The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 01, 1908, Image 1

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!! MlaUrltAl teilaty
Consolidated with the ColumbusTimes April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
i. '
If... -
jjfc t frr
Has listed his 80 acres
south of the County
farm for sale. If you
TION, this will suit
Hockenberger &
Oats -40
Wheat 78
Rye 60
Corn 59
Barley 40
Hogs, top $5 45 to $5 55
Files of The Journal, July 1, 1674.
It is claimed that they have found in
the Beaver valley a genuine article of
peat. A. V. Sutton, t peat bed No. 1,
Boone county, Nebraska, baa got a quan
tity which he is distributing for trial.
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Manington called
at the Journal office Tuesday morning
of last week, and stated in conversation
that they are friends and neighbors of
Mr. Geo. Lehman, and have, one 15, and
the other 30 acres of wheat, which looks
nicely, stand evenly on the ground, all
in head, and they believe it is a little
better than friend Lehman's.
From a well informed citizen of Butler
county we learn that some of the official
of the Atchison & Nebraska R. R com
pany have gone east to see if negotiations
cannot be entered into with eastern cap
italists to extend the A. & X. road to
Columbus. We hope that they may be
successful in their efforts, for the con
nection is a very desirable one, not only
for Columbus, but also for the oompany
which proposes it. Such a road would,
at Lincoln, give us three competing lines
east, which with our present facilities
for shipping, would give us a good deal
more elbow room.
Last Wednesday the western bound
express on the Union Pacific brought
the Georgia exoursionists, for whose
visit to our city we are indebted to S. A.
Echols. Omaha had given them a warm
reception, and their journey hither had
been a very pleasant one. After supper,
theColumbus band serenaded the party,
discoursing their best music, to which
Mr. O. G. Jordan responded in a nsat
speech. A visit to the Pawnee reserva
tion, twenty-two miles west of the city,
was made Thursday. To Georgians, as
to all those who have never seen Indians
in their lodges, these were a great curi
osity. The party generally were well
pleased with the country, and we may
expect quite an accession to our popula
tion asja result.
AiTtrttced Latteri.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing July 1. 1908: '
Letters Mrs Homer A Berry, D L
Clodfelder, E C Fitzsimmons. W H
Fitzsimmons, J J Fitzsimmons. Fred
Garber, Henry Groeninger, Mrs Emma
Kennedy, C Krotsenberger, H P Reilly,
B T Miles, J C Vaughn. Cards Miss
Ethel Davidson, Frank Hastings, Miss
Helen Kuper.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please say advertised.
Oabii Keamkb, P. M.
Two and one-hall
acres located 12
blocks from jour
postoffice. A beau
tiful site for an
outside home.
AND 60.
On June 12th, the Indian School base
ball team journeyed overland to the city
of Golumbus, and crossed bats with an
aggregation of men representing the City
of Columbus in the baseball world. The
game started out very nicely and to all
appearances looked as though the un
pire was inclined to give both sides a
square deal and did fairly well up to the
last half of the ninth inning when, ac
cording to the idea of the major part of
the gentlemen of Columbus who witness
ed the game, he rendered three of the
rankest decisions ever rendered on a
baseball diamond. The result of the
game was a score of 4 to 3 in favor of
Columbus, this being the flrst time the
Indians were beaten this season. We
did not like it very well but took it and
looked good natured no matter how we
felt. Arrangements were made before
leaving the city for a return game to be
played on i he Indian athletic grounds
on June 25th. Accordingly Columbus
came over and were taken down the line
to the tune of 4 to 2 in favor of the
Indians. We learn that at the Colum
bus game, well any way one of the Co
lumbus papers said that the Indian
catcher got a bug in his ear and walked
down to the pitchei to have him take it
out, and thereby let a man walk in from
third base bringing in the winning score.
It is true the Indian catcher did walk
down toward the pitcher, but not uutil
after be had asked the umpire to call
time, and then Mr. Man did walk in, and
the umpire called it O. K. If that is
square ball playing, then we will admit
that we do not ''know anything about
the game However, at the game on
June 25, we had the bug taken out of
the catcher's ear and the ear filled with
batton so as there might not another bug
get in the ear, but after we found Mr.
