The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 06, 1908, Image 3

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ElUha's Barter Leaves Hlracalapsly
(Coj.yrijfht, 1, tjr tUo Autltor. W.8. Kdsoo.)
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Q God will always make the of- A
Q fering fit the need. A
-Q It is the good things we pass a
s along, not tne gooa xmngs wnicn q
we Keep, wnicn are mumpuca a
many fold. a
According to God's arithmetic a
the mre we give the more we a
have for ourselves. a
First consecrate thy gift to a
God and then let him direct in a
the distribution thereof. Thus a
sndii iny j;cnng dc rnuiupncu
ea a
A many fcld. This devout man of A
A Baal-Shalisha brought of the a
a first fruits or his tieid3 tnat tne i.
A man of God might be fed, and lo, V
A he hath- fed not only the prophet V
a but the hundred needy sons of Y
A the prophets gathered there. Y
A It is the first fruits God can Y
a use, not the left overs. Y
a Too often we make certain our Y
a own needs are satisfied before Y
a we are willing to make our of- Y
a ferings to God. It is 'this Y
a reversal of the Scriptural order Y
A which not only destroys the Y
a power of the gift but loses us Y
A the blessing. Remember God's Y-
a claims upon you first, and not Y
A only will your offering be mul- Y
A tiplied to the blessing of others, Y
A but verily tnat wnicn remain- r
fh unfn fh shall ha etiffirint "
eth unto thee shall be sufficient
for thy needs.
twiii i min rju uuui la a
question asked of old. And tlte Y
sad answer rings down the Y
ages: "Yes, he will and does." Y
But in robbing God man robs Y
himself In his hlinrl selfishness V
f niiiiaii. ill iiio wi.iiu i iiviiiia Jl
ne cnngs to wnai ne nu ana z
a misses the treasures God would Y
pour out upon him.
Listen! "Bring ye
tithes into the storehouse, that X
there may be meat in mine
house, and prove me now here-
I I VV III IIUl Wfwt TWM I Ifc. Will- J.
dows of heaven, and pour you V
out a blessing, that there shall v
not be room enough to receive Y
it." o
There was a dearth in the Y
land. Why? Undoubtedly be- V
cause the people had withheld Y
from God, and had consumed Y
time and thought and substance Y
upon the gratification of their Y
ov.'n dcs.res and lusts. But v
there was one man who with- Y
held net from God and blessing V
came to that man and his of- V
fering. V
Thee is a dearth in the land v
to-day in respect to the king- v
dom cf God. Why? Because V
God's people are withholding v
the first fruits from him and he V
V nle would reverse the order of V
pie would reverse the order of
their giving, and remember
God's claims upon them before
they sought to gratify their own
desires and needs, not only
would there be an increase in
the offerings to the Lord, but
the offerings would be multi
plied by God so that there
would not be room to receive his
THERE was a dearth in the land, es
peciallj in that portion of the coun
try surrounding Gilgal. Successive
crops had Jailed owing to little or no
rain falling, and the people were much
distressed. In their impoverished con
dition thej- were unable to make the
' accustomed offerings to the school of
the prophets located at Gilgal. and as
a result (hv students enrolled there
had but a scant living. As a result of
this, there was much discouragement
and not a little murmuring, and it
.seemed inevitable that the school must
. close. Bat in the darkest hour of the
experience the prophet Elisiia had
.come and had cheered and encouraged
fihein to hold on yet a little longer, de
claring thai if j he school should close would h. a reproach upon the land,
.and, the religious influence which the
'school oxeited would be destroyed.
".The land is apostate enough al
ready withou our leading it still fur
ther into -orgetfalness of God.
Yea, is not th- present distress of(
.the land duo to the wandering of the
people from God? And what will fol
low if even the religious teachers and
leaders are scattered? Rather, let us
wait patiently until the Lord provide
Thus they had been encouraged to
wait patiently, and Elisiia had re
.mained with them, sharing their
.scanty fare and setting them an exam
ple of sublime, faith and patience. And
so the days had passed. But the sit
uation had grown darker and darker.
To be sure the land was beginning to
bring foith its fruits, but harvest day
was yet far ahead, and the supplies in
the school were practically exhausted.
"Yes." disconsolately murmured
one of the students to a fellow mem
ber one day after the last bit of flour
in the barrel had been used, "we
have no more here to eat. and who is
tliere to provide for our needs? Can
it be supposed that the people who
"are likewise suffering should bring to
. us what they will need for them
selves?" .". "But the first fruits belong to the
LordVanu to those who minister in the
Lord's service." was the response.
"True." exclaimed the first speak
er, "but what seem the people to care
for the claims of God upon them?"
"And for that very reason let us
. not .by our conduct make it appear
that neither do we fear God."
"But our last meal is gone, and we
shall starve even while we wait."
Thus was there murmuring and dis
'couragement throughout the school,
and it seemed as they went supperless
to bed that night that there, remained
nothing for them to do but abandon
the school and shift for themselves.
Even the prophet 'was perplexed and,
seemed at the end of his resources, for
as he left the students after the even
ing worship, he said:
"Except the Lord spread his table
for us we shall eat no more here in
the school of the prophets at Gilgal."
And the students as they separated
for the night were uncertain whether
the words of the prophet betokened
discouragement and doubt, or hope of
what God would do. Some whose
faith was strongest held the letter
view, and waited eagerly for the morn
ing, but when no breakfast was fol
lowed by an equal lack of food for din
ner, even these began to question and
doubt Since the night before when
the prophet had declared that except
the Lord spread the table for them
they would not eat, he had remained
in seclusion in his apartment, and it
was whispered about that he was giv
ing himself to prayer.
Thus matters stood when along in
the afternoon a dust-covered traveler
was seen slowly approaching leading
an ass upon whose back even in the
distance could be discerned the
sheaves of wheat.
"Some one is bringing of his first
fruits," joyfully shouted one, and they i
all took up the cry, so that Elisha,
who was still tarrying within, came
forth to see what the commotion was
all about.
"See yon traveler;" th t cried; "he
comes bringing an offering."
Eagerly and breathlessly they wait
ed, but as he approached nearer and
at last turned up the lane wnich led
to the school, they saw how paltry
was the burden of the ass, being little
but the loose grain in sheaves, and
their countenances fell and they be
gan to question in their hearts how
they should all be fed from such a
meager supply.
"Twenty small, round, thin cakes
of barley bread, and the unthreshed
grain in the sheaves." muttered one of
the students, standing near when the
ass was unladen and the offering had
been laid at the feet of 'the prophet,
and he turned away in a disgusted
manner, as did the rest of the stu
dents. "Enough for the prophet, but where
withal shall the hundred students gath
ered here be fed?" they said one to
No one stood near the prophet now
save his faithful servant and the man
who had brought his offering. And
so busy were the students with their
low muttered complaints as they
talked together and slowly edged far
ther and farther away from the
prophet that they did not see
him as he placed his hand upon the
head of the man whose offering he
had received, nor hear as he blessed
him in the name of his God. But a sur
prised exclamation from EHsha's serv
ant arrested their attention, and the
group of discouraged and hungry
students turned to see the servant
pointed to the barles- loaves and
heard him ask in astonishment:
"What? Should I set tins before an
hundred men?"
"Yea," they heard Elisha say", with
calm assurance, "give the people that
they may eat."
Twenty barley loaves, scarcely
enough for ten men, to he distributed
to a hundred? What could it mean?
"Nay, my master," now spoke up
the man who had brought the gift,
"these are for thee, and are scarce
enough to supply thy present need.
Waste them not by scattering them
among so many, for there shall be
scarcely a crumb for each man."
"Give the people that they may eat."
was the only response of the prophet,
addressing himself again to his serv
ant, "for thus saith the Lord. 'They
shall eat, and leave thereof.' "
"They shall eat and leave thereof."
repeated the group of students, in
credulously, as they watched the serv
ant obediently take the 20 loaves in
his hands and pass through their
midst, giving to each man as much as
he desired.
They ate as only hungry men
can eat, and when one man's sup
ply was gone, he found the servant of
the prophet ready to servethem.with
more. So they all did eat and were
satisfied, and behold when the frag
ments were gathered they had more
than at the beginning Then did they
recall the words of the prophet spoken
the night before, and said one to the
"Surely we have feasted at the
Lord's table and have left thereof."
Old Eli Pretty Young Yet.
One does not always remember that
the first Spanish settlements in South
America antedated the first English
settlements in North America by near
ly 100 years and that when the Pil
grims landed at Plymouth there were
already cities in South America that
could boast of a longer history than
Chicago can to-day.
When Harvard, our oldest univer
sity, was only an idea in the minds of
a few English colonists, the University
of San Marcos in Peru was a well
established institution already older
than Cornell is to-day. When Cornell
celebrates her hundredth anniversary
the. University of San Marcos, still
flourishing, will be getting ready to
celebrate her four hundredth. When
Yale was founded this ancient univer
sity of Lima was already 131 years old.
or aibut the same age that Columbia
is to-day.
For Connecting Tracks and Paving.
Wood blocks laid alongside rails are
preferred on asphalt-paved streets in
Frankfort. Germany, to any other
system of connecting the street tracks
and the paving. The blocks are laid
over the whole space between the
rails and for some distance outside
the rails.
Superstition Attached to Fish.
The haddock has a superstition at
tached to it. On ea,ch side of the
shoulders, near the gills, it " has a
dark spot, fabled to be the impression"
made by the finger and thumb of St.
Peter when he took it up and found
the penny in its mouth to pay tribute
to 'Caesar with.
Real Cause for Divorce.
In seeking absolute divorce man
testifies 'that his wife gave him hash
for breakfast and provided the core
spondent with cocktails and soft shell
crabs." "That's adding insult to al
leged infidelity.
ittoa smI Gossip Ticked U Here)
mmi Tliere
Senator Owen Gives
WASHINGTON. Friends of Presi
dent Roosevelt predicted that
the East room in the White House
would turn green from envy when the
president learned that the senate com
mittee on Indian affairs witnessed .a
genuine war dance by Senator Owen
of Oklahoma, the junior member of
the committee, wearing a magnificent
"war bonnet" of eagle feathers, worn
for many years by Plenty Coos, chief
of the Crow tribe.
Senator Owen is one-quarter Choc
taw and three-quarters "game sport."
Thus, when Senator Clapp, chairman
of the committee, declined? to don the
war bonnet at the request of Chief
Plenty Coos, Senator Owen grasped it,
placed it on his own head and went
through the proper movements of the
chief of a victorious Indian tribe lead
ing his warriors into a war dance
after a successful battle, thereby sav
ing the reputation of the committee
in the estimation of the Indians and
preserving the pride of Chief Plenty
Joseph Leiter to Take an Army Bride
THE latest romance of Washington
- society concerns Joseph Leiter
and Miss Juliette Williams, the daugh-
ter of an army officer. The announce-
ment of their engagement was made
the other day.
Mr. Leiter has spent this winter in
Washington. Miss Williams is the
daughter of Lieut-.Col. John B. Wil
liams, now stationed at Fort Dupont,
Del. She was introduced to Washing
ton society largely through the influ
ence of Mrs. Corbin, wife of Gen.
Henry C. Corbin, who became ac
quainted with her in Manila. With
her mother and younger sisters. Miss
Williams has an apartment in a fash
ionable apartment house.
Until the recent visit to Washing
ton of the duke of the Abruzzi, Mr.
Leiter was very attentive to Miss
Katherine Elkins. Since then his
wooing of Miss Williams leaves noth
ing to be desired in the way of ardor
or persistence. Mr. Leiter has had a
Graft Charges Make Lilley Unpopular
NOT in many years has a member
of the house of representatives
been so thoroughly unpopular with
his colleagues as is Representative Lil
ley of Connecticut, whose charges of
graft and corruption in connection
with submarine boat legislation in
congress brought about the present
investigation by the Boutell special
committee. And this is stated as a
fact, and not by way of criticism or
disparagement. Mr. Lilley knows iL
too, and it seems rather to please him
than otherwise. At least, so his friends
have gathered from his occasional ref
erences to the subject.
A brilliant example of the covent
resque attitude of the honse member
ship Republican and Democratic
with reference to Mr. Lilley was fur
nished during general debate on the
naval bill. Richmond Pearson Hob
son, once one of our leading oscula
tors, had turned loose a line of war
talk calculated to make the traditional
Astrologer Predicts
THE second elective, or third term
party, consisting of Senator Jona
than Bourne of Oregon and John A.
Stewart of New York, has received
an addition in the person and prophe
cies of Prof. Gnstave Meyer, "scien
tific astrologer." of Hoboken, N. J.
In a communication sent to Wash
ington Prof. Meyer says that Taft is
wasting a lot of time and money and
losing needed sleep because it is in the
stars and -planets that Mr. Roosevelt
will succeed himself.
Prof. Meyer says that this is fortu
nate, as the gyrations and juxtaposi
tions of the fixed stars and of those
that have not been fixed show that
this country is going to have an awful
The Chinese are saving their for
ests. .The almost world-wide mover
ment to protect-and establish forests
has reached the Celestial empire, and
the first Chinese school of forestry
shortly will be opened in-Mukden.
The Chinese -realito sometimes is
pointed out as the7 worst example
among modern nations of forest de
struction. The floods -which periodi
cally are poured down from the denud
ed mountains are destructive beyonC
la Wasklatftaa.
Genuine War Dance
Plenty Coos came -here with fire in
his eye and vengeance in his heart
against the palefaces at the capitol.
He had grievances dating beyond the
arrival of Christopher Columbus. He
had several bouts with Senator Clapp,
the taj.1, dignified chairman of the In
dian committee. The eloquence of
Plenty Coos prevailed, finally, and an
agreement was reached to bury the
hatchet, smoke the pipe and go back
to the reservation. Plenty Coos wound
up his descent upon the capitol in
the committee room by rising in his
place and making arsoiemn tender of
his beautiful eagle-feathered bonnet to
Chairman Clapp. 'Senator Clapp, who
is from Minnesota, blushed and re
fused to put on the royal headgear.
There was a moment of embarrass
ment which was suddenly relieved by
the senator of Cherokee blood. To
him the bonnet was a "-call of the wild."
"Hand me the bonnet," said Senator
Owen. Plenty Coos beamed with de
light and extended the bonnet, which
was made of the trophies of a hundred
American eagle wings. Senator Owen
gravely put it on his head and struck
the attitude of Osceola or Black Hawk,
or King Philip delivering an ulti
matum to the palefaces. Then he
whirled around and around, threw an
invisible tomahawk and finally sat
down amid "great applause," as they
say in the Congressional 'Record.
formidable rival in a naval officer who
is very popular, but has no fortune.
That Mrs. Leiter favored her son's
suit was evident, although she has
uot showered upon Miss Williams the
attentions she has shown Miss Elkins.
"Last autumn Mr. Leiter established
.several hunts and took daily exercise
on a nearby Virginia farm to enable
him' to join the cross country riders of
the Orange County hunt of which Miss
j'EiKins is one of the two girl mem
bers. "Mrs. Leiter is said to have in
formed one of her confidants that to
win the young We3t Virginia girl as
ber daughter-in-law she would settle
$:J,000,000 on the bride, give "the young
1'pople the use. of her Dupont Circle
house, and bequeath to her daughter-in-law
the famous ruby tiara and neck
lace that even in London society are
regarded as particularly choice, jewels.
According to the gossip of clubs and
drawing rooms the engagement will
bo a short one. The honeymoon will
be abroad with presentation at the
court of St. James and a taste of the
London season under the guidance of
the countess of Suffolk as its most
brilliant and alluring features. Mrs.
