The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 15, 1908, Image 7

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"Manners maketh the man;" but !t
is well to know whether the manner
are natural or only borrowed for oc
casions. Memory sighs when we promise to
forgive and forget; for Memory knows
that the mind does not always obey
the heart.
"Tommy, were you fighting with
that Carter boy?"
"Yes, maw."
"Didn't I tell you not to quarrel with
"Yes, maw; but I thought all bet
were off since you quit speaking to the
Carter boy's maw."
A Man's Tact.
Nobody but Mr. Henley would have
asked such a question in the first
"Miss Fairley," he said, "if yon
could make yourself over what kind
of hair and eyes would you have?"
"If I could make myself over." said
Miss Fairley, "I would look just ex
actly as I do now."
"You would?" exclaimed Henley in
honest surprise, and to this day he
can't understand why Miss Fairley
thinks him a man of little taste and
kiss tact.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
Nothing Else to Do.
A well-known doctor who dabbles in
literature recently published a poem.
Shortly after its appearance lie was
conversing with a lady celebrated for
her wit.
"Well, doctor." she remarked, "so 1
hear you have taken to writing verse."
"O, merely to kill time."
"Indeed! Have you disposed of all
your other patients?" Stray Stories.
The conversation turned on the ef
fect produced on the emotions by pio
torial art, when one gentleman re
marked: "I remember one picture thai
brought tears to my eyes."
"A pathetic subject. I presume?"
"No. sir; it was a fruit painting. 1
was sitting close under it when It
dropped on my head."
Starch, like everything else, Is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
ent discovery Defiance Starch all in
jurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
It's all right for a man to be a
dreamer of dreams providing he wakes .
up occasionally and gets busy.
Omaha Director
Wholesale and retail
!alrs in v-rrth!ss for
a Gentleman's tabic, including Fine Isi-
pcrtej Table Delicacies. If there it any
lui! 't'm yen are enable to obtain in yoarHwrcTown
write ui for price on un, as we will be snre to hare il
Mail or-lei-j carefully rilled.
. IMfOHTt3 tup DttlCPg IN
. I Uaa ww KIK
COURTNEY & CO.. Omahc. Nebr.
J. E. von Dorn Commission Go.
Member Chioaeo Board of Trade and
Ouiiiiia Gram Lxchauge.
Grain, Provisions and Stock9
Bought and Sold
for immediate or future delivery.
Track bids made on any railroad.
Consignments Solicited.
700-701-776 Brandols Btdg.. Omaha
Tclf jhoor.t Bell Duaflu lot aaa ITit. Ant, klttl.
A GOOD 1'LACE to invest your money whert
you can pet from
6 to 10 On Improved Properties
Writ Uk How Much You Have to Invent
f 704 Farnant St. Omaha, Mabr.
b mail at cut price. Send for free catalosme.
kct to set better
returns. Kef., any
to the Omaba mar
prices and quick
bank in Omaba.
Ir- linjjcy & Muih. The
.Ml TKOir. Ill VII
ISlock. cor. lfth
land Far nam
s Omaha. Nr.R. Best eanirined
Tvntal ofiice in the Middle West. Latent appliances.
H:Stf aile IHrntiMrr. Keasonable prices.
Do You Drink Coffee
Wbr pat Uia chwp, nak. blttcr-flaTor-d code IB
jonratommch when purs GERMAN-AMERICAN
COFFEE coianomort IaaUt on having It- Yow
grocer Mil tt or can set It.
1917 Digits St., OMAHA. NEB.
Reliable Dentistry at Matfents Prices.
Steel Culverts
Suitable for county roads and town streets.
Write for Information and prices.
Hfcftw LWL
vr'Mf7 hcoihsh aca retail BB
A .IpJ
LAflK fl 0 36Sa EUJJLL
Giles Duillov arrived in San Francisco
lo join Ills friend and distant relative
Henry Wilton, whom lie was to assist
in an important and mysterious task,
and who accompanied Dudley on the
ferry boat trip into the city. The re
markable resemblance of the two men
is noted and commented on by passen
gers m the ferrv. They see a man with
snake eyes, which sends a thrill through
Dudley. Wilton postpones an explanation
of the strange errand Dudley is to per
form, but occurrences cause him to
know it is one of no ordinary meaning.
Wilton leaves Giles in their room, with
instri.riion to await his rrturn and shoot
any one who tries lo enter. Outside tboe
Is heard shouts and curses and the no.e
of a iuarrel. Henry rushes in and at
his request the roommates quickly ex
change clothes, and he hurries out again.
Hardlv has lie gone than Giles is
startled bv a cry of "Help." and he runs
out to find some one being assaulted bj
u half dozen men. He summons a police
man but they are unable to find any
trare of a crime. Giles returns to his
room and hunts for some evidence that
might explain, his strange mission. He
finds a map which lie endeavors to de
cipher. Dudley is summoned to the
morgue and there finds the dead bodv of
Ills friend. Henry Wilton. And thus Wilt
on dies without ever explaining to Dud-'r-y
the puzzling work he was to perform
in San Krancisco. In order to discover
the secret mission his friend lnd entrust-
d to him. Dudley continues his disguise
and permits himself to be known as
Henrv AVIIton Dudley, mistaken for
Wilton, is employed bv Knapp to assist
in a stock brokerage deal. "Dicky" takes
the supposed Wilton to Mother norton's.
Mother Morton discovers that he is not
Wilton. The lights are turned out and a
free for all light follows. Giles Dudley
finds himseir c'oseted in a room with
Mother Morton who makes a confidant
of him. He urn learn nothing about the
mysterious bov further than that it is
Tim Teirlll and Darby Meek.-r who an
after him. He is told that "Dicky" Xahl
is a traitor, playing both hands in the
game. Giles finds himself locked in a
room. He escapes through a window.
The suupfed Wilton carries out his dead
friends' work with Doddridge Knapp. He
has his first experience as a capitalist in
tin Hoard Koom of the Stock Kchange.
Dudley receives a fictitious note purport
ing to be from Knapp, the forgery of
which lie r. adily detects. Dudley gets his
first knowledge of Dek r. who is
Knapp's enemy on the Hoard. The forg
ed imte mystifies Knapp. Dudley visits
tie home of Knapp and is stricken by
tl.e beauty of Luella. his daughter.
CHAPTER XII. Continued.
"Hut I suspect Mr. Knapp makes
whirlpools instead of swimming into
them." I said meaningly.
"Ah. Henry," she said sadly, "how
often have I told you that the best
plan may come to ruin in the market?
It may not take much to start a bould
er lolliiii? down the mountain-side, but
who is to tell it to stop when once it
is set jjoinu'.'"
"I tltuik." said I, smiling, "that Mr.
Knapp would ride the boulder and find
himself in a gold mine at the end of
the journey."
"Perhaps. Hut you're not telling me
what Mr. Knapp is doing."
"He can tell you better than I."
"No doubt." she said with a trace of
sarcasm in her voice.
"And here he comes to do it, I ex
pect," I said, as the tall figure of the
King of the Street appeared in the
doorway opposite.
"I'm afraid I shall have to depend
on the newspapers." she said. "Mr.
Knapp is as much afraid of a woman's
.tongue as jou are. Oh," she continued
rfter a moment's pause, "I was going
to make you ghe an account of your
self; but since you will tell nothing I
must introduce you to my cousin. Mrs.
Howser." And she led me, unresist
ing, to a short, sharp-featured woman
of sixty or thereabouts, who rustled
her silks, and in a high, thin voice
professed herself charmed to see me.
She might have claimed and held
the record as the champion of the ccn
ersational ring. 1 had never met
her equal before, nor have I met one
to surpass her since.
Had I been long in the city? She
had been heie only a week. Came from
Maine way. This was a dear, dreadful
city with such nice people and such
dreadtul winds, wasn't it? And then
she gave me a catalogue of the places
she had visited, and the attractions of
San Francisco, with a wealth of de
tail and a poverty of interest that was
little less than marvelous.
Fortunately she required nothing
but an occasional murmur of assent in
the way of answer from me.
I looked across the room to the cor
ner where Ltiella was entertaining the
insignificant Inman. How vivacious
and intelligent she appeared! Her
face and figure grew on me in attrac
tiveness, and I felt that I was being
very badly used. As I came to this point
I was roused by the sound of two low
voices that just behind me were plain
ly audible under the shrill treble of
Mrs. Howser. They were women with
their heads close in gossip.
"Shocking, isn't it?" said one.
"Dreadful!" said the other. "It gives
me the creeps to think of it."
"Why don't they lock him up? Such
a creature shouldn't be allowed to go
at large."