All. Crolf, of Silver Creek, was going to
umpire the game we had the batton
taken out, for we knew he would be
square and if there was going to be a
good square man in the box we knew
there would be no bugs Hying. The
game was witnessed by 700 enthusiastic
people. Indian School News.
Another wedding was added to the
already large list of June weddings Wed
nesday, when at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kauffman,
occurred the marriage of their daughter,
Miss Ida, to Harry Lohr. The hour of
the wedding was four o'clock. The home
was beautifully decorated in smilax,
roses and carnations. At the appointed
hour the bride and groom descended the
stairs to the strains of wedding march
played by the groom's sister, Mrs. E. M.
Taylor, and found places under an arch
of smilax and roses, which formed the
marriage altar. The bride was gowned
in white organdie and carried white
roses. They were attended by Mips
Gusta Kauffman. sister of the bride, and
Will Dawson. Rev. Meissler, pastor of
the German Lutberean church, perform
ed the ceremony, which was witnesed
by relatives and a few intimate friends.
The only out of town guest was Miss
Minnie Biaer of Weeping Water. After
the wedding a six course dinner . was ser
ved, after which the happy couple de
parted for Portland, Oregon, where they
will visit for three weeks. The bride is
well known, having taught in the public
schools of this city for the past three
years, and by her kind and gentle man
ner has won many friends. The groom
is also well known and has lived here
the greater part or nis lire with the ex
ception of the past few months, which
has been spent in Grand Island, where
he is employed by the railroad. The
bride and groom have many friends,
who will join the Journal in extending
to them the heartiest congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Lohr will reside in Grand
P. J. Barron, formerly of this city, we
see by the daily papers, recently distin
guished himself by rendering a violin
solo in a theater at Scotts Bluffs, and
averted a fire panic. We have always
thought from the first time we ever
heard Pete scratch that old fiddle, that
it would either get him in trouble or
bring him fame, and we are tickled at the
outcome. Pete is also entitled to lead
the orchestra in a play house where they
have something better than kerosene
lamps for footlights. He says the solo
he played to quiet the exoited audience,
was the Austrian National hymn, but we
rather imagine it was a tune (original)
that he "pilfered" from the "soothing"
bow of Scotty Brainard in the "chapel"
of the old Journal office, where the bunch
used to assemble, after the weekly forms
were washed and the mail carted to the
postotBoe, to take a new lease on li'e
with the aid of a rather large hunk of
cheese, five pound of crackers and the
office sprinkler. Anyway, Pete is a hero.
Will the medal man kindly hand him
something worth the inspiration?
The commencement exercises of the
Jennie Edmundson Memorial hospital,
a training school for nurses, took place
Tuesday evening, June 16th, at the First
Presbyterian church parlors in Council
Bluffs, Iowa, under the auspecies of the
Woman's Christian Association. Di
plomas of graduation were presented to
six persons, Mrs. Mary Healer Hunger
ford of Columbus, being one of the
graduates. Mrs. Hungerford formerly
lived in this city, but for the past three
years has been receiving instructions in
this hospital and her many friends will
chose work.
Wall Paper
Now that spring is on
the way, would it not be
a good idea to think
about repapering the
rooms? Our line of wall
paper has never been
surpassed, either in qual
ity, pattern or price,
and all who have had
work done by us have
been well satisfied.
Kavaniugh t Betterton
Try the Victoria cigar.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Lueechen Occulist and aurist.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
People who get results advertise in the
Frank Walker left for Kansas City
last Friday on a business trip.
Big 20 per cent discount sale
at Galley's until July 4.
Francis Walker is receiving a visit
from Francis Dineen of Omaha.
Mrs. Henry Gase, who has been quite
ill for the past week, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. August Boettoher and
two children spent Sunday in Clarke.
Obas. L. Diokey has a few choice sec
tions of Western Nebraska land for sale.
Miss MarlhaKummer of Duncan, was
the guest of Miss Matilda' Schnieder
over Sunday. i
A nice line of wedding rings J net .re
ceived at Carl Froemel'a, Eleventh
street jeweler.
E. H. Chambers left last Tuesday for
Idaho, where he went to inspect some
irrigated lands.
Mrs. Wm. Dietrichs and children left
Sunday for an extended visit with rela
tives in New York.
Mrs. Hardy of Norfolk, who has been
seriously ill at St. Mary's hospital for
some time, is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kauffman and son.
George of Lincoln, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Damron, Sunday.
Miss Rose Gass left Saturday evening
for Denver, where she intends to spend
the summer with her sister, Mrs. August
Oscar Hagel returned Sunday from
Chicago. He will remain at home until
after the Fourth, then go to Grand
Mrs. David Taylor of North Bend, is
receiving treatment at St. Mary's hospi
tal, where she will soon undergo an
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jensen and little son
Georgieof Omaha, were the guests of
the Schneider, Kummer and Brunken
families Thursday.
Miss Elizabeth Ladenburger departed
Wednesday evening for Denver, and
other western points. She will be ab
sent for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Echols departed
Friday morning for Albert Lea, Minne
sota, where they will visit for a week
with a sister of Mrs. Echols.
Miss Rose Rabe, who has been the
guest of Mr. aud Mrs. B. F. Colton for
the past few days, left Thursday after
noon for her home in MankatoMinn.
R. 8, Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes
and repairs Ladies' and Gents' clothing.
Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Germania Dye
Works. Nebraska Phone.
George Goodman of Denver, nephew
of "Buffalo Bill" Cody, and for several
years connected with the Wild West
show, was in the city Thursday, and had
a few hours pleasant visit with G. W.
Mrs. E. H. Funk, formerly of this city,
but who is now living at Cheyenne, was
the guest of Golumbus relatives laat
week. She was accompanied home by
her daughter, Mrs. W. L Davis and two
Extra coaches have been added to the
Spalding passenger for two days to ac
commodate the pupils from the Genoa
Indian school, who were returning to
their homes on the reservations to spend
the vacation. '
wm. Doeucner ana lamiiy moved in
to their aew residence in the east part of
this aij Friday. A. Drake and family
are moving into the residence formerly
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Boettoher, Mr.
Drake having purchased the. property
some tine ago.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St.
Person sells fly new at cost.
G. R. Prieb, painting and paper
Willie Held is suffering from a mild
attack of small pox.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum
bus State Bank building.
Mrs. Ed Branigan is seriously ill at her
home on Washington street.
McCall patterna'10 and 15 cents at the
Fitzpatrick Dry Goods Store.
Attend oar big 20 per cent
redaction sale. J. H. Galley.
Balloon ascension and parachute drop
at the big celebration in Columbus on
July 4th.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huerzeler,
Monday, a daughter. Mother and child
are doing nicely.
Tbe only real big celebration in this
part of the country will be held in Co
lumbus on July 4tb.
Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully
cleaned and repaired at Carl Froemel'e,
Eleventh street jeweler.
Mr. and Mrs. John Becher are this
week receiving a visit from V. and Mrs.
O. R. Richards of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nelson are the proud
parents of a baby boy, that arrived at
their home Monday evening.
Frank Lachnit returned home Sunday,
after a ten days' visit with relatives and
friends at Humphrey and vicinity.
Miss. Laura Bartella returned Tuesday
from West Point, where she has been j
visiting relatives and friends for the past
three weeks.
But one marriage licenses was issued
by County Judge Ratterman the last
week, to Harry Lohr of Grand Island
and Miss Ida Kauffman of this city.
Isarah Lightner of Monroe, was in the
city Thursday evening on his way to
Lynch where he wasysammoned on ac
count of the illness of his son Stephen.
YOUR eyes may suit yon, butvperhaps
your glasses do not. Let us make you
a pair of our "made to order" spectacles,
and your verdict will be, Niewohner,
"well done."
Miss Marguerite Becher, who is re
ceiving instruction in the Memorial
hospital at Omaba, arrived in the city
Saturday, and is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Becher.
The Orpheus society wishes
to announce to their many
friends that they will give a
dance in their hall on the even
ing of July 4, 1908.
Mrs. H. B. Haynes of Parkville, Mo.,
arrived Tuesday for a short visit with her
brother, Dr. L. C. Voss and family.
Mrs. Haynes is enroute to Colorado for a
short stay in the mountain state;
The Union Pacific railroad company
have the brick on the ground for a side
walk across their tracks at Platte street..
Since this street was opened the com
pany have been at work puttiug it in
good condition for travel.
The Gilt Edge card club gave a fish
ing party in the Klaus grove south of the
Platte river bridge Sunday. -A few
members were unable to attend, but
a jolly crowd responded to the invitations
and a pleasant day was spent by those
present. Miss Stella Kummer had the
honor of landing the first fish.
Geo. A. Scott, jr , who has been attend
ing school at Kansas City, surprised his
parents by returning home Sunday, a
week earlier than they expeeted him, and
will spend a portion of his vacation in
Columbus.' He was accompanied by his
cousin, Miss Marie Scott, who is taking
a course as a trained nurse in St. Luke's
hospital, Kansas City.
Special Attractions
Afternoon and evening. For this -day we will have
special films something BETTER than ever before
shown in Columbus. We are giving a good, clean, up-to-dase
entertainment, and solicit the patronage of the peo
ple of Columbus.
Electric Fans
HkTORTU and South Dakotn
lands, farms, ranohes and
grass lands, located on the James
river valley in Spink county,
South Dakota and Dickey county,
North Dakota. Prices ranging
from $10.00 to $30.00 per acre.
Excursion Tuesday, July 21st and
special car from Columbus. Tues
day, August 18th. Rouud trip
Railroad fare refunded to all who
purchase land
Office with Newman & Welch.
Columbus, Neb.
P. M. O'Neil passed through town
Saturday with twenty Indian boys and
girls from the Genoa Indian school en
route to their home in Browning, Mon
tana. The school year at the Genoa
institution olosed last Saturday, and
many of the 350 pupils "will return to
their reservation homes, some of them
to remain permanently. It appears to
be the policy of the Indian department
to encourage reservation schools, and
employees of non-reservation schools
will be prohibited in the future from go
ing onto reservations to solicit pupils for
the Genoa and other non-reservation
schools. The prediction is nude that
some of the non-reservation schools will
be compelled to olose, as parents of
Indian children favor the reservation
schools in preference to the old system of
sending pupils away from ijome for in
struction. W. E. Huffer of Lost Greek township,
was in the oity Tuesday, returning home
from Colby, Kas.. where he owns a piece
of land. There has been a number of
conflicting reports concerning the crops
in that locality and he decided . to go
down and see juet'how crops were. What
he aaw more than pleased him, as hisi
renter has 170 acres of wheat almost
ready to cnt, that will yield from twenty
to twenty-five bushels to the acre. In
view of this Mr. Huffer has made a good
investment in western Kansas.
In the days of long ago, the Indian
walked ahead and his squaw followed
him, dragging the tent pole. When they
approached a settlement he did not take
the pole from her; she continued to drag
it till their destination was reached.
Nowadays, when a woman carries a
heavy burden, her husband is apt to step
back and relieve her when they reach the
place where the people will see them.
This is Civilization. Atchison Globe.
Miss Alice Monk, who has made her
home with the family of Rev. Dr. West
oott for the last three years. leaves Wed
nesday for her home in Manchester, Eng
land, sailing from New York July 9, in
company with her uncle and aunt from
Brooklyn. Two of Dr. Westeott's chil
dren, Dorothy and Winnifred, will ac
company Miss Monk and go to their
parents' relatives in England. They ex
pect to be absent about a year.
The entries in the live stock depart
ments for the coming State Fair, Aug.
31 to Sept. 4. now give promise of an ex
cess over those of prior years. Appli
cations in the swine department far ex
ceed the capacity of the 714 pens on the
grounde. The horse barns are about
filled and entries of cattle are pouring
in daily.
Secretary Mellor says that more horses
were named for the State Fair Stake
Races to begin Angnst 31st, than ever
was entered at any previous race meet
at Lincoln. This year the races will con
sist of fifteen harness and eight running
races, with total purses am6untingto
more than $12,000. The closing or the
class racea is on August 10th.
and Ventilator-
On tie Base Ball Diamond.
Sunday witnessed .the opening of the
series of games to be played by the Fire
men's league of this city, the opening
game being between the Hookies and
Hose Company No. 9. Both teams wore
their new uniforms, whioh arrived
during the week. So far this .season the
Bookies have not won a geme, but in
Sunday's game they got right down to
business and outplayed the No S'd from
start to finish, the score being 16 to C
the, butteries were. Hookies: Walter
Ueuer. Ohae. Hirsohbruner; Hose Com
pany No. 2: George Bloedorn, Albert
Staub, and Albert Kurt.
The long postponed game between Co
lumbus and Silver Creek was also played
Sunday anil resulted in c victory for Jo-
lumbus by a score of fi to 1.
lAt Thursday the Columbus team
was defeated by the Genoa Iudians at
Genoa, the tcore being 4 to 2 in favor of
the redskins.
On July 4 Central City and Columbus
will play the first of a series of three
games, and on Sunday the same teams
will play again. After the Ceutral City-
Columbus game the Hookies and Hose
Company No. 1 will play the second
game of the season in the firemen's
The standing of the teams in the Fire
men's leagne is as follows:
3 f" ."5
P i
Hookiof l i otOflfl
Hone Compauy No. 1 0; 0 0 OuO
Hone Compauy No. 2 lj o l tuu
Last Monday Chas. E. Peterson of
Genoa was in the city enroute for Lin
coln with a white faced Hereford bull
from O. E. Green's ranch. The animal
will be taken to the state farm and fitted
fcr exhibition at the state fair.'
The Columbus. Light. Heat and Powert
company have commenced to get ready
for their new plant, which will be in
operation this fall. Monday morning
workmen began setting poles for the
new wiree which. will be strung, and it
is understood that the deal for the new
power house site, whioh is east of the
water works station, has been closed.
All the machinery has beeu ordered and
will be delivered here about August 1.
The Sons of Veterans drum corpp,
which has been dormant for five or six
yearn, was reorganized last Saturday
night, and A. O. Boone was elected presi
dent and Bert J. Galley, secretary. The
is the line up: O. E. Devlin, color bear
er; Geo. Orubb. A. C. Boone, flfers;
Chas. Wnrdeman, H. B. Reed. Bert J.
Galley, J. B. Tscbudy. Henry Westbrook.
snare drums; L A. Jenkins, bts9 drum.
The boys have been putting in good
time practicing and expect to make their
first appearance on the Fourth.
Rev. DeWolt wishes to announce that
regular services will be held in the
Methodist church July 5th as follows:
Love feast 10 a.m.. and at 10:45 a. m. Dr.
G. H. Main, District Supt., of Grand
Island, will deliver the morning address.
Epworth League at 7 p. m.. followed by
evening services, which will begin
promptly at 8 o'clock. The subject of
the evening's discourse will be "A Nab
King and his usual Position." This will
be the first sermon of a series of sermons
which Rev. DeWolf will conduct in the
near fnture upon the life of Dayid. A
cordial invitation is extended to the
Some time ago the post office depart
ment requested the names of all road
overseers and county supervisors who
have charge of the roads traveled by
rural carriers. That they intend to look
after this direct from 'Washington is
shown by the department taking up a
report on the condition of the Platte
bridge with Supervisor Schwarz. They
state that the bridge is reported in a
dangerouw condition and unless it is
looked after rnral route No. 5 will bedii -continued
As this is the bridge in which
Butler and Polk county are interested in
as well as Platte. Mr. Schwarz is doing
all he can to have these counties do their
share and place the bridge in ood con
dition. The discontinuing of this route
would not only inconvenience Columbus
merchants, but also the residents of
Polk and Butler counties served by the
Gerhard Wilhelm Haverkamp, aged
24 years, was drowned iu Shell Creek
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. He and
Fred Ascbe were bathing in the creek
near the latter' home, and Haverkamp
came out, but as be was,muddy be said
he would go in again and come out
where it was sandy. He went in and
crossed to the other side, but- when he
was returning be called for help and be
fore assistance could be given, went
under and was drowned. His body was
, soon recovered and medical aid summon
ed, but he was dead when taken from
the water The deceased was born in
Oldenburg, Germany, October 22, 1883.
