r ".1- -W-": - V -' '.- V' -- J ! iMtt . 3. Herman Saunders of Platte Center visited frieBds on the route last Sunday. Born, on Sunday, May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mindrup, ,an eleven pouud boy.' Owing to trouble with her eyes, Miss Maltha Seefeld has given up her sewing and is at home again. The Quarantine for small pox was raised Tuesday from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brunken. Our informant who gave the item about the number of poets that the boys broke for Wm. Godekin was in error. There were only a few broken and while Mr. Godekin does not like the way be was treated he will drop the matter, as the boys are sorry regarding their part in the-matter. The Adamy Skiddods went down to defeat in a game with the Buttermilks last Sunday, the score being 9 to 10. The Buttermilks only had four of their regular players, while the Skiddoos had their full team. The game was full of errors and wild (brows on account of the bad weather. Quite a large crowd was present to witness the game. Oir Folk County Friends. Mrs. Frank Fox is over at Columbus visiting the Michener'a and other friends. J. M. Jarmin has been at home resting since the spring delivery of trees for Dave Schaff of Columbus, but he got tired of resting and pulled his freight for Columbus on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. . R, Jarmin have been over from Columbus, taking in the sights of Osceola for more than a week, but they started for the Columbus borne on Saturday, going by way of Central City. George A. Close of Kansas City, has come up to Osceola and bought out the Pratt hotel. George Brooks the present hotel-keeper has rented the house from Close and will run the hotel for another term. Joe Gnbeer, one of Osceola's best horsemen, together with Al. Cole went over to Columbus last week to enjoy its balmy breezes. Of course Columbus citizens invited them to come into their tents, rest and refresh themselves. John Alvin and family came clear out west, from Kabletown, West Virginia, to Osceola! and found the city so attrac tive that they went out, rented a house, and settled right down to living. They came out to visit a sister of Mr. Alvin, Mis. Joseph Jackson. Mrs. W. J. Hermann is not the least bit jealous that Miss Edith Barnes of Columbus captured that Omaha News prize, and sports a $150 .diamond ring these days. Mrs. Hermann was one of the contestants for the piano, but she came out just 874,195 behind. Miss Hilma Anderson, who is employ ed in a dentists office at Lincoln, had to quit her job on account of illness, came home to Osceola, stayed three weeks with her mother, got well and returned to her post of duty. She is the sister of Mrs. Jennie Rathburn of Columbus. Mrs. C. Li. Thompson from Hoxip, Kansas, has been here at Osceola, visit ing for a couple of weeks and having a glorious time of it. She has gone now over Columbus way to consult one of that city's most eminent physicians, and will visit at the Saunders-Jarmin home for a little while before returning to her Kansas home. Hon, and Mrs. William Welch have been visiting the children out on the Pacific coast for six months past They were delighted with the country, had a fine time, but for real solid comfort Osceola, Polk county, the state of Ne braska, knocks the 6pots off of the Pacific coast or any other coast. If that be treason, make the most of it. All of the Odd-Fellows lodges of the county, Shelby, Osceola and Stromsburg , celebrated the 69th anniversary of their order hi he United States. The Ee bekah lodge of Osceola took the lead of the brethern, and where they lead the brothers are sure to follow, and you can rest assured that all of them, bpth brothers and sisters, had a fine time. Bev. C W. Comer, who has been hold ing down the boards as preacher of the Firat Presbyterian oburch, after receiv ing a call from the Presbyterian church at Eureka Springs, acoepted the call, as from the Lord, and he with his family started for their new field of labor last Wednesday. It is hotter down there than here, thavlis sometimes, and every body here wishes them well in their new Mrs. Walter Lamberson and Miss Etta Ennes hitched up "Old Dobbin" to the buggy last Friday and started out Co lumbus way. They stopped at a half way house, the home of Mrs. Lamber son's sister, and there they stayed all night, and the next morning pulled out for' the other half of the way, Columbus. They got there all right, called at the . Jadge Sander's home on west 14th, and on other friends; filled up their buggy with goodsbought from Columbus BMrohants, nd returned home. There are many sad hearts in Osceola aad throughout Polk county, over the death of their old citizen, W. W. Max well, whose funeral was held at Greaham on MM 27th- of last month, last week Monday. , There was a great concourse ofv'people friends that followed the body to its last resting