"Oh. you sec, maybe they can't be
sure about it. Hut I've heard it's a
case of family pride."
I was recalled from this dialogue by
Mrs. Howser's fan on my arm. and her
shrill voice in my ear with. "What is
your idea about it, Mr. Wilton?"
"I think you are perfectly right," I
said heartily, as she paused for an an
swer. "Then I'll arrange it with the others
at once." she said.
This was a bucket of ice-water on
me. I had not the first idea of what
I had committed myself.
"No. don't," I said. "Wait till we
have time to discuss it again."
"Oh, we can decide on the .time
whenever you like. Will some night
week after next suit you?"
I had to throw myself on the mercy
of the enemy.
"I'm afraid I'm getting rather absent-minded,"
I said humbly. "I was
looking at Miss Knapp and lost the
thread of the discourse for a minute."
"That's what I was talking about,"
she said sharply "about taking her
and the rest of us through Chinatown."
"Yes, yes. I remember," I said un
blushingly. "if I can get away from
business, I'm at your service at any
Then Mrs. Bowser wandered on with
the arrangements she would find nec
essary to make, and I heard one of the
low voices behind me:
"Now this is a profound secret, you
know. I wouldn't have them know for
the world that any one suspects. I just
heard it this week, myself."
"Oh, I wouldn't dare breathe it to
a soul," said the other. "But I'm sure
I shan't sleep a wink to-night." And
they moved away.
I interrupted Mrs. Howser to ex
plain that I must speak to Mrs. Knapp
and made my escape as some one
stopped to pass a word with her.
"Oh, must you go, Henry?" said
Mrs. Knapp. "Well, you must come
again soon. We miss you when you
stay away. Don't let Mr. Kna'pp keep
you too closely."
I professed myself happy to come
whenever I could find the time, and
looked about for Luella. She was no
where to be seen. I left the room a
little disappointed, but with a swelling
pride that I had passed the dreaded
ordeal and had been accepted as Hen
ry Wilton in the house in which I had
most feared to meet disaster. My
opinion of my own cleverness had ris
en, in the language of the market,
"above par."
As I passed down the hall, a tall
willowy figure stepped from the shad
ow of the stair. My heart gave a
bound of delight. It was Luella Knapp.
I should have the pleasure of a leave
taking in private.
"Oh, Miss Knapp!" I said. "I had
-- ' 5i J
despaired of having the chance to bid
you good night." And held out my
She ignored the hand. I could see
from her heaving bosom and shortened
breath that she was laboring under
great agitation. Yet her face gave no
evidence of the effort that it cost her
to control herself.
"I was waiting for you," she said in
a low oice.
I started to express my satisfaction
when she interrupted me.
"Who are you?" broke from her lips
almost fiercely.
I was completely taken aback, and
stared at her in amazement with no
word at command.
"You are not Henry Wilton," she
said rapidly. "You have come here
with his name and his clothes, and
made up to look like him, and you try
to use his voice and take his place.
Who are you?" v
There was a depth of scorn and anger
and apprehension in that low voice of
hers that struck me dumb.
"Can you not answer?" she de
manded, catching her breath with ex
citement. "You are not Henry Wil
ton." "Well?" I said half-innuiringly. It
was not safe to advance or retreat.
"Well ! well !" She repeated my
answer with indignation and disdain
deepening In her voice. "Is that all
you have to say for yourself?"
"What should I say?" I replied quiet
ly. "You make an assertion. Is there
anything more to be said?"
"Oh, you may laugh at me if you
please, because you can hoodwink the
I protested that laughter was the
last thing I was thinking of at the
Then she burst out impetuously:
"Oh, If I were only a man! No; If
I were a man I should be hoodwinked
like the rest. But you can not de
ceive me. Who are you? What are you
here for? What are you trying to do?"
She was blazing with wrath. Her
tone had raised hardly an interval of
the scale, but every word that came in
that smooth, low voice was heavy with
ccntempt and anger. It was the true
daughter of the Wolf who stood before
"I am afraid. Miss Knapp, you are
not well, to-night," I said soothingly.
"What have you done with Henry
Wilton?" she asked fiercely. "Don't
try to speak with his voice. Drop your
disguise. You are no actor. You are
no more like him than "
"Satyr or Hyperion," I quoted bitter
ly. "Make it strong, please."
I had thought myself in a tight place
in the row at Borton's, but it was
netting to this encounter.