Leiter, in view of her son's prospective
marriage, has abandoned her intention
of going abroad for the summer..
dove molt out of season, and Theodore
Burton, the Cleveland student, had'
followed with a peace pastoral'" of the
millennium. Then came Mr. Lilley's
turn to howl. Everybody under the
dome knew he was scheduled to speak,
and there were as many rumors in
the air as motes in a sunbeam
concerning the sensational fea
tures of his address which, by the way,
did not materialize. But as soon as
Mr. Lilley secured the floor and start
ed in with the usual formal, "Mr.
Chairman," the couple of hundred of
Republicans and Democrats, who had
listened with the greatest interest to
Hobson and Burton, rose almost as if
by nreconcertion. and filed off to their
cloakrooms. When the Connecticut
submarinist had been talking for five
minutes or so there wasn't a corporal's
guard in attendance on the floor, either
of his own party or of the opposition,
and when he concluded his remarks
and took his seat, the 16 members
who, by actual count, remained in the
chamber, didn't give him even a cour
tesy handclap. ,
In the congressional directory Mr.
Lilley's full name is set down as
"George Leavens Lilley." But. this
isn't so. It can't be true. George
doesn't leaven Lilley or anything
about him. liis dough has never risen.
Teddy's Re-election
time in the next four years. So far
as he has been able to figure it out
astrologically there is not another man
in the nation that could manage the
trouble. The professor says: "I have
obtained among the stars the nativity
of President Roosevelt, and from the
same I find that he unquestionably
will be nominated by the Republican
party pr president and will positively
be re-electd by a large majority."
But the president is not going to get
off easily. He is warned that he will
be in danger of a peculiar trouble with
his knees, and that he should avoid
firearms, combustibles and impulsive
ness. He should also take care of his
eyes and teeth.
Then the deck, or the stars, show
a man with high forehead and sleepy
eyes. He has a wayward disposition
and bad habits, and will be around in
1906 and 1909.
The professor's source of informa
tion, however, indicates- that the presi
dent will weather all storms and pull
the country through with him.
comparison with those of any" otlie,
countrj-, and the want of forests is'
assigned as the chief cause.
Wood is scarcer in China than In'al-
most any other inhabited region of
the world, although the country is
well adapted to the growing of "trees.
In the. establishment of a forest school
the Chinese government gives evi
dence that it realizes the need of be
ginning its reforestation in a scientific
tjianner. "
tjijl, ini-iiwJ-yJ ckgi Jiu Ksr. '
bWJbmm.X adaBBBraVaBVBaKBBBBBBBBBaH9 fw'vw' .: JteiaBrVHakaBrjaJBtBaaVBafl
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11 CojVICT3 .
ym&MK ck.
Previous to the year 1826 mosqui
toes were unknown in Hawaii. Dur
ing that year they were brought to the
port of Lahaina, on the Island of Maui,
in the ship "Wellington" from San
Bias, Mexico. The story, as told by
the late Rev. William Richards at
that time in charge of the Mission sta-
.tion at Lahaina is as follows: Mr.
Richards was' returning to Lahaina
one evening and met a native who in
formed him that there was a new
"fly" in the place. The native de
scribed the insect as being a very pe
culiar "fly" that made its presence
known by a "singing in the ear."
Shortly after this, Mr. Richards be
ing on the outlook for the new fly,
heard the "singing" in his ear and
recognized the sound as that of the
mosquito, which up to that time had
never been seen or heard of in the
islands. Furthermore, up to the year
1826 there was no word in the Haw
aiian language for mosquito. The na
tive term is "makika," a corruption
of the word mosquito. Lahaipa was
at that time the port for incoming
and outgoing ships. It is easy to un
derstand that the ships coming here
were few and far between and how
general opinion would center on the
ship "Wellington" as the carrier of
the pest.
