-TV- -gL- f r - - "wW r -- ', - t-i rr', --tn w ' -j ' -j - "-, ... ;.- Fu X - ..' i - is 4 . Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Atgu January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAK. NUMBER 14. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1908. WHOLE NUMBER 1,912. v-, - . -- -a-- . k -v --. -.- g e. - ... ,- - --ir Iflitrm a '- . r aw 1 1 &i r-- -s-v- -a JF1 s anni nu ocddcd 1 : nuuLrn uxnuxn Has listed his 80 acres south of the County farm for sale. If you want GOOD LAND in a GOOD LOCA TION, this will suit Hi : Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. 2 COLUMBUS KAlXITf . Oats 40 Wheat 79 Rye 60 Com I 2 Barley 40 Bogs, top 85 65 to $5 75 C IMMMN 1 I MANY TEAKS AGO. Files of The Journal, July 8, 1874. Sioce the 4th of July tbe luxury of a cool night is not a common occurrence. Some experience iu Nebraska leads us to beliere that tbe olimste is undergoing a change in this particular. We do aot like to part with cool nights in hot weather, but if the change comes it is by a law that will compel us to submit, unless we are willing to take our sleep ing rooms down deep in cellars. We are indebted to M. Maher, one of the board of county commissioners, for the following items relative to the levies made for tbe present year, to-wit: The entire levy for county purposes is 20J mills. This levy-we understand inoludee all levies for special purposes. Tbe levy for state purposes is 64 .mills. The special levy tor Onlunbus precinct is6 mills. Whatever happens, our taxes must be levied and collected. The peo ple have selected their several agents to manage these matters and we hope they are managed in tbe interests of tbe peo ple, but the 20J mills for county pur poses appears heavy. Tbe dry weather of the past week has had its effect upon the growing crops, but it is generally thought that wheat is too far along to be injured much. Many fields of this grain will be har vested this week, tbe sod wheat being nearest ready to -cut. Those who are accustomed to produce good corn are now giving it all the attention possible, pulling the weeds from about the stalks, hoeing and plowing, and purpose finish ing with a narrow stirring plow, throw ing the moist soil well up against the stalk. In using the plow care should be taken not to disturb the tap root. On the Base Ball Diamond. Central City won two straight games from Columbus on tbe 4th and 5th. the score .being the same both days. 5 to 2 in favor of Central City. In the Firemen's league the Hookies still hold first place, having won their game Sunday from Hose Company No. 1 by a score of 8 to 5. On Sunday. July 12, there will be a double header between the firemen's teams. Hose Companies No. 1 and 2 playing the first game and tbe Hookies playing tbe winners. Dsrisjr the last week a grand stand has been built at the grounds. Following is the standing of the teams in the Firemen's league: 2 f S 7 TEAMS 5 I Z, ? : : ? Hookk 2 a ouen Hot Cumpauy So. I 10 1000 Hose Company No. i ll 0 1 Wo ACREAGE PROPERTY Two and one-hall acres located 12 blocks from our postoffice. A beau tiful site for an outside home. $Mt01T,SP&l6E AND 60. This week County Assessor Clark has filedhia report with the state board of equalization. The total assessed valua tion of the county is $6,351,571, not in cluding the railroad assessment, which will bring the total up to over 87,500,000. There are six patent righto listed, also four persons have said they owned boats. It takes sixty-three threshing machines lo supply the county, and the next item is 1,197 dogs at the assessed valuation of ninety-eight cents apiece. There .are twenty-three automobiles and ninety-six bicycles, the total assessed valuation of tbe former being $1,411. The county is not rioh in diamonds and other valuable stones, bb all the owners will pay taxes on is $1,282. There are 12.001 horses. 720 mules. 