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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1908)
55TT?wtt e jgi i 1 I f 1 f u hi u i ft I? I WwaKHT N07 In order to contribute our share toward your Fourth of July pleasures and comforts at Columbus, and to show you the manner in which we care for our patrons, I have arranged to bring our private car, "Tenza," here, and it will be found at the Union Pacific depot on Olive street. You are urged to call and inspect it. The car will remain here until our next excursion to the Tramping Lake District of Canada, JULY 7, at which time it will leave Columbus direct for Can ada. Arrange to accompany us on this trip. It is a real pleasure to travel with us. We are making the unusually low rate of $25 for the round trip, which will be refunded to purchasers of land. Crop conditions were never better, settlers were never more contented, prospects never brighter. Be sure 4 to join us JULY 7th, and notify me in advance, if possi ble, so I can arrange for your accommodation. This, however, is not necessary, only permitting me to ar range my plans in advance. LUCE LAND COMPANY, Ltd. CHftS. L. DICKEY, Representative Office with Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. Oir Folk County Friend. Mra, Lula Pheasant has gone over to Pierce, to spend a few weeks visiting her brother Ii. E. PheaBent, M. D. H. Li. Mickey, one of the prominent farmers of the valley, was enjoying the sunlight apd shadows of Columbus last week. Mrs. Jennie Rathbun came over from Columbus, to visit with her mother and to look after her real estate interests. She was like the pilgrim, and could juBt tarry for a night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carson drove over to Columbus last Saturday, and back on Sunday. Will gets about all the riding that he can stand anyway for he is the R. P. D. carrier out of Oaceola, but he took the good lady of the house over to consult one of Columbus's physicians. County Judge H. H. Campbell has been carrying' a pocket book that looked as though an elephant stepped on it, it was flattened out so,but it was replen ished last week, for the Judge issued the necessary papers to wed to Miss Ida Belle Erickson and Joseph O. L. Hirsch. and to Miss Effie Alida Carlson and Mr. Her man A. Jones. Among the distinguished postmasters that were present at the Chicago G. O. P. convention, besides the gentlemen from Polk, was Postmaster Carl Kramer of Col ambus. Carl was a delegate to the M. W. A. convention at Peoria, 111., and Chicago is in the same state, and so two birds could be killed with one stone, or it did not cost much extra to take in - both of the shows. Polk county Prohibitionists are wond erfully pleased, that they are going to get "Our Charlie" C. H. Lindburg of Polk for state auditor, and Henry T. Hocken berger of Columbus for secretary of state . The ticket is a good one that was endors ed at Lincoln last week, and more espe cially these two gentlemen that we have mentioned. Don't forget to vote for them in the primaries in September. The Jarmin's have a doctor in the family now; Ernest C. Jarmin, M. D., and last week the state board of health created him his license to practice in the tote. We are glad to say that Ernest passed as good an examination before the board as any of them, and besides Ernest, George G. Flippin of Stroms burg, also received a license to practice, and we presume his shingle will read, George C. Flippin, M. D. Stromsburg, Nebraska. There are to be numerous celebrations of the Glorious Fourth in Polk county. Every city is going it alone. Some of our people are wearing the Silver Creek booster 4th buttons, but when the whole matter is sumed up, it is predicted that Columbus will catch more Polk county people at their celebration, than any place within fifty miles. Special trains are provided, and all roads lead to that city on the 4th. Now then, put that in your pipe and smoke it. There will be no celebration of the Foarth on the east of us in the county this year, and the probability is that there will be none west of Omaha until you get to Osceola, and so this burg is getting ready to give the visitors ' 'the time of their life." We doubt very much if there will be much of a celebration west of Omaha until you get to Colum ns, and those people over there are to have a red hot time. All the people on valley will go to Columbus. This aolamn has heretofore mentioned the fact that Miss Daisy Kunkell, one of the best teachers in Omaha, is spending bee vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mra. D. H. KunkelL It has been the eastern of the school commissioners of 0aha to elect Boat of theteachera vary yaar. Tkera war W & s IVSaJB 'jT' - J.RUJ3C at their meeting last week. Miss Kun kell was re-elected as teacher and placed in the list of teachers that don't have to be elected every year bnt are elected for as long as they desire to teach. Miss Daisy has received that honor and her friends are congratulating her.. Route Jo. L The paper-hangers and painters have finished work on H. B. Reed's new home. Frank Luchsiner shipped a car load of hogs to the South Omaha market Monday. John Mohlmann, one of the prosper ous farmers on the route, has just com pleted a large new hay barn. J. E. Hays has faith in lightning rods as conductors of electricity, and has 'had his new house decorated with copper rods. Farmers are now waging war against the weeds and grass in the corn fields, and a few more days of sunshine will en able them to win a victory and place the fields in good condition for the crop to mature. There are some very olever people on this route, who always try and make it pleaeant for the rural carrier. Promin ent among them is a young lady, who presented the carrier one day this week with a basket of cherries. Last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and daughter arrived home after an absence of six weeks on the Pacific coast. During their absence they visit ed Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane and other places of interest. Boats Xo. 5. Frank Jarecki bought a new corn sheM er Tuesday. L. H. Hahn was called to York on business Monday. Two inches of rain fell during the storm Monday night. Miss Phoeba Bryan, who has been visiting friends in Omaha, returned home Tuesday. Otto Erntz is doing good work with the road drag between the Loup and Platte rivers. Will Houser is doing some excellent work by filling up the holes in the Klause grade, and using the drag on the road between his place and the Platte river. As usual the bridge over the Platte is considered unsafe. The sentiment is growing that all bridges over the Platte and Loup should be made state bridges, and constructed and kept in repair at the expense of the state. Walker Nels Jenson's house is nearly ready for the mason work. Fred Nordgren and family were visit ing at John Swanson's Sunday. Mrs. John Swanson and Miss Minnie Swanson returned Thursday from Sur prise, where they had been visiting friends. Andrew Thoning was shelling corn for Fred Nordgren and Nels B. Johnson the other day. He uses a ten-horse power gasoline engine. We have had a few days good corn growing weather now and corn is doing well. Wheat is very good. Don't think rust will hurt it unless more rain sets in. Magical Scales. If you contemplate a trip to California, with its lovely seaside resorts, orange groves, beautiful gardens, and quaint old Missions, the pleasantest, and most comfortable way to these magical soenea is via the Union Pacific Reduoad rates in effect this summer. Fast trains, short line, no delays. Inquire of E. G. Brown, agent. lette e. 3. Cal Nelson has moved into hit new home on Route 3. The heavy wind Monday night upset several hay stacks along the route.. Chicken thieves have been plying their vocation on the northwest part of the roate. Miss Lillie Siems of Columbus, is a guest at the home of Peter Lutjens this week. Otto Drunken left for Leigh last Sat urday where he will assist his brother at the oarpenter business. J. H. Randall has accomplished some good work with a steel drag on the Meri dian and Monestary roads in Columbus township. The home of L W. Albers was the scene of a social gathering last 8unday', which called together the young people of the neighborhood. August Groves, who has been working for Peter Lutjens, has resigned his posi tion and moved to Columbus where he will engage in the real estate business. Batcbelor Hagman was agreeably sur prised by the young folks of his neigh borhood last Thursday who invaded his home for an evening of enjoyment. The host felt complimented by the call of his young friends and invited them to repeat it as often, as they desired. A. M. Mahaffey has improved the ap pearance of his house by giving it a coat of paint. Mahaffey is one of