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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1908)
"1.Jfw rnjXjnr 1!gt- "V".' "r! -7 'wrf2- " 4 4 1 I 4 v I'-" in jfflynBB81 If SMI GROCERIES THAT SPEAK for themselves, as ours do, need little praising. We might well be pardoned for being enthusiastic about them. But all we say is Once you do that we will not have to coax you for a second. Our gro ceries will speak for themselves on your table. You'll be sorry you hadn't started trading here before. I3th St. Gulumbus ITEMS OF INTEREST I.KICU. From tlio World. Clarence Hardy and family came over - from Ooluiubus Inst Suturday fur a visit with the former's parents. The heavy wind on Wednesday eve nine dtd considerable damage to trees and small buildings in this vicinity. In the southern part of town a number of corn cribs were turned over and moved from their original places. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wurdeman left Monday from Columbus for Chicago when they will spend several weeks viiitingand Mr. Wnrdeman. who is one of the staunch republicans of Platte county, will incidentally see to it that the right men are nominated at the repnbli can uatioual convention. SILVKlt CKEKK. From tlio Sand. Fred Tallon returned from the Co lumbus hospital last Tuesday, much im proved after an operation on his hand. Mrs. Frank Holden, who has been seriously ill for a couple of weeks, is on the mend. Her mother, Mrs. Graves of Columbus, is with her. The assessment books of Olarksville tou'nship. outside of the village of Chirks, show that there is only one time piece and one musical instrument owned bj' the tax-payers. L. A. Gates was granted a saloon li cense by the village board last Wednes day, but as the remonstrators appealed the matter to the district court, the sa loon will not be opened until after a hearing thereon. O. S. Holden, for many years a highly respected citizen of this community, died Friday morning at 4 o'clock. He was nearly 73 years of age and had been failing for some time. The funeral ser vices were held at the Congregational Church in Silver Creek at 2 o'clock Sun day. Rev. L. Lohr of Fullerton conduc ting the services. An accident, happened yesterday which seriously threatens the life of Kenneth. 4 year old son of Clarence Mrfjean, who li vs 7 miles west of town. Mr. McLean was chopping down a tree, when his little boy, of whose presence he was un .aware, ran up before him and was struck in the head by the sharp edge of the axe, which cut through his skull. The ex tent of the injury is hard to determine just now, but the best is hoped for. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING ' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, HENRY RAGATZ & GO. ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES GENOA. From the Time. Mrs. Nels Olson returned to the Co lumbus hospital last Monday for treat ment. Mrs. Julias Phillipps is receiving a visit f rem her mother, Mrs. John Bader of Columbus. E. Wilber died at his home here Sun day morning, June 14,1908, shortly after six o'clock, in the 71st year of his age. The remains were sent to Mapleton, Iowa, for burial Tuesday, after a short funeral service, accompanied by Cyrus Creek and Mrs. Wilber. It is reported that Mrs. Nettie Horton and Dugal White were recently married at Denver, where Mr. White holds a position with a railway company. Mrs. Horton left Genoa about three weeks ago and went to Ft. Dodge to visit a brother, and from that city to Denver Fred Horton and Miss Clara Cottrell went to Fullerton last Saturday and after securing the neoessary license, were mat ried by County Judge Klease. The groom is a son of Frank Horton residing south of town, and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cot trell living on a farm six miles southwest of Genoa. central crrr. From the Nonpareil. The ball team and band will go to Co lumbus on the Fourth to help that baili wick celebrate the nation's birthday. The team will play against Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oostello were in town Saturday and Sunday while return ing to their home in Columbus from a trip to Denver and other Colorado points. While working on a shed at his home Monday afternoon, Will Desoh received a fall that will lay him up for some time. He was working about twelve feet from the ground when a timber broke aud denly and be fell to the floor. He was badly bruised about one side of hi Ivuitr and received a slight internal injury. nis injuries are not necessarily serious, though they are quite painful. The Y. M. O. A. Juniors are planning to present an indoor circus in the gym nasium some time during the latter part of the month. The boys have become nrnficient in crvmnaaiem work ami will put up an interesting exhibition. Im mediately following the nimnn if nr. ent plans mature, they will go to Burk man's pond near Palmer for their annual summer outing. It is among the possi bilities that they may give their circus at runner. Columbus. FC&IiXBTOH. From the Fort. Bob McKee oB0 np" from Oolaufeaa to spend Sunday with his wife. Kit Gay received word this weak that his cousin, Milan Jacobs, who formerly lived here, has gone violently insane. He is suffering from tuberculosis and it is supposed that the disease has affected his mind. ' Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Bert Wood a few days ago at her home in Montana. She had been sick only a short time with spinal men ingitis. She leaves six children one of whom is dangerously ill with the same disease. Mrs. Wood a maiden name was Lulu McCay. She was the daughter of Orlando MoCay and spent her childhood here. From the Newt-Joarnal. We ought to be satisfied that it ie only gently raining in this country. Bead of the great rains, Hoods and winds down in Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma, then go to the secret closet and give thanks that we are better off than possibly we deserve. S. Li Sturtevant received a draft from the government the first of the week for $875, balance due him for clothes. It seems that Sam failed to draw all the clothes that was coming to him, and now after 43 years the government sends along the balance due him. Last Saturday little Goldie Babb. yonngest daughter of the sheriff, was playing in the court house yard, when a big dog ran into her and knocked her down, breaking her collar-bone. One thing is certain, Fullerton has dogs to spare, and the worthless kind ought to be removed. Friends of Miss Edith Houghawout have received invitations to her marriage yesterday at Kearney to Mr. Carl Spieih, a popular and successful young merchant at Amherst. After the ceremony it is undestood that the happy couple will go to Denver and other western points on their wedding trip, and returning will make their home at Amherst. Cedar Rapids Outlook. A number of fields of wheat are show ing up badly with rust. In places the wheat is going down, which means a total loss. Many corn fields are green as cucumbers with grass, all because the excessive rainfall has rendered their cultivation an impossibility. Once this editor declared he would never again kick on rain, no matter how much fell, and we are here to make good on that assertion. And we don't take any Btook in the flood story as related by Noah, either, so if it never quits we are doom to go the way of all the unbelievers of Noah's time. An action for divorce has been com menced in the district court to annul the marriage between Orover C. Smith and Ida Viola Smith. This oouple were married in Fullerton on the 29th of May, without the knowledge or consent of the bride's parents. The petition seta np that Viola is under 16 years of . age and was not capable of entering into a ma trimonial alliance by reason thereof. It seems that after the marriage the couple went to Omaha where the defendant was living prior to the marriage. The girl soon tired to her lord and protector and sent for her people to come and get her, which they very promptly did. The suit is brought in the name of the father of Mrs. Smith, Francis M. Anstiae. PLATTB CENTBB From the Signal. A bran new baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Luchsinger last Monday. Tom Dalton has received the informa tion that his brother and his brother's son were killed June 7th in a cyclone near Mauston, Wis. Mrs. Jake Oreisen and two children, and Mrs. Seeberger, of Columbus, spent several days this week with St. Anthony and Platte Center friends. PatCronindug some potatoes out of his garden yesterday morning that were as large as hen's eggs These are the first home grown potatoes we have heard of this season. John J. Greisen and Jake Ripp arrived here Monday evening from Portland, Oregon, where they went two years ago. John has a position as book keeper and Jake as a stationary engineer. They came back here for a few weeks' visit, and will then return. Denny Robertson Monday sold to St. Joseph's church society the lots which he owned joining the ohurch property on the Bouth. We are not advised, but conjecture that on these lots will be placed the entertainment bnilding which Father Laborious has had under con sideration for some time. About nine o'clock Wednesday eve ning a black cloud rolled up from the southwest which brought a wind that made things pop for two or three minutes and made people think of the numerous cyclones they hsd been reading about re cently, but with the exception of upset ting of an occasional outhouse no damage was done here. At the Mrs. Kate Mark farm, some five miles northeast cribs and other outbuildings were twisted out of place. At the farm of William Hoefel man. sr., near Oldenbush, a corncrib granary, windmill and other small out buildings were destroyed. Mail carrier Qleason tells us of a large oottonwood tree near the Oldenbush church, which was twisted up, roots and all, and thrown directly across the road, completely blockisg it. There were doubtless other places hit which we have not heard about. Am Itttmtiif Trip. The Union Pacific closely follows the pathofthe'Torty-Niners," which has become historic as "The Overland Route" the direct route to 8an Francisco. If you cross the continent in one of the tourist sleepers of this line you will en joy your trip and save considerable money. Inquire about low rata to Oaliforiis of , O. Brows, afaat. Cli-iiite Book Case Fresh stock just received HENRI M 219-21-23 West Eleventh St. WANTED 1 The right party can eecare an excellent position, salary or comnuVeion for Columbus and tI cinitr. Btato atfe, former occupation and give reference. Address LOCK BOX 438, Lincoln, Neb. MONROE. From the Republican. Miss Rose Klaus of Columbus is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Vestal Moore, this week. Everybody is going to Columbus the Fourth. The Ifland boys will run their steam swing there. Mrs. A. M. Work visited over Sunday at the home of her brother, Dr. 0. D. Evans of Columbus. H. J. Hill, chairman of the village board, was in Columbus last Saturday preparing the waver works bonds and preparing to register them. They will be placed on the market as soon as registered and when sold bids for the construction of the plant will be re ceived. No wonder people are complaining about the amount of rainfall, as the government guage shows 15.57 inches since the first of May. The May rain fall was 850 aud the June 7.07. These rains have not been general, going in streaks, but there has been plenty of moisture and some to spare. Sometime ago Tom Hill had some rip rapping put in on his placed east of Mon roe, where the river was cutting the bank. This was before the high water and examination since that time shows that the work has held and the current pushed away from the bank. MissGeer of Columbus owns land east of Mr. Hill's and thii was also protected by the riprapping, which has held the curreut away from the bank, and stopped the cutting. They are both well pleased with the work, which will save quite a tract of land from being swallowed up by the river. For a good many years the Loup river has been gradually cutting the banks and making inroads on the pasture own ed by J. E. North. Of late it has been cutting toward the head of the slough and the last high water was sufficient to start a current of the river down the slough, which will eventually make an island out of some land at present used for pasture. But the owners are going to do something to protect their inter ests, and Wednesday a representative of the Omaha Current Deflector company looked over the situation, and in a few days they will decide what they are go ing to do with it HOWBLLS From the Journal. Jack Price, a former Colfax county boy, now engaged in the real estate busi at Columbus, was in town yesterday. Herman Eber hard and wife of White water, Kansas, are here visiting for a few weeks with old-time Colfax county friends. They are well pleated with their new home in the Sunflower state. Ferdinand Krause went to Omaha Monday and brought home with him his little son, who for some weeks has been receiving treatment in one of the hospi tals there. We are glad to know that the child is well on the road to recovery. There is no country on the face of the globe that will stand as much drouth or endure as much rain as good old Ne braska, and to that quality she owes the fact that after three weeks of continuous rains she gives promise of a bounteous harvest. Stand up for Nebraska! She's the best ever! Fifty-eight years ago there was born in Oldenburg, Germany, a boy, George Hilbers, who grew up to be a man of the cbaracteristices that made him honored, respected and beloved by his fellowmen. Kind and considerate of his family and friends, and just in all his business deal ing, the news of bis passing, which oc curred on Monday evening at the family home ten miles north of this place, cast a gloom over i he entire community. His death was caused by blood poisouing, the effect of scratching his hand some weeks ago on a sharp barb or a wire fence be was repairing. At the age of twenty the deceased came to America in 1870, with his parents and located near Hooper. In 1888 he moved to this neighborhood, and in the twenty years he resided among us he won and held the respect and friend ship of all with whom a oame in contact HtTMFHRBT. Proa the Dworrat Frits Brown and Clyde Ely spent Sun day with friends in Columbia. Franz Lachnit of Columbus is calling on relatives and friends in town this week. John Zavadil visited with the Ratter man family at Columbus a few days the forepart of the week. Ed. Rossiter was up from Columbus Wednesday, having legal business to trsnsaotin the Creston neighborhood. Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock during nuptial nigh mass at St. Francis church, Frank H. Tieskoetter was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth A. Steffat, Rev. Fr. Knrzer officiating. Leander, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pred Fangman. was operated on for ap pendicitis Tuesday of this week at St Mary's hospital in Columbus. From the latest reports he is improving as rapidly as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. John VanDyke of Den ver are here on a visit to bis brother Nick and family. Mr. VanDyke first struck this community in 1879 and soon after that he went to Colorado and has since made his home there. Mr. and Mrs. VanDyke will go from here to Chicago and other places in the east for a visit before returning home. John Frisch and Miss Sophia Schmid were united in marriage in St. Francis church Tuesday morning of this week, Rev. Father Knrzer, officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 8chmid old and respected resi dents of the community and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Frisch prominent Madison county people. SCHUYLER. From the San. On Monday. June 15th Mrs. Josephine Vraspir was granted a divorce from Mr. Adolph Vraspir. Mrs. Vraspir receives as alimony $7,000 and retains custody of the daughter, while the two boys go to Mr. Vraspir. The reports ooming to this offioe in dicate that the small grain on the low lands is ruined and will not be worth cutting and that the corn is getting very grassy and turning yellow. However there is time for the corn to revive and make a big crop if the weather would dear up and enable the farmers to get at work in ihe fields. A new city hall for Schuyler is no longer a theory to be talked about but is now a sure fact. The building when completed is to be one that Schuyler or any other town ought to be proud to own. The plans have been drawn and approved, the contract let, and work, in a minor degree begun. Last week the old city park was a scene of confusion. The iron railing fence has been torn away. The numerous large box-elder trees within the square have all been cut down and hauled away and excavating commenced. The building is to he two stories in height. On the northwest corner will be a tower about sixty feet in height and in this tower is to be placed a town clock. This dock is to be donat ed to the city by the Bohemian Dancing Club. The cost of the same will he aboue $1000. ALBION. From the Argaa. Mrs. C. .M. Cotterman received a cable gram Tuesday bearing the news that her husband sailed from Manila for home tbe 15th. It will be more than a month be fore he will reach here. King Bros, shipped a 600 pound hog to Falls City, Monday. The head was un usually small and the hog looked like all that was necessary to make a barrel of pork of him was to scrape off the hair and put hoops around him. Dussell and Son of Columbus secured the plumbing contract for the school houses. This will he a good big job to put in the required number of closets and connect with the sewer, but it will be an improvement the value of which can hardly be computed. Dilligect search has been prosecuted by many citizens the past week for the body of Oscar Briese but so far to no avail. It has been a difficult task owing to ;he constant rains and high water. Many believe the body is buried under some sand bar and never can be found. This suspense is distressing for the par ents and they surely have tbe sympathy of the entire community. No doubt but the majority of parents have thought of these poor people as they saw their little ones safely tucked into bed each evening. The Big Trees of California. These "Plantations of God," as Emer son termed them, contain the largest known trees. Some of them staofl as high as335 feet and have a girth of 115 feet. In point of thickness, height and grandeur there are no trees known which approach them. They are most accessible via Union Pacific. Booklet on "The Big Trees" and other California literature free on application. E O. Brown, agent. Cramp Kings. Formerly it was customary for kings of England on Good Friday to hallow certain rings, the wearing of which prevented cramp or epilepsy. They were made from the metal ot decayed coffins and consecrated with an elaborate ceremony, some detail? of which are still preserved. They were "highly recommended by the medical profession" about 1557, for Andrew Boorde, in his "Breviary ot Health," speaking of cramp, says: "The kynge's majestie hath a great helpe in this matter in hallowing crampe ringes without money or petition."- Occasionally cramp rings played a persuasive part in diplomacy. Lord Berners, our ambassador at the court of Charles V., wrote In 150S "to iay lorde cardlnall's grace" for some "crampe ryngs," with trust to "bestowe them well, by God's grace." .-'''' BSMSSSSSSSSSSBBflflflflBJBlBlBlBlBlBlBBlBBBBl EC. MM I COLUMBUS, NEB. I H. F. Grelner I I STAPLE, AND I I FANCY GROCERIES. I The best of every thing in my line con stantly on hand. My stock is fresh and clean and your wants will be supplied at short notice. We have an especially well selected line of garden and flower seeds. fl. F. Grelner ELEVENTH ST. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA Roth Bros. CARPENTERS aM Contractors Satisfaction Guaranteed Ind. Phone 2624 or X2l Columbus. Nebraska COULDN'T SEE JOKE TYSON AND BOTTS GOT TOO MUCH OF A BATH. Long 'immersion Probably Accounted for Their Inability to Discover Hu mor in Trick Played on Them by Friends. During the summer they take board ers out at Dr. Jones', and among them are Messrs. Tyson and Botts, two young men who are engaged in busi ness in the city. One day last July, after supper, Tyson and Botts went down to the creek to take a swim. As soon as they had left the house, two or three of the other fellows suggested that it would be a good joke for two of them to dress in women's clothes and go over and scare Tyson and Botts. So several of them borrowed some skirts and hats and other female fixings and, after assuming them, started toward the creek. The two swimmers saw them com ing, and began to paddle up-stream to get out of their way. The female fig ures came nearer and took seats on the bank of the stream, so close to the clothes of the swimmers that there was no chance at all for Tyson and Botts to sneak out and dress them selves hurriedly. And the women sat there in the most aggravating man ner, while Tyson and Botts staid in the water shivering. Presently they got up to go. the swimmers thought; but to the horror of the latter, they perceived the wom en get into a boat and begin to paddle up-stream. They went very slowly, and so Tyson and Botts had time enough to swim farther up in order to get them out of the way. The boat followed them up for about a mile, and then Tyson concluded to do something to explain the situation to the ladies. He was beginning to feel sick. Accordingly, he shouted at the top of bis voice, and Botts shouted; but those idiotic women still continued to pull up-stream. The swimmers were pretty near crazy, and at last they made a dash for the bank and hid be hind the bushes. Then the women In the boat turned round and began to row down the stream. Botts and Tyson got in the water again and swam after the boat. The women landed close by their clothes and, to the amazement of the swimmers, picked them up and began to walk off with them. Then Tyson and Botts became excited and swam In close to the shore to shout at the women, and then the women began to laugh, and the victims of the joke saw how it was. When they emerged from the water they didn't join in the merriment. They seemed gloomy and sad. and as soon as Botts got his shirt on he went up to Peters and shook his fist under his nose, and said: "You redheaded idiot, I've a notion to bang the life out of you! Oh, you may laugh, but if you ever try any of your jokes on me again I'll fix you! Now, you mind me." Tyson and Botts will board else where next summer. X. Y. Weekly. Through Trarist Can. If you elect to go to California in 8 tourist car, as many do, you need not wait for certain days, but can go any day in the week on tbe Union Pacific, a thi line runs daily tourist cars to th Pacifio Coast. Inquire of . O. Brown, GOfnont Btok and flrilfk tlal&Une. Estimate Fur nlshed FtVundatltfM CEMENT WORK AND CON CRETE CONSTRUCTION All Kinds of Farm Implements Clover Leaf and Success Manure Spreaders Recognized as the leading Spreaders on the market today More corn on the same acreage by using the Deere planter. It is always ready for either hilling or drilling bring in: vour tools and implements to be sharpened and repaired now It will save you time when' spring opens up. We keep1 only the latest and best in buggies and carriages Our horseshoes stick and ' don't lame your horse try them Louis Schreiber AUCTIONEER Creates, Ke. Dates ctrn be made at the Journal Office l COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. S.E. MARTY fc CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neb. UNION PACIFIC TIN! T1ILE WEST BOUND. 11 ....241am 13 11:10 m 1 llsJ4 a m 9 ll:4Kam 7 321pm 15 CSipiu 3 ........ iiO p m 5 ........ 7:IH p m No. Xo No. Vo. No. Vo. So. No. KAST BOUND. No. Xo. No x No. 4 Wam 4:11 it m lial2:3l 8 10 1:00 p m ! p m 2s'.' t iu Xo. .. 3:12 p m . tt:10 t in No No. Xo. No. 8 - BStI p ui so unit ib tH 5:00 am No. No. M)am 63 3.10 p m BBANCHKS. NORFOLK. SPALDINO ALBION. No. 79 tnxd..d rtKW a m No. 31 pas . il 1:30 p m No 32 pax ..al230piu No. 7(1 uixd..a7.-00u tu Xo. 77 mid il )S:ti a m No. 29 pas ..(17 ." p in No. SOpaa!:ir pm No. 78 mxd..a6:0t)pxn Daily except Sunday. Notk: Vop. 1. 2. 7 and 8 am extra fare trains. Nob. 4. 5, IS and 14 are local itatMfnger, Nor. .18 and 59 are loral freights. N'oe. 9 unit 16 are mail trains only. No 14 dne in m.ih:t 4:45 p. in. No. 6 doe in Omaha 3:00 .. in. Underwood Standard Typewriter For Speed Safety, Surety A solid roadbed is es sential. Visibility & Speed in the Under wood (Tabnlator) type writer are supported by perfectly balanced construction. UritmtJ TyptwrHtr Ctapaiy 1617 Faroam St. Otuaha '-riWIMsasacfisBaaaaBfcv twfi VbVIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIIsbbbbbbbVisbIsbixy