The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 03, 1908, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Timet April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
SQjP8ff"MreKS-' jW
ansa '
K a, gnnBwr 1
mMn . mbaaVS
mm ummmua mmt mmt mmmm -u
-BP-nV nVnVrmr B
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If you want
Good Insurance
We offer our Standard Goa.
If you wftBt
Cheap Money
. Our rates are the lowest.
If you want
Good Abstracts
We can make thom.
J If you want to
Buy or Sell
It will pay you to consult us
Hockenberger &
T Ill9ttl
avy O
Hogs, top
$4 70 to $4 80
Ftli of The Journal, June 3, 1874.
A grand excursion party ha9 been
arranged 'by Samuel Echola, which will
leave AtlanU, Georgia, June 19th. The
tioketa will take the excursionists from
Atlanta, Ga., to Urand Inland. Neb, by
way of Omaha and Oolnmbus, giving the
excursionists an opportunity of stopping
off at Oolumbus and making a visit to
the Pawnee Indian Reservation.
The Fire and Hook and Lscder Com
panies, dressed in full uniform, headed
by the Columbus Cornet Baud, were out
last Monday on a grand parade. The
companies made a tine appearance, aad
will compare favorably with any other
companies in the state. The ball given
tiy theca. in the 'evening was largely-
attended and passed off very pleasantly.
Eighteen years ago lsst Friday 'the
first settlement wss msde in Columbus,
Nebraska. It has been the custom for
the past few years of the old settlers to
meet at the house of some of the number
and celebrate the anniversary. On Fri
day last a few of the old settlers met at
the house of J. Bickley and had a good
social time. These old settlers are drop
ping away, and new men are taking their
place. Soon they will all be gone. We
hope that they may live long to enjoy
these happy reunions.
The valley of Shell Creek has improv
ed wonderfully in the last year. From
J. P. Becker's mill two miles west, in the
lsst year the following persons have
built residences: J. Held. Beinke, Lus
chea; and Mr. Aureus, W. Weather and
Mr. Erb hsve completed residences of
wood which look tasty and neat. J. P.
Becker hss also made many improve
ments, consisting of a purifier, manufac
tured at Quincy, III., and a coaveyor
which enables them to have control of
the bolting apparatus. They now make
the very beat of flour.
Gilbert 8 wanson is buildings house
for Nels Jenson.
We forgot to mention lsst week that
Oscar JenBon hss employed a young
man to help him plow the crops. He
came a little before the corn waa ready
to cultivate, but then he will have to
grow some before he can cuitivate much
Thursdsy afternoon we hsd the heav
est rain so far this year. Considerable
corn washed out and some will b plant
ed over. There was no hsiP to do any
damage to amount to any thing in Walk
er township but we understand ' there
was considerable damage done by hail
inJolietand Woodville townships, and
.further east in the county.
Wall Paper
Now that spring is on
'the way, would it not be
a good idea to think
about repapering the
rooms? Our line of .wall
paper has never been
surpassed, either in qual
ity, pattern or price,
and all who have had
work done by us have
been well satisfied.
hVMttgi a BitrtftMl
Ts two liwssrstltaasdkhUsfor the
ooagrHsipsalasiiastisa ia the Third
district of Nebraska were ia KerfoU to
attaad the Bryaa Hiig Fonaer State
Seastor J. P. LatU of Teteaaaah sad Ed-
gar Howard of Oolaaafcas, the two aspir
aats for that hoaor, aiat ia the Aaditor
iaai bat had ao asorothan tiaie to shake
haadsaadaay "how-do-you-do." Ssaaa
thing of a warm oaaipaiga ia expected
between these two aaaa. Latta- is a
beaker aad Howard an editor. Already
the sparks are flying. Dea V. Stephens,
who auaaged Jadrfe Gravee' caaapaiga
sgsiast Judge Boyd ia the last congres
sional race, hss charge of Senator LstU's
campaign for the democratic nomination.
He seemed eoBfideat that Latta would
be the nominee. Senator LatU Just re
turned Thursday sight from a Are
weeks' trip to the coast, aad hardly
kaew what was doiag in his campaign.
When confronted with Bteby'a attack
upoa him, eaargiag hiss with being a
banker, LatU said: "It's a crime that
I'm proud of at home." Norfolk News
Patrons' nrpareats' day wss observed
at the Colnmbaa high school, Friday
afternoon. All classes were dismissed
from the afternoon asssion, and the par
ents were especially invited to call at
the aobooi building, to inspect the ex
hibit of the work done by the pupils of
the different grades. Many responded
to the invitation both sf ternoon and eve-
1 niK xoe w"rK consisted or writing,
jdrawiag. msp work, industrial work,
mechanical drawing, wood and iron work
from the manual training department,
and biologioal department Much tal
ent was displsyed in these different
pieces of workmanship, snd it will not
only be a credit to the person, whose
work is cboosen to be seat to the sUto
exhibit, which will be bald in Lincoln
soon, but also very compIimsnUry for
theOolumbas sobools.
A small party composed of George
Berney, Wm. Ernst and his daughter.
Mm. Burthold, and Emannal Baashardt
wku huousj ior owiizenaaa. mr.
Berney. who is one of the earliest set
tlers in Platte county and is 77 years old,
has made several trips to the old coun
tryin fact is a man who has traveled
much daring his lifetime, both at home
and abroad. Mr. Ernst oame to Platte
county in 1866; and baa made his home
here aiaee, bat daring that time has
sum, tares tnaa to the aid eowata.l
Tney nave ao time limit on their journey;
and will likely remain the greater partof
the summer ia France and Switzerland.
J. A. Berkley, accompanied by' Mrs.
Berkley, arrived last Wednesday even
ing from New York, where be had land
ed from his voyage home from South
Africa. For the last several years he
has been in that opuntry superintending
the construction of electric roads and ia
now on a vacation whioh will last six
months. For a while Mr. and Mrs.
Berkley wiU be guesU at the home of
Mrs. Berkley's parent; Mr. and Mrs. L.
Gsrrsrd. Mr. Berkley waa at Linooln
last weak to attend the graduating exer
cises at the State university and also
renew old aoqaaintaaose.
The baccalaureate aermoa was deliver
ed at the Congregational church Sunday
evening, Bevf- Monroe assisted by Bev.
D.W.Beia'bardt, pastor of the Bsptist
church, assisting ia the service. Many
suggestive and pleasant thoughts were
left with not only the members of the
graduating class, but with every person
who bad the pleasure of attending.
8pecial music was rendered by the choir
snd it was an event whioh will be long
remembered. The commencement exer
cises will be held in the North Opera
house Friday evening June 5th.
City Carriers Ballon and Hogan went
to Linooln last Saturday to attend the
state meeting of the city carrier's asso
ciation, which wss held at the capital
city. At theelection of ofloers Mr. Bal
lon wss given a place en the board of
msuagera. The boys report a good time
aad that every city in the aUte except
Hastings was represented. The next
convention goes to Omaha, but the home
boya expect to entertain the carriers st
some fatare time, aa this city .was men
tioned as a possible place of meeting at
the time Omaha was chosea.
Parties who were in the city from
Genoa lsst Fridsy reported the sudden
death of Aadrew Eagberg of that plane
the evening prerioas. Mr. Eagberg wss
subject to violeat headaches, and in
order to obtain relief went -to a drag
etore and parehaaod some mornhine
tablete, taking eighteen of the tablets in
less than three hoars, and sooa after
warde became unconseioaa and remaia
ed in that condition until his death a few
hours later.' Deceased waa formerly a
resident of Platte county;
The Misses 8tella Shanklin, Rose
8traek, Mary Pases, Mse Hoppoek and
Mas. Miaaie E. Brewer nave completed
theeteaogrsphie coarse of thaColambas
Oommsfoisleollege. TheyreeeiTedtaeir
diplwmss Friday afternoon. Mas. Brewer
ia now employed as bookkeeper and
stenographer by L. W. Snow and Miss
Boaaktis goes to Stewart, Iowa, where
she wiU law esaaloysaeat, while Miss
8traek and Miss Hoppoek areaadeoided
as yet jest wbateoarse they will follow.
