The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 01, 1908, Image 3

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    - ''" vs 'SfirHs-U1 J?- --r --
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In Special Message He Asks
the Passage of Several
Pending Bills.
Believes Some Features of Present
Statues Are Obsolete and
Need Revising.
Would Prevent Both Blacklist and
Boycott See Need of Tariff Re
vision Commission and Im
mediate Waterway Leg
islation. Washington, Mar. 25. The following
is the full text of the president's mes
sage sent to congress Wednesday:
To the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives: I call your attention to
certain measures as to which I think
there should be action by the congress
o before the close of the present session.
There is ample time for their consider
ation. As regards most if not all of
the matters, bills have been intro
duced into -one or the other of the two
houses, and it Is not too much to hope
that action will be taken one way or
the other on these bills at the present
session. In my message at the open
ing of the present session, and. In
deed." in various messages to previous
congresses. 1 have repeatedly sug
Kested action on most of these meas
ures. . Child labor should be prohibited
throughout the nation. At least a
model child-labor bill should be passed
for the District of Columbia. It is
unfortunate that in the one place sole
ly deendent upon congress for its
legislation there should be no law
whatever to protect children by for
bidding or regulating their labor.
I .renew my recommendation for the
immediate re-enactment of an employ
ers' liability law. drawn to conform to
the recent decision of the supreme
court. Within the limits indicated by
the court, the law should be made
0 thorough and comprehensive, and the
protection it "affords should embrace
ivery- class of employe to which the
power of the congress can extend.
In addition to a liability law pro
tecting the employes of common car
riers, the government shotdd show its
good faith by enacting a further law
giving compensation to its own em
ployes for injury or death incurred in
its service. Itla a reproach to us as
a nation that in both federal and state
legislation we have afforded less pro
tection to public and private employes
than any other industrial country of
the world.
Injunction Legislation.
I also urge that action be taken
along the line of the recommendations
I have already made concerning in
junctions in labor disputes. No tern
porary restraining order should be Is
sued by any court without notice; and
the petition for a permanent injunc
tion upon which snch temporary re
straining order has been Issued should
be heard by the court issuing the same
within a reasonable time say. not to
exceed .a week or thereabouts from the
date when the order was Issued. It is
worth- considering whether It would
not give greater popular confidence in
- the impartiality of sentences for con
tempt If it was required that the issue
,- ' should be decided by another judge
than the oae issuing the injunction,
except, where the contempt is com
mitted ia the presence of the court, or
In other case of urgency.
Rate Law Amendments.
I again call attention to the urgent
need of amending the interstate com
merce Jaw and especially the anti-trust
law along the lines indicated in my
last message. The interstate com
merce law should be amended so as
to give railroads the right to make
traffic agreements, subject to these
agreements being approved by the in
terstate commerce commission and
published in all of their details. The
commission should also be given the
power to make public and to pass upon
the issuance of all securities hereafter
issued by railroads doing an interstate
commerce business.
A law should be passed providing in
effect that when a federal court de
termines to place a common carrier
or other public utility concern under
the control of a receivership, the at
torney general should have the right
to nominate at least one of the receiv
ers; or else in some other way the
interests of the stockholders should be
consulted, so that the management
may not be wholly re-delivered to the
man or men the failure of whose pol
icy may have necessitated the crea
tion of the receivership. Receiverships
should be used, not to operate roads,
but as speedily as possible to pay their
debts and return them to the proper
Would Amend Anti-Trust Law.
In addition to the reasons I have al
ready urged on your attention, it has
now become important that there
should be an amendment of the anti-j
Philadelphia People Have Good Reason
to Complain of Fate.
Here is a real hard-luck story.
Two months ago the six-year-old son
of Frederick Levy of 624 South Amer
ican street. Philadelphia, fell in front
of a street car and had his left arm
severed at the shoulder. Before the
lad was released from the Pennsyl
vania .hospital his mother and three
other children were restored to the
Municipal hospital with fever.
j trust law. because of the uncertainty
as to how this law affects combina
tions among labor men and farmers,
if the combination has any tendency
to restrict interstate commerce. All
of these combinations, if and while
existing for aad engaged in the promo
tion of innocent and proper purposes,
should be recognized as legal. As I
have repeatedly pointed out, this anti
trust law was a most unwisely drawn
statute. It was .perhaps inevitable that
in feeling after the right remedy the
first attempts to provide such' should
be crude; and it was absolutely imper
ative that some legislation should be
passed to control, in the interest of
the public, the business use of the"
enormous aggregations of corporate
wealth that are so marked a feature
of the modern Industrial world. But
the present antitrust law, in its con
struction and working, has exempli
fied only too well the kind of legisla
tion which, under the guise of being
thoroughgoing, is drawn up in such
sweeping form as to become either in
effective or else mischievous.
In the modern industrial world com
binations are absolutely necessary;
they are necessary among business
men, they are necessary among labor
ing men, they are becoming more and
more necessary among farmers. Some
of these combinations are among the
most powerful of all instruments for
wrongdoing. Others offer the only ef
fective way of meeting actual business
needs. It is mischievous and unwhole
some to keep upon the statute books
unmodified a law, like the antitrust
law, which, while in practice only
partially effective against vicious com
binations, has nevertheless in theory
been construed so as sweepingly to
prohibit every combination for the
transaction of modern business. Some
real good has resulted from this law.
But the time has come when it is im
perative to modify it. Such modifica
tion is urgently needed for the sake of
the business men of the country, for
the sake of the wageworkers and for
the sake of the farmers. The con
gress can not afford to leave it on the
statute books in its present shape.
Remedies Advised.
It has now become uncertain how
far this law may involve all labor or
ganizations and farmers' organizations,
as well as all business organizations,
in conflict with the law; or, if we se
cure literal compliance with the law,
how far it may result in the destruc
tion of the organization necessary for
the transaction of modern business,
as well as of labor organizations and
farmers' organizations, completely
check the wise movement for secur
ing business cooperation among farm
ers, and put back half a century the
progress of the movement for the
betterment of labor. A bill has been
presented in congress to remedy this
situation. Some such measure as this
bill is needed in the interest of all en
gaged in the industries which are es
sential to the country's well-being. I
do not pretend to say the exact shape
that the bill should take, and the sug
gestions I have to offer are tentative;
and my views would apply equally
to any other measure which would
achieve the desired end. Hearing this
in mind, I would suggest, merely ten
tatively, the following changes in the
The substantive part of the anti
trust law should remain as at pres
ent; that is, every contract in restraint
of trade or commerce among the
several states or with foreign nations
should continue to be declared ille
gal; provided, however, that some
proper governmental authority (such
as the commissioner of corporations
acting under the secretary of com
merce and labor) be allowed to pass
on anj such contracts. Probably the
best method of providing for this
would be to enact that any contract
subject to the prohibition contained
in the antitrust law, into which it is
desired to enter, might be filed with
the bureau of corporations or other ap
propriate executive body. This would
provide publicity. Within, say, 60
days of the filing which period could
be extended by order of the depart
ment whenever for any reason it did
not give the department sufficient
time for a thorough examination the
executive department having power
might forbid the contract, which would
then become subject to the provisions
of the antitrust law, if at all in re
straint of trade.
If no such prohibition was issued,
the contract would then only be li
able to attack on the ground that it
constituted an unreasonable restraint
of trade. Whenever the period of fil
ing had passed without any such pro
hibition, the contracts or combinations
could be disapproved or forbidden oaly
after notice and hearing with a rea
sonable provision for summary review
on appeal by the courts. Labor or
ganizations, farmers organizations,
and other organizations not organized
for purposes of profit, should be al
lowed to register under the law by
giving the location of the head office,
the charter and "by-laws, and the
names and addresses of their princl--pal
officers. In the interest of all these
organizations business. labor, and
farmers organizations alike the pres
ent provision permitting the recovery
of threefold damages should be abol
ished, and as a substitute therefor
the right of recovery allowed for
should be only the damages sustained
by the plaintiff and the cost of suit,
including a reasonable attorney's fee.
The law should not effect pending
suits: a short statute of limitations
should be provided, so far as the past
is concerned, not .to exceed a year.
Moreover, and even more in the inter
est of labor than of business combina
tions, all such suits brought for
causes of action heretofore occurred
should be brought only if the contract
or combination complained of was un
fair or unreasonable. It may be well
Some day large eight-year-old Fred
erick Levy, at home with his father,
ran from the house on an errand.
