The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 01, 1908, Image 5

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for themselves, as ours do, need
little praising. We might well be
pardoned for being enthusiastic
about them. But all we say is
Once you do that we will not have
to coax you for a second. Our gro
ceries will speak for themselves on
your table. You'll be sorry you
hadn't started trading here before.
From the Advaace.
Mra. L H. Britell and daughter liable
of Oolumbas are spending the week at
the home of Dr. mad Mra. C. Britell.
Fay Moore left Tuesday for Columbus
to be present at an operation which Mrs
Moore underwent at the St. Mary 'a
.Mr.andMra,T.J.Mataon of Colum
bus wets gaeata of Mr. aad Mra. Nek
Hasselbalea last week, returning home
Miss Vesta Slater returned home Tues
day to Columbus after spending a few
.lays ia St. Edward; ajjticrt of MfTland
Mra.O.A. Mangrove.
From the Post.
Mm. Reide and Mra. Reivet visited it
Coluaibaa last Saturday.
The aew cross for the Catholic cbureh
arrived the first of the week and was
placed oa the steeple Tuesday evening.
A aaan soatheaetof here, when .asked
if there were any decks and geese on the
creek, replied, "No, the hunters don't
give them time enough to take a drink."
T. J. and D. F. Ducey returned to
their home at Edmonton. Canada. Mon
day, after spending a few weeks with
relatives aad their aick mother, who is
slowly recovering. Mrs. T. J. Ducey
left the same day for Buffalo, N. Y.. for
a short visit before returning home.
From the Newfr-Joaraal.
Jim Slade has bought a saloon
Grand Island and will move over as
soon as his lease is oat here May 1st.
A "sheet change" artist was arrested
at Belgrade the first of the week and
lodged ia jail here. He was drank when
arrested and had a "flash roll of bills,
bat it seemed there was not evidence
enough ia sight to convict. He was dis
charged yesterday and left town on the
trt train.
ACaUforaiapaper sent to Geo. D.
Meikklejoaa, says: Jadge Church has
ruled that aalees Willard B. Zibbell. the
Borseataa who was terribly matilated by
being raa over by a Southern Pacific
railroad train, vill consent to accept
$70,010 ilsmsgns instead of the $100,000
damages awarded by a jury, a new trial
will be granted. The Ztbbell case stands
a a record as bt-iag one ia which the
largest amouat of 'damages for personal
Gents' Furnishing Goods
406 11th Street,
injuries has ever been awarded in this
country. The railroad asked anew trial
on the ground of exoessiveness of dam
ages. With Zibbell when he received
his terrible injaries was a young man
named MeMahon who was instantly kill
ed. A suit brought by the saother for
damages is pending.
ftoai the Deatornt
Jas. McDermottof Oolumbas was call
ing oa friends ia towa this week.
Dr. D. T. Marty n of Oolumbas, was ia
town Wednesday evening on proftsoional
e"nSBiemaBFe ?-
The Democrat is sorry to learn that
Jos. Oerae is dangerously ill at his home
west of town. We understandthere is
little hope for his recovery.
Talk aboat high price land in Nebras
ka. We notice by the Ulyases Dispatch
that Henry Diera, a brother of It. D. of
this place, recently sold acres of land
adjoining the city of Ulysses at an aver
age of $750 per acre.
Jos. Bethscheider received a telegram
Satarday evening announcing the criti
cal illnesB.of his mother at her home in
Burlington, Iowa, and ha immediately
drove to Columbus to catch the early
train east. He arrived in Burlington
Sunday afternoon, but too late to see his
mother alive, she having, passed away
that morning. The remains were broaght
to their old home at Hebron, this state,
and interred there Wednesday morning
beside her husband, who died four yean
ago. The deceased was 47 years of .age.
Mrs. Mary Schuele died at the home of
her son. Max, northeast of town, Tues
day afternoon at the age of 75 years, 6
months and 1 day. The cause of her
death was stomach and kidney trouble.