"Oh, where is he? Wtiat has. hap
pened?" she cried.
"Nothing has happened," I . said
calmly, determined at 'last to brazen it
out. I couid not tell her the truth.
"My name is Henry Wilton."
She looked at me in anger a mo
ment, and then a shadow of dread and
despair settled oyer her face.
I was tempted beyond measure to
throw myself on her mercy and tell
all. The subtle sympathy that she in
spired was softening my resolution.
Yet, as I looked into her eyes, her
face hardened and her wrath blazed
forth once more.
"Go!" she said. "I hope I may never
see you again!" And she turned and
ran swiftly up the stair. I thought 1
heard a sob, but whether of anger or
sorrow I knew not.
And I went out into the night with
a heavier load of depression than l
had borne since I entered the city.
A Day of Grace.
Resolve, shame, despair, fought with
each other in the tumult in my mind
as I passed between the bronze lions
and took my way down the street.
I was called out of my distractions
with a sudden start as though a buck
et of cold water had been thrown over
me." I had proceeded not twenty feet
when 1 saw two dark forms across the
street. They had, it struck me, been
waiting for my appearance, for one
ritn to join the other and both hasten
ed toward the corner as though to be
ready to meet me.
I could not retreat to the house of
the Wolf that loomed forbiddingly be
hind me. There was nothing to do but
to go forward and trust to my good
fortune, and 1 shifted my revolver to
the side-pocket of my overcoat as 1
stepped briskly to the corner. Then
I stopped under the lamp-post to re
connoiter. The two men who had roused my
apprehensions did not offer to cross
the street, but slackened their pace
and strolled slowly along on the other
side. I noted that it seemed a long
way between street-lamps thereabouts.
I could see none between the one' un
der which I was standing and the
brow of the hill below. Then it oc
curred to me that this circumstance
might not be due to the caprice of the
street department of the city govern
ment, but to the thoughtfulness of the
gentlemen who were paying such
close attention to my affairs. I de
cided that there were better ways to
get down town than were offered by
Pine street.
To the south the cross-street
stretched to Market with an unbroken
array of lights, and as my unwary
watchers had disappeared in the dark
ness. 1 hastened down the incline with
so little regard for dignity that I found
myself running for a Sutter street car
and caught it, too. As I swung
on the the platform I looked back; but
I saw no sign of skulking figures be
fore the car swept past the corner and
blotted the street from sight.
The incident gave me a distaste fcr
the idea of going bad; to Henry Wil
ton's room at this tii 2 of the night.
So at Montgomery s "eet I stepped
into the Lick house, where I felt reas
onably sure that I nii-lit get at least
one night's sleep, from .rom the haunt
ing fear of the assassin.
But, once more safe the charms of
Luella Knapp again claimed the major
part of my thoughts, a d when I went
to sleep it was with her scornful words
ringing in my ears. I slept soundly
until tho morning sun peeped into the
room with the cheerful announcement
that a r.ew day was born.
In the fresh morning air and the
bright morning light, I felt that I
might have been unduly suspicious
and had fled from harmless citizens;
and I was ashamed that I had lacked
courage to return to Henry's room as
I made my way thither lor a change
of clothes. I thought better of my de
cision, however, as I stepped within
the gloomy walls of the house of mys
tery and my footfalls echoed through
the chilling silence of the halls. And
I lost all regret over my night's lack
of courage when I reached my door.
It was swung an inch ajar, and as I
approached I thought I saw it move.
"I'm sertsin i l?Cr-?i it," rras my
inward comment
I stopped short and hunted my re
volver from my overcoat pocket. I
was nervous for a moment, and angry
at the inattention that might have
cost me my life.
"Who's there?" I demanded.
No reply. .
I gave a knock on the door at long
There was no sound and I gave it a
push that sent it open while I
prudently kept behind the fortification
of the casing. As no developments
followed this move, I peeped through
the door in cautious .investigation. The
room was quite empty, and I walked
There is Not the Great Variety We
Generally Imagine.
"Certain great food-staples have
proved themselves within the age
long experience of humanity to pos
sess a larger amount of nutritive val
ue, digestibility, and other good quali
ties, and a smaller proportion of up.
desirable properties than any others.
