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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1908)
7 T35T m r m I. i I 1 I (1 1 Columbus Journal STROTHER STOCKWELL, Pubs. - i - i - ' COLUMBUS. - NEBRASKA I CONVENTION NOTES. Secretary of War William H. Taft was. nominated for the presidency on the first ballot In the Republican con vention at Chicago, receiving 702 -votes. Then, amid scenes of wild en thusiasm, he was made the unanimous choice of the convention. The major ity report of the platform committee was. adopted after a debate. For sec ond place on the ticket Sherman of New York moved prominently to the fore. Representative James S. Sherman vsas. nominated for vice-president, on the first ballot by the Republican na tional convention. The convention then adjourned and a sub-committee of the national committee went to Cin cinnati to consult Mr. Taft as to his choice for national chairman. For 43 minutes the delegates and spectators In the Republican national convention wildly cheered for Presi dent Roosevelt. The vast throng In the Coliseum was crazy with enthusi asm and some people feared that the threatened Roosevelt stampede was about to take place. The demonstra tion was started by Senator Lodge's speech as permanent chairman. The credentials committee reported, seat ing all the Tart delegates, and the con vention voted down the proposition to ediice the representation of southern states in future conventions. t an all night session of the cre dentials committee of the Republican national convention 110 contests brought by the "allies" were consid ered, the decisions being in favor of the Taft adherents. A sub committee of the resolutions committee labored over the platform, modifying many of the planks. Gov. Cummins of Iowa became the leading candidate for the vico-presidentia! nomination, with Fairbanks a close second. PERSONAL. Congressman John Sharp Williams of Mississippi resigned the minority leadership of the house of representa tives, to take effect December 1 next, saying it was for the good of the Democratic party. United State 5 Commissioner of Pen sions Vespasian Warner suffered a legal defeat in the litigation growing out of the administration of his fa ther's estate when the Illinois supreme court handed down a decision sustain .ing the contentions of his stepmother. Mrs. Warner will receive about $500, 000 or one-fourth of the estate. E. T. Bethel, convicted of spreading sedition in Korea, was sentenced to tfirec weeks' imprisonment. dorge G. Metzgcr, one of the vntlthicst men of Toledo and presi dent uf ihe failed Broadway bank, was ialictd by the grand jury on counts charging him with embezzlement and mlsapi Mention of funds. By the will of Oliver IT. P. Belmont, Mrs. Belmont is to receive all the real and personal property and she is named executrix of the estate. The Talus cf the estate Is not given. Scc-etary Taft's daughter won a Pennsylvania scholarship in Bryn Mvr. President Roosevelt told the Dis 'trict of Columbia commissioners to order all stray dogB In Washington muzzled for 60 days. GENERAL NEWS. i President Roosevelt accepted the resignation cf Secretary of War Taft, tfj fake effect Juno 30, and announced that he had "-elected Luke E. Wright of Tennessee as Taft's successor. Mr. "Wj-Igbt followed Mr. Taft as governor oTlhc Philippines and was the first American ambassador to Japan. An explosion in a coal mine near Monongahcla, Pa., resulted in the death of three men, the probably fatal injury of two others asd the entomb ing of 15, many of whom were thought .to be suffocated. A jury found Carl FIscher-Hansen, the New York lawyer, not guilty of 4lic charge of extorting $15,000 from Joseph E. C'Bricn of Philadelphia. The Capital City Savings bank of Little Rock, Ark., conducted by ne groes. Is in the hands of a receiver. The thirty-second national saenger fest of the North American Saenger btind opened in Indianapolis, Ind. The government's suit for injunc tion against seven coal carrying rail roads that Iraasittrt anthracite from tlieir own mines was argued in Phila delphia. Thrc men at Enid. Okla., accused ofTynching a negro, were acquitted by a iury. Mrs. J. D. Tuthlll of Brooklyn, N. Y., sister of J. S. Pomeroy, cashier of the Security National bank, Minneapolis, committed suicide by jumping into Lake Minnetouka at Breezy Point. Mrs. Alary Stuart Coffin, the only practicing woman lawyer in Detroit, tlich., committer dulcidc by taking laudanum. The plant of tho Royal Coal Mine company at Argeatlne. Pa., was de stroyed by dynamite, the loss being $20,000. An attempt to assassinate Gen. Piouart, French minister of war, was made by a man --timed Bellanger. The world's ceutonnial congress held excrcUcs at the grave in Glens Falls. X. T.. of William J. Clark, founder of the temperance movement in America. NEWSNOTES; FORM JOIN 3j Most Important Happen- 'S ings of the .World X 8 Told in Brief. 8 i According to th Iron & Steel Trades Journal of Londo, American. German and Russian syndicates are about to form an international steel trust with 150,000,000 capital. Three national guardsmen of New York were killed by a "flare back" in one of the guns of Fort .Wadsworth during 'the mimic war. Twenty-three wrapping paper com panies pleaded guilty, In New York, to Indictments charging them with de lating the" Sherman anti-trust act Sweeping reductions In lumber rates west of the Missouri river, and approximately five per cenL reduction in the advanced rates In the east, as well as other changes In the tariff, were ordered under decisions an nounced by the interstate commerce commission. 7, Five unidentified Italians employed by contractors on the Lackawanna railroad cutoff at Lehigh on the Pocono mountains, were killed by a premature blasL Twenty passengers were Injured, one fatally, In an Interurban trolley road collision near Bakertown, Pa. Mrs. Mary Farmer was found guilty at Watertown, N. Y., of the murder of Mrs. Sarah Brennan, and was sen tenced to be electrocuted. Dr. Frank Stlrn of Cudahy, a suburb of Milwaukee, was shot and probably mortally wounded by a man named Antony Kriz whom he had treated unsuccessfully. The famous Summit house on the top of Mount Washington was de stroyed by fire. Gen. Khoroshkin, commander of a detachment of Cossacks stationed at Vorkniskan. a town near Uralsk, was assassinated. Three members of the New York National Guard were seriously injured by the explosion of a powder charge at Fort Wadsworth. Fire destroyed the plant of the Shelby Steel Tube company at Shelby, O., owned by the United States Steel corporation. Loss was $2,000,000. Several persons were Injured, one perhaps fatally, two houses and a half dozen barns were destroyed by a tornado which struck the eastern out skirts of Sioux City. Dominga Schiappa Pietra filed a suit against the heirs of the late Leo pold Pietra of Los Angeles, asking for one-half of an estate valued at $2,500. 000, alleging that she is the common law wife of Frederico Pietra, an Ital ian immigrant, who laid a foundation for the immense fortune. As officers, carrying a warrant charg ing him with misappropriation of the funds of the Aberdeen (O.) Banking company, were breaking down the doors of his barricaded home to place him under arrest, D. H. Fawcett, pres ident of the bank, placed a revolver to his bead and fired a bullet into his brain. Martin Finn of Salisbury, N. Y was killed in his sleep by his wife, who then took poison. Mrs. A. L. Stairs of Sandy Creek, W. Va., while temporarily insane killed her two little children and herself. I Lazarus Levy, the 65-year-old head of the banking firm of L. Levy & Co., was sued at New York by Susie A. Merrill. 30 years his junior, for $100, 000 damages for breach of promise. The federal grand jury at New York found a third indictment against Alfred H. Curtis, president, and Charles W. Morse, vice-president Na tional Bank of North America, charg ing them with making false entries in reports to the comptroller of the cur rency and the misapplication of funds for speculative purposes, amounting to about $1,250,000. The president of the Russian revo lutionary republic was sentenced to 15 years at hard labor. Three Black Hand members were killed and a fourth wounded by a wealthy Italian merchant of New Or leans from whom they had attempted to extort money. The Cunarder Lusitania was stopped for 20 minutes in the narrows at New York because the great guns of Forts Wadsworth and Hamilton were being fired in the "war game." The Democratic state convention of Mississippi instructed the delegates to vote first and last for the selection of William J. Bryan as the presidential nominee. Dr. W. F. King, for 40 years presi dent of Cornell college at Mount Ver non, la., resigned on account of ill health. Prof. James Harlan was chosen president Four hundred feet of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway embankment, which served as a levee protecting St Charles county (Mo.) farms from the Missouri river, gave way and 4,000 acres of farm lands were inundated. Miss Miriam Frances Bloomer, daughter of James F. Bloomer of Cin cinnati, drank poison by mistake in New York and died. Thomas Hagen, a marine, was killed by a blow over the heart in a boxing bout on the battleship Mississippi at Philadelphia. Two hundred lives were endangered by an incendiary attempt to burn a tenement house in New York. Joseph Fangele, a wealthy merchant and brewer of Gallitzin, Pa., commit ted suicide. OBITUARY. Benjamin H. Richardson, known to Harvard graduates as the bookseller of Harvard Square, and the landlord of President Roosevelt during bis en tire college course, died, aged 76 years. State Senator James W. Milliken o". Traverse City, Mich., died