWWAAAAN w Lim J Old Lim Jucklln put aside his news paper, arose, stood on the hearth, and remarked to his wife, who sat in a rocking chair, half dreamily knitting: "They must hire folks by the year to do nothin' else but to write about women." "They want to furnish the men somethin to read," his wife replied. "Furnish the men somethin' to skip so's to read somethin' else," said the old man. "Once in a while I read 'em though, and I've just read a lot of stuff that I know wan't written by anybody, man or woman, that had anything else to do a whole column and a half tellin' how to raise chil dren; and I'll bet a steer it was writ ten by an old maid." "Limuel, what are you talkin about?" "An old maid, I said; and one of the sort that snatches up her skirts and runs like a turkey hen whenever she sees a child a comin' toward her. Oh. I know their brand." "Yes, I suppose so," said his wife. "But a woman that a raisin' children hasn't got time to write, and one that has them already raised is so tired she don't feel like it." "Oh, I expected to get it, one way or another," replied the old man. "It was due and I deserved it. But it does seem that the writers on the sub ject of women ought to stumble on somethin' new. But man has been studyin' women now, let me see. Well, particularly ever since Sam son's wife cut his hair off, and he hasn't stumbled on anything new yet. I've given her a good deal of my time and I'm ready to make my ac knowledgments. I've summed up my account book. Two and two make four anywhere else. But with woman two and two sometimes make six. You can't tell. Figgers don't lie, but with her they are mighty accommo datin. And. Lord bless her, she has finally discovered that man is her enemy. The old maids have told her so and she has begun to believe it. Over here across the creek the other day a party of 'em had a meetin and resolved that man was a tyrant and ought to be ousted. Old Miss Patsy Page, that has chased every chance to get married that she could find through a spyglass a comin' her way, was the presidenL She called atten tion to the number of divorces throughout the country, and she sighed over all this waste of raw ma terial. She read a paper, too, on how to manage a husband. Bet she'd like to read a book on how to catch one." "Limuel, she's a good woman. She "sets un with the sick." "Yes, and when she does the well folks catch it. She'd sour a mornin's milk by lookin' the cow in the eye." "Well." replied the old lady, "she says that you used to come to see her, 13 Aw to Insure wit in your essay is to pick it where you find it, and ten chances to one that will not be in your own brain. Better the wit of others than no wit at all which might be a prov erb, but is not. Shakespeare has well said: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." If this but applied to your essay, O writer! what an excellent thing it would be! But it lies, not within your gray matter to compass it. Again, with the bard, you say, "I must become a borrower," and you walk down the pleasant gar dens, plucking here and there a flow er of fancy until your little essay stuns the eye with color. "Here's richness!" Nothing that you can say but has been well said before; therefore quote it, fusing it, if you will, with your poor thought to crystallize it and make it seem a new thing. "Here are a few of the unpleasant'st words that ever blotted paper." Do not use them, then. Make your essay light, graceful, full of the whipped cream of human kindness. "Silence is the perfectest herald of joy," says Will again, but had he kept silence, what joy the Anglo-Saxon race had missed, and how weak in quotation had been thy essay! Has not this same Shakespeare said, "What's mine is yours?" Therefore do not scruple to take it if it will "make light where darkness reigned." "Who would write well must first have loved." There you are. It is not "nominated in the bond" what you must have loved; therefore it may as well be books as any other thing. You have loved books, you have gath ered of their honey; now let it drop off your stylus and sweeten this essay over which you labor. A sixteenth-century writer says: "They lard their lean books with the fat of others' works." There you have an old precedent, so fear not. You are in good company. You do but take what others ha-e taken be fore. Quote you never so well, you do but requote, and it may be that he whom you quote lifted his thought from a richer than he. It is well said that "a dwarf, standing on the Shoulders ot a giant, may see fur ther than the giant himself," and if he can see further it stands to reason that he can be seen further. Your borrowed plumes will make you a marked man; that is. one who is w 14 Ws-fl r &v w A y it Wofwshlf Reformers and she has hinted that she could have had you." "Ha, if I'd married her she would have had me you can bet a settin' of eggs on that." "It was the talk of the neighborhood how you used to go to dances with her." "Yes, it was the talk of the neigh borhood whenever anybody went with her at