smgsm - -aT! liM IV .. - - " .--- " - i" ,zr-psr5;c ' v." rf s. ' r :v: ra 'r ,- ; ' . ;-.. o - . !. - SSr- ' r " V A 5 BAr, . - . r , t ' m r ., . .JS "H. .. fit - ' 'II - - m i mm saV ennBa "". ". i. SYNOPSIS. Burton .Iff. Barnes, a wealthy American touring- Corsica, rescues the young Eng-' llah lieutenant. Edward Gerard Anstruth er. asd bis Coniican bride. Marina, daughter of the Paolis. from the mur derous vendetta, understanding that his reward to to be the hand or the girl he loves. Knid Anstruther. sister of the Eng lish lieutenant The four fly from Ajac do to Marseilles on board the French fUeamcr Constantine. The vendetta pur Mues and as the quartet are about to board the train for London at Marseilles. Mariaa is - handed a mysterious note which causes her to collapse and necessi tates a postponement of the journey. Barnes and Enid, are married. Soon after their weeding Barnes bride dis appears. Barnes discovers . she has Iteen kidnaped and taken to Corsica. The groom secures a Ashing vessel and ts about to start in pursuit of his bride's captors wiicn he hears a scream from the villa and rushes buck to hear that Aastruther's-K-ife. Marina, is also miss ing. Barnes is compelled to depart for Corsica without delay, and so he leaves the search for Marina to her husband while he t;oes to hunt for Enid. Just be fore Barnes boat lands on Corsica's chore Marina is discovered hiding in a corner of I he vessel. She explains her action by saying she lias come to help Barnes rescue his wife from the Coral cans. When Barnes and Marina arrive In Corsica he s given a note written by Enid informing him that the kidnaping Is for the purpose of entrapping Barnes so the -vendetta may kill him. Barnes and Marina have unusual adventures in their search for Enid. They come in sight of her and her captors in the Corsi can mountain wilds just as night ap proaches. Iq seeking shelter from a storm the couple enter a hermitage and there to their amazement they discover Tomasso. the foster father of Marina, who was supposed to have been killed by De BeJIoc's soldiers, and for whose death Barnes had. beenvendettaed. Tomasso learns that'-Marina's husband did not kill her brother. Many wrongs are right ;hI. Barnes is surprised in the hermitage !by Itochini and Romano, the two detest ed bandits, who had been searching for Riltn to murder him for his money. The ..isndits attempt to take away Marina. .Barnes darts out the door. The bandits start to pursue, but as they reach the .door both are laid low by Barnes' revol ver. Members of the Bellacoscia enter land Barnes Is honored for his great serv ice to the community in killing the hated itochini and Romano. The release of Enid is promised. Barnes is conveyed in triumph to Uocognano. Marina acquaints tho Bellacoscia with Saliceti's plot against her husband and the people are (instructed to vote- against him at the ; .comine election. Rarnes is taken to the .inaasion of the Paolis to meet Enid. Marina receives a telegram. She starts for Rastia to meet her husband. Enter ing tiie room to greet his wife Barnes is ttewiidercd to tind the adventuress La Belle Blackwood, but not Enid. She had been substituted for the American's bride by a shrewd plot. . CHAPTER XV- Continued. This is spoken as, he springs off the horse, tosses' the bridle to the boy, and runs up the stairs. "Marina is inside, 'I imagine," he says, and calls through tthe doorway. "Marina left for Bastia over an hour ago," says Barnes. Why did she leave for Bastia?" "A telegram." answers Barnes, "pur porting to come from you stating that ;you would be at . that place to-morrow Bioming. Notwithstanding her fatigue, she went on by carriage to meet you." "A telegram? Impossible! Bastia Is at the north end of the Island. I (arrived at Ajaccio, the south .end. Be sides, I sent no telegram." Edwin is interrupted by a short cry from Barnes: "Cipriano Danella!" ' With an execration Anstruther asks hoarsely.: "Do you think he has aught to do with this?' - "I aa pretty certain of it You do not realise that fellow's passion for" "For my wife? By heaven. I'll kill him!" and the young English officer looks round to .call the boy who has come with him. but the urchin, being eager for bed. is already out of hear ing with the -horse. Suddenly he cries: "Barnes, -you're not going to leave Enid 'here unprotected," for the Amer ican is almost running down the ave nue, Edwin after him. "I haven't found my wife." '! "The ladf upstairs, whom I heard?" "Was not Enid. . It was that infernal Ia Belle Blackwood, and yet I forgive her, for she told me the direction she thought Enid had taken," and as they half trot, half stride down the avenue under the chestnut trees, Burton epit omises his adventures of the day. "What are you going to do now?" "Get' horses and follow-your wife. She is the one to which we, have a dew.. We must prevent heP falling lata Daaella's hands.' Pihaph I pray Cod in followiHg'fhirwe may find also the way to my wife." "Why?" "Because Cipriano Is the real brains f this infernal outrage." As they reach the gateway of the grotmts they are abruptly-Intercepted. One of the young Bellacoscia, hidden In a tree, "springs out to them, gun in hand, bat recognizing Mr. Barnes, the young man, says: "I am one of those watchiag!that no Saliceti troubles you. I let this man' pass because I saw he was a foreigner?' , "That's all right," .replies Burton, "but could you show nae the telegraph stationan3 where'to gef horses?" "Beside Hotel Mouvrages in the main street is the telegraph station," answers the young man, "and a stable to hlre.norses is at 'the inn." "Thank you." Also I want to see your .chief, if he hasn't already gone to the mountains." "fa it important?" ' "Very." 'Then Signore Antonio will be here in. a few minutes," answers the young fellow and speeds off through a neigh boring lane. The two harry to the inn, but Bocog naao has -gone to bed. Its houses are all mnlighted. their doors are locked. There wfH be no chance to telegraph to Basthvor any waystatlon on that road heiere "to-morrow morning. It is Bes'4Ut.aar. before they succeed in aroahigm aoanolent hostler at the ian stables, who matters all the horses are tired aad-must have a night's rest. Bat sdatTalatadya gold piece placed in bis finally BtaWcicntly to. saddle two which he says'are the liveliest fayiJthestaWe. On two Wry beasts they daahnpo t,TS nwrsw ana-nwrwmiumg o in the great bandit and one or .two C hirmeta. "I have a favor to ask yon, Signdre Bonelli, in-addJUoB to tke others yota have done rae; that you will escort to the yacht at Sagone the lady within this house and get her safely out of Corsica." "Ob, you needn't ask that. Mr. Barnes of New York," cries La Belle Blackwood, stepping airily onto the veranda. "I have already petitioned the great Bellacoscia, and I think he will protect me against any man; won't yon, Signore Bonelli?" "Sapristi, will not I!" says the mag nificent man, his hawk's eyes flashing as they look upon the loveliness of the entrancing American adventuress. "Count on Bonelli to his heart's blood." Then he' asks moodily: "But why are you compelled to leave your wife, Sig nore Barnes?" "This lady is not my wife." , ' "Santa Maria, not your wife! Gran Dio. whose spouse is she?" "Nobody's." "biavbla'suprema!" cries the great bandit, a tremendous joy flying into his face. "And you yon leave this loveliness?"' be adds. "Her loveliness is not mine, Signore, Bonelli." remarks Burton, coldly. "Be sides; it is a matter of life and death I "Thank the Saints, You Got that calls me. This gentleman " Barnes introduces Edwin "is the hus band of Mademoiselle Paoli, who has been lured from here by a lying tele gram to Bastia. We journey to, protect her against a design upon her safety upon even her honor. Lieut. Anstru ther. unused to the language, would be of little use." "Design against the honor of the daughter of the Paoli!" snarls Bonelli. "Impossible! I will go with you upon this errand myself." But the enchanting tones of Sally Blackwood make him pause; she Is pleading: "Whatand desert me among your wild mountains?" v "No, 'tis best I go not," remarks the bandit chief. "Gendarmes, with me in your company, would be an embarrass ment, and they in their bungling way may doubtless aid you. And' your wife, where is