't AriSl a . 's V L Hk flHMftr HHB HHH . v sgaH .9HKh7 1HEH -" L .iH-- B Hfl .l v The 'forum of" old Urn Jucklin's a1 mical" disappointments is that in his. doni was -the-'horpe-lilock irrfront of .jevebge "he thinks lie has done, some the cross-roads store... In-".ttie rural th'ing notabje when he hasn't, south age means wisdom. Merely.. to' "About .the worst lickin I ever.gqt have" Seen the-reasons, come 'and go was shortly after "l had cast my first is know ledge",. and v.heri. age talks not vote There were, two men running nrilv .vnntli" li?ir.- Ynidille ase mufat he content ".to, listen. Cultivation is mere hook-learning; ..hearsai, -Che rumpf. -of an unsuirstantial truth,-as if tile hook, yere 'not .the .experience- of . man's, . mind, Tlie." well-read and traveled, if" .not-yet ouCvfrOni" under the contempt of ciminaturp-jars.."iii1ust bit respectful-dumb while waa old man whp ttrav never ha,.e crossed, tjie lino of . his countv ,rrtns.ents ro give an hour's" Jioiijilv iipon'.jhe'-affairs of the "world." But'wi'tlf age 'there scnheriiaes come? :f .mellow .'and aseel ripening of that 'lKdJT jiVfilo'sophfcal hhnioc which musty bosks humid 7m the- hide of ;ome " ancjenu-farted calf delightfully tell us is almost ."wholly an Anglo-Saxon heritage. " - HuC .old Lim had been out of his cotjifty." He had traveled into the "north, the, land where every man was .for liiniself': Jn Chicago he bad bdught.a iair jf 'gold-rimmed" spec tacles" whjeh some clergyman must have irtht;-anil in a modest little trans- .-H-JInn-he had iiermilted a Michigan -; rri.iit.".rarmer to pluck off a patch of " his- well-seasoned skin. And While these " '.transactions were reckoned rtniong-' his accomplishments, they - niriied "Somewhat pak when compared witli.Hhe fact that he coijld come .near er giie.ssijig the weight or a hog or the- hPlglif of a mule" than any man in - North Carolina. It is on iccord thai Jie-w-ns a believer ia the- Hook from . ' 'I;iyef to kiver." and in his neighhor-hood.'-it is known that once he .yal- loped one of the Harvey boys for tit' .JeVins at a havtiniug. He Jiirnishefl t"he.-oak slab that had been fashioned info the. mourner's "bench at Siloam 'meeting ho'uhe. His wife gaye to the " circuit iider .more jiairs of -wool .socks than any other woman in the com l niunity. .And the od man hiniscjf liatl been known not indeed to sliout dur ing a canij fleeting, but afterward to call hogs with more fervor than was -Jiis accustomed habit. "Yet. notwith standing these unmistakable tokens of- i pious, life, he gave, to game roosters a devotion Unit smacked of fanaticism. - Through the wind-howl of a winter's night-throuKh the icy thicket he would shoulder his way. mile- after mile, 1 be present at a contest. He lamented the- faieof the. defeated, but gloried over the victor- Hut he never w-agercd a penny. That wquld have been irreligious. With others the hgbting of chickens was a sport. With him it was an emotion. So, with lis moral establishment well known -and with his .wisdom "unquestioned, whenever of a "Saturday afternoon he took liis eat on the old. horse-block, """".." theie was always an audience -waiting, not out of respect for his cars, hut looking for amusement. " They have about settled, the com- 'lnjj election." said hyns he parted the. tails -of his brown jeans coat and sat -"down. "Don't believe I ever saw an ; ::'-elec,tioa comin' that wa'n't already- - .".. pet.tled.- And it would look like there w-an'jf t any use of havin but one side; but..vet. somehow the other side al- - ways does putty well when the-votes J are. counted. The man that nnder- stands atithmetic Is bad in politics. ..,-.. I le-likra -to figger, and a man that . !mIocs listialiy figgers too much. It's ,an old sain" that figgers don't lie, and that may he true, but sometimes iljey-are .found in the wrong .place. ". --"' -."Kdth .or the great political parties " -- art" wise, for they always nominate VJ he. light man. And What a line pres' idetit-he would "have made if he hud ..... only .been -elected. And the minute ,.. . the- -oilier candidate is elected he """" -.'