all. Gad, she had a tongue that would pick out a briar. And now she is a reformer, an uplifter of downtrod women. Well, she spent about two thirds of her life tryin' to tread 'em down. I can recollect when every girl in the neighborhood was afraid of her. An old gypsy came along one time and had some love powders for sale, and Miss Patsy she bought some and man aged to give 'em to Zeb Collins. She must have given him about half a pound from the way he acted. Went out and hung over the back fence and called hogs for ten minutes, he did. After awhile when he was silent she looked out after him and he was a ketchin' of his horse. We called him Bakin'-Powder Zeb after that. But he didn't rise." "I don't believe she gave him the powders." "No, just loaned 'em to him. At any rate, he got 'em. And now you trace back some of the biggest of these women reformers and you'll find love powders in their lives somewhere. There ain't nothin on the earth bright er than a bright woman and there's nobody the Lord ought to shower His favors down on more than her. No matter how good a man is he can't begin to ketch up with her. She is j tenderness, love, truth, religion all in one. But when she's pizenous look out. That is the time for Satan himself to dodge. And I'll bet every time he sees old Miss Patsy comin he takes to his flinty heels. When a man's disappointed with life he gen erally tries to keep it to himself. But with a woman she not only wants it to be known, but wants to make oth ers dissatisfied." "Yes," said Mrs. Jucklin, "ror when a man's a failure it's his own fault. A woman could never have helped her self." "You've got me again and I'll have to get out the best way I can. Yes. the cause of failure lies with the one that has failed. It was a lack of energy, a lack of jedgment a lack of somethin'. A man must make circum stances, but sometimes circumstances won't be made. Under the law all men may be born free, but they ain't born equal. Neither minds nor constitutions are on a par with one another in dif ferent men. Man acknowledges this and quietly knocks under, takin' hold of the next best thing and doin with it what he can. I'm talkin' about sensible man. But the woman of the Miss Patsy stripe she does her best "read, marked, learned, and Inwardly digested." "We can say nothing but what hath been said." Why attempt the impos sible, then? "I would help" others out or a fellow-feeling." I have been thought-dry myself. I dare say that there were mornings when John Mil ton said: "I had rather than 40 shil lings I had never begun 'Paradise Lost.' I have keyed it so high that it splits my throat to sing it." "Angling is somewhat like poetry men are to be born so."-So angle that ye obtain the prize. Fish in other men's streams and a full basket will surely reward your perseverance. And when you have spread your wares in the market place, not one in ten will care who owned the fish originally. You will receive the credit even if you pepper your work all over with quotation marks. Emerson says: "The passages of Shakespeare that we inost prize were never quoted until this century." Do you not see that it was not what Shakespeare himself said that men valued? It was not until his jewels flashed in other men's bosoms that we perceived their luster. Therefore quote, for in so doing you will be ren dering the bard a service. Some one has said: "He that I am reading seems always to have the most force." Remember that, O gen tle essayist! Do not scruple to help thyself, and having done so, to "take thy- pen and write down quickly." "It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright," but thanks to your incursions into tho fields of literature, your bag is full. Let it stand. (Copyright, by James Pott & Co.) Neglected Abbotsford. The mansion-house of Abbotsford, world-famous as the home of Sir Wal ter Scott, is in want of a tenant. The famous library and collection of an tiquities are held in trust by the dean of the faculty of advocates, Edinburgh, on condition that the heirs of the builder of Abbotsford find accommoda tions for them in five out of the 40 rooms in the house. Safe Rule for Mothers. An educator said "Let us live with our children," and if you proyde them with innocent surroundings and music, books and sports to use as they choose they will be as happy as larks and ab sorb the good influences of their en vironment. X "By Qpie 'Read and then tries to get even by doin' her worst She looks for happiness in the misery of others. In a sorrowful coun tenance she finds the reward of her ef forts. She holds man accountable for the fact that she was born a female. The dog that barks at the moon sees somethin', but the woman that rails against nature sees nothin' but her self. I know that some of the women folks would like to shoot me for sayin" it, but I do say that the mother of a child is greater than the woman that makes a speech five columns long and has the whole community talkin' about how smart she is." "How about the father of a child? Isn't he greater than the man