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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1908)
r - mm 3Sm -vr.l j?' JIIIldpQfflll) mzanzT ; jmr v - SYNOPSIS. litra Dudley arrived In San Francisco jo!n hs fr.'end and distant relative IT- iiry Wilton, whom he was to assist n un imiortant and mysterious task. .! wlio accompanied Dudley on the icrry lxat trip Into the city. The re in:irkahlc resemblance of thu two men i". siotf-il and commented on by passen xvnt on the ferry. They see a man with jinil-f eyes, wliich sends a thrill through iSudlpy. Wilton postpones an explanation of the strange orrand Dudley is to per form, hut occurrences cause him to I' now it 's one of no ordinary meaning. Wilton leavs Giles in thy'r room, with Instruction to await his rt-lurn and shoot nnv one who tries to enter. Ojtside there is heard shouts and curses and the noise of a iiarrcl. Henry rushes in and at ' roiue? the roommates quickly cx .hn'"e clothes, and he hurr"c out a-a!n. Hardly ha3 lie pone than Cltas is U!rtlci bv a rry of "Help" mil he runs out to fin 1 soma one he n? assaulted by t half deson men. He summons a police rrr.n bi.t they are unable to find any frace of a or'nie. Giles returns to his room and hunts for r.ome ev t'enre thit Dilcht ixp'ain h's B,nn?" in ss'on. He Tit's a in it which he endeavors to de- -p''Pr. Due" ley is summoned to tlie mer"re mri there fi"'ls the dwl hadv of Ij'k frVnd. H.-nry Wilton. nd thus W!t oi d es w'tlimit ever oxpK'nlns to D -d-lny the przall"!? wor'c he was to perform in Svi nn 'sco. In orier to ci scovrr the re r"t r1 ".'on his fr'end had eitrunt oi to him. Dudley continues ills d squisc .-i-i-i per-- himself to he Known as Ti-irv Wilton. Dudley, m' for Wilton. .s eitployed by Kn'i) to ass'st :i a s'o-k hnl-eratjc deal "l cUv" t-i'-es the S' pped Wilton to Mother Horton's. Mnthi r 1 Tton discovers that he is not W.Iton The 1 shta are turned out and a ! fer all tiht follows. Gil.-s Dudley ijt's h'r"!" c'oetcd In a room w th Motl-r rPrton who mikes it confidant 1? ii: He cm Ifirn notlr.nt; about the n'yjirois hov fur'l c- than that it is 'm Terr II and Darby Meeker who are .iftei h'm He is told that "Dicky" Kalil is a trai'nr. playing both hands in the i-i2iie, C'es llniis himself locked in a n'ini. He escapes through a window. CHAPTER VIII. (Continued). 1 moved slowly down, a step at a time, then from over-cautiousness tripped and came r'own the last three ..tops at once with the clatter of a four-horse team. Hut nobody stirred. Then I glanced ib rough the open door, and was strick- !i cold with astonishment. The room vs empty! The chairs and tables that a few 4 ours ago I had seen scattered about were gone. There was no sign that I he place had been occupied in months. I stepped into the room that I had seen crowded with eager friends and enemies, eating, drinking, ready for desperate deeds. My step echoed strangely with the echo of an unten anted house. The bar and the shelves Itehind It were swept clear of the bot tles and glasses that had filled them. iJewildercd and apprehensive, I wondered whether, after all, the .e:its of the night were not a fan tastic dream. There was, however, no time to waste in prying into this mystery. By ny watch it was close on 9 o'clock, and Doddridge Knapp might even now lp making his way to the office where ho had stationed me. The saloon's front doors were locked fast, but the side door that led from the stairway to the street was fastened only with a spring lock, and I swung it open and stepped to the sidewalk. A load left my spirits as the door closed behind me. The fresh air of the Morning was like wine after the close and musty atmosphere I had been breathing. I hurried along the streets with but it three-minute stop to swallow a cup of coffee and a roll, and once more mounted the stairs to the office and opened the door to Number 15. The place was in disorder. The books that had been arranged on the desk and shelves were now scattered about in confusion, as though they tad been hurriedly examined and thrown aside in a fruitless search. This was a disturbing incident, and I was surprised to discover that the door into the adjoining room was ajar. i pushed it wide open, and started tfflck. Before me stood Doddridge Knapp, his face pale as the face of a corpse, and his eyes staring as though the dead had risen before him. CHAPTF" IX. j A Dsy in :rket. The King of the