of apoplexy on a New York Central train. Dr. Thomas W. Small, chief surgeon of the American line steamer St. Louis, committed suicide in his cabin on the steamer by shooting. William Hamilton Young, manager of the Washington office cf the West ern Union Telegraph company, died suddenly In Chicago. Gilbert Wadsworth Barnard, welJ known to the Masonic fraternity or Chicago and the United States, died at his residence in Chicago. Charles Ray, a farmer living near Jasper, Mo., was shot and killed by his wife. Fannie Ray. Louis Eppinger. manager of the Grand hotel in Yokohama and one of the best-known hotel men on the Pa cific coast and in the Orient, is dead, aged 77 years. THE STATE HAUL MATTERS OF INTEREST TO ALL CITIZENS. NEBRASKA COKVCTS ABE IDLE Contract With the Broom Company Expires and Machinery of the Same is Ordered Taken Out. Convicts Now Idle. Four hundred convicts In the Ne braska penitentiary are Idle, a major ity of the members of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings having voted not to permit the Lee Broom and Duster company to have their services longer at 50 cents day, the contract price in effect for several years. 1 Warden Beemer was instructed to collect the amount due from the com pany, between $6,000 and $i,000, and order the broom company to take out its machinery. Members of the board are united that the price of 50 cents a day, when the state furnishes buildings, heat light and power, is too low. They de mand 75 cents day, which Clinton R. Lee of the broom company says he will not pay. I The contract under which the com pany has been working has expired. Under orders the convicts were locked in tnelr cells. The company employs 273 men on full time and fifteen on half time, which makes a revenue of about $150 a day to the state. Some years ago tje state said the contract price was too low and refused to re new a contract, when the broom com pany moved out and started a factory in the city. Later the board yielded. Mr. Lee asserts the company will do likewise again, while the board thinks the charge demanded is moderate and should be paid. Publication of Amendments. The submission of the two consti tutional amendments passed by the last legislature is going to cost the state In the neighborhood of $15,00. Secretary of State Junkin has received proofs of the amendments from the printers and will in a short time send the copy out to the republican news papers in the state. The amendments will be printed only In republican papers in each county In the state. Inasmuch as there are two amend ments they will be cut up where there are as many as two republican papers in a county. Tlfe amendments are al most three times as long as the amendment submitted at the last elec tion, when $52.50 was paid each paper in which It was published. It Is figured this year the cost per paper will be about $1C0. In Hamilton county there is only one- republican t paper and It will get both amend ments provide for an enlarged supreme court and for the investment of the school fund In city, county and school district securities. Thompson Files Expense BUI. Attorney General Thompson has filed with the state auditor the ex pense account of himself and L. E. Wettling incidental to their trip to New York to take depositions in the express cases. Mr. Wettling went along as an expert The total ex penses of tae two amounted to $295.20, Including railroad fare, berths, hotel bills, street car fare and hacks. Administrator for Horn Estate. Joseph H. McCarthy, an attorney, was made administrator of the estate of Mrs. Horn, following the end of tho fight over the w'll. The appointment was made upon the request of two sisters of the dead woman. RAINFALL ABOVE THE. NORMAL. Daily Temperature Low, but Precipi tation is Heavy. The weather bulletin for the week ending June 15. is as follows: The week was cloudy and coal, with an ' excess of rain in nearly all parts of the state. The daily mean temperature was be tween CO and 64 degrees, which Is six to eight degrees below the normal. ' Friday was the warmest day, with a maximum temperature generally sltehtly above 80 degrees. The rainfall was above the normal In most of the state. It ranged from one to three Inches, except in the ex treme western counties, where it was about, or somewhat more than half an inch. Rain fell, as a rule. In a large number of moderate showers scattered through the week. At some places some rain fell on each of the seven days, wiile in most of the state rain fell on five or six days. The totil rainfall from April 1 to date is generally decidedly above the normal. The excess in the eastern counties ranges from three to nine inches. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska Prohibitionists. Prohibitionists of Nebraska in state convention here indorsed the follow ing state ticket to be voted for at the state wide primary in September: Gov ernor, R. R. Tcetir, Falls City; Lieut- enant Governor, F. T. Lynch, Lincoln; j Secretary of stale. II. F. Hockenburg er, Columbus; Treasurer, C. G. Hral burt, Utica; Land commissioner, Frank Burt, Aurora; Auditor. C. II. Lindsay, . Polk; School superintendent, Louise Dewey, University Place; Attorney 1 general, J. H. Kretsinger, Beatrice; ! general, J. H. Kretsinger, Beatrice. Prisoners to Fort Leavenworth. Judge T. C. Muager received an or der from Attorney General C. J. Bon aparte directing him to send all pris oners convicted In the Nebraska fed eral courts to the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kas. For the last two years federal prisoners have been sent to the Nebraska penitentiary, the state being paid for the keeping cf such criminals, but the Nebraska prison has become so crowded that it seemed best to make a change. Pre vious to two years ago the federal p:lson at Sioux Falls, S. D., was used. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Kerns ef Greater or Leaser tmpor- tance Over the State. Rafts Pryor. county commissioner of Bcone: county, died last week. ' Mrs. Welch and one of her children was seriously burned by a gasoline explosion at Boone. Benjamin Roberts Is under arrest at Alliance for forging a bank chec. William Kay, who was injured by a circular saw on the farm ofC. W. Hagerman, near Filley, died from Tils injuries. We publish a list of Omaha business houses in another column. In writing or calling on them please mention this paper. We publish a list of Omaha business houses in another column. In writing or calling on them please mention this paper. The Commercial club or Chester has raised $1,000 which It is offering for the erection of an auditorium suited to the needs of the town. The McCook junior state normal school closed its opening, week with the largest enrollment of any of the junior normals in the state, 206. Principal J. O. Lyne of the Culbert son schools has resigned to accept the prlncipalshlp of-the Mlnden schools, for which post he has been elected. McCook now has subscribed $30,000 of the $35,000 required for its Ma sonic temple and opera house com bined. A building committee has been selected. F. H. Abbott, now a regent of the State university, has announced bis candidacy for the office of railway commissioner. He will oppose J. A. Williams. Secretary of State Junkin has se lected the newspapers In which he will publish the constitutional amend ments, and the copy will be sent them about July 1. Henry Grace and William Ayers, the two men employed at the Kilpat rick shops north of Beatrice, who were badly burned in a gasoline explo sion, are improving and it is believed will recover. A local body of the Nebraska Rail way Protective association was formed in McCook. The object of the asso ciation is what its name implies, for the protection of the interests of rail way employes. Arrangements are being made to hold one cf the biggest fairs at Cul bertson this fall that Hitchcock coun ty has ever held. Spring wheat, corn, sugar beets and potatoes are looking fine throughout the county. A Sioux Indian named Thompson shot and killed himself on the Rose bud reservation. The redman had been accused of horse stealing and an Indian policeman was after him with a warrant for his arrest Dr. A. T. Gatewood of Arapahoe has announced his cand'dacy for the of fice of secretary of state on the demo cratic ticket He sent a notice to the secretary of state, but it was not in legal form and was not registered. Georee Myers was arrested In Wy- more Friday night as he was climb ing out of a window in a shce store with a sack full of shoes. Ho was given a hearing and bound over to the district court in the sum of $1,000. The season for destructive storms Is at hand. WIND and LIGHTNING will destroy and damage buildings and kill and maim stock in barns and pastures. Protect yourself by insur ing them in the Nebraska Mutual Ins. Co., home office, 141 South Twelfth street. Lincoln, Neb. Write us for particulars. Michael Newell cf West Point, 111., en route to Lafayette. Colo., wandered away from the depot at McCook, and spent the nigbt and forenoon of the following day tramping over the coun try southeast of this city. A farmer finally persuaded him to get into his wagon and brought the old man to town. The Sunday school convention held at Fremont decided to hold its next annual meeting at Kearney. There were ever a thousand visitors In the city for the meeting. Closing resolu tions were passed just before ad journment. By the adoption of them the convention voted to set June 23 aside as anti-cigarette day. Beautiful and Impressive were the ceremonies which attended the un veiling of the soldiers' monument at Greenwood. Despite tha inclement weather and bad roads a large crowd was present to hear the address or Congressman E. M. Pollard. Tho local Grand Army of the Republic post was assisted in the exercises by rep resentatives from the posts at Asr land, Waverly, Havelcck and L:nco.:. The educational council of Nebraska Wesleyan university last week closed Its twelfth annual session. Reports of the year's work as given by the state officers and presidents cf local counc Is showed a substantial growth and interest. Due to the fact that the memcrial building has been com pleted, some appropriations during the year were made for tho furnish ings of the headquarters of the wom an's Wesleyan educational council room. Wind completely destroyed the out buildings on the ranch of Arthur Groves, seven miles north of Alliance. Loss of life was prevented by the families observing the stcrm in time and seeking shelter in a potato cellar. Haezl, the 11-year-old daughter of C. M. Tribbett, from near Rockford, had a narrow escape from drown ng. The girl with her 13-year-cld brothe-. Nelson, were playing en the banks cf Mud creek, when she slipped and fe'l Into tho deep water. She had sunk twice, when the boy jumpec in ana after considerable difficulty succeeded in bringing the girl tc the shore. Last winter the tardware store cf E. L. Overton at Nebraska City, was robbed and considerable cutlery was stolen and also some mrney. Recently a part of the stolen gcods were found by some children who were playing about a culvert In the southern part of the city. At the request of Congressman Pollard, W. L. Spcon, United Stai-a road expert arrived in Plattsmcu h from Washington. The obejet cf h s visit Is to examine the reads in that and other portions of Nebraska a view, if possible, to improve their ' condition. VETERAN OF THREE WARS. A Pioneer ef Colorado and Nebraska. Matthias Campbell, veteran of the SUU War and two Indian wars, aad a pioneer of Colo rado, now living at 218 East Nebraska street, Blair. Neb,, says: "I had such pains In my back for a long time that I could not turn In bed, and at times there was an almost total stoppage of the urine. My wife and I have both ased Doan's Kidney Pills for what doc tors diagnosed as advanced kidney troubles, and both of us have been completely cured." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. REAL HARD LUCK. He Then I am to understand that you absolutely reject my offer? ' She There is really nothing else for It He Well, I think It very selfish of you. Here, I've actually gone 'and purchased a guide for our honeymoon. Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it Is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which -not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. What the Fox Really Said. The fox that Aesop made looked np at the grapes. "Grapes soar!" hooted the old owl far up in the vines. "They may be." yawned tho fox, in differently, "or they may be preserved sweet by some chemical process. You know the pure food laws are not as strict as they might be. Anyway, 1 don't care for them because I am afraid of appendicitis." And sly Reynard darted away to en joy the sport of a fox hunt Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the dto eased portion ot the ear. There is oniy one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness la caused by an Inflamed condition of th mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When thin tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and whea It to entirely closed. Deaf ness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condt 1103. hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which b nothing but an Inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease or Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. V. J. CHEN'EV & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Pruettfsts. 75c TaVe Hall's Family Fills for constipation. Days of Bohemia Ended. Bohemia has ceased to exist in the Paris Latin quarter, according to At fred Capus. the playwright, who may be regarded as an authority on the point. In a lecture delivered on be half of the "Maison d'Etudiants." which Is to be the headquarters of the General Association of Paris Stu dents, he remarked: "We must not be afraid to acknowledge that our stu dents are no longer Bohemians." People Talk About Good Things. Twelve years ago few people knew of ai,l r nronnmfinn sis. a I'mrrlpr for the , Feet. To-day after the genuine merits of ' Allen's Foot-Ease have been told year after year by grateful persons, it is imhspeti able to millions, it is cleanly, whole some, healing and antiseptic and gives rest and comfort to tired aching feet. It cures while you walk. Over 30.000 testimonials. Imitations pay the dealer a larjrer prone otncnvise you wnuia nevei be offered n substitute for Allen's Foot- , Ease, the original foot powder. Ask for Allen's ioot-JSase, ana sec twit you get u. Canada's Extensive Fisheries. The fisheries of Canada are the most extensive of the world. The eastern sea coast of the maritime provinces from the Bay of Fundy to the Straits of Belle Isle covers a distance of 5.600 miles, more than double that of Great Britain and Ireland, and the salt wat inshore area, not considering minor in dentations nor the great lakes of the west, covers more than 1,500 square miles. Sheer white goods, In fact, any fine wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory If proper attention was given to starching, the first essential beinrr cood Starch, which has sufficient ! strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improved appearance of your work. Some Men's Luck. His Wife This afternoon I called on the family who recently moved Into the flat across the hall." Her Husband Well? His Wife The man Is so deaf he can hardly hear a word his wife says. Her Husband It dees seem as though some men have moro luck than sense Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for intents and children, and see that u Bears the Signature of ! Tn TTsp For Over ttO Year3. The Kind You Ha7e Always Uo'agai. Jersey Legislation. "That was a disgusting slap the gov ernor took at our bills," said the New Jersey legislator. "Seemed to Irritate him as much as mosquito bills," admitted the disgrun tled colleague. Uvis' Single Binder straight 5c cirptr man of rich, mellow tobacco. Your deal er or Lewis' Factory, Peoria. III. Some farmers are smaller potatoes than they raise. S7b sFjO . fCtfyrX'CCiCAt HIDE CHIEF BYW1FE STORY OF RISE OF FRENCH RE PUBLIC'S PRESIDENT. Fallieres Was an Indolent Yottng Law yer Till Wife, Stuna by Sheers ef Relatives, Planned Future for Gifted Husband. London. The recent visit to Eng land of President Armand Fallieres of France at a time when the public hadn't ceased waeelne about the rise of H. H. Asquith to the prime minis- try and the amount of credit aue nis tactful and friends-winning wife. Mar got Tennant that was, have given the active friends of the other sex re newed room for boasting. President Fallieres isn't a self-made man. He lacks the Initiative, the en ergy and the ambition for that some times sorely miscarried process. Presi dent Fallieres Is the product, so you are told, of his ambitious and ener-; getic wife, Mme. le Presldente. Madame is all that the president of the French republic is not, and It is entirely through her desire to be re venged upon certain sneering relatives that her distinguished husband is not to-day the mayor of the sleepy old wnrlrf tnvn nf Nerao. in Gasconv. Had It not been for Mme. Falllere's force ' and diplomacy her gifted other half i would now be leading the sheltered and stinted life of an ordinary legal practitioner in his modest country home instead of the luminous career of head of his nation, entertained by royalty across the channel, paid $250. 000 a year, forced to live in the great white Elvsee palace and be shot at by anarchistic muddle brains (in com- i mon with most of the blessed of mod ern greatness). The true facts about Clement Ar mand Fallieres (sometimes also called Eugene by those who know the full ness of his sundry cognomens), have been greatly exaggerated. You may be told, if you care to read, that Fal lieres was born in a smith's shop, but JM. MJJER& in the most straitened of circum stances; that he rose from the depths of poverty through his own efforts, and more of the usual exaggerated nonsense attributed to those who may rise from comparative obscurity to no tability. As a matter of fact, Fallieres was the grandson of the b'acksmith In the myth, while his father was a thrifty (not to say wealthy) wine grower. The son had a reasonably complete education and was a. law student in the little city of Nerac. He was by no means dull, but nature had instilled into his bones a certain lethargic es sence not a bit rare In a Gascon. Henry of Navarre knew the Gascons as poor swordsmen; a later genera tion may find them poor workers. Aside from this indisposition for special efforts the young lawyer was distinguished as a dreamer. "Cracked brained revolutionist" and "feather brains" were some of the really fine epithets to which relatives of Mine. Fallieres treated the future president of a great people when they learned of the prospective alliance. Fallieres didn't mind much. In common with dreamers he understood his superiori ty and would have let it be. Not so madame. Once married to her brililant but indolent barrister, Mme. Fallieres brought about a peace with her father and secured for her socially Inferior husband the rich legal practice of the elder lawyer. She established a sort of provincial political salon at Nerac, had the happy faculty of making friends and the rare prescience of dis tinguishing those whose devotion might prove disastrous. With herself 1 always in the background