that makes a speech?" "He may be. About as no account a man as I ever came across could make a speech for the clouds, I tell you. But when he got through he was just a senshell that the musical wind had been blowin' into. That was all. He never had the joy of carin' for a little human bein'. He was jest a feller that folks could call great be cause he could talkrWe may not have a mission on this earth, but if we have it is to obey the lovin' instincts of na ture. The man that hates and the woman that has no love in her heart are both the enemies of nature. You may say that old Miss Patsy would have loved if the opportunity had been given to her. She would have married, that's true enough; but I don't believe she, nor any of her ilk, ever had any real love in her heart. I'm not standin' here talkin' up for man. Bless you, lie's hopeless. He's gone all the gaits. Hut the best of us have loved and honored our women. We haven't called them the enemies of man simply be cause nature set a limit to our minds and because fate, or whatever you may call it, showed us our weakness. We've played some cards and ha-e drunk a good deal of liquor, but the best of us have reformed and we hope the Lord has forgiven us." "Oh, of course," said the old lady, "any man is willing enough to ask the Lord to forgive him when he knows that it is nearly time for him to die. During all the time, night after night, while these dear little ones that he thought so much of have been growing up, he has been off at elections and other things; and when 19 gets old enough to quit then he talks about the mission of nature and all that sort of stuff. If man doesn't want women to go around makin' speeches why doesn't he marry her and take care of her? If he thinks that marriage is so beautiful for a woman why doesn't he prove that it is beautiful for him? Summing up my book, as you summed up yours, why doesn't a man learn earlier how to behave himself?" "Well, I reckon you've got me again," said the old man. (Copyright, by Op!e Read.) SSK. -wj&lvi'vl iT f.BLEBW k tlLw aBTBUBBm as. r 4rr ' j STjezss7- Already the intense desire to get away from any semblance of the round, flat sailor shape has brought about a return of the mushroom, or more properly speaking, the bowl shaped hat. In no way the mush room of a year ago, with narrow brim In front and wide brim at the back of the head and possibly on one side also, the bowl or bell-shaped bat of the present season is of nearly even proportions all around and the brim is only curved down slightly, while the hat itself instead of being raised up somewhat from the head rests as flatly as possible upon the soft waves of hair and clusters of puffs which comprise the fashionable coiffure of the moment. If the all around flat effect is not becoming a slight tilt on one side will at once al ter the too even line3 and will give the desired height to the wearer. This style of hat in light-colored straw or lace trimmed with artistic combina tions of flowers, feathers and ribbons is the one chosen for special vogue with the lingerie gowns of midsum mer. Motoring and Shopping Hat. The second style of hat that is now in fashion is diametrically opposed in every line to the flat bowl shape, yet for the purposes for which it is designed this hat is in its way quite as smart as the other. For traveling, motoring or driving, or for the occa sional day's shopping tour into town, a medium-sized toque, with unusually high crown, but a narrow brim bent perhaps down on one side and tilted up on the other, is now to be seen as an adjunct to a smart walking gown or coat and skirt costume of silk, linen, pongee or light-weight serge. When a net veil is worn as is always necessary In traveling or driving a small hat is infinitely the most com fortable and convenient, while for hot summer weather in the country the shade afforded by a wide brimmed bat is most grateful, and fortunately both these designs are equally in vogue at the moment. On the whole the hats of this sum mer are exceptionally becoming. Even without the masses of puffs and curls which one is given to understand are obligatory if one desires to look truly sweet, even without these added points of beauty, it is always easier to get a good effect with no great abundance of curly locks when the hat nestles down flat upon the crown of the head than when it is raised up some inches by a wide silk or velvet bandeau, which in turn must be hid den from view by strands of hair pinned up over it. Then, again, while large hats are distinctly fashionable, any great exaggeration has already been ostracized, while if so preferred quite tiny hats made of feathers and lace may be worn for formal after noon wear. ' Charlotte Corday Style. Only with the daintiest of lace trimmed lingerie frocks is the revived Charlotte Corday, with its inner ruffle of soft lace or net falling over the hair, really attractive, and only to cer tain types of beauty is this hat even possible, but given these two condi tions and this model is altogether charming. With masses of hair, pre ferably light in coloring, and worn ex tremely soft and full about the face, a Charlotte Corday hat of white or Neapolitan straw and trimmed with delicate rosebuds or forget-me-nots. Is exceedingly attractive. Made without the lace frill and having the soft brim bent up against the crown, and apparently held in place by a long, full ostrich plume, which, ending on the left side, falls down slightly over The negligee or flowered mull is finding great favor with milady just now. There is a great vogue for barred materials lawns, batistes and mus lins. The present sleeve is close, but not tight; it molds the arm without bind ing it. Embroidered Swisses, either flow ered or in plain white, are much used in the making of tea gowns and jack ets. For a dress of silk or veiling, the collar, yoke and sleeves may be of lace or embroidered net, and the in serted vest sections may be of heav ier lace. Coat effects are still liked in the province of the elegant negligee, and mbroldered crepe shawls with fringe the edge of the hat, this model is es Herald. pecially pretty in the pale shades of green, blue, pink and mauve, worn with a silk, a chiffon or a fine linen or batiste gown of the same tone. In shape the Charlotte Corday of the present is quite unlike the model which only three years back had such widespread popularity that it was quickly frowned upon by Dame Fash ion. Where formerly the frame was oblong in shape, it i3 now nearly round. With simple morning gowns of linen and batiste white and yellow straw hats, trimmed with ribbons and feath ers rather than flowers, will be worn this year In place of the lingerie hats and the stiff sailors and soft panamas of the last few summers. These morning hats border closely on the sailor shape, but a slight tilt or curve in the brim is always noticeable, and te height of crown makes the hat ap pear different from the conventional sailor shape. A stiffly wired bowknot of taffeta or satin ribbon placed on one side or perhaps directly at the back of the hat is all sufficient trim ming, although if the hat is to be worn with embroidered and lace trimmed gowns then white or light colored quills and feathers are used in Its adornment. An extremely smart hat for wear with a plain shirt waist and separate white skirt is of rough yellow straw, with the brim bent flat up against the high crown on the right side, but on the left curved slightly downward. The only trim ming is a large double bowknot of satin ribbon placed quite flat against the crown on the left side, and this bow is changed according to the color of the gown or to correspond with the shade of the ribbon belt and tie. This last model is also an excel lent style of hat for traveling, made in a color to match the gown or of Tuscan straw trimmed with the cor rect shade of ribbon. If comparative ly small in size it will be easily held on even in the stiffest gale, while ow ing to the lack of any feather or flow er trimming there need be no anxiety experienced from either rain or damp ness. Styles in Straws. White and yellow straws, with trim mings of the shade of the dress with which the hat is worn, are more no- ticeab!e thi3 year than are the colored j straw hats, and from an economical standard certainly this fashion is an , excellent one. At the same time, a hat the exact shade of the dress is apt to make a far more effective costume, and, after all. a summer hat is not ex pected or required to give more than six or eight weeks' wear, and white will change color in the sun almost as quickly as a light shade will fade out to white. Unquestionably cretonne as dress and hat trimming is but a fad of the moment, and a very fleeting fad at that, but for the time being the nov elty which it suggests gives to it a cer- . tain desirableness. For a severely simple morning hat a large white straw faced with an effective French ( chintz of dull artistic tone and having ( a large bowknot in front or at one i side, or directly at the back of the hat it apparently makes no differ- j ence just where the trimming is placed i is undeniably pretty, and is con- ) spicuously attractive if the linen suit I is finished with collar and cuffs of the same chintz. While such a combina- i tion may be worn occasionally, it ! would, however, be a mistake to invest : too heavily in collar and cuff sets of j cretonne and in cretonne trimmed I hats, for the fashion is sure to have out. a onei existence. .ew iurs are used in some cf the elaborate gowns. The triumph of the American girl's smartness is most apparent in her simple gowns, but her coat, on the oth er hand, may be as much decorated a3 her fancy suggests. The elaborate tea gown requires a j plaited underrobe of chiffon or mous seline de soie. The tunic idea presents many charming possibilities for trimming, since the overskirt almost invariably is bordered in one way or another. Of course, with the Parisienne such an opening is the signal for the intro duction of the bizarre and the extrava gant note that so often characterizes her