place in the Gres haaa cemetery. Comrade Maxwell had not been sick long, and had most always been very healthy and robust and when the grim messenger came he found him ready, with his lamp trimmed and burn ing. He was one of the oldest settlers ia Polk county, having taken a home stead m Haokberry precinct in the year 1870. Be was elected oounty comnus ajoacr hi JS77, sad eerved.as such until thebegiaaiagof 1880. He was not an asnoa seeker bat he was a very public spirited aaam aad was ready to lift bis constituents could be ban ilttad. Heftvefour years service w Co. F of the third Iowa cavalry, hav- ing been mustered out of the service at the close of the war in 1865. He was a great lover of the G. A. R , always at tended its meetings and no man .in the county or his post will be more missed than our friend W. W. Maxwell. WILL ARRIVE NEXT WEEK. Noted. Medical Specialist will Re ceive Ptieats at Thvstea Hotel. As has been announced in other issues of this paper Dr. Ben W. Kinsey who is chief of staff of the Hot Springs Doctors who have their Nebraska State Institute permanently located at 14th and O streets Lincoln, will arrive in Columbus next week and remain two days. While here Dr. Kinsey will receive patients at the' Thurston hotel. As the Doctor will be here but two days he will be very busy with the patients who are sick and earnestly de sire his services, so unless you mean business and ieally desire Dr. Kinsey's services, do not call and take up hie time The Doctor requests married ladies to be accompanied by their husbands) This wonderful Hot Springs System of all home treatment which Dr. Kinsey is bringing to our city has cured thou sands of cases that have been given up as hopeless by other doctors. This treat ment is endorsed by the United States Government and by the world's greatest financiers, business men, clergymen, physicians and above all by the thou sands who were sick but have been made well, happy and strong by these noted Hot Springs Doctors. Below are reprinted extracts from a few of the thousands of . testimonials which have been received by the Hot Springs Dootora: "I feel that I owe my life to the Hot Springs Doctors." J. W. Lacey, Have lock, Neb. "For ten years I suffered tortm ous painB in my side and back and was treat ed by over a score of doctors. The Hot Springs Doctors cured me with four months treatment." Mrs. Jennie Reome 3231 T streetLincoln, Neb. "The Hot Springs Doctors saved my life after many other surgical physicians said I would have to have an operation.'' Mrs. . W. Brinley, Arcadia, Neb. "Was troubled with gall stones for seven years; took two months treatment of the Hot Springs Doctors and have had no pains nor symptoms of any trouble since." Mrs. Wm. Buscb, Hal- lam, Neb. "I take pleasure in telling you that you have cured my ulcerated limb' after many other doctors failed. Your treat ment cured me in less than two months." Mrs. S. N. Sterling, 1444 North Side Ave., Lincoln. A "You told me that I would not receive any benefit from your treatment for at least a month but I am glad for your sake and for my sake that I can inform yon that I have not had an attack of my trouble since I commenced taking my medicine and before I took it I had been having three and four attacks a day." Mrs. C. R. B e, Fairbury, Neb. "Have tried fourteen doctors, local and in Chicago and in New York, for the past six years who said they could cure me of epilepsy but they did me no good, in fact I seemed to be getting worse. In a few week's time the Hot Springs Doc tors entirely cured me. I gained seven teen pounds and able to do hard manual labor." Rufus . Geiger, 210 South 9th street, Lincoln. The full testimonials of the people quoted above and thousands of others are on file at the Lincoln offices of the Hot Springs Doctors which is located at 14th and O streets. Copies of them will be furnished you upon request The Hot Springs Doctors do not ask you to rely upon their word . alone but have proofs of their wonderful skill in testimonials from all parts of the country. The Hot Springs Doctors do not claim that they can cure every case but they absolutely refuse to accept an incurable case for treatment so that when they do accept a case the patient may be assured of a cure for their money. Remember that Dr. Kinsey is bring ing this wonderful Hot Springs System of all home treatment to Columbus for but two days May 14 and 15 and while here will receive patients at the Thurs ton hotel. Hew Line to TeUowstoie Park. Tourists may now go right to the edge of the Park via this new and scenic line. Only by a trip to Yellowstone can the tourist comprehend its endless variety and stupendous grandeur. Very low round-trip rates to this re sort in effect this summer via the Union Pacific and its connections. For information regarding the new line to Yellowstone, inquire of E. G. Brown, agent. Notice To Farmers. We