Within a stone's throw of his home he
slipped and fell in front of a trolley
car. The left foot was taken off at the
As he was being hurried to the
Pennsylvania hospital the wagon in
which he had been placed collided
with another wagon at Fifth and
South streets. The driver, Armond
Scherer of 936 North Eighth street
was thrown to, the pavement and his
arm was broken. The injured lad was
to remember that all of the salts hith
erto brought by the government under
the antitrust law have been la cases
where the combination or contract was
in fact unfair, unreasonable, aad
against the public interest.
Labor Organizations.
i It is important that we should en
courage trade agreements between em
ployer and employe wherethey are
just and fair. t A strike is a clumsy,
weapon for righting wrongs done to
labor, and' we should extend, so far as
possible, the process of conciliation
and arbitration for strikes. Moreover,
violence, disorder aad coercion, when
committed in connection with strikes,
should be as promptly and as sternly
repressed as when committed la any
other connection. Bat strikes them
selves are, and should be, recognized
to be entirely legal. v Combinations of
workingmen have a peculiar reason
for their existence. The very' wealthy
individual employer, and still more the
very wealthy corporation, stand at an
enormous advantage when compared
to the individual worUngman; and
while there are many cases where it
may not be necessary for laborers to
form a union, in, many other cases it
Is indispensable, for otherwise "the
thousands of small units, the thou
sands of individual workingmen, will
be left helpless In their dealings with
the big one unit, the big individual or
corporate employer. ,
Twenty-two years ago, by the act of.
June 29, 1886, trades unions were rec
ognized by law, and the right of la
boring people to combine for all
lawful purposes was formally recog
nized, this right including combina
tions for mutual protection and bene
fits, the regulation of wages, hours
and conditions of labor, and the pro
tection of the individual rights of the
workmen in the prosecution of their
trade or trades; and in the act of
June 1, 189S,- strikes were recognized
as legal in the same provision that for
bade participation in or instigation of
force or violence against persons or
property, or the attempt to prevent
others from working, by violence,
threat or intimidation. The business
man must be protected in person and
property, and so must the farmer and
the wageworkcr; and as regards all
alike, the right of peaceful combina
tion for all lawful purposes should be
explicitly recognized.
Objects to Boycott.
The right of employers to combine
and contract with one another and
with their employes should be explic
itly recognized; and so should the
right of the employes to combine and
to contract with one another and with
the employers, and to seek peaceably
to persuade others to accept their
views, and to strike for the purpose of
peaceably obtaining from employers
satisfactory terms for their labor.
Nothing should be done to legalize
either a blacklist or a boycott that
would be illegal at common law, this
being the type of boycott defined and
condemned by the anthracite strike
The question of financial legislation
is now receiving such attention in
both houses that we have a right to
expect action before the close of the
session. It is urgently necessary that
there should be such action. Moreover
actioh should be taken to establish
postal savings banks. These postal
savings banks are imperatively needed
for the benefit of , the wageworkers and
men of small means, and will be a val
uable adjunct to our whole financial
Tariff Revision.
The time has come when we should
prepare for a revision of the tariff.
This should be, and indeed must be,
preceded by careful investigation. It
is peculiarly the province of the con
gress and not of the president, and in
deed peculiarly the province of the
house of representatives, to originate
a tariff bill and to determine upon its
terms; and this I fully realize. Tet it
seems to me that before the close of
this session provision should be made
for collecting full material which
will enable the congress elected next
fall to act immediately after it comes
into existence. This would necessitate
some action by the congress at its
present session, perhaps in the shape
of directing the proper committee to
gather the necessary information, both
through the committee itself and
through government agents who
should report to the committee and
should lay before it the facts which
would permit it to act with prompt
and intelligent fairness. These govern
ment agents, if it is not deemed wise
to appoint individuals from outside the
public service, might with advantage
be members of the executive depart
ments, designated by the president,
on his own motion or on the request of
the committee, to act with it '
I am of the opinion, however, that
one change in the tariff could with
advantage be made forthwith. Our
forests need every protection, and one
method of protecting- them would be
to put upon the free list wood pulp,
with a corresponding reduction upon
paper made from wood pulp, when
they come from any country that
does not put an export duty upon
Waterways Commission.