These, through an exceedingly slow
and gradual process of the survival
of the fittest, have come to form the
staples of food in common use by the
human race all over the world. It is
really astonishing how comparatively
few there are of them, when we come
to consider them "broadly; the flesh
and the milk of three or four domestic
animals, the flesh of three or four -and
the eggs of one species of domesti
cated birds, tljree great grains wheat,
rice and maize and a half-dozen
smaller and much less frequent ones,
one hundred or so species of fishes
and shell fish, two sugars, a dozen
or so starch-containing roots and tu
hers, only two of which the potato
and the manioc are of real interna
tional importance, twenty or thirty
fruits, forty or fifty vegetables make
up two-thirds of the food supply ol
the inhabitants of the world.
'"Instead of wondering at the var
iety and profuseness of the human
food supply, the biologist is rather in
clined to ejaculate with the London
footman immortalized by John Leech
who, when told by the cook that there
would be mutton chops for dinner and
roast beef for supper, exclaimed:
"Nothing but beef, mutton and pork
pork, mutton and beef! Hin my opin
ion, hit's 'igh time some new hanimal
was inwented!' "
She Meant a Mantle.
Thomas A. Edison was discussing at
Atlantic City the various devices for
increasing the brilliance and diminish
ing the cost of a gas jet.
"Many of these devices have for
base a mantle,'" he said. "You know
what a mantle looks like? Then you'll
appreciate a remaric l overnearu in a
hardware dealer's.
"A young woman entered the shop
and said:
" 'Have you got those things for im
proving a gas light?"
" 'Yes, madam,' said the dealer.
Here is a complete set, fittings, chim
ney and mantle, all' for
" 'Oh. I don't want the set.' said the
young woman. 'I've got the metal part
and the chimney, but the little white
shirt is busted. It's only one of them
I want.'"
Woman Lost $230,COO.
New York. Mrs. Arthur P. Mason
of Larchmont is the ,womn who lost
a tin box containing llt $1,000 bills'
and jewelry valued at $40,000, while-'
journeying to New York on the loca".
New York, New Haven and Hartford
train from her home. Mrs. Mason
made this admission despite the ad
vice of her lawyer, Benjamin F. Nor
ris. who has tried to keep secret the
name of his client. Mrs. Mason re
fused to go into details of the trip.
She placed the box on the seat be
side her, while the suit case rested
at her feet. It is hardly supposed
Mrs. Mason forgot the existence ol
the box when she left the train at the
Grand Central station. It is possible
however, she was followed from her
home by some crook who knew that
the box contained a fortune.
Where Howe Led.
Discussing Washington and his
birthday, John Kendrick Bangs said:
"I have made a study of ghosts, as
my 'Houseboat on the Styx' and other
stories show. And I once dreamed,
or saw In a vision, the ghost of Wash
ington and the ghost of Gen. Howe
"The two ghosts seemed on ex
cellent terms. Howe insisted that
Washington was taking on weight
joked him about it and finally said:
" 'George, I'll run you a mile for a
shilling.' -
"Washington gave Howe a mocking
" 'Xo, thank you,' he said. 'I was
always behind you when it came to
running.' "
Air Navigation Engines.
Ten or 15 years ago authorities writ
ing on the subject stated that if only
It were possible to make engines so
light as to weigh but ten pounds a a
horsepower, there would be no diffi
culty in constructing a flying ma
chine. A few years after, petrol en
gines were made of such weight. To
day they are made and on the mar
ket, weighing no more than two and
one-half pounds a horsepower. Tech
nical Literature.
Chinese Crowding Vladivostok.
An increase of 40,000 in one year
to the Chinese population of Vladivo
stok alone, coming entirely from the
province of Shantung, shows that
there must be some particularly at:
tractive business there to interest ths
exceedingly keen business men of that
Tool of Many Uses.
During the present army maneuv
ers the French troops are using for
the first time an instrument which for
variety of adaptation probably ap
proaches to a record. It is a kind of
concave lance shaft, or gouge, about
8 inches broad at the base and with
a handle about 12 inches long.
This implement is a shovel, a point
ed bar, a trenching pick, a wire cut
ter, a wood chopper and can be used
for bread and meat. London Globe.
The Mean TnmB.
She (eyeing the refreshment booth)
Dearest, while we are waiting for
the train, don't you think it would he
a good idea to take something?
He Yes, darling; and since it is
such a beautiful moonlight night, let's
take a walk.
Try Murine Eye Remedy
For Red. Weak. Weary, Watery ffree.