37.952 cattle, 838 sheep and goats and 44 837 hogs, the assessed valua tion being $388,886. The total amount of taxable lands and improvements is $28,667,620 aotual value, and the average per acre is $53.53. Tbe average actual value of town lots including their im provements is $1,087.48, and the average for unimproved lots is 5135.42. The as sesment of personal property this year is about eight per cent lower than last year, several precincts showing a big falling off on account of being hailed out. Specials to the Denver convention com menced passing through Columbus Sun day. The Columbus crowd, accom panied by others from towns on tbe Norfolk and Spalding branches, pnlled out in a special car about 6:30 p. m. The same train contained a hundred Bryan shooters from Fremont. Two specials, filled with small-fry Tammany braves, accompanied by Boss John Bar leycorn, who appeared to be in full com mand, were the first to arrive. When tbe first of the Tammany trains reached ColumbuB, tbe braves in one of tbe oars appeared to have exhaust ed their supply of shouting elixer, and several cases were hoisted on board to replenish the stock. One of tbe braves with a tbiok neck, and wearing a dirty shirt and a jag. made a few Bowery re marks on the political issues of the day. Another brave was holding an animated argument with "Old Bill Devery," whom he designated as the "worst pick pocket in New York City." The entire bunch was a fair sample of Tammany politicians and it is some satisfaction to the friends and admirers of Mr. Bryan to know that tbe Tammany sluggers prefer almost any other candidate than tbe Nebraska man. President Karr of the Commercial club has been interesting himself on "be half of the club, for better train service for Columbus on tbe Spalding branch. Under the present schedule there is but an hour between tbe arrival of the pas senger on that branch and its return, which gives little or no time in Col umbus. On the other band, the Norfolk passenger train arrives at about one o'clock and returns at 7:30. This per mits passengers from up that line to put in the whole afternoon in Columbus, with tbe result tbst our merchants pro fit thereby. Mr. Karr belives that it will be a big benefit, both to Columbus and the company, in the increase of business, and he has taken tbe matter up' with General Manager Mohler, who promised to see what could be done and expressed a willingness to assist in any thing that would be benefical to the company and this city. Tbe high water at Lincoln was re sponsible for some of tbe special trains to the Denver convention passing through this city. Besides the Dahlman special train, which picked up a car load from the Spalding and Albion branches at this place, the Rock Island was com pelled to send two of their trains, the first one carrying the Jefferson club of St. Louis and the second being tbsf fourth section of Tom Johnson's special, over the Union Pacific. Besides the special trains the Rock Island handled two of their regular trains and the ttur liugton one of their Denver trains over the Union Pacific. The high water re sulted in all trains on tbe Columbus and Lincoln line of the Burlington being an nulled Monday and Tuesday. The pas senger succeeded in reaching Seward Monday, but was turned around and sent back. Tbe Platte County Rural Letter Car riers' association held their annual county convention at the home of Post master Kramer Sunday June 28. The business transacted was the election of officers and delegates to tbe state con vention at York, as follows: President, H. B. Reed; vice president, J. F. English, Humphrey; secretary, G. M Hall; treasurer, W. D. Benson; Dele gates to the State convention, H. B Reed, Mrs. Ruth Kenyon. There were nice carriers present, six from Columbus', two from Platte Center, one from Mon roe and one substitute, John Brock. Be sides the rural carriers the city carriers were present and also Postmaster Pin son of Platte Center. Postmater Kramer gave a talk to -the association as did also Mr. Brock. After the session refreshments were served. Will Aldrich, nephew of Wm. Terrell of this city, accompanied by iris friends, Mr. Root and Mr. Warren, all of Phila delphia, tarried here Monday afternoon on their way west. They will have a look In on the Democratic convention at Denver, and from there, gp for a tour .of Yellowstone Park. After .the Park they proceed toDulutb, from which point i they go by boat to Buffalo, on their heoteward journey. Try the Victoria cigar. Dra. Paid and Matzaa, Dentists. Dr. Lueschen Ocoulist and aariat. Dr. VaJliar, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 95. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Harry Erb of Central City, spent the Fourth in this city. E. A. Horn of Lincoln is visiting his brother-in-law. A. C. Boone. " Ours. L. Dickey has a few choice sec tions of Western Nebraska land for sale. A nice line of eeived at Carl wedding rings just re Frpemers, Eleventh street jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Matlock of Aurora, are guests of the Thomas family this week. Mrs. Will Baker and baby boy of Omaha, are visiting at the home of -O. L. Baker and family. E. H. Chambers is home again after a trip to Idaho, where be invested in some choice school land. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Iowa, are the guests Will Snell this week. Skelton or Alta, of Mr. and Mrs. Judge Ratter man left for Denver last Friday to witness the nomination of Bryan for president. Orr Nicbol came up from Omaha Sat urday to visit relatives and friends. He returned home Sunday. Mrs. Robinson and - daughter. 'Miss Nolia, of Schuyler, were calling on Co lumbus friends tbe Fourth. j Miss Florence Taylor, who lives on a farm six miles south of tbe oity, wan the guest of Miss Stella Kummer last week. Miss Rebecca Nicbol of Omaha arrived here Friday to spend ' the Fourth, and visit at the home of Miss Hazel Clark. Keep in mind the last three days of July. That is when the Columbus moss take place. They will bs mighty good. Arthur Kemper and George Wenk of Creston spent the Fourth in this city. They returned home Saturday evening. . Misses Bertha and Annie Glur, who have been visiting in Onaha for tbe past week, returned. to their borne in this city Wednesday. D. E Geffen, a former business man of Columbus, but now a resident of Sioux City, was a business visitor in the city last Wednesday. Fred Gerber, who underwent an opera tion at St Mary's hospital for appendici tis a short time ago is again able to be upon the streets. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker and baby daughter, Helen, of 4)maha, spent sev eral days of last week visiting the Sny der and Baker families. Miss Minnie Glur, who is employed in the Times office at Genoa, spent tbe Fourth with home folks. She returned to her duties Monday morning. Miss Margaret E. Evans, who is em ployed in the Tribunt office, left Friday for her home in Missouri Valley, Iowa, where the will visit for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Baker, formerly of this rityVbut who are now living in David City, were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Puesohel several days last week. Miss Hazel Smith returned Monday evening from Omaha, Council Bluffs, and Iowa, where she has been visiting relatives and friends for tbe past two weks Mrs. Carl Faulk of Pattensburg, Mo., was the guest of Columbus friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fanlk intend to re turn to this city soon, to again make their home. Miss Lena Schmocker left Wednesday for Ottawa, Kansas, for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Louise Backer. She was accompanied by Miss Ida Oppliger. Mrs. Lloyd Swain, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Mary L. Parker, left Thurs day afternoon for Torrington, Wyoming, where they will visit for some time with Dr. and Mrs. Platz. Dan Holloran, one of tbe first men to locate in the vicinity of Lindsay, passed away last Wednesday after a short ill ness. He was sixty-five years old, and is survived by his wife. R.8. Palmer the tailor, clean, diet and repairs Ladies' and Gents' clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons madejto order. Agent Germania Dye Works. Nebraska Phone. Mrs. Will Kauffman entertained a few of her lady friends Thursday afternoon to an old-fashioned quilting'. A very pleasant time was had by those piesent. Refreshments were served. W. I. Browne, who has been visiting his wife and little son for the past few days, returned Tuesday to St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Browne will remain in tbe city indefinitely, as she is still under the doctor's care. . Frank Behrend is n patient at St. Mary's hospital. Three weeks ago while at work on bis farm twelve miles south of Columbus he was atrioken with par aiysis,smcewhi& time bnbns bnan inn I critical condition. DAKOTA LANDS N1 rORTU and South Dakota lands, farms, ranches and grass lands, located on tbe James river valley in Spink county. South Dakota andDiokey county. North Dakota. Prices ranging from $10.00 to $80. 00 per acre. Excursion Tuesday July 21st and special car from Columbus. Tues day, August 18th. Round trip $19.65 Railroad fare refunded to all whp purchase lend JESSE G.NEWNAN Office with Newman & Welch, Columbus, Neb. Person sells fly nets at cost. Dr. Neumann, Dentist 13 St. G. R. Prieb, painting and paper banging. Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. Dm. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 'ZVZ, Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr.. office new Colum bus State Bank building. MoCall patterns 10 and 15 cents at the Fitzpatriok Dry Goods Store. Howard McCray left Sunday evening for Reno, Nevada, where he has accepted a position. Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully cleaned and repaired at Carl Froemel's, Eleventh street jeweler. Mrs. Graves and daughter Miss Viola of Omaha, are visiting at the home of tbe former's mother, Mrs. 8. T. Ashley. Dr. Dave Martyn went to Omaha Tues day, where he will remain until Thurs day. He was called there on business. Little Florence Brugger will enter tain a number of ber friends from three until six o'clock this afternoon, the oc casion beings birthday.-4" Mr. and Mrs. Will Templen of Monroe and Mrs. Nels Peterson of Humphrey, spent the Fourth in this city visiting at tbe home of M. C. Bloedorn. YOUR eyes may suit you, but perhaps your glasses do not. Let us make you a pair of our "made to order" spectacles, and your verdict will be, Niewobner, "well done." Miss Lottie Nitkowski of North Rend, Henry Nckolicztk of Spalding and Frank Beister of South Omaha were guests at the home of Victor Terasinski the past week. Will Madavety of Schuyler, aged 81 years, died at the hospital Sunday. July 5 Tbe funeral was held Monday from the Gass undertaking rooms, and burial was in tbe Columbua cemetery. Mr. and Mrs H. J. Hendryxof Gridley. Kas., arrived Monday and are guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. T. W. Adams. Mrs. Hendryx is in poor health and they expect to remain here for some time. Workmen have commenced tearing down the Wm. Schilz store building on Olive street so that a new brick store room may be built in its place. It is expected that tbe new building will be ready for occupancy in sixty dayr. W. J. Else, a'member of the Else Land Co. of Doland and Redfield. South Dakota, is making this oity his head quarters at present, and is making arrangements for a special excursion to South Dakota at a date in the near future. One of the attractions in Columbus on tbe Fourth was the private tourist's car which Charles L. Dickey uses to convey land seekers to Canada. The car was switched to the side track north of tbe U. P. passenger depot and was visited by hundreds during the day. Wall Paper Now that spring is on the way, would it not be a good idea to think about repapering the rooms? Our line of wall paper has never been surpassed, either in qual ity, pattern or price, and all who have had work done by us have been well satisfied. Kmnavifa ft Betterton Jl Mr. and Mrs. sTenry Kruse, who live in the southeast part of this city, were greatly alarmed on the evening of the Fourth, as to the whereabouts of their even year old daughter Lillian, who in company with several of the neighbor ohildren came to theoelebration esrly in the day. At supper time Lillian refused to accompany her companions home say ing, fce would wait for them to return." As darkness' came on and no word of ber whereabouts wan learned her parents notified the oity authorities and a diligent search was made but the child could not be found. It was thought she was at tracted to the Union Pacific depot by tbe bright lights and the number of persons waiting to take the different trains for their respective homes, and later boarded a west bound train. At the first atop. Claris, tbe little Miss left the train. There she remained until 8unday; bar parents were notified and M r, Kruse left enrly.Sunday morning for Clarka returning the same day with his daughter, who was badly frightened but not injured id tbe leaBt for ber night's adventure. The Star Bloomer Girls Champion Ladies' base ball club of the world, who are making an extensive tour of this country and Canada, traveling in their own special Pullman, under tbe manage ment of F. O. Schmelz, will make their firt appearance in Columbus on Monday, July 13th. when they will play one of most interesting and exciting games of ball with the Columbus team that has ever been played in this vicinity. Ladies, as well as gentlemen, can attend this game without any fear of being offended, as nothing will be said or done that the most fastidious could object to. There are 30 people in this organization, wbiob includes a concert band. Game will take place at tbe ball park. The engagement of Miss Petite Martyn to Charles C. Givens of Mt. Sterling, Illinois, was announced Thursday at a five-course luncheon given by Mrs. G. B. Speice, at ber home on west 14th street. Tbe tables were tastily decorat ed in red oarnations, red ribbons, and brass candle sticks, which held lighted red candles. The place cards showed oupid ringing the wedding bells, and bore the opening score of n popular wedding march. The announcement was made by the hostess aa the first course was be ing served. The wedding will take place in September. The out of town .guests were, Miss Rottgerof Mt. Sterling, III., Mrs. Rtndell and Mrs. W. E. Rhodes of Chicago. . L. F. Gottschalk is keeping his friends at home well posted as to bis movements in tbe foreign countries. Fred Flenoki geriand Dr. Heintz are now among friends and relatives in Switzerland, while Gottschalk is going it alone. The last message he sent was from Budapest, Hungaria, and from tbe tone of bis pos tal he is not letting any of tbe sights escape his vision.- Herman Schuster and Miss Maggie Carman were united in marriage Friday afternoon, Justice O'Brien performing the ceremony. The groom is .well known, as he has been proprietor of the Colum bus foundry for a number of years. Tbe bride is an estimable young lady of Silver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Schuster will be at home soon in a cottage in Highland Park. John Ciolek, n young man residing in the southern part of tbe city was taken before the oounty commission of insanity last Wednesday and examined as lo his mental condition, aud committed to the North Nebraska hospital for tbe insane at Norfolk. The patient's mental con dition was caused by a sunstroke wbich later developed into a nervous complaint. Bunker Shallenberger, who aspires to head the democratic state ticket, was a recent visitor in Columbus. The Jour nal understands that Mr. Sballenberger received much encouragement from pro minent party workers while here; that sevetal who preferred Berge two years ago expressed their determination to boost biscondidacyjat the primaries. Have yon noticed that tbe horses going through the Nebraska circuit are making unusually fast time in all the classes, and that tbe races are more evenly contested than any previous year? These same bones will be at the Colum bus races tbe last three days in July. You will miss something good if you don't attend. There was but one fire as a result of the fourth of July celebration. About eleven o'clock Saturday night Officer Nelson discovered a small blaze in tbe rear of Pat Maloney's pool.ball and no tified Mr. Maloney at once. A few pails of water was sufficient to extinguish it without calling the department out. Van and Walter Rufenacht-, who have been visiting friends in thb city for tbe past week returned to their home near Loup City, Tuesday morning. It has been three years since the boys lived here, and their many friends were pleas ed to leam that they were enjoyiaflf-the best of health. Mm. Will J. Thomas, who livea sit miles Bonth of Columbus, was called to South Bend, Tuesday by a message an nouncing tbe sudden death ,of her father, Mr. Peek. The deceased was ever nighty years old, and death was due to old age The runeral was held - Thursday-afternoon. ... . ... . .i, - .. I -Mhs Clara Hehl of AlMbn, was thai guest of Ma. M. BotMsitsfor last wenk. t FELL FROM HIS BALLOON. F. P. Hackstock. the HuBaohrev Ae ronaut Killed Here oa the Fourth. Three accidents, on Eleventh street, oue of them resulting in death, happen ed in Columbus on the Fourth. F. P. Hackstock. the Humphrey aero naut, fell from'hia balloon and was in stantly killed. Owing to the stiff wind that was blowing. Hackstock and his as sistant decided to inflate their balloon in front of tbe Pacific hotel. It is stated that Haokitock's assistant pointed out the danger of sending up the balloon at tbe point where it was "inflated, but the aeronaut appeared willing to take tbe risk, as he was anxious to make the as cent on time and then go to Schuyler. where be expected, to make another as cent Nt-r in tbe day. About 2:15, after Hackatockhad fastened "one hand to the bar on tbe balloon with a strap, he gave the signal to those holdiog the ropes to let go. Aa the balloon arose the aero naut waved his hand to tbe crowd. Clearing tbe trees opposite tbe hotel, the balloon started almost directly north, but failed to ascend high enough to clear the electric light wires in the alley in the rear or the buildings on Eleventh street. Hackstock struck tbe wires with terrific force and a seoond later was hurled against the chimney of tbe build ing where tbe Crystal theater is located. After reaching this building the balloon commenced to ascend higher, and after passing over the structure tbe strap whioh held the aeroanut's hand broke and he fell to the pavement, striking on his head and crashing in his skull. The injured man was at once placed in an automobile and hurried toward tbe hospital, but died before reaching that place. Later tbe remains were taken to Gass' undertaking establishment where they were prepared for burial. The dead man was formerly a resideat of Humphrey, but lately his parents .moved to Cedar Rapids, this state. He was 28 yearn old. The remains were taken to Humphrey for burial. Daring the excitement on Eleventh street at-tbe time of tbe accident, a man driving a horse ran into a woman knock ing down, but fortunately she escaped with only a few bruises. In the evening,- about 9 o'clock, the third accident on .Eleventh street ocour-. ed. The committee appointed to super intend the fire works display had just commenced operations, when a spark ignited all tbe rockets, caudles and whirl-ft-gigga and for about one minute there was a display that stampeded the crowd. Fortunately no one was injured. The Fourth in Columbus. The celebration in Columbus on the Fourth attracted a large crowd from the country and surrounding towns, and the program, as advertised, was carried out. Hon. August Thomas, of New York, speaker of tbe day, delivered one of the finest addresses ever heard in Columbua on a like occasion. The ball game be tween Central City and Columbus teams, was won by the former. The other sports were equally bs attractive. The automobile parade in the evening was one of tbe features of the day. Some o' tbe machines were tastefully decorated and presented a gaudy appearance. The day's pleasure was marred by a sad acci dent, the death of Frank Hackstock, the young man who fell from his balloon and was killed, an account of which will be found elsewhere in this paper. Below is a list of the winners of tbe various prizes awarded in the different contests: Decorated Bagpiea in Shetalaotl pony parade --Willie Branigsu, Irene and Ereljrn Carrie. Paul Kavananffli and Milrojr Ctrriif. James Walch, L. LeaTjr, Laater Becher. Wm. lloth, Kl met Meiaeler. Saddlepooynr Barroio parade -E. Randall. James Lyoas, Lloyd Casein. James Hagel, Wil nier Barnes. Representatives of any nationality in parade Peter 8chnutt Decorated carriagae in- paradeCarl Rascbe, Willie Branlgan, Jamee Welch. Decorated Floats Gray Mercantile Co.. Electric Light. Boya' Foot Race, 10 to 12 yean- Lloyd Casaio. first; Frank Hentges, second; George Brown third. Boys' Foot Race. 13 to 15 years Lloyd, first; Job Hsranson. second; Barry Cotton, third. Mens' Foot Race, free for all-F. P. Walker, first; R. Hartman, second. Vat Mens Race, noae under 200 pounds C. C. Ellis, first; Chan. Koeaig, second; Peter Schmitt third.' Boys' Shoe RaceF. Dineen, first; Aady Too good, second; Will Branigan, third. Boys' Potato Race. 10 to 12 years-Lloyd Cas ein, first; F. Dineen. secoad; Rilph Lowry. third. Boys' Potato Race. 13 to 15 years -O. Swanson. first; Uoyd Cassis, second; Earl West brook, third. Girls' Potato KaoeBertha Jahn. first; Rosa Blohak, second; Sadie Bartholomew, third. Girls Egg and Spoon Race Mary Fischer, first; Sadie Bartholomew, second; Keaa Mtwwting, third. Pole Vault, free for all-A. I.instrom, fimt; E. Dickinson, second ;L. Weaver, Ed Branigan, third. Sack Race Morris' Branlgan. first; Vivian Brian, second; Adrna Brian, third. Girl' Foot Baca. 10 tetJ years-Bertha Jahn. first; Bertha Oabora, seoond; Ethel Klston, third. Girls' Foot Rao, It to 16 years France Gnt uaar, first; Sadie Baitbokiae'.'Second; There Jahn. Liuis Plata, third. Firemena Belay Rici. 16 men from each coia-skay-lfoBSCoejBaay No. 1," first; .Hookies. aooad;HoM Company No. 1. third. Ladder Climbing Contest C. Ilirsebbraner. first; Fred Brewer, second. Firemen's Foot Race Albert Kart, first; Ed Braa'gan, second; Wm. Jfoersea, third. Water Fish Colambns, Fin department. i oivsbbh equaiiy v neater cmac, waller ueiger. ...- . ... .. -. . Carl Ssipp. Waller Fttaua. psiorstwl AatnnwfcUa Parada-Maa Qottbarg tot; Clyde Scott, aad; Mits fliams, thud.' KRESOII THE BEST DIP FOR LIVE STOCK One Gallon Makes 72 Gallons of U. S. Government Dip. Bst DUhrfCGtaiit far fttabln Usn PRICE, 1.25 PER 6AL. POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on tbe Corner Columbus, Nebraska Mrs. Patrick Casein, living in tbe south part of tbe city is very ill with, dropsy. Registrar John fifteen births and month of June. Schmocker five deaths reports for the Mr. and Mrs John Gutzmer of Den ver, are guests of the former's sister. Miss Rose Gutzmer and other relatives. They will remain in the city three weeks. A call has bern issued for a meeting to be held in the Mnennerohor ball Satur day evening for tbe purpose of organiz ing a personal liberty league, to be a branch of the state organization. Yomicelia Borniriak, seventeen-year old danghter of Mrs. John Paptotzki. died at ber home seven miles southwest of this city Monday, after a lingering illness of two years. Tbe deceased was born August 2. 1891, and leaves be sides her mother, three brothers and one sister to mourn her loss. Tbe f nneral services were held Wednesday morning at 10 a. m. at tbe Catholic church, beiBg conducted by 'Father Mareellinus, and interment was' made in the Catholic cemetery. v Tuesday forenoon there was an excit ing runaway on Eleventh street, and before the team was stopped they came near causing J. C. Hardy some seriouH trouble. Tbe team came up behind him as he was crossing to Twelfth street and tried to follow him. As t bey were run ning as hard as they could he did his best to get out of their way and Qnally snrceeded in turning bis horse so they passed him. It looked for a time s.h though they would run into his bnggy and smdi it. hut he succeeded in avoid ing a collision. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing July 8. 1908: Letters Mr and Mrs Robt Avery. If Us Black, Fred ConVy, Bert Custer. S F Erskine. Mary Gornikowne, Walter .leu- sen, Minnie Johnson. Herman Meyer 2, J P McGinn. A A Norwood. Card Mrs BB RaehAl 2. Mm a M Hopkins. Parties calling for any of tbe above will please sty advertised. Carl Kramrr. P. M. Notice. Wm. Schilz wishes to announce to the public that he lia- moved his book store to the Scbroeder building on Twelfth street, which be will, occupy until his new building, on tbe old location, is completed. laptiit Church Sunday school 10 h. in., preaching 11 a. m., B. Y. P. U. 1:30 p. m , preaching 8 p. m., prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Subject Snnday morning. "Tbe Cus-ed-ness of IdlenesB." Subject Sunday even ing, "The Tremblinjr or the Elder." Ukv. R. Kkiniiai:!-, Pastor. Underwear UNION SUITS We havM the agency for "thft fsmous Running Underwear, tin best popular priced Uujou Suits on tbe market. Prices in men's from $1 50 to 34.50 Pri-es in boya' from 50c, 75e, $1 and $1 25 Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we nave a splenaid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 60c to 92 50 a garment. Buy early while tb sizes are complete. GRAY'S