t stood for a ucuient staring a. me with that strange and fearsome gaze. What was iSere in that dynamic glance that struck a chill to my spirit as though the very fountain of liie had been at tacked? Was it the manifestation of the powerful will behind that mask! Was it terror or anger that wa-j to be read in the fiery eyes that gleamed i'rom beneath those bushy brows, and m the play or the cruel mouth, which from under that yellow-gray mustache save back the sign of the Wolf? "Have you any orders, sir?" I asked is. as calm a voice as I could com mand. "Oh, it's you. is It?" said the Wolf .slowly, covering his fangs. If flashed on me that the attack in the Morten den was of his planning, that Terril was his tool, and that he had supposed me dead. It was thus that I could account for his startled gaze and evident discomposure. "Nine o'clock was the time, you said." 1 suggested deferentially. "I be lieve it's a minute or two past." "Oh, yes." said Doddridge Knapp, 4ulling himself together. "Come in here." He looked suspiciously at me as he took a seat at his desk and motioned mo to another. "I had a little turn," he said, eying no nervously; "a vertigo, I believe he doctor called it. Just reach my overcoat pocket there, will you? the 'ett-hand side. Yes, bring me that dask. Ke poured out a small glass of l:quor, and the rich odor of brandy rose through the room. Then he took a vial fiom an inside pocket, counted a few drops Into the glass and drank it at a swallow. When he had cleared his throat of the fiery liquor, the Wolf turned to me with a more composed and kindly expression. "And now to business," said my em ployer with decision. "Take down these orders." The King of the Street was himself once more, and I marveled again at the quickness and clearness of his directions. I was to buy one hundred shares of this stock, sell five hundred of that stock, buy one thousand of an other in blocks of one hundred, and sell the same in a single block at the last session. "And the last thing you do," he con tinued, "buy every share of Omega that is offered. There'll be a big block of it thrown en the market, and more in the afternoon. Buy it, what ever the price. There's likely to be a big slump. Don't bid for it don't keep up the price, you understand hut get it." "If somebody else is snapping it up, do I understand that I'm not to bid oer them?" "You're not to understand anything of the kind," he said, with a little dis gust in his tone. "You're to get the stock. You've bought and sold enough to know how to do that But dor't start a boom for the price. Let her go down. Sabe?" I felt that there was deep water ahead. "Perfectly," I said. "I think I see the whole thing. The King of the Street looked at me with a grim smile. "ilaybe ycu do, but all the same 7721: you'd better keep your money out of this little deal unless you can spare it as well as not. Well, get back to your room. You've got your check book all right?" Alone once more I was in despair of unraveling the tangle in which I was involved. I felt convinced that Doddridge Knapp was the mover In the plots that sought ray life. He had, 1 felt sure, believed me dead, and was startled inlo fear at my unheralded ap pearance. Yet why should he trust me with his business? I could not doubt that the buying and selling he had given to my care were important. I knew nothing about the price of stocks, but I was sure that the orders he had given me involved many thou sands of dollars. Yet it might be the thought struck home to me that the credit had not been provided for me. and my checks on the Navada bank would serve only to land me in jail. The disturbed condition of the books attracted my attention once more. Tho volumes were scattered over the desk and thrown about the room as though somebody had been seeking for a mislaid document. I looked cu riously over them as I replaced them on the shelves. They were law-books, California Reports, and the ordinary text-books and form-books of the at torney. All bore on the fly-leaf the name of Horace H. Plymire, but no paper or .other indication of ownership could I find. I wondered idly who thi3 Plymire might be, and pictured to myself ome old attorney who had fallen into the hands of Doddridge Knapp, and "had, through misfortune, been forced to sell everything for the mess of pottage to keep life in him. But there was small time for musing, and I went out to do Doddridge Knapp's bidding in the stock-gambling whirlpool of Pine street. It was easy to find Bockstein and Eppner, and there could be no mistak ing the prosperity of the firm. The indifference of the clerks to my pres ence, and the evident contempt with which an order for a hundred shares of something was being taken from an apologetic eld gentleman were enough to assure of that. Bockstein and Eppner were togeth er, evidently consulting over the busi ness to be dene. Bockstein was tall and gray-haired, with a stubby gray beard. Ecpner was short and a little Mi'll'Ilp vs i I - I BnnnLA wrtti Mna.hliflr mnetgpha snapping blue-black eyes and strong .blue-black dots over his face where his beard struggled vainly against the devastlng razor. Both were strongly marked with the shrewd, money-getting visage. I set forth my business. "You wand to' gif a larch order?" said Bockstein, looking over my mem oranda. "Do you haf references?" "Yes," echoed Eppner. "References' are customary, you know." He spoke in a high-keyed voice that had ir ritating suggestions In it "Is there any reference better than cash?" I asked. The partners looked at each other. "None," they replied. "How much will secure you on the order?" They named a heavy margin, and the sum total took my heart into my mouth. How large a balance I could draw against I had not the faintest idea. Possibly this was a trap to throw me into jail as a common swindler attempting to pass worthless checks. But there was no time to hesitate. I drew a check for the amount, signed Henry Wilton's name and tossed it over to Bockstein. "All ridt," said the senior partner. "Zhust talk it ofer vit Misder Eppner. He goes on der floor." I knew well enough what was wanted. My financial standing w?.s to be tested by the head of the firm, while the junior partner kept me amused. Eppner was quick to take my ideas. A few words of explanation and he understood perfectly what I wanted. "You have not bought b2fore?" It was an interrogation, net an assertion. "Ch. yes," I said carelessly, "but not through you, I believe." "Xo, no, I think not. I should have remembered you." I thought this might be a favorable i opportunity to glean a little informa tion of what was going on in the mar ket. "Are there any good deals in pros pect?" I ventured. I could see in the blue-black depths of his eyes that an unfavorable opin ion he had conceived of my judgment was deepened by this question. There &&&-22Z&71CQD JHTE-Oru$ OyjP&Sfr' was doubtless in it the flavor of the amateur. "We never advise our customers," was the high keyed reply. "Certainly not." I replied. "I don't want advice merely to know what is going on." "Excuse me, but I never gossip. It is a rule I make." "It might interfere with your op portunities to pick up a good bargain now and then," I suggested, as the blue-black man seemed at a loss for words. "We never invest in stocks," was the curt reply. "Excellent Idea," said I. "for those who know too much or too little." Eppner failed to smile, and could think of nothing to say. I was a little abashed, notwithstanding the tone cf haughty Indifference I took. I began to feel very young before this machine-like impersonation of the mar ket. Bockstein relieved the embarrass I ment of the situation by coming in ou London Has No Local Pride. British Newspaper Takes Big Metropolis. W::i'r) at Blindfold a Londoner of the cen ter, put him down in the Caledonian road or on Brook Green or at Heme Hill, then take off the bandage and ask him where he is. The chances are ten to one he will have no notion at all. They might just as well be in the provinces. Practically they are in fhe provinces. They are not inhabited by Londoners in the true sense, but y people whom accident or necessity has brought within the metropolitan area and who would be just as happy 200 miles away. Their atmosphere is not metropolitan. They are not of the center. They are on the fringe. That is why London has so little local pride. It is not a community It is a congeries of suburbs, each with Jts separate narrow interests, grouped iround a little city whose citizens 'jave so wide a horizon that they can spare next to no attention for local affairs. How can civic patriotism be expected from a man who spends all of breath, with a brave pretense Cf having-been merely 'consulting a cu- tomer in the next room. ' ""You haf exblained to Misder Epn ner?" he Inquired. "Den all is don. Here is a card to der Board Room. If orders you' haf to gif, Eppner viH dake dem on der floor. Zhust gif him der check for margin, and all Is veil." At the end of this harangue I found myself outside the office, with Bock stein's back waddling toward the private room where the partners were to have their .last consultation before going to the Board. My check had been honored, then, and Bockstein had assured himself of my solvency. In the rebound from anxiety, I swelled with the pride of a t capitalist on Doddridge Knapp's money. In the Board Room of the big Ex change the uproar had given me a suggestion that the business of buy ing and selling stocks was carried on in a somewhat less conventional man ner than the trade in groceries. But It had not quite prepared me for the scene in the Exchange. After a little I was able to discover that the shouts and yelb and screams, the shaking of fists, and the waving of arms were merely a more or less energetic method cf bidding for stocks; that the ringing cf gongs and the bellow of the big man who smiled on the bear-garden from the high desk were merely the audible signs that another stock was being called; and that the biazeu-voiced reading of a roll was merely the official an nouncement of the record of bargain and sale that had been going on he fore me. It was my gcod fortune to make out so much bafore the purchase of the stocks on my older list was com pleted. The crisis was at hand in which I must have my wits about me, and be ready to act fcr myself. Eppner rushed up and reported the bargains made, handing me a slip with the figures he had paid for the stocks. "Any more orders?" he gasped. He was trembling with excitement and suppressed eagerness for the fray "Yes," I shouted above the roar about me. "I want to buy Omega." He gave a lock that might have been a warning, if I could have read it; but it was gone with a shrug as though he would say, "Well, it's no business of mine." "How much?" he asked. "Wait!" He started away at a scream from the front, but returned in a moment. He had bought or sold something, but I had not the least idea what it was. or which he had done. "It's coming!" he yelled in my ear. The gong rang. There was a con fused cry from the man at the big desk. And pandemonium let loose. "Omega opens at sixty-five." shouted Eppner. "Bid sixty." 1 shouted in reply, "but get all you can, even if you have to pay sixty-five." Eppner gave a bellow, and skated into a group of fat men, gesticulating violently. The roar increased, if such a th!ng were possible. In a minute Epriier was back, pers piring, a-jd I fancied a trifle worried. "They're dropping it on me." he gasped in my ear. "Five hundred at sixty-two and one thousand at sixty. Small lots coming fast and big ones on the way." "Good! Bid fifty-five, and then fifty, but get them." With a roar he rushed into the midst of a whirling thrcng. I saw twenty brokers about him, shouting and threatening. One in his eagerness jumped upon the shoulders of a fat man in front of him, and shook a paper under his nose. I could make out nothing of what was going on, except that the excite ment was tremendous. Twice Eppner reported to me. The stock was being hammered down down stroke by stroke. There wan a rush to sell. Fifty-five fifty-three fifty, came the price then by leaps to forty-five and forty. It was a panic. At last the gong sounded, and tho scene was over. Eppner reported at the end of the call. He had bought for me twelve thousand five hundred shares, over ten thousand of them below fifty. The total was frightful. There was half a million dollars to pay when the time for settlement came. It was folly to suppose that my credit at the Nevada was of this size. But I put a bold face on it, gave a check for the figure that Eppner named, and rose. "Any more orders?" he asked. "Not till afternoon." As I passed into the street I was as tonished at the swift transformation that had come over it. The block about the Exchange was crowded with a tossing throng, hundreds upon hun dreds pushing toward its fateful doors. But where cheerfulness and hope had ruled, fear and gloom now vibrated In electric waves before me. The faces turned to the pitiless, polished granite front of the great gambling-hall were white and drawn, and on them sat Ruin and Despair. tTO BE CONTINUED.) his week-ends at a house in the coun try, the spring on the Riviera, the