The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 08, 1908, Image 2

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    "2W -
t"l" "T '- - " "
Col u iribus Jou rnal
' L" Q STROTHEIt,.Edltor. . '"'.
F. K. TROTHEK, Manty
6oodqbbobodopoooccxxpcpp ;
...- .-; - ,!N CONGRESS.
John--ShqTiVfVHljains and Ins. bapd
nf'TiiHlmsters. resumed their, dilatory
.-tactics as soon as-'the house convened".
Roll call --lifer roll .call was demanded
solely. ior'tKQpufpose .of: delaying. -leg;-islaiionK
After -se'ivi-ar . hours ---had7
- been wasted -ill .Jhis -way- the "rules
.-. committee ;Tirouglt in.-a"-rule- applying.
-thegag Jaw" to the . District "of
-Columbia appropriation. -bill, -which
was-adopted ; despite the .'stre'niunis
'apposition, .of ;the Democrats. . .. - '.
. Carrying a iofal of $11,508:.S0P, the J
..'" agricultural -appropriation .bill --.was
passed by the house of representatives..
"The De.niccrats.then began ihelr threat-.
- cried '-filibuster; ".',-'-" ' '.. '. -.'"."
In executive" "session, the senate. '.coh--firriied
thV tippolntnients of David..
" J'aype". Hill as auibassadbi: "to GeYpian.
.. 'SpencGr F. E'ddy'aViirinister to Arg'eri,
tina -and Arthur M. Beaupre as niinis-
.; zir-fo.ilie Netherlands.- " ' -!" "
tn-riipr- sprioiis chai-jres as to ttie,
(reatnioiit of Indians on the. Moii -
.3 -" Q
rS - . " O
o - 1 1 1 1 " I I HI b IV 0
iT ! -I 11 I I V H V I H rr
8 " -.' r Q
jgr.Mdst Important Happen- 8
.'"': ings'of the World -X
Sf ;.Tbldin BrieiQ : 2
.-' ' mist
. -"" tani Crow reservation by. the agents.
" '-' --.'we're" made before the senate commit-
-'.". tee oil. Indian affairs bys Sir's. Hele"n
." . ;:rf -Iierce jGiey. -a newspaper writer who
,-." '''". was", iiirestedast summer for her "con-.
- -. ; neetlon witli the protests :of ' the'red
v" " ;"- ' '" "-""
':"- . .. ip. his capacity as a.Tiiembe'r of. the 1
I '--, ' "'" Speaker Cannon .introduced, jx
' y: .Vcsoliitiori directing. the attorney geh.-.
'"-.-.;efal to", transmit to the house, tlie-pa-.
:'-'' pera bearing upon the irivestigatfqn
"''.-. " --''ihtb-the--affalrs of the print ipapej-
,- ...""trust" y -,' -
- .--..'; y!Thepassage;. of.-a hill authorizing the.
' !.-;" ..-:"cbnstructiori qf a dam" across- -the
-."' Vsnake'rtyerin the tate of AVashing-
"' v" toniandL'the'Con-sideration-of a meas;
"- " ure for adjudicating 'the claim? of-1
--1 ". state5 against the government . ac-".."-
"-'count', -of the"' disposition of the "pro-,
' '-. "- I- ceeds':of'' public lands;, occupied, mearly
.- -'" the -entire ession;t)f:-the -senate: r-
'"'- - -- I President Roosevelt sent tb""the sen-
; .j. nte.-the-nqmitiation oicur. uaviu jayne
-".". ',' HilWto be.-j"AmeriCan ambassador b.t
'" .:; - ' Deriln.: Gcrhiany. .The reSighaUpn -of
"',-"'- : ' ipharlenwigne Tower now air -the .post,
I-. ,.'." :" has : been accepted, tq lake -.effect
- -..-".. "' June 1. s
;f.:-" . . personal; ;.. . ;-..-'- '
'.V . .Admiral Evans" was' reported to be
j;;-. Jmprovlng rapidly at . Paso JRdbies
IJo't Springs. s -! .
K- - John Jaitcheir declined the position
r" cf special commissioner to study labor
"" conditions in--"the Panama eanal zone.-.
Mrs. .Evelyn. -Thaw begap -suit
' against J. B. Regan for $50,000 dam
'nges because he said he ejected her
from the cafe of' the Hotel Knicker
bocker, of which he is manager.
Threatening letters received by "Mrs-
Harold E. McGormfck of :Chicagb.
... daughter of J. TJ... Rockefeller caused
the police- to guards, .around her
Residence.- - . - ,
- L Thei.r'esignation of Gov. Joseph ','-K.
Tbole becoming- effective, Edwin Nor-J
- "s.ris.- lieutenant governor, was inangu
-,"., rated- chief executive of Montana: "--
"" Secretary. Taft. left Washington for
- .a 4'en'days trip in the middle west.
''Charges, against -Chancellor Day pf-
' Syfacuse.-:uiliversity. that he- had de-
".- famed-, -President .Roosevelt, were
-rtiled" but by" Bishop Moore in the
""Now'. -York- Methodist Episcopal con-
. fqrencei -v
-United States. Senator Davis was
'. :.- ijped 2olm Little Roclc, Ark., for dis
;- turbin .thev peace.
-" United States Senator Jefferson
-. TJayis had a personal encounter with
" "' -Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Thoinas
-! " "He'lhi on a street-ihLittle Rd'clv-the
"..' 'senator r -was. .-struck and- both, men
- were arrested: .. - "' " -
'- .. " -.ChesjLer -Gillette was electrocuted in
.."" .Auburn (X. Y.) prison for the'-'murder
.-, of Grace Brown. He confessed--bis-
uilt- .to -his-, spiritual advisers; .' .
Daniel R. Delaney, -cashier rfpr "va"
TCew -Yprk Jaw firm, aec'iiSei.'of-ithe-
- iheft;-of $26,000,. was arrested- in
" . cave, near Mounta'indale,-X. Y.. ' .,
-.Capt:r--'Albert--Laws of the- Twehtv-.j
r, y'Xourth' .'United tStates cavajry' .-was.
"-... killed by. falling" down stairs 'in' liis1
,'-. i- -quarters "at -Fort Ontario. --'
".:;'-'-Thq.'Hennepin' canal -was opened to"
.-" - .""-navigation without. ceremony. .' .
-:".. ."-Facing-, adverse- conditions -in 1 the
;wa--:pfhigh: winds arid, heavy seas,-4h'e;
armored.-eruiser Montana exceeded
her-contract requirements.' by-a slen' - .
.aer. margin :on. :tne. KocRiand. trial
course. ". . - - - ' . '
r. Marie. Lehmaa." 26 years, old, committed--suicide:
in. St. Louis -.tb.-Teave"
'$1,000, life insurance-to her 'helpless; J
"Capt. i: ;W Isb.ister of . Chicago,
-.-:-; . -.master; .pt'.the. steamer PaTk";Fp'stet".City,j.saidPresident--"R
. -j .?oa iuu- uunu;,,auu AIIKU m- p, JjgW"
." -..- . -".' York '-Central engine in- Bu'ffa'lo',' "N."iu:
" V ..- '. Tliii rvrar rtf Rticc'So .i1ntili '-.. j:...
- ..-; - - f-- . " -."jiu. iukfuca ,.iu?.uia
." y.- solve ;the Finnish" Diet- .'.""". '"". '
. -': ;'" . The" federal - grand.-- jury .. at. an
" -' - Juan"," Porto "Rico,- returned ah .Indict- i
- .. - iatBu.-agwusi -vaiiu ieorge ;vorier,-'
",.--master, of the; TJnlted States ..collier J
..- .-: -"-- Aberanda, charging, him with-inhuman
.-....--:-treatment "of-his-" men.- "'" "-:-,-"1 '
;.-. "'.""".? Ohejri'ati was-burned. "to" death Cand.
".. v." "many- houses"; diestroyed by." a "prairie'
."- -'flrq near "Piaitqir..Ne'b:'.i"---' ---":'.-. '.:
..'"; i"- .Gems .and" few.elry. valued -at"-i3;06d
- X mi-- "- .""' " V r -1 , , "T: "V T -'-y "V.1-! decided by -i;20y townships "in ;. ; the: Her'-ifn: :the" wax-rf KisirbnM-rate
'' ' S? i 'i? -rT T' ' "ff :"?,an t TOSjy IV-ropped dead ,r "-- -, ,. I eWfetonr out-bif- the 102 counties li j- bin "h"e":fbu'h':cla"sk sbhednle.- v
- -..- Kelekian,- Persian- consul-, at.-- New i J.seph. Howardt...Jr.-. - a prominent Kw. Xtatp' Tiidav " " --. "" '" ".- 1 '" " ' --..-.--- O- f -.-:
- -- Tort""- .-'"--:-..- :"-"' ,: :,--;.- nexvspaper -niaii,. died in. New. VQrk,"-' ..-;:e-Tuesday, . .. . -v.. ..:.. ,.,v ..; . V;."-;.: .- v.--'
-'v,-v. -.-.-: :i;r ..- -;"..v; v--.s .r:--:---c - .,...-. ::" ;:.-1. ;";.. -;.,: : :: -....: .-.;:-... :. ':"-: ;;-. .,"" ...;' -:---'--;.-"
--"- ---' -. " " "-...-""- ' -"" "-A - .": .'. '.i - - .-- . - -. -'- "'.; -.-""-- ;.: .-....-."; "-.-. ' z ''" -- '"-'" '""-'".,
..we're stolen from the-shbw.'window'-of
Flre in -the elevator of "the Corning"
Distilling .company's- .plant .in .Peoria.
III.,-did $23p,000. dapjage tb the -bulld-'
ingr and contents,, and threatened. all-
the.other buildings and -3,000 cattle.
-Three- large "tobacco factories . and
ari overall factory In Lynchburg; Va.,
were, destroyed rliV" a fire supposed; to
be of incendiary. originLJissf 1225,-
.000. -- . - -', - .
Peopled, party convention .in "'-St
Louis nominated- Thomas.E. : y atson
of Georgia for "president andVSatnuel
'Williams-.- of ..Tndian "vice-president.
The "Nebraska." and -Minnesota dele-
'. gates bolted, "being 'for Bryan.. .;." . . .
Announdement- was 'made" that-'An?
drew Ca.rnesi"would'add;5,000r000;to-
":he fund- of the.. Carnegie. .qunqatiqn,;
or., whatever su'm-.niight be necessary"
.-to --include "a3 - pension -. beneflqiaries
'eligible prQfessors of. state;. liniyersi-;
ties.. ' ' ?' : V .- " ; '" ' :
After .two" "Hours--of- wrestling, with;
but "' result; ."George"--. Hack erischmidt
gave" up'to-Frank-.Gotch in.tltd match
for' .the- world's, .cbariii nbnsh'ip at Chir
cago. . '.-.- : . . . .;
-tiie dead -.body of Mrs. .Elizabeth.
Higrifill, 52 years old, a, fortune-telling'
'-medium, "was found ip- an ." artificial.
lake -i.n-Xafay.ette park, St. Louis..-, '. ;
" Robbers.- dynamited three safes, in
a' ChlcagoMJuil'dirig and' .obtirned only
hi the first -quarter of 190S the
Irirths ih- Xew . YqrU. tCity "ininibered
i32,GSrr, "breaking .the "rcorjH' '; -.- :
, Oiie-..lnan" was kille'd-'-and tv.-o rer-
.ceived serious -injuries1. as. the. result.
of an explosion-' aboard. Uie - .'British;
"steamer.-Belie" -of Scbtlajid at Ga'llaq,"
pe'hi. -. : '-.". .'-'"" -
..- New York university- student's; wnt
"on" strike"', as a;result of.the teiiipor-'.,
krj' suspension by the -""faculty --of- Al-
:bert Tqung,. president -.of .the '.junior
class.--follbwing investigation-.of .the.,
"duckinj; in "the Qllegfr-horseXrough:'
!pf l;Iarrj'..BlQch;-a.fres'hinan.! '..' .-.. -
-Foun'd; guilty .of the c'harsfe'b'f areon,
Henry- F, ilcDon'aJd! : in .the , circuit"
"courtroom ii.t 'Terre "Haute," lnd""sh'bt
"and kiiled..Detective..Villiam FT,. Dwyfer, :
'wounded -.other -officers -,-and was-him-
self seriOUsl.v wounded. .The shoo.ting.
Jplibwed' - the n'pbuncenie'lir of-the ver
diet of the .-jury 'b'efp're vhich ;Mcbbh-.
nld had been tried -bn.'a. charge "of
-dynamiting- Stores and- a": -church
iSaufprd Jast. year. ' .- .' .-. ... ..
The :In"dfan"a.--Republican -Mate -"cbnt
ventipn ".adopted-. rw.pJatfofn .'indorsed I
V1pf;Prniden" ' Fairbanks'-"- "and ."-.iri-"1
structed the 30 sfat'e. delegates. "to "the1
national-Convention at Chicago to Vote
and -work fb'r..'his.: nomination for." the.
.presidency-;- and.-- jiqmina'ted. a: ."state,
ticket" headed by J.." E';. Watsons. 6t
Rush'villefor spvfernar":-."-'.-"--". - -:-,
.' .During' .maneuvers ..the.;Brliish. .tor
pedo "boat 'destroyer-. Tiger was- siink
by a. criiisei: -and' about;-' 24." .men " per
.ished. '- .-'.- '."" . "'---.- ;.
."VV .report.tbatCoipmbian -troops, had
seized the" town ;of ""Jur.a"do;.
public, of Panama"; "arbused fe'afs-that
war-would-hfea.k oii.t "between: the .two'
.republics:-! ..' '-. ".v-'. '- .
- Floods :in.;Virgi'nia," West Virginia
.and Kentucky: cost several -lives--and
did great -.damage. -q .property.. .In.
Slinneota'and North .Dakota a .severe:
hlizzard hampered: the railways. - ":
Ellen French Vbnd.erbilt.:has: begun
suit acairist her husband?-. Alfred
LGwynhe -VanderbilJ-. for - divorce or-
legal separation:' --Papers m;the--caHe
.were ; filed. tri---the -supreme." court "itr--New
Yprk"just-after ."Mr4'.Yander"bilt
;:had: saiie'd for Europe and .counsel -iqr".
the plainUff.Tefused to revHal:-the-p"re-
ciseiiatufe of -the- aqtiinr. '; --.- ":
.T: l'. Lewjs began'-his duties, as iires-."
ident pf the United ;Minc .Workers' of--America
by. 'Inviting- the"" operators. of-'
Illinois. 6hid,."Indiariar and.- western
Pennsylvania-to ..confer with; xeprje--
entatives "of-.the". niinbrs -in; -.Indian--
apolis. jl ' . .: .'-."-.'? --
-Alexander" Dickson," a. .carpenter- 6n-
the -United; States ' collier- Aberanda,"i
was acquitted' at San". -Juan",;' .;PbrtQ-
Rico, of the murder Of Chief Officer
Walter. Vefchert. . -.-..- . ... -.-s ...
Two. hundred. -. and" fifty thousand
picks dropped -f rpntt the. hands -' q.f as" J
many bituminous. .."cpajL 'miners .of-the.
United States,- -not. to be . used again
until a wage settlement'.-hasj.- been'
reached nd a. scale .adopted! between"
the- members of the" United "Mine
Workers of America' -and" i .-the .Jcoal
operators of the' various fields'. . .
Gps Johnson, a"w'eaithy--farmerwho
lived .iive miles, south of' Ttenmare, Js
"D., was murdered and'R- "S.Xpah"Vnd
Yatsy" Cdyle are In'jail charged with'
the crime.- - '--.
Judge 'Smith" McPhcrson in .the .-'fed.1
-eral pour'tat Kansas City-decidedthat
he has' full . .jurisdiction.--. over; ".-.the
.maximum freight rate-. arid the" -two-.
. cent passenger" Tare, cases in'- "Missouri
.Percy Ml Hbustqn,- "recehtly electpd.
secretary 'and treasurer of "the" .Yazoo-.
Mississippi.levee-- bodrdwjas .:shot and-
.Kiueu uy j. .: ipwe a-prpminenx
-attorney of Tunic," Miss.. ;.' -.-."" -'-"'
Flora-WHfsfon, one off the' girls who
testified in the case, against Raymond
-Hitchcock, the comedian, -- was" - "In
dicted by "a grarid'jury'in New York
on a charge. of" pefjuryj - ' . ""-
. The receivership:-for .thg.-Westirisfr
house -Machine.'ompany'.Iast' .October,
at the beginning of " the.nancial de
pression, was vacated' by" J'udgeJames1..
S. Young of the U.nite'd -States circuit P-ittsburgr on petirionbf-the.
company and the, receivers. ;-. y,,-.:
. Mary Green, aged 22,; of..ew .Yorlt;-
tbe'daughfer of a former sea'- captain';'
attired herself, in .all the nrierv-'she
had piaiihed to. wear at her' rtmy?W'-'-r d?m.0,?atf':
St 'Eastet " time; "andthen r committed RO"?.1? -for jj.resideriit. have qompleted.
- suicide by gas "asphyxiatibn." f '"
Express 'rates -jn-- Indiana.'- werb-;.re.-
duccd on-an average c'bf-''n ten.-
and. 12 per- cent.- in a.n.pinion";and-order
issued by the----ihd'iana-.;. railroad
commission. : :- ---." ',. '.'"
-William J. Bryap; "addressing :'-the
pemqerats rbT "Jlisspuri '-at-, Kansas'"
',!,; bcjcuot ocuitlWl. .Xj r-Utltlie 1(7
'.'succeed, him.
" . " "- -
: "C.r BITUARVV ..;.. " -1 ;
"; Rjiey ..G'rannan' .. -the .- well-known
- sporting-' man. "die'd at Rawhide, Xevl":""
' 'B-Warkentln. a pioneer -kansari -and -
iknqwn'-to the Zennonlte pedpieJa''e'r "
the" .Unked'-Sta'tes; -died " suddenly "'at-'l
some. .".point :in" Syria; .-while' ona 'tour"
1 nf Riirbnp'nnd-Asfa". -"' :" . -"'.' -"- '. - "
Janfcs- Jeffrey.-Koclic. Ameracan.-cop-i
l-sul.-at Berne; -Swltz'erland,.-ahd.-a-w.ell-.
-"inpwa;poet:.-is.qead..--. -:-.;.'-" v ".-
J . . John.'-Ii. - PhillipsV-.jr brmer-'. mayor "Hrf;
Rail and -Water. Transportation .For":
, estt; Minerals-and .Land Law to ":.
'i Be.Ondir Expert Discussion. '
.. Washington; At: 10T o'clock on the
morning of -May. 13," "in th'ef4nstpriS
East-room of- tfie'AVMte House, firesi-'
"ent" Roosevelt Vwi'll'cail .to prder'the.'t-. distinguishetT-" gathering , p "men '
-of this", country ever assembled at
one' time"- It.'wilT incrude: the govrT
.nbrs of all" the states, the-members
of the "cabjiiet... the justices-.of . the
.United- States--"siipremii"' court, '.sen"':
.atbrs and", representatives" .in c.on
' gress, an'd ' as" special guests, trtherS.
aipong the. most '"noted men 'in. "t.he"-
natiod. . :""."...-:"
".TUe.v. will what
.the president-lias- declared "to "be-the
'furid'afrtental- pfqbieni" .before- ""'th'e
'couhtfy the cpnseriiv'tibu pf the", na
tion's .iiatural. resources.. ." ""'.
. .:The chief exeeutiv.o pf practically
every stiatia has-accepted the" presi-"deril's-'invitatioiu."
Each governcf.- a,
asked" to. bring with ii'im-. three -of the.
most distinguished citizens" of , life,
state or" territory ahd these- names
are" being, received" in. cv'erj. mail." They'
include' "such "men .as Jndge. dray; fiiiid
James' -j; Hilf, well" as' others,
equally, ikomirien'tl in--bUsipess- eriteb--
..prises of-the mqst;ijnponance.
ft". ; is. evident- :'the . conference . will.
.In-ing'-'-tOge'ther- -iiQtsonJjr.-'the" -nationls
most "distinguished men. but. its lore-
most experts and "specialists -"m tlje -j
several . lines -.of " disciission. Among-these.-urideV'tiie
general' head : of wa
"tre "resources,"- -are" .xail -'and, 'water
trailsDortation, navigation .ad.'!wat.e"r'-
p6w'er";-Vnde'r"' resources are pif.
iprests;- sanitation, reciamuuuj, , muu ,
I .laws"," "grazing.- and' stock raising; . tin-
d6"f""mirief3"l resources will-come-pres,.
mineral ."fuels -and related niinerals.-
"While "the fta'mes'of 'who.'
are'" to":' discruss these-.-several" t.dp.ics
I h"ave.; hot.ryet- 'been; anribPnced. "they
are 'known to, be. ."recognized experts
bbthe subijects," which haye-been As
signed to theni: - For ; instance; .it is
ee'nerallv- unders'tood -tha't-.-James.-J."
".HflK thp. great reailrbad'-biiild'er.-'will
discuss the. relation, between- rail; and
water transportation: -Mn -HiirisTio
an.' authority" "on" "this'su'bjec.t, but'"'has.
shown his- dee'n"" interest in "the -sub-'
jecf-pf water transportation" m ail'.his.
recent utterances, online Huyjt--uL.-.
'. The ."great features of the confer-,
ene'es "however.- wilV.he bt-.the open
"tli'scussipri- among" the" .various, gov
ernors, of .Ihe'-'joipt's; brought 'opt;by
ith'e-.papers.-i'reserited.; These' papers-
:will be' brief' ami. then. the", subject" open" for discussion among., all''
"a-coiic'cnsus of-.bpinioh of. the- whole
United. States . oh", the ,paHicular .sub
ject: ixi hail d.';'.. "'.." ,- """..'" ?.-!'
john s:,leec.h rs printer.'",
.President Roosevelt Appoints " Maitta.-.-.-
-; Take -Place": of Still i.n'gs." .
t. Wtashihgfbm Jqhn-.S. ieech bt-liii""
"nois,;.n6? public printer "h"the"Phil:.
:ippiries, .has been- appbjnted ".'pubiio,
printer here. ..Mr. Leech ".'will succeed--Piihlic
Printer Stillings. "whose." re'sfgr
.".naiibn"" 'was "accepted '-.some' days -ago."-"
The- appoiritment.a's jmade: by-' Presi-.'
.dent -Roosevelt '.was in 'the nature. of
a surpriser'as his- name had not been
mentioned in .ebhnectioh wjtb..".that
.place."; s -." ' . " '" - ."""-"-..
;..-: - "VsatisfactorVProgress." ...""
Washington. What isregarded as."
'satisra"c.tory..'prog're'ss-.'is.;being made in.
. the". negotiations -.between secretary
Root "apdAtniJas'sa'dbr ,Brice.'.iriehi:
.br'acihg treaties'"' the- basis, 'of -settle-'
ment of- ."'the.-va'ribus":que"stiOhs which
have" ex'is'ted -for. spine -.time between:
. the 'United States--and 'Canada. " In-
this way "'.there i- reason to -believe",
.that- seveVal f readies, will be.-tfans-',
milted .'tb -the; senate -for its'.apprbyal'
'atft.he present, session of .congress: .. -,'
As -Result of Complaints. Cards Will
Not Be "Stamped .When Received!-.
. Washington. As-a .result" of numeiv.
bus complaints r of postal r and post;
cards being defaced by.the'pb"st'I".nmrk
:ih'g, the postmaster- .ge'ij'eral.'ha&'bi'r..
.dered discontinuance of the.pbstmar.k--
mg -uijcaru. -au mu uuiue ui:auuica.
.The ppstil.'card;fad.has.'Ve'ach'ed e.non
m'qus. proportions and -the: he" w. ruling..
Js'-expectWd. -ly: postal, .officials' .
received "I'witH- delight: --""-- - --' ", "'-
-.".' 'Mr. -Bryan -'Tourma 'Coiot ado.. "-.,.' -
".; Puebib,.".cblo. Ar"ec making "an'rad
dress.'in" the- bpeYa house at. "La:"'Juritar'
Sunday morpiiig;"..WilUain J Bryan .arr."
rived' here at--nobh' and-'.at.. 2";30.gave'".
his ilecturej. "The-prince' of-pqaceiat-
-t'. ,S. '-"-,- -;"- -,-,'---- nnrt .
uje ;jUiiiuKii .--paiute- uv:ii w o.vvy -liar.
pie..'. '. .-' ;."! -" "'-.:-. """ .'"'
'' "1-...New-R.ichm"ond.-irf.the'Fieldi.- '
JWashingtbn-irSupporters''-jf-- George ;
arrangements -lor-" establishing head
quarters " in Washington :,and-.' will "ac-;
ti.vely: 'enter iipbri, a-."c-impaign ih-'be5-
half ;'of the pelaWar'e".'s'ta"tesman:-.Rich,-J
ard .J. Beemlsh'- of- Philadelphia; hq
"will 'b'.e""ih.:.charge''-.-of:;the . bureau.
:-states.: that" -the" .movement"" ." is'. being
' -J "!. "V:t -4.V... iA.- i. ?
;?de. ""itn.9ut, th M'' br'encourager..
ment'.Qf 'Judge Cray,, who,-:it isknown,.
has'.-not "safd;.a.w"tird."rior.dmie any
thing ".toward, seeking', the,-- "-.-
. vmah'a:jk1an.:-XiMed''tiregon -.
TEugehhe,"'6re."i-Fr.ed."W. "- -.Johnson,
"aged about 20 yeaiTs;" was 'killed here J
Sunday;-. Left -his -pome. ;in Omaha
about five years-ago.: 'His father -was.
a: d'airyinan':'a't. that' time. near Omaha.-.
"'-: - PrbKrbrtioit-.FJaht Bitter";
'.'...Chi.ragbt"f"stors;7 bf."J "ehurches-"
thrbttghout- Illinois "generally", united
.Sunday in, advocating the. "abolition. of.;
tne. saioqn, .wnicn. question .win- De
;.-. ':: ' . . ." iTi- ... . . -.
What is.Goingqn.Here" and There" That
": .ii'of .rniterest to ..the" Readers'
:.-. -.Throughout Nebraska... ;.- ..,. '
... .... - .- r-.. . . ... -
Mrs! Hai's'tick of Cumirig-.-connty re-
"cerilly. celebrated heKOSth-.'birthdaj-.,
l- j t . -
-Av p.. Beers -was, arrested au Jiavem
pa charged .with. leaking" bogus money.-"-.
We"st-.PQ"i"nt--pedple;.ai'oinp in
me maiita. ui ijru.viujiia.i auuuv...u.
iofi the" town..- ' " .:.,":'
" Thb;- new .Methodist- c'h:"r."ch.""at ;DJi;
.venpptt " has . been formally Jtle'dicated."
lVs-cost..'is about $14,00.0.. . " . .-J
-'Work has.b.eguh'.on-.?e. Elks; build
ing at York -P. J. .CreedpJi &: Sonq.f
Omaha have the contract. . .
Mr.. and Mrs.-E.-H. -BariKircs. pion-.
-."eers of-'Eremopt
wili- celcibihte-.thein
' golden" wedding. -.with .a --dinner .patty
April-17. .'';. .".'- .- ' ":
'" The -large, '.modern farm'-house' of":
-Phillip 'Sche'en w'hj lived f ten" miles
south "pf Beaver City",-" was", burned,
.tvith its-.pritjre. contents. "." - ' -..'.
t .- The" "Merchants.. band ,at Kebia'ska.
"City":.has been.;: reorganized- with-.
twenty-seven, players-" "and. ordered,
.'suits-'similar to those" worn by the reg:
r.ular'army officer's". '" . . ."V-
" A prairie'.firc devastated .the: sand
hill roiintrv" V.bflh. of Rax'tOri.- "HUP-'J
dreds 6f tons; bt .'hay on'tIie.J:ivef hot-"..
.torn were hurried'.-: .Frank "McFadden
lp's't" several head of cattle."--"
Coutri -NQ ' i2ft, Tribe 6i TJcn - Hur,
"was", organized .at Grand"' Island- with
i"0 rhnfter'niehibers: by Orgdnizerl
Way The .de'sr'e"e"1.eam of. thq Lrn:
"coin, ebnet; .did. the initiatory, "work.
-."-rfiQ .itf.-V.-nin-ftl.Af" itrn-ffnln. vnteil rb
bay -the "137,000" for.. a"-st'ate::his"tqricai
site:. The' money, yvill be paid" in' two
V....!i-".i-'l'1it :fi "1... n-ni.i iho
irsiauuiuius;- mywv .jh..jjc ..iiw .i.'
first ye'aU and. the: expenditure will ."be
..Jriclu'ded in. the h'ext;ley.".es... . .--".'
;V'The:.will bfilenry., W. rKruse," the
"Dunbar "banke'r.'.who died a short-time-"since."
has. been "."admitted "to probate.
! Be 'had: -an -estate of . 160,000 '-.uid.- it.
gpes to his eight protners- anu szsiern,
'hd ny'er'.ha ving" been "m'arrieiL" ' .- . .
''A.great-"unfoii evangelistic." canir .
:paign is -"in. progress in Hoidf'ege. A
bjg'tab'ijrnacle sea! ig-nearly 2;o00 has",
been built, bpesoia'ly-for the meetings.
R6.v'. Milford H. Ly"oni: the Illinois.
evangelist, is. leading the movement
,:.-piatte county -wpts :to"' bel .in i at
the" i:orh show at.Omahav. apd. Albert :
Steng"er -has", called a meeting of-'thd
" farmers for"! April 11, to organize "so
'that "Platte." county." may . capture -'the"'
'prize for ,the"-'6estc.oriv that yill..ji&
raised' ip -the:. state. " , . -. .. .-
-;Cou'nty.At"tbrriey.H".-L. Ladd orSher-
'i'dan.couhty,-'has b.eeh active in.prose
.cutinK merchants' for .selling-butter."
' package's "unbranded as-, to weight and.-.
.has reported, the eight suits jn" -which
the. defendants -pleaded guilty and
naid a fine of Sl6apd "costs. "
. ';The season;, for "-tiestnictivp Storms"
.Is athand;.WIND-and LIGHTNING will
des'trpy arid". damage buildings and kill.-.
"arid maim -stock, in "barns and pastures.
Prqfe'ct.'ypurseif'.by insuring" them in
the.. Nebraska .Mutual .'Ins. Co., home
t)fflce;:i41 Sbuth.-"Twerfth street; Lin
;coln; Neb. JWrite us for. .particulars..
-.In Saunders' .county aj.firtf'started by.,
a 'locombttve; itljs -thought," consumed
.a large" quantity, of stacked hay.-.FJrc
originating. on the .premises. --of.. ;M."
sWeekS- In .Ashland, got" beyond the
man's control, apd 'spreading intbtlie 1
Ashland '.city, .park, damaged nearly,
sixty fine shade. "trees.of; ten years'
growth.-- - -. """-',
".-Prairie fires of' late have'done. con--'
sidera" damage":- - A -blaze-' that
started "at 'Keisq,'. six .miles east, of
"Mullen, burped a" strip of country
eight- miles'.wide south to the Disraai
river, ""pearly., thirty 'miles long. Dey
spit-the hard" fighting of the citizens"
In" .that locality .the flames- swepLmer-'
.rily bh,-:leaying- deatruc'ti'oh, .misery
and homeless.' iio'mes'teade'rs in . its'
-.wake. : "" '. ' " .".'-'-
Corn . is not: only coming from aVs"
-latitudes ".of the 'globe to' the .national'-.
."corn; exposition in Omaha','rangb.-
ments are being made at the request
'of- western -cpfp..gVowe'r!S -to'- display
corn .grown in all "ai'it.hdes. Nebraska.
Iowa and Illinois corn grows iiian.aJ-.
titudc ranging from 1,00 .to". 2.500 fest.
abbyese'a- ierej. But there-are places
op the Americap-'contineht where- cprn
:'Js 'growing and prospering". ?0D feet
ab"ove" sea. level. ,- ' .".:--..
. Chewing; the"..cud.of. swept .eoritept-iri
t.hfr-fbrm of -pm'is' recqs.niz"e'd"-by..the."--state"
of Nebraska -'as a necessity "'
.among- its.. wards qn'ly.'l'p the pe'niten
tiary."..-Abdu"t.:3Cd packages of the
-sweet, stuff. '.is-' bought every three:
months' to" be distributed as rations -in
the; penitentiary.;. Thoe "who. do not.
'care -for two phigs pf che.w'ing tobacco'
"qr.Qne'plugaridcrie package.of sniok--jng
tobacco or two-' packages, of' smok
ing, which- the state; provides weekly,
.'can' iak'e-.a ration" "of "ihewing" gum. J
.. The" .relations." which ''have '-existed,
'for .au...jnuniber - of .years between "the
Pcebvte.f ian' chucch' of St,' Paul . and .
" 'RevTJr, George .A. Raj; f'as; pas'lor'have
.been' severed by Ihe.Teyejiend. gentle
man -having.'. received "an& accepted a
call' tq,.'.bneU 'pf.-Vthe. .Pnesbyteriaii;
'Churches, in Council ' Bluffs. , ;
'' -'H.-.C:' Moore, the druggist. "at Pal-
myray-who- w:as arresiea ior- sening
lfquo'ir. wttho'ut; .a- licbhse and fbr-.prac"-ticing'
without .being -Tegist.e?:ed, wqn't'.
"in'tb'the ".. disjrfoi:' court "and pleaded.
,"one of. "the- counts in each, of"
the 'charges; He'.-was- fined $100;- "on
.'the pcunbfo'r.. selling. intoxicants:-- ..
'.vEmil-Giessler, .who. . was -.arresteu;
charged-with: stealing" a. wagon load of
grain" from the farm'of "W, H.. "Bowman;!
.fiveniles northwest; .of .Beatrice," plead'
'guilty, to.-an-, amended charge, of -petit "
larceny indistrict, cqurt'ana was '.sen-.-teri'ce;d.
to. (thirty..' daysrn the count y:
jail"; :" t ... :.'. -. .:: .' ,.';'
r I'.f!-. Sprecher.Vpf Nonolk.accom'.
.T3aiii"d''"by -a number; "of Xottol"- b""s
;.ness then, "conferre'di-with the .railway
commission, in. an' effort to secure .a"
i change-in the -jobbing -fcate from.'that
cUyVr-".Sb-iar the- city- has nothing bet;.
.. t
Large Amouhf. of School Funds to .be
Invested " in Few Days."
LMncoln.-r-The ..monthly, report of
State Treasurer' Brian shows -a total
of '$510,153.58. In the treasury " of
w.hlch" all but $18,337.96- in cash. and
cash, items,- Is: in .depository banks."
Th'ere is a total $150,369-of trust 'funds
uninvested. As $200,000 worth of .cer
'tificates of" the University of Minne-.
snta recently nurchased by- the board"
of -.educationat .lands and-frunds,- will-
he..deHvered soon all this and more
.will "be" needed- to pay for -the securi
ties purchased-.' "There1 is. $1D.1'790 in"
the agricultural "endowment fund. :OL
'.that amount $100,000 will be .-used, to-
ft'av tnr. Violf "of tho' ATinTTPSflth -SPffljrl-
ties. TJiafmuch" of the secuHties .will,
"be- delivered at ."once". . ".The . trust
.fund's "nbw.'irives'te'd"- will'-soqn
the $'8,000,006 .mjirk. The' .treasurer's
"renort shows" there is S6-il":i.iS7:uO in
vested in. bonds of-.air'kinds.-'-npd-.
$.1,050.795.12 -in -state warrants. ..The
funds Tnvesled'"re r.s fo'l!'oVs: . .".-
Permanent ."sciidl -fisml .... $7,SC, t.65
IVrmanent univiiyhy .- lli,7'io.ii
Aj-Tlcultui-ar 'colics 5im1ow-. ' .
luent .....-:....
Normal endowment ... .'. rl'0.wk!7
..." . ' - : r-
-. - .--. - ST.lTi'i'.iSL'.il-
".;-T-h'e treasurer's statenieiit;.slio'wing
'receiiits and .tlisburspm'epts of the
state treasury for March is;.as.fol-.
lows:. -.. - ; -.
- ;. - IJiilaric'es -T?akuic'S .
" Funds. - Iar.J.'OS. Mai1. r.lOS..
General-. ".".'.$ 14.114.5G S -40fi.S7.
Permahent sChool. .2.14.1 31. 3S .. .TT.SS.SQ
Tenirora"r-.5cliool.'J'J.oa- 28i.l2..4 1
Permanent univer-. . .-. . . ., .
. iity ...t...:..-. 4S".:.20.51.; 12.4;S.SS
A'sri. Col. e'r.dow-.-. . . ' " .
- -ment. ;. ....'.":. . . 6,0.Vt."t .. "101.700.GS
lemporari uiuverT
pity .' :..-. c;ss:;.()2-
T'nitntiar- " : . SS.2-
- S3.. '2
. Redemption- .-...".. 2.5.s'.47
" ' 2"JC'.2-..
iearney xsor. uu. ?".
Orthopedic Hospi-
.ii ::7-.94
(Lt 1 a .av a, p "
Forest, reserv.e.l.. . 2.JSS.S .
Instit'uttons' cswIk -lt4Si.9'J;
Hospital Jfor In- .
' sane "-'..". . '" '- :-
State library ,.'.;.' 1J::::5,4;:,
1Tnivirsitv --:isli . "JU.97.2'.i
'2 2SS.9U-
: -y'7us.i-
" .C.72.S;
t 4iyo'tf4.v2"
V .:!.'422.64
: 7.o9iv:.'a
'--, 2,:k:.6i
Purfi" .Normal, li-i ''
brary . -' : . - -.!. i-j.. -"Normal
jpndow'- " J . .
' . ment." - -- -"- - ' 3S.SJ.i.3-
Normal- interest. .".. -- 2.7:Jir..".
Ar. and Mee.-jirts. 1 S.S-1 1'.XS
I-S.-J3x"d. station.. .ft40.::.:
a - T ' -w
:..-':7.$7ir..4.4::.!:.s ; $;
"" : -- - - :" - ' ' - .- '
. . - . - "--. .- - -
Secures. Advantage .r In "Live- Stock
- . " Thraudh "Meat- Cases." . -
- 'Oihaiia. By decidipgiii -favof.-qf-tlio
Chicaco, Great Western Railroad com-
.pany and against .the Interstate. Cqni-.
'm'erce commission- ln.thq case insti
gated by "Chicago.cpmm'ission aiid "live
stock dealers;, known as the "meat
-cases; .the -supreme t-pourt-of" the,
Unlted'-Sfates has-enabled -the- Omaha
inar"ket"to"r'et'ain-ari advaplage which
nmniints to thousand's of'-head pf'oat;
-tie.-. arid -hogs", annually beittg::"sold.- in..
Omaha., which would pthevwise go .tq
Chicago..' This is -.the .opinion, .of. live.
stock dealers" o"f6niaha,:. who- received
" the decision with much satisfacliqiu :
Ex-Governor M ickey-Improves.'
"Fp'rmer.. 'Governor"'.- Mickey -has
'shown "an uhexpected. iniprov'enieht
jn. heaith during the "last 'six week's".,
so that 'he' is -nowjable'tb .be": out'aud
around-"on- ills- farni near" Osceola:
Most, of the winter Mr. "Mickey was-
I confined, to', his bed. ith- arterial
;. sclerosis", "a malady, which extends it
self by slbw.-stages:.through-"the:.hard.-le'nirig
of the "bipod qhannels" .and fih
allv' "causes: 'stonnaga of the ipaiqlor-
gan:- ot" circulation: - .Little hope, was
held" out-for his fecoyery.-.but the ex-r
governor is now-'-gettihg"-better.
.Effortr However,-.. Cost A'ri Omaha
1. .". ... ."Man His. Life. .
- . Omaha.-4Morris GhrisUarison,- a. a-
bbrerwith his-t'wo-year-oiid son. Willie,
in his B.rmsfeli-"through a" faulty cisr;
tern-. covering- ipto" "seven '.'iecV of.
-."water.; .Unable to keep .his "own head
above : water, -ChfistiansOn.-held'. the
child.abovelhe surface. but .in:his
efforts lost his 0wn. life.- - " "..
-. -. Mackey Out, for Treasurer.
v Ansley. Clarence. Mackey .p'iesi
ilnnf. anii-.'ftctivfl-manaser. of-the" First
Rational". bank of-'Ansley, who hc-s.'
.been elected -and. served' .two terms as-.-representatiye
in tlie Nebraska legis
latu'rb: frqto Custer county., has eri-..
tere"d:-the race., for thp nqnVipatlqri- of
.state treasurer at-the "democratic pri
maries. v"- , -. . . "--. " "r- -.-'
'". ."'-"'. . .. . '. . .-'-. ...
. . 'Lbokina'-.for Check Raiser; "' V-.
' . "Reatrice.-The officers'- la'rev looking
for .p;'roari -supposed "to- be J: ilsdnj..
who iaccusbtl- of ": raising, a "check-.
drawn oritlie First -"JCatIbnnl;.l'ank in
t.'fa-vor of W-TCBicha'rdsr ftbm54,40'
;to -.fG4.4q.. -" -.;-- . .-.;: -.- ;.
Assassin! Supposedly' lusssne,. Kills
-Self When-Cornered by Posse:-O'Neiill-T-Eric'rBorg;
one of the most
prosperous and -highly respected far'm
.ers;of ihls"cburity .wiis-siipt and p.rob-ablymdrtaily'-jvourided
by-'Tofin Pcieq,
si Kinkdid homesteade-,' who' lived
about "f bur" miles .from" Borg's . place.
After the shooting Bbrg killed himself.
V .Wheat VVeeyli. Works tfavo'c
Cbp"k:-.L- H, J.'.Te'ian'" living seven
niilps-nnr'theast. of -this-nlace.- di'scqv-
; .ered'tbat a', quantify'of. his.' last year's'
wheat has. bcen.Tuihcd by .v.heat -wer-vil.
'He-'tfa'd about-SQO' hushels-.'which-
"he""' concluded'to, sell.- arid no' particular
attention had been -given tothe.wneat-.
':.i.V--i- .i -".; J.. l' ;iTT..- ta than '
: until .ne g.ui-reiiu.-wuci.i.i. m- .m.v...
r discovered", something'w'as' the matter---H;iook
a lo'aI" tb the-eleVator. wherfr
' It was' thproughly "inspected :and was
- " . . . "ii.- '"in i:..'A m'?W ..linr
TOUnaxiO-pe.. uierajiy auw-..n" .."-"..
weevib ', It .was "hadly. eaten, out. .apd.
.weighed ..b'ut.f en- pounds' to. the bushel.
". -Postoffice at Valley . Robbed-.
:. Valley.-Fof the fifth ttime, '".safe
: crackers -robbed. the -safe in tne .wear
.TostnffipG. "Postmaster' Moris ""Johnson.
-says" "they' tvefe". pai4,fqrrtheir trouble'
.inr-mp nrsi iiuic.- imii. uc nuu.u .uw.
. nV ctatVriVnt, Yif the a'moiiPt of his-.
i.uv.- o.v-."-.'.-- --..-. ..: I
'.ibssl'-untllhe-could makean; examlna-;!
tiuu. or iuc ooic. - - - ...;
.':- New ostof "ice"- Named Harmony; ,-.
-" ;yalen.tine.A-'new;"pos."tbffieb -.Ij'as
."b"ecn established "6- the ribrlS, table
I- with the "na'me""of "Harmon ;y" J.' C. .Sal
i ...-.- . - . -1 ..,. -.,--- . . -.-''
mon-'is "iis.. fir"st"''Eoi5tm''a2ter.-'" ," "-
s i-.-.-'V- .',-. ." . v. .: .',-.
-:'---; ' ... ---':.-- : '-.---
.. ' "- . 'v '--..-.:-.
The State Capital
Matters of -Geaeral laterest
- -. :
.- . : - f . :-."-NekraskaV
Sett of. GoveraaKat
'-' Grand' Army-Encampment. ""."-"
.Departme n't- Commander Thomas A.
.ereigh'of Omaha 'has issued" ati .order
I containing information . regardjng- .the
annual' jencampinent of : -the Grand
Army pf the "Rfipijibfic.-. which will-con.-'
vene at "Hastings Ma .19. :Tue cuuiu.
cii" "of '"admlpisf ration. will - nYeet a.t
lieadquafters"- Jn" "t-heGrang' Army' of
"the Repub"ic hall at Hastings May;-19
at,4-p. ta. ." V ""-.- '.. ""- '""."
'. The "business'. sessions' - of ivc . en
campment will be held ""in the' .open!,
house,. romnie'ncins" at 2 p.- ip. ..ed
pesdity. May20.--Che:.ohl"er of busi
ness" will. be. "followed 'a"gicn'-in.the-
" department--by-laws.- . - .'..-.
'.- A. caniplire." the..opora.
house We.(lrrestlay. "-i'veiinsr. . May 2&.
L Pi-qgra'nr- rf exe.rcis"es 'will" -bjj- an
uounc'ed httef by ihelocai.""co'nnnit"ie:':.we- employed U. G. "Pqw.-H- to go ";ii
' "A public reception will be"'.hcld onf oyer. the";state".airtl .get-a-pe-'op; Uro
Tnednv evenihir. Iav. 19. in the "First
ATf.tii"nili:t Rii5orin:il tliu.-ph " A", irood
program will be""ufQvid0il by the. local-
! xI..'r- -- . . .- "
vumuiuivii, .. - . , . -. . . .;
-".- ThVpafajJfi.wrll t:tke-.-plap V"edh"es-
day-. May 20: at. 10.':u m.". tinder iho
Hrectioii oT Chie"f.'of Sta'lT A.-y.Tayi
lbr.- ". '-".':!' ." . '- .-.""' ' "'"
' State " associations ' will '-meet"- in
(.rapd.Army qt tile icppublic nail .wcu.
:nes.d'iy," May. 20.: ' at."ll'"a, in. -.-.-.".."'. .;
The committee" "on. credentials .coni-
;f ises" Assistant Adjutant'-"General A..
M. Trimble.- Comrades-' J.OiKitii'aii.'. Ed
wards. Post ;':No. .7.: .George; F. 'Humph
nej;s, Pbst-"N(jr"ii;'Brad K Guok; ' P.ost.
kli': 2H.:and M.'. IK-iVinjnan, Post.XiC
:1. Delegates -anti members 'ot the' en-
I Oanfpmeiit.'i-wiH "jrupp.rt -promptly, on.
ihek arrival, arid Wefvo their ba0ge"s,"
"entitUns-'tlienf to admlsslbn'" "to- tlYe --'.
.sion-s-ot'tiiencampPienf.. " : - .".
; :. .Journey" of. Governor.- and -StaiT':.--.. '
.;"' Ailihtanr.- - General Cl.arles "- "b
Sc'irwar' has announced1 tha't tbt: gtiv-.
'crvor and his; "sta'ff .-woUId. Je'iive ..Toi
San Francisco The party
yill go lVy .way 'ot the'B.ur.lingtoii cbad
to Denver." over the. -Santa.-Fe. through
the "Grand-.Canyon. LoH Angeles",
.and .thence .to- San Frapciscu. returns
ing-'over 'jho.SaiUhbnl. Pacific .and "the
t'jiibri Pacilie-.-lines-." The part- prob-
I..:. 511 L ..J.r... I.. Cn. f Shi i m 1r
auiyiwiii iu rue iii-oou -i.iii.v.ia.u-....
'. and" leave May-S. A special trip. or
.'a made to visit -Sac
."Taiuehtb." '"- At San'. Francisco somel
member""- of . the- jiarty may take. side.
.trips, but -the" governor and tne.-ma-.jority.of
his staff" will" leave bi."i.-there-
rtucn. tKi on- the.- evening-of May 8,
theday .iIlC silver serviceuo.nateu...oy-
...- . . ...-
'he" Nebraska-.legislature is "to. be pre
s'eiiti'd .tpltlie -ba'ttiesliip". Xebra'sl'a:.'" ..
;' ''. An 'increase; f.n. -Convicts:" ..
-War.den-Beeriirr Is'gwaHy jvorric.d
over-the; fhcrcae-. in..tht'-"iuinir)y of
tion.viels at- tjie- nqniteritiaVy;; He has
S0O cells' :iiid-.he asked :tlie legislature
I ."to-" make'. Jin- appropriation- for.rmain-
tenauce on -a b:isls.'oi-.;40. prisoners.
'Last wjce'k "the. high-m'irk was reitc'hed
when42t convicts answered, to- roll;
call.-"- Because- the. -fivo v.'ouicu ris-
- oners and. several" wh? yleCp at'thi?
barn' and other's who .are on .dsity a
night in' the., enginp Trtons'an.'- riot
'counted in'the'iuiniber-ttr lie housed-,
at n'ight-only a. few of the ;"' c.l!s
.'are occupied" by two. men. The', war
den' Is 'ecqno'niFzi'ng in every-wa' pos.-'sible-.and
hones'-to' make" thp approp'ri-.
a'tfon ..carry '-"the prisoners; .qver-"1h"e
:t wp- yearsf f"pite. of the pn'expectrd
-increase" in the number- of prisoners..
." Governor-Is" .".Well Pleased
GovoTpor. Sheldon re'Uu'ned froni 1
Washington" riioro t hall pleiised - with
his-eflpr'ts-tq 6btaln 'iiiodilicatioiis' in J
the -covei-hment cattle ouar-intine c'ov
1 e'riiig Nebraska,- He. 'w'il'i soon- Issue" "
I a. .proclamation to liihf.iju- u ,
Jliti'-OTie' issueil se.yfi.-ai.. mourns aj-o,
but .there will be: little tliSffereiif!' J):--twe'en
"4hi- western -s-ivlsfon. which Is
.to remain .nhi'Ier .qiia'rsuitftie. and. tlie
".I'psreni "divisiun .i.4' tire same .as that
. ouHiri.ed by State- -Veterinarian Mc-
Kim and.Governoi: biieuion. .alter. wiei;
.hadpbtained..reijprls.fr0ni.. cjiiiiitio.iu
regard to .tl'u existence C. scabies" u.
rattlei ...- ::.- -.' - -
Kim and. Governor. .Sheldon. -.ixfter. they-
' Gram" Trust Case Reviewed! ";
(' -..TJiehistory ot the ..grain., iriis't .lilA
rfat'fpn'' is.-" attraGtnl'g-.YoijsldeL-abh' .".it--.
'rpir"ipri-"'-Xtt Washi:r$tpn.D: C; -Krapi-
L'':-ds0rton;ftirmerV a. Lihcolh" M'
paper" man. lias v'ri"fen;aii ixtenfled
account of thecaso whicli :fs going liu-
loiijixls-pf the. uevbpaue:'s;ipplemi-iit;'i
. ', Locate: "Historical -Building- '
The-committee ehosen to s-elex-r a
vlto-- for1 thp. state historical building
i.ri-i. .tn.v-i-f-txl f-iTfif alili-.m 't h t Infi4 rit
Sixteenth- and H streets", directly .cm
nhslt'e. tKi: "caiiitcd sniiare".- Fnuils fur
' the--CJ-eetTph. of-the bidding, were-afc.
jiroprratt'dby tho last legislature. . -.
-. : Shifts Blarpe on Railroad.".
..the... Western- Lrn ion Telegraph,
.company has. filed' an answer to.-.the'
comphsint if Qhy Attorney .'athaif T.
'Cadd-o'f Broken Cow. The company
,vc.'"plaiji"s..' thaf :t'hp .felograph' !irice
there-- ordered' "closed-- at night. ,r.
"nivaiitdVl .ht'.tho Tliirllncrffiii- -:iiiit Jhnl
under '"a contract' the operator re-:
.ceived and. .transmitted- .commetcial: -
messages: --.on behalf of-the- telegraph
iomp'any, "hut -that ihe-inh'abitantK.a're
'not. .damaged fh'e closing -df-.the".
office -at hjght and that the. fe'lOgraph.
ccnpany should not be" rep.uired"-to'
maintain, a nignt office-.
.. -
' - 'The Shumway '.Murder -Cas'e.
-- A voluminous bill, "of l.J4 exceptions,
covering in all -about LOOO typ'ewrit-
ten p.ages,'..was filed in the .supreme
cOurV"'h the case of":R, Mead Shrimr
way.', yiho'- was; "condenined. tb "be".
hanged on .March .13 for the uiurder
of Mrs," Sarah Martin. Mrs, Martin.'
while .her "husband was attending 'the.
. pri'maries , at Beatrice., September ir,
was- ritirdeted'-""and. robbed., of" ?2Q0.
'RhiiihwaV had worked, for. Martin"' drily -
'a- fewT days? :.He denied '.the .murder
" ""7 1 " - " i. .. -'
.aiHl- -fiaiq ."lie - t. m utf.guuae jiv dw.
uiaj .iiiA LtVvKni 'flrinr :" - t -
. bipod' "ori":'the.. kitchc
..-.-.;- ...--. -. -
"- . " ----' -. .
--.-- ::.-"-"
Advised to Keep Their Nerve.
.Irt a speech at Atlanta. Neb.. Rnii
way Commissioner Williams . urged
'the- people, to "keep "their nerve" an'J
the railway commission Would eventu.
ally succeed" In part he said:
. The" Nebraska state, railway 'com
mission wa's created" by an amendment
to the. state- const iiution' adopted- at
the November -ele'ctiotu 19001 and. -at.
the-.same, time " three, 'cpmnifssiouefs
were-- elected: :. On-..J'a'nuurv" -3-.- r.iOT.
the oath-of 'oflice Was taken-bv. 11. .1.
L'Win'nett' and- myself Vand sub'sequfutly
pv Koqeri. coweu. ? ti:um tnat. -tiino
forward -Dr. AVtnnett ainj "I. gave tin
work", our: entire time" We tiid jiot'b
gin tb-draw-galary. ;nnf it "April l'T
about' which", time H.' T '-Clarke, jr.,
! was'-'aprjbmted'; in place '."jf poU'"K i
f -sighed... " "- -'-. - ".. '-'-.'-... ;;. '." "-:
;'"'Duvih?-lIie. .three. -huirrihs froin. .rho''wecwore sworn-in-, til r'A"urtt 1. vi..
defended' .in "tlie'simrc'me- c.n:rt.;in"''ae-
:tioh '"hros"lit, -by the drrPctira "of".- tl:j
.legislature-to test tho.-v:iliil"-y:ot thi
an.iendm.ent crcat:g tliv cvmm.issibti.
"Wc enipl"yed C: p. -yihcaaa .ii:yx
B;. a'ssbt.iis ami -we..wo"n":-' tn
obedience. Co.-it -"re'sblutlon '.of t he-1:-lufjire"
we., took im-tlie. invest rga lion
ot-thf; .car- shortage ih. t1':.e.'-.-t '.ird
c-At siluatiou and .wf- succftcdtMl- ur
ge'U-ui fireat' relief- for' tht'pV(Riie l-y
.'.allention ;to-tlfat" matter aaiV-we wr.u"
.a ."report" in writjitg 'fp l:r- ?egisiaUiv,e.
.. ''Dr.:'-yiniiet.t--aim 'y sii.-freif. eqiia-llv
;the. expenses.-ot- Clio.bt1-Hptsrrt.ikni.2ti
afiiV employments 'iinjl wt..v.-er.c -Va'"-.
.warded ..hy -succress; " "T'at:'-l.r2ir.IatUr
appropriated $-'"l to twh'of tj'and
"this, materially -.asfsnl' i:i.f!l; cork.
The legislature- in Souse, roll' 5Jo..-5T
irlnlfi -tnnnv 'svni-ific' i-rov-'-.inj tT'lat-
.i'ujf to. p.iir; powers Miiiib-r; liii.-.rtiriM!
" t.ilifn't- and "1 will'no.w." indicate ";!.. oii
lii-. pijncipal. pqlirt?.' . .-.-'"-' . :-"..'
""'. -.Federal Grand Jury..-";" .'-.
' '. ,urqrs: have- been . drawn .'tn bvs.;-
At tlrt-rApnl. term ot court w Lincoln
John.'P.. Aiulcis...., -Lr.;ul.H.u- .hui.U-r
.m'ejcl.oiif: XWv Halipnenburf;. l..?us-
Joii. farinos-; Dave P.-.BinsiRon.- Fair?
.Chv"-'merchant : ".Tohn -IX liralnbtet.
j; Union, fanner'; "Alirort Irun'lrt.'..Ilipu
boldt- retired larmer. franu iiiniau
weir.. York." farmer;. D" M. "IJuflbr. "Lin-
:coliiJob 'printer.:. Alex'CampbcIL Ile-
lirmi' et'inlractor and builder;-" G'inrhti
' A. Cook. 'Walioo: farmer; Ch'hfc-i C.
Cook. Tecutn'seh-. farmer:. J. M. "Cra
vli. Armour", hierchant:'- -WiliiAur 15.
Cross, Uniou. mergharit; .lolsn I-.'-lire-sler..
"Xemaba, retired. -farmer"--, -.lolru
Ellis, Bcatrici). reporter; A. P. Fi!ly,
Osct'pla. farmt'i-: L. l. Finagan. l.'s;
aiiilla- zraiP.: Canute .11. nraingyr.
York, student .and physical director;
George- dross.-' Western, farmor;. .1
Thomas HanTen, iieatj-ice.- gerttV .fjiv
nishingsl -A. A H'awley. Haqipton.,
hanker: "-.lo-jcsih, Jeiinck. jr.," Csoto
.farjrie'ri ..Martin L.' Koi's. IatVI..,.
. grticer.- .William lllnh; Ta'.ile "-.I'tocU.
c'arbenter: I)an - Lynn' ' 'Union..- retirt-d
farmer: Charles' p. :M'oK'iliip, '1i'lvi-
.dere. 'farmer. "SamuC.. McLean. ,vu-
boo .farmer: Wiliiam'N. Minford. I-.Iirr
k'ybod; f;utnr: ItewT5:"MI.IdIct.o"s:. Ab-
'land, hardware dealer; Kuliartl A.
MatUson.-fK-iie'va. rarmer: .-.". U.-Nul
-son, Osceola.. cltrfc: Fred. i;q'-hil:ts-s.e.
Germ'antov.n. ni.!'icli:riit; .." V. 1'gnh
.stun", Hennet.. merchant: j". I), "nhrover
iCnrii'bol'dt. farmer;. .'.Io'. Shannon.
L Weeping 'Walt-r, dL-iitist? She'rni Str
vi-rn. '.Surprise. ' bailke.rr John . !,
Scalcy. Hamestmi.. liupleriivpr iksa.ler;
G. -N. Titus.. Nemaha, niirryn-air:
"Douglas Tipsword. Beaver Crossing.
farniPi-r George. S. Watts-, bsc.oI:i.
.fariner.; Angilst- Wendoff; ' Vjaern,
farmer:- Wl H- Wheeler. SivJkK ic-
tiird: William. Fi WhuHwn.Giltner,
i-.Jock -man-
- J. H, ErimTsten in Lincoln.
: "1. .larley :dmis.e:r. vvi!-.-- S'lb.-KW
b.iil hbiid. was fPrfeit.eil- in.:. IJiiil't-d'
Elates". court three wt-eks-jigb b.v'.io.a
-V()'n. pf.' iioir-appeara!ic- for" .'rial
pii charges connected", wjtn -.lle.fd
tnni! rfmifls- has returnetl; :o-. "-"."lisValn
a.pV is noVir.-pt hi hom'.- xJt.'outh
.Fourteenth. He returned' trqnr-F!xiriiI:r
tea -days'' ago, but the fact of-h-s:-ar
nvai has- been- kept qiil.e't". i.ii.itif:ilit
pri:se"'nL time ; Kdmisten .is .rfffiortyil
to .be-"very. ill. r.u-1. on tb;veri of prii.'itraiiou. ".TlHs-.&i'Vti-inr-u
"Qapnf -fjV-ih .his ik"siioti. IJV. -I'j'-'i
Eit-hei- A hlember of .'fne .lioi.-eh"M.
ns.werfllM "d te,.phnl. ,;ai!. snl.'iVibat
- plfrljst"VIf wa& io,s b.:,.V'iir vjceil l,,
I mir .h. lvJoiah-coiihrrcvd
tn:''. ..'..,. ..';" Y.-".'.."' .."-
t thai ;: assert ipii-.
' ' " "--r'-'Reapest for" . Depot. : y:. :i." .
' iVubrr-'""." .'town, wl- Ge'jr-";;.:. lr.-
tweeh y:ih-iti'w".an d ;Cbil."-JiAvi. ie-
.?r. i "."" -".It... . '."rntniK n'll Ilk
L' iipiicnl .tiir HlA"i... fonimiinii . '
1 n-ifulri' llitf .Northwestern :i:an;;;l to
rniaita:il a .ttioii,. telesx:a:.h-.W '-
.-..-.i ..f.iM-.rt f'trtf- IfiwnV- -Tl!.- -1 iUOIl
T. iiinj ,- . . . "
"Pacific Hjiijrpad.":mpauy. lr.s5" fi'.-vVi'
ansver" to Jie -i.iHiip"asiif.o"-ErH-T-. It.
Webb, wi-.o .dftsiievs Uie- loriti.-t'V-l.;!
iij. depot- opt?ji.' ;u cyiessa.. .-.-i ns.i -m.
. panv ."admiK tiiai -th"e'.VlepY:i.-.rsji-s-;.iiot
bWjn kept .,,...,, Fov b.ihiiis n:q..r -"'
one year .rfu.rin": Hieliisf t-if .-"ar-A. :inl
say's' no. -complaint 'isas-.-b.-f-n .esitvrV-.iL
r'uritil-riw:'-. " .'...-'...-.-".-.
-Plan for Omab'a'.Corp'Shbw:. '
rho ' cint -.o'mmfssii)ii" ai!po"m'J,"il' 3"'
! Governor. . .ShIdon- iftiniprisjng .V"tl-
li.ani.-Enis't- af-"Tbc"iriiselu.If.'.-HbKU.'- of
""Ciiclej. Prof. Uurneit :qf- tin nrijvcrsi'-v
-and ,'Sticn'ar'y. W.-'IL Xk-Uor.of-.tJii.
"St-tte. U'oard if Agricuttilre." m"4-
cyn'fej with, repie-sentatlye's' -tfn d-if
J t rent coiintM'-s relating i. .i h't n-w
! -iw: of corn to e .:xlirb...l; a"; nn
crrtinl fiirn show "Decem"li"ir" ! .t' " 1 1
at Omaha. .Tw.'efjty'-'vIgVt"'.-VriisVti'- of
-Nebraska have: organized ,tb partici
r- -. -. .v ...":..-:..:.. :'.--:. .:...
"--pate.- aim -tiie gyvenior.s . tuiijiiiij."-"
:nd' cptnity rtjpr.esen,tatlyes.;.w.ii-t -plan
f - for - ihe w'ork.
Secretarv.: Wait of "-tl'K- 'Aknduim
i- Lincold.- Centennial "-'Mp'nuiii'.n. as'so-
r.i!tirin-has-obtained JlO stthscriptions
ambdritiiig to $410 from state 'officers
arid employes, m the state house. He
Sinent"- tb net SaOO from' fhe -stati
'..'hbusc to start 'the'"' fund of "J2."".0.')0
pecegsary, to; erect a suitable, nionu
mcrit on-the state-bouse grounds: Th
Union Republican cliib of
Lincoln, was the first- subscriber. It
gaVe $25i apd the . General
"'rlreiik Ladies-:of .the. Grand Army Ot
the ReRUbiic;"wbich:"w-iU-. the. second
to give.--, gave -a -iiKe- -aiuwuu.. .-. .,
v-. ---
-... .r.