Platte county's farmers who takes pride in his home surroundings and hopes to enjoy continued prosperity under the adminis tration of William Howard Taft. CoaMeaeeaent Exercises at St. Fran cis Academy. The commencement exercises at St. Francis Academy were held Monday morning, June 22d, at 9-30. The pro gram was as follows: KroennngB-Marach (aus der Opar: "Der Prophet") J. Meyerbeer Piano Agnes Dineen. Theresa Magnlll Violin Frank Walker, Mary Ryan, Ella Dineen Mandolin Veronica Dineen, Mary Fitz aimmons Welcome "Anniversary Song," Selected Piano Mary McDiritt History Teacher of Mankind... Lonise Wagner O Dn mein holder Abendstern Recit. nnd Romanze (ans der Oper: "Tannbaeser") Franz Liszt Piano-Rose Walker Perseverance- -The Sseret of Success . Roby Walsh Oar Flag-Song Selected Piano Nellie Ryan Discipline of Difficulties Cecilia Brenn Lea Sept Estoiles Arranged and Dedicated to the Class of 1908 by Irene Brega Guitar Irene Brega First the Usefnl thea the Ornamental Ruth Walsh Einzng der Gaeste anf Wartburg (ana der Oper: "Tannbaeser") Franz Liszt Piano Lena Eberhardt Silver Bells of Memory Song Selected Piano Irene Brega Valedictory "The Bow of Promise," Rose Walker Graduating honors were bestowed upon the following young ladies. Lit erary course Misses Louise Wagner, Ruth Walsh, Cecilia Brenn, Ruby Walsh and Rose Walker. Music Piano VI class Misses Rose Walker and Lena Eberhardt. Guitar, VI olaas Miss Irene Brega. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing June 24, 1908: Letters Miss Jennie Craig. W S Doesch & Co, Ed Eisfeld, Miss Ada Foote, Miss Grace Horner, GjM Hoffman, B M Robinson, RC Scotch, NStaroatka, Miss Emma Soeski, S H Shanklin, Josie Zvch. Cards Miss Clara Outer, Miss Stella Morgan, Harry Nielaon, Miss Amelia Reeves. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Cam. Kraxeb, P. M. Votice. A meeting of the stockholders of the Nebraska Central Irrigation Company, is called for Monday, June 29th, 1908, at 8 p. m., at the office of the Elevator Roller Mills Co. , Columbus, Nebr. Pur poses of the meeting are: Elections; reports of President and General Mana ger, Secretary and Treasurer; a proposal and program for consolidation. H. E. Babcock, President. To the Public. We, the undersigned butchers of Co lumbus, will not deliver meat on the Fourth of July. Place your order for Saturdays' supply of meat on Friday. S. E. Marty & Co. Otto Men, C. H. Buschman. Itmrriaf e licenses. Levi A. Messeramith,Marlbank,Neb. 27 Katie M.Biedinger, Humphrey 22 Howard A. Harris, Rising City, Neb. . 36 Gertrude A. Marker, Osceola 20 William A. Babe, Mankato, Minn .... 24 Mabel Glenn, Mankato, Minn 24 Taft Meeting. Republicans are invited to meet with the Taft League, Friday evening, June 26th, at 8 o'clock, in the basement of the Commercial Bank building. R. S. Dickinson, Chairman. Baptist Church Sunday school 10 a. m. There will be no other services owing to union meet ings in M. E. church. Rev. D. W. Reinhart, Pastor. lam Per Sale. The Kerr estate, se 1-4 1-18-3 west, six miles due north of Monroe. Call on or address Mrs. O. R. Watts. Monroe, Neb. Vew Lias to Yellowstone Park. Tourists may now go right to the edge of the Park via this new and scenic liae Only by a trip to Yellowstone can the tourist comprehend its endless variety and stupendous grandeur. Very low round-trip rates to this resort ia effect this cummer via the Union Pacific and its connections. For information regarding the new line to Yallnwstnn ianniM in a. Brown, agent. ntter the Theater STEP INTO THE Beer Garden And Enjoy A Cool Glass of Beer An orderly placer ev ery thing neat and clean. We strive to please' our patrons with the best of service. W. L. BOETTCHER LEVENTM ftTRKET. A RARE OLD BIBLE ONE COPY PRINTED AT MAYENCE IN THE YEAR 1450. Now One of the Greatest Bibliograph ic Curiosities Vulgate Prepared in England in the Neighbor hood of the Year Me. The first attempt at printing, at Mayence, in 1450 was a copy of the Vulgate, wood characters being used, which contained only the principal 'parts of the Old and New Testaments. This is the so-called "BIblia Pauper um," one of the rarest bibliographic curiosities, a copy of which was bought by the duke of Devonshire in 1815, who paid only 201 for it England occupies a prominent place In the history of the Vulgate and in its preservation, as, the purest text being in Milan, Naples and in the southern provinces. Archbishop Theodore and his companion. Hadrian, abbot of a monastery near Naples, went to Eng land in 668, taking with them some of these Bibles. Besides, just at that time Benedict Biscop and Ceolfrid. traveling between Rome and England, brought in other pure Vulgate texts, which were copied and reproduced in the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow, not only for local use, but to be spread by missionaries in foreign countries, especially Germany, France and Switzerland, and, strange as it may seem, even back to Italy. But what is stranger still is that these copies, known under the name of Northumbrian texts, had been tran scribed with such exactness that when they returned to Italy they were found to be prrer than the Italian copies, which meanwhile had degenerated. One of the attempts to revive the Vul gate was made by Charles the Great, who intrusted the work to an Eng lishman, Alculn, who finished it in .801. In the century after the invention of printing the circulation of faulty Bi bles assumed such proportions that the necessity was felt of establishing an official edition. A handsome volume, in 1590, took the name of the Sixtine Bible, from Sixtus V., and had as preface the famous Bull, "Aeternus ille," establishing that this Bible be considered as "true, lawful, authentic and unquestioned." Sixtus V. died al most immediately after, and only two years later Clement VIII. ordered that every copy of the Sixtine Bible be de stroyed, and published another called the "Clementine." It seems that Sixtus V. had himself revised the work of the commission, hurting the feelings of the members and offending the Jesuits, who never rested until they obtained the suppression of the Sixtine Bible, now one of the rarest books in the world. Leo XIII. created the commission "De Re Blbllca," presided over by Cardinal Rampolla. for the study of the Scriptures, but It remained an academic body, while Pius X. desired to transform it Into an institution for practical work. So, on April SO, 1907, Cardinal Rampolla wrote a letter to Dom Hildebrand de Hemptlnne, ab bot primate of the Benedictines, who used to live in England, intrusting the new revision of the Vulgate to them, and straightway appointing Abbot Gas quet as head of the committee. The English abbot admirably fulfills the requirements of so responsible a po sition. To vast, profound culture he adds the temperament of a great worker and a love for accuracy and detail. Pall Mall Magazine. The Slippery Pronoun. Many are the circumlocutions which have been devised by civilized races in order to avoid the bluntness of direct address. In fact, it may be said that at the moment when a nation standard izes Its language it begins to have trouble with its pronouns. 'Thou" has. of course, become ob solete, except in prayer, although it flourishes colloquially In the north of England. The second persou plural It substituted. In parts of the south "you-all" is heard, a further step toward refined eluslveness. In France and Germany "thou" has been retained in familiar or semi-contemptuous speech. In Spain and Italy, on the other hand, the third person if substituted habitually in place of it Harper's Weekly. Dangerous Bathing Companions. That bathing in Manila bay might be considered a doubtful joy by most people is proved by the following from the Manila Times: "Manila bathers have generally scoffed at repeated warnings against sharks In Manila bay. Not long ago Capt R. M. Lasala, whose residence Is on Malate beach, reported a large shark seen close ts the beach from his house. The launch Niaa of the Manila Navigation and Transportation Company has just brought to the company's offices a saw fish found stranded at Salinas. Cavtte The sawfish measures from the end of the saw to the end of its tail just 12 feet end from tip to tip of its fins measures 4 feet It would seem to behoove bathers, ssore especially those who are in the habit of swim ming front ships la the bay, to ex erdee care." TOPIC Nearest to her heart. Whether or Net He Was Married In terested the Girl Chiefly. Seeking to know how best to inter est her In my conversation, I hied me to the wise man, who spoke and said: "Speak thou of many things. So long as she ejaculates, the subject thou must change; but when she asks a question, then will you know the topic that is nearest to her heart" Whereupon I returned unto the maiden and lifted my voice most tune fully into speech. "I was talking to a friend of mine as I came along the street" remarked I unto her. "He is a writer of books and has seen the strangest sights and scenes." She turned to me the face of inno cence, but nothing said. "He has traveled in distant lands, has sailed the seas and triumphed o'er the mountain tops. He has braved the snows of Alaska and the tropic sun of the Amazon. India has been his stamping ground, and over China has he widely roamed." "Just to think!" she cried. "He has studied the picture gal leries of the whole wide world: Lon don, Vienna, Paris, Florence; he knows them from vestibule to roof column, base and architrave." "The idea!" she cried. "He has slept in the house where Dickens was born and has paid his pilgrimage to the room where the great Thackeray breathed his last He has sat at the table whereon Balzac wrote, and Kipling and he are the most particular friends." "You don't say!" she cried. "He was a war correspondent and made a record in the Boer war. At Port Arthur he ran the blockades both by land and sea and twice was left for dead upon the field." "Gracious!" she cried. "Before that he was a dramatic critic, and the boldest actor trembled at the words that he might say. He knew the stars that twinkled in the firmament and all the minor constella tions on the broad and great white way." "Fancy!" she cried. "He has hunted the tiger in India and the elephant in Africa. He has tracked the lion to its lair and the leop ard to its den." "You don't say!" Whereat I paused, breathless and discomfited, for never an interrogation had she made, and vainly did I cudgel my mind for the topic that was near est to her heart but as I was about to make retreat, lo, she raised her face and queried: "Is. he married?" The Woman and the Feline. A western judge let us hope he had been singularly unfortunate in his female relatives recently re marked that all women were cats. Women read that press dispatch everywhere, one morning, and for a few hours at least the ears of that judge must have burned, writes Isabel Gordon Curtis, in Success Magazine. Still, there are women who Indorsed his judgment, although they feel that he might have qualified his remark and said: "Some women are cats." One can't help wondering why poor pussy, from time Immemorial, should have been picked out as the prototype of a mean, treacherous, back-biting woman, for a cat which is well-fed and kindly treated is a lovable animal, and. queerly enough, it is the animal on which most women lavish their love. A man who studies the traits of dumb creatures tells us, however, that the female cat treats the species of her own sex in a peculiarly mean and vicious manner. It bites instead of backbiting, and, at the first throb of jealousy, will scratch like a good fel low. If that is so, we have to con fess that there are cat-like women everywhere, in the lowest rank of life and in the highest, for we have had cat-like queens; clever old Queen Bess had many a pussy-cat trait Sticking Pins in Paper. The modern pin-making machine works automatically and completes the pin, with the exception of coloring and polishing, without the aid of hu man hands. In 1841 the device for sticking pins In rows of papers was in vented by Samuel Slocum of Connect!, cut end put in use in the factory where pins were made by Dr. Howe's machine. It was later improved by Thaddeus Fowler. This machine is de scribed as scarcely less ingenious than the pin-making invention. By the use of these devices the total pin product in this country, chiefly in Connecticut, was a little over 50.000,000 gross ia 1900, of which about 47,500,000 were ordinary pins, about 1,500.000 were safety pins and about 1,000,000 were hairpins. The Melodrama Again. The beautiful heroine stamped her tiny foot on the tiger-skin rug. "And you dare deceive me?" she hissed. "Didn't you make a vow that you would never tell me another bare faced falsehood?" In reply the heavy villain flashed a pair of automobile goggles from his pocket and put them on. "And I have kept my vow, Helene Hominy. I am barefaced no longer." With a cry of despair the beau tiful heroine jumped Into the paste board river. A Relief to Both. "At last," he sighed, "we're alone. I've been hoping for this chance." "So have I," said she very frankly. "Ah! you have guessed, then, that I wanted to tell yon that I loved you." "Yes; and I want to say 'No' and get It over with." Unnecessary. Howies Hallo, Salter; I suppose yon are going to write my book down as a tissue of crass inaptitudes, eh? Salter Pardon me, my dear sir; It Is aot my habit to repeat what every one Is saying. Town and Country. A Last ef Wemeers." California has many wonders, not the least of which are the aumeroae natural bridges and caves of no little interest; the Mammoth Cave of Calaveras, the Alabaster Cave and the Crystal Palace Cave. The Union Pacific will sell tickets to these poiata at reduced rates this stuasMr. InquireofE. G.Brown, agent. J. H. GALLEY Columbus, Neb. JUNE, 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT This Special June Discount Sale commences FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 2fc 1908, And continues one week. All goods throughout our entire stock of DRESS GOODS, SHOES, CAPS, HATS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, LADIES' WAISTS AND DRESS SKIRTS Will be offered at 20 per sv it win yny yuu tu aueiiu 20 Per ct. Discount on Men's and Boys' Clothing. We are offering our entire stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTH ING AT COST PRICE, as we are going out 0f the clothing bus iness. A nice line to select from. 20 Per Cent Discount on J. H. GALLEY 505 Eleventh St The Wife's Morning Glory. A writer in an exchange says: "The finest compliment I have ever heard told to a woman was by her husband, and he said, in speaking of her: 'We always think of her as a morning glory, because she looks so bright and cheery and pretty at the breakfast table.' "How many breakfast tables are presided over by women who make no effort to be dainty? and there are a great number who are at once untidy and even uncleanly to look at. "The claim that household duties keep women from looking well in the morning is easily disproved, for In many a household where the woman gives a helping hand in the kitchen a big apron will thoroughly protect her dress, and then, too, cooking, unless one makes it so, is never dirt' work. "That woman commits an error who looks uncared for and badly dressed in the morning. The other woman, who wears any old thing to the break fast table, is also making a mistake, for that is the time when the men of the household ought to see a woman at her best, and not specially rely on her appearance in the evening, when the soft and charitable light of the gas will hide many defects." His One Wish. "Do you believe in ghosts?" asked the man who resents all superstition. "No, suh,' answered Mr. Eras t us Pinkley. "An' all I's hopin is dat dem ghos'es will lemme stay dat way 'stid o' comin' aroun' tryln to convince me." 4.1 02 'iwtS New and Scenic Line TO YELLOWSTONE PARK One of the most beautiful spots in America. No matter where you have traveled, or what you have seen, here is a trip that will please you as well, if not better. VERY LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES IN EFFECT THIS SUMMER VIA THE UNION PACIFIC For Yellowstone Park Leaflet and information regard ing the new direct line to Yellowstone, inquire of E. Q. BROWN. Agent. J. II. GALLEY Columbus. Neb. cent discount for one week. uus ?. Umbrella & Parsol all Laces & Embroideries COLUMBUS, NEB. Believed in Signs. "Evangeline is an up-to-date girl," confided the young man in the pearl colored hat. "How so?" asked his friend. "Why, in the parlor there is a cele brated painting entitled 'The Kiss.' I have been calling on her two years, and I never noticed anything unusual about that picture until last night." "What did you notice?" "What did I notice? Why, right under it there was a sign: 'Do It N'ow.' " Fatal Blow. It was the leading lady's birthday. "I don't care for any expensive pres ents," she hinted. "If you would send me a rose for each year, why " But the leading man jumped two feet in the air. "A rose for each year!" he gasped. "Why, roses are a dollar each and 1 only have $49 to my name." And after that she never spoke to him except during the play. To California Through Echo, Weber and Ogdea Canons, bristling with marvelous aceaee of western grandeur, across great Salt Lake, down the Humboldt Valley and over the wondronsly beautiful Sierra Aevadas, via Union Pacific every day on "The Overland Limited," electric light ed, one of the finest trains across tbe American continent. Inquire of E. Q. Brown, agent. 1908 V ii - t v fJMVWJlOi g"l MWWAMW) V.,