-. . 5 - - --, jr-v r. .VgJ??JatfSSr'--'!M??'i!. -7Ccgir -.i. vrma ;:- -rCf&KZ&f-l&5?iSZ2Z i ' . in,, I II i .. i . j i ' , ' ' a.. ...-- i-x-, .. "Sfc'S ..;?u7rfirv".- J."v " ' - "." v ' ??& '- t . j 7m m m sua rllvC V Baking .The' oily Baking Pewder ifiule , whhRoya!6i?iCreoftaifcir . inade fre-grapes---- . v Insures hsaftlifu! and delicious food for every home every 4.. .Safeguards yoci .: alflniaidj)Ii(ispfcatecf lias .State Bo. 3.. .;.': . -..-- Gas'Hagemarin is down with the-small . .. ..- -. . .pox. . ..- -' , '-'Otto'Brunken was visiting .with home .-" folks Sunday. ''.John Ghilio was 'visiting at.lTrarik. 'Boak8 last Sunday . Miss Meta' Alters spent Saturday and SnndayinCtolnmbas. . ' Born,.on Friday, April I0r to Mr. tod ' Mia. O.-M. -Newman, a son. . " . - ' . Jbnn'Baken shipped a car load of bogs .. to South Omaha Wednesday. .'.. Miss A. Meyer of Platte Center is at the home of. Fred Beblen. jr., this week. " Otto Biems' smiling countenance was nen.on.the streets of Columbus Sunday. John-'Brunkeri and. August Wetjens . shipped a "car of f at hogs tbiaouth, Omaha " ". Tuesday. . Louies the seven year old son' of J..F. Godekin,ifl very, sick with; pneumonia ' and catarrhal "fever. . .-: ; -' ": -. "RudolphKoe'pke, teacher in the Ger man sehool'on' the .route, is enjoying, a weeks', vacation -in the western .part- of the-8tatethttn ting aqd fishing. .. ',-- 'There was leap year party at the Bakenhus home. Sunday -evening, in .honor of Miss. .Bertha's birthday. A ". large crowd, was present anil a. good time .. reported. ; The Shell Greek boys are organizing a ' bail team fpr the coming, summer and . we;liope to be able to report some good -gaatss before -long. The Shell Creeks' lmve.a)oodm"aterial'fora'tea'mand" will have'eae' this year that will "bp hard to '..Some 'pretty - strenuous" '-.complaints ' have been made regarding the .practice of some people of throwing their old tin 'cana,'rubpishnd 'dead animals along . .the. side of the 'Meridian road - and also 'the road - east of this- Dead -animals Should be' properly taken- --care of and .' the piles of- rubbish, often' frightens teams, causing .accidents. Those s who .'are., compelled "to.- travel these", roads would appreciate' it if. proper attention was given this, matter. .. " louts lo. 4. .. . . . Rev. De.Wolf was a guest at tht homn of J.-J. Barnes. Mr. -.Thornton., of Atkinson- arrive.! 'Tuesday evening for a" visit, at the home .. of O.T. Marquise. . . '. - -.- - -Frank Hilmer left -Thursday- morning ..'for Norden. 6al4 where -he will remain boat two. weeksi-.visiting his brother, Bev. Hilmer. - His sister, Miss . Sophie, . who .haa been -in Oklahoma about, a year, " will return with him.: . .-""" - Joaie, the.eight -year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BTameldied last Wed; , nesday of diphtheria. The" funeral was private andheld from the home, Tburs- day sad burial was.in" 8t 'Joseph's ceme- tery, aouthess't ot Platte Center. Invitations have been issued for ' the' wedding of Miss Lena Ebner and -John Liebig,' which will" take place at St. Joseph's church, PlattQ Center, on April 29T A wedding feast vHJl be served, at the home of the bride afterth'e ceremony. . . ... .... Walker. G. W. SwanBon.has . gone to J3ioux City on a visit . No rain yet in this locality to speak of.' J net a light-shower last Tuesday..' The" confirmation class at the Danish Lutheran church-was oonfirmed Sunday. Sowing- of small grain is' completed and plowing for corn is the order of the . Elmer Johnson 'and George' Swanson weat'ap to Boone county Sunday on a visit at Charley Johnson's. . Tere is some talk about the new rail. . road again, and very likely the grading will sommesoe in a few days. -. A. E. 8wanson had a birthday party Wadwssdsy. Those present-were John P. Joaasoa and wife, Fred Nordgren and childrea and John Swunsoniandfamjly. IHU - 5. . Farmerpare basyputting in their oata. Albert. Kammer and F. A.- Oleott msrketsd hogs Taesdsy. The toad between Barnum creek and the Levip bridge is being graded. 8u Bernsors Bebwarz aad brady are oyer sesiag the work. w. , " -4I&: . rs:. , . i - ,a .., gggwi.s; &jrp3cZ$- r f-wn S-JJCa Powder day -. foodagaiasl.- -Bdate Mo. 'L . .-." ... John Arndt marketed a ear of hogs Tuesday. ' ""... :. .The early spring grain- has come", up nicely and is looking "fine. ' . Miss Katie Bead was. .visiting at the home of.her uncle "apd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Engle,. Satuiday and' Sun day., . : '..- HERE'S REAL GOOD AMARITAN. Looks After. the Undeserving Poor Says No One' Else WMJ, There Is ..a rich man -Jn. a southern cft'y; who makes .the undeservjng' poor, his peculiar .care, says Jthe' Inde pendent. 'His methods In 'dealing with "what he calls, a fresh .sinner -ire linlque, arid he.' regards them as scientific from theheav'enly. point of-view. Ke In sists 'upon, a full: catalogue of the vic tim's transgressions.-- He. claims that this, is done, on the theory that a phys1ciam..Jlrst adminis ters an emetic in case 'of. poisoning. Then- If the patient is an utterly lost and abandoned- woman he frequently' takes her home with him,, where-she .is. - quartered in the. guest chamber -and treated by the family as the' weir come guest whose presence there -is .in ho ways remarkable. ' For. our scientist, claims that it is the loss of the' sacred home, conscious- hess in-' such-women which casts them so far down, and his 'purpose IS, -to restore the same by his own fireside,-' which Is particitfarly. attractive In that he has. a-' wife and' many. -young chil dren. Nothing Is' said to .the forlorn one to remind her of her shame;' she is simply left to get 'well, as the scien tist expresses it " v -. And it is astonishing now; many of them do get well. His boast Is that he lias married his; girls happily all over, the country,- for he is -an enthusiastic; believer in" wedloclL 'Upon a repent visit to. a distant- city he remarked to the editor: -' "'I married, one of my girls off in this' town; couple doing well; moving .in the best society. Good. as the rest, too, now. . But it's a secret; if society knew it -"would" abolish her."". He winked', in' conclusion, at the expense of society. - He '.cannot make a speech; :but he is an eloquent sputterer; and although his "manner to" ministers., is' wittily deferential', he .'has been -known to ruin a preacher's meeting and' make the victims .of his burning-incoherence look like rows of paper -dolls blown be fore the breath- of -a' .'ifvin'g man disciple. ,. - .'."' Romaris in-' Scotland. ,' Recent discoveries in the neighbor, hood, of -Edinburgh and as far north as. the confines of .Perth and inverness shires are' 'exciting among 'Scotchmen an- unprecedented, interest -" in -the Roman occupation. Accumulating evi dence thai it took: a far-more solid hold than is currently 'supposed has stimulated the .exertions of 'the Scot tish antiquaries and .resulted In an ap peal for funds to which public, gen erosity is not slow in responding; Interest-is guided and stimulated, by what "may. truly .be called- the' Roman museum, 'now open' to inspection in the rooms of .'the antiquaries, on -the ground floor of the .national jsortrait gallery, in Edinburgh. -'.There 'may. be seen .the .surprisingly 'rich bronse -helimet and the' remarkably beautiful iron' tilting helmet, or mask, recent ly, unearthed at Newstead, being, with in a- nflle of Melrose Abbey. If the .trips of tourists were not such cut-' and-dried affairs,- visitors to -Abbois-ford,. Dryburgh ' and Melrose might easily include in their purview -' the Roman, camp and Roman baths which James Curie has there, brought ' to light the' bath is .now in process - of excavation. .Besides the helmets. Mr.. Curie has found .vases in brbnse, hel mets, swords 'and axes,, which, aoag with plentiful shards of Samtaa aad other ware;' suggest that Newstead .was a very solid and firmly rooted outpost: ".' Oscumentary Evidence. . Her Mother I should rather yon would not go salliag with that young man, Clara; I doa't believe' he knows. a thing about a saUboat ' - . Clara"r-Oa, bat he does,mamma; he showed me a letter of recommeada tioa from a New York firm ha asei to work for. aad they speak very highly of his salesmshshjD The Orel. . - . z. w"- zzl iT . .. ..-Sesgaa COMPEL NO CHANGE LAYING OP RULKtM ALWAYS WITHOUT EFFECT. niM-Mfl'a AMsrtlsw.That tkNi Has -Never Changed the Hie" tery of the WeHd" Is a Trath .' eyend Queetien. Polltloai fanatics apparently never win beUeve with. Disraeli, that "as sassination has -.sever changed- the history, of the. world.". ' la Portugal they evidently hoped by the murder of the royal family, to overthrow ..the monarchy. Repeatedly some analogous notion has possessed assassins. They' have always, been diss tpolated, sat it. is astonishing how .slightly. .the numerous political 'murders have, iniuenced the coarse af history, says the-Kansas .City Star.. ' The killing' ot Caesar is aa example . ef the futility of aasaaainatloa. It was done on the. ground that he had sub verted the republic, aad had- estab Tdshed.:.hlmself "is a .'virtual -dictator.. -Brutus; one of. the leaders in the plot, was the typical . political- dreamer,.; high-minded, .devoted to ;. advanced principles, impractical." He failed to. see that the 'character of' the people had changed' so that, the old republic was' no'loager possible .and. that Caesar was .dealing .with the situation; as a practical man. . The assassina tion could not alter national Character. so if-failed to restore-the. republic and' the ' Caesarian regime . was . continued by the' practical Augustus.'-' .- -Wlllismof Orange leader of. the Netherlands revolt against Spain, was killed by order. of ;the. Spanish .king. But the murder .did not pacify the in surgents -and .the' revolt, was", carried through to independence, bjr -oUie'r; lenders, ; ' . .' . . ";Henryry..of France; the greatest of the Bourbon; kings, -was kllled' .by. -a-religious, fanatic "who presented his" tolerance toward, the Huguenots. But the, edict of Nantes, which 'granted freedom of rellgioni was. not, affected - .by the; king's death. It remained er-. fective for nearly a centurjr and 'final-, ly was! revoked' by Louis XIV., as a part of his general poller of "unifying the realm. s Alexander IL. of-Russia was. mur dered by conspirators who, hoped liy terrorism to do away" with the Rus sian autocracy. The effect of the as-, sassla'ation was precisely ,;tiie reverse :6f what had beeh-jlannedV. It hap pened that the proclamation announc-. Jhg the: gran tlag of a constitution wss In type- when Alexander died;. His son repressed it and 'the autocracy, '..was' moreifirjhly established than-ever. It was not until the lapse of a quarter of a century iiad flooded; Russia with Eu ropean enlightenment that -freedom began to establish itself under consti tutional forms.. The murders of presldentsrof. Lincoln, Garfield,. Carnot, McKlnley were" without political effect In general, men in authority who stand for some definite policy repre sent at least a strong faction in the nation If they are removed from -office-W' "death the policy usually finds expression :throu'gh 'another - leader. The assassin can'not..destroy" the ideas that hie.-vlctim represents. That is, why Disraeli's ' assertion has- 'proved approximately .correct, " ' Two Sides. of the Street A drummer who had forgotten the difference, in the. jaws of the various states" -found himself on one 'occasion in Bristol, through the main street of which, town runs the Virginia-Tennessee line. -He walked into a: drug store on- the -western side of , the street ' " ' -" -"Give me a package of. Turkish cigarettes,- please," lie said: "We haven't any cigarettes,''' was the .reply, "but we can let you .have: almost anything .else you want, from morphine up." The drummer. was puzzled. for a mo ment, but decided -that "he must, have misunderstood, the; clerk, ' , "I want some, cigarettes," he re peated. "No cigarettes In Tennessee," an-' ,swered the clerk, "but you .can. get them 'across the street. That's Vir ginia' r Thanking "the- clerk for. his information.-the drummer crossed to s drug store opposite .and .laid In 'a supply to last him across Tennessee. He had -reached- the door when, .a thought struck 'him. ..,""" "HaVe you any morphine?" '.he 8sked, turning-to the clerk. "Sorry,-sir," replied the. Virginian, "but they don't .sell it' in "this -state.. "But I think you can get some across the street That's. Tennessee."- Evil in Overwork. Another-clever, accountant -has In . jured. his mind .by overwork.'-. Some people -'need to-be prodded before they ".will work.: Some, need to.be restrained or they will-.wbrk till they drop. Sooner-or later the man thst.wiU'not'h'us: bahd his .strength- and .keep a reserve of energy, pays for it by ''enforced .leisure. .Some people hate ' to-work -Some people hate to play. .- As Burn's . said; life -is all a -variorum. "No Jiuman being can 'ever' be. induced to profif by the experiences of another human being. We are a. stiff-necked and re bellious generation: .. .. Paving the Way. ; .'"I have no words to express to -yon my "feelings-for your daughter," said the young man; '1" -"Well," interrupted the old man, Tvegot to run-down and fix the far .nace.' ..Ton may. study the dictionary" while Fm gone" Fortunes in. Apple Groyving.-Thousands'-to-day are.- making for tunes in the cultivation of the- apple in faraway. Tasmania; said a fruit .grower who wss on a visit-' to this country from the colony' to the writer the other day. . The island may-we)l-be .described as the-fruit growers' paradise. An ex pert agriculturist with a tea-acre orchard "can not only make a -good la come la a healthy occHpatlba.- amid Meal sarroaadiags, bat lad 'at the end of the seasoa a very "substantial bal at his bank ,.. ' -. " y y - . .-. . ..- '-- ' g.--y-- IMMUNZ TO GERMS OF TYPHUS. Doctor's. Mistake Would Have Serleue But for Good Health. . A maa la sound health, aeed fear aomlng from typhoid germs, accord, lag to evidence' brought out at a Loa doa hearing of a damage .claim by tjhe proprietor of a.Malvera "Hydro" agaiast the local council, for coatam laatlag his establishmeat water sup aly." Dr. Thresh, oae of the greatest English experts oa typhoid, was a wlt jaees. The bacillus he said, Is . so miaate thai a drop of water may coa tale a populatioa eqaaliag the. eatire world. ."I've swallowed, millions," he re marked, caeerfaliy. .- "How did yoa like themr' inquired the Judge, Immediately, curious. '1 eajoyei the' pleasure of anticlpa ttoa for three' weeks," said the doctor, "bat after that I. feR-hjiippy It was aa accident, however. 'I was testing water said' to eon tain -typhoid bacilli. The weather 'waa hot,' snd oae-day' I 'swallowed a 'glass of. water at a gala. Too late I .discovered that it was a glass Into which I had pat the .typhoid germs. Hid "my health' been such to-'bave made me a kood aabiect I .should have suffered. ' As- It was,-I .felt-aoiU effects:".; . .HALLUCINATION A TRONQ ONE.' He Was- Sure' Semaene.. Entered His ''.'Room, 'Att'fough 'Doubly -Lecked. ". ; " . ' ." -. .' .- . '"I was lying; ia'a'hotel'' bedroom oae morning.". hesald,::about half s'wake when. I heard a koy rattling. In. the doof. .Much to." my -horror, the" .door opened andlhe maid, came .la to make :up -the"1 jroom; or at leaat 'so it seemed- to;nie.' I-called, but" to her '-to 'leave aad she'.' did' so. - All this happened; in a "minute .'or Jess 'and I fell asleep 'again.' When? I 'woke'up. I. remembered- , the. 'incident .clearly.. - .- 'When I .came, to look at.th'e door. hoyever, I found that It Was' not only locked -from the insld with'.' the key stlH .in,-but-that -a bolt' wss also shot I was sure -that r had seea.the maidr enter,- but 'when- I vasked her later if she had; she said 'that 'she -had tried "the "door from the outside and' hearing me call out-had departed. As -far as i' can- make out it must. have -been a. Very .complete halluciua-- tion about seeing' lier, called, up In" .my mind In -my; sleepy condition by my. fear that she'might enter. I won' der If that has happened' to ..many persons?" He Uhdaratsod.. . ' During a financial flurry a German farmer" -went" to the bank, for" -some, 'money. .He was told that" the bank was not -.paying' out- money; but was using, .cashier's checks. He could not understand this, and insisted on money. The officers took him In -hand, one at a time, with- little' effect Finally .the- president- tried his- hand, and;.after a long and minute explana? tion; some Intelligence, of the situation. .seemed to be- dawning on the farmer's "mind. .. Finally the president said: "You understand now fully how It is, Hans, don't "you?" 'Tes,"' said Hans, Itinkldo.. It's like, dis, ain'dt? Ven -my, baby .vakes up. at night and vants milk, I. if him a milk ticket." A .Strong Point Against Him. "You . say you have known this de fendant" for many years?" "Yes. .ever since he was a boy.-" "Do-you consider .him to' be of sound mlndr ' '. " "Well; I. don't want to say anything against iiim if it isn't jiecessary." "But you --are under oath to speak' the truth. Have you- ever observed In 'his actions anything that would .lead' you to the belief he was weak men tallyr "He married the daughter of a poor man when he might have become the son-in-law of a; wealthy manufacturer who would have made him general manager of- the business." -He Wouldn't Set A Washington photographer, now famous, told. the other day how. In his youth, he wss. practicing his art in. Cleveland when Mark Twain visited the town to lecture. Impressed with the -humorist's splendid features, the photographer, at the lecture's end. sent "up a note asking Mr. Clemens for a sitting. The Teply that came back. Was characteristic. It said: "A sitting! Is thy servant a hen that he should do "this .'thing?" No' Cause fer Alarm. ; "I . can't understand my husband, doctor. I am afraid -there is . some thing terrible the'inaUer with him." "What, are his symptoms?'' "Well. I often talk to him. for half aa hour -at a time, and when I -get through he hasn't the least idea what I'ye-been .saying.". "Do not' worry any more- shout your hoihand. - I wish I had his gift" Chicago;-Record-Herald. . . . rejudlce. . "Robert; this spelUnr-paper Is very poor,"", complaiaed the' small boy's, teacherl "Nearly every word Is marked wrong." '.'.'. ... v . "It wouldn't havebeea so bad." pro tested; Robert;, "but -Annie, 'corrected my paper, aad.she's mad at me; and for every, little letter that I got wrong she orossed-out the whole word."-;-'. Liypincott's. ' '. "- : - : : - Hardships of ;th Rich. 'They sa'y'oM.'Go'talotte was pretty hard hit durlag the fecec panic." '-Tea. poor 'old obap;v I'm mighty serry.'fer aim; too. He Is so-hard- up, that ha can't afford to smoke aaythlag better than tavee-for-lfty cigars.' ' . ..Millionaire-Weds Sfepherdesa. ' Herr- Theodore . Schlumberger, a Qermaa milttoaaire depaty'has Just been aiarrmd'to a .young aad beautiful shepherdess whom-. he met tending her lacks aear Baslt. 'After h short acqaaiBtaace" he -proposed. His sob by his ftrst, marriage laterveaed, aad offered the shepherdess U5.NS to break the eagageaMat. bat she re fused. IBs fortune Is estimated at tt'.M.-M. ' -The father of the bride XX??- .,'' ; 1 GREEN FRONTl MAX SCHUBERT J l unn &e Largest in COLUMBUS, NEB. ,: ! My Next Sale Will be Wm 24, 1908 ;kAX SOHtJBERT rauiUUwuiaUiiUiUiMUiUiiUiiiuuiUiUMHu TOO MUCH FOR MRS. DRUMMOND. Ingratitude of User of Tslephehe Was the Xast Straw. When -the Drummonds put in a tele phone, they' were lavish in their .offers of hospitality, to the' neighbors.- "It's the unlimited kind'-said little Mrs. Drummond, proudly, '."so it. doesn't, make ,a bit of difference how., long or how often it's used." ' - As .'time went oh, Mr Drummond -noticed-; that" when , he returned to his .pretty suburban home at .night, his wife's face often wore a-tired' andhar- rassed expression. - Atvlasf- one night she seemed- so -depressed- at the din ger, table' that Mr. Drummond felt the time, had come for him-to speak. "I'm sure it's that telephone that's at the bottom of- your trouble,",'he said, grimly, in the midst of his-awkward attempt-at comfort "Come on, you might as -.w.eli tell -me. about. It"' . '-I haven't minded -the La wtbns dis cussing all their -diseases with the doctor over,. It,, because they have low -yolces.". said Mrs. .Drummond sadly, "and I've tried not to listen when Mrs: Gray ordered; her groceries-' and pro-- ' visions aad- haggled over the prices. - "It wasn't .pleasant to have Miss Howard -scold- her dressmaker, and' then have the dressmaker call lip our number next day and screech that un til her lasfblil was paid Miss Howard would have no new gown.. "None 'of those things were pleas ant; but. I didn't say anything.' fat .tere'd-Mrs. Drummond.. "But day be fore, yesterday Mrs. Lombard -came in whiie I was out Lena told", me when 'I got nome. that Mrs.. Lombard, was here telephoning, a Jong -time. And to-day some lady in town called up our number and said, 'Kindly tell Mrs. Lombard that Miss Keith' regrets that after 'ail she'will be unable to go to Mrs. .Lombard's .tea' on- Saturday.' "Horace, she's' ordered all the things and invited all the people over our wire, and never -asked me. at -all!" Youth's Companion. Headache, from Eyestrain. Basing himself on his records of nearly 1,300 eye; examinations, Dr. S. W. S. Toms claims, that 90 per' cent, of all. those suffering, from reflex or neuralgic headache have, ocular de fects, declares a writer in the Family Doctor. Over 00 of the patients examined were altogether 'unaware of their de feet Fully half the cases were of only slight refractive errors or muscu lar unbalance, and it is in these cases in which ciliary spasm is the direct factor- In causing' headache in persons, whose, occupation calls for-near vision that accommodative asthenopia re sults. There Is no apparent relation be tween the severity of the headache and the degree- of the ocular' defect,, and-nothing especially characteristic, except, .perhaps.--the. patient's non-sus-.picion .of the cause. Sickness or health impairment may be the first inciting factor in some patient with considerable ocular defects which gave no trouble before. sunishing. Regicides. Those among the assassins' of the late king of Portugal and. his son who fell 'victims to the sabers and bullets of the soldiery-and police' were lucky. For even In these humanitarian days the lot of the regicide when -caught is not usually a very .enviable- one. To -be -hanged is 'the least he can expect Perpetual-solitary -imprisonment is, a faf more dreadful 'fate; . It drove Bresci. the 'assassin .of King Humbert of Italy, to' suicide, and it has trans formed rLucchinl, who murdered the empress of Austria, into. a. hopeless imbecile. Among the plotters, impli cated In. the. murder of the late-shah of Persia, one -was tortured to death In -prison, while another. was incased in wet piaster, pf'paris, which on" set ting sloWly crushed the life out ef him. Three of. the assassins of a pre vious shah, were boiled in -huge cop per caldrons. King Frederick .and the Sentry. - "Frederick the Great of Prussia often told a laughable story of an" expert ence .of his own. . During one of his cynpft'gn" in. Silesia he made it his "habit to stroil through his camp la disguise at night-to come la touch with his. soldiers. Oae night he was stopped by a sentry, but giving the proper password, was. permitted to proceed. .Instead of doing so, how ever, he endeavored to tempt the sea try iato-acceptiag a cigar, saying that a smoke would' solace his long watch . "It is agaiast the rules." said the t .?-rft..- - -tv . &. .. y.,.. l Sale soldier.. "Bufyou.have.my permission," 'said the king. ., . ".Your permission! Who are you?'"' Vl.am the'king." . - ' "The king-be hanged!" said the in . corruptible -.sentry." "What 'would mj 'captain say?"-rLdndon Tribune. t ' 'One 'Definition of Critic. "The late" Edmund Clarence Sted man. the. banker-poet;" said ,a maga zine editor;'. "was really a better critic than"poet. He.had'a high opinion of the critic's'fui.cUons- ( Attacks on the value of .criticism a'lways angered him. He used to. tell 'about a.typica. attack of this kind. He heard it at, a supper-after the-theater, it cam from an-, unsuccessful- actor. Mr Stedmari 'was replying to the toast. .'Our American Critics.' He begar. with the .query; uttered in a ringing voice: "What is a critic?' ' o "The unsuccessful actor, in" the en suing "pause," answ'ered from the hot torn of the .table: ; A man who doesn't , know a good thins when ha sees it. . --". 4 J ONLY ONE WAY TO BEAT THEM. "Big Bill". Devery's Idea 'of Dealing with Bookmakers. Big Bill Devery has told New York .nowto- beat -a bookmaker a tip that the town has.-been seeking for seme time. Two Australian, wire sharks were introduced" to .him under an as sumed name as a sucker who would bite at a wire tapping idea. After the scheme had -been broached, here is what took, place: "I haven't got any ready money;"- Devery mused,- when they had finished outlining the scheme. "But I suppose I could-raise 10,000 or so on the' farm. Would that do for a start? " "Well, of course, Mr. Devery; if that's all you can raise. But you really ought to go to It for the house and lot It's a swell chance to make a. fortune in a hurry." "I know it is," agreed Devery.. "That's what I used to tell the boobs when I was chief of police and they came to me with their hollers. 'It's a good thing.' r says, to them, 'and I don't see why you don't get a million out of if But they were always there with a foolish holler about the horse coming in second and the wire. man getting away with the coin. Something like that was always hap pening, to crab the act." The Aus tralians were on their feet and edging towards the door. "Oh, don't hurry, boys," said Devery, reassuringly. "I ain't on the job now. Man named Bingham's tending to that work. But I was the best chief New York ever had, all right. H right." "Must be some mistake," stuttered one of the Australians. "No no offense, I hope." "Oh,- not a bit', was Devery's cheerful reply. "But-1 don't think I'll go into it When I want to -beat "the book makers I'll take a night stick." Carnegie "Scotch Devil." "I remember I attracted some at- GO OUT AND SEE THE FLEET IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY m TO CALIFORNIA Tickets on sale April 25 and-26, limit . . 60 days, and liberal stop-overs. - " -VIA- UNION PACIFIC . . Inquire of E. G. BROWN, Agent. Stable.. teniion one day. I was a telegraph operator "down in Pennsylvania," said Andrew Carnegie. "Over my head was T. A., Scott, "that great railroad man. He was supposed to' direct the movement of the trains on that divi sion, giving orders at his command. I signed his name to the orders. T. A. S. "One day hi .was away. The trains were all late. The eastern express, was three hour's late. The freight boyswere lying about the yard wait ing for-orders. Remembering Nelson. . I said, to myself! 'Death or Westmin ster Abbey.' I began getting out the trains, signing all. orders 'T. A. 8.' Then the chief came in. . "'Come, come, Andy, how did these trains get out?' " 'Why, I gave the orders. I couldn't sit here like a dummy, with things getting behind and all mixed up. I have 'given the orders many a. time with you .standing, over me. I knew what you would have done.' "Well, he didn't approve at all of my action to me. But I heard him say a day or so after to a big man. with little disapproval in his voice: "'Do you know what that little white-haired Scotch devil did the oth er night? He ran every train on the division himself. 'That was" the turning point In my career." MIGHT HAVE LET HIM FINISH. As It Turned Out, Lawyers Were Un necessarily Excited. In a suit in a Maine court not long ago there was adduced a line of tes timony that created some excitement. A. witness had testified, that he saw the. defendant "splitting up" raila a few hours before the accident for which defendant was supposed to be responsible. "What did he say he was going to do with the rails?" asked the counsel, fixing-the wandering eye of the wit ness with his stern gaze. Before the witness could answer, the defendant's counsel was on his feet insisting that the question was not allowable. A prolonged wrangle ensued. Various high authorities for and against the admission of the ques tion were consulted and quoted. - During all this time the witness shifted from one leg to the other, aad gave vent to several prodigious -awns. As the controversy waged Hotter and hotter something like a smile was seen to pass across his face. At last the judge ruled that the Question must be allowed and while the defendant's counsel, exhausted with rage, leaned back in his chair sxcitedly, the query was put once more: "What did the defendant say he was going to do with the rails?" "Nawthin,." drawled the witness. "I were drivin my sister's niece to ketch -a train when I see him. An' now, ef it ain't unconstitootional. I'd like to set down as my legs is about gin out." Illustrated Sunday Magazine. FOR THE ROUND TRIP ' r ft i l fl