Ample provision should be made
for a permanent waterways commis
sion, with whatever power is required
to make it effective. The reasonable
expectation of the people will not be
met unless the congress provides at
this -session for the beginning and
prosecution of the actual work of wa
terway improvement and control. The
congress should recognize in ftllest
fashion the fact that the subject of the
conservation of our natural resources,
with which this commission deals, is
literally vital for the future of the na
The White House, March 25, 1908.
also thrown out, and the loss of blood
occasioned by the delay came near
costing his life.
Alum for Household Use.
Alum should never be absent from
any household. It has a very good ef
fect if applied to bleeding wounds,
as it checks the loss of blood. Boiled
in milk in small Quantities it is good
for toothache. It must be held ia the
mouth, not swallowed. For bleeding
of the mouth or 'tongue, a wash la
cold water in which alam has been
! dissolved is verv effective.
6RIIP 1 1ESIEM Ulan.
Charles McCormick of KawvfJsv
Manitoba, writes:
"Durinr the season of 197. I ha
ltt acres ia crop oa the 8. W. feerter
of section-18. township 36, range 27
west of the Principal Meridian, Wes
tern Canada, yielded as follows:
"M acres at 22 bushels per acre,
which I sold for M cents per bushel;
aad M acres oats yielding CO bushels
per acre I sold for 35 cents per bashal
so that my total crop realised $2.H4.
Of. From this I deducted for expenses
of threshing', hired help, etc, S4O0.Oe.
leaving me a net prolt oa this year's
crop of over $1,600.
Thomas Sawatzky of Herbert; Baa
katchewan, says:
"The value of my crop per acre of
wheat is 922.50. I threshed 1,750
bushels of wheat frost 70 acres, aad
was offered 90 cents a;bashel for It
Oats, 15 acres, 500 bushels; and
barley; 5 acres, 80 bushels. I
do not know if I hare been doing
the best in this district, bat I know
If all the farmers were doing as well.
Western Canada would have no kick
coming as far as grain growing it'.
concerned; and I further say that it
you want to put this in one of your ad
vertisements, this is true aad I cam
put my name to it"
Printer Where shall I put the an
nouncement of Alderman Dodger's ie
tirement? Editor Under "Public Improve
ments." J
After Other Treatment Failed Raw
Eczema on Baby's Face Had
Lasted Three Months At Last
Doctor Found Cure.
"Our baby boy broke out with ec
zema on his face when one month old.
One place on the side of his face the
size of a nickel was raw like beefsteak
for three months, and he would cry
out when I bathed the parts that were
sore and broken out. I gave him
three months' treatment from a good
doctor, but at the end of that time the
child was no better. Then my doctor
recommended Cuticura. After using
a cake of Cuticura Soap, a third of a
box of Cuticura Ointment, and half a
bottle of Cuticura Resolvent he was
well 'and his face was as smooth as any
baby's. He is now two years and a
half old and no eczema has reappeared.
Mrs. M. L. Harris, Alton, Kan,, May
14 and June 12. 1907."
How to Raise Boys.
"Thar ain't much of a problem In
raisin' boys ef you'll have a little com
mon sense-about it," said Mr. Billy
Sanders. "Don't let 'em run wild like
pigs in the woods, an' don't keep the
lines too tight, an' when things go
wrong don't be afear'd of usin' a raw
hide. But don't fergit that the mam
mies an' daddies of the land are twice
responsible when one of the'e boys
goes wrong. Ef the legislator wants
to do a good work, an' make better
citizens out'n the risin generation, let
it put a heavy penalty on the dear
parents of the boys that go wrong."
Joel Chandler-Harris, In Uncle Remus
How Her Life Was Saved When Bit
ten By a Large Snake.
How few people there are who are
not afraid of snakes. Not long ago a
harmless little garter snake fell on
the wheel of an automobile which was
being driven by a woman. The woman
promptly fainted and the car, left to
its own resources, ran into a stone
wall and caused a serious accident.
The bite of a poisonous snake needs
prompt attention. Mrs. K. M. Flahei,
Route No. 1. Box 40. Dillsbnrg. Pa.,
tells how she saved her life when bit
ten by a large snake.
