The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 08, 1908, Image 4

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- h-
t --
L' '
i&olumhus gaur ual.
Cbtumlraw - Nebr. . '"
at the POftoaCotabM.Kc:.M
- " ' ' -" 'aiii
bbbbbb bbmi.... '
...' ..&.a. ..... ... V
' .. ,
BBHEWAU-Tha data oppoalte yoar bum pa
ioitpipir. orwnppw aaomYte what, time joor
ia-sald.- Taaa Jaa05.-ahow. tost
bam raparfad'ap to Jaiu 1..1MS,
(- to Falhl. UK Bad aooa. Whan ptjanrnt
la bmUm dBtawkioh wwan aa a raoaipt,
Wtllba aaiart aanoidlBtltt '
en will eoatiaaa to raceiTa thia joernal naUl U
BrtHaaaT aia mOtUUd by letter tp diaetrntiaae.
. whan aU aitmraaw auk be psid; It jroa dpaot
wfahtto Joajtaal eoatiaaed for another year' af
ter ate ttew'pald. for baa .-expired, "too ahoaid
anvtoaaly aotifr aa to dtoooanaaa It; .
- CHANGE .IN ADDBESBrWhek Qrderinc-a
aBag Ib t be add raai.aabacribere anoald be aare
'. ' A writer -in: the". Literary "Digest
. describes Secretary Taft as a man with
; " big Heart, big.biains.ab3.big body.'- "r
- : "Gingress'nMin"
J ;. ing "early; atfd lto.togefr "an 'approprl-'
; ation for a publicbuilding at Colum
v " jbusat this sessioii' "of "congress.-' ","It" is ;
" "thopgnt rmaBytat'thw being pres.?
. . . N..idential j&u, congress' may . 'want-' -to
"V" make record for economy ind-miyl.
. .' - refused pass anp bills"; for 'the ereev
." "tiori of public buildings, hut -"we 'have:
. great fiiith ih.oui"codgrinab'. energy.
." And pereyerMce- and "we .believe he
. V will succeed.' K-hedoes'our-Co'mmeri
. .' cial Club"- should arrange "a "; big." blow- -
- -. . - . . - -. -. - - - - ".
-.-out. in honor of ourenergetic' congress-"'
. -man, J".-F.'3oyd: :"; V... -. .' " ..-: . " -
; ' "''Our William' J. -Bryan. ''frdnr'lie-.
'' . brasfat was inyiled .to a banquet,-to be;
'.-' held in the city :-bfVKeV.Ydrk,vbut was:
" v?M.toimed'that';he..would'".if)n the
- -.'"programme .as p'ne.'df vtn"e;speakers
'..'That seems :to have'angered.bu'r Billy
' . -and his .friends. . It Was considered an
. insult; 3. A; " rival. - fonquet, was to - be ;
"...".avrrangedi where r ur;-BiUy'.wouldnot.
" ."be-.restrained.' '"Therfe'-is uo telling
" " whatinight happen to. .our .Billy if he
. cbuld hot talk.ata banquet. . Talking
' at'a .banquet is one of hr.lbng.'suitesp
' ."'80 that M5few Ybrk banquet will have.
- "to .get iTong'without'the presence .of
".""'. out Billy from Nebraska. --:-'
. . -. - - .. .. -. -.- . - v
:'' The administration of-V Grpverhbf
: .'George I; Sheidbn isr'sb' satisfactory to
;' the people: of this state that he. will -be
- iommat.:bytne Tepubli
; "-. fall wFUiout. the ' least opposition; and
' he is sure of. re-election no -matter who
is-running -against" Kim. -. We' think
.' )hki :upder;. uch conditions the;dehio-
. -' cratic. nomination for governor would
- gb begging, but' such ia not the case.
.' -Three "distuiguished demderatk- add
p6puliet8"are. willing: :and anxious. to.
(-have the etnpty. honor of ahommation
- -and they" are AlG Shallenbe"rger,Geo.
--. W: Berge; and Mayor JameG! pahli
". an! of Omaha. ' .We "predict Shalleo-
- '.berge'r?8 renpmination.and defeat.:." :-'
."-;' Tte republican dty.conyenthm, be-;
' 'fow nominating any' candidates, en-
' -- deaVored to'.havethe democratic jcpn-
":- . Ventiqn .agree to a non-partisan ticket.
. .AU they 'asked', for their share of the
-'- officials.was two -cbuncilmen ; out! of.
'.. etghtand one' water 'commissioner out
.-; ;i6fajrthecvoffice&i.; The' Telegram.
- .- in iiEs -hut issue calls this" demand 4'hogr!
. nan.-.-- ve are arraia . our- qromers
; .conception of what iiright and wrong
'.ia.very dim,,We:ith"ink the.-hbggishnesB'
:.:.:' is all pn hu side of the fence. V Brother -
Howard'' becomes Very! eloquent -. -and
. ; very pathetic in two ' column - .-articles
" "on" the wrongs of some !TJnited States
. ' -court decisiohs, hut he fails! to stand
- iipfor fair play 'at rhomef. .' ":"'."""
-". -Spring- is almost here,and the build-
ing'.seasbn will soon be 'open... What
;-axe .we.gbing to do for the' upbuilding
...of Columbus this year?" The" ."splendid
Y.'-M."-C.'A." building -finished
- and dedicated about July' 1. If th'eap
' propriatiou bf $85,000 for a post bflSce
' " building shall pass at -this . sessionof
;' ' congress,' the urgent- need for . more
'. .room in the office. is. so great, .that .the'
buHdingwillbe; commenced - at- the
reftflieeirxjasibletime. We hear. no-.
- .thing qS either a' Masonic.. temple j or
. KnighjbBjo.f Columbus castle : thisyear!.
""New residences,-large, and small ..are
'being "planned, and . -contract are.let.
v fbr.aeveral of them that we1, know of..
.- iJr.C.D. Evans is .'going . to remodel
'. his hone so it will .he.'-probably ; the
.. largest andfinesi. rdence' "building
ue city.; mere is urguiir.ueuuuia
' for medium sired houser with modern
' improvements.'".- -We.-.-JbeUeve thatj
: Without exaggeration; fifty sdch.h6uses
would readily rent at ayery jfkjr price.
' "Our capitalists, our real estate men and
-ouir ComBaercial Club should get. busy
and dosOBaethingfor Coliiinbus in this
iiae.' Fifty new families could -be
' aahhrf WColumh if they cptld find.
' ' The pronunciamento. issued .by the
secretary of the . populist, state conir
mittee, who is" at '"the" same time.serv
in as a'.delegate from. Nebraska to
the! populist nationJal convention at St
jjou'is, reads-as follows; ' .".'.".,-
''Wedo"n"Qt propose -to b trampled on aaid we
are goinit to fwht for oar. righto.- We claim to
reprweiit more'Simon-parepopalitte" than any
. . J- - - - - .-.. .-. . ,.
other'etate.. -v '. - '. ---.-''
.: This raises the; very delicate ques
tion; of -what, constitutes - "Simon?
pure pojailist.'- "If there, are more
fSiinon-pure:- poptiifists" :m . eb'riaaka
.than' in any other "state, then the whole
body.of . the - populist party must have
-become'-simply: column.. of disguised
Bryanite democrats s trying tousevthe
name; of -."populist:.-to inyeigle ;pepple
into. voting the democratic. ticket.who
h would".. never.' do -spVwith- their- eyes
open. .' -.:". .- '". .-.!-" : .'- - :c, -''..-"
..'Are the-'"Simon-pure populists" in.
Nebraska 'those fwho .last .time voted
.for-. Watson-arid" 'Tibbes;'ot- are ' they:
those who Parkerized under the lead
of-BiryaH arid -the -Wiill -street bun'chiH
or are theV: those who asserted, their
manhood arid independence by yoting
chances are that more of them follow
ed Roosevelt. than.followcd Bryan. -: "-
Nebraska ' those-who. voted '-. for' Fjtee
;Pass Shallenberge'r in 1906' or. those
whp .were: disgusted with the : railroad
alliance made in his behalf by Brother--in-raw
-Allen as chainban of thedem
ocratic. state - committee, "audi -either
vpted,for:Geoige;L. Sheldbn-or
at home? r''"J .".""l:".."":v "V
: Are. 'the ''Sinaon-purepoprilists.'
"those who. hid behind clbsed.iloors' in'
Omaha last!month' and. gave' out their
number as. 122, -and. eriteredi into! a
bargain with the. Bryan managers Mti
give him" the populist -nomination; but
to ' postpone the consummation of-the
deal until after, the Denver meeting in
order t -avoid .the evi.effect:iIpon the
.'democratic convention? ..-:- ;-.!
-. '.- When "it" comes to..drawing:'the;lirie.
between "Simon-pure populists'.' and
'masquerading . democrats'": tn.""Ste -fourid'it difficult task".
"But. the. line probably-will !be drawn
in some way before, the 18 criipign
is closedi-r-Oriiaha- Bee. .-.- '.-.
farming: $100' dollar land::
"i -A banker asked! us" the other day.
.'Is- it"!.p6ssible"rfor: farmers to. mike
interest' on land that now. sells .for: "one;
hundred dollars?" . "We answered hiinr
"Thai depends on iwhat!you mean by!
.interest..- it is ppssipie to maice 4;per
cent; clear of taxes.-orifthese lands and
4 per. cent on the farm is better than 4
per cent m any bank; .-".-The older.tpe
- civilization the lbwer! the rate of inter?
est",, taking: ;.a.'". period., of ' years ,arid'
therefore" the less the earning pbwer.of
" "1" ' ' 1 " 1 - ! i-
money in ine. savings panic;--. wnue tne
older-the civilization the more yalua
ble will" jrodd-cb'rn'- clover' arid Alfalfa
Jand-".becbm(e.,;: . .y-.. " .: :: - - ": "
:'. Four."-per ntj;h6weyer,.can not be
made on . the" .farm' unless -the. farther
.grows- more .than' .the1- average- crop.;
The', profits are all. in crbps'above.' the;
.average.'- ...The average, crop, simply
.pays, -.expenses. Npw"; '' whether the
farmer, can grow more -than the aver-.
.age crop-depends altogether ori how
-well he.uriderstaridshis business... By
this, we do not mean .'the' "business" of
plowing, :' sowing '-' planting," arid ' bar-;
rowing; but business in. that, broader
-sense ofjunderitariding'the.relatiori' of
his" crops tb."climate;.m1 other: Words,
his ability, to select." crops "for "which"
-bis. -land is .pest, adapted; and under.
":. .- ". - - . , 1 -
stand, how. to .maintain -the fertility of
his land;ln-order that ..he may grow
more than average .crops; -" ." ' " . ;-'
.C-!We 8aid''tb;our banker friend that
we-- belieyedjobViarm.ers re "doing
-j'udt.tis well, now ;bn brie hundred dolr-
lar laridv-as they. did. on the.same land
When it .was fifty, and quite as well ori'
fifty dollar- land as they; did when it
was' worth "twerity-tl've. '.--. hile' it "is-
mucn more :aimcuit cp.ouy-iana- ana
pay for' it at one -hundred dollars an
.acre, than at twentpfiye or fifty; at the
same 'tinae we.'believe the percentage
of revenue is not much different in -the
: hands of1 the same cjaw of iarraers. --
. '-.'The farmer who .doesnot. know how
to handle one hundred dollar land: will
find. in time that it will not .-be Worth
one' hundred' dollar.; Soine of . piir.
eastern' friends; are.- finding this '.put
Living hear" the' factory or town, they
are teniptb'selL everything bff.ihe
field to' the: factory, and tp grow' crops
that they can sell,until-they. wear out
the; humus content and lock -up. the
-fertility,: arid- then-. complain that die.
price of land. is. going down; . Weuri-
derstand. that land' does, riot -fall in
price in 'those' parts, 'of Pennsylvania'
that have' been -noted since "opr early
boyhood for -gbod farming; .While- in.
either i .sections, -.where- the soil' was
almost if not equally as. good, -lands
have decreased 30 to 50 per cent in.
price' while lands in the -west have
... .
doubled' " There is a great deal in the
farm, but thejre.isa greatdeal'm'ore in'
tte farmer.-i-WallaceB' Farmsr.-.
-"- '' ' -
' m .
That China &els "deeply thehumi
Hating, terms -exacted, by- Japan in ,
settlement of- the .Tatsu; Maru affair
is evidenced in. various significant
.ways.. '.The bald facts .in the .case re
veal smuggling of arms into forbidden
Chinese' " territory, ' The -siriugglers.
employed a Japanese ship sailing unr
der a -. Japanese flag. .; China - caught
the smugglers" with the gopda and cap
tared the ship. .. Japan' acknowledged,
tiiat China was justified - to ' pursuing"
sinuggJers, but' demanded an apology
for capturing the ship: which - carried
.the' smugglers.' goods.-'; Symptomatic
of the feeling 'of! China is the actipn of
Shanghai merchants in " discouraging
the' purchase, of . Japanese goods' and;
eri'epuraging. 'the' '.placing of -orders
through IJat
week the steamer Manchuria - left Sari'
Francisco," carrying - the first cargo of
cotton sheeting which left the Golden
Gatedlrect for Shanghai. It is likely
the feelirig.of .resentment will.spread-
hroughbut;the: "empire- 'and-: teach
Japan;.!' through ' trade: 'currents-, a
needed lesson ' in neighboriy .moder
ation and'good will. ..'. "
. -." ..-.--... -.: -'?':'.:
"' . . . . ,. .. .. -- -
. . -THe frariiework-"has" " been'-put. in
place on.ihe. roof of Colgate '"'& -Cpi's
plantin Jersey.City for what will be.
the" biggest'clock in'the"" woVld'." ' .The.
timepiece will face" the river- arid- at
anytime of the dajr.'-pr;'- night .New
Yorkers arid, passengers on ferrybpiits
willbe'able to set their, watches by it.
"raw """"j- i''-iii: ' . " a' "' .- -:-'
xne aiaiwiiioe.;-iweniy-eigni,
diairieter and will 'have an area of.
pyerl;i34; square fee" or J. 544 .'.more
square feet than there, are in '-the -face
of the clock on the city hall in. philir
delphia.; Thatonp" has v! held: the' -cord
for years. "The.clock , tjill weigh'
about six tori's. The -minute . hand is
eighteen arid .one-fourth' feet long, Mpd
.withVite counterpoise, weighs one third,
of a' ton. . The hand wUl.travertwerity
three inches every- minute;' or over
half a mile! a dayi . ..The. weight .-which
moves the hands tips -"the : scales-.'jit
2,000 pounds: "VTne. hands' and ." niirii
erals oh the!face of the'- .dock .will be.
outlined with' incandescent' lights, eri-
ablmgpple miles away- totell. the
;tim6 at night: V. The big clock - will be
regulated . hy.:the.-"'staridird -.'.time .vat.
Washington.:- -'.' --.t "-: ; .". ., ; h '.,
-.The? Sixtieth .Icorigress' is ."scbring
:heavily arid not over creditable, as an
.exponentof the manly! -art.. -Within
a. week two '.repjresenutiyes. ..'and - one
senatpr jumped, into the- iimelight !as
participants in public ;brawls,;frcim
which they' demerged. witK battered
headsi'black'-eyes. arid'" .bail 'bbnd&
Congressnian'-Hefliri . of Alabama sent
a pistol .bullet into. '.the:' neck. pf". a
'.Washington darkey;heVauseth4 latter
persisted in. slugging."' whisky "in .a
street- car;.--;!.rigressman.- "Clark .of
Florida objected to the .rude:-
a -fellow passengein a revoyling door
and in the suDuent; argPmerit ao
quired a blooming:; black .'eye!!.. Serif
atorjeff Davis of 'Arkansas, .collided;
with oneof his .political .;eneniiea in
LHtleJlock and was swatted god.and
plenty lpsing his cane in the -melee.
Each of the - pbgnacipus: ; statesmen,"
acting up to the professioiial standard,
have" .' given " out ..explanatory - inter-'
yiewsi but;their "explanations -;orily
.serve'jto show "' they. Iwere"-" outclassed
and thrown ;bver the. ropes.. ".y--.:
-.- ; Dietributiari of Rlchea. .
' .Wealft;is.very.;ineqp"alIyMl8tri.b".ute
ja'thlB countryV 'About' 700,000 people
Vdle'-ievery ye'ar .' "and- -"q"" , tnege - .over1-.
.616,000 die 'tearing jio"thing-"bi.'nfext"Q.
"nothing, behind .the'mj while. Qver'-iO.flbO'
die ieaying -an average. of only '$1,000
each. Over -10,000 die :lth estates pot
"exceeding" 6,000,- which; leaves nearly.J
all. the.-.accummatep wealth .in -the.
hands:- of about -21,000.: people "but-" of
TOO.OOO.-London- Lloyd's News. . .'. "-
-. V" "Tha ptor'a 'Expac.taUprHL'1 .;' '
'' I'm. glad; to Bnd .youvsp' much bjet-
ter.-.bld- manr Does ..the- doctor -expect
you to;, be out aooh ?V -. . . .-.
.-"I .'think he expects, me" to .be out' the!
amount ;of his: bill. ' He sent It la to-
All Kinds of
Clover Leaf and .
: Success Manure v .
..Spreaders. '-'.
.' -..-, . -
:-. Recognized as tKe : .y "' :'..
- leading Spreaderori ..
. the niatket today ''.
: . ..More corn ohthe same . .
: acreage by using the
.. . Deere planter, it is: '; ". -always
ready for either ..
.'-lulling or drilling-' "
Paihrii brings
?.-. F your -
tools and implements to .be
sharpened and repaired now.
:It will save .you -.time when
spring' opens up. We keep
only the latest and best, in
buggiesand-carriages- '
(; Our horseshoes stick and' '
don't lame your horse -try-them.-
. - : . .
Louis Sohpicber
Juat m Strongly aa' in.ThiMe. Days
American ! Sailor Wer-Conli-
:.--:. "doiit Thoy Could. Who '- .--
"-Any Otlior. Nation.
Lieut, ".Gbmmander -E.' A; "Ahderaon,
ori recruiting .duty, 'recently Jeac'ribed'
his- naval experiences -: to. newspaper
men'Pf -Cinciriaati, arid-' showed the
great change -watch .baa .been- -made
within his' experience.; . Few -of the .
.men in the navy, -to-day realize .tne
.great diflererice "of :overy-day .condi
tions of riavai life. .
-' "With-pur' old wooden' ships-andour"
smopthboreVguris we. felt -we - could
. Jickr'the , whole .World' when: I-entered
tho': nayy? ' iiald...-Lieut. Cpmmander
-Anderson.' "All the ship in bur navy
were wopden at' that ' . tinie',"wiUi :jthe
exception of a few monitors.' "The .En-'-
-ropean. squadran .consisted of the Pen-
sacola, Kearsarge'. and -the.- Qulnne-
ibaug.; Admiral .-Dewey was'captain-' of
the.'Pensacbla at that tlme'It'makes-
me feeriike.I am an old salt to call
to niind the kind. of ships and guns we
-had in 'those- days." There were 25
.men to a guncrew-.; then: and. It "re
quired all. of-them to- haul the. old'
-smooth-bores- about." ' . --. . ."
l: "Aftef'they. had. been -fired the men' haul them .back Inside the snip
.to"' reload.- Then they had.: to .-push:
-them, out again so.'the guns could be
ftriedr ' It required about lye .minutes
:-to plvpt a, gun 'from one side' to the.
other, 'when, training It on. some pb-'
.Ject.and i don't know, how long' it. re
quired! to load, one of them. -Well dp
.1! remember pufbrqadslde batteries -of.
.old; nin'e-Incli ; amooth-borea. , Why,
..when we got .our first rifled guns, two
'-siX;pounders,-We again,-'-., thought we
could '-lick anything, afloat,. We : us'ed.
them for some tlmelor. firing" salutes.
only. - Our ..old 'ships'- we're rotten; In.
those-, days'. we used-large hemp, ropes,
.to counteract -'-.the' recoil--of-theguns
iaftef they 'had been flrdVbut to-day.
We: hayo- the most-: modern 'recoil-' ap
paratus knowa't'onaval' experts..-.
.'! !'i. can-.T0member-.very.-'" weirthat'
: when - the '.navy-' department 1'prepared
. to, construct what was known as 'The
White -'.Squadron;'-consisting .of', the
Ghicag6,'e Atlanta: and' the Dolphin,'
now the" secretary of .the "navy's yacht.-'
.there; was! the" 'greatest -protest from"
some'autho'ritieB': because-. they -were1 to'
be 'made "of ...steel: Instead 'of -."wbpdV-.WltliVpuT
-old vessels .we', thought.". wo'
rwere; fairly, flying", when' .we"", steamed
ibur 'knots-an' hour' .-'on- speed. 'toots.
Our engines, were" forced "to : their utV
mos.t capacity -to .niake -that speed;'!,
.guss, ' for pur, decks danced', iip- and
.down at a frightful- rate..--And our" am--!
munitionr'-if makes jne'laugh . when-'i
think .of. it.'. - We 'used- to' Are-away' at.
- targets',with'our oW nineiheh". snjootn"
: bores'-over what are now.short'ranges.V
We -could hit the Puirk. all; right, and
w- were proud of. it' fiiit "it Is amus-.
ing'-now to thiak" 'how..'-' oiu-'-"shells
:.w'buld. turn and' 'twist "and. "roll while'
making "their -flight' - They, 'didn't look.
anything", like .'our modern shells', which
,'makP their flight", in; the same' position
;as" that in Vhlch they lie,lh.-the gun,
.budihessend foremost- But. those -we're'
.good bid days'" The. Blue Jacket.--
:': DartmoutK: Tale. Revived, r ".
' -Awhile, ago an Item .'started ..the
.rounds; of'the. college: papers, 'begin
ning It appeared, with the Daily Jllin);
at: tho-Uhiveiilty. "'of- illlnols," .and.
Working .liko a. soft-nosed bullet both!
-Ways .through-the .college publics tibns.
The.stbry.was. about what was-called.
a' recent .happening at Dartmouth. " -it
.detailed how. the "tax . assessor ' of the
.district of : Hanover; Nr. H:;. decided re
oeatiy that the sUdehts of. Dartmouth",
college. ought; to pay. ttaes."f--vTherV
upon the students decided that if they
uld.betaxdd.they also. could vote..";:
"'..- -.So-at-a" town 'meeting the students,
-who- far outnumbered the "other -rest-'
dents, united la support c "two prof"
ects: 'One -was; la, have' erected- a:
-SchooIhousV:5P0.--:'feet' long.. and -one.
foot" wide. and. the.. other ;to' have laid,
a: boajdwalk! from-' Hanover ' to ' Leb
anon about' five jnlles away. ' ImmMl '
ately thereafter the tax. assessor made'
up his' mind that tbo.stud.enU. need not
be taxed," ' . .-;-. . :-. . .-." '. ..- : ."'.'
."Well,'.' 'said a Darlaiouth '95' man
when, he "was told -.about." the anecdote,
'that used tobe a; favorite story wheb
I was in' college. I' wonder! who started,
that up. again," '. . .....:;" : ..
.':-"-"-. ".; rrpgro"ip"iii.lChina."" ...
' Np f eafpre 4t modern China Is' jndre
remarkabia.tQan the growth of "the na
tive: press... Dr. Morrison, who 1s per
haps authority, on. this safe
. ject; says that! every, city nbwkpf"aiiy.
.Importance' .'has.'its .newspaper, 'thorp
.being abbuf 100 Journals "boldly!' con:
ducted and 'publishing -Reu tec- tele
grams. aiid:bth!er messages .from: Eur
peah- agencies'.- so ;that' .tens of ,thou-
sands-'of Chinese tco'uld - - bow .-
.every, day of the progres's;and-reforms
of Europe,-and. pT all. the-iflost stirring
'eyehts 'In- distaat parts of .the world.'
iThey- even' havo their'political ' car--;
-toons; showing -eonslderable. -ingenuity .
-.and Invention. " '." - .'- ---: "'-.' '
;.-;:v: Ceu1dh;t Snobbish. '......
- -.Mrs, D , Style Tve. been sending
Mary to a .fashionable" academy but
-sae doesn't. sjeenl to. get". on : very we.lL-.
wtUndle-.. Jerry 'JTo.? -. She's' " a" pretty '
bright girl. , -"; ;
. ..Mrs. De Style-rOh! she's bright and
very' sensible, butW -.
' Uacle Jerry Ah;" I guess that's it
She's too .sensible to affectedly: it
Catholic. Standard and .'Times. .,-.
Statistician's Pafsisti fer Figure Qet
" ' Him. Into Trewhl.
--.. . . . . . .
" """ .
-He oY those persona with t
aMtd" passioa- lor Ignrlag out:'MHpw
uch, "How long," etc.. aid was wait
lag for-. his.-wife, .who- was; adjusting
her . -hat' .before 4h. atlrror ' They
were goUg to the theater, and had tea
ssiButes to catclTtlwIr trata.. Preseatr
ly-a' sparkle casoe late'-his ye,."aja
he asked a aeacfl and papw frog his.
pocket Thai klad aC aua always has
a pencil- and .paar, even ia his even-,
lag. clothes.
"Do -yo4raow,?' he said presently,
looking up' at his wife.-who had fin
ished adjusting her hat "that J figure.'
basing my figures on observation; that
a girl' from six to ten. spends an' aver
.age of seven minutes a. day. before her.
'mirror;' from. 19 to 15,. "a quarter of an
hoar; from. 15 to 20, 22 minutes. -A
woman of -70 .will have spent 5,862
hours, or eight solid months, cbuntiag
day.andnlght-. Now, a womaa of your
..age;-hss ."spent-r. -" .
.."keversafiid whatil've spent," she
said .coldly,-removing her hat.' ."Tou
have spent 15. sainutes-flguring it put
aadVwe have missed- that' train." Sun-,
day. Magasjne"..
Story -of Wonderful Surgical OBeration
'..Received -with Doubt." .
': "-- ' - - '- - " -'-.-- ! "' '
.-. It happened on a Pullman -car "be;.
twees New- York! and :ChIcago'. 'Dinner
having ..been-finished, ihe gentlemen
assembled in the smoking-room to-en-Joy"
their:, eigars. .""During the time"
I: was: in ..the .war." said "the qiiletman,
1 saw a. wonderful -thing In.' the line;
pf- surgical '.operations. A -friend. -of
mine" was -shot- through.- - the., .right
breast, ..;'the. bullet- passing " clear
through him. -The. presence of "mind
of . his ' companion undoubtedly saved.:
his Hfev- Ho wrapped his handkerchief
arouad' the .ramrod :pf.. his' gun, and;,
pushing it -through! tho-.path' made' -by
the " bullet-- cleared," tap ."-wound
! of! -all V pioeoaous load.' - I " know,
tt.- 1s- hard to " belleveihWt. gen
tlemen, - the maa still Uvea to tell the
talb,"!:.- ""vIch-man?"- Inquired! the
slim -passenger .-on-- Uie-Tother' seat.
quietly. ' -"."ThP " wounded -f.pne,"5-!of
! course'.". - exclaimed" -'the '.old '" soldier",
scorafuliy.. "-"Oh," I -beg your 'pardon''.
! t' thought It might be" the- PtherJ" " "
How a'-Dr)immer?8 Joki. Made a .Good.
; .Thlnf for Oihoifti , -.1 'a ..'.."
." "Olu'-yes, I am on thp 'road; 'bf the
same old.. firm' and .at the "same. :old!-.wages.!"-
said." the" druinxueV as "a look
of .disgust-crossed his face, "and 1
:never expect to get.anyt hlng1 "better
Wh6n a'.-man "queers-hlmself 'good "and
bard.-once . he seldom gets '" another"
l'ooic-ln.". . -. '. . ' : ";.- ' ' .' -V '.
-.Something ..happen "tb. ypu?'-..-was
asaea.--- -.-. - ..- --.:.-.-.-.-...-
'.Two; years "ago when '! had.a; west-;
era route;.!- struck the. laziest,. sleep--Jest
.village.: In'-thfr-.Uhlted" Stotes.-".-.I
' never" saw;'. such" a- place"! :bef ore " or
.'stiice: Dead asleep and I'dbn't be'llfeve
the: whole - population' had. a "hundred
'.dollars: in-.casK-' -.i.-.was-.put""out -at.
-.not.--.being-' able" to .d.oV business", " and
'thinking -to :Piay"! ;a-'goke "-"ott.the town.
I 'asked .the;' landlord of -the inn "what
"he- .would!- take, for .his- place. - -It w'aki
.. worth -perhaps' a. thousand dollars, but;..
of course, :he doubled.:, the. :su'm. " L
.said. I'd take it-as soon as; the -deeds
could-be made put .. Tfien.I- went put
and. '-bought., iu shop,.a-. store and six";
dweHings'tn the "same, way,' permitting'.
the'p'wne'rs to-'name their, price. With-'
"in; taIf:a."day.:I-.ha('re"mi-"woke up. I
offered. -to". ujr.'-Tthree.or' four- hirms
in. the'-country around' , '"'-''; ..' ' ;
' ""Ail for ."a Joke; "I hadn't $5fc; to.
my' name. ' The usual- result fbllowed.'-
Every one became" suspicious; that. I
had a' big thing on and "refused, to-.
s.elD " The. excitement continued,-andl.
.'as a. matter of fact;' a hfg'-'manufacr
.-. - - - ".' .. . .; - -- .
tory. was locatea mere; a-.raiiroaa
.was built;' shops.' established, and-to
day- It. la a bustling little city.- I gave
. It Its 'start -; If I'd" Have''.lt'
like a. business man -I could have ';se-":
cured a hundred -options, and been in:
the" swlnr, .but', as -it "was -I '.was; left',
out- of " th'e'jgood. thing- and 'never .ex-
pect.tb 'strike aapther. . I'm 'not kicking..-'
'"That's"!'". .the drummer's luck
Sugax'-goes' up and. sugar- goes' down,
' Jde, stay$ rigt-there'Tiftehobbth .Sun-
uay neraia. - ';...-'
. As'.th Enginar;-ExUiiied it. .
;-.' said that. unless one-can impart
idforroarJon'-one : does;. "not really, pos
sess JL, The late Prof: An'gelp :HeiIprIn- tell a story; says; .the Washing-.
ton- Star, illustrative of. this". pbtnt.The
-professor himself had- aVmost. learned
-and lucid mind.:".: Not only""
. master' a 'question; he could lay It- so
.clearly before: you that -jroti:-became
-master pfjj.'tpo. " ". - .
J"wo commercial traVeifers-'-pn"-"; th'e
way frbm -.-Reading .tp'-'- Pnlladelphia
oncegot-intb'an. argument over 'the ac
tion! 'bt the-.vacu'um' brake.--"- ""
'. '- "It's .the. Inflation of .the" tube-that
-stops.- .the- train;? .declared "- the -first;
.iraveier. - . . . .,..- ..
"Wrong,, wrong!.' shouted the -sec-ond.
'.'It's: the' output of the' exbaus-
fSo'-they. Wrangled tor" an "hour.- Theni
-when the train' arrived: In Phlladeiphla,
.they -a'greed-:to.sfibmIt"th.prmatter foV
'setUement to tie engineer,;. That "gen-.
! tieman, leaning condescendingly, front
.'the window of his cab, listened with'
. anattentlvp; froWn" to; the" two "travel
eVV- statement !'of .'; their, -argument"
then he'ssalled,- shook his head," and
said: ..-' -; ..--. "-'.:. "-".-
. T:''WeJl. geh'til'ye're both wrong. abpui
-the" wbrkfn' of.the.v vacuum"- 'brake!;
Yet : it's rtrr simple and easy, to.'un-
derstaad.: "When we. want to stop. the'
train' .we nst turn. this--.'eirp Up, and
then wet U the pipe with vacuum."-.
.' -' " . '" -'-'. -'- " "i" .'
".!-'- ".- " " . :- --"
; .NewVbrli Fee t. tpicldr. .
"'"Fifty dollars -when -yo" get" mar
;ri"ed; $5.8 for every baby.'-! -that:s thP
bile'r'j.. -B. Martin?, proprietor . of ."a
' fashibiabie New. York" hotel has made
,to his' empfoyes. the .babies'
come .in -twos -.or- threes each vbne
stands' to. collect $S8 just the-sanie.
Mr. Martin, has paid .$5,156 la bonuses.
within the lasf-yearand .la -wlUing to
'pay. as'-much-saQre -this .jesr.. Once.
Ohlv- he -has nai'd'upon.twfa's:'' "I've'
found the plan to work out admirably.;"
Martla declares.. "Marriage and.babtek
bring 'responsibility, ad that increases
the- rejlahliity'.of nay help.. My. men
are aot'lookiag around ail the, "time
for another Job;, their habits are. bet
ter than ever before'' and I can "al
ways depd upon-' them!.-1 used- to
have lots of -trodble ;ta keeping- aty
pewmia.. Naw-taay- seldeav. ataka .; a
cKaaam Taa-- Biasy la
.XWl.r' ' ' -"-
fin Extraordinary Showing
of Spring Sack Suits of :
. : . - .--...-'- - - -
.MfimoNt iasa oy-tmc mc or
-ICHc"LS;aTCRM.4.cb. .'
- .--.' '.- .KOCMMT.cil. -.- T. : "
"." '-Capitaj-.ot'CarduoSrd. -
Every Unit; I. coiu.e- tb.Jaris" "I .a'm
.Struck"v.with.':the 'unre'al-.a'iTpearance: o'f
the-tpwn,;'.especlailr 'Jri. the less "bu"sy
"quarter" '-which Ues - all,", round'; -,tne-Gharops
EIysee$, says a"wrier-Tn . the
Uondon Sketch".--The.itaJUJblanR-'gray;
houses, with" t'helrl gray, wooden . shut.-"
te'rs," hiare real" than-the eard:V
boards houses. m a-stage piaj-:. JMore
over' It: seents"" impossi.We that -anyone
Is.allve.Inside-th'e bbuses." You-never.
'see a face .at". a -wIjiSow, and .no one
.ever seems'-to yenierg.e" through- the
gfeat.ibrpwu " dbors--doors-' which" are"
obviottsry-" madV.of . pajn'ted cardboard..
and;not .of,-wood- Thergr'aynessi - 'the
monotonyv'the absence of .-colors", the
comparative: silence" are- incredihle-
after. the" ;warm colors, the 'red-brown J
skies.. theiwrteBjtous,.-seething-. "move-, Ldndon'.--".-";- - : '".'.-' "
" " Where Refprmsjipurtf..S;eg.if-.'
The studious-io6king--mah.i)asded bls:
'order -to "the waiter"-Theia'tter glanced"1!
ir. over.. .is .. usuaiiv iiiauiu luce.--a-sumed
a .puzried.'ffpwn.; ' .'. ? ".-' -1
"Excbpse me. sare." .'.he' .' .safd 'in.
choice, -"restaurant French,', "but. T-di
not'cdmT'reWri'.'vat.;is.z.ees?V'" -.-;. '"""
" The-stranger, gialiced" fn-'the dlre"c-V
tlb'n pointed. out' by-'.-the waiters stubby
t - ''."-" - ' "!-."
finger' . . -; ...' "--
;..:"That,'-he replied, "is" egg:""; I have i
followed-the reformed way of spelling
it, Vgegg" . ' , ; .- .' -'': ; ;:. - '.
".:-The"-waiter" podded-and -.6'rought- the"-egg-"
--The .stranger attacked, it with i
' fork;- "Then he ."suddenly leaned back".
. - ".-..- .- - -- - -
and turned: paiev . - - ... -: . ,
! "Walt6r;v he-feebly- gasped., "take. It
away.. -In. this instance- It is uite;.eyi-:.
dpnt-i'the'.'reform.ahould- be-in'.' th'j.'egg ,
and-'not-in. the spelling."-' .--.. .
-. Too .Strenuous 'a-LbVe'r."; :" .'-" "
"Olrls'i -and-'all you love" s'ick. swains
listen to? this- tfiat-happend'.ao ;Hob
McGregor, of :;BrookIy.n fie .is"-' locked
up on" .BeUeVue.island-beca'U3e he- -3e"r"'
.sisted: in-' writing;'ta- Mrs.-.
MsxyStr0ker,'"a. pretty 'typ'ewritlst .of.
'31L' Broadway-. This: wasn'L-'.sa.bad;"
;.bu-. McGregor got -t; -writing -five let;'
ters a day and then coming around 'in'
the ieffliiing ta.see .why "Mrs.'r'Stroker
' hadn;: ans'weredallof- them'.. -.This . was
too; much; for" Stfoker "and." -she.
.told 'the police.--The" police decided
that 'Bo!t'''was Indeed .too- amorous "with-
-his messages and that he'd have to-'
restrict -'the output.' Bob. "declined .to-"
listen -and ;after;--Mr'sX..Stroker"'had;"re-.--.ceived.""mbre.
than .l'lOO"";ietters;.each
: getting lre fervid than" Its predeces-.
sqry-sh'e-, we'nt--tp the police 'againand.
.now- Mr."". McGrego'r'.is ' locked .up -to
.consider", the-course '. ."'
.- - ': : . - ." -v. - -. -
::. JjAbbbbbb) "
A bbbbbbwIbwCs"
bbbbv" at"- M- W? "
BBaaaaaaaaaaaWsa"" J'VaaLaBaW-
BBaaaaaaaaatlBarJV- VVl 1 KW
BBWaf SBm"-? V" 'bbwbbV IbbbbI "
" 'BBaaaaal-?' i9 - , WaaaP Vaaaal
aaaaaaaaPaR "B - "C " lBmBBBal
V V " xSa "bbbbbbbI
-' -SBWa? . Baat 4 iXv I lBBBfaBmaaVSaBB
"'-l--Baaal- ? "'S- S fiBaaaal aaaBBaDSfm
aaaapl-Baat1 i - t bbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbA
aaaaTJ?1aaaaawhtv ? v ! IKbbbbbbbbbbw-
bbbw i"BaaaUi3 "v -' mJ IbbbbWBbbbV "
aaaartBBaaa .bbtVbbbbW
lf BaaaaW Ji vv iV yyWB
?'CEaBPSKv2lP,iUt" f'BaaaaW
jtajni W ' ft1?' Vaatini W atafst
aaK sbbbbHbbbFv "JaUBBBBT SbbbbbbbbbV
Jbbbbbbbbbb3bbbbVBbbbVX7 BBBBBBBV
bbbbbbbbbbbV 2. SSWeKsbbbV. ' s5Z'.'l' .
- saaBB. . - mM&zM-.jmjw,r'r
affaai " Baffal
" . - - . .; - - -.- -5 - "
bbbb! - -.-"-"" BbbbT
aBBBr' -.. - :---.-- -- -. .'
lBBBr.? .: B "- af" " Bbbb!
bbbbI '"" """ bBbv- -bb BUaTB" Bbb bbbV
ft-, :vv;:(Qad.(O0Ks?:-;;;:: ,; :,;
I;:(;. -;s;-..v" Keboiirid .';'" k I
SJ. - - -.'...-.-.
I: j-: iniwfcfor anything in the bbqik . : . I
ft. ;.. binding line biiiig;: yoiqr;. :w6rk: to . - 1
:" ;'V.v-':.:V:"-V 7 ::- ;,. J
T--rit-' -..-'
- - "- .-" '"?. , -SJ
bbbvI ' . f" -- bbbM
Bbt- . " - - -. - -'
bbbbI " BbbbI
bbbb b ". " bbbb!
-"" : Phone 16Q... . -. I
Hi- H
bbbbI '-- w - bbbbI
mi- ' :.-. v ' :. .-- -.
BBk ... . BB
BBTt . . .: . . ' -. . BJ
and Finish
; .-. Tnere isn t. a young man
. . " or old inan who .gives an v
thoiierht -to dress, but will
be tereatlv -interested' .'in
"our special offering-of -new
.moaei .spring &acK .feuits.
Style, as" expressed! in celer
.. brated v .. " : " " . ' . '
Michaels -Stern
Fine Clothing
-for-Avbich we -are the" local.
distributors, wins converts '
from, the- ranks of! the" cusr
-. - tqm-tiiilor-'educate"d'";" men.
, With uncommmon.f abfic
- "patterns, superb" tailoring'
" " andj, ourclpth-"-."iiig-
invariably satistiies.
the.super-criticaK .
.Scores "of luo'dels'in-'wdrBtik.-Casu-
- lmere. enviois .01 Dehunrul .
... - BtripeJ, - 'pliils checks' jrtUi; ihi'x'. ."hjl Mhe. "new htiiiH "cf
.. brown, olrve, tan, (jray and i.-ljiw"
f.',: $10 to. $25'.;.
For the V'trfritum(.'rMi.-joir-iU". .
fim'I.nntliiQK-to' Winal "our S-r..'.
olt. -le it. m;ule n( testttl-' fsiJifr-H"
t'apililciulile-ti tfKi-tt'and rwiufurcttl
tailiirrtl .-to kwiL its" HhnM.(nk'..
Miiatt.-anil' jilreeftj-.-'.- Norfolk ami .
. iltul)Ie-lfrf iif.ttl ".ja4t't" hfu'ix -vkirh
I)Ixi!i)er:ltoiiwrt.-.,H" tjc ll jujjh. .hi
plain ntwl'faitfyfnlfriiy. fully 'A K- .
wotfli j;.50. f-ii-.ial at...: -,.-.
IJojs' Sprintr SnitB
.'.:SpeijiatINit'$r:(H.)-- :
. -"- :Vll1ustroW..Sache!0rs.V"." .-:. "-'
- "Amdng -tlief1"" jI"ustrluu3-"".of ih?;,
.who ;.pass"ed" through :Ufe"-"in' .single.- j
blessedness .may. "be" mejtl6n"'- -Sir.
Isaac Xewlo'ri.;. author"
of- "the .-'lLeyiatha'n"; " Lda'm 'Siii'ith. the
father pf-.ppjitical ecpn"o'ni-': - Cham-:"
fort, the. greatest of 'French . talkers-i-- -'Gassehdi,
"GalUeo, .'Deseartes,. Loclte,. "
SpirioIa,'-KantV'Bisfipp. Butler." the au
thor orthe. rAnalqgy';." Bayle Leibnitz. '
Hume; Gibbon. Maeaulay"' Buckle, "Pitt;-.
"Gharles "Tnies'.Fox.. Leonardo da Vinci.-:
'Raphael. Michael" .Angelo, Sir-Joshu.i -
Re'ynblds". the' artist; 'furiier.-.-Haniier.
Beethoven';" :R6', Mencftjlssohu ' and---Meyerbeer,
"'--',"- .''-.''.
To April 30, 1908
I to San. Eranc'isc'oV'Lce An-"
:geles,--. ban. llii-go and -
.m"dy California-
." poiivtsV - " ; V". .. '-
;.Tp Evefelt,.":'BfIH'righam,
Vancouver :nu .'Victoria;-
. via Spokanel -;'"" :
-.--.-.: ---.-- .
, - . . -. .. .. .... . .
.-. -. - -.-- - - .-- .
:' To'Portrand'and "Astotia.-
'- '-'-.-"- .' . "."
- To Tacoma tuiil "Sea.tle, -
.-" .via Spokane, . . "-.-" " . .
To- Asitliinil, ."fojBeburg;-
-"Eugdne". Alhany-and'Sa- "
-lerc, "irlcTu'tliniT So. Pacific
:".. .--- :-branch ".lines in Oreirdn, "
i . To S"pdkan'e a"i:d- infermei:
. diater U,.;.K. CC..N. points-.
'."-'-'--.-. '"
.- - -
' VIA V-:-:!
. : --.. ;-.
For full information inquire of ."-.
.- - . ..- -- .- '
BO. BROWN, rtgt.
. w $&&&&M'X---f1aesB- M -
SS". -t-wj. . j. . - .4. . jSr-'-. .. e. . jj.j-...1l