T r& 'r-''-"8?-'--' ' ?' --"'-' '- . V - "Vs. . sv -""V" yv ,'T V-. --- JK- 4." ii -.1 - a - -. TTtv 5 - r Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 4. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, .WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 1908. WHOLE NUMBER 1,902. ' i tlfce $mttiiura$ . :r- .- ' - W wi ro wt I Business Men: bid You Ever .Sttp Think m m m m i m m m m e - .. . ft" s 4ow easy, it is for a member in the association to burrow money on ))is stock, with which be ctn discount n bill of vrooda. It puts him in a position to hnv his merchan dise FOR Cflftfl. When he 'sells his goods, if he desires, he may repay ibe money to the 'Building Association. Try placing $4 oo or $6 00 a week In. series "S" of the Oolnmbus Land, Loan and Building As sociation, See Henry Hock enberger, secretary. . . ta Ik Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. H '.'COLUMBUS MARKETS. xjais . . w 'J?nl TiaMeT ... O '-- YIVA 60 . . mJy V VQl Q x fiarley 1 40 ; Hogstop..,.. . $4 75 to $4 85 : wmmmmmmMmmmmammmmmm f "" MAKT TEABS AGO. , paMaMAgBMalBSiAMSSHSlaUSSSSBHSMflflBt' mi File of The Journal, April 29. 1871. Staatn'd Prairie, which three years ago . was'-a Vast extent of unbroken prairie, is flow a large neighborhood. From the flight eminence at the Half-way bocse, there can be counted some twenty dwell- ingi. The quantity of mail received and sent from theOolumbus post office is increas ing daily. This morning we were shown "over one thousand letters to be sent on :, the east bound train. Another evidence -.'"-"!. tint our. population is increasing. -;.- , 'HOOK AND LADDER TKUCK. ".".".. The mechanical pattof this truck is :.'.'-". completed and the painters will soon ;J-;--apply" 'their finishing touches. The ,'..".; v attachments that go with the truck are '. "; one'; large hook, chain and rope; one " -.'.-:--ediaIl hook and pole; one ladder 26 feet ;'. "-".long; one ladder 30 feet long; one ladder ;.':1. ''.-1 18 fet'long; one scaling 'ladder 12 'feet V-:; - ybtigi.m soiling ladder 10 feet long; :'' -twoiton crowbars, buckets, axes, lan '''. jf "- ..terns, tct- The wood work of tb truck '-'.: "ami attachments was done by Paul Hop-i"-i-pen, "and the iron by Henry Schwarz. y;-j'--." Hrider-the-TBupeiviBon of Cbas. Schroe-.."-:i:'r "Vder, the contractor. The superior work- 'V7--'-r .wnbip'JispJayed by these gentlemen -":-'--..j.Itfl"'' this inatanoe can but gain them I .i;y-i.- notb"riety in. their business. Their char-'-. f '';;'. ft were only $400, whiN if the company -V..- V'vhad-sent to a distance for their trnck it .-;.-,-.-," -woald liave cost them 9850, a difference :"':--;... --:6f .$450. This is another argument in r.v-'""j." VfiRr of.hoaae patronage and manufac ' '. I ture'llesacs. Collins & Martin have r ".. .!.,.' been'aaployed to do the painting. The : t,"".'.superior work which these gentlemen .'.haW.displtyed. is. proof that they will " . V.-r- fmak'e'this a flo. ' 1 job. The painting :"::V''U coat $35. : -- - A" team from Belgrade made an attempt ':;';;--I'tor.win -at 'the Hagel alleys Thursday ' V' '-night, but sever bad a look-in at any '.V ""ktigje of "the 'bowling, the home team ; "v . 'wihniag o'ut by a total of 326 pins. Be- -.-' :Mowia the score: v : - - - -. o.. r '. BELGRADE. !r. -.- - -." - . t. -3d- Sd. Total. '...'.--.TOliirk-,, - 1 1 . W0 il: AdaW....... I2 111 88 S88 ,: . 3Hn:.'..'.. '.'. 1U " 159 202 474 '"-.-r.'DawtC.n."... 160 15 134 447 -"Varkwr.-,:." 1 212 12 482 -.-.i-".". -.: "' " ;.,.;?. '.."- M 7J 7 2121 ;r"i'.' :.l.:: "" . columbub. ' V-) .""". .-" . tat. 2d.. 3d.-. JotaL 1"V T'tchJUfc.:.. j.151- 1 201 527 H-'-"8aTyer 4.... 12 200 ltt 498 ':"'.: EaTKTananh.-..l...i74 HI 126 441 ' , '.-PlaicemaB. ....'.,.-. 1S7 176 lft .W :V- .. b";VJvavaaaogh.- 118 lffit 141 42S ..-0... mi .-. : .-.''--.-.-- . . '754 861 .&S2 2417 -. " ". t- r-.'Now that spring is on . .the .way would it not be 'a.-' good idea to think ...about repapering the S "rooms? Our line of wall ". paper "has never been .' surpassed, either in quad- " ftyt "pattern or price, ' ' and all who have, had work done by us have - .' been, .well satisfied .4 . ". ' . . KiYiiiigh & Bettirtii Deputy Oommissioner John J. Dyder. of the bureau of labor and statistics, who was in the city. last Thursday, has tha following to aay regarding- Colum bus institutions: What I had in mind to aay was that the manual training, de partment At the high school has the best workshop I have seen yet, in Nebraska schools. At Omaha, the equipment may be a little more complete, but your shop is a real one in all respects. After a conversation with the chairman of the bnilding committee of the schools, I think a stairway escape will replace tb present ladder on the Second ward school, and a similar escape ought to be placed on the First ward school. Tour opera bouse strikes me as being a very good building for its purpose, and I mention this because there are so many that are not at all well planned for quick exit in case of great emergency. The same is true of the small electric theatre, which is one among dozens, in that it has a real rear exit. Your mayor . and Are chief exhibited to me a, spirit that ought to prevail among all officers of cities, and while such a spirit does pre vail among Columbus officials charged with the safety of the publio there is little to be feared. The program committee for the Oraud Island District EpworthLsague conven tion to be held in Genoa. June 23 and 34, 1908, have engaged Hev. Fletcher M. Siason, D. D., LL. D., of Albion, to de liver a lecture. It will be remembered that his lectures delivered at the Schuy ler and Columbus conventions in the years of 1896 and 1897, were of great in spiration, and the expectation for the convention at Genoa is many times great er from his later lecture, "From Between the Plow Handles." Dr. Sisson is rec ognized as one of the best orators in Nebraska Methodism' and his magnetism attracts attention from beginning to end of his lecture. He also presents plenty of thoughts worth remembering through life. The committee is planning to make this convention one of the best ever held in the Grand Island district. There are some people to whom the sight of a pretty flower or shrub creates within them a desire to destroy it, at least it would seem so from the experi ence of Mr. Jacob Greisen. In the front yard at the Greisen home was a very nice peony, but some vandal noticed it and about a week ago it was dug up by the roots and taken away. When such people as this lire in a community, it is rather discouraging ,for those .who en joy beautif&l flowers and' yards." "L. W. Snow also had a similar experience, as last Saturday night one half of the plants in his fine tnlip bed were dug up and taken away. Mrs. J. A. Barkley 'leaves tomorrow (Thursday) for New York to meet her husband, who will arrive .from South Africa in about a week. From there tbey will make a tour of the United States while Mr. Barkley inspects a num ber of the large electrical plants of the country in the interest of the corporation in whose employ he is. They expect to return to Columbus about the middle of June for an extended visit before return ing to South Africa. While on their trip Mr. and Mrs. Barkley'e two little daughters will remain with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leander Gerrard. The Modern Woodmen are planning for a large delegation to go on the special excursion to Lincoln for the state meet ing at Lincoln May 5 and 6. The pros pects are that Columbus will furnish about twenty-five candidates for the grand initiation. TLis state meeting .will select delegates to the national con vention at Peoria, and Postmaster Kra mer has been mentioned as one of the delegates. He has some good backing and it will be no surprise should he be selected to represent Nebraska at the national meeting. Next Sunday there will be an impor tant function at St. Bonaventura's church, as on that day the Bt. Rev. Bishop Scannall of Omaha will preach at High Mase, and'at 3 o'clock in the afternoon confirm a class of about one hundred and fifty, wbirh will include one hundred and twenty-five children. This is the first visitation of.the bishop for confirmation for about three years, and will be a red letter day for the con gregation. The masquerade ball given by the Engine Company No. 1 at tbe Orpheus hall last Saturday evening was attended by a large crowd, the receipts being about $130. MissJosie Thompson and Marion Enyart were awarded the prize for being the best masked couple, and each received $2.50 in cash. Tbe Maen nerohor orchestra furnished music for the occasion. Miss Gusta Schubert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schubert of this city, was married to Mr. C. A. Tucker on April 22, at Baker City, Oregon. Miss Gusta went to Baker City more than a year ago for a visit with relatives. There was a social gathering at the home of her parents in this city on the same evening of tbe wed ding to celebrate the event. A. F. -McCaffrey of Aurora, who came to the hospital' about three weeks ago, died Wednesday night from an accute attack of pneumonia. He was fifty years of age and leaves no relatives in this country. The funeral was held from the Catholic church Friday morning aad be was buried in the Catholic oametery. Try the Victoria cigar. Wall paper at Leavyla. Dm. Paul and Matzaa, Dentists. Dr. Lueachen Occajist and aariat. Use Sola Proof for floora. Leavy'a. Dr. Vallisr. Otsoffh. Barbar btoak. Dry stove wood for sale. J. W. My let Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone People who get results advertise in the Journal. Dr. C. A. Alleoburger, office in new State Bank building. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Gregoriue, on Monday April 87, a son. For spring and summer noby up to date suits see the Gerharz-Flynn Co'a. Miss Florence Whitmoyer was in Omaha this week, the guest of Miss HUda Barrows. Gasoline, dry batteries, aato-oik, car bide for lamps, etc., for the automobile at A nice line of wedding rings jus re ceived at Carl Froemers, Eleventh street jeweler. Six of tbe beet farms in Nance county for sale on easy terms. Address Bote A Lamb, Genoa, Nebr. M. Loeb, father of Mm Carl Kramer, who has spent the winter in Columbus, returned to Chicago last week. Having decided to do oar killing here, would like to hear from those having fat cattle for eala Baachman'a Meat Market. Mrs. O. L. Baker is in Missouri on a visit to her mother and sister, and Mies Ethel Baker is visiting with relatives in Omaha. Ottis Clark, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. A. W. Clark, left Monday for Omaha where they will visit relatives for a few days. For Sale Harness shop doing good bueiness, also shoes repair shop in con nection. Call on or address Peter Mun ter, Monroe, Neb. George Faircbild, representing the local Boyal Arcanum lodge, went to Omaha Monday to attend a meeting of the Grand Counoil in that city. 640 acres choice pasture and meadow land seven miles from Genoa, price $11 peracreu. Easyterma. -Musi be sold in 30 daya ifose ft-Lamb, Genoa, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Boss Westoott aad chil dren went to Creston Saturday evening, where Mrs. Westcott was called on ac count of the illness of her grandfather. The police is busy these nights round ing up the numerous hoboes that are going through and holding them till morning, when they are told to resume their journey. We have secured the Dress mafciag department at Gray's and are prepared to do plain and fanoy dressmaking. We solicits your patronage. Misses Augusta & Harriett Kauff man. B, 8. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes and repairs Ladies' and Gents clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons made to order. -Agent Germaaia Dye Works. Nebraska Phone. A. G. Rolf, for many years a resident of Woodville township, but now of Omaha, is here this week looking after business matters. He will visit the old home place in Woodville before return ing. Frank Lausak, living on route 6, south of the river, had a runaway Moncay morning., He had four horses attached to a plow and tbey made things lively for a time, but no serious damage reported. Paul Hoppen, with the Bell telephone line department, had his arm broken in two places in a runaway accident at Schuyler last week. He came home aad will remain here till his arm is ia work ing order again. A. E. Priest, who moved to this city after taking the position of traveling auditor of the Omaha Elevator Co., has purchased the new residence on west Thirteenth street, recently built bv Elliott, Speice & Co. The Columbus .people who accom panied Governor Sheldon to Sen Fran cisco on the special train, to see the fleet, were J. E North, Henry Bagatz aad C. H. Sheldon. A. G. Leuschen also went to the Golden Gate at the same time. P. J. McCaffrey, as a representative of tbe Knights and Ladies of Security of this city, went to Omaha Tuesday to attend the district meeting, at which time delegates will be elected to the National Council which meets in Phila delphia June 9. There was a large dancing party at the home of Ben Fixa, five miles northeast of Columbus Saturday evening. Mies Laura Bartels and Mies Mazte Magill of this city were in attendance, and a moat enjoyable time was the verdict of all present. Uefreshmenta were served Congressman Boyd has writtea Post master Kramer that the pension com mittee of. the hoeee has reported a bill f or tbe allowance of a peaeioa of $30 per month to David MeDoffle of this eity, aaa inai tne bouse on the next p day will undoubtedly pass tbe bill. T WMiMfl4 i Fountain Pen i sw -BARGAINS-! I s We have too many brands of Fountain Pens and want to close out some of them at half price and less not that the pens are not as good as any other, ia fact we want yon to try them for a week and if you don't find the quality as good as any, the price at half, then you may bring back the pen. The H. & -A. special $4.00 pen at ......$1.00 Standard self-filling $2.50, $3.50, - and $4.00 pens at $1.50, $1.75, $2 Several other standard makes.' Come in and try them you can not .lose s-f- t ' t s s s t t f t f t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 I w 4 4 9 9 w J El. I. IIEWBIIER. Jeweler & Optician ! a ifefMWWSAffMMfiWee Lee's Stock Foodat Leavy'a. Dr. Neumann. Dentist 13 St. G. R. Prieb. painting and paper hanging. First-class printing doneat the Jour nal office. Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr; D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum bus State Bank building. For up to date long and short sleeve union suite, see the Gerharz-Flynn Co. Lawn mowers, grass catchers, garden hose and sprinklers, in fact anything for tbe lawn. Gray's. Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully cleaned and repaired at Carl Eroemel's, Eleventh street jeweler. Found An embroidered ladie's waist. Call on Mrs. Win. Terrell, Seventeenth and Quincy, and identify. WflTGH FOR POESCH'S Bakeru Wagon BiMam ill ii i lai Our route is the north side in the morning and south side in the evening Phone us your or ders and they will receive our prompt attention : : : : : o? Ice Cream Soda 5c Cbase'e Enoxall will kill the dande lions in your lawn on one application. Price 50o pint, $2.50 gallon. GrTaty'S. Bishop Williams of the diocese of Nebraska was in tbe oity Tuesday and Wednesday, the guest of Dr. Weetcoit of Grace church. Services were held in "Grace church Wednesday morning, be ing conducted by the bishop. City carrier Will H. Snell and Louis Baney, clerk in the poeoffice. indulged in a little scrap last Thursday morning, which was referred to police court. Snell was assessed a nominal fine, as he admitted being the aggressor. August Husman had an exciting run away Tuesday afternoon. At Tenth and North streets Mr. Husman was thrown from the spring wagon and when pioktd np was unconscious. He soon recover ed and while severely bruised, on bones were broken. A SNAP 6 room house, 2 lots, electric lights,city water, cistern, cement walks, good barn a bargain at $2,500 HMUpdaJCi 4 What t Ola-Timer 8aji . The fellowiag letter from Qua. Lock ner, a former citizen of Columbus, and a man who took a very great interest in all matters that related tot. ha welfare of the city, and who also was one of the fire boys in the old days, will be read with interest. Mr. Lockner attended the smoker held by tbe firemen this winter, and in a talk to tbe boys related many incidents of the early day firemen that was a revelation to the younger men now at the helm: Omaha, Nebr., April 27, 1908. Editob Journal: Some days ago, I noticed a magazine article on the sub ject of volunteer firemen, fighting fire in small cities and towns, which reminded me very much of Columbus in years gone by its vicissitudes, its ups and downs. Do the younger generation of your readers know and realize that Columbus-is one of the very foremost pio neers among Nebraska's cities? Pioneer in enterprise and push. Columbus had a steam flouring mill in 1867 (Hoffman' ). Columbus was the first city that had the nerve to vote $20,000 in bonds and build a tree onage across tne riatte river. Columbus was the first city of its class to adopt and build city waterworks of its own. Columbus was a leader in many other early enterprises, but the above two will always stand a credit to its cit izens, as they were so timely and prac tical, and I might say successful, that other cities, all over the state, have fol lowed the plan and lead of Columbus, and time has proven that there was no mistake made in these schemes, and I am going to say right here, at the risk of having it said that I am throwing boquets at myself, that it has always been a source of satisfaction to me to contemplate; the part which I took in bringing about tbe adoption and build ing of waterworks in Columbus. This brings me to tbe point where I wish to say a word for the live and husky young firemen of the Columbus fire de partment At their smoker recently I hnet as enthusiastic and lively a set of volunteer fire lads as I ever saw any where, and those boys should receive some practical show of appreciation from the city, if not from the property owners, (who really are the beneficiaries of their efforts). Let there be a fund set aside for their use in getting up a function of some kind, a smoker, a dance. or some sort of a jollification, at least once a year. Now if this sort of thing has to bejjorq by tbe firemen it will not come about regular, but-if it was a free treat,.it wouM'be looked for with pleas-, tire each year, and would make the organization interesting to the young man who owns no property. Yours truly, Augustus Locknek, Ex-Chief Columbus Fire Dep't. Oar Folk County Friends. Miss E. May Henderson, after several weeks visiting at Omaha, bos returned to her home here. Roes King has returned to his schooLl studies at the State University after a visit of a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Behle have gone for a visit to Decatur, Illinois, to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Feed Behle. Miss Rose Hartman, one of tbe Decon nesses at the Omaha M. E. hospital has been visiting ber relatives at Osceola and throughout Polk count)'. Rev. J. W. Little of Bellevue College has been secured to fill tbe pulpit at tbe Presbyterian church next Sunday. Mr. Little comes as a candidate to take the place of Rv. G. W. Comer, who has re signed the pastorate of the church. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Pulver one of the old timere of Osceola are visiting the family of Christopher Timm, Mrs. Pul ver being their daughter. Tbey have been living in Kansas and after their visit here thev will make their home at Montburn, Washington. Route Mo. 5. H. J. Brian was marketing baled hay Tuesday. Robert Kummer was hauling lumber for his new barn Tuesday. C. L. Olcott marketed a bunch of cattle in Columbus Tuesday. John Sprunk waa raking the old hay and dead grass on his meadow and burn ing it Tuesday. Farmers are wearing fur overcoats while plowing. Some of them were ready to plant corn, but changed their minds. Miss Maggie Torpy, teacher in district No. 16cloeed her school Tuesday with a picnic and dinner. Ice cream and cake was also served and Carrier No. 5 was not forgotten. , Last Friday tbe school in district No. 4 closed for the summer term. Miss Bebc Brian, teacher gave a picnic and good things to eat was the program and the carrier accepted an invitation to par take of the good things. There was a surprise party on Mr. and Mrs. O A. Church last Friday evening the occasion being the second anniver sary of their wedding. A large number of their friends and neighbors were .res ent and enjoyed a pleasant evening. Coal. We have a large stock of coal, Rock Spring. Maitland, Zeigler, Trenton, Gem, Banner, Golden Ash, and Monarch in lump and nut.' Also Penna. bard coal ia all ekes. Nkwhah ft Waxes. There is a differeaee of opiaioa as to the effect of the cold weather upon the fruit crop. Those who looked into the matter say that the wind and cloudy nights saved the buds 'from harm in most cases, and the temperature was not as low as it seemed on account of the sharp wind. Tbe fruit was well advanc ed and tbe amount of damage cannot be definitely determined for several weeks. The county clerk's office is being paint ed and papered ibis week, and while this was going on Jerry Carrig'donneda pair of jumpers and proceeded to clean house. He was sorting out the accumulation of papers for years and among other rub bish fonnd a box. This he thought was of no value and threw it with other rub- oish into a boo fire. The first thing Jerry knew he found ont that he had touched off some fire works, for there were about a dozen cartridges in the bos, and when tbey began to explode every body thought it was time to look for shelter. But no one was injured and Jerry is now examining more carefully what he consigns to that bun fire. -BaitoMa.4. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L Gerrard are proud parents of a baby boy which arrived last Sunday. Martyn Zakrzwakix received a visit from his brother Felix, of Genoa, last week from Friday to Monday. Abegglen Bros, shipped a car of fat hogs to the South Omaha market last night, having loaded them at Winslow's siding. Mies Gussia Klnever has been assist ing Mrs. J. J. Barnes in the' arrange ments for the wedding which occured yesterday, for the past few days. Frank Hilmer returned last Friday from a two weeks visit with bis brother. Rev. G.H. Hilmer, of Norden, Oklahoma. His sister, Miss Sophia, who has been visiting in that southern clime for the past year, returned with him. This morning at 9 o'clock at St Joseph's church at Platte Center, occurred tbe wedding of Miss Lena A. Ebner and Mr. John E. Leibig. Tbe contracting parties are well known to many Platte county residents. A more extended write-up will be given next week. Miss Nellie Sullivan closed a very suc cessful term of school in district No. 4 last Friday. A picnic had been arrang ed but tbe prevalence of measles in the neighborhood made the attendance so small on tbe last day that the picnic waa dispensed with nntil a later date. Mr. John J. Donogbue and Miss Maude E. Barnes were married at St. Joseph's church at Platte Center yesterday morn ing at 9 o'clock. It was a strictly private wedding, none but relatives of tbe con tracting parties being in attendance. From tbe church tbe bridal party re paired to tbe home of the bride's parents where a bounteous five course wedding dinner was served. The only guest pre sent besides tbe relatives was the carrier of Route 4. The happy, couple will go to housekeeping immediately on tbe Schumaker farm, which has been rented by the groom. Xouta la. 3. o Louis Wurdemsn and Henry Brunken attended a party at Louis Wilken'a Sun day evening. John Bryl, who has just arrived from the other side of the ocean, is working at Frank Bonk'e. Louis Oodekin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Godekin, has about recovered from his recent illness. Fred and August Brunken visited at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurdeman Sunday. Fred Brunken of Monroe visited rela tives and old friends on this route from Saturday until Monday. A wagon load of boys living a mile, more or less, north of Columbus, while returning from tbe cbivari at the Hell-bush- Janssen wedding, last Friday night, broke off about forty fence posts for Wm. Godekin, along his pasture. Mr. Godekin has secured the names of most of them and expects to prosecute. ltoQte JTo. h A good many hogs are being marketed the last week. Henry G. Luscheo, sr., has been very sick, but is able to be out now. The carrier received a very welcome present of a sack of oats Tuesday. J. J. Barnes was ou route No. 1, last week soliciting for the piano contest. Last Friday Miss Emma Luers closed a very successful eight months' term of school in the Loseke district. The carrier bad awager of a pound of cream chocolates with one of the fair patrons of tbe routeand be won it, too. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M oiler and daugh ter Maiideline left Sunday evening for Portland, Oregon, for a two month's viajt. There was a social hop at the home of Ben Fixa last Saturday eveniog, and a good time is reported. Adamy Bros furnished tbe music High School Lecture Cetrse. The leotnre course committee has secured Tbos. B. Fletcher for May 7 "Martyrdom of Fools " "This is an entertaining humorist, yet strong lec ture. Remember tbe date and be sure tn liAr thia laat and tiat nf ik. MnM. of 1908. All sensible neonle im raittW tUb fan and winter wraps away tab year SJafely protected from moths with MCnbrtMes because thev are the most reKahie a4 I convenient to ibc and only need to ue piacca in me ioku ox tne cloUung, furs or flannels and placed in Bureau Drawers, Trunks or Closets, or evea Wrapped -in paper, and vour worrv L. over. Their increasing sale from year to year hh us has' proved them to be absolutely reliable and dependable. Vnn will Arx 1a .m.V1a l.:nM Wm putting your goods away this year with k$ cemii runs, 15c sac. 2 i. 25c Pollock & Co. The Druggist on the Corner Columbus, Nebraska Wanted Girl for general housework Mrs. F. K. Strother. McCall patterns 10 and 15 cents at tbe Fitzpatrick Dry Goods Store. Why make boys waists when yoa eta buy them at Gerharz-Flynn Co. from 95c to $1.00 each. L. F. Gottschalk, A. Heintz aad Fred Flueckiger leave on their trip to Europe May 9, and will be absent about three months. While there they will visit Switzerland, Austria. Italy and Franca. Henry W. Westbrook, express messea ger on the Spalding freight, was called to 8t. "Edward Sunday to attend the funeral of hie father. Mr. Westbrook was a civil war veteran and one of the well known citizens of Boose ceanty. Carpenters are repairing the Fitzpat rick building on Thirteenth street and it will be occupied by Condon k Walker, who have decided to remain in Oolara bus In making the repairs it was aecre sary to put in a wall on the east, as he fore tbe west wall of tbe brick building waa need. Dr. Harry E. Lamb and wife and baby of Orleans, Neb., were in the city last Saturdsy.enroute for a visit at the okt home in Burrows township. Dr. Lamb has a nice practice and is also running a drug store at Orleans and his many friend will be glad to know that he is prospering. After a short experience serving Uncle Sam asBubstitutecarrier, C. A. Welch has concluded that the work is not to hut liking, and tendered his resignation. Guy F. Jackson of Creston. who waa one of tbe applicants to take the ex amination, has been appointed to the place, and will move to this city at once. The Christian Endeavor of tbe 5th district of Nebraska will bold their ix teenth annual District Convention in Colnmbus, Friday, Saturday and Sun day. May 22,23 and 24 at the Congrega tional church. The local Endeavor Societies will entertain the convention and the good people ot Columbus will be asked to help entertain the visiting delegates. Supervisors Schwarz and Smith let tbe contract Wednesday for riprapping.the Lonp river atytbe bridge, forty rode on tl.e south side and the same amount oa the north side, a Mr. Kellner to do the work. The'river has been" threatening on both eides of the bridge and it Is hoped to stop the cutting, and as the work is guaranteed to stand, the super visors think tbey now have solved be problem of checking tbe river. r- Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous M nosing Uuderwear, the best popular priced Union 8aita on the market Prices in men's from $1.50 to $4.50 Prices in boys from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.85. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS. In two piece garments we have a splenaid line ready for yoar in spection and ranging ia price from50cto$260agarmeat. Bay early while tbe sizes are complete. GRAY'S