f rtV,r i- ' - s.- . . DON'T LIKE LITTLE STRANGER. ' Did Ever. Youngster Welcome -Advent . of Little ..Brother-.or -Sister?. "The; mothers; were talking "shop. - "When little irarpldame.:said. the first, mother, "his older -brother Regi nald -was very curibus about-him. " "Yes, Reggie, dear,' I.'told him, 'the little baby is a. Washihgton's-jbirthday- .present to us from'the. angels." " ' "He frowned InthpugHtful;.-.. silenced Then h.esaid: , ;' '"'..''' "'..-". ' ""Well, .mamma, .if yr&- wrap ..him: up -carefully and-put him-away and: .don't .use him,, we. can give him. .to .some body else next Washington's" birthday, can't we?.7 , .- .',- The other mothers, smiled : arid sighed. :T.he second, said: " . ,-'-'. "On theH-er advent of my little. Miriam,. Hannah, our five-year-old, -was taken upstairs by the. cook to see" tho - newomer. ' .- ' . . ,; . "Hannah looked, hef-iittle sister over sternly.,.. ..Then, turning.to' the cook, she said: "- i' "Jane, you can keep that In the Btche'n;"'; ;'"-..' ... '..- " . jT.galn.tlie mathprssSiiie'd and sighed, arid nodded sid.ly. - "Yes, .it "is" always, so,' they said.- ' SKIN TROUBLES. CURED.. First Had Itching Rash 4Th'reatened ; Later. Vith Blood-Poison ihLeg V fleFied oh Cutl.cura Remedies. . "A b'Qfit twelve or fifteen years ago I had .a.- bfeaking-but, and it itched, and stuag so. badly that "I could, not -i-ly-i - rtVrt ttinnrn f ti- Three io6torsdia. not help me.; Then lused-J some -Cuticura . Soap; Cuticura Pint-. "meht,; "arid Cuticura -Resolvent --and' .began 16. get better right, away. Tliey cured-nie arid I have not been.bothered with the i.tciiing since, to amount-to anything. About two years ago .1 Jiad la grippe and pneumonia which. left me. with-a. pain in niy side. Treat-.inent':;-rau- it" into my leg, which tlien .siveHofd.and began to break but.- .-The l()ct(tr ;.wiis' afraid, it- would turn to bJ6pti'-pPisin",-.. I- used -his. medicine -lirtt-'k"- did 4io gno'(l. tljpii T used the CiirJoura' Renrexlies -; tiireo"-'.'. limes and .-. cii'red ljiit brraliiug-ou.t on nlyjeg. J.r.F.-. lleniien. .Milan, Jlq'jlay 1 1907." '"-' - - . ... .Watered Stock.-. .'; . . ' "Edward JC .Knierson, .the presid'ent- "'.'of'-ihe"-AmoT"ican--Win.p' (rrowers' assp; . 1I,atipnj''-cam' frornWiisliingtonvIHe to 'X'vsx.: York The other day "and lunched. in"a"JJro:i(hvay -cafelwitii lri-'editof.. - .' Ij'r. "Emitf.-ua.: naturally, is a Pon noisseur of wines.. The editor deems hlniSOlf" something of a connoisseur, too, nyd i'ntroducod "Mr. Emprspn with some' pride' lb a Rhine wine," pre- i stnnably. of the famous 'D.j vintage.. "Well," he saidt 'how do you like J This iclnne wjne, Mr. vI-.mersoa7 L)e-. licious.dpirt;ypu think?". . "Not -bad." ald ;Mr. Emersori.. "only . 1 fancy there's -a trifle too much Rhine in .-it.?'. -'.' .' He. -Saw "a. Difference. r .Barnpy Mallpy and Mike- Cairey were shingling a roof. "Barney,".. juke .asked, removing a bunch of shingle nails- from his mouth; and set- j tling back comfortablj',. "what is the difference, between, satisfied and. con-. . tent?' . "The difference? Sure there's none' -answered Uarney. "If you're satisfied-you're content, -and. if you're content you're satisfied." "That was. my opinion., tod, Barney, me'bby, up' to now;, but. it struck me .sudden like as 1 putihat last-nail in. that 1 am satis fied iiil riglit that Molly Cairey is my wife, but T am durned sure! am ;not content." - Btate ir -Onio. Citv -or- Toledo. I ,I.V7' fOCTt.. ( "' KrVsk .1 ;ur.Nr makei oth that, bo ( Mnlof jiartner of tiie-flfm of K .1. CilENcr C.. Jolag bun lur.4 In the City. f Tieda,'Couaty.mul-'S.ut. afore-iiCd. ami .tbaC said firm will pay the sum of 0,K Jirsm:BU P.OLL.VItS. for each' na every cac of TAur.u tUarcaanut be cured by the ue or HallS Catauuu CCiiE. fi:antk.i.cievev:. - .Swoni to before me and ulcrfl,d la niy I'reaence,. tlilsi;-.'! day ol December, A..I.-..-I'iC . , ' , A, W. GLEASOX. ,. 'isfO.i XofAitrTcBLic.- Ilall'ii 'Catarrh Cure !a, taken tnfernally and acta dlrcftly itt ibe )liid..-'an J tiiacnus aurfaccsof ,tho -yeteui. Scnd for teallraonUN. .free. - ' .". ". .1. ClltNE V- CO., Toledo, O. .SKtdby nUDrussNW.TSc; " : ' 'fake: ilaJTsfauilly 1'ilU for COuitlpatJon - .When It Canie io Raising. "' ' "Ihopei'how that you've become, a. young wife." .said "the enthusiastic, anti.-race suicide "lady, "to the hexviy wedded country girl. "youvII makegood. ;use jff your blessing and raise many children. " - "Wall;." spoke up the rural husband. : whohad overheard this, utterance' and deemed it: akin .to. interference; "a deal o her lime Pulside th;'. kitchen'll be . piit t' raisin vegetables! "Illustrated. SurrdSy- Magazine. " . Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine wash .goods when.-hew, .owe. .niuch of their .attraciivenpss to the way they arc laundered, thisbeing dond in , a manner to enhance their textile. beau ty. -iloaie laundering would be equal iy satisfactory- if proper attention was given; to starching, the first essential j being ;goodStarch. which lias sufficient strength "to stiffen; without thickening j the .goods. Try .Defiance Starch and ydu wilfiie pleasantly surprised -at; the improved appearance of: your work. --..' Coiildrit.. Catch :Heiv: .;..-. - "I've ;j.ust . been .done In oil JbyP.i. Allette. Dauber,1' rpmarkedMrs.. Old-.1 StOCK, ." ... '. -- ' .; . ; '. '-" J "" "No w i sn?t that too . bad ! '. e xcldi med ' . Mrs.. Jiistgotit "One of ..them smooth . - fellows, tried to- "sell.-me a bunch" op . oil stock a spell, back arid.l turned hhn down hanE!"'-" It .takes a woman.. to ?ff down .and" cry when -she happens to think what a v t .' -'tirt! 'Z- Z. "'--t i'l hard time- her children, might have -had - - ! - if sp'me other woman.- had-, beeritheir. .mother,: " "-- """--.. BHlBBBDsSSSSSSBSBSSSSSBSBSSBSSSSBSBBBBSSSSSBBBBVSBsVBaSl'ZBl mag siikmzi - " !. ' ri ' imwa&wjm. & -mbs r rfp A' f - i ' -;A strange island '. . : -" ' ..:... . - -..- Americans -Should Be .".Interested '.'" " '."""' "Tnls".PJace." ',' in While"'; "Americans : and '" Canadians. ihave- b'eenpunnlhg-.oVer.ithe "world in. search -of" novelty; exploring-'the ina- larial:."jun'gles of- Africa and the frozen regions. Lot the .north, looking ; .for .strange peoples, and' customs,, they have overlooked a very strange 'cpun-j try close at- hand. .The. island of Anegada" is-one-pf.the. strangest .of ail the s.t range iiiaces '"in the". world. ' ."' "First of -all,.' where ;is Ariega'da? ;It Js one-of the- Virgin, -islands; and- it lies northeast, of Porto. Rico,, one -.of the:-'Great Antilles,.' and its. -first pe- . culiarity is that jt-ls.-ifla't ;and .low- the neighboring isles'all. being steep, and mountainous. It is :nine :miles long: hS .'two -infles: across", ;and. lies, so low that in heavy gales "the' sea makes a cleari. breach oyer the l6yer. -portions. of it, whence its namcH-foiv "anegada.- is. the Spanish-for. "drowned" island"- Xext to come, to its strange-history. 'In'iasi-"it had only 719, inhabitants, of whom -but three-.were w-h i'te people. . Its" liPpuiati.Qn.'is.rhoted for idleness, and . the. main occupation, for- many years was wreckiritfor an -extensive :and . .vry dangerous coral. :reef siir-. rounds'"" the .island and once .gave- it very nielanch'oly "notoriety.. But. since : the establishment of the lighthouse oh the. island .-of. Sombrero (47 miles "to the easLward)', there -have been few, 'if any, wrecks' on Anegada, since Ahe jnaih cause of. the shipwrecks was"tho" constant and- swift current which sets upon ftho island from the east. ; Accordingly ;the natives., are. now; tiot often aroused liy.ilie. cry of a; vessel, on .tiroreef-th.e-brily call in the old days wlifcii vvotild nfous'e theni from their almost perpetual inactivity. In fact, they-.are tibojiti the laiiest peO' pie in. the West Jfidies.. although that.; is saying a great deal, . . .-. Anegada Vised to be covered with.. nnderwpad-riiot.a.bly of .U:e- lvincic.alled seaside-grupe. which here-1 is -pacticu-larlj-'ricli. in the valuable .j?iijlh known t.'JsJainaica kino.. Anegada is the iioriip. of very numerous" and "-singular trop.icai plants', but it. is perhaps ;rather more" noteworthy forits immense numbers of mosquitoes, gallinippers and sconioris. not to 'Speak 6i venomous and-other reptiles..' The survoiihding seas are. richin scale :and. shell fish., pf." .many kinds'. .; ... Anipng its singular bird's the . fla .miugq -is one of the most numerous. species, and most of the "ponds are the abple pf-ducks which; on the approach of.-man, rise and fill the air with their "clangorous, crib's; ' - It's not .an easy'.niatter to reach '.the' island.. A. few years ago -an. attempt was made to P)eh"mines':upon ItU:but ,nothihg canie. of the "effort but disap:l poin.tmeht and Iossr Among tlie many, disagreeable leatures of life in.-tliis hot. and steaming climate -is" the presence of large salt ponds which" in. the dry season give out an intolerable stench ; ,ahd the. some ponds :in the wet season fill up .with singular rapidity and! flood a. "considerable portion of the" island. - As we may infer from the name;. Anegada is. pretty frequently 'flooded. Whenever a Jiurricahe comes sweep ing .along the waves .roll completely over "the Island, and the people have to look put for tlieir safety. "When Schomb.urgh, a German 'trav veier, was in Anegada. many-years ago: there -Avas one.mbrning.a great outcry that all. the nprtli part of the -Island -was flooded; and .so-toxill appearance .it was;:'-but oh examination it. was found that the suppeised waves of Vth'e sea were in- reality only a. low-lying. ,fpg.vhich was rapidly sweeping along.. Another curious thing is the aerial: vTQf racioif. and - this,rofte.n brings 'into, view other -islands yviiich lie belp'w the horizon and-.whlch, according to' "the. ordinary operations-of natilre, biight-tp' be . invisible.. A part of. the "surface is composed of. sand tlunes, but there is a. considerable propprtionpf calcareous, or cpral land, with, .belts of fertile loam, and if the" iidil were intelligently, and faithfully cultivated it would no. doubt .yield' good returns. Jn ordluary. seasons' the fresh water supply appears iq: be aniple. On'the northeast ide-of the island there is. a singular succession of very deep. natural-Avells. of ;f resh water some of - them-25 feet across the tori. " It would be hard -to. find anywherea hptt.er,..wet.tPr, wbrse-ineiiing; or more generally disagreeable place; to live than. Anegada; but.. singularly enough. I it appears to be for the most' parta prettyhealthy pl'aco tit least for- tiite natives.- of whom nearly .all are',.blaelv "or. .colored - ",""'".'" In the. iinteolonial da'ygr 'the In dians: used ..;to . .come hither" .in.; their: canoes; but . no Indian '. could .? evefr '. 'bring' .himself tor make a, permanent apme in A.ngada, with its steaming- f6gS, its saualii. it's sea floods, its fresh-water- .Inundations, its --. strong :sntel.ls and:. its dense- swarms' of in- "sects; and llo' Anie.ricanPo.uld' be perd suaded to.'. spend- more; than.. :24' hours - on': the .4slahdrin ' spite.- of- it's"; strange- ne'ss..;. ' . '. - ."'.- '.-.-..'--;' ' .. "-" .Dictijbhary.Furij - . . .' Wn1 .c9V' Tnm '-"l.t-: .. i IU- ri" r, '- -.. -u-i. - Y- -"- -.. Busy-Bee. --"whifch -is the most dan-' - -- - -'a - " -'.- - J -i?ii, 1 iish.- language? It's stumble(t''.satd.T6m.y.becaUse j 'you "arie sure, to. get. a-. fumble between : .in.e irsi anu iasi;--ietiers.-r"C- .; - '-"Good ' said -. Bplj'.-;-: r 'Which; is, ".the" rpngest -English word r. . r,;. : -,. --..: v! "Valetudinarianism," .-."said"'.: :'Tdm pro.mptly.- '..- :' - ..' - -".T-..;.-;. V-.1 .'V .- .'"JCor Urs. smile's' because; there's;, a whole -mile:;betweehlhe;;fitstan"d lastl leuors. . ;.-:: .-. . : .... - ; -,.;-:..-....-- "Oh, :tiatV; rip'thlng;: 'said. Tom."''1-! know'a -word that hasover tnree -nrilesj "betw'een-'its -heginnrag"-ahi;e'ndinjri" --: '."-'What's that?" ;asked,-;B6r,. faintly,, -.-- "DnlAamAKi ooi1 TV.'. -. -- .....JjpiC6A;A, ..O.WTJ1,, lllUl,, - - . .... '".--" .- - - " . i -..'.. ; - . .. " '-": . V". -""Unpleasant.-.. . . '' .--, "--Teacher -Willfamr- can.ydii-' decline' .Wimam-Yes'm, b'uV-1 don't want to. .CHEQUERED BOARD. DIVISIONS. Many Ways of Cuttrng a Board Into ...- -- : -Two '.Pieces. ". . - " "" Tere.drJ?.255T'd.ifferent-waj:8 of.cn't-- ung. ine ooaraintq two pieces ci ex? actfy- the' same size and shape.- Every way must' involve one of. the :fi've cuts ' shown in -diagrams A'B.'C,: D.and' E- To avoid repetitions- by- "reversal and . reflection,, -we -need 'only .consider, cuts that enter at. the -points a;b -and c. But -the., exit must.,' always" -be "at " af . point in a straight line'-.frqm- .the Jenti'y inrougn tne center, xms is. tne most fimpprtatit condition to remember.-.- hr . case B- you: cannot enter at' .a",- or- yti.ur 'w.iU--get the cut', provided ifpr-' in. Ei. Similarfy" In'.'C.'or Dr you .iniist .'not enter the iceydine fa the same "dlrec-- tlpn as. itself;, or you "will get ;A or B If A-riu are working qn A or C",- and;.en- m . e ?T7T m:m L - --t mmi .A '44 i -- SjL T1 mM r--i, m m 3"S-1' - Jt'ii. im i . . y. ':. y i ' .w-.y.-V v& is -a - zz. &. mM' -Solution, of th'e -Problem fcrihg at a, you'-'must' consider. -joins -; at. one- entt..onlyof the keyllhe",. "or you Will- get repetitions, jn other cases you -Jiiust.r consider .Joins --. at botli.ends of ili'eVkej';; .but ; after leav ing a 'in 'case Dturn.alway'.s either to: right or ldft.T-use one ilirection only. Figs.r land, 2 Tare:-. examples 'under-;A- ?. and' 4-. are examples under B; 5 and. G .come " under C and '7 Is- a " prettyexample-- pf. I).. Of coiirse "R; :fs- a. pecuIiar.-tjSpe a.nd ob--vipiisly.. -admits orf'onjj' -one way of! ciittihg, for.-ypu -clearly cannot, enter ai "b. brc:' -"-;-: .-.." ,'..-:. ":. - ' . Iieje'js;.'-a,rtabie ":pf-the results, which the- reader. caVi''check. at his jeisiii?.:- .- . .. "-. . ."-.'.-,. ' ,'-. '-- "'-.... -. : -'.a-.-.' -S."--l'-0.'r --b '- ;e.1-' riT- '-K" 21,' 17:. .2i--; Vays-. k - '- 3S. ',:;.:Si '- :-.i-. A B C D "3:s.4t:s-1-".!-1t': 3d:? E : .1 0 ;KV 0 . AV 9i 120 COIN: ANDTUMBLER' TRICK. ,It Can:, Bier Easily Performed : by. the ..-'.-' .';. .Small. Boy. The accompany. 'ske.tchVsh.ows hovy! . ."a . good --f ribk" may..be -easily per formed bj-;' anyone. -Lay a piece" of This Is a Good Trick; heavy paper, that, is free from creases on a board or table": Secure three turn' blerss.that'are. alike' and stick a' piece of the-:same heavy paper over the openings. ip- two.vpf them... neatly ..trimming it all around "the..Tedges;so, as. io. -icave. noining or .tne- paper for any -phe to-see. Make three covers:- of paper as shown-in-.-Eig." l:tb put over; inc. .i-uuiuibijs-. .riace xnr-ee- cpms ,pn: the sheet of papers', then the .tumbler? with covers mi ibpof the.cpins the -unprepared' tumbler -being :lh fhe;.midv die.. Now lift the covers p'ff. the. Zend tumblers, and you wijl sqe. "that, the pape.r pn';Uiioi')ening.'cpvers.the;coiris. ; Replace the covers, lift: the" middle, one! -and a:;pin wulf .lie seen ;unde.r;.thie-"tuni-bier, as.-ithe opening "pf tnis'xtumbler is not "covered.. .'Drop the coverback- again and "lift, the other- tumblers", and" co.Vers bo'dilyi: so that the "Spectators can see the rcoins, -remarking; ati.the' same time- that' ypu'..can.make:'.lfiem A-anish from .one to' the other.':; The openings of ; thp tumblers,, .explains Popular Mechanics", .must .neve'r-'ie ex-' posed so that -any pnecan .see them.. and a. safe .way tp Mp this; is -to. keep them leyfei. with- the table;- ;' ''':- MY EYES! ',; Crut;:...but- -the : spaces ";forvthe J : ..eyes "'and"" ;mpy6' :: the?slip;qiii:wBiih i noni i.y.-a-'a. jp ms, &m2mmmmmjMxmg mjat-am - : m .m-wj-mi-tof-vr-mi friFm.?rrr-Tmt:tiSm m (V3&-zxMm a xxm&mmm. -1 r . Wrm S9a1 M:A 'm aBI . ritaV.-.VX V .' afalalar'.alaBfafFBfaW mmmWm m :' .,.71 mmmW . jmt m .-aalalalar -alBalalalalaim I i a- mmMj u m w - waE&zfxv-i ;.i r . &&&$& m- &ynm. , k H-a 'm.m- mi .Mznzgsa :.. .x r . t v . m irnrv. -.if oh -ru 2lm nMTa mrimsm&&rLi 1 -4 JHk&2smihm &mm ' W&. wVxz " P3"Ei sz-. 1 (vTail-al IStfl ?sT Wva -til -fiawZ "SrmWimOKl VrSss :& - -xLJijLJx: t-M-S!L3& Uto.fi t&WKm&W&SFt Nl.AaaESatBa T!ii5aKlfe1 t - a 1 -.Er FS- L- -M ' - mW,wmmi)a:i 1 ,i all I lal I im 213 a -m. .. a - o ' w&nx .. vwwi 1 1 - mH&Bmn'zx?i&i$3ar. - ?t : Wrl rO 'W..W1S. .Tl : lili WMA ilf mwmmmWkmmteMhW&J&F .'. '-ife'; t-i . YVJK yf .':. cr 1 w-zl ' fill . 14-KI-bV aV V WXim -B-B-B-B-B-BWv-BVaflB-FB-B-aW(r r. -. M'lM x.w w . 'rCT--! pa ViTi i..p5n""w i . , :m; MM rsir . wmt wmmtwrzi aai iSiBA , 3ocraisrja:'iiiHw-' 2m&mEm-.:: - J& p n-p ' ; mJmWcJ-f jfzmW . -m-' ' A&i r 7z - rr: ry v, vjt -tax .i-Bi------i'r ft 'mimi . nnniiii? mL'--'---i-- - ' 'v '. . ,-i. . i ; a i. ?m mm .. r-: - - m; &B-BflHB-rKM-B-B-B-B-BBV. . BBBBBBBBitA-jv-'K.'- . . M'M- -.gSf-jeJi: B-'-J K M VA Jo vs.- .jj-lc .uj'lojhjjjixj..: . ygy. - .. :: ra . Tzr t r; v r,: m .Mmmmmmmmmmimmmam-Mm :".a v : Wm ;& 12 3"- - iVI.-v .-...' ..-:.'-.- . .';..-:-...'. gl2 u - Sf r lr ' -.--.-. . .. .v --; ; .-" ' ' '. -'.. - ' - -BC- - '.-' ' " . - " -' "'- ::,"" '"."-: '&;-. . ; '-. '- "";" ; '. af e . " printed'" -Jive' -. ;pairs--oi -eyes.. up. .w a'n'd. down bdhiritl" ' iff he.-.', face.-.:: Note . -".the r.e'xpressib'o'. .- -i : '""'..'- """- '...""'- ssy-'v;"" :--'.': "":"" 'Katherine,' -.aged- fi'ver".;as..tbb"noi'sK' at- the:' taile-cays --Harpers Magazine. tier. father.r.epro.ved .nejr; and.- sa.i.d"i sne .-was -not tro speaK again at-.in.a-;, meii'l ,unl(;ss:rs he' w-mted .some thing: -. -." ; -- Katherine C became" ;'th"oughtful;' -anfl a' "-.tew-- moments "later addressed .he' ! :ttti? . ..." i'; -v ? -- . ' ..v" ': j -,x-iia, .jou -uu..-i -yuia -jusk. ior: somethiiig . ir-1 wanted- it?'. '.'"' -.:.4Yes,.KatherIne;".what is'lt?" V -. ri-want' to :talfc" .'-:"'.;' - .''. '.-. . -' -." ! "' " " ' ".-"...' . " " '''"itlLi " rVMrW!;Maag' .Tair'wM'FVr.- '.-' T'-vT? -af a-P.- -. ". 1" VL "fTa-. "" '. am MivnrM7 Js:r ttZiA'' . .LK. waEaVLH aLr yr . f y x!! " aaV'Baa Vfl "aVaa aa BTaal W' aT aK I.BB ' l id J2r II af ' ' 'fVJanKflfcrtrSF'aaaSlBSfria'iai 'f??iSiila aa SR'm mjJ aVaUaBaWaBW'BlMBtBaBa9i9iK9r3BK'lSSBtttBrB XJ I . fF-gaaayWalBaaaaaam?8SarTaatfcSa?vJ&.- M - 1JI - - MaTifcrfm-jBaWllBWalrMlW ITbTbV iaaTtrr- ISr - m Bl X. I aTiwar'aTBaaamMaMaar?wll1laWTtRaa f ffflaaa:B x-l - CSS aBafSjaVEBflSOBBBBBBBBBiV:JK3a:':'.ibtaMll K-.l I. (Ml . .atalalaBMBSiSHalP'"x-.rateaWla1,fEM BSfm U MiH M VbbVVPVUbOTbL A.'A' i- BaBalBBBAB--EBBSUaVBi BJ. . HrTTfafSWKvnr''f 'A rGr?wtm-& I I' ata' aCjarrBSaaaBaBaBafcawK -'-''-',P"- V"'.-jrfj aa aafc3SaiaaaaWv'-'l( I I il-' ' JaMggaWlaMfcafetJI XHSsiS' VZL kaKa -. . mm . --BBaawaaHBh8BBar4)haaBaHBaaBW MmMSaMmsSf-M ?St 3rmm3m A V c- -I rtrTyr f nr?' .-''77 ,j-rr.nTt- rT . A0 VV --iigik'" :. ' -:; ? l BBBBffTir i8JBJfBfl -fflKSSWEBBBBSSSiiBBBlBBB "!?P?SCllJlSi8ltJL"'Jj -- ABBMMMMMBBCSrBMMBBBBB- BnTlM rue- Curious 'rowZi?s ot .' VILtAQto ltf Tin:- JCR:Y& ' The' Zakka Khelsl one- of the- riatiye tribes ofthe northwestern borderland of India, who have, -been causing, the government of .India, so much trouble. :of late, and against .whom a British punitive .expediUon.lias been. sent, out;" may well be. called: the Ishmaelitps: of India's borderland, fpr- their hand seemingly is .against every.other manis; and their greatestdelight appears to- be. In. stirring up trouble: for- others. .Syithin the.-. past' few months these belligerents .have made it armed,raids. into' British' .territory,, 'killing; nine British-subjects and wounding 13. --The -Zakka Jthels number in all about 4,000 "and occupy the country. in the Bazar J valley hear the famous IChyher pass. arid., west of 'thev city of ..Peshawar; The Hinder Kush mouh- fains. loom in the .distance; arid sev ftral rivers" flow tributary to' the Indus; ' The tribesmen are Healthy, vigorous. looking -people, of slightly Hebraic features, arid "wear the picturesque, .flowing.-,.-garments" :of 'Mahometans. They, carry- .short swords slung -over their . shoulders "and . -'rifles in. their hands. -:" - 'They live. in'-. cave--dwellings, which. are;.pa'rtlyTia.turai and partly artificial, being scooped put .of the. soft .rock of, which the Hills, are. cpriiposed. vWhen .not .engaged in raids'-their chief occif- pation.. is .tending theic herds. r They are -quick, on the iriove; and! are able 1 to escape expeditions -sent-out against vhem by retiring: Into, mountain re cesses jieyohd their vallPj:s;. leaying nothing- .behind, the.m-which can' he -affected. .-., .".- v '"-. The warriors of the Zakka Khels are: known. -to-:; be mettlesome',, and'-vare-armed 'iwith .Martini rifles. They-fight ifrpmy'cpye'r, and prove a. troublesome and dangerous foe to meet. In a; fpr "nierputbreak. in 1897. they proved their. ..quality., by slaughtering a good part pf an English regiment arid- "spiping .a.iaisernumoer .pi. ouiposis... noweyer,- it oqciua turn, icuiuaus uuuerv air JamesWillcbcks had learned something. in a military wa and: by copying the Americari .military' tactics of open -f br-j muiiou ana sKirmisn lines: were -en-; abled tQ'jolt the 'tribesmen from -their 1 self-esteem. Many 'of the Afridis were, "killed and their fort's were destroyed. The chieftains begged. Sir James, to accept their submission,. promising-. to punish, raiders -and otli'er immoral .members bC-their tribes. . "- :-. -: '.-.-A: '.-campaign ".-of jiliis- descxipfibri-"isj itniiiuicuuj kuuwu. us u iiunuive . ex-. pedifion. Ther6 is -no ;.declaratioh .of 'war.": The -schoolmaster ::says nothing, except 5to growi a iittle. at the mis- :behavio.r.-.of: his-brow;n pupils;, then he J suddenlj' goes .after, .them' with' '.switches .and macTii'ne .guris. andcon: vinces'theni that.c.ivilizatipn is a-good" ''AfV'AMMAAMMAMWAMAAl-WWMM-tMWWMU RW I1INE5I BBBBBBBBMTrT"-W- I I Bb1BBBBBBBBBBB-B-B-B-b1b1b-B-b1bBbMbbMbMb-Mb --''.; ''."-'-" -..;' .V:--": -,"- :":'-':-'.V""'..:-7 ;.y ".":...'. ''- '-.'.:- : "" -'""-J" ' -:- ---Kr1 '" '-" ''"''" 4 V "' , -. ;:' '. "''"-'-v "."".- ". .": -ogajMJsj "' '-"" -- - ' C -v - . . - -. ''mtf&BmiSmmEiS&imfi&mi.LZ---' -'". ' jZZ - mJmi. 9!&3mmw8tmmE5z&jixmUmw&KBtS,K?&9' imjftmP3mmmwmmmmf$mWI SsISSIESPIbHHbbBbJbBBbb "V ytmWmmmmWS9fMmmmmm 1BBB1BBK'?B1Bb77''a. w .. . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBdtvjt. ? - .y"4 .-."m. .:: .'jWS ' ..... .$,-r:-? -s JBBBBBBjKfjBmVWuSLTvAK.. --.-v -. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBMWBCif.t !:::.':- --:-- --x-x-x 'V. '''yy "Ji:':liJ'-i .-'- 97SflSgMBJB'::'vf..lrBBH - y.The'; : Chinese do notbufy.thi'r.dearfat'oilce, but. they 'leave; the coffin ex- ' posea - xne open air. At.:rianKow there is- a-field strewn with the coffins of the victims-. of a -recent "cholera. -epidemic". So -careless are th'e". Chinese f hygiene jthaf cattle a re. a I lowed to. -graze at will" n the. cemetery.. -... thz &&& 'izhzz&'i' VjubAls thing. -The Zakka Khels are.charged.this time with violating the rights-. of property.- stealing-.cattle on ..the plains and attacking caravans traveling through the faihous Khyber" pass.. . Although it-:is against "the A.fridis -religion and tribal morality to pay- much .attention to the rights of.: property, the English authorities, felt, called; :pn to instruct ..therii in .the-..western.attitude, even if it Map .of Part 'bf..'Northe'ast Frontier, . "Showing Position of Bozas Valley. took powder-and bayonet to ;enforce; the'.lessonl . it.:"lias'.. been complained, that -the routine, -punitive methods of the Erig- lish';'-- -which, .consist" of destroying. crops, . burning, houses and tearing- down' forts,, .do not. '-fit the crime of. thestf 'lawless mpiinfafrieers.- It is not punitive -enough for the houses have little value, and-' can be":easily rebuilt. whire; the. loot .of a. few canivans ' makes' up. for the- loss of cropSi The. Afridis might be punished' mpre &(-' "fectualiy.if they did .riot have the an-: rioj-ingfhabit .of biding their wives, arid -children", in safe places' arid; taking- ttv the inaccessible 'Kills' themselves. Thus they Ipse many a. moral precept which, the; British soldiers; wouid. gladly give" . to- them. . - An .-extension of the Indian frontier: ana large,perihanent garrisons are de-. c.lared,fo-:b'e rie'eessarj;; for -the lasting ..reseneratipiv of-the Pa than: A. close assdciatio'fa yi'th; Tommy -Atkinswould. -refine -his hianriers and mend' his-nfed- a't'ory-'-'jn'stiric't's:. He "might . begin to. wear' -trousers. after a while and" learri :to-.play crjck'ei.; .Ilyjtlsihce there i& no luuiiey- -ivuuaoit- tor s.ncn an inii.eri-. ''-ajistic1 program, the 'makeshift, pblicy- pf 'giving, the. frontier -tribesman' Qc. casiorial wallop--and- cuff . on .the .ean; must -continue, fqr a time.. .' ..- . . Fires Bring-. Loss and Gain. ...Thp great, fife 'at, -Hakodate-.. Japan, about l.S.mpriths ago,.-.haS; reduced tlie commercial business., of.; that ppr.t..to. 'alnibsi'-nothing.- while-. Awomdrj ' has niades sudden, .grovvtii..- "More idian S00". families, mpstiv ftradesmeii. joi- -shop-, keepe.i's;. -.i-e'i)isen.tirig .000 persdris, have lnigiatedV "frpii?-. : Hakodate to. Awomori.- - . '. . ';" .".'.' .- .-.'-.' : . - iisf; PASTURAGE - '--.-.'-.,..-- ?.:"" ''.".'" - RAISED -FROM A SICK' BED. After-Being an' Invalid with Kidney Disorders Tor. .Many Years.':. . ' . - " - Jolia- Armstrong; . CIoverpprt",;Ky.;-sa'ys:'- "I wai an .invalid with kidney complaints' for. many years, - and..- cannot' 'tell' what: .agony-1 endured 'from . back ache:. .My- limbs were .-swollen -twice j natural size 'and- my 'sight .was' -.weaken ing. . The .kidney e-. .c'retiona .were d'is-" "TOnP colored arid had a.sedlmerit. When 1. wished to eat 'my 'W.ife.-had'to'rais. me up In. "bed. Physicians werfe'uii-'-able'to help me and'I was.-going' down' fast, when; I began usirig'-Doanls Kid-'; ney :. Pills.- After ."a. short time j.'felt -a .great.-improvement 'and- am. now -as" strong and healthy as. a' man could be."J 1 "give Doan's kidney 'Pills 'air. the x'redit.for it." . " ,r .-..-7--v .-"Sold by.all dealers..- 50. cents "a- bdt . Foster-Miiburn Co., .Bnffalo-. N: V. '. " .". " ". " . t" . - '.' r;' - i . m ; ' TH E " PART ! E PREFERREDi , .Subtle :M.eaning; In' Poet's Criticism of .Decollete Costume. - , ' Joaqul'n;IilIef; the poet pfithe Sleiy ras;- is.' something of .a recluse "and rarely comes .inti? San FrahcIscOi but; wnen. he: does -he is -.made a. good deal of- a Hon.- On "his " last" visit he wast- bnp. "of-.the"gn,es"tsat a. lather-formal, oinnersat a.irienqs house, where he Stayed -overnight:" . .His-hostess "had kriown "tho. poet since-. her "childhood;", so. she --felt . p.riviIiged..next:mornihg; to discourse- to. him of the.-beauties" of ttieT Parisian gdwn she. had .worn'; the nIght...befpVeVbeauties. -which ;seemed to. have escaped, .his observation'.-"' " Mn Millerlistened to all that 'she . had '"to- say arid remialhedsilent: . 'But dldnt' you'really like , the "dress?" pleaded -the- Iadv.. . '' " "': - WCli? replied :the poet; T Vdid like.: pai-t or it wen enpngri.:' - . - . -..--. The" lady .brigbteried. " c . - -- "Indeed ?' she-aidi. .: "What part?": '. ,"TKe "part .you. had oh.".-answered" the- poet;.- arid- that.endb.d. lher dlscugi .ifon-TLippinpott's. . . ? -'";. "-'' '-": ' NOTHING MORE TO- SAV. "Pardon --my .question, .but how do you know .your- wife doesn't wish you to- take out insurance;?" ; "Well,- I'll tell you. She's got a no tion" I'rij-going to .'survive' herand that it -fl-ill be collected.-by No. '?r Gentle Pei"8uasidn. ' . . A yourig chap froiri."'the; south; who .-recently took 'up his residence in Bps.-. ton with;, the purpose of" pursuing cer tain technical studies at the. Hub.en gaged board arid lodgingsat "a. select 'establishment in.. Columbus averinel " .Itwas not long after .his install ment- therein' "'.that., the southerner, "found iimseif obliged to-.complaih to the. : landlady., with reference to the noisy '.doingsof. soine-of" his. fellow-lodgers.- J ... r -" "The people in the room next, td mine,' said, he "quarrel iri a loud tone regularly -every' evening, much tp niy distress WhaVs-the trouble, ariy- way J" "..-"" V . .J ' '.,. ::' "bhj-you imlsiit mind. them," said" the" .landlady ".That' occurs very tift'en. atJeast once-a;: week. It's bniyr P"rof.- Vhiteside, the'hypridtistV.tryirigtoper-: suade his wife, tofga. to. ther. band con-cert.,'-----:iliustrat9d .Sunday .Magazine.. s -' Not Running.. - . ,'-".' A West - Philadelphia; .woman;-, had" not heard the:io'ck stfikeprice during last,- Smiday.affernch,--arid: thirikirisf perehance-.it had- stopped she serit- her. hopeful, aOittle. boy about -.five" years; old, downstairs to see If. it -were run ning. .".'"""' " ' " . The- little, tpt went down, onth.e er rand, arid, after a hasty, survey; of the. .long pendulum- swinging back and. ;forth he 'ran back.: to his mother with this information : - "Why, no,- mamma;, the. clock airiTt rurinin",. it's.standin' still arid.waggiri,' its;tail."; - :;';: :y-.: ..' HeygroW; .. oo "Good'' Hurridr.--" and. Cheerfulness from . Right Food. . ' ' ""'.;". Cheerfulness -.is. like sunlight.. -it dis pels the ::.Ibudsrfi:om the. mind as sun alight -:chases away . the sh-fdows" of night;,.-," : . -- ." "' ; The: good "huriiored Virian can .pick" .upland. carry off -a load ihatT.the .irian : 'with a "grouch-" wouldn't" attemptr to: 'i..'ii'"- ; :: .'-:i Anything that interferes with good, health is: apt .'to' keep cheerfulness, and . good' humor in. the backgrounds A -Washington" lady-, found that . letting rcOffee alone:.'made' things bright- fpr- hen "She" "writes: - . : - . "Four' jears" ago". tx"was practically given up: by my- doctor- arid, was- riot expected- to '.'iive-: long: .My--.nervous -'ystenijwas in;a:.bad coridltibn.. . - ' "But! was' young-arid. did:Jidt want . to dlelsd J-began .'tPloqk about for the; cause -bf. my. chroriic'.trouble.. I used to have nervous -spells jvhich'. would'' exhaust;. me arid' :after each .spell -it-would. takeme days, before I .;cp.uld.sitv. rip in""a chair'., :.-"-' .. x ' :"-... "llr became- 'convinced .my trouble, was : caused : by. cotfee,- I- decided to.; stop: It" and ..bought sonie-Ppstum--' "; .. . -Th'e Vfi'rst cup; "which" i -iriade'.ac-": cording' to. "directions,; .had, a ..soothing- effect: on "my-nerves: and: I. iike'd ".the" taste? ".- f!dr . a" "tiriie-1 "nearly lived' ori osturii and""a'te- lIttle..fobd -besides, i". am-, today "a." healthy- woman': . ..- ".; . '" . -"My family, ."and relatives -wonder ir i am tne. same:. person -r.was'royr yea'rs .agoi'.'wh'en. i'cbiild'do.-no workon account of-ijervpusnessr. ICbw-L. am .doing- iny 'o'wh. housework, .take care- of "two babies one-twenty, the other two; months old. 1 am.so-.busy.that.I hard- ly get. flmV to write. i..lette.r,".yet i" do' it. all' whh-.the che'erf ulriess" and. good, humof ..that -comes' from": en joying" good, .health. ".""."- .."".. ". " "-:.;. " ".; -1':i-tell"jny friends it. is to Postrini. I owe my.'life'today."- .".;"... .Name given by Po'stum Co., Battle . Creek, Mich." Read "The Road to Well mmmmmmwM9kk W ' H ssbiibiiiiiHHbT" ' '- mtMWmTm: ffV I sHw. . -. .; . What He Pna'ted. For. ' Little. -.Tommy .Whacken was taken' '-by his mother -to" choose "a pair of knickerbockers and his choice fell. on 'a pair to which 'a 'card was attached, stating:- "These' can't-be beatenV Current' Literature.-" - ,-"-r-.-.-.. Nearer. the. Soil: ' -" . -"An Atchison -man' Is all the time ' complaining about bis. stomach. He was .seeft".to- go -.'into a-.restaurant- at 3:3.0 o'clock -"this-rafteriioori' and'-order-' a bowl, of. chili arid Is a" piece 'of lemon :-pie. Atchison-. (Kah:) Globe. ' ... - - VAtUt OF'STOCK FOODS. . ?rof..F: W. Woll of the Agricultural" -EcpeHm'ent"-Sjtatlqn" -"of -.tha- University, "of . Vlscpnsln. oOIqlal. bulletin Xo. 151, toys; of.stoc"k foods: - - ''-."". .- j ."First They" arano".iH.netft to healthy- animals' when .fed as 'dlrecte'a, Neither as .to- inc.reaslTiK-".-tle disestl'brilty .of the Xeed eaten, or. rendering Jt more -erfective for -the prpdufon of "nieaf.-.-'mllk, woot-etc . "" : V'ec"ond they. are"no;benent.a.s euro all for -diseases of "the i.vaf i.dus classes-'of" live stock "JieltheT . jdo". they posses" any. . ' partlc.ula.r.".frterl.t "iii .case .of specific -dla.-- edses or for; animals, out of condition, .off jeear.cic.. since oniy-a smauproportion or Ingredients. 1iavlng""'medlcl!i'al. : valu'e ." Is found therein: .the -bulk- bL tho foods-con-- . :. FlsUhgrofV.flHer-wliicii-possesses-.no'nitidl- --clriat-properties -whatever. :".'.'- "; i. . ""T'hlrdBy- adopting "jx" llberal-systerh- - -of feed'j'ngrfarnV- animals and. furnishing"- . - a. variety -of feeds good "results iria'y bp 'pbiaftieVj wltfiout -resorting to stock fopda" - of any '."kind-, "if a" farhier "believes it Is'- :. necessary. :to. .feed stock, fooa at .'times,-.' ha .". ..can jnircna.se -the- ingredients ana. maKs.', fijd J"qw;n. -stock .foods "atj a fraction t5f tho.-' cqst "cji'arged for thftm .bj-..tlie'."inariufac-"y . tiires. ;-ik. will--then" nave-the--additional-" " , satisfaction, of knovvlng what he. is . feed- . ing. anu oi .leeuinsf-a concepirnteu tooa. Iristead'.of .one-. largely diluted v.ith.-.non- " hiedicinal' insreilients;'; ' " : .'-.. " ' -- -.-.-,- -'-.".-"---Don't; sDend-fXat) wlfen -.CO ents -will :- do-.the'-work--' JIalse-ybiir own-stock. foods "' by. using SRIiloo Horse "and Cattle Tblefs. -- -' Tc..bo": nilxed-in Te'e'l-.-'ro-iefdosein tiib- - lets: tMake'your-'stock "look like. tlie' top " ;" price.;- For; hoFses;." cattle.- Sheep;., swine" and fowls..'- sT!iey are iinade. from jtlie" con-"- den'seil. esWnce "of the drug. Tliey" don-'t . :cbhthIn-"sa-!-.-dust-;-as.hes,"cli'op' feed or -Uran. '. .. Arc-just" as" go6d..wheij ton-:Jye;rs yi sis.-. when. -ten --d4-j:s old: "i-Titey. comply with all.- .' .pure drug-: l;iw-.. Ask- for and trybneo- Sk'idoo'. -CoJiditlon " Jal')lets. -or Sktdo Woriri;, KIdniijv Chicken Choient. Blhstef.; .Catharyie.-.'.rie-.ive. "Fe.ver.. Hos . Cl'io'iorn... Dtsfeiiipt'r, ' l'in'K" Kyir. vCollc- tablet's lor Xtuse.-Iawdir.-Spa.vin. Guro of X5;rb'.Wlre " :Llriimen;t'.,v pi.s'tribut'edtHy The" BlueVCeU. Medp.'ine.. Co'.. Incorporated": capital- "slck. -V .$"-.Q'&,O00.Q0: AVa'tertown.- .South, .bakota.-- . U.;S. A!" ;;::.; "," "-.x:-- -.-.. :- ".--.. . '.. You, .'can-. 'flatter any-.ma'n :by telliifg r " hini he. i3--.flattcfy-pfqofi "."'"".";"' : .. ." MANY FAtAL DISEASES Show." their -flrst synif-'. loins in tho.ejes. "I'liat lai-taliinoihoulcl bsfab. Hli jour cuntlclenoH.in' H --.' ico inipijriancp.ta Jiar . Injr.yonreyespropirlTcxani-rij.Hl.on-tlionrst'appuar-. rncejf dlM-qnifurtu AVeliavc tlie inMruniont.s mei. es&ary'for making tho f uflos scj'eritiflrt'je exaiulna tlun, aiij'nottilrnf is left undone that -an.bo uToil to Ohd-.tlrn'rausoL if-4nubU.. Frro-conMiltatlon.: IllltO!Wll pilt-ulCo.. titlu:.flpt.lrlM. SI3!to. ICth b(.,Ouk.I;'aclory ub premises. Wliolcsaleand UctaJL ' .. - . . t. Among the. other trusts -we" have mistrusts arid distrusts. - - ' . . : Omaha Directory LSgs5i MfetK-M- rmmtmOmt thmMmmi mratPrmoomftlmtt Ewmr Mtm '-- mm -m Ommmllmm Eiigtttm. It will 8 VE.YOIJ.JIOXEV The Olita Engine la th beetndchraprtenstne'snji'can bur"-' " U-.n vhnplost !nconntrocjton.ni)terio!nlrml to run. , wllldojrclilrworktt!ieiimlliteiii'o--ndae notirelout'ifonlerlon-tf1ltoriteforournew auaioftBna iinemi prnpamiion. , llilfvnBTSlrMl. private Wire v. J. E. von Dorn Commission Co. Jfember-Clilc-aKo Board. of Trade'.and ' Omafaa'Graiu Kxcliangei -.;-- Gram Provlsrons and Stocks Bought and Sold for immediate or future- delivery; GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD in Cartons. Track bids made- on ;arly "railroad. Gonsignrnents Solicited; ' 7OO-70I-776 Brandela Bids., Omaha PEPoFNELrTo1EDC0RNGRADER Sorts, seed corn as" well. as-; I ' $25.60 macliinc. Capac- ".- . fty' :io ' bushels per hour. . "" tININGER IMPLEMENT CO, ,. Omaha: IVORY POlISHE . For Furniture and Pianos coot FOUAjvywooi s . .... -. - - .LEANS and-.poluhej.'rcmovej-itain; "nd restores-the .finish. Can not injure ihcwdod in. any yay. 'G'uarantesd 16 jpvs perfect, satisfaction-.- -Absolutely 'tie best. (umiture polish on the marked If your dealer: doesn't -carry--if send;us; his. name and wo- . - Will see that you are supplied. . Price .25; .-. r and ,50 cents. - " " " ' "'-"".": - . . i(ANVrACTORei bt Orchard & Wilhelm - OMAHA. NEBRASKA?- ' THE IRIfiNTEST SPOT ON THE MAF A GOOD PLACE io 'mVcstl j-our atonej" w.taera -' -. ' '. "you can "get front . ' ' B t& 1 0 On improv-sd ProjMrtte' . - "Vt"rire Uu.How.Mtich Ypu Ba j"e'.tQ.I nvesV - . - HAMTIMGS amM HEYOEM ' ..170FmHimmSt.- Ommh, OMAHA TENT & AWNIN6 CO, .TefltS,-. AwningR. .etc.1 - 'Largest, 'west of .Ghieajfor ' .Write -for; pricw -ani)lf's'tiinate before. Buyjbg, .Cor. Ilth and"- Harney 8ts. Do You Drink Coffee - Wli .pat .th.e-ctaieap. rn-Li-.bltt-norelcir In Joir stomach" When pa'rB.GEIIMA(i-AMER'fCAN COFFEE. -- no morel. loai3t.oahaTiaaf.it.. Your ' . irrpeer elUltorcaa jret It ;- ," , " -."- '.'.'.' .Ira.: Balle-f ft Mach; The I ,sa noor. razioo ;lioclg. cor. utb ana r a r n am StS.. .OH All', Nm - R mnlrnt- Dentaloaice ftl th "ktldrtlR.-lVACt Iltot !1 nnTiVna. lUieh'tpute DtnlhATf. Jteavjaablc prices.. MICA ROOFING CO. E 9mbi:i-isc.: -TCBw.lML rihtntilMmtm- C"?' ' - -I Ba5iiyitil MKSSmmmSmmSSmwCCmm!SSSSmSM!m ImmmWSSSSSSSSSgmamwmmmmnamtm OMAHA aaafk. ItUtkmtUfl. AsyrtedstocfcoT BooangSap. plies always on. laanil. .lnsnlaUon of wet Boors a .pecKltx,. .GraTel.-'AaphaH, Aabeatoo repaija gireu prompt attention.' JOUN MCMAUOK.-atfr . i. -' - . .-, ' " : If In Doubt, Buy ' A JOHN DEERE me."MpgC'.VxeT?'i. Ke?on-!?.