P5SHWFT3B 8Rp?Ter,;- I'-? --rS' . . si- ,; " ; H 57rsic,-iSl - .-Stf ; ar? V? . .- - t:l ill n v Si "j Consolidated with the Columbiui Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argot January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 6.. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1908. WHOLE NUMBER 1,904, :. TAr-:?:-i5SrS?!S:-?,?S i "A f y. - a . KttKtttftt Business Men m m m 3 9 m m v I -s I Mi Did You Ever Stop tt Think How easy it is for a member in the association to burrow money on his stock, with which he can discount a bill of (roods. It puts him in a position to Imv his merchan dise FOR CftSH. When lie sells his goods, if he desires, he may repay the money to the Building Association. Try placing' $1 00 or $6 00 a week in series "S" of the Ooltiiulms Land, Loan and Building As sociation. See Henry llouk enberger, secretary. Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. enfr---a-a44 COLUMBUS XASKET8. Cats . .- Wheat Rye . Corn - . . "Barley -, 43 87 60 58 '.. 40 .$4 90 to $4 Hogs, top. . "1 MANY YEARS AGO. Files of the Journal May 13, 1874. John Haley of Polk county had his barn and hay burned the other day. It ' caught from a prairie "lire. Clear creek in Polk county is to have a flouring mill that will daily use up three hundred bushels of wheat. Mr. Jacob Greisen has fitted up bis shoe shop recently, and we understand is abjut tD open a first doss shoe.etore. Mr. Arnold and Mr. Coolidge each have a hive of bees that are "improving each shining hour," by laying stores of honey by. . Patent rights for tanning leather are being sold throughout the state. It is claimed that it is 'mainly composed of native sumac and prairie heart flowers B. W. Webber has recently traveled over Polk county, and says that it is ' surprising to see the amount of grain that is being planted, and the amount of .breaking that is done. He says the wheat looks fine. We were pleased with the remark made by Judge Maxwell, in court, last week, to one of our attorneys. He said that the day when justice shall be award ed by little technicalities in law has passed. This expression should commend itself to every honest man in our state. It shows this, that we have an honest, upright judge, one who will not see justice perverted by any kind of mere informality. Walker Martin Olson and family visited at John Swanson's Sunday. . 'Gilbert Swanson returned from Sioux City last Thursday where he had been to visit friends. Andrew Nelson and Andrew Johnson hipped -a carload of hogs from Newman Grove Thursday. We have had plenty of rain in this lo cality, and. now farmers are waiting for the ground to dry so that they can com mence corn planting. S. S. Sorenson, one of the first settlers on the Looking Glass, died suddenly Tuesday morning of last week. The funeral was held from the Dsnish-Luth-eran church of which the deceased was a devout member, Sunday afternoon. Baptist Church 'Rev. D. W. Reinhart, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching by the pastor 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Bible olass Tues day 8 p.m.; prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Subject Sunday morning, "The Right Hand"; subject Sunday evening, "A Prisoner in Command." Wall Paper Now that spring is on the way, would it not be a good idea to think about repapering the rooms? Our line of wall paper has neyer been surpassed, either in qual ity, pattern or price, and all who have had work done by us have been well satisfied.- x Kmiiigt i Bittertii L Thirty-eight members of Columbaa Camp, No. 299, Modern Woodmen of America, accompanied by several mem bers of the Royal Neighbors, attended the State Camp which was held in Lin coln Wednesday. Those in' attendance were entertained both afternoon and evening. 'One of the interesting fea tures of the afternoon's entertainment was a drill given by two Lincoln teams Magonalia Camp and Vine Camp, the former receiving first prize. 'During this meeting live hundred new names were added to the already large list of Modern Woodmen, while the Royal Neighbors added sixty-two members to their roll. Carl Kramer of this city whs elected one of the seven delegates to rep resent this district at the National Camp, which will be held in Peoria, Illinois, the latter part of this month. Bert and Joseph Browning, both color ed, came over Monday from the dry town of David City, and proceeded to quench their thirst. They overestimat ed their capacity, however, and succeed ed in getting enongh fire water aboard to make tbem quarrelsome, when they mixed with Louis Nordlin. The trio was up before Police Judge O'Brien' Monday and Bert Browning contributed $10 and costs amounting to 317.85 for his fun. Joseph Browning's part of the trouble cost him $3 and costs, which was $9.50, and Nordlin's contribution was $1 and costs, $7.10 in all. The band boys are still circulating their list forsubszriptionB for the sum mer concerts and