The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 10, 1908, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the tlatte County Argus January 1, 1906.
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taav H B H H H H H H H K H H
If you want T
v-ij x A. T
uruou xusurtuiire ?
If you want
Cheap Money
Our rates are the lowest.
If you want
Good Abstracts
We can make them.
If you want to
Buy or Sell
It will pay you to consult us
Hockenberger &
Oats 43
Com 89
Barley 40
Hoge,top S4 70to$4 80
Files of The Journal June 10, 1874.
Ground was broken Monday for Bone
eteel Bros, bosineea bouse. Turner &
Hulst's bank. J. A. Bakers business
bouse and Win. Hunneman'a dwelling,
11 on Nebraska Avenue. Tbese will add
greatly to the appearance of that part of
the ciiff.
White covered wagons arc the kind of
vehicles we have become accustomed to
see, and on some of them are various
, mottoes, and names. A few days ago a
' train patnH along our streets on which
waa neatly painted the one word, "Tex
aa." They had five wagons and ten
horses attached toa picket line running
from a wagon in the front'of the horses
led, to a wagon following ia the rear of
the horses.
Last week this part of the "Great
American Desert" was again visited by
'soft and gentle showers of blessed rain,
infusing new life and vigor into vegeta
tion wbioa in some places looked sick
and many thought near unto death. At
this locality we have been favored with
frequent gentle rains, and the most of
the gardens we have seen about town
look well, and garden vegetables are
' growing rapidly A good rain again
Last week, some seventy Otoe Indians
visited this place. They were on their
way to visit the Pawnees. We came
across one of them, a tali, straight Indian
with a plug hat on, who gave his name
as George. He stated that they expect
ed to make presents to the Pawnees and
receive presents in return They would
have a "big eat" and a "large dance."
George was looking about our stores
'with a view to invest in some showy
articles for preseuts, we suppose to the
.Tair squaws of the Pawnees. We notice
that ribbons of "loud" colors suited best
bis fancy. George stated that their
' wheat on the Otoe reservation looked
much more promising than the same
did here, and that the corn was some
larger than it was here.
Lute North with caretaker Louie
Fritts and the fast pacing horse Black
Douglas, shipped oat from here Monday
evening for Davenport, Iowa, where Mr.
North will continue the preparation of
his hone for the strenuous campaign he
has mapedout for him.. Weather con
ditions have been such here that it was
useless to try and bring the horse up to
his speed. Black Douglas is entered in
races at Peoria. III.. Terre Haute, Ind.,
Libertyville, III., Galesburg, 111., Daren
port, Iowa, Dubuque. Iowa, Hamlin,
Minnesota, and Milwaukee, Wis. Purses
of $1,000 are hang up at the first five
meetings, and at the latter two places
$5,000 each. Mr. North did not think
that he would start his horse at Peoria,
July 3 to 10, as he will have to race
against horses from the south that are
already in condition, bat at Terre Haute,
July 14 to 17, he will more than likeiy
face the starter. When he left here
Black Douglas never looked so well and
strong. There is no doubt that Mr.
North has one of the best horses ever
raised in Nebraska one that is always
willing to go a long journey, and no
matter where be races, the horse that
leads him to the wire will realize that he
has been in a sure enough race. Every
body here will watch with interest the
career of this horse, and any good luck
that may come totheowoer will be fully
enjoyed by his friends at home.
The E'wiu Strong Oo. wilL make its
initial appearance under canvas here,
starting Monday night, June 15, and con
tinuing every evening for a week, with
a change of play nightly, opening in the
four sot drma, "Hearts and Flowers."
The company has been augmented since
its. previous appearance here at the opera
house by a military band of fourteen
pieces, under the leadership of Prof.
Banks, formerly with the Coliseum Band
of Chictgo. There will be daily free
concerts at noon, and at 7:30 p. m , in
front of the show grounds on 13th street.
Miss Katbryn Dale of this city, whose
histrionic ability is so well known, and
whose genial personality has won for her
a high place in the esteem of all those
with whom she came in contact daring
her residence in Oolambus, is still enact
ing the leading feminine roles with the
Try a Dish of Choco
late Ice Cream.
Try a Banana Stindea
Real Fruit lOc
Notice is hereby given of a meeting of
the stockholders of the Nebraska Cen
tral Irrigation Co.. to be held at the
ofioe of the said company, (office of the
Elevator Roller Mill's Co.) in the city of
Columbus. Nebr.. on Monday. Jane 22.
1908, at 2 o'clock p. m. Purposes of
meeting are: Elections, reports of Gen
eral Manager, Treasurer and President,
and for a proposal for consolidation.
F. Jakooi, Vice President.
Wall Paper
Now that spring is on
the way, would it not be
a good idea to think
about repapering the
rooms? Our line of wall
paper has never been
surpassed, either in qual
ity, pattern or price,
and all who have had
l work. done by us have
been well satisfied.
Kivinifh t Betterttn
A little incident occurred in this city
the other day. that for real child inno
cence is about the best that we have
heard lately. A gentleman living in a
small town not far from Columbus, had
business to transact here, and brought
his young son along to take in the
sights. They were compelled to remain
over night, and after they had retired,
the following conversation took place:
"Papa, how do they grow beer?" "They
do not grow it. son, but make it." "Well,
I saw a sign today where it said beer
garden," was the young lad's reply.
The contractor is just completing the
cement door in the new cattle barn on
the State Fair Grounds at Lincoln. This
barn is a mammoth building 174x255 and
will have stalls for 636 head of cattle,
superintendent's office and toilet rooms
and the total cost will exceed $23,000.
Cattle Superintendent O. E. Mickey of
Osceola reports the receipts of entries
daily, and the , management confidently
expect that the ample provisions for care-
ing for cattle will result in the largest
exhibit Aug. 31st to Sept. 4ih ever held
in Nebraska:
A quiet wedding took place at the
German Reform Church. Wednesday
afternoon, when the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Garlcpow, Mies Erma,
whs united in the holy bonds of matri
mony to Mr. Fritz Ablegger, Rev. R.
Neu marker performing the ceremony.
Both the bride and groom are well and
favorably know, as they have lived in
this oity most, if not all of their live.-.
Mr. and Ms. Ablegger will make Colum
bus their future home.
D. R Lake, aged 72 years, died at the
hospital Saturday, from the effects of a
stroke of paralysis, which he suffered
about four months ago. Funeral servi
ces were held Saturday afternoon, being
conducted by Rev. Rinehart. and burial
was in the Columbus cemetery. At the
time be was taken to the hospital bis
wife was also taken to that institution
suffering from paralysis and is at pres
ent there, an inmate of the hospital.
Mr. Cockson of Minnesotn, and Ray
mond Zack, whose parents reside on a
farm south of the river, arrived in this
city Friday afternoon, the former for a
short visit with friends while the latter
will visit with his parents, Mr and Mrs.
Zack. These young men have been
attending school in Chicago, for the
past year, and will leave soon for Minn
esota, where they will spend the summer
visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Bertha Sohupbach, the third and
fourth grade teacher in the Second ward
8cbool,gave her scholars a pleasant treat
Wednesday afternoon taking them to
Wm. Poesch'a candy factory and giving
them each a dish of ice cream. Miss
Schupbach has just closed a very suc
cessful term of school, and her miny
friends will be pleased to learn that she
has been retained for another term.
Miss Emma Ferierof Lincoln, district
deputy of the Royal Highlanders, is here
and it is probable that she will remain
ntil the latter part of the week. The
local lodge, which was organized recent
ly, is profrasafng rapidly, and it will not
bs long intil it will be numbered among
Mm rtrosifwt of its bsd is the sut.
Try the Victoria cigar.
Dra. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Lueschen Occnlist and aurist.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
People who get results advertise in the
Dr. C. A. Allenborger, offiee in new
State Bank building.
Miss Mable Wallace of Kearney, is the
guest of Mrs. C. J. Bcott this week.
Ohas. L. Dickey has a few choice sec
tions of Western Nebraska land for sale.
A nice line of wedding rings just re
ceived at Carl Froemel's, Eleventh
street jeweler.
Mrs. Albert Damron spent several days
of last week in Plattemoutb, visiting
with relatives.
Persy Slater has gone to Atkinson,
Illinois, where be will spend the sum
mer visiting relatives.
Miss Leaffie Gray of Giltner, Nebr.,
was the guest of Miss Mabel Douglas
I several days last week.
Wanted All persons in middle life
who wish to enjoy reading to come here
for your glasses. E. J. Niewohner.
Miss Helen Shannon arrived from
Trinidad. Colorado, last Stlurday even
ing for a ten days' visit with home folks.
Mrs: H. I. Mm dock left Thursday
afternoon for Glens FhIIs, New York,
where she will visit relatives for about
two months.
Miss Mary Howard returned Thurs
day evening from Knoxville. Illinois,
where she baa been attending school
for the past year.
Mr. Charles Dack is this week receiv
ing a visit from her mother, Mrs. James
Cramer, of Clarinda, Iowa, who arrived
here Wednesday evening.
Miss Mabel Glen of Arcadia, Minn,
arrived in this city Wednesday after
noon, and while here will be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.Colton.
Judge and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan, who
have been visiting in New York, for the
past ten days, returned to their home in
this city last Tuesday evening.
The Misses Eloise and Susie Roen,
returned Friday evening from Boston,
Mass , where they have been attending
a young ladies' seminary during the past
R. S. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes
and repairs Ladies' and Gents' clothing.
Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons
mitde to order. Agent Germania Dye
Works. Nebraska Phone.
Taken Up At my place, on May 14,
one old sow, weight about 200 pounds.
uwner can nave same oy proving pro
perty and paying all charges. D. Be
hlen, R. F. D. 3, Columbas, Neb.
Miss Martha Turner of this city, for
the past two years connected with the
clerk of the court's office at Lincoln, has
resigned her position and is now with
therepertorial staff on the Lincoln State
Mrs. R. W. Hobart of Mitobell,
Nebr., is the gnestof Mrs. R. S. Dickin
son. Mrs. Hobart is very mach pleased
with the North Platte valley, and says
that Mr. Hobart is enjoying good health
and doing well.
A return leap year dance was given by
several prominent young men of this
city Wednesday evening in the Manner
ohor hall. Between forty-five and fifty
couples were present, and a very delight
ful time was reported.
O. J. Garlow has purchased the
Almon Drake property on West 15th
street. Mr. Drake will move some time
tliis month to a residence which be has
purchased on west 12th street, now
occpieud by Wm. Bbettcher and family.
The Academy Candies and the First
Ward Cookies played a game of base
ball last Monday evening. This was
the third game, and there is mach re
joicing amoang the Candies as they
wert TiotorioM. To soon being 33 to
Dr. Ntumann, Dentist 13 St.
Found, a store key. Call at this office.
G. R. Prieb, painting and paper
First-class printing done at the Jour
nal office.
Dra. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both pbones212.
Dr. D. T. Martya. jr.. otiee new Col um
bos State Bank buildiug.
John Cost el lo is suffering from a se
vere attack of rheumatism.
Harry Erh of Central City visited with
friends in thb oity Sunday.
McCall patterns'10 uud 15 cents at the
Fitzpatriok Dry Goods Store.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien of Schuyler were
calling on Columbus friends Tuesday.
Prof. L. A. Carnaham has been suffer
ing from a severe attack of rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. Avgust Merz returned
Sunday from a two months' trip in the
Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully
cleaned and repaired at Carl Froemel'e,
Eleventh street jeweler.
Mr. Cockson and Raymond Zack left
Tuesday for Kalispel, Montana, where
tbey will visit for some time.
Miss Mae Hoppock returned Monday
from Monroe, where she had been visit
ing relatives for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of Omaha
were in the city several days last week,
and while here attended the commence
ment exercises.
Miss Florence Damron went to Lin
coln Tuesday morning, where she will
visit for one week. From there she will
go to Clinton. Missouri, to spend the
next TUESDAY, JUNE 16, to
the James River Valley. Fare
for round trip, $2. 15. Railroad
fare refunded to all persons
purchasing land.
There was a heavy rain Sunday even
ing in the northwest part of the county
in fact it was almost a oloudburst. On
j rr
G. A. Scott and L. W. Saew are in
Omaha this week attending a meeting of
the grand lodge of Masons.
Mrs. W. D. Benson left Tuesday for
O'Neill, Neb., where she will visit a
month with her daughter. Mrs. C. B
Win. Cbenoweth was pletsently sur
prised b the clerks in the Gray Mercan
tile department store Tuesday evening,
the occassion being a birthday.
W. F. Prowett and W. a P. Eyler of
Fullerton, were in the oity Tuesday on
their way to Omaha to attend the annual
state meeting of the Masonic Grand
F. L. Horton of Genoa was in the oity
Tuesday conferring with John Early,
mechanical engineer in charge of the
constructioa of the new elect rio plant
at Genoa.
Theo. Koob. the Fullerton banker, was
in Colutnbns Tuesday. Mr. Koch has
been mentioned as good timber for the
democrats to nominate for state senator
of the 18th district.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bucber, and two
daughters, Martha and Ella, returned
Tuesdny evening from a four weeks'
4-1. I a a. !" i
w . . - .. I WF uruujfu me went, wuicn incmueu
aonaay morning me zoning uses poinU iQ Califormaand Colorado
creek had raised so that the Spalding I
One Gallon Makes 72
Gallons of U. S.
Bst Disinfectant far Stabto Um
PRICE, $1.25 PER 6AL.
The Druggist on the Comer
Columbus, Nebrsska
I have just installed a French
Dry Cleaning Machine, and am
prepared to do French Dry and
Steam Cleaning of all kinds by
the very latest and sanitary
Ladies Suits, Skirts and Jack
ets, Fancy Waists, Party Dres
es. Lawns, Muslin, Lace and
other sheered dresses we do
beautifully, no matter how rich
ly trimmed or flounced, with
out removals.
Gent's Clothing dry or steam
cleaned on short notice. Re
pairing of all description neatly
done. Soft, Panama and straw
hats Cleaned, Blocked and Re-trimmed.
Goods called for or delivered.
Special attention given to ex
press orders.
The Tailor.
1219 OUve St. Bell Phone, 194.
S. A. Mahood, who is attending the
State university, came up Friday eve
ning to visit a few days with the home
folks, while enjoying his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Rclor returned to
their home in North Platte last Thurs
day, after a pleasant visit of one week
with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. O. Rector.
Mr. I. Gluck and daughter, Mies
Theresa, formerly of this city, but who
are now living in Omaha, were visiting
friends here last week. They came to
attend the graduating exercises.
J. B. Yerion, proprietor of the Crystal
theater, left Tuesday for Holdrege,
where be goes to move his family to
Columbus. Mr. Yerion says he is here
to stay and will make this his permanent
John Madura, the 9-year-old son of
Jacob Madurit, liviog near Duncan, died
Monday from an attack of pneumonia.
The funeral was held Tuesday morning
at 9 o'clock from the Catholio church in
Have your eyes examined and glasses
fitted by an expert. E. H. Flitton,
manager of the Globe Optical Co..
Omaha, will be at the Clother Hotel,
Saturday, June, 13, for that purpose. No
charge for examination.
Palmer, the tailor, believes in being
progressive and has put in a machine for
oleaning olothes. This is something new
for Columbus, and while it is quite an
expense to him, will enable him to turn
oat work much faster and better.
Columbus is making extensive pre
parations to celebrate the Fourth this
year. The business men have responded
liberally with subscriptions and every
thing seams to indicate that the celebra
Mem will bs bigger and batter tba arer.
freight was held at Monroe until after
noon, when the track, which was over
flowed a mile west of Monroe, was re
paired, and on Tuesday the Albion
freight could not get through west of
Genoa, as the Beaver, which was the
highest known in years, had washed out
a culvert over a dry creek. A work
train was called into servioe Tnesday
afternoon and the damage repaired.
Omaha papers report that William A.
Cubbison, convicted of a felony in Platte
county, is free. Information was filed
against him in district court on February
28, 1908 The court had adjourned sine
die February 27, and another session did
not begin until March 2. The supreme
oourt says that the law requiring infor
mation to be filed in term is mandatory
and that information filed when the
court is not in session is void.
Mrs. Will Kanffman, accompanied by
her sister. Kiss Mary' Sturgeon, left
Tuesday morning for Stock ville,, where
tbey will visit their motner. The form
er will be absent for two" weeks, while
the latter will remain during the sum
mer. In the' absenca of his wife, Mr.
Kauffman will keep bachelor's ball and
will have as guests George Bloedoru and
John U. Fox The latter's wife is also
away on a visit.
Peeping Jack is again makiug his ap
pearance this summer, lie was seen
peeping into the windows at the home
of Louis Muter on Etst 12th street, Mon
day evening, but a kind and thoughtful
neighbor frightened him away. This
may be a warning for muny housewives
to close the shutters and draw the blinds
so the light of the lamp may not cause
the wandering Jack to call at their
E H. Flitton, manager of the Globe
Optical Co , Omaha, will be at the
Clother Hotel, Saturday, Juue 13, with a
complete equipment for testing eyes
and tilting glasses. Also will have a
full Hue of the newest things in eye
glasses and spectacles, including the
shur-on eye glasses and invisible bifocal
lenBes. All work positively guaranteed
by the Globe Optical Co.. Omaha.
Judge Thomas has taken under ad
visement the motiou for a new trial for
Wm. Severn, found guilty at the last
term of court of stealing hogs from a
Union Pacific stook oar, and on Satur
day will give his opinion. In case he is
not given a new trial Severn will le
sentenced to the penitentiary on that
Neighbor women to the number of
fourteen, gave Mrs. Marthas, living on
west l?th street, a farewell surprise
party last Saturday. Mr. Marthas is a
B. & M. conductor, and has been trans
ferred to a run on the Stromsburg
branch, and the family left this morning
to make their home in Stromsburg.
Mr. Otto Hardessen and Miss Johanna
Celtjen were quietly married at the home
of the groom's uncle, Mr. H. P. U. Ochl
rich Thursday afternoon. Rev. R. Neu
marker performing the ceremony. Mr.
aid Mrs. Hardessen will make this city
their home, the icroom bein manager of
the Oehlricb livery barn.
Memorial Day will be observed by the
fraternal societies of this city next Sun
day, June 14. The various lodges will
meet at the balls andmarch to the ceme
tery, where the services will be held.
Arrangements will be completed the
latter part of the week, too late for The
Journal to announce.
The band concert, which waa postpon
ed Friday evening on account of the
storm, whs given ruesaay evening.
There will be two concerts this week, as
the regular concert will be given Friday
The sophomores of the high school,
pleasantly entertained the seniors and
the High school faculty Wednesday
evening. The hall was beautifully de
corated in ferns and the different clafs
colors, and in all was a very succeefnl
F. H. Abbott,, formerly a prominent
newspaper man in this city, but who is
now engaged in the sara-9 line of work in
Aurora, was renewing the acquaintance
of hN friends here Sunday. A ten pound
baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Abbott lost week.
The Misses Nell and Murial Brown of
Creston, were in this city Monday. They
were on their way to Kearney, where
tbey will attend summer echoo'. While
here the former was a guest at the A.. E
Priest home, and the latter viBited at the
home of Miss Mazie Magill.
Mrs. J. I). Stires left for the east the
first part of last week. She wms called
to Chicago by the herious illnets of her
brother, Mr. Limb, and also to Phil
adelphia by a me-isae stating that her
sifter. Miss Lamb, was dangerously ill.
It is not known jiiHt when th will re
turn. Columbus subscribers of the Nebr
aska Telephone company now havedirect
connection with the Grand Prairie
company, north and west of town, the
toll lines of th former company having
been connected with the switchboard of
the independent company at Platte
John Elliott, who has just completed
a course of study iu the school of mining
engineers at Rapid City, South Dakota,
arrived here Wednesday evenintr. He
was accompanied by Elmer Winey
formerly a clerk in A. M. Gray's shoe
storo. but who is now located in Dead
wood, South Dakota.
Mias Vera Yiergutz, who has been
quite ill, is much improved.
A letter received by relatives telle of
the arrival of a boy at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. O. F. Bloedorn at Orleans.
County Superintendent Lecron will no
donbt be called upon to suggest places
f )r some of the teachers to stay during
the institute and any one wishing to take
any of them should notify hiiu either by
telephone or postal card.
Union Pacific passenger trains from
the east have been late this week, as all
west bound trains from Omaha !-..
been compelled to use the old main line,
which w longer, the track on the Lane
cut off being quite sort and dangerous
to run trains over.
Miss Bertha Schupbach went to Omaha
Sunday to attend the Commencemen
exercises or the Nebraska School for the
Deaf, which took place Monday evening.
Although not one of the graduates h r
sister. Miss Hedwig, took a very active
part in the programme. . .
According to the Washington di
patchee i'u Wednesdiy dailies advertise
ments for bids for erecting number. or
public buildings are prepared and ready
to be issued and among those mentioned
id the one for the Columbus building.
As the appropriation was only passed nt
this session, it is evident that Congress
man Boyd has been getting busy, realiz
ing that the Columbus post oftlce ueedd
more room.
J. W. Martnis, for a number of years
conductor on the Burlington freight out
of this city, until transferred to the
Stromsburg-Alma passenger run, was in
the city this week packing np his house
hold goods preparatory to moving his
family to their new home at Stromsburg.
Rev. Monro, pastor of tbe Congrega
tional chureb, wishes to announce thai
be will preach bis farewell sermon Sun
day evening, Jane 14th. Sunday school
will be bald at the usual hour. Chil
drea'sDay exercises will take place Sun
day morning at eleven o'clock.
Good, new dwelling house for rent,
located in north part of city. Becher,
Hocksabtrgcr Chambers.
Tbe board of supervisors are in session
this weak as a board of equalization.
As this is tbe year for listing the real
estate, there are- quite a number of chan
ge'), and County Assessor Clark has been
a very busy man getting his books in
readiness for tbe board. On account of
the advance in the nriees of Drouertv.
the assessed vain At inn will be quite a
little higher than four vears ago.
A fast game of ball is pcheduled for
Friday afternoon when the Genoa
Indians will muet the Columbus team
on the homo grounds. The redskins
have been putting up exceptionally good
ball this year, and is tbe best team Co
lumbus has played against this season.
On Sunday the postponed game between
Silver Creek and Columbus will be
played on tbe Columbus grounds, pro
viding it does not rain.
Platte county rural carriers will hold
their annual county convention at the
home of Postmaster Kramer ic this oity,
on Sunday, June 28. Besides the rural
carriers invitations have have been ex
tended to tbe postmasters of the county
and i he city carriers of Columbus, a
number of whom are expected to attend.
Tbe rural carriers' meeting will elect
officers for the coming year, and also two
delegates to the state convention, which
body selects delegates to tbe national
convention, to be held in Omaha this fall.
During the third week in June, County
Superintendent Lecron will send ont
notices to the various districts, notify
ing them how many scholars there are
that have applied for High school priv
ileges. Under the new law pupils pass
ing the Eighth grade examination have
their tuition in any accredited high
school paid by tbe district in which they
reside, and tbe superintendent has quite
a number of these applications on file
At the annual chool meeting orovision
should be matte by the districts for pay- i
ing wis imuon, oinerwisettie additional
tax is added in Um county clerk's eOue. '
There were two resignations presented
to the city council at their meeting lust
Friday evening, the tirt one being that
of Rev. . A. Monro as a member of the
Library board, and tbe second was that
of Joe Stovieek as night engineer at the
water works. Rev. Munro's resignation
was accepted and the mayor presented
the name of Louis Lightner to succeed
him. which approved by tbe conncil Mr
Stovicek's resignation was also accept d,
but his successor has not been named,
the committee on water work- being in
structed to secure a competent man to till
his place. A number of years ago the
council was asked by Ingatz Wilicinsky
to exclude certain real estate from the
corporate limits or Columbus, and this1
request was complied with. But accord
ing to tbe statement made by Wilicinsky
through his attorney, this does not seem",
sufficient, and he asks tbe council to go
through the same formality again, which
they will do. A petition was pre-ent-l '
to the council, signed by T. Fried bo f
and othere, asking that h cement walk
eight feet in width be built through th-
park, from the northeast corner to th
southeast corner, and was referred to
the committee. A cement walk was or
dered built on the weat side or Lewi
street, from Thirteenth street to tbe
Union Pacific tracks. Adolph Hore and
Ed Branigan were awarded ihe contract
for sprinkling the resilience portion of
the city. The semi-annual report of
Water Com mi.osioner Brnn ken was re
ceived and adopted.
We have the agency for the
famous Mousing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.50 to UM. Prices in
boya' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1 25.
In two piece garments we have
a spleuaid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy
early while tbe sizes are complete.