autumn in Scotland or the Mediter ranean? London is to him only an in cident with boundaries probably smaller even than those which 1 have suggested. The real Londoners are those who would not consider life worth living anywhere else. The real London is the small space wherein are to be found the interests which fill their lives. Hundreds of thousands of sub urbans have never seen a picture in London, never been to the opera or the play, could not tell St. Paul's from the Abbey or distinguish between St James and Grosvenor Square. Per contra, few real Londoners know any thing about the regions on the fringe The immensity of London is the constant subject of bewildered com ment. It is the littleness of London which astonishes me. London World. Women Go Half Rates. Women, because they eat so much less, only pay half rates in the more old-fashioned of Sweden's hotels. Tre G PWAn WTCLESAttt SQUKCKS At THEIR SVIWiBl fUUTAMY PMACTMCE BOUNDARY jTff s$ 18 1 Jj fl or me i4JfjL feroi tem-&as&mi? ra 3 " ; jia &&& K v or nmm&L-4m m n&iux&s ., r &$&$& 1 JZ&A& mwo -x trrrrv . Ua&2aE2LXYv:3L L i Wmi&.- eTfolV&Wg?3l ag: Sir, IMT :waa vufcw y. ,. 3?aust.vwre.i v&i.v&:i'i-&AZaf . i a. i sawria. ?. JS, . && ys&r,ar v M .. ? . amii i.-v j- w.u !"- f jc w-. ifj. r. ' jb: j. 1 -- .wj.t rii ibul.a . -n r-i tSil "MQV-caT &Uffi3ri CK$&$r ' k i viLt ""W " ,iym3Vn KyIJ"JM 3fc vX -J ' " .-- UMy u k. esaKaL' sa? .MasKiiiaaiaTiijaaaiseaweawawTittvij?3. !3mX 1 ' l ( $LACKMR, SOWmZRU BOUNDARY CF THE NW CAMP. Fair Peace is winning her way into the hearts of the world powers slow ly but surely, so that the probability of Grim War breaking forth in one of his wild tantrums is growing less and less likely, and yet there is al ways the possibility that the giant will awake and it is the rart of wisdom, so the nations feel, to learn the war game during the reign of the afore said fair Peace. This is particularly true of the European powers, but while the military establishment of the United States is insignificant as com- rared with these of her neighbors across the Atlantic, there is the same pur pose and ambition to practice the arts of war and to work out the prob lems which .would be met with in the case of actual conflict This strife for military and naval efficiency has developed an elaborate scheme of summer campaigning so lhat the army of the east and the army of the west, together with the coast defenses and the navy, are kept busy in field operations and naval maneuvers as they aru at no other time of the year. Interest in this war game centers in the east, because there not only the soldiers, but the navy and the coast defenses enter into the spectacular display, which will continue through June and well into July. Hostile fleets will sail through the lower bay at New York. Troops will go tramping through the streets or across the fields to defend the fortifications. Real shells ranging from G to 12 inches, driven by full charges of powder, just as if war were in full progress and New York were being assailed by a great fleet of battleships, will screech through the air and plow the waters of the harbor. There are doubtless persons who will wonder why shells of such gigan tic proportions should be distributed over the waters of the lower bay, the gateway of half of the foreign com merce of a nation of SO.000,000 people. "Can't this practice at shooting be done where there is less danger of doing damage?" perhaps the thought less will ask. An army officer, if he thought himself privileged to talk, would reply that New York would be one of the choice pickings of war and that it is essential to have practice in the manipulation of the engines for protecting the city if it is to be pro tected properly. The noise accompanying this dis play of military energy may lead same persons to think that Staten Island s the center of a war, but in reality t will be only a local evidence of what s likely to be the most important, be :ause most practical, military practice ver held in this country. One million lollars having been appropriated for the purpose, coast defense drills by the regular army and the coast de fense regiments of the state militia to be conducted on all the coasts f the United States, and in all the military departments there are to be camps of instruction, at which the state militia and national infantry and cavalry will work out together practi cal military problems. In