dress. Shoulder Straps of Diamonds. The popularity of the ebon gown is rapidly increasing, and no wonder, considering its artistic possibilities. Shoulder straps of diamonds and cor sage and coiffure ornaments of the same beautiful gems, that scintillate with every movement of the we?rer are naturally among the many desira ble accessories upon which the chrrm of the tout ensemble depends. Tsiler. "For years I was weak and run down, could not sleep, my limbs swelled and the secretions wers troublesome; pains were intense. I was fast In bed for four months. Three doc- dSgbaK vBSF" ors gajd there was no cure for me, and I was given up to die. Being urged, I used Doan s Kidney Pills. Soon I was better, and in a few weeks was about the house, well and strong again." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. MORE USED TO SELLING PIN. Absent-Minded Clerk (who has bees transferred from notion department) So. you'll take this piano. Shall I send It, or will you take it with yout For and Against. A Philadelphia lawyer, retained as counsel for the defense in a murder trial, tells of the difficulties in getting together a Jury. "Counsel were endeavoring," says this lawyer, "to elicit from the various prospective jurors their views coa cerning the death penalty. "One man to whom the question was put, 'Are you against the infliction of the death penalty?' replied, 'No, sir. "'What is your business? he was asked. 'I am a butcher,' he replied. "When the same question was put to the next man be answered that hs was against the death penalty. "'What is your business?" "'Life insurance," said he." i?H. The Revolving Cat. Little Susie has always been deeply Interested in mechanical toys, and numbers several among her choicest possessions. Recently the family cat, having apparently eaten something which disagreed with her, began s mad race around the room, leaping chairs, diving under sofas and turning somersaults. Susie's mother, much frightened, seized her small daughter and mounted a convenient table. But Susie remained unscared. Clapping her hands in glee, she shouted. "Wind her up again, mamma; wind her up again !"" Swadeshi. In the sense In which Sir William Harcourt remarked "We are all social ists now," it may be said that all Anglo-Indians are believers in Swadeshi While all reasonable Anglo-Indians dep recate the senseless agitation and the unsound economics of the extrem ist advocates of Swadeshi principles, they are all anxious to assist that natural development of Indigenous in dustries and the creation of. new ones upon which the future prosperity ot the country so largely depends. Pio neer Mail. Had Been Attended To. An Italian went up to the civil ser vice commissioners rooms in the fed eral building the other day to be ex amined for a laborer's position. He answered most of the questions cor rectly. Finally they asked him if he had ever been naturalized. He seemed a bit puzzled, but at last his face light ed up. "Ah, I know whata you mean. Scratcha de arm. Yes, lasts week." Philadelphia Ledger. DROPPED COFFEE Doctor Gains 20 Pounds on Postum. A physician of Wash., D. C, says of his coffee experience: "For years I sufferedswith periodical headaches which grew more frequent until they became almost constant. So Bevere were they that sometimes I was almost frantic. I was sallow, consti pated, irritable, sleepless; my mem ory was poor, I trembled and my thoughts were often confused. "My wife, in her wisdom, believed coffee was responsible for these ills and urged me to drop it. I tried many times to do so, but was its slave. "Finally Wife bought a package of Postum, and persuaded me to try it, but she made it same as ordinary coffee and 1 was disgusted with the taste. (I make this emphatic because I fear many others have had the same expe rience.) She was distressed at her failure and we carefully read the di rections, made it right, boiled it full 15 minutes after boiling commenced, and with good cream and sugar, I liked it it invigorated and seemed to nourish me. "This was about a year ago. Now I have no headaches, am not sallow, sleeplessness and irritability are gone! my brain clear and my head steady. I have gained 20 lbs. and feel I am a new man. "I do not hesitate to give Postum due credit. Of course dropping coffee was the main thing, but I had dropped it before, using chocolate, cocoa and other things to no purpose. "Postum not only seemed to act as an invigorant, but as an article of nourishment, giving me the needed phosphates and albumens. This is no Imaginary tale. It can be substanti ated by my wife and her sister, who both changed to Postum and are hearty women of about 70. "I write this for the information and encouragement of others, and with a feeling of gratitude to the inventor of Postum." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well ville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason " Ever read the above letter? a new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. SBBa l VBBTBSBB BSBfiBSTfi2BBHBZfBf CSBBTh f v tf.