The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 22, 1908, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
jE tWrtffl
Of 9
Has listed his 80 acres
south of the County
farm for sale. If you
TION, this will suit
t Hockenberger &
S Chambers.
-Se-M49 -a'
Hog, top 85 65 to $5 75
Files of The Journal, July 22, 1874. t
Duriug tbe past week most farmers in
this locality have completed tbe harvest
of their small grain, oats generally, was
out before maturity, to preserve it from
tbe grass hoppers. Wheat is not so
large a yield as usual, but u, so far as
we have seen, superior in quality.
The last fraud we read about before
penning this item happened to be prac
ticed by a Maine rogue in this way. He
was selling rum by the keg, which was
supposed to contain ten gallons of rum
each, but the rogue had ingeniously
sealed a pint of genuine rum in each
side of the keg eo that by taking out a
cork tbe purchaser oould last the liquor;
the other nine gallons and seven pinta
was pure water.
At tbe last "training" of tbe engine
company, the new well near tbe Episco
pal church was tried for the first time,
and proved satisfactory. The engine
seemed to work even better than usual,
throwing a stream from the street
twenty feat above and over tbe spire of
the church. We again suggest the pro
' pnely of having more of these wells,
that wbsn an emergency arises, the eu
giue may be able to do full duty.
Wednesday afternoon of last week the
grass hoppers came down in part of Col
umbus, and commenced on tbe gardens
in a regular business way to obtain pro
visions. They are first rate feeders, and
by noon tbe next day few gardens in the
northern portion of tbe city contained
vegtables that would have amounted to
the value of a dollar. We examined one
garden containing some corn, potatoes,
cabbage, beets, watermelons, musk mel
ons, cucumbers, etc., and found that tbe
whole thing was so effectually cleaned
up as to render what was left, and what
had promised to be a tolerably good
garden, perhaps entirely worthless. We
noticed in tbe lot examined a few nice
young apple trees from which they had
eaten many of tbe leaves, leaving the
tender growth exposed to the scorching
The Special Train's.
Special train service has been secured
from Columbus to Albion for the Albion
Chautauqua on Sundays Aug. 3, and
Aug 9, 1906. These trains will be run
rain or 6hine. and if you want to hear an
excellent program come to Albion, either
or both of these dates. The trains will
leave your station about noon. Next
week we will give you the exact time of
departure. Tbe reason that we have
these .trains leave at this time of day is
that you will be able to arrive in Albion
just in time to secure good seats for the
entertainments -and not be required to
wait for tbe program to begin. For com
plete program write to W. B. Swyganl,
Manager. Albion. Nebr. Watch tbe
papers next week for particulars.
Two and one-hall
acres located 12
blocks from our
postoffice. A beau
tiful site lor an
outside home.
AND 60.
Austin White died at hk home in west
Columbus Thursday evening at eight
o'clock, death being due to heart fail
are. Tbe deceased has been a patient
sufferer for the past three months, and
although quite ill at times, death came
very unexpected. Mr. White waa born
in Ohio in 1856, and came to Nebraska
in early manhood settling at Greaham,
where he resided untill five years ago,
when, with his family, he came to this
city, where he has since resided. In
1882, at York, Nebr., he was united in
marriage to Miss Haldah Bell Fuller of
Oresbam. To this union eleven child
ren were born, three of whom are dead.
Besides his wife, Mr. White leaves eight
children, namely: William, George,
Lemmie, Ida, Clarence, Bollin and Fred.
The children all live here, with the ex
ceptions of William, who resides in
Lexington, and Lemmie, who is located
in North Dakota. The funeral was held
from the family residence Sunday morn
ing at ten o'clock, Rev. DeWolf, pastor
of the M. E. church, officiating. Music
was furnished by tbe Misses Elizabeth
Watkins, Elizabeth Lewis, and W. K.
Lay. Interment was in the Columbus
cemetry. Relatives who attended the
funeral from out of town were, Mr. and
Mrs. James Greig, of St Edward, Mrs.
Elizabeth Fuller and Mrs. Frank Holly
of Greaham.
The four musical companies that will
furnish two concerts daily at the Chau
tauqua assembly which will open Tues
day. Aug. 4, are worth more than tbe en
tire cost of a season ticket. The Kirk
smith Concert company is composed of
four beautiful young ladies, three of
them sisters. They are all instrumenta
lists while one of them sings soprano
and another contralto. The Hesperian
Male quartette was the Chicago Uni
versity Male Quartette of twelve years
ago. They are all men of affairs, and
have won laurels in other lines, but
they have maintained their organization
all of these years and have been togeth
er every summer. Naturally they have
a wide selection of songs and their
voices have become beautifully harmon
ized. They are exoelled by no quartette
in America. The Sterlings are the
strongest company of colored artists ob
tainable. The peculiar timbre of their
voices is especially adapted to out of
door singing. Tbe Royal Hungarian
orchestra consists of eight superb artiats
and soloists." There is no bettaforcbesv
tra on the platform.
There is "war to the knife" between
the Prohibitionists and license factions
at Belgrade. At the spring election the
license element won out. But the pro
hibitionists, led by the resident minis
ters, were stayers and succeeded in keep
ing out tbe open saloon until Tuesday
of last week when ths village board is
sued licenses to two saloons. Last
Wednesday an attorney for the Prohibi
tionists come to Columbus and commenc
ed mandamus proceedings against tba
members of the village board on Judge
Thomas' court, citing them to appear
Thursday, July 23, and show cause why
tbe licenses recently granted should not
be revoked. The board will fight to sus
tain their action, and on Monday W. W.
Graham and Charles Robinson, members
of the board, came to Oolumbus and re
tained Judge Sullivan to take charge of
the village's interests in the oase. Bel
grade is the only wet town in Nance
county. Nearly all the business men
are in favor of license, and the attempt
of the Prohibitionists to defeat tbe will
of the people by raising technical objec
tions will be hotly contested.
The most agreeable surprise that Dud
ley Christy ever bumped up against was
in Columbus last Wednesday evening.
Er. Christy lives in Kansas City.
The day previous he had received a mes
sage from Genoa, informing him that his
brother, E. T. Christy, had perished in a
mill fire, and he was on his way to that
place to attend the funeral. He walked
up to tbe desk at tbe Clotber hotel and
was about to register when he noticed
his brother's name on the page. The
night clerk could give him no informa
tion except that E. T. Christy had reg
istered in the afternoon and left after
supper. The day clerk, who was asleep,
was routed out and furnished the infor
mation that tbe guest in question had
paid bis bill and departed after supper,
and that he was the man who was sup
posed to have been cremated when tbe
mill burned at Genoa. The Kansas City
brother boarded the Spalding freight the
following morning for Genoa.
E T.Christy, tbe miller, who was re
ported to have perished in the Genoa
mill fire last Tuesday afternoon, is alive
after all. When the explosion of dust
in the mill occurred, Christy leaped
through a window and escaped, but his
mind was temporarily deranged. He
walked to Chapman, eleven miles east of
Grand Island, before he came to himself,
and from there purchased a ticket to
Grand Island, and then wired his family
that be waa safe and well. When the
dispatoh arrived in Genoa citizens were
dragging the mill pond for his remains.
Previous search had been made in the
rains without success, and the work of
dragging the pond commenced, as it was
thought possible that if he had succeeded
in getting out of the mill that he had
jumped into the water to extinguish his
burning garments. Mr. Christy reached
Oolumbus last Wednesday evening and
drove to Genoa, reaching there late at
The raoas next week.
Try tbe Victoria cigar.
Dra. Paul and'Matzea, Dentists.
Dr. Lueschen Ooculist and aurist.