the coast defense work in the fortifications there will be not only firing at targets and practice in i detecting at night the approach of an A New Explosive. Interest is being evinced by quarry owners and others who have to resort to blasting operations in the new ex plosive that has recently been placed on the market. The recommendatory j advantage of the compound is that it " will only explode by detonation, there by rendering it perfectly safe to handle under all conditions. In the ' preliminary tests at a quarry recently, although it readily exploded when detonated, hammering and other sim ilar efforts failed to explode the mass. &: JfcWs ,a,c jBr3" ' f -.? 7fiE msm k-v& "NON-COX" JVSS ON m&a & A PAINY 1.54 - Oiw-- ""'rtO o T enemy's fleet as personated by a few government tugs, but the solving of such problems as this: "The enemy has lauded a force of 50.0D0 men at Long Branch with the intention of approaching the fortifica tions of New York in the rear and cutting them off." This will set the officers in com mand to studying methods of project ing the fortifications. They will issue orders, and the troops will take the positions they would occupy in real war. The practicing ofucers and troops will be expected actually to de fend the lort and fire the guns if the enemy is met. The solutions of the various problems in all their details will be placed on file at the various lortilications lor the use of the defend ers in case of actual war. It is ex pected that in course of time every possible way in which the tortifica tions cau be attacked and detended by different sized forces will be ac tually worxed out in this way, ready for use in case of an emergency It is a busy time with the depart ment of the east, for the burning of powder at Forts Wadsworth and Ham ilton will bo a modest part of the war like operations which will be carried on under the direction of Alaj. Gen. Grant, commander of the department. There will be similar operations at the tortitications about Baltimore, at both ends of Long Island sound, along the ( shores of Nartagansett bay and about Boston harbor. There will also be a camp of instruction at Pine Plains, a i level stretch of land bordering on the r curving reaches of the Black river .it ' Felt's Mills, about nine miles from VVatertown, N. Y., including the so lution of problems which the popular mind, untrsmmeled with technicali ties of a military or any other nature, delights to style sham battles. Altogether there will be about 20.000 men engaged. Of these about 11,500 will discover the taste of the dust of Pine Plains, while the remainder will be learning how lo protect their ear drums in the fortifications. A large proportion of these trcops will be militia from the states of Maryland, , New Jeisey, Pennsylvania, New York, I Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachu setts, Nev Hampshire and Vermont, there being less than 3.00J regulars at Pine Plains. Gen. Grant, who is to command the troops at the camp of instruction in , person, when asked what he hoped to j learn from the work, said "I am the teacher, so you could i hardly expect that I would learn any thing from the problems themselves. I hope to get better acquainted with i both the regulars and the state troops, the personnel and the personal equa- , tion. I expect to learn what the dif ferent officers can do best. The val ue of this is that in casa of need I would know how to assign the officers and troors." "The state militia as a whole is more effective now than four years ago. The improvement has been great- er in some states tfcan in others This .s due to the greater interest mani fested in some states. There is an Li- ' creasing interest in all the states aad a very great interest in many of them. There is more hard work being done ; from a military point of view. while It remained inert when a hot iron was plunged therein or when gun powder was fired on it. Moreover, fric tion failed to produce any evil results. Under these circumstances It i3 be coming widely adoptel for excavating stone by blasting, for which it ar- I ms& pears to ba eminently adapted, espe- j Name given by Postum Co., Battle cially as explosion 13 not accom- I Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well ranieJ by the emission of poisonous j villss," in pkgs. fiiTres, while it can also be more t Ever read the above letter? A new chcai ly produced than the majority of one appears frem time to time. They u.l iujvl- ugeuu, in ttueriu use tor such work, One of the Essential f the happy homes of to-day is vast f uad of iaf orsaatioa aa to the best vsthods of promoting health and happiness and right liviag aad knowledge of tho world' best products. Products of actual exceOeaee and reaioaable claims truthfully presented aad which have attained to world-wide accept tase through the approval of the Well-informed of the World; not of indi viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain ing the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, aa Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com mended by the Wcll-Informod of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. IMPRESSED THE LITTLE ONE. Deportment of Colored Gentleman a Matter of Admiration. Little Elsie, who had recently re turned from a visit to Washington, was describing to her companion some the wonderful things she had ob- ,-ed in the Capitol City. 'One evening." said she. breathless- 'rapa took me to have supper at rand hotel where the dining roorr. awfully big. and at the tables around us sat great senators and ren reprcsentatives with their wives, all drinking champagne!" "I suppose the manners of they, great persons were perfect?" ventufod 1 her companion, with widened eyes. "Yes." returned Elsie. "But." she added, with a sudden burst of enthusi asm, "the deportment of the colored gentlemen who served the wine was perfectly beautiful!" ECZEMA ALL OVER HIM. No Night's Rsst for a Year and LFmU of His Endurance Seemed Near Owes Recovery to Cuticura. "My son Clyde was almost com pletely covered with eczema. Physi cians treated him for nearly a year without helping him aDy. His head, face, and neck were covered with large scab3 which he would rub until they fell off. Then b!ood and matter would run out and that would be worse. Friends coming to see him said that if ho got well he would be disfigured for life. When it seemed as if he could possibly stand it no longer, I used some Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Oint ment, and Cuticura Resolvent. That was the first night for nearly a year that he slept In the morning there was a great change for the better, in about six weeks he was perfoctly well. Our leading physician recommends Cuticura for eczema, Mrs. Algj Cockburn, Shiloh, O., June 11, 1907." PLEASANT FOR PAPA. The Minister You kept beautifully still while I was preaching, Willie. Did you like the sermon? Kid No, fair; but rapa said he'd spank me good and plenty if I woke him up. He Had Broken Something. Mrs. Wilson had a young Japanese servant who had a habit of trying to oonceal from his mistress any breakage of dishes of which he chanced to be guilty. The good lady explained that it was wicked to de ceive, and directed the Japanese to tell her whenever he broke anything. The boy promised to do as she ad vised. One day. while Mrs. Wilson was entertaining some friends In the parlor, the Japanese suddenly ap peared in the doorway. His teeth were bared in a childlike smile, and his eyes sparkled with the light of con scious virtue: Meesa Wirson. you ter-ra me. when break someslng to ter-ra you. I break my pants!" Success Magazine. FULLY NOURISHED Grape-Nuts a Perfectly Food. Balanced No chemist's analysis of Grape-Nuts can begin to show the real value of the food the practical value as shown by personal experience. It Is a food that is perfectly bal anced, supplies the needed elements of brain and nerves in all stages of life from the infant, through tho stren uous times of active middle life, and Is a comfort and support in old age. "For two years I have used Grape Nuts with milk and a Kttle cream, for breakfast. 1 ail comfortably hungry for my dinner at noon. "I use little rreat. plnty of vege tables and fruit in seaeon. for the noon meal, and ir tired at tea time, take Grape-Nuts alone and feel perfect ly nourished. "Nerve and brain power, and mem ory are much Improved since using Grape-Nuts. I am over sixty and weigh 153 lbs. My son and husband seeing how I have improved, are now using Grape-Nuts. "My son. who is a traveling man, eats nothing for breakfast but Grape Nuts and a glass or milk. An aunt, over 70, seems fully nourished on Grape-Nuts aad cream." "Tho' n Reason." ",c yc.iuinc, irui. and full of human in ifi rest. SMI v'vw V ji St. I sf3m')a. NwMhrr9wv ftlj $oTj fe?fii . 1 i 1 I iS 4