"On August 29. 1900, I was bitten
on the hand twice by a huge copper
head snake. Being a distance from
any medical aid. as a last resort I
used Sloan's Liniment, and to my as
tonishment found it killed all pain and
was the means of saving my life. I
am the mother of four children and
am never without your Liniment"
A Popular Game.
"Where hav yez been this evenia'?"
asked O'Riley of O'Toole.
"Sure, I hav been playing 'Bridget
whist,' " said O'Toole.
"Bridget whist? an' how do yez play
"I sit in the kitchen wid Bridget, an'
ate pie an' cake an' chicken, an
whin Bridget hears the missus comin'
she says 'whist.' "
Deafness Caanot Be Cared
sy local appueauoas, esthej caaaot reach the dl
etedponioaot theear. There I oaly oae way m
care deaf sew, aad that is by coaaUtotloaal remedies.
Deafaeas ia caated bran laaamed coadlttoe of Um
mncotu Using of the Eastaehlaa Tab. Whea this
tabeis inflamed yoa have a rwwMtaa; aoaad or Im
perfect aeartas. aad whea It la eatlrely closed. Deaf
aeM Is toe resalt.aad nnlesi the lalaamaUoa caa be.,
taken oat aad this tabe restored to tta normal coadl
Mob. hearts wiu be destroyed foreran alae cases
oat of tea are ceased by Catarrh, which Is eotbta
bat aa Inflamed coadlttoe of the maeoas serf aces.
We will giro Oae Handled Dollars for.aay case of
Deafoess (caated by catarrh) that caaaot be cared
by Hall's Catarrh Care. Seed for circulars, free.
T. J. CHKHET CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Draaststs. 75c.
Take HaU'aFarallr IIUaforcoaattMtJaa.
Cultivate the habit of always seeing
the best in people, and more than that
of drawing forth whatever is the best
in them. Theodore Cuyler.
There is need for Garfield Tea when the
skin is sallow, the tongue coated, and
when headaches are frequent.
An easy-going man Is apt, to snake
it hard going for his wife..
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c dear is
rood quality all the tisae. Your dealer or
Lewis Factory, Peoria, TO.'
. Tisae Is precious, but truth Is
precious than time. Beacoaadteld.
It Will Obey Your Voice and Mystify
Your Friends.
About the time when the expres
sion "skidoo" first began to be used 1
invented the following trick and
called it "Skidoo" and-"Skidee," which
created much merriment Unless the
trick Is thoroughly understood, 'for
some It will turn one way, for others
the opposite way, while for others it
will not revolve at all. One person
whom I now recall became red in the
face by shouting skidoo and skidee at
it, but the thing would not move at all,
and he finally from vexation threw
the trick into the fire and a new one
had to be made. Very few can make it
turn both ways at will, and therein
is the trick.
Take a piece of hardwood three
eighths of an inch square and about
nine Inches long. On one of the
edges cut a series of notches as in
dicated in Fig. 1. Then slightly taper
the end marked B until it is nicely
rounded as shown in Fig. 2. Next
make an arm of a two-arm windmill
such as boys make. ' Make a hole
through the center of this one arm.
Enlarge the hole slightly, enough' to
allow a common pin to hold the arm
to the end B and not Interfere' with
the revolving arm. Two or three of
these arms may have to be made be
fore one is secured that is of the
exact proportions to catch the vibra
tions right.
You can even make a boat that will
sail readily against the wind, and it's
quite simple at that
For the deck or body of your boat
take a piece of wood about 20 inches
long, 6 2-3 inches wide and about 5-6
Inch thick. Taper at the ends. "
Draw a line from end to end along
the flat surface. On this line and
about 5-6 inch from the end, which will
finally serve as the stern, make a
hole and insert in it a little mast about
7 1-3 Inches high and -inch in diame
ter. To its top fasten a little ringbolt.
Then, at about half an inch from the
prow of the boat fasten another ring
On first glancing at this drawing it
would appear that the distance be
tween X and Y is greater than that
between M and N. However, if both
-, aaBBSaanT'saanwansri''TFMM'Ma,aUr-a. "aaaa " an aaa
Ts. N
SShaiaiaiaiaiWaaaiaiaaiaiaaaasissasiasa asiaaaaaa.iaia.M........nyM)nnnnnflJutfl
How to Build a Bird House for the
Summer Visitors.
Instead of trapping or shooting
birds the farmer's best friends try
this humane plan,
and see if you
don't get more
pleasure out of it
in the end.
Get an empty
ten-pound starch
box, or any other
wooden box of
convenient size,
nail the cover on.
and make a small
hole for a door,'
put a triangle piece of wood on top of
the front (for a make-believe roof
gable), also a little platform in front,
for a make believe stoop, and then
place the bird house securely in
some treetop, safely out of reach of
cats or other bird enemies, or on top
of a high pole, in some sheltered
place, if you happen to have such a
pole though a tree top is best on ac
count of the shade and -shelter it af
fords. Then watch the birds and you will
soon see a pair who are looking for a
cozy home, joyfully take possession
and immediately go to work and build
a nest Afterwardcomes the fun of
watching the parent nirds bringing in
provisions for the young ones, and
finally seeing the young birds learn
ing how to fly.
My boy had a lovely pair of blue
birds and family last year, writes Mrs.
Plummer, In Farm and Home, and
they became very tame. We all. en
joyed them so much. Try it, beys.
The Keeper of the Keys.
There is little reason to depend for
necessary supplies on, a body which Is
fully possessed of the power of with
holdtag them. James Madison.
To operate the trick, grip the stick
Irmly1 la oae head, aad with the for
ward anal backward motion of the
other allow the' first lager to slide
along the top edge, the second finger
along the aide and the thumb nail
will then vibrate along the notches,
thus-making the arm revolve in oae
direcUoa. To make the arm revolve
ia the opposite direction keep the
head moving an the time, so the ob
server frill not detect the change
which the hand makes allow the first
finger to slide along the top, as la the
other moveatent. the thumb aad sec
ond anger changing places: e. g-,-ia
the first movement you scratch the
notches" with the thumb nan wane the
hand is going from the body, and ia
tlMLsecond movement yoa scratch the
notches with the nail of the second
finger when the hand is coming to-
Hew to Cut the Notches.
ward the body, thus producing two
different vibrations. In order to make
It work perfectly (?) you must, of
course, say "skidoo" when you begin
the first movement, and then, no mat
ter how fast the little arm Is re
volving when changed to the second
movement, yon must say "skidee"
and the arm will immediately stop and
begin revolving in the opposite direc
tion. By using the magic words the
little arm will obey your commands
instantly and your audience will be
mystified. If any of your audience pre
sume to dispute, or think they can do
the same, let them try it. You will, no
doubt, .be accused of blowing or draw
ing in your breath, and many other
things in order to make the arm op
erate. At least it is amusing. Try it
and see.
bolt of the same diameter hole as the
other about 1-3 inch.
Your propeller should be 33 inches
in length and 13 inches in diameter,
tapering at the ends. To one end you
will attach the "sail" and to the other
the "paddle."
This diagram shows you exactly
how the different parts of the boat are
put together and how they look. By
following these details of measure
ment carefully and using a little pa
tience In construction you will soon
have a' fine little sailing vessel that
will make good time through the wa
distances are measured, it will be
found that they are equal, each being
one-third of an inch in width.
Easily Made and Very Useful In
the Home.
I want to suggest a handy design for
a movable shelf that I have used with
a great amount of
satisfaction, writes
a correspondent of
Prairie Farmer. A
very good idea of
the scheme is
brought out in the
accompanying il
lustration. It can
be made of any
desirable size to
meet the demands
of the occasion for
which it is needed.
Its principal value
comes from the
fact that a mov
able shelf is frequently a great con
venience about the cooking stove
since on occasion it can be located ia
a place where, if made permanent, the
shelf would prove to be very much in
the way.
The Little Negritos.
- The Negritos, or little negroes, na
tives of the Philippine islands, are al
most the smallest race on the globe.
They are true savages, depending for
food upon the chase and wild roots.
They do not live in villages, or even
build huts, but roam through tbe
mountains In small groups of a few
families each. These little people are
not strong. Their legs are like broom
sticks and all over their bodies are
tattoo marks. in the form ,of long
The Soapy Deep.
little Johnnie, says the Chicago
Tribune; on his first trip to the sea
shore, watched the foam of the
waves, and -asked hi mother- ufh.
the soapsuds the little fishes washl
withr ' J
On of fh
rf ttwlsappy
of to-day is a est
the sappy faculty ef sslsrtiag lad
tag the best the world afford.
ended by the WeMafotnasd of the
WofUasaraluabae aad wholeeosss fisaitj
laxative is the wefl-knowa Syrup ef Figs
and Ehxir of Senna. To get its 1
effects always buy the
factsoed by the CaUforata Fig Syrup Co
oaly, aad for sale by al JrarSeg aVagysw.
The Spring Opening.
The dazzling creation of birds aad
wire ia the millinery department waa
marked $15.
The circle of shoppers gazed ia eavy
But not one stirred.
Suddenly the clerk reversed the card
aad displayed the figures 114.49.
Then there was a small riot. Shop
pers fought like amazons to reach the
"Ah," laughed the tall foot-walker,
"those ladies remind me of oldem
"Ia what way?" asked the meek man
who was waiting for bis wife 'to
emerge from the crush.
"Why. they fight at the drop of a
And before the meek man could ap
preciate the point of the Joke his wife
came out minus a comb and two locks)
of hair.
245,000 acres of irrigated govern
ment Land in Big Horn Basin, Wyom
ing, will be thrown open for settlement
May 12, under the Carey Act. afford
ing an opportunity to secure an irri
gated farm at low cost on easy pay
ments. Only 30 days residence is re
quired. A report containing onlclal no
tice of the drawing, maps, plats, aad
full information has been published
by the Irrigation Department, 405
Home Ins. Bldg Chicago. Anyone In
terested may obtain a free copy by ap
plying to the Department.
A Powerful Combination.
Tim was a protege of Mr. Blank, a
well-known Boston lawyer. He was
often in trouble, but by personal Influ
ence with the courts Mr. Blank man
aged to have him let down easy, so it
became a matter of talk, the Green
Bag says, that he did not suffer great
ly in being arrested.
"How is it, Tim," some one asked
one day, "that you are arrested very
often, but never go to jail nor pay any
"It's just this way," Tim replied. "I
have Mr. Blank for me lawyer, aad
what he doesn't know about the law
I tells him."
ItnasMrtent ta MottMrnw
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe aad sure remedy for
infants and children, aad aee that it
Bears the
Signature of i
la Use For Over 30 Team
The Kind Jon Hare Always Bought.
Class Favoritism.
"The Indian appropriation bill puts
an end to the relations of the five
tribes, I notice," remarked Reeder,
looking up from his paper.
"Humph! growled Gramp, whose
wife's coasia Is making a protract
ed visit at his home. "I wish we
were Indians." Kansas City Times.
la a Finch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A powder. It cures painful, smart
ing, nervous feet aad ingrowing aails.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Makes aew shoes easy. A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sab
stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y.
Seek the Bright Things In Life,
Look out for the bright, for the
brightest side of things, -aad keep the
face constantly turned toward it; yoa
will then shed happiness along your
way Mke the summer aaa. Julian
' Lewis' Single Binder7 straight 5c cigar
made of rich, mellow tobacco. Yoor deal
er or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, III.
It Isn't easy to fool the man wha
knows himself.
They also relieve Dte
treaa frost Dyspepaia.Iar
dJgestkmaadToo Heart?
Eatias- A perfect real
edy for Dlnlneas, Naa-
a, PruajsastiB. Bad
Taste iBtheMoata, Ceas
ed Toaca. Pala ia the
ike Bevels.. Purely TesjataMe.
waBBawwaaeBBBi at Biaaaaavai aasvvwaaBBf awswBsafai BvwssBavwsBBI s asawaaaaw
PawaasWaaBSBsm ssMsbbHssi Bssssnv asflBBsBaatssvPsI 9bsfsb
rigs knag and taiiapi ef the wedde
ImbA MOdaattSL.
awpaw BaaBBaswwaaBBB)
nros.wts of actual miil'iiii aai
SMSasstUak dSaaaa SvUWBW .uu
aaaaas :aaaaaiwiaaBy--, aanaBBBBaaa
aad whieh lasveattsiaed to wmMwIae
X . yKr2.
bsB riu.9.
II PUS. Sw6000tE
MsVBasBBBBATgg BBaasasaaghasmBw nkaasjashaahssBSBaa
Ik .isfir .v. .
r. mj- r-iiitvW' rrtv..
tin -
isrrrrzi S5i2Aja