.ceases'Mo be a politician .and becomes ."a -statesman. But .death has made ."-:. .more "statesmen rhan office ever did- ",. ."ln-tili& life a gieat reward is offered -to'.-rasca'lity, tmd that'g the reason ".'tli.ere;"aae so mails' politicians. Enough ... '-..votes' would make -any man great, bat : " V riQ.i""enough wiHturn the wisest man . --into a. firiiprthe-creek. When a man " "thafis-iiookin for an office begies;-to -. "feil'jne-that he's" a sincere-American I ". : bejiqvc him. -I -believe he wants .the. ..ldace-,. .and. in- thbj way the lives, of -"- ?ohie"ni, illustrate an .eternal tnitlu- .:".""-Th'ey eterjially .w am" something. Uuxiv ": .tjing W office is a hare' habit to hreak, " '-hii:wheii".jr man. has lieeq hciiten a " "- time or' two for -president he cools "-.:"dow-n""iiiight'ly. Some of our smartest -" .-. .-inen "have een "defeated fo? r'esident.! . " an'i among, i hem .was. Ifenry CJay, but iv - -."lit; Hllj.lil.i4 i.-.ijW. j- iivi nt ji- " ..-..v-fice wbdn-Qld Andy Jackson and the Jd wero""j!(gaiflst hitn. And it is -:;'--. "mjturalfy.;to boYsuppose.d - that the- "l. ".- .Ctprdstillhas ngopd deal :of -.influence I . . "." : .ihiri"n'-,lv.c'tio,ntinio. linijt iaxi,4ues-1 "-. . " tipn .-whether -ar jio.r He.always uses it. - -C. ,-: .-"E-v'0!vsUice--i y-can'-ftficoUeci. -Xhe ';'..- ksjunlryvhaV: been ;Kpin -to -ruin- it, f "- ' .seems -that .the.jcolislkuifon- was-iiirri 4 - r-;.i-uined -and ;:tas" been" imposed- tipon I '" V" ".-ever" since."-15wt !t:is "aa mighty -'hard "..-' thing Vo .teaV-'tc? pieces; . int.. if-.the" f-:"v-: "; .''-rignt. maii isn't-peered' thiaf time" not' i" . ;'" :"-. .only -"tire- .cJpnsfitprumbut; . "JiGl"- w'holei . :." ' ..colmtVy T ill5 have" "tq-go'pricrutcltesl j i...- - ...-pj-d. Uncle; Jauxi .iioss. is tne oiaest - ". "-'.man'iti' jhQ.r couhry- anil 3iV ua that 1 "--'. tTre"w;o"rld. is'a-.fa7iu"re;."a"nd JFvthis.js'J I ' 1 -V- - .V.frife. America1. mus"t:-;o" "along in with 1 '"'. -'V-the.'geTierarBo.'.accouiitness.of. it all.: . ... 7 .But ". I" -noticed :iJiat'-las:t:.yea'f; Yrjv hot'-" ; " ""i: tbmf:field":raiscd-lliofe corn (o. the acre - '.'' .'than'or several fentii -past; -'and .as " '' S .."lohg-.s" lhJs-contin.ues,.to be-thecase jI . s . .y: ;j: ainTt ah 'a-' fiften :frarae wTmind" to. bei ' " lieve itr'alf the bad 1 hcws.U.iiea'r No f -' ". " 'niatfe'r "How; mtnfh- good news ybu -get;. i' ... j)ad.pews'is s.re-.To.iuiyw..jsmH..imiv '--"ago'old marf Jqynef threatened that. if --his."can:dida.te:-wa"n. t"; "elected'".iresideht he wctula ptQir. uj) apo move out. oi ine ne"ig"hDorhofod. . His jnan wasn't., qlec't ed"and -he movdd P"1".-. across.-, the 'creekand-, four "years afterward. When- ? )- -i.VoSn ItAorfnn. "ho nnrnrl IHSr JLTfUl Vfcl i0. iY.--kfAv- -v'' wv Js'o T have" g'iee'u.that.about . ail" there" 'isi'tothp-avcrag;-: man'- ;v . -.- ":. . .--- .-.. . '--. -. - hot for. constable.. .1. half-way prom ised.to vote for one or .hem, a fellow nantcd Henk. -The election was held by word of mouth, and -when the -time came. T couldn't iniq"mber " ljenk.sj name and oted for Jones because.it 'was- .easier. And that is- about- .as much intelligence: as some people show in their voting now.' They votei the way that looks the- easiest. What did Henk- do!? I met him at a sawmill and he took a piece, of scantling, fo me, an' by the time' I. made up "my mind .what to do lie .had me whipped. A man ought always have his mind fully -.made up as to .what he will dot when the worst conies. L "managed ta tell him that I didn't fully promise to vote for him. that I had only half lowed made --up my mind,, and ...