Dr. Valliar, Osteopath, Barber block.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
People who get results advertise in the
For storage room, enquire of the
Oolumbus Hide Co.
Mrs.O. L. Baker visited friends in
Monroe several days last week.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kroger, living nine
miles northwest of the city, is quite ill.
For the picnic prevents the milk
from souring Thermos Bottles, at Nie
wohner's. A nice line of wedding rings just re
ceived at Oarl Froemel's, Eleventh
street jeweler.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. 8now left last
week for an extended visit at Estes
Park, Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Speice, accompain
ed by H. B. Robinson, attended the
races at Tekamab last week.
P. J. McCaffrey went to Omaha Mon
day to attend a business meeting of the
Tri-Oity Poultry Association.
Miss Florence Snyder will leave the
first of next month for Illinois, where
she will reside with an aged aunt.
Mrs. Julius Winkelmsn and two chil
dren left 8unday for Wisconsin, where
they will visit relatives for some time.
Miss Anna Nugent returned Thursday
evening from Greeley Center, where she
spent tbe past week visiting relatives.
Ezra Mahaffey, residing in the west
part of town, has been quite ill since
Thursday. He became overheated
while at work.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Kerr of Denver
were the guests of tbe Farrand family
last week. Mrs. Kerr is a sister of. Mrs.
Frank Farrand.
Miss Nell Kennedy of St. Edward, is
expected to arrive in tbe city soon, for
a short visit at the home . of Miss
Gertrude Jaeggi.
Clement Gray, formerly of this city,
buj, woo is -aow living ia North Platte.
arrived in this city Saturday evening for
a visit with relatives.
Miss Hazel McKelvey returned
Wednesday evening from Omaha,
where she has been visiting relatives
and frieuds for the past week.
Miss May Davis of Cambridge, 111.,
is tbe guest of her brother, F. S. Davis
and family. Miss Davis intends to
visit in this city several weeks.
Miss Jennie Dawson, accompanied by
her niece. Blanche Dawson, left Thurs
day morning for Kansas Oity, where
they will visit relatives for two weeks.
Mrs. Avery Brown, who has been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. W. H. VanAlstine
for the past month, returned to her
borne iu Elkhart, Indiana, last Sunday.
Miss Minnie Mercer, who has been
visiting in and around Columbus for the
past week, went to Shelby Saturday for
a short stay before returning to her
home in Omaha.
Mrs. A. D. Becker entertained a
number of friends at a Lyric party
Thursday evening, and later the guests
were invited to her home, where refresh
ments were served.
There's always something new at Nie
wnbner's. Tbe Thermos Bottle fill it
with hot liquid and it remains hot for 24
hours. Fill it with cold liquid and it
remains cold for 72 hours.
Mr. and Mrs. George Matthews of
Enid, Olkabotna, are visiting at the
home of the former's mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Matthews. They intend to
visit in this city for three weeks.
Miss Pearl Faulk is expected to arrive
noon from Pattenaburg, Mo., where she
has been living for tbe past few months.
tier parents Mr. and Mrs Carl Faulk,
having already returned to this city.
Mrs R. W. Hobart and sou, who have
been visiting relatives and friends in
Lincoln for the past month, arrived in
this city Monday for a short sojourn, be
fore returning to their home in Mitchell,
Herman Schuster purchased the iron
foundry of the State Bank last week,
he consideration being $1,600. Mr.
Schuster will remodel the present build
ing and also build a residence on an ad
joining JOI.
Eilers' trained animal show, which
exhibited in this city Wednesday after
noon and evening, proved to be well
worth the price of admission. Tbe
audience seemed to enjoy every number
on the program.
Buffale Bill's Wild West show is now
heading westward, and will give but two
exhibitions in Nebraska, being at Omaha
on Friday, August 28, and Grand Island
on Saturday, August 29. From Grand
Island they go to Denver.