Postmsntsr Kramer waa ia LiacoU last
Satarday sttsndisg the meeting of the
of' the Nebraska
the msstisg of the state
Try the YkUcia cigar.
Dr. Lnssoass Oocalist and aarist.
Dr. Vallisr, Ostsoaatk, Barhaghlodt.
Dr. W, H. Slater, rsteriaariaa,
People who get rssalU adrertise ia the
Wasimd Girl for general housework.
Mrs. P, K. Strother.
Dr. C.A. Alleabarger, osaoe in new
8tate Bask buildiag.
Let us advise what ia best for yoar
eyes. Ed. J. Niewohaer.
Miss Clara Bechtel of Lincoln, ia the
guest of Miss EtU Lohr this week.
Cass. L. Dickey has a few choice sec
tions of Westers Nebraska land for sale.
Attorney Wm. Cornelius went to Nor
folk Taesday evening, where he was call-
eds basin
A eice Km of weddiag rings jast re
oeived at Osrl Froemel's, Eleventh
street jeweler.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kammer went to
Bellwood Friday, where they spent the
dsy visiting friends,
Washsble suite for boys, aU are new,
fresh and daiaty. Price 50o to $3.00, at
the Gerharz-Flyan Co.
Miss Laura Bartells left Tuesday morn
ing for West Point, Nebr., where she will
visit for about two weeks.
The Alumni btnquet and reception will
be held in the parlors of the M. E. church
Saturday evening, June 6th.
Mrs. George Engel and children of
Clerks, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Byrnes a few days last weak.
Mrs. O. A. Allenberger has issued in
vitations for a five o'clock tea both
Thursday and Friday afternoons.
HsttieKlug delieghtfuUr enter
tained the clerks of Gray'a mercantile
department store lsst Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Veckens and chil
dren of Platte Center, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bloedorn Sundsjr.
Ned Post, who has been stadying'law
in Dsa Moines, Iowa, baa returned home
and will remain here daring the summer.
-IpvavwJira. Jess
Platte, Nebr.. are visiting at the home of
the former's parents, Mi. snd Mrs. E. O.
Mtea Msbel'Glen of Arcadia, Minne
sota, is expected Wednesday, and while
here will be the guest of her sister, Mrs.
B. F. Colton. ,
Lsst Saturday Otto Herring, who lives
on rural ronte No. 3, sold a very fine reg
istered two year old trotting horse,
whioh be raised.
Miss McMahoo, after visiting with rel
atives ia this city the psst four weeks,
returned to her home in Geneva, Nebr
Sunday afteraooa.
The Sophomores or tenth grade of the
highecbool, will give a reception this
evening in the Mannercbor hall, in hon
or of the Seniors or graduating cli
Mrs. Wm. Sohrosder and Mrs. Rudolph
Gisin went to Platte Center, Saturday
evening, where they visited until Mon
day noon with Mr. and Mrs. Soheidel.
Miss May Reed returned home lsst
Saturday from a ten days' visit st Lin
coin, where she had been the guest of
the Missss Edith Riley snd Grace Wey
bright. Mrs. Wm. Benham assisted Mrs. Brooks
and Mrs. Mielenz to entertain at a five
o'clock tea Thursday afternoon. Many
guests were present and a very pleasant
afternoon was spent.
RB. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes
and repairs Ladies' aad Gents' clothing.
Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons
made to order. "Agent Germaaia Dve
Works. Nebraska Phone.
Taken Up At my plaoe, on May 14,
one old now, weight about 200 pounds.
Owner can have same by proving pro
perty and paying all charges. D. Be-
hlen, R.F.D.3, Columbus, Neb.
Jack Ewton, his daughter aad son-in-
law, from Boone. Iowa, have been here
for more than a week viaitin at th
home of G. W. Elston. Mr. Elscon re
turned home the first of the week.
The Academy Caadiea aad the First
Waid Cookies played a game of bail at
the First Ward school Tharsdsy after
noon, the game ending in a victory for
Use Cookies, the score being 19 to.
Little Frances Colton, daughter of
Mr. aad Mrs. B. F. Colton, living on east
11th street, entertained a number of her
frieade Thursday afternoon, ia honor of
her sixth birthday. Refreshments were
Mr. and Mrs. J. E- SaaahHa left Fri
day moraiag for 8tewart, Iowa, where
they will visit 'relatives for two weeks.
They were aecompaaied by their daagh.
tar, Miss Stella, who intooda makisg
that place her future home. .. '
of taebigShel-
a raaoa ia
eity Friday
reports sU
his asaihbuihoud aa laoaamr
Tney have ant had so much
SITUATED ia Dickey. County
near the new town of
Guelph. 'Tfaia land lies -between
the James and Maple' Rivers, and
ia aa good fsrmiag land as you can
find anywhere.. Excursions every
first and third Tuesdays in each
month. Write to(or inquire at
theofioe of Newman & Welob.
Dr. NaumaaB, Deatist 13 St.
Pound, a store key. Call at this office.
G. R. Prieb, painting and paper
First-class printing done at the Jour
nal office.
Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum
baa State Bank building.
MoCall patterns 10 aad 15 cents at the
Jfitzpatnck Dry Goods: Store.
Mies .Margaret Evans went to Lincoln
Saturdsy, returning Mondsy evening.
Boys' blouftavvsistB, a large assortment
to pick from, at the Geraarz-Flynn Co.
A self generating gasoline stove with
large oven for sale, asl have put in gas.
A. L. Koon. v
Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully
cleaned and repaired at Osrl Froemel's,
Eleventh street jeweler.
Usving decided to do our killing here,
would like to hear from those having
fat cattle for ebIsl Bnachman's Meet
Rev. li.R.DeWoir will return Satur
day from his vacation and regular ser
vice will be held at the Methodist church
on Sundsy, Jnne 7.
Mrs. Lame Williams pleasantly enter
tained the Whist club Monday afternoon.
This was the last meeting of the season,
and the prize was won by Mrs. A. And
erson. Miss Marguerite Nanmann returned
home from Loup City on Mondsy. She
hss teught two successful terms- in the
city schools at that place, and has been
asked to return.
Wm. Sohilz haa 1st the contract for a
nswone story brick building on the site
of his present location on Olive street,
the building to be 22x50. Work will be
gin some time during the present month.
Mrs. Lloyd Swain, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. A,Parker of Platte Canter,
and Mrs. Msnd Winterbotbam of David
City, spent several days of lsst week
visiting relatives and friends in Genoa.
Miss Elsie Griffith of Kansas City, Mo.,
arrived last week snd is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Louis Lightner. Miss Grif
fith is a graduate of the Mozart consera
tory at Kansas City, having completed
the course this year. - . H
G. M. Douglas, who has been employ
ed by the Oolumbus Electric Light Plant
for the past eleven years has resigned
his positionand accepted a position with
the Columbus Cream Company. He en
tered upon his new duties, Monday
Frank Oallen, or Collins, who was ar
rested on 8 charge of petit larceny, was
sentenced to twenty daya in jail by Jndge
Rattorman. He bad stolen three psiis
of pants and three vesta from Friedhof
A Co., and waa captured at Central City
and brought back here.
Cards have been received from Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Richerson of Alliance,
Ohio, announcing the arrival of a daugh
ter. Mother and chifd are doing nicely.
Mrs. Richerson will be remembered as
Miss Myrtle Gresnwalt, who made this
city her home several years ago.
Joe 8tovieok, formerly night engineer
at the eity water works, resigned his
position the first of Jnne, and has ac
cepted a place with the Columbus Light,
HeatandPowerCo. Carl Steinwall, a
Union Pacific engineer, has accepted the
position st the water works for the
time being
Crystal Theatre.
Eleventh Street, will -
Opu tli Win if Mftii", Jim 8th
Catchy Songs Electrical Effecte Something new and
and up-to-date. .... Our building has been thoroughly
remodeled, with raised floor, stage and seated with fold
ing chain. A. Special Show on opening day.
Gartrado McaoaeJd. formerly a
in the Colnmbns schools, but
who is aow,llviug at Atkinson. Nebr.
visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs.
George Wiaaiow. '
The rainfall for May measured 661
inohes, whioh is considerably above the
normal Theexoeasivepreciptejtida has
ceased fsrmers delay with their work
aad root fields are getting weedy.
Mrs. George Winslow entertained a
aumber of ladies this afternoon at a five
o'clook tea, in honor of her sister, Mies
Gertrude. Sohofield of Atkinson, Nebr.,
and Mrs. Haas Haasea of Harlan, Iowa.
Miss Elsie Zaok, who haa been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zaok, who re
side on a farm sooth of the river, return
ed to Fremont Saturday eveaiag. where
she will enter the Normal for a few
weeks' study.
Mrs. Haas Hansen nnd two children
of Harlan. Iowa, arrived here Friday
evening and will be the guests of Mrs.
M. Rothleitner aad other relatives dar
ing the summer. Mr. Hsaseu is expect
ed in about six weeks.
A billisrd tournament for local players,
to last fifteen dsys, wss inaugurated at
Hegel's billtrd and bowling parlors on
Monday. There' are ton oontestenta,
and yon msy be sure that there will be
plenty of excitement before" the winner
gets to the end of his string.
George Sondergard returned Thurs
day from 8an Francisco, where he was
called several weeks ago by the serious
illness of his uncle, who is slowly im
proving. Mr. Sondergard is very mnch
pleased with the western country snd
may locate there in the near future.
The Crystal theatre, a new amusement
resort, will be opened for business next
week. Itns located in the building east
ofDaesell'son Eleventh street, which
has been entirely remodelled for their
use. Their entertainment is something
new and will no doubt attract a good
Misses Mae snd Esther Rosslter were
here from Omaha to visit with the home
folke from Saturday morning until Sun
day evening. Miss Esther recently re
ceived a severe injury to one of her feet
through a defective sidewalk, and has
been compelled to wslk with the sid of
-Manly B Logan of Albion, hss suc
ceeded Charles Monroe ae bookkeeper
and collector for the Oolumbus Light,
Heat & Power'company. He entered
upon bis new duties Mondsy. Mr. Mon
roe, who, with his parents, Rev. and Mrs.
Monroe, will leave soon for Grand Junc
tion, Colorado, where they will make
their new home.
The villsgeof Monroe will have a sys
tem of water works,tbe question of voting
bonds, which wss up st a special election
Monday of this week, carrying by a vote
of 50 for to 16 against. As soon as the
village board can make the necessary ar
angementa work will commence and they
hope to have a first class system of water
works in operation before cold weather.
Jesse Newman returned Saturday
night from a trip; to Guelph, North
Dakota, where be, went to visit his
father. Since returning he has opened
a real estate office and can be.foaaslat
the office of Newman & Welch. He has
North Dskota land for sale, and will
conduct land seekers to. his holdings
every first and third Tuesday of each
The infant eon of Rev. and Mrs.
Grausnborst, living thirteen miles north
east of this city, passed swsy Friday
morningat four o'clock. The child had
been ill since its birtb. which, occurred
six weeks ago. The funeral was held
Saturday morning and interment was
made in the Shell Creek cemetery. A
number of Colnmbns people attended
the funeral.
The musical concert given in North
opera house Fridsy evening for the
benefit of the Sisters of St. Mary's hos
pital, wss a very successful event, many
talented persons of this city taking an
active part, among them being Prof.
Summers, who sang severs! solos, and
Byron Way, one of Columbus' promising
yonng musicians, rendered a selection on
the mandoline, of which he was the
author. Eighty dollars was cleared.
This fund will be used to purchase a
horse which the Sisters are very much
in need of. About twelve years ago
Mrs. D. C. Kavanaugb, assisted by Miss
Lydia McMshon and Mr. Hart, raised
enough money to buy a horse and ear
riage for the Siiters, snd for these many
yesrs this horse has been in use, bat of
late it baa been unable to perform the
work required of it, and Mrs. Kavanaugb
decided to replace to animal with a new
one, which will be purchased some time
this week.
Patron's Day at
Last Friday afternoon and evenl;
"Patron's Day" lwas Observed at
High school bnUdisg. -The High school
building was opened to the publie, ex
hibit beiag displayed in theGymnasiam
aad the various ro-ww of the building,
the object of the display haiag to exhi
bit the regular line of sehoolSrork ia da-'
partmeota where saeh display is possible,
namely writing, drawing, map-work, in
dustrial work, manual training aad la
boratory work.
In the iadastrial work ia the grades
ao nttempt is made to do some of all the
innumerable kinds of industrial work
possible, but rather to find something
suitable for boys and girls alike, which
will lead up to the manual training in
the upper grades. The basis of the work
is drawing and weaving, which require
deftness of hand and manipulstive skill
and yet give a okanee for development
along the art aide. The boya and girls
work, together until the Eighth grade,
their work including drawing, weaviag,
basket makiag, clay modelling and
woodcarving. In the Eighth grade they
separate, the girls continuing their draw
ing and taking sewing aa well, while the
boys take eimple exercises, preparatory
to the regular Manual Traiaingin the
High school. The Domestio Science
coarse, soon to be pat into the High
school course will be designed to offset
the bench, forge and latbe work offered
to tfae'buya in the Ninth and Tenth
Tbe'Msaual Training work is not de
signed as a loafing coarse for those who
are worthless and no aocoaatin other
lines of work. To be euro there is the
occasional student whose talents lie
along industrial lines and wu while a
failure in academie work, is quite sno-
cesful along mechanical lines, yet on the
whole experience haa shown that the boy
who is lszy and no account in bis re
gular Bohool work, is just as worthless
in the manual training work. Manual
training ia not a loop-hole for the 'lazy
fellow. Here, as well aa elsewhere, effort
is essential in order that results 'msy
The industrial work has been quite
carefully graded. In the primary gradea
it coasists largely of simple drawings
both in water colois snd charcoal. These
include simple landscapes, simple poses,
object drawing as d drawiagfroa aatare.
Alongindastrial line, there is the paper
weaving and the working out of simple
originisl designs in colored paper.
In I
the Third and Fourth grades this work
is continued along, more advanced lines,
tilo strands being - introduced into the
weaviag. In the Fifth grsde the new
element in the drawing is the study per
spective and work, from type forms, while
in the industrial work map and basket
weaving are added. Clay modelling is
the distinctive feature of the Sixth grade
work, and wood carving of the Seventh.
In the Eighth grade, the girls take sew
ing in addition to their drawing, em
phasis being Isid on hand work rather
than machine work. The Eighth grade
boya have six regular exercises ia Man
ual training, fourteen special pieoes be
ing made by each boy.
In the High school the girls continue
their drawing, there being no nettled
policy, the work being adopted to "the
individual needs and talents of the stud
ents in the class.
Tbe(manual training for the boya f
the Nineth grsde consists of bench work,
inoluding exercises in planing, sawing,
chiseling, and furniture constructions,
special attention being given to hose
tailoring. In the Tenth grade the first
half of the year is devoted to wood turn
ing, snd the second half to forge-work,
both in iron and steel.
The industrial display wss one of
which any school might well be proud
A collection of the best work exhibited
is now being made, to be eeat to the
State Fair in the fall.
Another interesting feature of the ex
hihit were the laboratories in science snd
biology. In chemistry the students
lookers with their usual obemicals and
reagents and the stadente' note books in
each, were exhibited, showing the regulsr
work. In physics, likewise, the note
books of students were in evidence, with
apparatus for performing the seventy ex
periments required in the present phy
sks coarse. In tbje biology laboratory.
students were ia cnarge or the mtcro-
soopes. keeping fresh mount of micro
seopio plsnt life for the inspection of
visitors. The laboratories elicited con
siderable favorable comment from the
visitors, spseisl interest being shown in
the experimental work ia the physics
laboratory and in the preserved speci
mens in zoology, which had been'arrang
ed for tba convenience of visitors along
n table in the biology laboratory.
Oa the whole the exhibit' wss one of
which nny school might well be prood
It is estimated that three or four hun
dred patrons were present aad such
the iaterest shown that thebaildiag
opeaed again, upon reqaest. Saturday
evening. It is designsd to hsvs Pstros'
Day" reear regularly each year in the
future, in order to afford a eeaveaieat
mse no of keeping the parents in toaeh
with the school work which their ehil
drea are doing. ,
Mrs.Q. A Pnde arrived from Denver
Friday to attend th Decoration Day ex-
rataraiag Wadaeeday of thin
One Gallon Makes 72
Gallons of U. &
PRICE, $1.25 KR UL.
The Druggist oa the Conor
Oolumbus, Nebraska
Maay comrades of the Grand Army f
the Republic" soldiers, sailers, Sana of
Veterans, veterans of the Spanish-
lean War, Confederate sokliesa,it
nnd citizens gathered at the North Opera
house Saturday afteraooa. ia observance
of Memorial day. The program began
I promptly at two o'clock. Commander
B. L. Rossitsr called the assembly to
order. Masio was furnished by theOo
lumbas Band and waa greatly appreciate
ed by the audiences Folio wiag waa a
salute to the De id by the G. A. B. and
prayer by Chaplin E. O. Beetor, aad'
reading of the General orders by Adjnt
ant W. A. McAllister. Man? olsasent
remarks were made by John B. Brock,
whioh will long be remembered not only
by the older people but by all the school
ohildren. who bad the pleasare of attend
lag. Harry B. Bead also made a few re- $
marks for tue Sons of Veterans. Men v.
school children assisted ia the after--)
80000 eatertainmsBt by singing sosgs.'
aad giving a flag drill, which wai
nonnoed by many to be one of the
bed evvr givea iu ibis city, miss Fli
McFarlaad of the pablic school aad Mies
Cecilia Brena of 8t Frsacia Academy,
recited appropriate recitations. At the
eloae of the nroaTasa Bar. Arthur J.
WestOOtf Bronduncad the twnil!inr.iW
after which the line of march headed by
laoDena proeeeaea to toe uofwmuna
cemetery, where the exercises were com
pleted according to the Grand Army
ritual, and.wero brought to n close with
salute to the dead bv the Sana of
Veterans, and Carroll D. Evana sound
ing the tsps.
Graduating Sxsrcaes.
The graduating exercises will be held
nt North opera house Fndav evenimr.
Invocation. Dr.WMtaott
The Woman of ladia Bowie Monro
Child Labor in America. Mrttle E. Scott
Up tba Hill and 1)owb the Toboggan
" Walts? BL Loafs
Piano trio Miiana Scott. Bjaa, McAJlUtw
ValsaotGsaiaa Waaaata G. Wordea
AacJaet aad Modern Ideaa of Jostle
Heawa'E. Babcock
Lydia W. Wravar
Class Prophecy....
KatUmaA Ryaa
Mabel paeacael
....PrvdO. Albart
.Helen Fraaeaa Braagr
Tha Fatare Woa
Pablic Opialea.
Presentation of Diplocaaa
Claas Song
Benediction Dr. Wfeteott
Motto: "So mack to do. an little doaa.
Fbjcd C. Albebt Hxmak E. Baboo, a
. Hkus Fbaxcbs Bbcookb - i
Eltox G. Dioansoa Awha Gum
EsTura Wilbclmink Lcsaxa
Abthob C. LinsTanit Walteb H. Loess
Janet Class McAlusteh
Bessie Manny Mabel Puacaxi.
Paul Bbahdt Roes Katslexn Ansa Rtah .
Cecilia C.STE!iaEit LtdiaW.Weweb
Loots W. Weaves Waoneta G. Wobsbb
Olto J. Oaten. Platte Center
Ida A. Hoefelman, Platte Center.
John J. Frish, Madison
Sophia E. Schmid, Humphrey; 23;
Fred Ahegxlen. Columbus 22 i
Erma Garlepow, Columbus. 17
We have the agency for the
famous Mnnsing Uutler wear, the
beat popular priced Union Suite
on the msiket. Prices in men'a
from $1.80 to MJS0. .Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1 X5V
In two piece garments wo have
a splenoid line ready for yoar ia
snection aad ranging ia pries
froms0cto$2S0agaraeat. Bay
early while the i
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