she, Signore Barnes?" "Still in the hands of Saliceti or his friends." "They did not surrender her as they agreed?" "No. They substituted this lady." "Corpo di Diavolo, Saliceti has tricked me! I proclaim a vendetta against Bernardo Eduardo Saliceti." " CHAPTER XVI. Along the, Cyclamen Path., Both young men are riding light; Barnes for this speedy dash has left his rifle and his field glasses behind him. and they gallop up the pass of the Force. But the ascent is so steep they are soon compelled to walk their horses. A precipice is on one side of them and the great flanks of Del Oro are on the other. Both Edwin and Burton have been silent, thinking; of their wives. The latter now remarks, pointing to a deep gorge' running up the mountain side: "That, I believe, leads to La Pintica, the home of the Bellacoscia. which . the gendarmes never dare to visit." But they having reached the summit of the Col,- now speed their- horses sharply down the declivities into the great forest of Vlzzavona, the road' leading them through pines, beeches and the inevitable chestnut trees. - They havey passed no one in the darkness.- In fact,,, they have not yet gone far enough to have any hope of overtaking Marina unless accident has befallen her vehicle. Besides, her horses were fresh; theirs, according to the hostler, had been ridden daring 'I iff(V; (Hi OTmiP-TlHmmWF BtJBu lit (LJ RnnnMssmnwmSM at 0I3& &. I hhssTS ue preceaing any. . Soon .after, teydash,ihroagh the Tillage of Vivario, announced by the barking of some curs and the granting of some pigs. "Everyhonse Jn the vil-" lage is closed ana no one woald open for us in the dead of night in this land of the vendetta,'r remarks Barnes. . They go to climbing again and soon alter descend through the gorge of the rapid Vecchio, the river: foaming far beneath the road, while rocky, hills and sharp mountains rise on either .side. They have, knocked at no doors;, they have made no inquiries; they have only hurried off. But some hour after the red-tiled henses of Corte loom up before them and a few min utes later they Jog their tired steeds up one of the principal streets of the central inland town of Corsica, the great Monte Rotondo now looking down upon themT Above them are tall elm trees that catch the rays of the rising son. Flanked on each side by white stone, red-roofed houses, they pass between the hotels Pierracci and Paoli, almost deserted now, this being the beginning of the hot summer, season. Along the street are many placards indicating the approaching election. Every time he sees the name of Saliceti, Barnes, compressing his lips, thinks of his lost darling. At the Pierracci they learn from bne of the waiters that a lady had paused to obtain a relay of horses, and had brought out to her at her request a cup of coffee. "Was she driven-by an old man?" questions Edwin, hurriedly. ."Yes. with a beard like a bandit," answers the man with a grin, "The carriage was full of cyclamen flowers. You could smell them all ' over the street." "It's your wife," whispers Barnes, giving the man a 20-franc piece that Here Alive in Time to Drink the Water of Orezza." makes him look almost as happy as this news does Anstruther. "Only an hour ago! We will over take Marina long before she reaches Bastia." cries Edwin. They ride hurriedly, the road skirt ing the torrent of the foaming Vecchio until considerably over an hour after leaving Corte they reach Ponte-alla-Lecchio, where the big bridge crosses the river Golo. During this the horse men note. more, signs of the coming casting of votes. Some of the'Lucchese" workmen from Italy are throwing stones at an election placard' that displeases them. "The pests from" Lucca," mutters a Corsican shopkeeper as they buy a glass of wine from him, "are always riotous, and at election times batter every one's heads with stones their own included. They've been here since sunrise fighting and brawling. I heard their shouts when I was in bed. But everyone pardons the 'Lucchese;' they do all our hard work." adds the man with a grin, pocketing the coin Edwin 'hands him. But the wine shop keeper can tell them nothing of a woman traveling, and to their astonishment, though they make many inquiries, they hear of no lady in a carriage passing through the village this morning. "It's quite possible." says Edwin to Barnes, "she didn't stop here. Her horses were fresh. She's gone on. No one has noticed her." - - "That's very true," answers Burton, though his face grows more concerned and gloomy. Therefore they ride rapidly along over the now well-kept road, which generally skirts the Golo. Turning north, they spur on over the cause way that crosses 'the great lagoons and soon after passing through some small villages, they come out upon the sea and ride almost straight along Its shores, to enter that miniature Genoa, , called Bastia, some two hours before midday. - - Barnes pilots his companion-to the Hotel de France. "Yon should like this inn," he observes; "It's on the Boule vard PaoU:" . Catching, sight "of a gentleman In a tall hat and a swallowtail coat, Barnes says: "These are the only ones in Corsica, I .think, and that's, Monsieur gtafe; the headof the lioteL I know Jdm. Now well getjwwa, yoni ,-ffue; se;s pronaaiyput p (TO BE CONTINUED.) 70jm fzzAtm EVRM m&Sr; The poor farm nothing else. will grow taxes If Good grade draft horses are still in demand. Raise a few. ' With your other planning, figure on raising a colt or two this year. Farm folks-need the smile just as much as the crops need the sun shine. The stock market is the last place in' the world where the farmer wants to venture. Comfortable quarters for the hogs are essential to proper economy of the food ration.) Look through the vegetable bins and let the stock clean up all the small potatoes and the half-rotted ap ples. The prosperity of the farmer was honestly earned, which is more than can be said for the success of some business enterprises. The farmer must plan the work carefully and keep the farm help thor oughly busy if he is to realize a profit on the high wages he is obliged to pay Too small a field for the pigs will result in their soiling the clover, result Ing in their not eating it so fast It pays for the sake of the hogs to have a large field. Why not raise a few mules? They mature younger, and can be set to hard work any time between two and three years of age, a thing you can't do with the young horse. A good time to begin with sheep. Get a small flock and start it on pas ture and you will be ready to give them good care next fall. Meanwhile plan your winter quarters. The seed corn which was selected last fall and thoroughly dried will prove the wisdom of the farmer in the eyes of his less careful and provident neighbor when the two stands of corn of the coming season are compared. Yes. the cow did kick, but that was no excuse for you losing your temper and lamming her unmercifully with the milking stool. I overheard a farm er say the other day that it had cost him the profits on a cow for three days for the beating he had given the cow. The first thing to do with the newly bora lamb is to get it full of the ewe's first milk. Many a lamb's life can be saved by a little attention at this time. It often occurs that the teat becomes clogged and will not yield to the efforts of the lambkin. Lend a helping hand. The fall-dropped colt Is more con venient on the average farm than those born in the spring. Some of the horses on nearly every farm are idle all winter anyway and the mares might better be nursing colts and giv ing them a good start than to be eat ing their heads off and giving nothing in return. To gain a week on string beans plant as early as you think safe. As soon as the plant appears place blocks or bricks four Inches thick at inter vals along the rows and lay down 12 inch boards alongside. Then when the danger, point threatens cover the plants with the boards and you will save them. Let the boys on the farm have some animal or plot of ground which is really their own. and then let them realize the profits to be made from them. In this way they will feel a personal Interest in farm matters and will learn by practical experience the ins and outs of stock raising and farm ing. This will tie them to the farm as nothing else will. In estimating the amount of seed needed for a certain field it is quite essential that you know its dimen sions within reasonable accuracy. But' do you? Is it not largely guess work. A good cotton cord, the size of a plow line, should be kept for a measuring line. To make one, buy 70 feet of cot ton cord, fasten a ring at each end and make these rings' exactly 66 feet apart This is four rods. Tie a piece of red cloth in the center. One acre of ground will be the length of four of these cords and 2& cords wide, equal to 16x10 rods, making 160 square rods to the acre. The soil, the cow, the market and the man behind the combination are the determining factors as to success or failure In the dairying business. Plenty of men would lose money at 15 cents a quart The acre should be made to produce the . most possible feed because in this way the cost of production is reduced to a minimum. The cow should be bred and fed to produce large quantities. The market should be determined according to conditions. .No dairy farmer can af ford to grow average crops. He must put the fertility into the land and se cure high production. Two or three crops can be grown on the same land in one seassn. but -of course in this country where land Is so cheap it is not necessary to do farming under sock a Ugh pressure. I "H Msacif BslsTnhhBvVBsajiasfTipfs Ween rint the star- g A good habit to get cleaning out the ben house twice a week. , - Don't be unreasonable. The neg lected flock will not remember yon. Don't make the mistake of setting the hen until she is thoroughly broody. It is easier to raise a good herse than, to pick one up when wanted. Remember that. - Whey fed to excess may cause stiff. Joints In the nigs. Its feedintg varae Is about half that of milk. The best breed of sheep for the fanner is the one which combines a long fleece with a Urge carcass. If yon are keeping sheep plan on a good generous turnip crop this year. It is almost a necessity in successful sheep raising. An Iowa man at last accounts had the corn husking record of the year, having husked 75 bushels in four hours and eight minutes. A course at your state agricultural college will do more to interest your boy In agriculture and tie him to the farm than any other one thing. Alsike clover Is valuable on heavy soil. It is a lighter growing, finer crop than the medium red, and is shorter lived, but it will pay you to try tt. Begin some kind of crop rotation this year. Don't raise the same crop year after year on the same piece of ground. Give the ground a variety of work to do. . Don't let fine weather over head tempt you out into the field which is still too wet to work. It is bad for the soil, hard on the horses and disap pointing to yon. Damp crib corn will prove a curse to many ay farmer this year who deaf to the advice to select and care for his seed corn just let matters drift along in the same old way. It has been proved from experi ments that unless linseed oilmeal can be purchased at approximately as low a price as corn per pound no profit from its use with corn and clover hay for fattening lambs is to be expected. The spoiled horse is generally the one that has been improperly trained. Careful, thorough breaking should so es tablish the good traits of a horse as to make the acquiring of bad habits al most impossible save where the gross est kind of mismanagement was prac ticed. It Is a good practice in planting an orchard to alternate the varieties, set ting not over two or three .rows of one sort and then something else. This will insure heavier bearing through cross-pollination of the blos soms, some sorts not being able to fertilize themselves. ' Mowing the field of young alfalfa may check the weeds but it will also check the alfalfa. The ground In tended for alfalfa should be so thor oughly prepared that weeds have no chance to start until after the alfalfa is 'well along and firmly rooted. Al falfa that gets the right start will prove very inhospitable ground for the weeds. A man must be friendly to have friends. This was never more true than in the country. Try a little friend liness toward that neighbor whom you have considered rather cold and dis tant You will perhaps find he will warm up to yon and the friendshlD will work mutual good. Get his ideas, and if you have anything good in that line share It with him. It takes no more work or footS to feed a 700-pounds-butter-ia-a-year cow than it does to feed the one which produces but 200 pounds. Why not weed out the poorer cows and get in those which pay a good profit? A cow ought to produce at least 300 pounds of butter fat a year to make it worth while keeping her, but many a farmer is keeping cows which will not pro duce half that. Horticultural societies of other states might well emulate the example of the Indiana Horticultural society which is making a practical effort to encourage'the commercial fruit Indus try of the state. It co-operates with the farmers' short course at Purdue university, offering cash premiums at a fruit show which is held during the course. The fruit business of Indiana is still to be developed. Get a good bull pure-bred if you can afford it and breed up your herd. Cornell university. New York, has just shown what can be done in this direction. A cow of .ordinary grade was kept and the progeny for four generations was tested. The cow was producing 225 pounds of butter in a year. By the use of a pure-bred sire the next generation produced 275. pound lows and in the fourth genera tion two cows, descendants of the original one and improved sires, made an average of 450 pounds of butter in a year. This ought to settle the ques tion as to whether pure-bred or grade animals are preferable for the dairy. Do not reduce the fruit yield by cut ting or breaking off the fruit spurs. Every fruit tree will send out fruit spurs on the sides of all the limbs and small branches, covering the sides and upper surface with fruit spurs and leaf spurs from the body of the tree to the extremity of the branches. These should never be re moved, yet many, with saw or hatchet, clip off every fruit spur from the main part of the large limbs and small branches, leaving only a denud ed branch. Fruit spurs are small shoots only one or two inches long. These should neither be cut off nor jammed off by one's feet when pick ing fruit. Fruit spurs produce fruit buds in pne season for. the crop of fruit the following season. The EfolitkNi tf H-roefcoM Bewiiiit. itn,iMtw?witia fctfutitmakigw kxn A0LDBIMIDT lUEDOK TOOK rifianDytMeftaeat ItwManaibTth totte-fillkftrMk. IV. THE QUBJJTLAL COM- F0U111IE OF FHTOA, k tf it fcr lis nwignawi aai Ik -prnttaftt, Tkt rak of It imexmmi, ami at fast te a BaimfMlMT aai fir- it k mstfcl im a gnat THOUIAntO TJH OF FEEUXsV ami ito fatan in tha of tkas ilati Tkty km knrmti to trait ami Mkrto im Br. Hartamm's jmigmwat ami to rely LOW ONE-WAY RATES FROM littoiri lit or Ttmiials (KMMS CfTYTt COUMCH. BLUFFS. INCLUSIVE) EVERY DAY .. to April 30, 1908 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and many other California points. To Everett, Bellingham, Vancouver and Victoria, via Spokane. To Portlandand Astoria. To Tacoma and Seattle, via Spokane. To Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, includingSo.Pac. branch lines in Oregon. To Spokane and inter mediate O. R. & N. points. VIA Union Pacific For full information inquire of E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A. OMAHA. NEB. pA6a HAIft BALSAM mMttmrnnm w sa Jtvrar JtaUs to Beaters Osq to tts Yoatkftil Cbtar7 , aim PILES S8&8V&ES? CtJUL drsMtsw or fcy u. "ANAKISIS" XswYosx. PATEMTSSrH W.J.HtLLAOOu Ks,Wsaa..C atSiTlllmf IM'S tlWsT mmhtk antaynl iniiith , ffcg f j A4 Wfc. - mm s UXmimawWkmmtikkmmlrr. BfBTlffiffiTMlP IXB BOHnV SOB !! PL . tMh ttliwlkirsHlMlfsilMlsj nsiilhulhniliiiiitisji hiiml tnTwiilmlllBMiMfilii tor rMikg m jkn, wU wat, klMtMfifJtsntenMterii tnaiy. mmtmmmlit9mmmmmi rflHt Thssia atsJ nUa I-lJj a i' riaiilii twt tfcs mmjmmmji, th mKBnjsjs3 ssT VJUMi Wsw. jpflsjrsjmnjssisf xctsmswvjsnwaSfssasBMBjiBHwTjxzejrv willmsi iwUTlj wilintii. TW nnteat mntiirtnn trailiim m Mtml mtgnmfk frnm tkk wlttlt wmm,ditim mlm. Iatte'tofi' nima wrtrsTfthinf tMtar, m rnmmi Vj fte mftla f mm f tiMlaSfl nUiiirMMi.fs'LM'sMtbA- nTsUf wljl. rmHniratkit nttytttwifl TaMmiwigttnhenat, Mittagit wt-aht Vao nwi mi a hk:afan7,Foriam, 4E5V Bb2 Economy M nana soH in decorating the walls of B I your home, can, be most surely effected by using I TSofiitaTxlrattCbaiiaa:! an TIm mnt m0lum ATfaThaC- tine tints produce the most artistic effects, and make the I home lighter and brighter. SoUbrBDrafeRariwaceaail H Ceaetal StMcs ia caicfollr scalad nmnV - - - - - --j-j r ! a a o nmmml mrtiq ptXiMrtT amwciCO mmmcaarv'STn am ffctke padtaae lor white aad ( He the saduce (or fiats. Sea BJ OataaMibAlalwRiae,IsM each package before it fat opeaed fpj ciilMrbryoaaeMccAcwnkMa. I Tao Alabardie Coatmaa j I nmmnW tmnmnnmnmTmTlnmnlmmmmTL. mnW'VBmnnVinmtnmnmn mnmnmn! Bmm TanMmnVM'nmmak 3 wons?sSB'nTSBa,no Bmrnmrnm m". BawTOfcCtty. BK A sarkct rirl aaldUaV- lao fat foose. warranting it-to yonag; but It turned out to, oo aceaMy toogh. The nextday he wenfhoek and satt. to the girl: That goose yon sold me for ay one, one was very eid."x "Certainly not," sail the girl; "don't yon call me" young? "Ten; he replied. "Well. I ant hot 19. and Ivo nnr my mother say often that tho sjosso was'six weeks yonaaer." A faf mini Ataf-snJBnmntloman'L VOmmn a"0vV00B9V0vem A Kentuckia-n with a fence whisky Jug asked a countryman to take him in n wagon a few miles over a hilL. adding. "How mack will it bo worth?" "Oh. a couple of drinks oat of that jug will be about right." said tho trymaa. After the Journey had been and the driver had taken n "swig." he said: "Stranger. I am a peaceable- man. but unless yon want to be fall of lead tonight yon hail; better lad out a new way to carry your molasses.' Omaha Directory Bright SWIFT'S PRIDE WASHING POWDER k stakes every thing and r Awvktf1r bright and for k on getting. AMERICAN HEMP MIXED TWINE six ILLIIN P0IHIS Used by the farmers of Nebraska alone not a ball returned because it is a stronger, longer, smoother twine and works perfectly on all headers. Works better on old and worn binders than hard core twine. Binfe 50 to 100 More taHNcs per laic than Other Twine. FULLY GUARANTEE. Write today for sample, iafonaation and price. UNINGER IMPLEMENT CO, ' IMplM IVORY POLISH for Furniture and fVsoM coo9 ro-R Jkjry wood CLEANS aadienemaWI aVwood ta aay way. tiaanaased to awe kafetioa. AbaoUdy ike beat poKAoalar iiiwrt. M year dealer t carry Mad at h aaae aad we will aeejaat yoa aw wtppEedL fnce 25 aad-MJ VAMurocTCKEo av Orchard & Willielm OMAHA. NtSKJaSafA rHrcCTMSEEIf M.YUJI Sorts seed corn as well as 25.00 machine. Capac ity 10 bushels per hour. LIWrllSfliMrlTCI., Oatta OvaWaMml MIMI IWsl liMa SALESMEN WANTED To look after ainaaaiat Ten aaal Caffaa Raaaa. References reqaired. State age andifiBarriedorsiagle. Permanent position to right party. Address: W. 0. wKUAnW, awSpVa MPBTfy IwwV Ma faJMJ MMMf ' WHATr9BWAT WJUtT IT Frmm t Moms Wmmt BTrrrtkiac In th way ot St MIASap- umlnafiir Mas, Electrical Material aaal A; Llcfat. Porwer aad Tulaaanaa. Vam- tMrtaw MaMa. llwmMmr SarhlaML Urn. wmra. Carta. Wire Bap. BTalta. ate. Catalogs and price tanlstwd promptly. Special attention glTFB 10 an 1 aqeirera. JOHEPH TSUVabxau STRtrr. UCHTaTKK. OMAUA. NEBRASKA. R8!l?H3i ,By having then experimented an by trav eling fakers. Come to uh for Fraa Exami nation. H. J PENFOLD a CO.. Leading Scientific Opticians, 1408 Faraaaa, Omaha. taa. Tiiilm ITtT. AawrteelrtockcfBooSnKiitip ytiea always oa hand. InulaUoa af wet floor a specialty. Vravel. Aaplialt, AaTaaa I iia repair. glTea prompt atteatloa. JOU!f McBAUON. Mr. OMAHA TEIT&AWIH6 CO. Tents, Awnings, etc. Larftcst west of Chicago. Write for prices aad estimate before buying. Car. Ilth and Harney Sta. TUCDIYTIUI Hotel BntuiPlai RooaR from tl .88 a; 1 e. 725 ceats u p doable. CAIX PstlC HiMESS 8 SAMLES HiirirradeLow price. Write for catalogue. Auraea coaiuia co.. saccessorl t Caunw VoKBiaos, Itie TTarnam St.. Oxaaa. rY.0!iPrin" Coffee way pat taa wa am, atttar lavond eoSaa la jiaitlnaith waa pa MBaa.AMlMaa corraa oral mawtaawaiaclt. mr aia it or wOSa Wy .j2R snmmVW mmLmW fflja i Cm art If In Doubt, Buy A JOHN DEERE ! "V- l!.. $. -A. IV- T. i r-. N--r.' .J T-O SSfcr " 5r3a .rto?i r i .t.-. , .k? SaL-JSj5-1K- L v? yis.. tJ5tf-. c -"nf "' Ztabelxetf-i - lytkCiish