Murine Doesn't Smart Soothe Eye Pain.
All Druggists Sell Murine at 50cts. The 48
Page Book in each Pkg. is worth Dollars
in everv home. Ask your Druggist.
Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago.
Work is the grand cure of all the
maladies and miseries that ever beset
mankind honest work which, you In
tend getting done. Carlyle.
Lewis' Single Binder strajght 5c-.Yon
pay 10c for cijrars not ko good. "Your deal
er or Lewis Factor', Peoria, HI.
Contentment la natural wealth;
luxury, artificial poverty. Socrates.
KITS. St. Vitus' Pane and Nerronn D'.sraseg per
manently cured bT lr. Kline's Great Nerve Hestorer.
Semi for KKKK fc.CO trial bcttlo and treatise. Jr.
U. II. Kline. UU 931 Arch Street. 1'hiIadelpUia Pa.
Many a man is out of work
cause there is no work in him.
is a steady employe" and
doesn't get tired. It works
every day in the year and
never asks to go to the ball
game. Its work lightens
the cares of every office
wherever it is employed.
You cant afford to be with
out it
Write for particulars about
a demonstration on your
work in your office at our
Universal Adding Machine Co.
(29 Paztoa Building, Omaha. Iteb.
3397 La Cleoe Avenae. St Leuia
Positively cored by
these Little Pills.
gga I luey also rciicTc isia-
ITTIP J tress from Dyspepsia, In-
lra i " I lliKest lon and Too Hearty
9 I U k R I Eating. A perfect rem-
KM Sjll O l7 'or Dizziness, Nau-
3 r LLOa sea' Drowblness, Bad
Wm 1 J Taste in the Mouth, Coat-
SHBIH led Tonjnie, Pain in the
mmmUmmuM lg- TORPID LIVER.
They regulate the Bqwels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
nrvcinvc by JOHN W. MORRIS.
PENSIONS Waanlcgton, V. O.
never iticki
to tba lroa
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 29, 1908.
latH VM iVa V
m I Mm
J MH lit! iJ i Vi
f SBBSssm f-? - V l" H
FII xX TllBssssHKal
' )
the same price per package, but they contain only is ounces of starch.
Consult your own interests. Ask for DEFIANCE STARCH, get it, and we
know you will never use any other.
Defiance Starch Company, Omaba, Neb.
Cleanses the System El
uqIIv.DkspcIs Lolas anc
I 1 .L ! A
amies clue u iionsTtpaTiom
Acts naturally, acts frulv
iily as
IJest jbrAlenAirrtcn ana thud'
ren-Vbungana Ola.
lo get its beneficial Effects
.Always duv the Genuine which
has ihe full name of the Com
Ra Syrup .Co.
norn it is manufactured. printed on th
bvwnom it i manufn
front of evi'ii
one size only, regular price 5(Kp-boUl.
No trip can surpass in plea
sure and health a vacation
spent in the Rockies. Lovr
rates in effect every day to
September 30, 1903.
For the round-trip from Omaha to
Denver --Colorado Springs
Puebio VIA
New and Scenlo Route to
Yellowstone Park
Inquire of
E. L. LOMAX, C. P. A.v
Omaha, Nebr.
Keeps the breath-, teeth, mouth and body
ntiscptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
germicidal, disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Urgi Trial Supli
'hkaltm and atur" boon asnr rsa
al6aisy" fly"killer
It leads vtrp.
thlEir fordMtroy.
lctc Hie. 1. nn
cirin nu onu.
pan and orna
nnial. hold brail
aleruor sent b
ill poatpalri fol
cants. !larl4
mxnikl. hold tTl
SO eat
BBfT. 149 D.I.Ik
., Brasktr,3.T,
Orer3KU patient. cort daring thn past 3 years.
l A
Beta. UK.U.S.KINMONTU.AsbaiTl'arli
V J MB Mil UtMffl
Nothing pleases the eye so much
as a well made, dainty
i f properly laundered.
To get the best results
it fa necessary to use
the best laundry
gives that finish to the
clothes that all ladies
I desire and should ob
tain. It k the delight
I of the experienced
laundress. Once tried
they will use no other. It is pore and
is guaranteed not to injure the most
delicate fabric It is sold by the
best grocers at iocs package. Each
package contains 16 euncea. Other
starches, not nearly se goad, sell at
El w"'BL nl " 'H