She. had been a continuous sufferer for
the past three months, all of which time
she was confined to her bed. Deceased
was born in Germany September 23,
1833. In 1854 she was united in mar
riage to Phillip Schuele, who died in
1871. In the fall of 1883 Mm. Schuele
and her children came to America and
lived in Wisconsin until the following
spring whan they moved to this neigh
borhood, where she made her home with
her son, Max, until her death. Deceased
is aarvived by three children, Max of
this place, Alfred of Denver, and Ernest
of Cameron, Ma The f aneral was held
Thursday morning from St. Francis
church aad the iateraaent was made ia
St. Francis cemetery.
Gas G. Beaker was up from Cel
oa baeiaesa Moaasy.
' Mm. Webb of Ootembus is
her sister. Mm. Get. Head, this
B. 8. Dickinson of Celambas ia pat
ting as a windsaOl oa sua farm, tasted
by Mr. Bran.
James Thomasia retaraed Weaasday
eveaiag from his trip to Chaeege aad
other poiata ia IHiaoia.
Mr. aad Mrs, Vestal Masts spent Sun
day with Mrs. Monro's parents, Mr. sad
Mrs. Ohas. aUsas, soata of
Wm. Webster ie savings Isrge
bailt oa the hope ptoee sons of tows.
J. T. Smith is dotsg the eareeater work.
Mm. C. E. Morrow of College View,
Nebr, arrived Wedsesaay for s -visit
with her deaghtsr. Miss Emelise Law-
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank VssAllss of Gre
gory, 8. D., sad Mm. Zslls Blodgett of
Lincoln were here to sttesdtas faaeral
of their ssother, Mrs. C. VaaAQea.
W. W. aVaalajtss reeeived word from
Denver tellingUm of the death of hie
brotber-ln-law. Pisrsoa Lott. which oe
cured March 21. He was 74 years of
Eugene Bacon came dews from
oouaty Satarday. He had s pablic sals
aad disposed of bis saitesel sroserty
sad wiU spesd the asmmsr with hie sis
ter. Mrs. John Keeler.
Vartta Ballisg, who has beea Uaios
PacitcsgeatatMoaroe the last sight
ossekad oat the first of the
. Simoss, formerly of Ag-
acw, cheeked is as sgeat. This ia a
psrmaasat cssage and Mr. Bimmoss will
be the regalar sgeat at this plaeefor the
A petitioa is betag oirealated askisg
the coaaty 'board of ssssrvisocs ' to
eatabliah a votiag precis ot st Mearee
for the benefit of those nsiiisg in the
south part of the towaship aad also for
thoseiatWsoattwasi sorties of Lost
Creek. It ia being signed by nearly all
who are istersstcd.
''Mrs. a VsaAlles, one of
ooaaty a pioasscs, died st her
Monroe Monday, March 23.
service were held st the Methodist
church ia Moaree Wedaesday at 10 a. bl,
aad iatermeat was mads ia the Mew
Hope cemetery at this pises. Mr. aad
Mm. John Kerr of Fairfax, a D.f attend
ed the funeral.
Mrs. B. Melliger.from
wsssgasatof Mm. P. F.
last Friday.
Henry Newman, rsridisg sssth of
tows,M jastreeerrisgfrom sa attack
of gsUstoass.
Mr. aad Mm. B. C. Marrsw, of College
View, are here viskisg their daughter.
Mm. Joseph Mark.
The six year-old sea of Mr. sad Mm.
William Gossans, sf Shell Creek tows
ship, fell from the seat of a diss last
Friday is each a way as to fracture the
knee-cap of bis left leg.
Clint Wilber shot s stonstar goose last
Sunday. It weighed between thirteea
and fourteen pounds, and messaredeix
feet two inches from tip to tip of wisg. It
was so gander goose either, jast a goose
Miss Bessie Bum of Omaha sad Mine
Mamie Masses of Colambas, visited st
the home of Mr. and Mm. D.V. aad Eu
gene Maoken aad Mr. aiJ Mrs. ILK
Coony during the early part of the week,
retnrning to their raapsctivs homes
It doess't alwaya pay to he too ia
daatrioaa, sot while in ths employ of s
corporation, evesu Oar TJ.-P. railroad
agent, A. G. Parksr, has beea pnUisg in
nxethasthsBrsoribed9 hoars time
daya lately aad last sight saother
arrived here to relievehim. Wheth
er thk will be permasest as pas assess
to know. A.W. McKeanisthenameof
the new num.
A large aamber of invited friends as
sembled at the home of Mr. sad Mrs.
George Sooeidel, jr., last Satarday. eve
niiurforasooial good tisae.' "The ones
aion was in honor of Ms. Ed Ballea aad
Mrs. Herman Brodfaehrsr of Colsmbas.
Games and refrmhmsats cosstitstsd ths.
principal feature of ths eatertammsnt.
A most exeeUeat time w reported by the
Oa Tuesday Joe Witte departed for a
visit to sis boyhood home, in Kestseky.
Joe aaya he left there sevsstsea years,
ago, whenhewasnlad,ngleetingtobld
his people good-bye, sad has not beea
back since. He has ases aaamroaa
streaks of sunshine aad shadow ia the
meantime, iaomdiag a term of ooldisrlsg
ia the Philippines. His father, s sister
and a brother, nndnameroan other rela
tives live there. Hssxpeota tabs sb-
sest two or three
- Mw llsrmas Lall saads a pretty good
start ia the poultry bemeass Una week
by taking off laOUUle ehinke from her
ISO egg iaeubatsr.
Mr. aad Mm. Peria of Oolumbas, cams
apSatardayaadsaeat s few days visit
ing at Jas. sad Pay. MsKsUips retura
iag home Wedaesday.
D. J. Gate was loading his 6th car of
baled sHslmMsadsy to ship to ths si
falfameal mill at Fremont. He says
what we aeed sroaad here ia a few
thousand more acres sf slfahaaad a mill
herein tows.
Heary Cave celebrated his eightieth
birthday St Patrick's day. He is a
pretty spry oldsma foroae st- hie age
Last fall he hanked ears sad did pretty
good work. Ho
enjoys ties first rate. He
visit to hit beys Mart
ceuaty this wek ami m sluts fa drive
tarsagh with nk soaO;H. Bsm eas of
the old ssttlsri iinsiisfthsre Is 187
Room Furniture
The very latest N
in dull oak finish
and at moderate
prices. Before
purchasing let
us show you
these new goods
219-11-23 West Eleventh St.
LsstThatsday night the farmresi
deace of Abe LaRue, south of the Loup,
was destroyed by fire. The lorn was
partly oovered by insurance.
J. Y. Plammer, who resided on O.
Orssas raach soath. of the Loap for
three ears, departed with his family
last 8aturday for the Bosebud country,
8oath Dakota, where he will engage in
fsrmisg ssd stock raising.
Obsrlss Green aad Miss Grace Judaon
of Fallsrtos were aaited in marriage at
the home of the bride's parents, Satur
day evesisg, March 14. The groom was
at one tjum u book-keeper in the First
National Bank of Genoa, but left here
two yearn ago and has. since been can-
aeotea wiia saanymae rancn in tne
soathwest part of the county.
Ths Gssos Concert Band has lost five
members since last weak. Bob and Bom
Irish have moved to Boulder, Colorado.
Frank Asms aad Otto Pierson will goos
the road with s moviag picture show,
aad Titus Lundberg has arranged to go
into ths jewelry ' business at Polk.
Msaager Starmer expects to have their
places in ths band filled with new talent
before the end of the month.
Mm. A. . Aademoa of Skeedee
to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the last of
week to visit relatives. She
ssaied her swtemr the Misses Ida and
dith Bobbins, who started oa their
trip to Europe where they will spend
the coming summer.
Mm. W. O. Pugsley met with a pain
fal accident last week. While driviii
home from town she met an automobile
this aide of W.J. Weleh'e place, which
frightened her horse snd she wns thrown
oat dislocating her shoulder. She will
stay in town a guest of Miss Mollie
Pugsley aa long as her arm needs medical
A railroad man by the name of Kerby
was arrested here Tuesday afternoon by
Marshall Rosier and locked up on advice
from Columbus. Kerby was for a time
brakeman on the Albion branoh but be
ing addicted to the drink hnbit lost his
job n few weeks ago and laid his dismis
sal to Conductor Gbmpton, against whom
it is said he has made threats. While at
Cojambus Tuesday he bowled up and
boarded the afternoon -train, informing
some of the railroad men that he was
going to Genoa to shoot Gompton. The
police department was informed snd
they communicated with Marshal Sea
ler who was waiting for him when he
stepped from the train. A loaded re
volver was found on his person when
gram the Gaaetta.
At the Hesshog sale at Ulysses thirty
head broaght $1,050. So sayeth the Dis
patch. Mrs. Dave Cook ia compelled to go
roand her borne now with the aid of
cratches 8he was at Garrison one day
last 'week and while out riding with her
husband the team made an attempt to
ran away, when Mrs. Cook jumped from
the vehicle and sprained her ankle.
Mr. Edgar Manila and Miss Mable Al
ias, both of Summit township, were
united is marriage at the home of the
bride's parents on Wedneadsy. The new
bride aad groom are numbered among
the best families of Summit. They will
make their home on a farm in Summit.
From the Moasel Bay Advertiser, Cape
of Good Hope, we copy the following
notice concerning the death of our
brothers wife: ' It is oar lad duty to re
cord the death of Mm. McGaffin, the wife
of Mr. McGsffio, our respected headmas
ter of the Boys' School. Death came in
ths early hoars of Monday morning, after
four weeks of a severe typhoid fever.
The duenna was 43 years of age aad
leaves her sorrowing hasbaad with six
children, some of which intesaerest age.
All the flags is tows ware at half mast
dsring the day. aad ths funeral took
plaoeat4:30 p. m. at the English Church
Cemetery, the Bev. Miller, condactisg
theberialservice. Four of Mr. McGaf
fia's sshool boys, Mania. Johnson,
Wright aad Downing, acted as pallbear
em, the pressat school boys sad old
sehsol boys following ths chief mourn
ess. Every townamss sttesded ths
f Basra! aad wreathes aad flowers
ssat by everybody. To Mr. McG
sa4 smehildrea wo teaser bar besrt-
tsUsympsthiwatths irreparable
ef their good wife sad saother.
Miw Fleswhi TTfiTaanr hi hnrnt fsis
from Gsass, ths ssasel -asviag bees
dosed agsm oa ssessatof seerlet fever,
three asw esses haviag developed. -
We ess bast Bry ail's pUa togusraatee
thosafety of baaka, bat it fa aot origiaal
with as, TheOhiases government has
beea practieiag it IsVthsatsads of years.
Tha heads of bask
from their bodiot srs
theassetoof s wrecked ssak aad it
works. l K .
Wsdsesdsysmsat aooa Irs. broke oat
OBthsoldAatrim farm west of tows
which ie now oeensied by Henna
Strawbean. Aa slsrm was fivsa by
ringing tU school hones bell in Distriet
40 aad rarsMrs from all over the neigh
borhood, aa well as the seetiba'ams,
gathered to fight the ire. The farm
buildisgs wars ssdesgersd sad it was a
closeoall for the sehsol hoses, bat littU
dasasge was done azeeptiag. ths buraiag
of two stacks of hay. Ths school child
ren either ran home or to thsE. H. Cor
son fsrmfoi safety. Ths firs was sap
posed to have beea fsassd ap by the
wud fromaatoulderisgeoala ia a straw
stack whieh had bass barsed a few days
Prom the Weald.
Little Oarl King was so usfortussto
as to break his shoulder blade while
playisg last Tuesday. Ths little fellow
however, did not know it until Thurs
day awning whea has ahoalder had
swollen so badly that s phystcisa was
called who reduced the frsctare.
ClaaaYouag, aa old aad respected
citizeaof Madisoa, fell dowa thseeUsr
stairs last Ssnday evening ssd broke hie
neok. He wss carrying rain waterfront
the eiaternsp from the cellar for the
BMrsiag's wsshisg, Hehsdesrriedoae
pail to ths top of the staira and handed
it to hie wife and when she esaWback
from smptyiagit she saw him lyisg st
the foot of the atsirs with hie neck
doubled under his back. Mr. Young
was 71 years old sad had lived is Madi
son county for thirty-five years aad
prominent aad well liked. He
chairman of the Madisoa County Soldi
era Belief commission snd took ss nctive
part in politics.
Bev. F. A. Miller, of Lueolc, reeeived
s terrible whippingon ths main street of
U tics last Monday, sdmismtered by ths
buatssmaaea of that tows. During the
revival held at the Presbyteries church
there last week? it appears that Bev.
MUler grossly insulted the ladies of the
Kensington, sayiagit wss ss indecent
orgaaization, etc Last Friday evesisg
s crowd of mes sttempted to give the
evaagslist s shower of eggs that had esss
better daya. It wss thes givea oat that
Bev. Miller woald preach a public spo
logytothawosaeaoB buaday aad re
tract his remarks. This he failed to do
and his failure to make good so incensed
the husbsads of said ladies that
drubbing eneaed the following day.
Keener, Hookenberger Chnmbers
real estate agents, report the following
real estate transfers filed for record in
the osBoe of the county clerk daJisg the
week ending March 21, 1908.
CoTrawtoD ZMaaaert, lots 1 to 4
Uk7S.Colaauma.aad lota 1.3, 4. hue
lS.Oidaadd.ColambaB, tax deed $
D Z M Hwmert to Aac Waowr. Iota 1, S
aad4blkU.Oiaaadd SSOfle
Aas Wagner to E U Sparfaawk. loU 1, S
aBd4blcls.Oidaadd.....'. SS0W
Geo' S Hemllag to Wat GrotelaaAen. eS
bw4 1-19-iir.wd 7Se
E Dixon to WilUs.Decker, m aa 84-20-
lw.wd 4SWU9
Win Weak to B WLaedtke. pt oat lot
"A"Creetoa.wd.' 2500 09
SFFlemmios to I W Kia. w 13-30-
Mary A Dergaa to John McPhillips. ae
sar ll-ly3w. vd ........... 320O S9
Mary A Deegaa to Maggie Hares, sS aw
M-U-Sw. wd. 640BW
Hy Hercberthaa to Fred Staab, lot 7 blk
167, Colombo, wd '. 100
Mike Bamaaek to P E MoKfllip, aw 20-
19w.agraeaMat. 13700 00
DEMeake to Henry Gehriag. jr. anw.
ae nw 29, se aw 28, part aw aw 20-18-
lw.wd 12800 00
Geo Stanee to Chas Knt et al. lota 3, ,
7aad8blk21S.CoIaaibaa 21160
F G Novell to Eautry C Sayder. lota 7
aad 8 Uk 7, Evans add, 146000
MB White to M C Cassia, awns, e aw
ael8.17-le.wd'. 7300 00
P E McKillip to Joha U Zoaeha, a m 20-
liL2w,wd. 13600 80
M C Cassia to M B White, part lots 5aad
6Uk58.CoBJBbas. 7560 00
Dan Mock to Fred Mock. sws-lMw.wd 6066 00
D J Croain to Wm Webstar, part lot 4
blk IS. Platte Ceater.wd 656 06
P L Beathack to Wm Webster, part lot
4 blk IS. Platte Ceater.wd: 4696 66
Anna Freuhing to Ferd Facbs, w2 ss SO-
Hy Ureas to H GreUea, my interest ia
part 31-19w, qed. ............. ........ 437 56
J E North to Clara Hemplewaa, part aw
18.17-le.wd 430 00
Geo Baadall to Ed Nieeodemaa. lot 7
blk8,Genatd'sadd.wd 606 00
Geo Steapek to John' ntempak, and. H
sesw23-17-2w,wd SM60
Why Should He Beastr
i have seen London," said the
speaker, waving his left arm, "I have
ridden through, the streets of Paris;
I have stood among the monuments
of Berlin; I have feasted my eyes up
on -the beauties of Vienna; I have,
gazed upon the eternal hills of Rome,
snd I" "Yes," interrupted s man Is
the gallery, "but 111-bet $40 you've
sever sees Mala street la Scrubbgraas,
An Easy Wsy Out sf Trouble.
"We simply can't go on as we have
been going," he declared. "We are
spending more than I'm making. Yos
surely must be able to understand
that such a state of sslalrs caat last
"Thes, dear," she soothingly re-;
piled, "why scat you make morer "
Why Hs Had Te,
"Now. ssM ths physiclsa. "you win
save to est plain food sad aot stay out
late at night,"
"Yea," rehMed ths patient, "that Is
what I save beea UdaUac ever sines
you seat la year WU." : " - - -
Shoes and
V---- " "- , -v '
Oir Firiisliiis
Gilis Display
Our salesmen will cheerfully instruct you
how strong a guarantee we place on them.
Oomein and be convinced. Our motto is
ways your satisfaction or your money
back. Tours for (business '
.... SSSaai
... SdSpat
.... SdftB.BI
.... 731 pat
.... 746 a at
He.1 .
Ho. a.
Mo. 7 ..
No. IS..
Ko.5 ..
No. 36.
No. 4 SSaai
No. 13.... 4:ltaai
No. 6 l-JSpai
No. 16 240 pat
No. W 3Spa
No. 8 6:phi
No. 2 6:4Spai
No. SB 66 at
arAunxo auios.
No.77aud..d6dSaai No.7sisd..d6am
No. 29 pas ..d9Ssa Ko.Slpas ..dldSpai
Ne.9pas ..al2.-4Spai No. Spat ..aKSJpai
N6.78aizd..a6epBi No.76sd..a74eaai
Dally enesac Sasdsy.
Wos.l.2.7aad8M8eztTafaratTaia. ,
- Mob. . ; IS aad UartflBeal nMtgtr,
Mos. SS aad 5Sai local frwaiu.
Mea.aadMaasaU trains oabr.
No 14 daeiaOasaaa 446 p.m.
Dates can be roads at the
Josraal OfJce
We invite all who. desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all' other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry nnd fi&b nnd
oysters in season.
Talepaoae No.1. - Columbus. Neb.
I In Food J$mWm
asam - . ,Bi5jraeW2ai BBraBBBBS BBBBBBBBaaaJPnBaBsal
I the sale ol alum Kt -vV Ih8H
I So does France KsaBS
I So does Germany "1
I The sale of alun food '.
I habeeamadealckWsiiSsBons .
I bi,aidJBaba&Bigpafwden I
H ' aC "bbsbbI
I To protect yourself agtWsteAam, 1
I nvhen oraering baldng powder, :
aaaai aaaaf
I Sayptamfy- I
BBJ " - -- . "" - paj
awd be very ture you get RoyaL '
H KcyLacmtyDalaqrmttmtettamKayUKjnpe ,m
m Cresm of Tartar. It add. to die dstsbl aaxl wbol -
Bataea!iess of the food. m
sasv aw-.
"" -efl
-BaBBassaasaaasBsaassaasBsaas a
consisting of some doI
by and interestinf; pest
terns sre now ready lor
your inspection. We hT
them inall styles and fabrics. ;
Prices that will sore please yoni
The finest that the season pro
duces. Some beautiful bfack
and tan kid pumps. Just whit;
you want for dress and party .
wear. Our children's depi has
not been forgotten and you'll
find them equal to ths best for wear
is complete with the newest
and latest patterns in Shirts
and Ties. Don't fail to asfc
about our guaranteed Hosiery.
Six pairs for- $1.50 that will
positively last six months wear
Those Early Marriages.
But she clung to him nnd tremfled.
"Darling!" he whispered. "What .
fearest thou? Are we not wedded, no
BKre to part?"
She gazed at him terrifledly.
"Ay, wedded, and at page 87!" she
cried. "1 know something is going
to happen!"
Nor was her dread wholly unreason
able, considering, that a novel had to
hare at least 496) pages, with two
thrills per page, la order to get Into
the 1.50 class. Puck.
For Speed
Safety, Surety I
A solid roadbed is es
sential. Visibility &
Speed in the Under
- wood (Tabnlator) type
writer are supported ,
by perfectly balanced
MtfWwtts TypswrHtr
1617 Farnam St.
i -
c&j&r'rtr. yjte5 -.? ."
e .-
i.--, .
f ib. . - .-
i. jift ) je w- -.-irr-,-.
1 ....-. .V . "