JS Si"-' '"r1 - " i'l ' A P FftJ'&wsr t I GROGERIES I THA for themselves, as ours. do, need little praising. We might, well .he pardoned for being enthusiastic about them. But all we say is q - -;;?:Y-:, :fO Once you do that, we will hot have to coax you for a second. Our gro ceries will speak for themselves on your, table. Youll he sorry you hadn't started trading here before. l I' . I3th&t-; .';..' : G0lumbus HENRY .BEtlAVOOD. .r""H . . - i I ITEMS OF - Froth the.Garette. ; .Last .week Dr. Morefield removed two - finVersXromMr. and Mrs; Nick Phillips little danghterVhand, caused from, be- ., injj crushed in a washing machine. ."' Til ra.-Ptir Powers went over to Co-. . -Juiubus Monday-evening ; to visit with " 'JmwiVs6b;.wLois-at the hospital at V: said .'place "and'-wa again operated on on I'- 'Monday: '.-.' -.' .-;....:- rvutxnros...' FmiifrhV-News-loaraal; " '. '''Pat'faganwcnt'toCo'lnmbiis last week ' - -wiirro'he willstay some time.". -A prairie.:fire destroyed nine stacks of h y eati'm Jited. to contuiri 120 tons, on the - l')aii. Lord .ranch, southeast of town last - .. Monday-night, ' JLW'Da'rnaby .of Chariton, Iii., a form- .. '.' er: PuRerton boy.ia. here for a few days ' ':'' visit;with"rjl'atives and friends. He is . -on -iiisway to lcny.fir. .Colo.. : "? -J.nsh'Browu received word Wednesday -Sto.tii4iiVeoyr:Wiil at Yankton, S. J).. -' vo..i.,"vr r...'liorJipn advanced from bill . .,Vbstin:g'anU placed in. charge of an. op ..' .'" poaitioii rrew.of Campbell Bros. . circus. : Thej--.will.be there Beveral. days billing ".fowtfsta that viciniiy. .; .-. .'. yt ' . :-- ' -. ' - - - - " :.;.:- V'..; Albion. : -Fpjm'tfiu'Xewft. ;' . ';. Misitda Lamb, of Platte. Center, was i- ;" here this week visiting her cousin, Anna .'Wr Tnomazinjiat the home ot.Vfra. Weitzel. ; ,-"vC.E-pockwooda8Mown from Pe- C -.-riefsburg Mondav.- Ue says that his ."'".'artesian well's are improving. -The one 7- " .wtifch. flowed about thirty gallons per ''. ."minute, nak.nearly doubled that now.. ' " s vrhe: large jbarn'n' the Mike Mullen . ""-.tariu.west'bttownjwas completely dee- --tVoed by fife-Saturday afternoon. It is. not known-just how the fire started. -. VTh.e wind was blowing a gale .'from the . ."-Bou'th arid may have carried tire to the bare" from a straw stack that was Imrn- ini: some distance, to " the south. T. W. - Duncan," who rents lhe" place, lost a .. . -calfandsome' harnesses that were -in. -"".- -the" barn: "Theloss was;" partially cbv- . "" -ed by insurance.. - " - i . . . Here is a-question for some farmer to ' answer," eays .an exchan"ge "How long " . would.'it lake to transfer wheat standing - in the field into'.brea and have the ' people eatinc "the same?" This was tried once in Clinton county. Mo., in ..1880 before hundreds of.-peoole." The I FRISCHHOLZ BROS. ! - RELIABLE GOODS AT .BIGHT PEICES. '- MMEM BROS. 405 11th Street, RAGATZ & CO. ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AttD FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES feat was accomplished in just eighteen minutes and I four seconds. The wheat waa standing .in- the field, and in that length of time the grain had been cut; threshed, ground and made into pan cakes and. the people were mating them. ..-- . I.KIOH.. .From-thfr World. Mrs. Carl Stabti and daughter Mrs.. George Boetel were arrivals here last' evening from Mineola, Jowa. Mra. Marie .Dressier and Miss Louise bresaler, mother and .sister of Mrs. A. F. Lutz left for their home in Indiana Thursday morning after a three weeks;. visit with Bev. and Mrs. Lutz. Henry Groteluescben has under con struclion a large barn that he is having put up with the cement blocks. When completed it will be the. finest and most substantial barn in this locality. Sheriff Kasper had a. lively runaway south of town one day last week. The ; tongue-came down which frightened the horses and threw the county official out of the rig. However, no serious damage was done. Word has reaohed here of the marriage of Miss Mary McLeod, of Schuyler to J.J.Crowley, who were recently mar ried at North Yakima, Washington. Themnrriage has caused some comment in Catholic church circles by the. fact that Mr. Crowley was formerly a catholic priest. Heis now engaged in the real estate business in Washington. Miss Mary McLeod, the bride is - a sister of Postmaster D. D.McLBod, of Schuyler. aiLVEB CREEK. From the SaaiL Miss Crystobel Brian of Columbus; was a guest of Silver Creek friends last Saturday. ,W.. J.. Walters of Columbus was in town Thursday, extolling tbe merits of Columbus.. He said that only one town that used the famous Columbus brew went dry at the recent election. -. G. ataure'r. Silver Creek's checker player went to Central City Wednesday, accompanied by-Robert. Murray anil W. Qt Baiab,- to contest for the champion ship, of the county. Elmer is there with the goods when it comes to; playing checkers and he cleaned them up in good shape. March 30 last Mrs. Cena B. Penning ton died at her home in Miles, Washing ton. Her-remains, were brought ' .here snots Furnishing Goods Columbus. ad interred intkeSUvvr. last Saturday .with :a; monies. Mrs. Pennington waa the -wifw of J. 0. Pennington, well known to jater people, here. s Tuesday erningbrglare broke into the Ferguson saloon, wracked .the aaak drawer, took 83, broke np the fernitare. stole two shot guns and an automatic rifle and L. A. Gates overcoat? From there they went to Roth k Kala'a gaaer al merchandise store, broke a light oat of a front window, ate a few banaaaa, stole a few razors and knives, set fire to, a grain sack '.and decamped. The Are smouldered out sad did ao damage of. consequence. No clae has been fottad of the burglara, and .everyone ia still; guessing' as to who it was. 'Maybe they will be caught some day. - , CENTRAL CRI.' .From .the 'Nonpareil,. ' The unexpected death of James .Ever ett, which occurred a't the Lord raaek near Fullerton Saturday, caused a ahocaf in this community, where "Jim"; as he was familiarly? .known,' had grown io manhood. 'He contracted .appendicitis a week or ao ago 'and . itjiwtf ..eesBmed an acute form. .An' operation -jwai per-" -formed. Saturday but was '.too late to be of any", avail. Merle, the twelve-year old .eon of. Mr; and Mra. WU1 WUder, while trying to do .a high rope performance at the home-t east ottown Saturday fell and broke his left ankle. He had f.iutened a rope to the beam projecting out from the roof of the. barn and attar, trying it .Bterted to slide down to the.ground. a .distance of thirty feet. When, about half way down tbe rone began. to burn his bands so badly that he had to let go. The fall re-, sulted.in.thb fraotared and badly entrain ed ankle. . . Mrs. j James Dunovan diedat her home east of town Monday, fine, had been . in ill health' for many years and deatti.wae due to a general decline. ' The funeral was held at the home., yesterday . after-1 noon and was conducted by .Itev. C. IJ." Bovard. The "deceased was borninEng land in 1834 and was in her. seventy-fifth yearatthe.time.ofher'deatb. She was married to .Tames Dunovan in 1857. In 1867 they came to Nebraska from Wis consin. Mr. Dunovan died about twelve years ago. GKHOA. From the TibaM. Kenneth Davis is carrying one of bis arms in a sling the result of a all from ahorse. His arm was broken near the wrist.. Mrs, W. O.Pugsley moved in. from the farm the last of the week mud is occupy ing the housie west of E. L. 'Barke'a which she recently enlarged and im; proyed, "St. Edward went dry by 41 votes,. Albion by 42, Cedar Kapids by 6; while thedryawon put at Fullerton by 94 majority. Belgrade8Uver Creek, Lind say and Newman Grove voted for aalooaa. An exchange gives the following aa its' idea of -'Biraple life. Ypu frequently hear folks say .they wish they ware a millionaire. But our idea of happiness is the oue that owns 40 acres of land ia' tbe hills, don't.owe a cent, .has a rife and seven children, 'five good coon -doga a good sorrel team of mules, a good- shot, gun, 47jnilcs from a railroid and right on a good stream to flab. If that -would not be happiness unalloyed we would like to know where you would go to. find it. Wanted Two up to date young ladies, to take.advantage of their; Istp year privileges and propose to a couple likely young bachelors who are two blamed bashful to do the proposing themselves. Realizing the far reaching, effect of .an advertisement in the Leader, both .-Morgan Flaherty of Fullerton and Robert Beers of Genoa have made, us a propo sition. Bob offered ua a checkfor $50 if we could induce some nice girl to pop" the question to turn, said be was.bf course a little particular, while Morgan '.offered us half a year's salary for any: old pro posal, said he had got oyer .being .parti cular. Now girls, here's your chance, and we'll divide commiasion with you. XOKKOX. From the.Kapablicaiu Clara Covert oome.up from, Columbus last Friday to visit Anna Smith. Isaiah Lightner went, to Lincoln iast Friday to:attond Frieada. meeting. . Mrs; W. W.Frank was -visiting Co-.' lumbus friends -Monday and ..Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Preston . moved to Osceola Monday, where Boy will . work for his brother-in-law, J. W. FiUmao. .Miss Grace Lubker retoraed .to -her home in Columbus Monday after a abort visit with Monroe friends., She -.was. ac companied by Miss Hester Hill. .Mrs. 1. 0. Mann-returned laat 'Friday from Watertown, S. D , where she has been for .the last two .months. Bbe. wa' accompanied by her motherMrs.' J. JB Slay ton, who has been at 8tearnsS. D , on her homestead. . .. There waa a pleasant gathering at the home of Mr. and ' Mra. r Wm. - Templin' Wednesday" eveniag. .in honor; 'of jMka. May and Master WUiie-Bjoedora of Co- lumbus. An enjoyable e-reniBgwaaspeat by the merry young-people.. -Jlarion McMeely.'an'd family arrived last' Friday evening from Tennyson, lad after an absence of .two years. ..Marion say's he don't know whether he. jMtfers Nebraska to Indiaaat.butisvarr' likely to remain here for some time. Mrs. F. A. Mataon aadohildera arrived Thursday for a viait with her :Brsate. Mr. and Mrs. 'L Lightaer. -Thsy'are moving to their new home .in Cerletoay Neb , and Fraak has been 'at -Madisoa the last week "getting their gooda,'ready for Hhipaaent. From the LookiaffGlawL " t Pollard was down last week and look ed over oar pstitioa for a votiacplaes ia Monroe. He .saya b.wildoJthf,fair tkiag, bat doea aot My Room Furniture The very latest in dull oak finish and at moderate ' - prices: Before purchasing let us show you these new -goods 219-21-23 West Eleventh St. wlU-ay. (pother. . 'We are not uneasy about We. were abx votes .behjod the lowest ot-tbe -oa the. siy .ticket-"' .We w'aat lo. thaok those who voted-for us. c We ex pected to be beaten worae. There waa no reaaonwby the opposition, could not' have come ouf openly and elected their awn. A majority always have the right to aelect the men they .want to ran. their affairs, and no one has .any kick coming. We would have done our' best for the, town .had we.beenjriected, Md we ex pect the-new BSembers to do the beat they. know, how for the goodoMhe town. We tender -congratulations on their election. PLATTE CENTER From the Signal. ' Mr. add Mrs. C. W.. Landers and three eons, of Norfolk, and, Mrs. J. C. Parker, of Columbus, were Sunday visitors of Mr; and Mrs, A G. Parker and family. R. 0. Regan tells us that he was com polled to shoot a young mare this morn ing, valued at $160,. because of bar bed wire cuts received by the animal two months ago. It will be an exceedingly . dry ride on the Spalding branch during the coming year: Every town on the line from Co lumbus to the end of the branch", at Spalding, went "dry" onTuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B Cramer anddaughr tier departed ;on yesterday's train for Omaha, where, they will ,make their nome.' mrSXvmBTjexpepi ia:iouow.am profession, that of paper hanging. These people have lived in Platte Center near ly two years, and have made many friends who regret their departure. ;Two children of Mr. .and Mrs. Joa :Hansel, living some 7 or 8 miles south of town, are sick with diphtheria, and one of them,- the oldest, is very sick, Antitoxine has been, used on all six .of the children. Later -Just as we go to press we learn that the. eight year, old daughter died yesterday of the malady. Mrs. .Mary Lees- died about- seven o'clock Monday evening at the home of her mother,- Mrs. Charles Lusienski. of eonswmption, with which cisease she .has been afflicted for about a year Deceased wfas born in. Poland 43 years, ago and came to thiscouhtry with her parent She has lived in Platte Center during the past eight years. She. leave? to nfourn her loss her mother, two sister?, one brother, and two. daughters and one aonrMrs.Wm. Soullierre, And Julia and Charley, who lived with ker. Tbe funer al was conducted Wednesday morning from St. Joseph's church and' the inter ment in the Cathoho cemetery, j Messrs. Ed Maher. Ed Biggins and D. D. Roberts, of tfiis place and C. J. .Oarrig.andJl J. Burke, Columbus, are .building a dipping tank, just south of the stock yards here, and they expect to have it finished and ready for- use the' first of next week. They are putting in agood one,and when complete, with tbe ylrds-.and draining platform, will have 'expended between three.and four hun dred dollars. Each of these gentlemen hpve Urge herds of cattle which they will thus' be enabled to .dip. as often as ofcasion requires . Besides attending to tlpeir own-herds they will be prepared to dp cattle for .others .at a reasonable figure... HUMPHREY. FroB the, Democrat iOljde Ely went over to Ulysaea" Wed nBday and- ip the evening won a wrest lipg maeb from "Kid" llorrian of Iowa. :Mrs, J. P. Dufify and daughter, Mre; 'Geo.Saanden, and baby, of SU Joe, Mo., arriTed in tbwn Tuesday evening on a vwit to Mia. "Duffy's mother,. Mrs. LGtherine Walker and tother relatives aad friends.. rMra. . F. Waotz -and ehildren left yaatardayfqr Los Angeles, California,, for ah extended visit with friends and relatives, fine was accompanied as far as Oolumbus by .Mr.. Wentz who will join, her in Galifornia-asaoon as hedis peaea of hia bnsinaas interests here. ' Prof. R; M.Campbell formerly of tbe Snmpbrey public schools, waa -elected preaidea t ef. tha North Nebraska . Teach-W.jWBQajaHont-at the maating held in Norfolk last week! .Mr.. Oampbell.ba aaaay admiria'gr friends ia Huatphrey whoara-pteaaed toaee him . honored "in ihiaway.-He was recently re-elected apariataadent of the : West Point ofceplsat anjadfanoa inaahry. .The aaajiewB.ot.taadaath of one of parforaMr caaidents, William T..8ibley. jraa raeaived ia town this week. Mr, BjbUy fasaad away at hia hoiaaiB Los HSlRT . ix" GeWMarchSO. 1M6. He waa oaaof the early aattUra -of Granville township, coaaukrjua JJB77 and lo- catiag.oo.what ipao:wnoWB aa.tke.Aa-J aoa oiaioniarm, aouiawawt town. Whan he retired f roat: active work He old hie faraf andawved toHumphrey; wbarahewaaaTaluedcitizen uqUhieJ removal to California in isn, ror toe good of his health. Wm. Sibley was a young man living in Majae when the civil war broke oat u he wMooe of the f rat to volunteer, for aervioa. He waa ji man of atrong.convicUona.aad -when he 1 made up.lis..puad taaaj ajyiwAaeWom 1 wavered. He waa a .faithfal haapandf aodlatkeraad kald tkMMpMt all kw friends. ' H. waa a member the A.- O. TJ.'W. atflumpbrey iad held the oOce ' of recorder foe maayjraare. ;He" .feavea ' to.aioarn his diathhls f e.. Dejia .M.' ibley.acd on.e.aondfaaiUyKaUJiving. t taJjcwAngeJee. , Joa.-Harperrfor.morethaathirty-threeUl yeare aTeeideat f 4he Tracy -Valley neighborhood, died very suddenly laat-Tl Friday aightatllrioat hie home north eaat of. town. Daring Jhe-day be waa , around attending to kiaworkon.thefvm i in hie usual health, and good jpirifa; in , fact he paajnd tjhe) rjonarkthat he :felt better:thatday-than.he dhad for .aomerk time. Earlyin-the evening he- retired, P bjui being unable to rest gad compiain' ing of a aevera pain in hischast, he arose ff om.the bed andreaajadl 'Jlra. Harper applied hot cloa. to Jia. chest "In :. an. aftortoraUfiej.aia . andaent . wll4!WJpit!Jm!&' perofnkfathiuaaaabptjxiyll how strong a guarantee we place on tnem. IjatUeft thehoose lQjpiiamtea-. MrlHar pergave-iwp-or taBaagasps. ana expirea During tnV winter -4he -old gestleman suffered' considerably with a Jbad cold, but at the tijnVof his death hehjadjcom pletely recoveredfrom this trouble, and seemingly being in the best of. health his death came as a'" great kurpriae and aiiook to hia friends -and' relatives. He waa 81 years of age.. Saml Satata TraBsfsn. ' Beeher, Hockenberger Jc Chambera real .estate' .agents report, the following real. estate, transfers' fiji.ed.for, record in the office of theopunty clerk .duaiog.the week ending April Hi 1908. (ioa Schnlber to German Lutheran - church, 1 acre i&w9M8-lw.... ......$ .100 00 Franc Hoghes to Fr. V Glodowaki, lots . 3 and 4 blk 14, Patte Center, wil 17 10 00 A B Cramer to Wm H ltocon, lot 2 blk :14,Platte Center, wd..... Slate of Nebraska to Anna Scboltz, e ne Carl 8chntte to Heary Herling, bw 3ft- ,W A McAllister to O.W.Eleton, block 3, Oidaadd, ColBwbaa, wd.. ............ 1000 00 560 00 '9100 00 .300.00 Pioneer .Town Site Co" to Albert.Wink ler. lot 6 blk 4, Cornlea. wd.. 80 00 K 8 lHckineon to OeoF Kohler. lot 6 blk U.'HiKhland Parkl Columbus, wd. 1400.00 Stsie'ot Nebraska to John Stempek, bw slate-of "brmtka to John, Stempek, e BWSW B6 36-17-2 w o P E McKUlip to Wm Bonus, .part lot 2 'blk 2, Gerrard aub dhr, TamoT. qcd. . NicKBlaser to School District No. 8. part Be'l7-lft-2w,wd.-. ...... , ... 153)00 810 00 106 95 00 Vi H WeaTer.to Anna Daries,- part lot 2 blk "'. Becker' sub diV. Col. wd .... 1700 00 Chas EChannqbUt to Peter-Bettinger, lots IS and 19 blk S.-IIope add, land- St. Bernard Church to .11 S Wagner part ne 12-S0-3 wwd... ....... ...-. First Natl Bank city .to Alois Miksch sw Slate of Nebraska to Owen Jones a bo 225 CO 900 00 6000 00 nw se 16-19-Sw.deeo1,... '..... .. .810 00 State of Nebraska to Owen Jones e sw lA-19-3w state deed ...., .- A M Allison to Jos Kromi lot 8 blk; 192 ColtuniKis wd. .'' A W.Scutt to Jos A Storch pt It 4 blk 6 OcO&6) Wuf Byron Mlllett to H-Hockenberger Its 5 nd 8 blk 30 Stevens add Cobimbqs.. . John Kablba-to Frank Kasiba nw-H- JbM WU ( Bertha' Scbnltz to Kath Schmit lta 21 to 24 but "B" Columbia" Square add to .OolQBDQB QCtl. 00 00 80 00 700 00 100 100 00 25 00 E: H Tiffany to Ed Hogill lull and 12 in blk .7. Gerrards add to Columbus wd. . 1000 00 Ed Hugill to H S Elliott It 4 blk6 High land Park add Columbus....... .....,;. United , States to John Kosiba aw.34-17-2w ' Anna Van Ackeron. to Jos Meleher It 5 ,125 00 patent blk 2 Kobbuons lstadd Humphrey wd 1400 CO Msry Howard to GertleM ZimmerlU 1-2 '1: vans add Columbus wd . L;M Edwards to H J Brenn'ig pt It I blk 450 00 -2 If M mphrgy wd .500 00 Miaunperstooo. Of -Henry .James, .who,, to the 'dis tress of many of Jiis admirers, is re vising" "Itoisy Miller,";. the ttPortralt of a Lady" andr.his other. early works, a Chicago publishers-said ;the .other day:. "Here is something,funny-.that hap-, penedi. during Mr. James visit to Phil adelphia..- "Two. housemaids in, thedown-town-h,ouse where. he -stopped were-.dls-cns8ipg. him. .' " 'He's a very finicky, fussy gentle man; said the-first "'Indeed, you're right, he" Is,' the other, agreed, iwaT9nly.x 'He caught me ualng one -of his' razors-one -morning, to .pry. open a-stiff window .with-and kicked, up-an awful : row. Some folks hate a .bit of -fresh, air."' Baptized In. Icy Water. -Religion must cut a good deal of 'Ice dpwnYln . Norristown.., "Pa.,..if j-eports from there", are true. With the ther mometer 12 below jeero and a. cutting wind over the, hills'two girl converts of- the MennonIte..churchwer.ebap-.J Uzed in Hatfield creek. Rev. Frank Haws .presided and', stood ' in the. icy -water .to .his waist, -while. Miss Flor- . ence.-Smith. and. Eya.Bruilner walked down. into the. creek. -The.lcewas.four inches thick where the preacher broke the .hole for' his- newly, acquired .sheep. .cud his teeth were -chattering .while" .be immersed the girls. ' rMean'w)iIle on 'the bank the congregation. sang: ' "Christiana', if your hearts, fcre .warm, -Ice and snow can" do no harm." At the 'same time the girls say It was mighty cold. On of Hia rHcujiarltie; . TThere'a noilse. hi trying, to -understand my husband. 'He's.. either; .the' 'politest or the coatnirieat.nianon'the. face of .the- earth I " jion't know "which." "What have . you, found, out. about htei nowr 3Vhy, . when, he sees one of .these ..adTrtlsea-teats or Boaters kaaaVad, 'Don't KM4 TWa,' U dafMl xmAdt," :A SPRING Our Spring Clothing Shoes and LowShoes find Our Furnishing Goods Display Our salesmen' will cheerfully instruct you 1MHT1H1H IU1U UU UUUV1UVCU. VTIXX 1UVDW Mm always your satisfaction or your money back. .' -Yours COLUMBUS, EVER MAKE A BED? HERE'8. MAN THAT- SAYS JOB LOOKS'' EASIER THAN if IS. After Strenuous- Time at-.What He Thought Was Simple' Und'ertak- . ing Ha' Had to Give' Up " the Job.". "Say," -spoke up .the. man whose iflte went home-'to spend the holi days!; "dj'e.ver try to. make-" a bed: Didyiih? ' .' "' ";" "If you did."-. said the.lonesbme look-in-.man, "then I- don't petfd to say any thing -to you. '..But. ain't it tiie tricky, job?; '.Looks easy, tool. How d'juh" s'pose- a woman, ever .manages to get .away with making tw'o or three beds, .in a house' and '.then get any.- taing else'done that day 2 Now.v.the other.moming. when I got up and found all -the" beM clothes! pulled- loose from their moorings at the foot I says to thyself : . .'Five days is long enough for" a bed. to. go with-' out bein. made'.-: I'll just make it. I'd nevef tried ort.'ttie, bed making" propo:' sition. but. it rdoked' 'simple .enough I GREISEN kBikkk??raV???r!?J My wife used to' make the -bed in ourM room just -while "I 'wais putting on :my collar and then slip in and make up Uie, children's- beds" before I .c'd gej my hair -combed". . - .... "Well, r -tried'" smoothing" out : the, sheets' and blankets, first from- ono side . of- the bed and "then I'd" race . around to the other side, and rub "em down: .--But" did' they -get smoothed out? They did. not.-;' They -gbr more. askew" -every time I touchgd. 'em. Then I tried tucking .'em ill at the foot, so that Iat least wouldn't '.have my-toes sticking out lpto'ttie'chili- atmosphere when I went to sleep-that night.-When ij got 'em tucked' Ifound, at' big w.el.t across the; foot of the-. bed caused" by some kivvers. JEhat. I failed-.to 'get hold of.. Then -when I saw just how ruf fled up they .-we're all joverthe '.bed 1 decided to. puirthemallo"ff" and start oyer again..". . ".- . . "I took 'em off and' then put. -em all on again, one at a" time, and. the bed .looked-.pretty solid -and ' e.v.eh except -for one.quilt lopping over a little.too much toward .the -floor-on one ; side,' but the operation took .'rue just .40 minutes- by'.. -.the clock over ".on 'the dresser. ...-.- "Thepr I thought -while I. ,v.-as .at it I?-Would niake -"the pillows stack up pliiqib; the way J'd seen Jem before the missus went.hbme.. Say, I wonder how that's. done. .1 would. piclc 'em up and lay 'e'm down again just as' easy like and. try to smooth them out real slick, but still they persisted, in looking as if they were just about 'all in. They 4Idn't seem to-be up on the bit at all. .1 -don't. know -when I've seen .a -more anemic, wilted-looking .pair of pillows..-.... . "After this when "thafbed gets nim- .p'edyup" and. lumpy I'm going to pull off the -.kivvers and roll- myself up like a bug in a cocoon and Jet .it go at .that" Cleveland Plain .Dealer. . "Seasick"' in Skyscrapers. .', After the -fierce gale accompanying last week's blizzard many occupants of 'fop-story offices in. iall skyscrapers .complained of nausea, says the New "Ypi;k Press. No wonder. Such. struc ture's sway considerably, and the sen sation produced is not unlike that ex perienced -in .an earthquake. . .Then, 'sickness at the stomach affects. thou sands. . Let us.style this earthquake feeling' mal . de -seism, and .the 'inclina tion to give up all the, luxuries of the season on. the. top of the. lofty build- ings mal de scraper. . In Danger. "Bobby will develop Into a joke.! writer If -he is. not ..squelched," said -Bobby's father, with the gleeful expres sion which always-accompanies a my--child .story. "We have been discussing the. south's going dry pretty frequent ly lately, and .that may account for his .choice of subject. At .table .last night .he said: 'Papa, why is a postage stamp not a prohibitionist?' 'Give.it up, son. 'Becaiiae. said my kid, 'it.aticks to. lta picker.' Not bad for a ten-year-old, t wr VO GREETING consisting of some nob by and interesting Mat terns are now reicqr lor your inspection. We have them inall styles .and fabrics. Prices that will sore please you The finest that the season pro duces. Some beautiful black and tan kid pumps. Just what you want for dress and party wear. Our children's dept has not been forgotten and you'll them equal to tbe beat lor is complete with the newest and latest patterns in Shirts and Ties. Don't fail to ask about our guaranteed Hosiery. Six pairs for $1.50 that will positively last six months wear lor business NEBRASKA. nnraa 5 t i TMEHIkE WEST BOCMD. No. 11 .. 2.50 am No. 13 11:23 am AST BOOSO. No. 4 833 1 A dL No. 12 ..4dn No.l ..llSara No.l4al2:15dl2:57p No. 0- No. 7 ..... No. 15.... No. 3 .... No. 5 ...". No..59.-... ...ll:'5am ... 3:30 pm .j. ti:ir, pm ... tis5 p m. ... 7iJl pm ... 70 am No. 6 15 pal 2:90 p So. 16..... No. 10 No. 8 ..... No. No. 58 . 3Wp . 6:10 pa 6dlp BBANCHBS. KOKnI.K. HPALOIKO ALBIOM;-; No. TV mxd d .0 am No.31paa ..dl3ip No 32 pa ..al2.S0pm No.70mxd.":a73Waai N.77roxtl. d5:15aiu No. 29-pa ..17.rpja No. 30 pas ..al2:!5pm No;78nxd..art)pm Daily except Sunday. rote: 1 ' Nos. 1. 2.7 and 8 am extra fare trains. j .. &f,3ZrBT' . Noe. 9 and 16 are mail train only. No 14 doe in Omaha 4:15 p. m. No. 6 du in Omaha 5KX) p. m. AUCTIONEEK .Craataa, lfeTb. Dates can be made at tbe Journal Office COLUMBUS T We invite all.wbo desire choio( sttak, and the very beet cuta'bf till other meats 'to cal.l at our market on Eleventhstreet. We . also handle poultry anil flsb.and-" oysters in season. SE MARTY & GO. Tlpbone No. 1. - Colnm,bu. N-h. Underwood Standard lewr-iter For Speed Safety, Surety A solid roadbed is es sential. Visibility. & Speed in the Under wood (Tabnlator) type writer are supported by perfectly balanced construction. MtN.MHl .fiaaflMaSMIf - WWtml9m W 1617 FarnamSt. !... -. u BROS " aasas M -bVibV,bV BW "! 9B -ai "raBa ana aw aj- ajaj aj Tvij VSadaHBaH Jall-aaaaaH BWMTaTaTaTC3xzannnn -Sla.aBaHBBBaaaaaaaaaaam mBBmm Vi ,-y?.- - .,.," -. j ,r? iT - Z Le.r