He came to America in 1906 and moved
to Kansas, where Be remained a year,
coming to Platte county and being em
ployed by Fred Ascbe, for whom he was
working at the time of his death. He
baa a brother Earl, who lives at Pender,
and he arrived. Wednesday to look after
the funeral arrangements. The funeral
will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30
from the German Reformed church, and
the services will be conducted by Rev.
One Gallon Makes 72
Gallons of U. S.
Best Disinfectant far Stable) Um
PRICE, $1.25 PER 6AL.
The Druggist on the Comer
Golumbus, Nebraska
Lost A niokel plated watch Finder
will please leave at Journal office and
receive reward.
20 per cent discount on every
thing in our store until July 4.
J. H. tialley.
Walter Scbroeder, formerly a Colum
bus boy, but who is now located in
Denver, i visiting at the home of his
parent, Mr. and Mrs G. A. Scbroeder.
Wm. Severn, who was sentenced to two
and one-half years in the penitentiary,
wan taken there last Friday to begin hi
sentence, a new trial having been refused.
Dr C Vo88 returned Tuesday from
Kansas Oity, where he ha been for the
last ten days attending the meeting of
the National Homeopathic Bledical
Dr. and Mrs. Wm. R Neumarker, who
have been the guests of relatives in this
oity for the past few days, departed for
their home in Edgmont, South Dakotp,
Friday.. They were aocompHuied homi
by the latter mother, Mrs. Wm. Uensley.
Frank Bernt, whose home is sixteen
miles southwest of Columbus, was
brought to St Mary's hospital Tuesday
afternoon in a critical condition. He i
suffering from dropsy and a stroke of
paralysis and little hope is entertained
for his recovery.
Mrs. Joseph JClAve and children of
Humphrey, Mrs. Peter J. Scbniitz and
children of Lindsay and Mrs. Peter J.
Korth and children of Corn lea, spent a
few days this week in the oity visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lach
nit, and other relatives.
When a rnral route bandies more than
5,000 pieces of mail during each month
for three months, the department does
not require them to count the number of
pieces handled. Until July 1 all the
Columbus routes but No. 3 were count-
ing their mail, but routes No. 1. 2 and ,
4 have bandied over the required amount
of mail for the last three months and will '
discontinue this after the first of July.
Besides relieving the carriers of extn
work, this inriicttes that the business of"
the local post office ia steadily increas
ing. People do not seem to be aware of the
ruling made by the postoffice department
regarding the sending of nouvenir post
cards enclosed in tissue envelopes. When
cards are maile-I in this manner tlie
stamp should be placed on the outbid
of the tissue envelopes, otherwise tbft
department will treat it as though there
was no postage on it, and hold it for
postage due. If the card is one that
can be sent without enclosing in the en
velope, it will bn taken out and forward
ed. Some people resort to cutting out
the portion of the envelope over the
stamp, but this is held by the depart
ment to be the same as though this was
not done. So if you want your cards to
go without Iwinir held for postage, nut
the stamp on th outside of the envelope.
We liavrf the agxncy for the
famous Miinsing Underwear, the
heet popiilMr priced Union Suit
on the market Prices in men's
from $1.50 to $4.50. Pric in
boya' from 50c, 76c, $1 und $125.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for yoar in
spection ' and ranging in price
from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are complete. '