-he Yes, and that is the reason I only . half kill you now.' "If you see a fight coming it is bet-l tor to make-tin your mind tornn than" noUto he firmly settled on some par ticular mode-, "of action. The .bravest man may appear like, a coward if lie's "unsettled in-his mind, and while he is .Still unsettled the other fellow may ovei pojv er hiliu .It is mind .that fighis. As long :l&" a. rooster's rnmd is steady his headjjs "steady, but the minute he 'begins 'to look aiound he discovers" a chance" to run. If he- had fully made up his mind not- to ran he "fc J 5 F A-bu do not Care tx wreck your bark on thehreak--ers of divorce, see to it that Love stands at - the tiller when you go aboafd. "Love- suffereth long and is kind." A very pleasant fellow to have at the h e 1 m, you must admit. When you go -down to the pier ut which the lit tle boat is moored, you and she. be sure to it that Love, the dear lit .tle fellow, is stand ing some where near, and then do yon call him up and say, "I entrust any bark" to your Tieeping. .We want to sail as long as theboat lasts and we want you to guide "ns among pleasant-places. If storms come up we do not wish to evade them, only see to it" that we" weather all gales; and whatever you do. see to it that lie do not strike, on -the rock of divorce." And Love win shake his curly head and say with a merry laugh: "l have' acted as helmsman to many a-couple, hut never yet have J struck on a-rock of divprce.. Now, over there is a well dressed sailor, named Gold. His boat Is bigger than this and is furnished better, but if I -do say it, he cannot mind helm as well as I, for many nd many a couple has he spilled out on either side of the rock of divorce. Are" you ready, sir? Shall 1 cast oft? "Cast ofL. my hearty," say you. "We .are in for a long and perhaps an ad .venturous voya'ge, but with you and Willi her on' board HI be bound it will be a hapiry one." All of wiiich is a pretty little alle gory and I made it np olt of my own little head. And it's truC, every word of it. S-J HE oher day -1 -had been going on at a pretty .-r a p i d rate; -de nouncing the ill gotten "money of "the A merican "robber barons," paying that ".1. would " rather; die poor but honest than' lie '.as- rich as-"-I "can't" think of!nis name, but he is .respected by the. unthinking 'everywhere!' Suddenly a man who is- -k n o w.n frorii end to end. of the wdfld-came up'-to me yes,, to1 me. and asked me j how I was'getting ... - " . . along. .--' Why, .r almost gasped for. bieath. He is-worth millions, and I wondered how- he. could .haveVheaTd o'.m,- who owethe dollar' and a quarter that I call "my own- "... Xow if ever anybody- made his mone"y sinfully he 'did. -Hel.; ; stands high -np'-among the Standard .'Oil men .an"d I-yield to no-one in -contempt for his inethOds; - although I will admit Jhat'.-his. -manners"; are.. perfect "an'd he Certainly . seems. -to know people out? sidfe"' of his world."- . . He congratulated" me on a story of mine .'that-he-diad "'read. . lt.'was.-.oae s'atirrzfng plutocrats; .. but he -.'had' niissed'.the satire" "and had taken it as -.a .compliment ".. '-"Said's he": ".'-'L wish .to help people in lall,h"e:rats." 1. wish to seek our ar- "i.. . - . ,.. .N. i,, mm usjs sjia give .icem rous .01 moaej.. wouldn't have found the oppoYtunity. Some- one thought to be wise '.said that a good run was better than a bad-stand, hut it fs not true.3 -As-long as you think it is good to fun .you'll J keep on runniri",- And -when you run j once Jt is. an asy matter to maKe up your mind'that"to stand is bad. When ever a man is branded as a-coward'all" the other cowards want. :tp 'take -a whack at hjni. . Therefore -it is better t,o he whippedevery day in the week . than to run once, for with the comin of the next week .the situation As: miglity apt to undergo a 'change. Bad. stands stood g'ef better all the time.. But w:hen a .man" has" once been whipped he.:is never- the same -after- Iward. "It is better to have, a "broken. head "than -a broken, spirit." Without, spirit- the sCrongcs.t man is" hut a' worm. ' : "Success may after a while enable .he candidate, to tell the truth, but it' seems that wiieh ' a. man breaks, into I l,0"'tcs " h'e breaks, in as ,a liar. . -It may ue miuusi. iiuuvuaciuus uu. iiis. part, bnt it ain't long till he's" savin I things that -he don't- believe.- .And what appears to grieve- hihi. is the' fact- that- other peo'ile donlt either. Jf yoiir ison-in-law is hesitating'-.-hetweea politics and-, pbe penitentiary,- "remem ber that if he goes -to" (he penitentiary you won't" have, to take oare-ot him. Many an'honest man has haid a chance to become a politician and "didn't. A politician's smile may be bright; and io is a sunbeam. when it--f Jills on.-. a puddle where the hogs 'have" been- wal- Jerin'." ".. . Ceii.viislifi y Opi- Road.) I want to find straggling musicians' and help them to an education. And I particularly want to give you a house and lot and some shares of rai'-j-oad stock that will yield you an in come of $10,000 a-yean" Well, you may imagine I did not know' what to do, However the man may have come by his money, he was certainly -moved by kindly feelings in wishing to share with "mi?. I hesitated and hemmed and hawe'd and thought of-my family and of the. good uses to which I might jiut the" mopejv "" " - And then I remembered thafmy an cestors were Puritans, and that not one of.. them in all thp .nine genera tions ever tnld. a "lie or did anything wrong in any way whatsoever, and I took a "long "breath and said: "Thy money pe"'h with thee". - I'll have none of it. And then I woke up. -SH KNOW it is none of "my business, but are ybu go ing to let Jane grow up with th a t unpleasant voice? . , Haven't you read the praiseof southern women's voices to some advantage? ..I don't suppose that" Jane's speak ing voice could ever be made real ly melodious, al though, strange to say. -her' singing voice is not at all unpleasant. But you could eliminate that strident quality. -The. other day I was sitting in .the seaward end of the ferryboat when Jane- came in from the slip. The-boat was full and every one was talking. but Jane's voice rose above all the others and almost-, every one . looked up. "iil venture tq say that most of them were reminded- of a beautiful macaw. " " . For there is no denying that Jane is a handsome girl..." And she's a bright girl'-and she.says .bright things, . but they are -all screeched 'at ycu. '..- If .fane marries let her pick out a phlegmatic man, unless s"he uses a-file' on that .voice. It would be cruehy-to 'animals to let- hexr-marry 'a sensitive soul,' say a painter or "a-writer, "be-, cause tobe shut'.up. in. the. same cag& day after day with the most beautiful macaw imaginable wouIdbe:.to"havC-one's- nerves de-insulated. " .. .; She may "be disobedient and out-' .giow it; she may "be disrespectful -"and , outgrow it. i " Ilut- -if Joot daughter lias an unpleas- ant voice she won't' outgrow .it. unless ypwkeep at her a11.th.e tlm.e. "(Copyriclit. by J;lnjcs Pott A "Co.) - Not So' Bad -as 'Expected. 'Many things' seem, greater "by Imag ination tha'a they are-'in effect Lhave passed a good part o'f my age.in-a.per- fect and entire health.' -I say. not only entire but sprightly and wanton.' This .state is so'-fuli.et verdure, jollity and vigor, made, the consideration, of .sick- 'cess, so horrible tq iner that when I came to experience., it I found the attacks faint and -easj :in comparison of -wlmt I.ha'd 'feared. Montaigne. ., ; : Cheap Filter;'" -. '-The most impure water may,"be -purified "by -niferihg through .charcoaL' Take a large flower pot, put "a piece oi spdnge-or clean moss over the hole In' the bottom and fill three quarters' full ofequal, parts qf clean, sand and char -coal; .over, this lay a linen cloth. large enough to "hang "oyer -the sides of the pot. Pour the water into the'cloth and it will -come, put'- pure. 'Delineator, ' J y-w4Wk' 1 ". SPRING KIDNEY TROUBLE., Vividly Described by One Who Has Suffered from It. Mrs. H. Mutzabangh; of Dnncannon, Pa., says: VI was sick' and miserable all last Spring and as I did not know what was the matter I kept going down and down until I was a physical wreck. I ' h a d smothering spells,, flashes 0 J ' heat over the kid neys, and palninpass- Ing the kidney "secre tion's, which contained sediment. My husband urged me .to try Doan's Kid ney" Pills, and at last I did'so. "They did me much good, and. I. used in-all eight boxes which restored me to per fect, health.'"' . . . - Sold by ail dealers, 50 cents a box. iteter-MIlbufh- Co, Buffalo .N: Y. . .- ' T ". THAT OFFICE YARN. " Mrs. A. I think, offices are horrid. 'My husband is out all day and'" says hods looking. for an office. . , -Mrs. Z. How funny! "Mine is out late nights' and says be .is detained at the' office.' . . - . .Couldn't .Snare O'ConneH. . - " Daniel. O'Conne'll -had got "a -man' off a'rdne time for highway robbery" and at another f6r hurgIary;;bu"t'onthe. 'third- occasion, for; stealing a coasting" brig the task of hoodwinking the jury; seemed too great for everr his -powers J of cajolery, However, he made, out that th6 crime was committed' pii the 'hgh seas and obtained an acquittal." The prisoner lifted up his hands and eyes to heaven and exclaimed : "May the.'Lord-iong'sparc you, Mr. O'Connell -"to me!" " - Laundry work at home -would he much more satisfactory if lie right Starch were. used. In order to get the. 'desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to nse so much starch that the beauty and fineness. of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, whicli not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods; This .trouble-can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. The Wrong Tense. Dorothea's father was. sitting before a-window In his country house with Dorothea on his knees. He was look ing across the fields with unseeing eyes, when the lassie broke in on his reverie with, "What are you looking at, papa?" "I was looking Into tho future, my dear." "The future, papa! I thought it was . Harper's Weekly. into the pasture! . Lest He Forget. .Church What's that piece of cord tied" around your Onger for? GothamMy -wife put it 'there lo re mind me to mail a letter. Church And did you mail it? Gotham Xo; she forgot to iye it to me! The Congregationalism In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain nire for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no substitute.- Trial- package, FREE. Ad-' dress" A. S. Olmsted.. Le Rcy, N. Y. ii Real Calamity. "And are you out of work, my good man?" inquired the kind lady whom lie met. . - '."Worse, ma'am,;1 returned the list less one. "I'm out o'terbaccer." Allyy Sloper. " ' Your-Wife. Mother or Slater Can make Lemon, Chocolate and Custard pies better than the expert cook by using "OUR-PIE," as all the ingredients are in the package ready for immediate use. Each package, enough for two large pies. 10 cents. Order to-day from your grocer. "Put up by D-Zerta Co., Rochester, N.Y." .'Genuine greatness Is marked by simplicity, unostentaticusness, Belf forgetfulness. a hearty interest In others, a feeling of. brotherhood with the human family. Garfield Tea cannot but commend itself lo those desiring a Jaxativc-at oncc sim ple, pure. mild, potent and health-giving, it is mddc of Herb?. AH drug stores. The bachelor who" takes unto him self a wife gives- up the; simple for the strenuous life. " . . Smoker, appreciate the quality .value of Lewis' 'Sinirle Binder cigar. Your dealer or Lewis Factory, Pccria, 111. Truth,. like a rose, often blossoms upon a thorny stem. Hafiz. Mrs. 'loalow's Soothtar. Bynip.- Tor children teethlnir; aoftnMhet?nrj,redo) to flntUon,all pair, carea wind coUl. 2Soatottle. o fionestly exerted force can ..be utterly lost. Ftoude.. ' aaTp aX1 1 SIOAN'S for spovin,curb;splinh sweeny, copped hock, founder, strained tendons, wind puffs and all lameness in horses -For Hirush. fbo rpt and qorqel on cattle .and sheep Far hog distemper, hoq cholera, thumps and scours in naS For diarrhoea canker and roup . in poultry - 0, : . v AT ALU DEALERS - - PRICE 115 t.SOtl $ .00 Send .for free lbok MACHINE-GROUND PAINT. Occasionally 'one hears the "hand mixed" paint of the painter slightingly spoken of as "unscientific" and "not thoroughly mixed." The facts are all on the side of the painter and his hand prepared paint. It Is the most "scientific" paint there Is; because it is made on the spot to suit the particular purpose for which It is to be .used. It is as scientific as a good doctor's' prescription. If the painter did not mix. it 'thus it would be as unscientific as a patent medl- m ? . 11. 11 1. cine. Moreover, me .paint wmcu good painter turns out. is made of genuine white lead. and pure linseed oil. If he does not "mix. it himself he is not sure what is in it, and conse quently his client cannot he sure. 'As for not being thoroughly mixed by" machinery, that is simply a' mis statement, i White Lead as made by National Lead Company is thorough ly incorporated with 1 or 8 per cent: of pure Linseed oil in the.factory, mak-. ing. a'.paste. This 'paste need only be thinned with additional linseed oil 'to make'lit ready for the brush. The thorough- incorporation of pigj-.ment.and-.oil has already been accom plished before the painter gets it -'To know-how to tell pure white lead. is a great advantage to notn painter and "house-owner. National Lead'Com pany will send a tester free to anyone interested. Address the company at Wqodbridge Building, New York,N. Y. .MADE H(S MEANING. 'CLEAR. ' ' ' . .Professor's .Son Translated Father's Speech Into. the Vernacular. '"'A. college professor, .in Jcompany with. his son,, was enjoying a.walkln 'the .coiintry,'-when -tie met an old farmer. It. had been a very "wet sea son, .and the professor, thinking to start the conversation in a way that would prove interesting to the farmer, remarked:. "There has" been. a. rather ahnormal precipitation of "late." The- farmer seemed somewhat em barrassed, and. the professor's son, who used a different vernacular, though he was a- student in the college to which his father was attached, at tempted to straighten out the matter. Drawing the farmer to one side, he said in a superior way. "The governor means that we've been having a devil of a lot of rain' Harper's Weekly. " - , Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of " ' WWM In Use. For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Nautical Note. "Well, my girl, that young man of yours established a record last even ing." ' "What do you mean, pa?" "Your mother reported him off the 1 liat racJc at ten. 'cocJc anQ" be hatn,t maae ine.vesnunie uen joui uiumw steamed in at 12." Modern Society. Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for botn hot and cold starching, and -if you don't think you do better work, in less time and at smaller cost, return It and your grocer will give you back your money. The Power of Love. Love as many persons and as many creatures- as you possibly can. Love is the only power by which you .can make yourself rich in a moral world. Blackie. Pettit's Eye Salve for 25c relieves tired, overworked eyes, stops eye aches congested, infLimed or sore eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, U. Y. Winter the Most Deadly Season. .In most large cities the death rat in winter is much greater than ia summer. Smokers have to call for Lewis' Single Binder cigar to get it. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. ' There Is no interest worth consid eration that does not run in the direc tion of duty. Grimshaw. !2SG! PUTNAM Qatar Mthfar &4 tetter eaten than an WIHI Hf IN I TfsjeAffiZZ the discriminating mm oil Horses. Cartte. .Hogs ok foulrry Address' Dr. Eorl S.Sloan. Boston. Hosa. No Visible Signals. Tessum," said Sandy Pikes, as he devoured the wedge of pumpkin pie, "I.sternly object to the nefarious prac tice of clipping off de tails of dogs." , "Ah, I am glad you are so tender hearted, my poor man," sympathized the good housewife. "Well, it ain't exactly dat, mnm, but when a dog hasn't any tail I can't tell by de wags if he is in a good humor or not and it makes me skeery about approaching de house." p. i.. i.j.- - j bbV1b"HHb3ibW """"-.-'- - w k '"-"-'-."'V'-H """"".-: -"--."., -r A-" "" ""- -H iH -v. xi . -bW BBBBaW atf ifBP??rPl"MBBBBBr -BBmaW BEthV-4LBBBBBBBBBBBBr This woman says she was saved from -an operation by "Lydia E. Pinkhom's Vegetable Compound. "LenaV. Henry; of Norristown, Ga writes to Mrs. Pinkham: " I suffered nntold misery from fe male trouhles. My doctor, said an operai tion was the onlyxhance I had, and-1 dreaded it almost as much as death. tirtn ifr T ron'il riri7 nth'er.women. had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I decided.to try it. Before I .had taken tne nrst. . bottle I was better, and now I am en tirely cured. . ...-.-. " Every woman suffering with any xcmaie ironute diiuiuu && uju. . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." ; FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia Jj ttnK- i ham's Yegetable .Compound, made j from roots and herbs, nas oeen-ine "standard remedy for female ills, andhas positively cured thousands of women whohave been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, n Ji-.irm faolinn flnflllpnP.V. inalCeS t tiorudizziness or nervous prostration, f Mrs..Pinkham invites all sick women1 to write lier for advice. She has .guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn. Mass. ""ITfctwptWi'sEytWatfl Improve Your K C Baking Powder will do it! Get. a can. Trv it for vour favorite cake. If It doesn't raise better, if it isn't daintier, we return your money. Everybody agrees KC has no equal .OUNCES! wm The United States Pure Food Law insures its purity. IRRIGATED LANDS Altitude only 3700 feet above the sea lerel. laexasastlM water analjr. takea frost the Treat Snake Itlver, the seventh largest river in America. Pia alkali. cyclaaca. 490,000 acres of the finest f rot and afTicnlraral land in the West. The man who wants a home where everything (trows that makes f arming- profltable on easy terms or the man who wants land for Investment should write us, aa we quote nothing but alMolutelj reliable informatioB. Address H. A. STROUD & COMPANY. 2tlS9lki I'i I liarTwV2 SHOES AT ALL rPAiecs. rem every yrjian or-me family. MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES ANO nmmmmnar fcaiMBW. Ml nt.4U4Fsw!:fMfltEll1ttbTrto a" LT - 8o' HMtaUIogfrestoanja a. FADELESS DYES otter i Am Measekaoe cetera all fibers. Tkev die to)0ie.WcliaadaCien. MOMKOE DRUB CO., Qulmmy, UUmmt. Iteaf farmer keeps a supply or jj fc TyytnlFi WESTERN CANADA Seme of tlie choicest Iasda for train crowinir, took ralsiofr and mixed fannlBtr in the new dis tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta bare re cently been Opened for Settleant under the Revised RtMCsteti RcpUtiMs Eotrx max orr made by proxy (on certain conditions), by the father, mother, son, daugh ter, brother or bister of an intending home bteader. Thousands of homesteads of 160 acres each arc thus now- easily available in these preat Krain-prorricj-, stock-raising and mixed farming sections. There yon will find healthful climate, rood neighbors, chnrches for family worship, schools for yonr children. Rood law-,, splendid crops, and railroads conTenient to market. Entry fee in each case is 810 00. For pamph let. "Last Best Wet," particulars as to rate., routes, best time to go and where to locate, apply to W.V.BEK5ETT. Ml Riw Tori Ilk Builehtf. Osaka. If tknk LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE tAT THE LOWEST PRICES BV A.N.KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO. 73JW. Adams St., Chicago IH? ATia?DQ ' ths p151, de RtfMMEnO sirinzto buy any- imnsaavemscain its columns should insist -Upon havinc what they ask-for. refusing all suts'a (utes or imitations. . : macars HAIR BALSAM Clmetm aaA TmmHOm th kata ftuuiuf a lanslut growth. STr IWla to Baatora Oral Hair to iw zoawioi voior. tcaip diaMaauurnuaa CMiunnr PILES AMAaa?aiasiet! relief. IB A 81M I'LE CUME. U at drunUta or xyy mall. Sample FREE. Addrcaf. "ANAKE8IS" Trlbuaa Bids-. Toas. MaatiHfc 1 kFREK REPORT. Writ tor R I Ell I W Century. Bl&r-. VTaslL. D. C ' w. N. u.. omaha, no. is. isoa. Baking more evenly, higher, more delicate in flavor, BAKING POWDER nnt us ri vmux csrcuhim imaATU iajos n in at twin - FAILS ATO JUtME CtGRTfT. 1Mb Twta Falls. MauW CHILDREN. W JCxclunMtlfJ . i.?iMiuinim. Takr 'Hm fcatltatax. W. . ia caMtnterkeller ttanaat ether 4e. Yaacsat ma Som. SlMwia Stock RuMte ;: f-