she labored I with the vim peculiar to a hurt, ambi tious WUIUcin UI1U SUB WUrHBIl UUIICT than may be told in mere words. To-day the spiteful relatives bow to I the husband who has no social superi ors in France; and possibly to the skill of his wife. Not Much! "So you are one of those who want I to be let alone?" "Yes. sir. What we want is a little sunshine and not so much tinkering with other people's business." I "What line are you in?" I "I am the owner of a number of buildings that ray agents are renting to people who keep screens in front ' of the windows. It may be that they are not strictly moral some of 'em but it's not my business to go around looking through chinks for the pu pese of trying to discover things I mightn't happen to like." Chicago Record-Herald. The Path to Peace. "Harmony Is what I want," said the political leader. "Don't go too far," counseled an ad viser. "Let's not get rash. We can't kill all the fellows on tho other side, vou know." The Final Test. The angel was making up the list "Put me down," said the man, "? one who will admit that my dog bite? and my baby cries. I And !o!,Ben Adhem's name led all I the rest! . NO. BUT HE USED TO BE, "Are yon Interested to things psychical. Mr. Dubbs? "Jjo. Miss Cukhaw;- I ' hwen't wheeled any since the chalnless-geared safety came In." A Subtle Difference. Mrs. Blank, wire of a prominent min ister near Boston, had In her employ a recently engaged colored cook aa Mack as the proverbial ace of .spade. On day Mrs. Blank said to her: "Matilda. I wish that you woald lave oat meal quite often for breakfast. My husband is very fond of it. He is Scotch, and yon know that the Scotch eat a great deal of oatmeal." "Oh, he's 8cotcb. Is her said Ma tilda. "Well. now. do you know. I was thlnkin' all along dat he wasn't des like vs." Woman's Home Companion. "Mrs. Pinkbam, or the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass.. together with her so. Arthur W. Pinkham, and the younger mem bers of her family, sailed for Naples on May 20th for a three months' tonr throughout Europe and a much needed vacation." The Very Way. "I don't understand an expression In the book I have been reading, pa; how do you get 'over the bay?' " "By taking a schooner, my daugh ter." YOU'RE TOO THIN. Even. Slight Catarrhal Derangements of the Stomach Produce Acid Fer mentation of the Food. Ifs Stomach Catarrh Some people are thin and always re main thin, from temperamental rea sons. Probably in such cases nothing can be done to crange this personal peculiarity. But there are a large number of peo ple who get tnin, or remain thin, who naturally would be plump and fleshy but for some digestive derangement. Thin people lack in adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is chiefly composed of fat. Fat is derived from the oily constit uents of food. The fat-making foods are called by :he physiologist, hydrocarbons. Thin class of foods are not digested in the stomach at all. They aro digested in the duodenum, the division of the ali mentary canal just below tha stomach. The digestion of fat is mainly, if not wholly, the work of the panoreatic uice. This Juice Is of alkaline reac tion, and Is rendered inert by the addi tion of acid. A hyperacidity of tha digestive fluids of the stomach passing down into tho duodenum, destroys tho pancreatic fluid for digestive pur poses. Therefore, the fats are not di gested or emulsified, and the system is deprived of its duo proportion of oily constituents. Hence, the patient grows thin. The beginning of the trouble Is a ca tarrhal condition of tho stomach which causes hyperacidity of tho gastric juices. This hyperacidity is caused by fermentation of food in tho stomach. When tho food is taken into the stom ach, if tho process of digestion docs not begin immediately, acid fermenta tion will take place. This creates a hyperacidity of tho stomach juices which in their turn prevent the pan creatic digestion of tho oils, and the emaciation results. A doso of Peruna beforo each meal hastens the stomach digostion. By hurrying digestion, Peruna prevent fermentation of tho contents of the stomach, and the pancreatic juico is thus preserved in its normal state. It then cniy remains for the patient to cat a sufficient amount of fat-forming foods, and the thinness disappears and plump ness takes its place. Food Products Libby's Veal Log is made of the best selected meaL,scicntlfic ally prepared and even ly baked by damp heat in Libby's Great White Kitcben. The natural flavor is all retained. When removed from the tin it's ready to serve. It can be quickly pre pared in a variety of styles and nothing makes a better summer meaL In the home, at the camp, and for the picnic Libby's Veal Los! is a satisfying dish, full of food value that brings contentment! Libby. McNeil, ft Libby, Clicwp. sbbw f dr rstti VA .; ' ! - 5 t 1 t --f