are now ready to place contracts for sweet corn, white and yellow dent and flint field corn, cucumber, musk and water melon, pumpkin and squash to be grown for seed purposes. Write or call and see us for prices, stating number of acres of each kind you wish to grow, and we will name prices promptly. Wbstebn Sees & Irbigatiox Co. Fremont, Nebraska. ' Advertised Letters. The following is a list of nncl.im) mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebr., for the period end ing May 6, 1906: Letters Andrew Czer wonka, R MacDuffey, G Barloa Wilson. Cards Annie Czerwonka, Miss Mary Maher, E H Miller. Jay Phelps, Miss Mary-Pechanec. Parties calling for any of the above will pi Cakl Kramer, P. M. CeeX We have.a large stock of coal, Rock Spring. MaiUand,. Zeigler, Trenton, Gem, Banner, Golden-Ash, aad Monarch in lump and ant.- Also- Pens, hard coal m all axes. Nbwmaji t, Waxen. Farm Far Salt. The Kerr estate, se 1-4 1-18-3 west, six miles due north of Monroe. Call on or I address Mrs. a B. Watta, Monroe, Neb. I AWED BY THE CROSS SAVAGE INDIANS RESPECTED SYMBOL OF CHRISTIANITY. Crucifix on Breast of Young Irishman Who Fell with Custer Was Means of Saving Body from Mutilation. The following story of the Custer battleground was told to the writer by one who received it from an eye-witness of the scene described a witness who, indeed, had a fatal interest in the field, since he himself had lost his fa ther In that last heroic stand of Custer and his men. Among the soldiers who were en gaged In fighting the Indians, in the campaign of which the Custer episode forms a part, were two young. Irish men who had been in the Papal Guard at Rome. Before they left" for America, the pope had given them his blessing and presented each of them with a gold crucifix upon which the mystic beneficence of his prayers had fallen. One of these young men was with Custer when the general and all his followers went down before the fero cious onslaughts of the Indians. The other was with the company which was the first to arrive upon the field. The scene of the battle was inde scribably horrible. The ghastly nude bodies of the dead lay about in. a man ner to sicken the soul. They had been stripped, scalped and , mutilated ac cording to the custom of the savages. The young Irishman wandered hope lessly about hi this fearful charnel place hi despair of finding his friend. All at once he discovered a body neither scalped nor stripped, but with Its limbs decently composed as if by a kindly band. He recognized it as that of his comrade. On the quiet breast lay the gold crucifix of the pope, attached to the slender chain on which it had always been worn. The squaws engaged in stripping the bodies had discovered the holy emblem hung about the young man's neck, and awed at the sight of it, had feared to wreak their usual horrors upon him. They had straightened his limbs and left him without the dis figuring marks of the tomahawk. The friend of the dead man took the crucifix and a lock of his comrade's hair and sent them to the young mar tyr's mother in Ireland. It was said by those who looked on that the Indians who spared the corpse because of the crucifix must have been those who had come under the training of the famous Father De Smet, since he had given the savages among whom he worked such a deep, though ignorant, reverence for the cross, that they would never dare to maltreat a body on which it was found. A Matter of Buttons. Under a street lamp in New York a group of men and boys, were talking and gesticulating excitedly. Two' of the men were in uniform. Presently a thirds man in civilian's dress drew a knife from his pocket and began to execute savage thrusts about the neck and shoulders of one of the uniformed men. A woman sitting on a doorstep near by screamed in alarm. "What are they trying to do to that man?" she said. "Kill him?" "Not at all," laughed her compan ion. "They are simply exercising the right of all free-born American citi zens and are demanding his buttons as souvenirs. That fellow 'with the knife is sawing them off. '.'Every sailor and soldier who strikes this port ought to come pro vided with several gross of extra but tons, if he expects to keep his ward robe in presentable condition. The collecting fever has now 'reached such a virulent stage .that he is held up every trip about town and robbed of one or more of those ornamental and useful accessories to the toilet." Time to Pick Up Bargain Curios. Foreigners In Japan find a great op portunity to purchase curios at the be ginning of each new year. Every one In Japan hi expected to clear up his books and pay his debts by the last day of the old year. The tradesmen send in their yards more often miles of bills to "the honorable lady of the house," and presents are politely exchanged all around. Shopkeepers hold bargain sales to enable them to pay the wholesale houses, and if a man cannot raise sufficient money to pay his creditors it is not an uncom mon thing for him to sell off sufficient or even all of his property at a sacri fice to enable him to meet the new year with a smiling face. The only other honorable way out of his diffi culties Is for him to commit suicide. Widely Different Varieties. "Is It a good idea to make a speech whenever you get a chance?" said the young man who Is learning the states manship business. "It depends," answered Senator Sor ghum, "on whether your speech is the kind that shows your constituents how much do you know or how much you don't" . The Retort Courteous. "You had the nerve to marry me for my money, sir." "Well, madam, you certainly have not the face to suggest that I married you for your beauty?' Baltimore American. The Virtue of Brevity. Kwoter Too many words. 'of course, are wearisome. Brevity Is the soul oi It Wise (with a yawn) Not always; but in any event it is always commendable. They Must Be Hardy. Secretary Wilson of the' department of agriculture referred at a recent dinner in Washington to the amateur florists who spring np In the suburbs at this season by thousands. "More florists, perhaps, than flowers spring up," he said. ' 'In a seed shop the othef day I heard one of these amateurs complain about the last batch of seeds he had bought After he had ended his com plaint ha began to ask floral ques tions. . " Oh, by the way hs sal -what la a hardy rose?' "'It is one,'- growled the dealer, 'that doesn't mind your wife pulling it up by the roots every day to see'if it has begun to grow yet " " Helping-Him. "Jinx Is' dressing better than usual lately." "Yes, his wife has been" helping him to reduce expenses." "His wife? Why. man) she was di vorced from him a year ago!" "I know it; but she has married again, so he doesn't have to nay any more alimony." Houston Post. Minced Col lops. Take Vi pounds hamburg or round steak and have t ground. Put in a stew pan and stir with a fork until all grains are separated, then cover with water and cook slowly one hour, add ing more water if it boils away. Add salt and pepper to taste and a chopped onion if liked. Thicken with a table spoondful of flour mixed with cold wa ter, and serve with mashed potatoes. This makes a good dinner for five adults. Remove Onion Odor. To remove the odor of onion from fish kettles and saucepans in which they have been cooked, put in wood ashes or salsoda, potash or lye; fill with water and let It stand on the stove until it boils; then wash hi hot suds and rinse well. FOR ..X...VN t -, PIE. First Bake Crust Before" Putting in the Ingredients. A lemon custard pie that is alwi; appreciated is made in this wise: Tf- crust is baked first, as an open slid', perforating it in several places with a fork before putting in the cven, to avoid blistering. For the tiling, cream together one-half cupful of susar and butter the size of a walnut. Aud 'S-o juice of half a lemon and two table spoonfuls of boiling water, and 'c.sty, the beaten-yolks of three eggs. Gw:a in a little of the rind and cook n double boiler until thick. "Beat tfe whites of the eggs to a stiff froih atxi then stir in after the filling is tak-a from the fire. Pour all in the opri crust, already baked, and set in oven for a few minutes. If a meringue Is desired, whip the whites to a froth. add two tablespoonfuls pulverized sugar, spread over the top, and dry slowly in the oven until an inch thick and a golden brown. A lemon pie that is absolutely reli able is made in this way: Have reay the pastry shell. Dissolve one table spoonful of cornstarch in a little cold water. Pour over a teacupful of bon ing water, stirring all the time until .clear and free from lumps. Ald one tablespoonful of butter and a small cap ful of sugar, and cook a fev moments longer. Set oa bark of range and add the beaten yolks of two eggs and the jalce and grated yellow rind of one lemon. Stir until well blended and psur la crust. Set in the oven a few minutes with the door left open, vbile prepar ing the meringue, made from the whites of the eggs beaten stiff to which two scant . tablespoonf-i's sugar have been added. Spread even ly over the pie and set on the grate of the oven to rise slowly and brown, THREE RECIPES FOR SCALLOPS. Stewed, Fried, or Made Into Salad, They Are All Good. Stewed scallops are very nice and you can use the small ones for that pur pose. 'Heat one quart of milk in double boiler, put one-half cup of ht:t water into a granite, pan, add one quart of scallops, bring to a good sharp boil, and cook for three minutes. Add them to the hot milk. Season with pepper, salt and if liked a bit of mace. Soften up one-fourth pound of butter and when the stew has come to a scald, put in the butter, but do not allow it to boil. Serve wfth oyster 1 crackers crisped up in the oven and red cabbage slaw. Scallop Salad Boll one quart of scallops in salted water, 'drain and cool. Cut up in small pieces, arrange on lettuce leaves, pouring over any dressing you may prefer. I use my regular mayonnaise of oil and eggs and made in the regular way. You can, however, use a boiled dressing if you choose. It's quite as good as many salads that are more fancy. Fried scallops are as a rule likod as well as any form of cooking them. Wash and dry on a clean towel. 'Dip In beaten egg and seasoned cracker dust or fine crumbs. Place in frying basket and plunge in boiling deep fat. They ought to cook in four minutes. They can also be, fried in pork fat Garnish with lemon points and pars ley. Tartar sauce is also served by many with tried scallops, scallops can be baked with bread or cracker crumbs, similar to oysters. Any rule you use for escalloped oysters is safe to use, only season a little higher. Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers. These makeu an excellent spring breakfast dish. Toast as many slices of bread as there are persons to he served, and place into the oven to keep hot Put a tablespoonful of but ter in the frying pan and, while It is heating, break as many eggs as are needed into a bowl. Six eggs is a good number for four or five persons. Allow a tablespoonful of cream or water to each egg. As soon as the butter is melted and begins to bubble turn eggs in. and as the whites begin to set lift and stir with a silver fork. Have ready two finely chopped sweet' green peppers, with the seeds re moved, and as soon as the eggs have begun to cook stir the peppers through the mixture. Cook a moment then dish on the hot toast Garnish with -. little cress or parsley and serve at once. If the toast is preferred soft, dip each slice for a moment in hot milk before covering with the egg. Exhaustion. "I'm rather interested In young Mr. De Riter." said the customer, "and I want to get a copy of his novel. Have you got it?" . "We did have a small supply a few weeks ago," said the book salesman, "but I'm afraid it's exhausted."- "Really, I heard It was weak, but I didn't think It was that bad." Cath olic Standard aad Times. LOSE BLOOM EARLY UNFORTUNATE FATE OF SOME AMERICAN CHILDREN. Are' Little Men and Women at a Ten 'rfer Age Bey .of 14 Acta as -"Social Secretory" for the family. An amateur investigator has discov ered the following instances of the way In which some American children are made ready to struggle with. life. "Think. of a girl of 13," she said, ''who -has been taught to believe that all her birthday means is the gift of a beautiful pearl- from her grand mother. From her very first birthday the fact has been the most important thing that has happened to -mark the anniversary of her entrance into the joys of this life. "Her grandmother was, like all her family, very rich. It occurred to her that she would like her granddaughter to have a pearl necklace that should be as fine as any that money could buy. So she hit on the idea of pre senting the child with a superb pearl every year. "In the meantime .all the childish joy of the child's birthday celebration has been made to He in the acquisitiou of that pearl. It has for 12 birthdays been the engrossing event of the cele bration. "Just what the effect of making the material part of her string of young years the. most important part it is not possible to say. To me, as a person in terested in the proper training of the young, the idea seems grotesquely in appropriate. Almost as singular In its exhibition of a parent's idea of the right sort of influence for a child is the occupation of a 14-year-old boy that I know. Ho has been intrusted by his family with the care of all the social vuties of his mother and the other members of the family. "He takes charge of all the cards re ceived at the house, sees to it that cards are sent in return, and acts as a sort of social secretary for his sisters as well as for the other older members of the family.' They are very much amused by the enthusiasm and clever ness with which he relieves them of all social responsibility. "He is now 14. and that is an age at which seriousness may without too much emphasis be allowed to play some part in a boy's life. Tet his par ents apparently think that what he is doing is important enough to be al lowed to occupy much of the time that should, in fact, be spent at his books or in some more serious way. ' "What he will think about when he is 21 it is not possible to say. Perhaps he will outgrow his obsession with cardboard and stationery. But what will be the future of the 13-year-old girl who was taken to Europe last summer for her first educational tour? '"She went with her father and mother, and there was scarcely a cor ner of Europe they did not visit They traveled, indeed, more than 12,000 miles. They are quite sure about that, for they went in a motor and they have the record of the trip. "Those 12,000 miles were so divided that the usual speed during all their journey was 40 miles an hour. What a "comprehensive idea of -Europe that girl must have got on her first educa tional trip to Europe! How must her youthful imagination have been stirred by the sight of the strange and quaint sights she saw in those strange lands, traveling at the rate of 40 miles an hour!" Fates of English, Derby Winners. Like several of his predecessors as winners of the Derby, Persimmon has ended his days tragically. It is not long since Donovan, who won the Blue Riband for the duke of Portland in 1S89, dashed into a tree while running loose in his paddock and so seriously injured his head that he had to be destroyed. Silvio broke his leg and was shot; Kingcraft, the winner of 1870, died while crossing the Atlantic, a fate which also befell Blue Gown, the hero of two years earlier. Kisber ended his days an exile in Hungary and George Frederick spent his latter days, sight less, on a Canadian farm. Hermit, the sensational winner of 41 years ago, lived to a good old age, and his skeleton, we fancy, still sur vives in the Royal Veterinary col lege, Camden Town; and the "flying Amato" lies buried in the beautiful grounds of The Durdans, Lord Rose bery's Epsom seat Set Sea Gulls to Work. From Nanalmo comes the story of an enterprising government fisheries official, who is enlisting the services of thousands of sea gulls in the task of cleaning up the immense number of dead herring dropped overboard by boats at the different wharves where cargoes are loaded on the ves sels. While making his rounds recently this party tied up his gasoline launch at one of the wharves while figuring out. the best method of attempting to remove the fish. Neglecting to switch off the power, the propeller churned up the water to such an extent that a large number of dead herring came to the surface, thousands of sea gulls Immediately swooping down and glut ting themselves on the fish. The experiment was made at sev eral of the other wharves, and hi every case the gulls performed the task which would have entailed con siderable expense had It been done by manual or mechanical labor. New Westminster Correspondence Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Discovered. Church I am disappointed in Cut ter. Gotham Why so? "I took dinner with him the other day." "Have a poor dinner?" "It wasn't that; but you know, he's a well-known sculptor." "Yes, I know." "Well, I noticed that he couldn't carve at the table any better than 1 can!" Yoakers. Statesman. EC. McCord COLUMBUS, NEB. GOT NEW FURNACE DISASTROUS RESULT OF GIGGS DISCONTENT. MRS. Chapter of Accidents That Attended Removal of Heating Apparatus Trouble Originated -with Loss of "Cadooey." "John," young Mrs. Giggs said. "I'm going to have the furnace moved. It doesn't heat up a bit." "Gee. that'll cost about $25." John said. "We can't afford it." "But, dear, I'll freeze to death. Be sides, I've already told the man to come. It'll onlr cost about five dol lars." "You're on," said John. "I'll duck." The workmen came after break fast "Go right down into the cellar," she told them. She went to the library to read. Soon there was a knock on the door and one of the workmen ap peared. - "We'll have to put out th fire 'fore we can do any work," he said. Ten minutes later the wife was hud dled in the parlor and the house was filled with smoke, while through the furnace pipes came various "rackety" noises, but no heat She laid, aside her book and went to see what prog ress was being made. "We won't be done fer a good while," the foreman said. In answer to her question. "Bill's lost the cadooey." Back the wife went to the parlor and waited some more. Then she went back to the cellar. "You see. th' gadget's broke or we'd be done afore this," the foreman ex plained. She said she would build a fire in the kitchen range. "Doncher doot." he yelled. "Wanter blow up th' house? Th' hot water pipe's all mixed up. an' you can't have any fire till we get it fixed." More waiting in the cold parlor. Then there came a knock on the door. It was the -foreman again. "Th boys say them pipes oughtent to be put up agin," he remarked. "Li able to burn up th' whole shack. New ones won't cost much," insinuat ingly. "How much?" she asked. "Ten dollars." More subterranean noises and then a crash The cellar stairway was filled with a cloud of dust The sound of loud swearing came from below.. "What's wrong?" she called. "Th" bloomln' thing fell in." was the answer of the foreman. " 'Tain't no good. Never was. You'll have to get a new furnace. We can't monlcey with this here thing no more." When John got home he found Mrs? Giggs wrapped up in blankets and crying. "It's all right" he said. "We need ed a new furnace, anyway." And then they went to a hotel for .three days. Kansas City Star. Divorce and Humanitarianlsm. It is not denied that there should be divorce laws in the country. It seems inhuman to compel two persons to maintain a nominal state of matri mony when they are wholly estranged. If the two persons were alone con cerned there would be little objection to the most liberal laws. But there are generally children to be consid ered and at all times the general state of society. Property interests and the general welfare are affected by di vorces and they should only be granted when there is sufficient rea son. It is because of the vast and complex interests which are or may be involved that a federal law on the subject is to be desired. There are many titles to property in this countrj clouded by reason of our many and varying state laws on the subject So ciety is based on the marriage rela tion and it should be kept as inviolate as is possible. When the bonds must be severed it should be done openly and with full knowledge of all of the circumstances. And if so many peo ple did not marry thoughtlessly there would be fewer cases in the divorce courts. Philadeluhia Innnirer. ' 4 COLORADO No trip can surpass in pleasure and health a vaca tion spent in the Rockies. Low rates in effect every dsy Jnne 1, to Sept 30 1908. - 15.75 to Denver 17.35 to Colorado Springs 17.50 to Pueblo FOR THE ROUND TRIP UNION PACIFIC E. 6. BROWN, Agent Cement Bltcks and rlrllft elalSttn. Ettlmatt Fur nished en FetindatttMi GbM&NT WORK AND CON CRETE CONSTRUCTION HER OWN MEDICINE TABLES NEATLY TURNED ON ONE PRACTICAL JOKER. Sharp Lesson, However, Unable to Ef fect a Cure Possibly There Is Only One'Way to Step These "Humorists.' Are women practical jokers? The question was being discussed by two men who were somewhat interested in psychology, and as the conversation progressed it became less scientific and more cynical. At last the young er man brought it down to a personal basis, proving only one case, but that one quite conclusively. "My sister," he began, "used to teach in one of those $1,000 a year finishing schools for girls. The name doesn't matter, but you'd recognize It in a minute If I told you. I mentioned my sister to show you how I heard this. Among the teachers there were a half dozen inveterate practical jok ers. One was as bad as another, so perhaps none deserved any. sympathy. Now, the youngest of them was the In structor in English and. incidentally, a poet of no mean ability. She had been persuaded by her friends to sub mit her work to a publisher, with the result that a small volume of poems was brought out "In this state of affairs one of the clique of which she was a member saw great possibilities. She taught logic. I think. At any rate she had a deductive mind capable of making plans that would work out nicely. So she wrote letters to 15 or 20 of her friends asking them to write to the poet, saying they had read her book with great interest, paying her all the compliments they could think of with out seeming insincere, and asking for her autograph.' "After a while the young woman be gan to receive the letters. Some were from New York, three or four from cities on the Pacific coast, several from England, and one from Constan tinople. You can imagine how elated she was. "One afternoon she received a note from the teacher of logic. It ran something like this: "'Come up to my room for a cup of tea. I have a new picture which . no doubt you would like to see.' "The poetess went, and, according to the established custom, walked in without knocking. No one was in the room, but on the wall was the pic- .ture. It consisted ofa large gilt frame in which were arranged all the replies that she had sent to those who had written letters In praise of her poetry." "Well, what a trick!" exclaimed the older man. "What did she do?" "Sat down and cried, naturally." "It cured her, I guess." "No. There's only one way to cure a practical joker." "They say that the only good la- ' dian is a dead Indian, and It's " "I believe you're right!" Getting Round a Difficulty. The late Charles Whitney of Bidde ford. Me.,-' was the greatest wit and joker in his part of the country. One evening he and a friend named Bag ley started to drive a wagon to Port land, some 15 miles distant When they arrived In Scarboro It. became dark and foggy. Seeing a guldeboard in the corner of the fence. Whitney got out, climbed up on the wall, light ed a match, and read on the board, "Portland six miles." They rode about an hour longer, and once more saw . a guldeboard. Whitney again got out. climbed on the fence, lighted a match, and read "Portland six miles." Then he said: "Bagley, get out and ' find me a rock." "How big?" asked Bagley. "About as big as your two fists." "What do you want it for?" "Well," drawled Whitney, "I'm go ing to knock this guidepost off and., take it with us, so we'll know where we are. I'm tired of getting out and .. climbing this wall every hour to find out." Lippincott's. . V If P. '.J ? t n . K Lft .. .A-, -. i - , . v, -?'- -