Mrs. M. J. Kelley, who has been visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oarl
Kramer, for the past two or three
months, returned to her home in Chicago
last Monday. She was accompanied by
bar husband, who also visited for a few
days in this city. 4
NORTH and South Dakota
lands, farms, ranobes and
grass lands, located on the James
river valley in Spink county,
South Dakota and Diokey county,
North Dakota. Prices ranging
from $10.00 to $30.00 per acre.
Excursion Tuesday, July 21st and
special car from Columbus. Tues
day, August 18th. Round trip
Railroad fare refunded to all who
purchase land
Office with Newman & Welch,
Columbus, Neb.
Person sells fly nets at cost.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13JSt.
G. R. Prieb, 'painting and paper
First-class printing done at tbe Jour
nal office.
The Columbus races begin one week
from today.
Jacob Greiseu went to Tarnov on
business Tuesday.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both -phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn; jr., office new Oolum
bus State Bank building.
Henry Gass, Jr., left Tuesday for
Chicago on a business tiip.
McCall patterns'lO and 15 cents at the
Fitzpatriok Dry Goods Store.
Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully
cleaned and repaired at Oarl Froemel's,
Eleventh street jeweler.
Mrs. Louis Ligbtuer went to Hum
phrey Saturday eveniug for a three
weeks' visit with relatives. "
Mia. James Naylor left Satuodsy for
Lead, S D., for an extended visit with
her daughter, Mrs. C L. Stillman.
Miss Eileen Kavanaugh will leave
Sunday eveuing for Milwaukee, Wiscon
sin. She will be absent about six weeks.
A Urge room is being made out of the
attio at tbe High school building. Roth
Bros, are doing the work at a cost of
Walter Stovieck of Seward, arrived in
this city Monday evening and is visit
ing at the home of Louis Mailer this
Miss Margaret Evans, of the Tribune
force, returned to tbe city Monday even
ing, after a two weeks' happy time with
the home folks at Missouri Valley. la.
Miss May and Laura Bloedorn return
ed Tuesday afternoon from Monroe,
where they have been visiting Mends for
the past two weeks. They alm visited
in Fullerton a few days.
R.S. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes
and repairs Ladies' aud Gents' clothing.
Hate oleaned and reblocked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Germania Dye
Works. Nebraska Phone.
The Ep worth League of tbe German
Reformed church, gave a picnio Thurs
day at McPherson's lake, aad Sunday tbe
clerks of the Gray Mercantile store
enjoyed an outing at tbe same place.
Miss Katberine Cajori of Omaha,
arrived in the city Saturday evening,
and will visit at tbe home of Leopold
Jaeggi and family for several weeks.
Fritz Jaeggi, also of Omaha; is a guest
at the Jaeggi home.
Miss Nellie Galley, who underwent an
operation at tbe hospital several days
ago, was taken to her home Saturday
afternoon. Her many friends will be
pleased to learn that tbe operation was
not of a serious nature.
Wall Paper
Now that spring is on
the way, would it not be
a good idea to think
about repapering the
rooms? Our line of wall
paper has never been
surpassed, either in qual
ity, pattern or price,
and all who have had
work done by us have
been welf satisfied.
Kavanaugh t Betterton
Last Sunday while pulling a banana
off the bunob. Thoaus Broomhall felt
something sting ais.tthuntJb. Thinking
it .was a sliver under tbe nail be paid no
attention to tbe natter. In a little
while he began to fee very sick and had
to go to bed. He got better after awhile
but did not fully recover from the effects
for a day or two. Tuesday his son Bert
got stung also while pulling bananas off
from tbe same bunch. Bert realized
that it was a tarantula and hurried to
Dr. Wad Johnson, who promptly applied
the remedies for snob cases. Both the
father and son are now all right. Jerry
Dodd came along and promptly captured
the tarantula and put it in a glass jar,
took it to Dr. Johnson and he chloro
formed it and preserved it in alcohol.
Fullerton News Journal.
Thomas Eurick, who has been re
ceiving treatment at the hospital for
canoer of the bladder, pasted away
Thursday morning. Tbe deceased was
seventy-three years of age and leaves
besides his wife several grown obildren
to mourn tbe loss of a kind and loving
husband and father. Mr. Eurick,
formerly lived on a farm near Shelby,
but on account of poor health retired
about six years ago coming to Columbus,
where he has since resided. The funeral
was held Saturday morning from the
Catholic church, Father Marcellinus
performing the service, and interment
was made in the Catholic cemetery.
Excavating for the new electric light
plant was commenced this week, and
construction of the building will be
commenced soon. James Pearsall has
the contract for tbe building and Jacob
Glur will put in tbe foundation. The
light company expect to occupy their
new quarters before the first of October,
and when the change is made they will
have one of tbe best equipped and most
up to date plants in tbe west. During
the summer months they are busy set
ting new poles and stringing the wire
so as to be in readiness to connect it up
when the new plant is installed.
There is a new polling place in Platte
county, as a result of the action of the
board of supervisors on a petition of 135
of the residents interested. It is compos
ed of all that portion of Monroe and Lost
Creek townships south of township
seventeen, and the polling place is
located in the village of Monroe, the
center of tbe new preciuot. The pe
titioners asked for two polling places in
the new district, one at Oconee and
oue at Monroe, but the supervisors
could not see their way clear to grant
this request.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carrie, Mr. and
Mrs. M. T. MoMabon, Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
Scbroeder and Mr. and Mrs. Irve Spaioe,
made up a camping party and spent Sat
urday night and Sunday on tbe Platte
river near tbe Colfax county line, where
they succeeded in catching about fifty
black bass and twenty-five channel cat
fish, Mrs. B. H. Scbroeder carrying off
the prize by catching tbe greatest num
ber of black baas. Tbey report the time
of their lives, and will go again in a
couple of weeks to the same camping
Thirty-one teachers attended the reg
ular monthly examination last Saturday,
which was conducted by Superintend
ent Lecron. As the office in the court
bouse was too small, they adjourned to
the Second ward school building, where
the examination was held. This week
Superintendent Lecron is busy on the
directors' annual reports, which are com
ing in, and is making up his report for
the state superintendent.
Sheriff Oarrig received a hurry up call
from Creston last week, asking him to
come at once and take charge of an in
sane man. He made the trip in an auto,
and returned that evening with Uryal
Higby. an inebriate, who was up before
the board Monday. His mother filed
tbe complaint against him, and it is re
ported that be is also addicted to tbe
drug habit.
Monday evening tbe skating rink in
tbe Cover building, on Eleventh street,
was opened up. The Williams Bros,
who are managing it, are conducting a
nice place and tbe best of order is main
tained. A large crowd was in attend
ance on tbe opening night and tbe enter
prise will no doubt be 'well patronized
by Oolumbus people.
Miss Bertha Hirshbrunoer has resign
ed her position a? operator in the Ne
braska Telephone company's office, and
Miss Mattie Nelson has filled the vacan
cy. Miss Hirshbrunner has accepted a
position as clerk in tbe Fitzpatriok dry
goods store, and has already entered
upon ber uew duties.
Dr. Lueschen is having tbe old frame
office building on Olive streen torn
down, and will erect a two story brick
on tbeoame site. This with the Scbilz
building will make quite an improve
ment, coating about $6,000. Rotb Bros,
have the contract and H. G. Frioke will
do the brick work.
A. J. Nelson has returned from Spald
ing, where he has been working for the
past three weeks. He leaves tbe later
part of this week for Newman Grove for
a short visit with bis brother, Anton
Nelson and family. Mr. Nelson will, be
accompanied by his wife and little
W. D. Benson, rural carrier on route
No. 1, is taking a portion of his annual
vacatiou, and John Brock is acting as
obatitute for aim.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weisbaar and two
children, of Los Angeles, California, are
visiting at the Lome of Win. Loeeke.
Special trains to Albion from Colum
bus on two Sundays, Aug. 3, and Aug.
9. Oome and enjoy a day of recreation.
Mrs. Will Thomas has returned from
South Bend. Indiana, where she was
called three weeks ago by the sudden
death of her father.
Mrs. L. A. Lachnit and son Viotor de
parted Saturday evening for Humphrey,
where they will visit relatives and friends
for about a month. t
E, J. Niewobner and V. H. Weaver
left Saturday evening for Colorado,
where tbey will enjoy a week's outing.
returning 10 time to take in the races.
Last Friday the city counoil ordered a
number of new walks constructed, and
betides the routine business granted
Chief of Police Scback a vacation of
four days.
Two companies of state militia, one
from Madison and one from Albion,
were in tbe city Monday en route over
tbe Union Pacific to Ashland, where the
state encampment is being held.
M. W. Thomas, who is employed in the
post office, is now enjoying a fifteen days'
vacation. He left Saturday evening for
Norfolk and later will go to Fremont,
where he will also spend a few days of
hid' vacation.
The Misses Dineen will entertain tbe
following young ladies at a house party
oeginning today and continuing over
Sunday. Misses 'Rose Walker. Cather
ine Ryan, Rose Leavy, Mary Faircbild
and Francis Scbroeder.
Have you been beeping tab on the
large fields of horses snd excellent races
that have been taking place in the Ne
braska circuit? All these same horses
will be in Columbus next week. Keep
in mind the last three days in July.
Rev. Geo. N. Wakely of St. Paul.
Minn., who preached in the Presbyterian
church last Sunday, so pleased his audi
ence that he was asked to again preach
next Sunday morniug and evening, to
whiob be conoented. A cordial welcome
is extended to all to attend these services.
A party of Columbus people, consist
ing of George Lehman, Mrs. Edgar
Howard, Dr. and Mrs. D. TK Martin,
Hugh Hughes and Laopald Jaeggi left
Tuesday fur Canada, tbe Luse Lind
company's private car, Ienza. taking
them from Columbus. They are antici
pating a pleasant trip, and will be ab
sent about ten days.
Howard Rowe of Omaha, was visiting
at tbe home of his wife's mother, Mrs.
M. K. Turner. Until about a year ago
Mr. Rowe was in tbe railway mail ear
vice, being oae of the old clerks, but he
resigned to take a position as secretary
of a mineral water company. While he
ia well pleased with his present position,
he says he has a longing to again enter
Uncle Sam's service.
Ralph Drake narrowly escaped serious
injury Thursday afternoon, while riding
a horse to a watering ttougb. As he
neared the water tbe animal accidently
fell throwing the rider to tbe ground and'
breaking his ankle, and although the
injury is very painful, Mr. Drake con
siders himself very fortunate, as tbe
manner in which the horse fell, he might
have received a more serious injury
Forty new stalls are being built at the
race track this week to accommodate
the large uumber of hordes at tbe races
next week. A year ago forty-nine bUILs
were built and this was thought to be
ample for all present needs but this
year tbe entries number over one hun
dred horses and more room was impera
tive. This large numberof horses means
that the races will be better than last
year and tbe management are anticipat
ing large crowds again.
J. F. Siems, accompanied by hia
daughter. Miss Alma, leave this week
for Chicago Park. California, where
Mr. Siems has a large fruit rauch. Re
ports received by him from there tell of
a large crop and he is going to look aft
er tbe harvesting of it. A new railroad
has been built near bis place an I on this
Hue is tbe second highest bridge in tbe
United States, being 190 feet high Mr.
Siems and his daughter expect to return
to Nebraska about the first of October.
Albert Kummer, who resides on a
farm six miles southwest of Columbus,
was united in tbe holy bonds of matri
mony last Tuesday to Mist Carrie Hahn.
The ceremony took, place at Osceola.
Both the bride ami groom are well
known in and about this city as the
former lived here several years ago, and
tbe latter baa resided on bis farm for a
number of years. Mr. am! Mrs. Kum
mer went to houskeepicg in tbe new
house on the groom's farm, which has
been prepared for theii home coming.
Simon Fenton of Platte Center, who
has been at St. Mary's hospital for tbe
past few weekspaseed away late Thurs
day evening, death resulting from a
complication of diseases. Mr. Feuton
is an old resident of Platte county hav
ing lived on a f jhii near Platte Center
thirty years, but on account of poor!
health the deceased moved to Platte
Center four years ago, where be has
since resided. He is survived by his
aged wife and several children The
remains were taken to Platte Center
Fridav. and the f nnaral waa hald at St
i ' w.
Joseph's chorea 8undey afternoon.1
One Gallon Makes 72
Gallons of U. S.
Beat DUtareGtant fr Stable Um
PRICE, 1.25 PER 6AL.
Tbe Druggist on the Corner
Oolumbus, Nebraska
Clarence and Ida White left Monday
for Bellwood for a short visit with
Mrs. David Scbupbacb, who has been
seriously ill for tbe past three weeks, is
slowly improving.
Mrs. Austin White went to St. Edward
Suuday. where she will visit with rela
tives for some time.
Clement Gray has accepted a position
with Dussell & Son, tbe plumbers. He
entered upon his new duties Wednesday.
Leopold Jaeggi left Tuesday morning
for Canada, wbero he baa land interests.
He intends to be absent several weeks.
A surprise dancing party was given at
the home of John Galley Saturday eve
ning, i About forty persons were pres
ent. Refreshments were served, and a
pleasant time was reported.
Anton Maloeeky of Lockwood, visited
friends in Oolumhue several days last
week, returning to bis home Sunday
evening. He was accompanied by bis
children, who have beeu attending tbe
St. Francis academy.
Will Hockenberger. as isfed by North
Evans, eatertained a number of friends- ?
at his home on 15th street Tuesday even
ing, in honor of Miss Eileen Kavanaugh,
who will leave soon for Milwaukee, for
an extended visit with relatives.
Miss Matilda Schneider, who is em
ploye! in th- Nebraska Telephone com
pany's office as one of the operators,
left Thursday evening for Pierce, where
she will vicit tevaral drtje. She will
also visit relatives iu Omaha before re
turning home.
Congressman J. F. Boyd arrived in
the city Tuesday and remained until
Wednesday morning. The people of
Columbus, regardless of politics, have a
warm spot iu their heart for the big
congressman, for his work in securing an
appropriation for the erection of a post
office building.
The farm residence of Sam Miller,
who resides Bouthof the river, was the
scene of a social gathering Sunday, whet
tbe Gruetli society and friends gathered
at their spacious home to enjoy tbe da
at picnic making. A jolly group of
m eriy-niaktre aIo gathen d at tbe home
of Peter Schmitt. who resides on a
farm six and one half miles north of the
city, near the Shell Creek mill. A lanw
crowd waa in attendance at both places
Mrs. G. W. Vierntz wua pleasautly
surprised by a number of lady friends
Tuesday evening, the occasion being her
thirty-ninth birthday. Various games
were pluyed. and prizes were won by
Mias Stella Kummer, Mrs. G. M. Doug
las, Miss Sarah Cover and Mrs. Will
Kaufman. The hostess was presented
with n beautiful picture in remembrance
of the occasion. Refreshments were
served, and (ate in the evening, after
wishing Mrs. Vieri;utz many more happy
birthday, the giiesta riopnrted to tbeir
r spective homes.
We Imvt the ngacy for the
famous iVimsiiig Underwear? the
best popular priced Union Soils
on the market Prires in men's
from $1.50 to $4.M) Prices in
boya from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1 25.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to f 2 50 a garment. Buy
early'whiie th sizes are complete.