would like to secure enough so the concerts cau begin May 20. In asking for this money the boys do not feel as though they are request ing anything unreasonable, as it takes lots of hard work and time to make the band a success and the amonnt received goea to keep up the expenses of the or ganization. These summer concerts are looked forward to by our citizens and are appreciated by the them and strangers who happen to be in our city. At a recent meeting of the stockhold ers of the Union Pacific railway held in Salt Lake City, it was voted to authorize the issue of $100,000,000 bonds. Of thjs amount $50,000,000 will be used for con struction purposes, and the probabilities are that material now piled up in the yards at this place and othet towns along the main line of the road will soon be put. to use and labor. employed at good wages. When the financial flurry struck the country last fall all construc tion work was stopped and workmen discharged. A traveling man who Sundayed in Albion, was in the city Monday. At the late election, he says, Albion went dry, and since that time the lid has been put on good and tight, and it is unlawful for restaurants and hotels to sell, even a cigar on the Sabbath; meat-markets are not allowed to open Sunday, and collec tions in the churches are forbidden. The same conditions exist at Fullerton and some of the other dry towns where a Puritan Sunday appears to be the de mand of the people. Roth Brothers, carpenters and contrac tors, will erect a fine residence for Louis Maier on east Twelfth street, dimensions of the house being 24x26, with an addi tion 14x20. They will also erect for Herman Brodfuehrer, on North street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, a hand some home, to cost $2,000 or more. F. Brodfuehrer, on north Olive, will im prove his residence by raising the house, putting in a new foundation and remod eling the dwelling. Mrs. Bine Smith, living on route 5, stepped from her carriage a short time ago and dislocated her ankle, and before the injured member was entirely healed she aocidently fell and broke it. This was no doubt a very painful accident, but her many friends will be pleased to learn that she is resting quite easy. She was brought to Columbus Saturday, and Dr. W. S. Evans attended to the injury. Moriz Ladenberger filed a complaint in Judge Ratterman's court charging Jamas Hannon with assault and battery; Ladenberger allowing his cow to run at large being the cause of the trouble. -The case was tried Monday and the. evidence showed Ladenberger to be the agressor, so the judge dismissed the complaint and taxed the costs, amounting to $23 50, up to Ladenberger, which he paid. Carl Faulk has resigned his position as butcher with Marty & Co., and goes to Plattensburg, Mo., where he will take charge of a meat market, and if suited with the location, will purchase an inter est in the business. Mrs. Faulk and daughter Pearl go to 8t. Joseph, Mo., for the summer. Their household goods were 'shipped to Plattensburg Monday. Postmaster Carl Kramer of this city was one of the delegates chosen by the Woodmen state convention at Lincoln last week to attend the National meet ing at Peoria. As the date of this con vention is about thesameas the republi can national convention at Chicago, the trip will afford delegates the opportunity of attending both conventions. Miss Mazie Magill was pleasantly sur prised by a number of her friends En day evening, the occasion being her twentieth birthday. Music and games wen the chief amuseaaeats and the prizes ware won by Miss Amma Brum hotter ad Charley Graves. Miss Magill lieeetYcd asveral appropriate presents, wan served. Try ths Victoria cigar. Dra. Baal sad Mat, Ptfcto. Dr. Lueschaa Oooalkt ad aurist. Dr. Valliar, Osteopath, Barbarblook. Dr. W. H. Slater, veWriaaria. phoa 9. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. K. Strother. - Special prices oa shirt waists at Gray's this week. Dr. C. A. Allesbargar, oSoe ia new State BaHk building. O. L. Baker was in Omaha on business the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Blosdora spent Sunday in Platte Canter. Mrs. Jack Weatbrookk visiting rela tives in St. Edward this week. Mrs. Joan Eggcr, who baa bean quite ill for tan past wask, ia much emproved. Miss Eileen Karaaaagh want to Omaha Sunday where aba will visit for several days. A nice Una of weddiag rings just re ceived at . Carl Frosmers, Eleventh street jeweler.' Otto Kummer, who is serving on the Federal jury, in Omaha, visited with the home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gutter are the proud parents of a baby boy, who arrived at their home Thursday. Miss Berthea Hirshbrunner- spent Sunday in Rogers, visiting at the noma of Miss Mildred Reynolds. Titus Lundberg of Nance county, was in the city Monday on bis way to Polk, where be recently opened a jewelry store. The bazar given by the ladies of- the M. E. church Friday evening, proved very successful, aa sixty dollars., was cleared. Having decided to do our killing here, would like to hear from those having fat cattle for eala Buechman's Meat Market. Dr. A. Heintz. Fred Flaeckiger and L. F. Gottechalk left Saturday Burning, over the B. and M., for, an extended visit to Europe. Ed. Williams went up to Central City Thursday, and pat ia the day- visiting his'olH "comrades- with the Camibair Bros, circus. Mis. a C. Tiesiag ia in Auburn, hav ing been called there some time ago on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Gertoh. F. F. Clark, aoaompanied by has son Frank and wife and Miss Luln Clark. came down from Greston Saturday, re turning the same day. Frank Gerhaiz was in Omaha Tuesday on business connected with the Catholic Knights of America, in whioh order he is quite' an active member. A letter from Ed Fitzpatrick, who ia now postmaster at Anoon, Panama, says be will return to Columbus about May 30 for a visit with the home folks and friends. Dr. P. H. Melz of Humphrey, and Dr. H. G. Morris of Greston, were among the M. Da. who attended the meeting of the Platte County Medical society in this city Monday. Albert Russell of Arcadia, Neb, but for many years a resident of Lost Creek township, was in the eity .Tuesday,, en- route home from Schuyler where his daughter resides. R. a Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes and repairs Ladies and Gents olotbing. Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons made to order. Agent Germaaia Dve Works. Nebraska Phone. '' Last Friday evening a detachment of United States marines, bound from New York to San Francisco to join the fleet, passed through this city over the Union Pacific. They oooupied three tourist sleepers. There was a large danoing party at the home of John Flaxel, living five and one half milea southeast of tbiacity, Satur day evening. Many Columbus peonle were in attendance, and a most enjoyable time was the verdict of all present Oscar Hagel. for. the past six weeks a student with an aatomobiU hnna. ,- Omaha, returned home Sunday for a short visit, going da to Grand Island today to accept a aoaitioa ia the same line of. business there. Frank Klaus of CineinnattLO., arrived lastThursday for a visit with his brother, Chas. Klaus. ' He was accompanied by his neioe, Mies Pearl Lynn of Omaha. Mr. Klaus has a poatioa aa government meat inspector in Cincinnati and is on his annual vacation. The Rev. Monroe will preach the mem orial sermon to aumbera of the G. A. R. on Memorial Sunday, May 24. All veterans and sons of veterans are re quested to meet at G. A. B. hall at 10 a. m. on the 24th and March to the ehareh where services will be held at 11 o'clock. John T. Burke returned Tuesday from Omaha, where he attended the gradeet iag sTrremss of the Oreurhtoa Law Uni vereity, Saturday eveaiag, at which time his son Charles reserved a diploma of graduation. He was seeoanaaied hoaM by his son, who will reside beta for the WW ) i C A Band IGOIWN t t . s. t t ff f t I ff a 9 4 4 m -9 -9 i m 9 4 m 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 It will soon'be commence ment week for the Colum baa Public Schools See oar display of graduation giftain ail lines. This being an appreciative way of remsaabering oar young friends, we have spared no little pains in the selections oT the line. f f f ' ff , I f f- ff o f Nevtr Bitter Than This Year. Ed. J. NIEWOHNER Jeweler and Optician. f ft 4 4 4 4 F WWWWWs"V"lIHWI Dr. Naumann. Dentist 13 8t. G. B. Prieb, painting and paper hanging. First-class printing done at the Jour nal off oe. Special exhibition of graduating bats at Ctemw'a this week. Drs. Caratenson & Hyland, Veierinar- Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., offioe new Oolum bus State Bank building. 'McCall patterns 10 and 15 cents at the Fitzpatriok Dry Goods Store. Colonel Foster of Iowa was in this city Tuesday evening calling on old friends. Columbus 7 and North Bend 3, was the record of the ball game at the latter place last Saturday. e Watoh'es, clooks and jewelry carefully cleaned and repaired at Oarl.Froemel, .Eleventh street jeweler". j Mrs. Cy H. Lindbery of Polk. Polk county, wsa the guest of -her sister, Mrs. G. M. Hall, from Thursday until Satur day. Mrs. Albert Qamron was called to Plattemouth Tuesday, by a message announcing the serious illness of 'her mother, Mrs. Poegell. Miss Jennie Wilson, who has been vis iting friends in Aurora for the past week, returned to her home in this city Satur day, and has resumed work in the Tele gram offioe. Mrs. B. H. Henry and her daughter, Mrs. Martyn, returned Tuesday from a a short visit with relatives at Fremont. Mrs. Martyn leaves Friday for her home at Greeley, Colorado. Lackey Devany, living on East Four teenth street, died Tuesday evening after a short illness, aged 80 years. The funeral will be held Friday morning from the Catholic church. Mrs. O. L. Baker, who. has been visit ing in St, Joseph, Mo., the last six weeks, will return home Saturday. Her daugh ter, Miss Ethel, who has been in Omaha for three weeks, returned last Saturday. W. E. Reitzel of Monroe township, was in Columbus Monday for. the pur pose of buying seed corn. He reports that considerable hail fell in his neigh borhood during the storm Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Charles Brock, assisted by Mrs. Will Kaufmann, Mrs. D. Sullivan and Mrs. George Winslow, pleasantly enter tained the ladies of the Maccabee lodge, Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served. Miss Laura Miller of Albion, who has been employed on the Tribune for the last year, returned to her home Monday of this week. After a two weeks stay at Albion she goes to Alliance, where she haa a position. 6 room house, 2 lots, electric lights,city water, cistern, cement walks, good barn -a bargain at $2,500 EMlSpacsSCt, 3P The Jaajaei't Tairty-eiath lirthday On the llth day of May, ' 1870, in' a little wooden structure, on the lot whioh now stands the building occupied by A. Dussell aa'a store room, the first num ber of the Journal was printed, with the names of Allen C. - Turner and M. K. Tamer, father and son, as publishers and proprietors. That was thirty-eight yeare ago, and in the. yaara that have past since that day wonderful changes have taken place. When the first number of the Journal was printed, Columbus had only 300 in habitants. The business .part of the town was then confined to Seventh street and Washington avenue. Only one pas senger train each way was run over .the Union Pacific. The Fremont Tribune, North Platte Independent, and a paper published at St. Helena, Cedar county, were the only newspapers printed in the North Platte country. The St. Helena paper was established in 1857, and was among the first papers printed in Ne braska. It was moved to Hartington when the M.'and O. road extended its line into Cecar county and became the organ of the populists, and suspended publication when the populist party passed away. One year after the Journal was estab lished, the late Edward Rosewater issued the first number of the Omaha DailyBee, and the press that gave to the public the first issue of the Bee was afterwards purchased by the Journal and is now in use and doing good work after sixty-five years of active service. The founder of the Bee had often expressed a desire to M. K. Turner to purchase the old press and place it in a conspicuous plsce in the Bee building, but the sudden desth of Mr. Rosewater in the building, which stands as a monument to his energy and ability as a publisher, prevented the purchase of the maohine on which the early editions of his great daily were printed. When the Journal first appeared it was t called the Platte Journal, but was afterwards changed to Columbus Journal. When the paper was establish ed, the oitizens of Grand Island wanted the Turners to locate there, but they made up their minds to try Columbus first, and if the venture proved unpro fitable to move to Grand Island, and in selecting a name for the paper they were governed by circumstances liable to arise and in naming the paper the Platte Journal, -removal to Grand Island would not nave necessitated a change in the name. When the Journal was first establish ed it was printed on an old-fashioned hand press; it was a six-column folio in size with columns 13 ems in width. The width of the column was a! terwnrds changed to-12 ems, and later to the present width, 13 ems, which is now the standard width for all newspapers. In 1863, Andrew J. Stevens of Dee Moines, came to Nebraska and laid out an addition on the north side of the track. The following year the Clotber house was erected and a little later other build ings were put up. The Turners first at tempted to secure a lot in what was then the business part of town on Seventh street and Washington avenue, but the price asked was so unreasonably high, that they concluded to purchase a lot between the two rival sections of the village, and erected a frame building on' the lot on Eleventh street where the Journal was published until the old structure was torn down and a concrete building erected. Among the first to enroll their names on the Journal's subscription list were 3. P. Becker, George Lehman, James E. and Major Frank North and Jonas Weloh. The principal firms then en gaged in business in Columbus and "who bad advertising space in the paper, were J. P. Becker, general store; Rickley & rCo., dry goods; Boneeteel Brothers, clothing; Schram Brothers, clothing, and Marshall Smith, bakery. Messrs Becker and Welch were also interested in one of the first grist mills erected in this part of the country, on Shell creek, nine miles northeast of Columbus. It was to this mill that settlers came from as far west as Kearney and north as far as O'Neill to buy flour. In the thirty-eight years that it has been published, the Journal never mis sed but one issue, that was in October, 1871, when Mrs. Turner, wife of the senior Turner,- died. All the Turner family were sick with' the typhoid fever at the time, and it was impossible to se cure a printer to do the work'. Allen C. Turner passed away Septem ber 8, 1891. and Moses K. Turner, May 22f 1902. For more than thirty years the latter conducted the Journal on con servative lines, retaining the respect and confidence of the community up to the hour of bis death. The following tri bute to his memory, written by a friend, is taken from the files of the Journal of May 28. 1903: In conducting his paper be never al lowed personal feeling to enter into his writing; hie policy was to search for the good in each person and help to encour age them to do better by praising the good qualities. There are few lines in professional life that admit of a chance for personal vengence aa does the news paper, yet he never allowed this to inte fere with what he considered his duty. Indeed, be held no resentment in his nature and was never known to slander the character of another. Many times when a diagrsctful act was made public, and talked about.. he weald delay writ ing about it until ahnoattiaM for print ing, hopisg ta.be snared, ia some way, a palatal daty In all his loeal aewa gath ering be never iateatieaally published matter that would stem to invade the privacy of home. The golden rale, which he held as a standard for life, waa traly lived in thought aad action." After the death of M. K. Tamer, the Journal was continued under the man agement of the Turnera. J. A Turner started to work ia the Journal office when the first number waa issued and was with the paper up to 1904, a period of thirty-four years, and during that time enjoyed only two brief vacations. Ia-1893 he spent five weeks at the World's Fair in Chicago, and. in 1878 made n trip went and was away three weeks. George Turner still holda a position in the Journal ofioe. In 1894. Fred Abbott and Stewart' Kennedy purchased the plant from the Turner estate. Mr. Kennedy retired from the firm and Mr. Abbott continued the business until the fall of 1896, when be retired, and R. G. Strother purchased the plant. On the first of the present month O. J. 8 took well , purchased an interest in the business and the paper is now conducted under the firm name of 8trother & 8tockwelL "Fighting Beb' "Fighting Bob" Evans, who wsa in command of the battleship fleet that made the trip around "The HornMrom the Atlantic coast to the Golden Gate, passed through Columbus Tuesday af ternoon on his way east. Admiral Ev ans haa been placed on the retired list, on account of ' ill health, after serving forty-eight yeara in the navy. When the train pulled in. a large orowd was present to greet the distin guished traveler. Flags in the hands of school children waved a welcome to the fighting admiral as he appeared at the rear of his special car, supporting ing htmselt on crutches. He thanked the people of "Columbus for the demon stration, which he considered was not for him personally but ,to the navy of the country in which he had served for forty-eight years. Looking down upon the school children and the flags, he ad-1 monisbed the boys to keep the national banner waving; to honor it, and also to honor the giris and women, and ever keep in mind that "the band that rocks the cradle rales the world." At the no elusion of his remarks a man standing near the steps said something about "Bob" entering the Kingdom of Heaven, and the admiral responded that if he was ever allowed to enter that place he hoped to find plenty of water. A writer in the Omaha Bee gives the following brief sketch of the noted fighter's career: "Evans wss sixteen years of age when he entered the naval academy in I860. When the war broke out bis family, be ing Virginians, endeavored to end his schooling at the academy in order that he might enter the confederate service. His mother went so far as to tender his resignation, but, later, it was with drawn and the young midshipman graduated ahead of his time in 1863. He at once entered the servioe of the Union and fought gallantly to the close of the war. The writer saw him at the naval review in New York in 1893, and was particularly struck with his pugnacity of countenance and the halt in his walk. The former does not debar one from servioe in the navy, but an impediment in the limbs usually means retirement from the service. Admiral Evans is an exoeption to the general rule. The in juries which resulted in a missbspen leg were received in two engagements the naval assault on Fort Sunipterin August, 1863, and the combined attack on rort ftinber in January. 1865. He was an ensign on one of the ships at tacking Foit Sumpter and bad charge of two guns. A shell came through tne porthole, cut a trench in the deck and broke his knee-cap. He refused to go below to the surgeon. Stretching him self in the trench made by the shell he fought his two guns until the fight wss over. Conspicuous gallantry marked bis action at Fors Fisher. By the toes of a coin he won the leadership of sn attacking party of 100. He was the first to mount the scaling ladder and reach the parapet, only to receive a bullet in the knee and three other wounds, and fell inside the fort desperately - injured and a prisoner. The following day the fort was captured and Ensign Evans fell into the hands of his friends. For . this action congress awarded him a gold medal, and a little later paid him the rare honor of contiaaing him on the active list and exempted him from physi cal examination as to disability.'' At the meeting of the Platte County Medical association, held at the council Chamber Monday afternoon, the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Dr. Geo. K Pugh. Platte Center, president; Dr. C A. Allenberger, Colum bus, vice president; Dr. -P. EL Metz, Humphrey, treasurer; Dr. H. G.Morris. Greston, secretary. Dr. W. 8. Evaaa was selected to represent' Platte couaty at tbe meeting of the state medical society at Lincoln. Mrs. L Gluck, formerly of this city, but aow a resident of Omaha, arrived in the city Monday, and will remain until Friday when she goes to Albion, to be tbe guest of Mrs. L Hohl forafsw days. While here ahe ia beiag entertained by MisaLUUaa HageL j inMMM.-.i ... .. . fur and winter wraps away this year anfely protected from moths with WC flafe because they are the laoetrelahlsaBi Convenient to me and only seed aa he placed in the folds of the clothing, tars or flannels aad placed ia Bureau vnweis, i macs or Closets, or even wrapped in paper, aad your worry t over. Their increasing sale from year to year with as has proved them to be ! absolutely reliable and deanklabls. . You will do the sensible thin hv patting your goods away this year with en run Pfcc 2h.2Sc 5c Pollock & Co. The Druggist oa the Comer Columbaa, Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. Wau'iBucher aad two daughters. Martha and Ella, leave to- 'i night (Wednesday) for a few weeks' so- ' joara in California. They will visit ia v Denver, Colorado, Los Angles, aad San Francisco before returning. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. GravrtaralHnn. day afternoon from an extended trip in California. They were at San Diego, at the time of the visit of the hattleshiBa and had an excellent opportuaity of wit nessing this magnificent spectacle. A J. Hart well of Council Blafa, Iowa, advance agent for theQermaa-Ameriaaa Speeulatiet Company, was in the citv Tuesday, and while here was the of Albert Damroa.- Theaa were comrades ia the 8peuish-. war. and it has been seven yeara they had met. Mr. Hartwell will return I the first of next week for a short sojoura in this city, where he will conduct n museum. - There were numerous lady visitors to the state fish car Taesdsy evening, and Col. O'Brien, who probably knows more about 'fish than Rockefeller does about Standard Oil, was most obliging ia ea tertaing the visitors and imparting infor mation. One young lady wsa arked what kind of a fish she was, and replied that she hardly knew, as she had aever been caught yet. One young man imme diately got red around' the "gills" ' aad the old "anglers" did the horse laugh. The Nebraska Fish and Game commis-' sion car "Antelope," id charge of Fish Commissioner O'Brien, came ia Tueday evening over the Burlingingtoa.bringiBg 2.000,000 fiah for thja locality, which were planted the same evening. The varieties were pike and catfish and a few trout, and they were distributed at tbe Clark and Sheldon ranch. Stevens' lake. Schultz's slough and Steve Jaratiki'a pond. The visit of this car ia due di rectly to the efforts of the Columbus Fish snd Game Protective association,, the work of this association being along this lint. Tbe pike are planted for the purpose of destroying the German, carp, and while they are also aa etiemy of other fiah. they are much preferred to tbe carp. The channel catfish are pleat ed so they can reach the river it they wish, and the Loup will be stocked In the near future n number of croppies will be planted in some of the ponds in this locality. H. R. Secord, editor of the Gretca Breeze, accompanied the car aad assisted in the distribution. From this point a shipment of several tubs of cat fish, pike, basa and croppy waa aaade to points in tbe western part of the state Wednesday morning. Underwear union syrE' We" have' tbe agency for the famous. Mousing Underwear, the best popular priced Union 8aits on the market Prices ia rnea'i from 91.G0 to 94.50. Prices in boys from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWOtPIECE suits In two piece garaenta we have a spleaaid line ready for your in spection and raagiag ia pries from 60c to $2 60 a garment. Bay early while tbe sizes are complete. G RAY'S gentkaaan r X "..- M&md ..&sS3t; i-JIkt- --3.. &&!& i3-1- s-.Tfcsm - iitmmmisr2t:.iAridr'ssrti, mmm-amam-mmmm rj V-i -.: