The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 27, 1908, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Colombos Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argui January 1, 1906.
Good Insurance
We offer our Standard Cos.
If you want
Cheap Money
Oar rates are the lowest.
If yon want
Good Abstracts
We can make tbetn.
If yon want to
' ik
Buy or Sell
It will pay you to consult us
Hockenberger &
4WU4C:? '
..S4C5to$4 75
v. Corn
Hogs, top. :..
, Files of The Journal, May 27, 1874.
Quite a number of farmers last spring
,- sowed flax. This is a new feature in
farming in this county. 8uoh things
evince enterprise in the right direction.
The parties who have fisx growing state
. that the aame is looking finely.
' There'is some talk among onr citizens
in regard-to constructing and launohing
"a steamboat on the Lonp river, provided
the proper material aid can be realized.
Wonders never cease, and oar citizens
' may yet see a steamboat gliding beauti-
fully up the Lonp river.
It hs been noticed that a great many
trees, from the tough Cottonwood to the
tender peach were killed during the past
' winter. Several farmers, who keep. well
posted in matters of this kind, say that i
it was owing to an early frost in Septem
ber last. Many cottonwoods as much as
four years old, have been killed, what-
ever may have been the cause.
Messrs. E. J. Baker, T. C. Ryan, J. C.
Morrlseey, Hugh Oompton, Wni. HoAl
lister. "A. Friedline and J. Stauffer have
generously donated the necessary nam
.ber of buckets to the Columbus Hook
and Ladder Co. The requisite number
of buckets having been contributed 'by
the above nassed merchants and dealers;
it was not necessary to call upon others
though, donbtless they would have con-
There were a great many people in
town on Saturday last purchasing sup
plies. Most, if not all, the corn ground
' has been ' planted, and many farmers
began harrowing Monday. It is reck
oned'the best-plan is to harrow just be
fore the weeds make their appearance
above the surface. Columbus is to have
two base ball clubs this season. Go in,
boys, there is good material here for two
No. 1 clubs.
Karriagk LiceasM.'
James R. VanBuskirk, Garner ....
Nellie Alexander, Omaha
Francis M. Byner, Cedar Rapids ..
Maybelle Holt. Holt, Mo
Frank Gal us, Danean
Clara Lasses, Duncan
Frank A. Gores, Oolambns
Amelia Oorrey, New Auburn, Wis.
.. 21
.. 19
.. 55
.. 34
.. 26
.. 19
. 30
.. 25
Adolph F. Gores of this city and Miss
Amelia Oorrey of New Auburn, Wis.,
were married at the Grace church rec
tory Friday evening, Rev. Dr. Westcott
preforming the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Gores will make this city their future
home. The groom is now employed by
G. B. Frieb.
Wall Paper
Now that spring is on
the way, would it not be
a good idea to think '
about repapering the
rooms? Our line of wall
paper has never been
surpassed, either in qual
ity, pattern or price,
and all who have had
work done by us have
been well satisfied.
Kmiiiih t Bttttrtai
If you want
For many years the problem of pre
venting the river from washing away
land adjacent to it has perplexed those
owning it and it and thousands of dol
lars have bean expended in trying to
prevent this damage, but without sao
oess. The owner of the land was com
pelled to sit by and see his property
eaten away. Bat a new plan has been
devised that seems to fill the bill, and it
is so simple that one wonders why it was
not thought of before. The Omaha
Oorrent Deflector company, who own
the patients, have been patting in some
work here which speaks for itself. On
J. H. Galley's farm, southeast of the city,
the river was rapidly eating away the
land and the current next the bank was
from eight to ten feet in depth. This
was about fonr weeks ago, and today
there is only about two feet of water
ana no current to speaK or, tne main
ohannel being to the south. Their sys
tem consists oi wire netting, wnicn is
anchored in the river above where the
current strikes the bank, thereby check
ing it and causing a deposit of sand to
be made so as to form a sand bar where
the channel formerly was. Besides this
work they have been doing some for M.
Brugger and also for the connty at the
Loup bridge. At the latter place the
current threatened to wash around the
south end of it and necessiate a longer
approach, but this danger has been re
moved. The cost of the work is very
reasonable. $3.55 per rod, and as the
diverting of the channel seems to be the
remedy for catting, it looks as though
the problem had been solved.
Last Saturday a couple of knights of
of the road entered Friedhofs store and'
asked to look at coats. While one was
thus engaged the other managed to get
away with a pair of pants, but was
caught in the act by the clerk and forced
to disgorge. After the pair had left the
store it was discovered that another pair
of pants was missing, and Chief Schack
was notified. He was given a description
of the culprit and about five o'clock lo
cated him and placed him under arrest.
He was taken to the Friedhof store and
searched, bat nothing was found, and he
claimed the other fellow was the culprit.
The other fellow, who was a printer by
the name of Collins was discovered Sun
day morning just after he had boarded
the blind for Central City, and the au
thorities there were notified to look out
foxtin and placed, him under arreet as
soon as the train arrived 'and Monday
he was brought back to this city by the
sheriff and placed in jail, and will have
to answer for his work. There was a
large number of tramps in town last
Saturday and it was rather a strenuous
day for the police.
Patron's day will be Friday, May 29.
All the schools will be adjourned in the
afternoon, in order that the patrons and
pupils may have an opportunity to see
the display of school work at the High
school. This work will be from every
room in the city. It will consist of
writing, drawing, map work, industrial
work, mechanical drawing, wood work
and iron work from the manual training
department, and biological work from
the science department. Every patron
is urged to be present and see something
of what is being done by the pupils.
Many patrons on aocoant of other mat
ters do not visit the school often, but at
this time we hope ever' patron will avail
himself of the opportunity to come any
time from 1:15 to 4:90. It will be an
encouragement to the children and will
enable you to see how your child's work
compares with that of others in the lines
The first of the weekly band concerts
will be given in the park next Friday
evening, as the boys have been success
ful in raising the amount of the sub
scription required. The change from
Wednesday night, which has long been
the regular sight, to Friday is forth
benefit .of the traveling men. During
the last few years quite a number of
traveling men have moved to this city
and this year they donated liberally to
the band concert fund. As they cannot
be in the city the first of the week, and a
good many of them are hen Friday, the
change was made for their benefit, and
it will make no material difference to
the oitlsens of Columbus.
Platte county farmers an beginning
to take an interest in the stocking of the
country with game birds. Boy .Clark, of
Woodville township, who is serving on
the jury this week, in speaking of the
matter, said that a cumber of his neigh
bors had read with interest retarding the
work of the Columbus Game and Fish
Protective association, and that they
wen thinking very strongly of purchas
ing a number of settings of pheasant
eggs and stocking the timber in their lo
cality. Those interested will see to it
that the birds are properly protected, aa
they will allow no hunting on their
Mr. sad Mrs. G. B. Speiee, Mrs. D. T.
Martyn aad Mies Petite Martyn, enter
tained a number of their friends, Thurs
day evening at the Orpheus hall in honor
of Mrs. Barrel! of Freelsior Spring, Mo.,
MjMWiufmdBottger of Hliaois, and
Dr.8prinkof Council Bluffs, the latter
being a brother of Mm. G. B. Speiee.
Cards and deaoiag were the amusements,
aad during the evening punch was ser
ve by Mrs. H. B. Robiueoa and Mrs. H.
Murdoch. MwyoftlMguesteutououae
ed this the ssoet enjoyable daaoiag party
Try the Victoria 'eager. .
Dr. Lnssckas Ooomlkt and aarist.
n.w n - .----- w-
. "
People who get results advertise in the
Wahtkd Girl tor general housework.
Mrs. F. K. Strother. .
Dr. C.A. Alleaburger,' osaoa is wr
State Bank building.
Let us advise what is beat for your
eyes. Ed. J. Niewohaer.
Miss Emily Maier, who is employed in
the Stirea millinery store, is quite ill.
Oscar Hagel came down from Grand
Island and tarried Saaday with the home
A nice lis of wadding rings just re
ceived at Curl Froemel's, Ewveuth
street jeweler.
Mian Mae Bead left Thursday morning
for Liueolu, where 'she will visit with
friends for a week.
J. 0. Byrnes returned last Thursday
evening from Kansas City, where ha had
been on a business trip. ,
Washable suite for boys, all are new,
fresh and dain.ty. Price 50o to S8.00, at
the Gerharz-Flynu Co.
Miss- Marguerite Cunningham of
Omaha, is the guest this week of her
brother, P. J. Cunningham and family.
Mr. and Mm. Ezra Mahaffey want to
Omaha Monday, where they visited
friends. They returned the aame eve-.
Mrs. L. 0. Voas returned Saturdav
from Holton, Kansas, where she has
been visiting relatives for the past two
Miss Eileen Kavaaaugh returned
Wednesday eveoiag front Omahs where
she has been visiting relatives for the
past week.
Mrs. Henry Hookeuberger returned
Saturday evening from Omaha, when
she has been visiting friends for the past
tn wnalra.
All lulias wtin failed tn -
tors for feather pillows, can get same by
calling on Mrs. Geo. Fmrchlld, sgeut,
lOth-aadX-TwiaSt's. f - .
Liittie uorothy iftednome waa bitten
by a dog Monday, and her pareata are
much alarmed over bar condition, as she
is threatened with blood poisoning.
Miss Agnes Nelson, formerly of this
city, but who is now a resident of New
man Grove, was the guest of Mrs. 0. C,
Hardy and other relstivea over Sunday.
The First Ward Cookies and the
Acadamy Candies played a game of ball
Friday evening at the First Wardt
school. The acorn was 4 to 3 in favor
of the Cookies.
R. a Palmer the tailor, dean, dyea
and repairs Ladies' and Gents' clothing.
Hate oleaned and nblooked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Germauia Dye
Works. Nebraska Phone.
Taken Up-At my place, on May 14,
one old sow, weight about 200 pounds.
Owner can have aasM by proving pro!
pertyand paying all charges. D. Bs
blen, R. F. D. 3, Columbus, Neb.
Mrs. Carl Kramer, assisted by her two
daughters, Mrs. Kelley aad Misa Flor
ence Kramer, entertained at bridm
Tuesday afternoon in honor of their
guest, Mm Baker of Grand Inland.
From Saturday until Monday the rain
fall for the locality messured IX inches.
As the moisture eame down slowly it
seemed as thouga much more than this
fell, but the government gauge is always
George DougUs, who has had charge
of the electric light plant for the last
eleven years, resigned bis ucaitioa, to
take effect June i, and wiM than take
charge of the engine aad other
machinery at the plant of the Columbus
Cream Co.
Otto Kummer received a
the Utter part of last weak stetangthat
ber akter. Mrs. a a Esstoo, formerly
of this city, but who now resides ia
Cambridge, Nebr was dangerously ill,
butlatermporteatatethataheis slowly
Of late there have been numerous
complaints about' mnmhandiss earn
being broken into ia the Union PaadSe
yards ia this oity, aad merchandise
stolen. Thjswesk the offioera succeed
ed in locating twoeulpriteatLsxiagton,
when they ware put under arrest aad
later confessed.
At the Bi-ennial meeting of the state
lodge of the Sons of Herman, held at
Grand Island last week, Carl Rhode of
this city was re-elected
tary of the order by
his election te thatoflce upon the death
of J. H. Johannes, he has filled the po
sition so acceptably that ha had little er
aeoppoaitiba for
W. A. Way left Monday evening far
Soldier, Idaho, whan he expeeta tore-
main daring the
oa a BUBing property ia that locality.
Mr. Way aaya the etiesateia- the moua
telas ia delightful ia the samaMr, bat ia
tswtetertW snow is from tour to fin
Dr. Kaamaas. Deatkt 13 St.,
Found, a store key. Gall at tnia ostoe.
O. B. Prieb, paiatug
I " F""""K ? uur
PSaS rl atikilaiH Jaa a SbV& Tu
I 1
Dm. Canteuaon HyUnd, Veterinar-
Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., oSfeenew Oolum
bus State Bank buildiag. , .
MeCall patters 10 and 1ST cents at the
Fitzpatriek Dry Goods Store. J
Mrs. E. J. Youag. who bau beau 01 for
the past mouth, is improving.
Boys blouse waists, a large assortment
to pick from, at the Garhan-Flyun Co.
Mrs. E.Z. Mahaffey went" to Tarnov
Saturday afternoon, for aahort visit
with relatives.
Carpenters have begun to remodel the
residence of Mrs. Jennie Walker, on
North Olive street.
Mm. Susaua Thomas left 'last Friday
for Buffalo. N. Y.. when she will vkit
for abou( six, weeks.
Daniel and Jessie Mahaffey of Waco.
Nebr., an the guests of ,G. M. Douglas
and family this week.
Watohes, clocks and jewelry carefully
cleaned and repaired at Carl Froemel's,
Eleventh street jeweler.
Mm. J. F. Kirkpatrick returned Fri
day from Grand Island, where she has
been visiting relatives for the past:" two
Having decided to do our killing here,
would like to hear from those having
fat cattle for eale. Buschmsn's, Meat
Miss Lilliam Adams and little sister,
Maroia, left Monday evening for Dewo-
gia, Michigan, where they will visit for
one month.
Leopold Jaeggi is erecting V modern
five-room cottage on east 11th' street, and
the contract was 1st to 0. C. Hardy, who
begun work last Tuesday..
Last Wednesday Judge " Batterman
performed the marriage ceremony for
James R VanBuskirk of Gardner land
Nellie Alexander of Omaha.
Dr. Ai G. Leueehen returned Sunday
'wnfdarft th Pacific eoast, wherebe
iP5S! rtP "
she vimt of the fleet at San Francisco.
Mrs. H.B. Robinson entertained at
five hundred Monday afternoon, in honor
of Mrs. Baker of Grand Island. The
prize was won by Mrs. Herman Oehlrich.
Miss Louise Wagner, accompanied by
Mrs. Jacob Greisen and children went to
Platte Center Friday to visit relalivee,
and while there attended the graduat
ing exercises.
At a meetiag of the city council last
Thursday evening, bids for cement work
wen ordered readvertised for and the
specifications wen accompanied by an
estimate from the oity engineer.
The baccalaureate sermon will be
preached in the Congregational church
8uuday evening. May 31. The services
will be conducted by Bev. Munro. The
Commencement exercises will be held in
North opera house, Friday evening,
George M. Baird, for many years mail
clerk oa the Columbus and Spalding
branch, was in the oity Tuesday evening
enroute to Cedar Rapids for a visit with
his parents, Mr. and aim. J. A. Baird.
He ia now located in St Louie, where he
is eagsged in business.
Mian Marguerite Nauman, who has
been teaching school at Loup City, Neb.,
is expected home soon to spend her sum
mer vacation. It is ber intention to en
ter the University at Lincoln, Nebr, the
first of September for one year's study,
after whioh time she will again resume
The Night Hawks", a ball team com
posed of Joe Stovieok. Brock, Sawyer,
HoUeabaekVSnyder, Dolan. McTaggert,
Tottenhoft, aad Oostollo, challenge any
ball team ia this city for a game of ball
to take plane, some time during this
week. For particulars inquire of Joe
Stovleek. Bail phone Bed 57.
Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Wurdeman, living
aear Boaeet, eatortaiaed a number of
friends Sunday to a five oouree dinner.
Covers were laid for Mr. aad Mm. Win.
Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. D.O. Kavan
augh, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hockenber
ger, Mr. aad Mm. Julius Nichols, Mrs!
Pool, Miss EMe Pool, and Walter
Bar. B. E L. Hayes, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, preached his fare-v
wall esrmoa last Sunday and leaves this
week for St Paul, Neb , when he will be
pastor of the church. Bev. Hayes baa
bean pastor of the church hen for a
number of yearn aad leaves many friends,
both msmbsrs aad others, who regret to
ase him leave.
The May term of district court began
Monday, aad one of the first oases called
was the State va. Severn, ha being charg
ed witt stealing hags from a Union
Padfic stock car ia the yards hen aad
esUiag them to John J. Burke. As the
Journal goes to press the ease is still on
trial sad will not probably reach the
tomorrow mora
ls the presiduw
will Celtsrtte.
A meetiag of our citixeas waa held at
Firemeu's hall last Friday evening, May
St, and after talking the matter over
decided to bold atcelebratiou here the
coming Fourth of July.
Ah organization waa effected by elect
ing G. W. Phillips, president; George
Fairchild. secretary, and Daniel Sohram,
The following committees were ap
pointed: Executive committee, Albert
J. Galley, M. C. Casein, William Boett
cher, O. L. Baker, Barney Byrne, John
Brauigan. V. H. Weaver, C. J. Oarrig,
James Haney, Carl Kramer, R. & Dick
inson and L. F. Phillippa.
A canvass for funds among the business
men resulted in a very liberal response
and that we will have a celebration up
to the usual standard goes without
The oommittee will hold their next
meeting on Thursday evening, May 29,
in the basement of the Commercial
National bank.
iMte !- ft.
John Kastalenda is bnilding a
corn crib."
Albert Kummer was marketing
wheat Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hahn visited in Co
lumbus a couple of daya last week.
Farmers are nearly all through plant
ing corn, and some have begin to culti
vate. School district No. 4 purchased anew
organ and J. T. Bonner came over to
Columbus for it Sunday.
The Kensington party at the home of
Wm. and Anna Henning last Friday waa
enjoyed by about sixty guests and a
good time is reported.
Mrs. D. L. Binesmitb, who sprained
her ankle sometime ago, had the band
ages taken off last Saturday, but the in
jury is not improving as fast as could be
Keute la. L
Mrs. M. J. Dineen, who has been very
sick the last two weeks, is improving
Joseph Hengglerof Stookville arrived
the first of the week to look after -his
land interests in this locality. Bessys
everything is looking good out west, al
though it, has beenjrory dryvuntil,n-
School oloeed in district No. 10 last
Fridsy, with' a picnic in B. Melliger's
grove. All the good things one could
imagine were spread for dinner and it
was a joyous crowd of both youngste-s
and older people who put the good
things away. In the afternoon the
pupils gave a program, consisting of
songs, exercises and 'recitations, after
which ice cream and cake were seived.
In order to settle the ice cream there
were a few races in which all participat
ed. The day was not long enough, but
all went home reporting a very -good
Irate la. 3.
Gerhard Eteurmier is building a new
corn crib and granary.
Wm. Mason loaded a car of wheat
Tuesday for eastern markets.
J. P. and Wm. Godekin shipped their
fst oattle to South Omaha Tuesday.
Born, on Saturday, May 23, to Mr. and
Mrs. John Fittje, an eight pound son.
R. Siefken was hauling material for a
new granary the latter pnrt of last week,
' Mr. end Mrs. Fred Mindrup and family
and Fred Behlen and daughter Lydia
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Behlen
The Tonng People's society of the
Shell Creek Baptist church will hold
their annual meeting next Sunday after
noon. A very extensive program has
been prepared, whioh includes music by
the Shell Creek baud. Immediately fol
lowing the program refreshments, in
cluding ice cream and cake, will be
J. H. Koeoig was transacting business
in Columbus from Saturday until Tues
day. Mm. Patriok Murray left Tuasday for
Qainoy, III., where her children are
attending school.
Miss Mary Dineen closed her school
in district 35 last Friday, and a banquet
was served in the sshool bouse.
Miss Lillian Weldin oloeed a successful
.term of school last Friday with a pionic
in Stevens' grove. Quito a number from
Columbus were in attendance.
While Alfie and George Hartman wan
playing eatoh at Dan Bray's last Sunday
the ball struck Mr. Bray's youngest son
on the head, causing quite a seven
The Misses Margaret and Josie Dineen
are now at home, having closed their
schools for the year. The former was
teaching at the Red school bouse, north
west of Monroe, and the latter near
Last Friday, soon after Mm. Martin
Zakrxwki started to town, one of the
front wheels of the buggy eame off,
throwing her out. As the hone was a
geatle one, it stopped at once and no
damage was done. '
Eagi far Salt.
I have soma thoroughbred O. I.C.
hogs for sale, iadudiag a fiae boar.
IntLpaoaaXai. WjcRot.
Our Talk Ctfjuty Frtesaa.
Osceola ia to have a oity park, other
than the ooart house park, that is if the
people will pat ap for it.
There were thirteen transfers of real
estate in "Little Polk" test week, aad
good money, or its equivalent, changed
hands to the amount of S3670.
Harrv Newton wants the chance to ex
tract teeth without pain, aad so he has
gone to Omaha to learn how. If not
satisfied than he will go to Lincoln.
George Dimick ia a good deal like the
Irishmaa's flea these daya. He has gone
and got him a new aato, aad when you
look where he was, you dont find him.
The Stromsburg High school put in
two daya this wsek in graduating one of
the best classes of youag ladies aad
gentlemea that waa ever turned loose ia
Polk or aay other ooaaty.
Most of the physicians of Polk ooaaty
wen gone last week atteadisg the aaaual
state Medical Associstioa msstisg. aad
it was aaid then waa more wellaessia
the county than ever before ia the aame
length of time.
"Onr Jack," Hon. J. C. Martin of Cen
tral Oity, wiU deliver the Memorial day
oration at Osceola aext Saturday. Our
Memorial committee wsa very fortunate
in securing so excellent aa orator, aad
me noys are looking for great inspira
tion. -
Sheriff Ehlen. has been making aa
honest penny lately in serving papers oa
parties, who had hail insurance ia the
busted up mutual insurance company of
Lincoln. The sheriff served paperaou
more than three dozen to waltz ap to
the captain's office and cough up.
Osceola has a young man,, born aad
reared in Polk county, Harry Anderson,
who is at the bead of bis class in the
Lincoln Dental College. He has been a
close student for the past three yearn;
will get his sheepskin, and will come out
with flying colors on this May 37th.
The Masons of York put on the Third
Degree over then, last week. Then
was quite a bunch of Polk county Ma
sons down to see how they did it.
fork Lodge had 350 of their owa mem
bers andthen then wen 130 from oat-
side lodges. A special tnia took the
Polk county Masons down.
J. D. Edwards of- Strpmaburg, took
the flyer for Columbus last 'week aad
Wfi J!?i wnmnw "".for the annual picaic; to he held set
amount or oanmass ae v aas on nana nei
will put in the rest or bur time m visit
ing with his daughter and f auuly, Mrs.
Charles E. Jones. This is Jones, the
barber, and not Jones, the baker.
Congressman E. H. Hinahaw, who has
been the soldiers friend for the past two
terms in' congress, snd has done more
for them than any other congressman
that the Fourth district hss ever hsd,
and we have done business with every
blessed one of 'them will deliver the
oration to the bold soldier boys and their
friendaon Memorial Day. next Saturday.
Nets Jenson is hauling lumber for n
new house.
Maurice Knutson, a former resident of
Walker township, but now,, a resident
of Idaho, is visiting friends and relatives
August Nelson, one of the first settlers
of Walker township, but for many yean
a resident of Kansas, is visiting friends
and relatives in Walker township.
A heavy shower of rain fell here Sun
day evening, and the wheat crop will be
all right unless damaged by hail Cora
is coming up' fine. Some damaged by
The funeral of Verner Peterson was
held from the Salem osurch Wednesdsy
afternoon. A number 'of people from
Newman Grove and Lindsy were in
District 44 aad Titiiity.
Farmers will begin cultivating corn as
soon aa the weather permits.
Mm. Grauenhorat, who has been sick
for some time, is still in a critical con
dition. Chas. Rtsnke shelled corn Wednesdsy
of lsst wsek and marketed it, the price
being fifty-nine cents.
While bauliag hogs to Columbus lsst
Friday, Will Screiber had the misfortune
to loaaa wheel from his wsgon, causing
him considerable inconvenience.
AiTsrtlsei Latter.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in, the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for tbe period
ending May 27, 1906: Let'em Louise
Bsumgsrtner, Miss Minnie Oleysk, Mm
Ndda May Johnson, W J Kesueda, Miss
Rullo M Norris, Miss Marie Pattoa 3.
Cards M B Franklin. Albert Gigax,
Fritz Klaus, Mm Geo Lowry, Harry
Munday, Mis Maggie Porter, MusFlor
ence Torpey, Mis Emma Walker. Par
ties calling for any of tbe above please
say advertised.
Caul Kuautuu, P. M.
Waxmiaf to tht Haam ley
shoots birds and disturbs their
nests at 'or near my premises. I will
see to it that be ia puaiehed to tbe full
extent of tbe law. No favors will be
shown. Godfrey FmscaaoLz.
Farm Fat, Salt.
The Kerr estate, sel4 1-18-3 want, six
I mites da aorta of Moaiue. Call oa or
Um n T SVM. t- W-v.
namiwuw, aw,
One Gallon Makes 72
Gallon of U. a
MICE, $1.25 Kl ML
Druggist oa the
Columbus, Nebraska
Too much moisten last Saaday waa
responsible for poatposmentof thahaH
game, so they an cbsdaltd for aesrt
Sunday, May 31. There will be a double
header, the Hookies aad Hoe Company;
No. 2, and 8ilver Creek aad Column.
The firstgame will be called at 1 p. m.
sharp. Both games promise to be.hv
terestingand the fane an hopiag'lar
good weather.
Many improvements an beiag
on tne Uolnmbua cemeterv snd
which is a large iron feace. The coat of
the raw, material waa oae thousand
seven hundred and fifty dollars. It ex-,
tends the entire length of the west side,
aad is between three aad four fast high.
Over the driveway te a large arch with
this inscription "Columbus Cemetery"
ia gilt letters. Men are at work enet-
iag this fsaee aad it hi thought that it
will be ia place by Decoration day.
Tae German reading club of thmrity
held their last meeting of the asaaoa at
the home of H. Hockenberger Tuesday
evening. After the usual program of
raeding a dainty lunch waa 'served sad
the evening was concluded by alaafog '
uermanaonga. Tbeolub is
tfmin June. Rev.
eaurman or tbe ceawMttee oa general
arrangements. "Thie is the eigattt-year'
the dab has been ia existence aad has
a membership of seveateea.
Patrick Hayes, oae of the early set
tlers in Platte ooaaty, died ia 8t.
Joseph's hospital, Omsha, Sunday eve
ning, from a complication of disease.
Mr. Hayes was born in Ireland seventy
years ago, and came to America aad
Platto county in 1863. settling oa
homestead in Shdl Creek township.
For the last year he hss been a resident
of Columbus. He leaves a wife aad
aeven children, Mm. Joseph Ryan aad
Martin Hayes, living in Cheyenne, Wyo ,
and John, Patriok, Kate, Margaret and
Allen being residents of 'Columbus.
Funeral aervioee were held Wednesdsy "
morninp from St. Bonsventura's church.
Father Marcdinua officiating aad burial!
was in the Catholic cemetery. Those
who were present st the funeral from
out of town were Mr. and Mm. O'Shea
B. Stanley, who was stealing a rid on
an eastbound Union Pacific freight -'
Thursday, was thrown under the wheel
while trying to board the traia. -The
aoddent happened at Gardner switch.
where he had bean put off. Ia alternat
ing to board the train he tried to opea a"
car door, but slipped aad went under
the wheels. He waa badly mangled, hie
right limb and aide beiag rat to dmossl
aad waa dead whea picked up by the
trainmen. His nartaer. wan m tk
him. said they came from 8alt Lake aad
bad been employed in rssteuraate white
traveling east, aad wan tnMth.. r
several weeks. Thebodv wm tv.. t-
Heary Gass' undertaking rooms, and
after tbe coroner decided that an isqat
was not necessary, waa buried in the
Columbus cemetery. The young man
was about twenty-eight years of age,
and his only living relative was a sister
in Minnesota.
We have the agency for the
famous Mussing Underwear, the
best popular priced Uaioa Suite
on the market Prices ia .mea'a
from $1.60 to 4.50. Prices ia
boys' from 50c, 75c, tl aad $1.35.
' la two piece garments we have
a spiesaid liae ready for your ia
spectioa and raagisg in price
fromi0ctot2soagarmeat. Bay
early while the sizes an romplsts.
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