Since the mosquito introduced in
1826 on the ship "Wellington" was a
so-called "night" mosquito, the writer
infers that the species determined as
Culex pipiens Linn., so abundant and
widespread here, was the one intro
duced -at that time. The two species
of Stegomyia or "day" mosquitos were
introduced during the present genera
tion. The mosquitoes were a long time
spreading over the islands. 3Two gen
erations ago there were many dis
tricts entirely free from this pest To
day such places are exceptional. In
the eighties there were no mosquitoes
at Makawao on the same island as
Lahaina. Makawao is some 50 miles
from Lahaina "as the crow flies," with
a mountain range nearly 6,000 feet
in elevation intervening. The building
of roads, making settlement and com
munication possible, and the intimate
inter-island communication of late
years, has so fav.ored the distribution
of this pest that only a few places at
the higher elevations can offer to vis
itors the inducement that the district"
is free from mosquitoes.
The abundance of mosquitoes in
Hawaii may be accounted for
by the facts that up to this
time there has been no effort to
do away with their breeding places,
that the number of natural breeding
places is unusually large, and that the
pest is not checked at any season of
the year by climatic conditions, it be
ing possible for them to breed uninter
ruptedly during the entire year.
A tropical country is an out-of-door
country and the mosquito problem be
comes at once a serious question.
Heretofore the only effort directed
against the mosquito nuisance in the
Hawaiian islands has been to secure
protection from the adult by screening
the houses, the use of nets' over beds
at night and the burning of buhach or
insect powder. These methods are
more or less successful in obtaining
Individual relief, but in no manner do
they lessen the numbers of the pest
or remove the source of the nuisance,
A conservative es'timate, based on
figures furnished the writer by the
wholesale importing houses of Hon
olulu, places the sum annually spent
in these islands for insect powder,
wire mosquito cloth and mosquito net
ting at J27.243 of which $7,008 is for
insect powder, $9,735 for wire mosqui
to cloth and $10,500 for mosquito net
ting. These figures are based on the
retail price and do not include a
great quantity of heaper grades of
open-mesh cloth sojd to orientals and
the p'oorer classes. A landlord can
not think of offering a house or room
or rent and expect a ready tenant un
less he is able to insert "mosquito
proof" in the announcement, and nets
are a household necessity in homes
that connot afford screening. If the
above amount of money was judicious
ly spent in ridding the communities
iirvmMir iiJiiMvV'wMMvi'V''MyMw'vyw'ww'w"M
Valet Gave American Millionaire
Few Pointers on Dress Togs.
The valet applied the blacking with
his fingers, being very careful not to
soil the boots' white tops.
"You Hamericans," he said, " 'ave
the cash, but you hain't got no sech
dandies as 'as London. Me former
marster, the young Marquis of Car
abbas, 'as a separate pair of boots.
The boots "cost from 3 hup, the
trees from 2 hup. You don't do that
sort of thing 'ere. You hain't hup to
"Cara"bbas 'as two tailors, one for
sportin togs," one for dress togs.
Heach tailcr 'as a stuffed' manikin, a
perfect modf.1 of his ludship, -to fit
the clothes on to. "I hain't seen no
manikins 'ere.
"Carabbas and all his family hit's
a common thing among the swells
haliers sends their linen to the south
of France to be washed. Them there
.French laundresses is splendid; the
southern sunshine, too, bleaches the
' JlU KSr. vuia i mj
NMKfff DreSTfPrrTiS
1 tfojQZUZlf Q
of -this territory of the breeding places
of mosquitoes, permanent relief could
be secured. In reviewing the life-history
of the mosquito it is evident that
the fight against the adult is futile and
that the effort of control must be di
rected against the breeding places of
the insect.
It is the common opinion here thai
the taro patches and rice fields are
mainly responsible for the abundance
of the mosquitoes. They do breed to
some extent in these places, but the
writer has found the source of mos
quities, even in the immediate vicinity
of taro patches and rice fields to be
mainly the many exposed receptacles
filled with standing water, common
about the laborers' quarters. It is not
in the fields, moreover, but about
them in the clogged ditches and about
the sides, where the water remains
Comparatively shallow and unchanged
that the larvae are found.. The writer
has, however, found that in abandoned
rice fields, where the water stands in
more or less confined areas for a
great length of time, the larvae do
occur in large numbers.
In the outlying districts, where city
water is not supplied and rain.
water must be stored for use, the
many containers used for this pur
pose, especially about the native
houses and Chinese shacks, are by far
the greatest source of mosquitoes.
The writer has counted as many as
17 tubs, barrels and other containers
about one native hquse all breeding
mosquitoes in immense numbers.
Generally speaking, the extermina
tion of the mosquito can not be ac
complished. The remedy is by a sys
tematic and continuous effort to do
away with their breeding places or,
if that is not practical, by the prop
er treatment, to render the conditions
unfit for the development of the
larvae. In favored localities this will
result practically in extermination.
Entomologist, Hawaii.
Manuel Garcia's Simple Life.
The just published biography of
ManueJ Garcia, by Mr. S. Mackinlay,
contains some interesting details of
the daily habits of that distinguished
personage, who died at the age of 102.
It is recorded that he led the simplest
of lives:
His lunch invariably cpnsisted of
the same simple fare some sponge
cake and a pint of milk, which would
be fetched from a baker close by by
my younger brother Charles. I asked
Senor Garcia once if he did not feel
hungry long before dinner, teaching as
he did all day on such slender diet.
"No," he answered, "I don't feel half
the discomfort from waiting that I
should if I took a hearty meal in the
middle of the day and then tried to
teach immediately afterward. Besides.
I don't really need it. Most singers
and teachers of sirfging eat more than
they should. A man with moderate
teeth, such as I have, can grow old on
sponge cake and milk!' And he lived
for more than 30 years after that to
prove the truth of his remarks.
Spiritualist and Sportsman.
Sir Oliver Lodge, scientist and au
thor, presents the rather impressive
aspect of a Spiritualist who is at the
same time a sportsman. Sir Oliver
is a constant golfer, a member of the
Sutton Coldfield and Felixstowe golf
clubs, and, in fact, has played the
game for 30 years. At St. Andrews,
where he learned the game under Prof.
Tait the latter said to him one day:
"Yqu don't play golf with your
muscles; you play with your morals."
"But I hope," said Sir Oliver, in telling
the story, "nd one will consider my
morals as bad as my. golf."
In Any Case It Was the Cat.
Two Columbia students, rooming to
gether cook some of their meals them
selves and take turns in doing the
marketing. One of them brought home
two chops the other nfght, intending
them for breakfast. Some time in the
night a cat stole one of the chops.
This brought about the first quarrel
that had arisen between the young
men. They could not decide the ques
tion "Whose chop did the cat eat?"
stuff wonderful; but you, sir, well,
you're content with a steam laundry
wot works hamobinable.
"Yer English swell 'as town clothes
and country clothes. In town he only
wears dark, shiny things top 'ats.
black tail-coats, dark . blue or black
overcoats. In the country he wears
lounge or sack suits, flannel shirts,
gay overcoats, tan boots. But over
'ere you don't hobserve them distinc
tions. You weac country clothes in
town. You carn't deny it, sir. I see
it hoften."
"I'll try to learn. Algernn," said
the young millionaire humbly, as he
got ready for his bath.
"Well, you're in good 'ands, sir."
said the valet in an encouraging tone.
"Listen to me, and you'll soon be hup
to snuff."
The Best Proof.
The only thing that can be said to
refute the assertion that no woman
can dress decently on less than $20,000
a year is that most of them do.
Writing from Regina. Saskatchc
wan, Central Canada, Mr. A. Kaltea
brunner writes: f - --
"Some years ago I took up a home
stead for myself, and also one for my
son. The hair section, which we own
adjoins the Moose Jaw Creek; is a
low, level and heavy land. We put'
in 70 acres of wheat in stubble which
went 20 bushels to the acre, and 30
acres of summer fallow, which went
25 bushels to the 'acre. All the wheat
we harvested this year iff No. 1 Hard.
That means the best wheat that can
be raised .on the earth. We did not
sell, any wheat yet, as we intend to
keep one part for our own seed, and
sell the other part to people who want
first class seed, for there is no doubt
If you sow good wheat you will har
vest good wheat We also threshed
9,000 bushels of first class oats out of
160 acres. 80 acres has been fall
plowing, which yielded 90 bushels
per acre, and 80 acres stubble, which
went 30 bushels to the acre. These
cats are the best kind that can be
raised. We have shipped three car
loads of them, and got 53 cents per
bushel clear. All our grain was cut
in the last week of the month of
August before any frost could touch it
"Notwithstanding the fact that we
have had a late spring, and that the
weather - conditions this' year were
very adverse and unfavorable, we will
make more money out of our crop
this year than last.
"For myself I feel compelled to say
that Western Canada crops cannot ba
checked, even, by unusual conditions."
Information regarding free home
stead lands in Manitoba. Saskatche
wan and Alberta may be had on appli-
cation to any Canadian Government
Agent, whose advertisement appears
elsewhere. He will give you informa
tion as to best route and what it will
cost you to reach these lands for pur
poses of inspection.
He Didn't Care.
"I like simplicity," said Senator
Beveridge to a Washington reporter.
"Simplicity saves us a lot of trouble,
too. Two men met in front of a hotel
one day and fell into a political argu
ment They were ordinary, every-day
sort of men. but one of them had an
extraordinary flow of polysyllabic lan
guage. He talked half an hour, and
his companion listened in adoze.
" 'An now,' the speaker pompously
concluded, 'perhaps you will coincide
with me?
"The other's face brightened up.
'Why, yes, thanks, old man, he ds
clared heartily, moving toward the
barroom door, I don't care if I do."
Home Magazine.
"Wtiot'o a mottor knrri
....Ml. J lilt, UlUfclCI, UVJ
"Gee! Mamie says it's leap year
an' she's goin' ter propose to me!"
The Details.
"The particulars?"
"Well, Capt. Feebles was shot In the
back, originally, and went around with
his back bent a good deal like an in
terrogation mark, until he got a port
ly slab of back pension. Then he
straightened up his back until It was
decidedly concave instead of consider
ably convex, dyed his whiskers a
fighting black and set out in pursuit
of a buxom widow, who', being a
widow, knew exactly how to be caught
while maintaining all the symptoms of
eluding capture to the very best of her
ability." Smart Set
Good Work Has Slow Growth.
Bancroft spent 26 years on his his
tory and Webster 36 on his dictionary.
Tis the same with the great inven
tions. It took years of study and ex
periment to perfect them. Everything
must have a foundation, otherwise It
cannot stand, and the more solid the
foundation the safer is the structure.
St Paul Park Incident
"After drinking coffee for breakfast
always felt languid and dull, having
no ambition to get to my morning
duties. Then in about an hour or so
a weak, nervous derangement of the
heart and stomach would come over
me with such force I would frequently
have to lie down.
"At other times I had severo head
aches; stomach finally became, af
fected and digestion so impaired that
I had serious chronic dyspepsia and
constipation. A lady, for many years.
State President of the W. C. T. U..
told me she had been greatly benefited
by quitting coffee and using Postum
Food Coffee; she was troubled for
years with asthma. She said it was
no cross to quit coffee when she
found she could have as delicious an
article as Postum.
"Another lady who had been trou
bled with chronic dyspepsia for years,
found immediate relief on ceasing cof
fee and beginning Postum twice a
day. She was wholly cured. Still
another friend told me that Postum
Food Coffee was a Godsend to her, her
heart trouble having been relieved
after leaving off coffee and taking on
"So many such cases came to my
notice that I concluded coffee was
the cause of my trouble and I quit and
took up Postum. I am more than
pleased to say that my days of trouble
have disappeared. I am well and
happy." "There's a Reason." Read
"The Road" to Wellville," in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of humars
'.v.: -
. -t. - .