?&$&i$'e?&l T:a r?:";; J " . r -at ypii ' W :; J w! .. S3 SXMSSfci b r i 1 Columbus Journal It . STKOTHER, iMk F. K. STROTHER, COLUMBUS, IN CONGRESS. President Roosevelt sent to con gress a special message urging action ok laws relating to child labor, em ployers' liability and Injunctions in labor cases, and recommending amendments to the interstate com merce and anti-trust laws, tariff revi sion and a permanent waterways com mission, and financial legislation and action to establish postal savings banks. The Aldrich currency bill was passed by the senate by a vote of 42 to 16, in the main a party vote. Sen ator Aldrich promised to introduce a bill for an investigation of the entire banking system of the country. In the house Mr. Deikema of Mich igan contradicted a newspaper story which said President Roosevelt had violently berated Mr. Deikema for having joined in the committee re port censuring Judge Wilfley of the United States court in China. Representative John Sharp Williams of Mississippi, as leader of the minor ity In the house of representatives is sued a written statement defining pre cisely the attitude of the Democratic party in the house toward legislation urged by President Roosevelt in his messages to congress at the present session. The senate, after long debate, ac cepted the credentials of Senator-elect John Walter Smith of Maryland. In the house Mr. Beall of Texas charged the president with having been guilty of "a disgusting usurpa tion of power," not only toward the' national legislature, but the judiciary as welL The agricultural appropria tion bill was considered for amend ment and when it was laid aside for day there had been stricken out the provision for new weather stations in the states of Texas, Kansas, Virginia, Michigan, Vermont, Missouri and In- In the course of a bitter denuncia tion of President Roosevelt on the' floor of the house of representatives Mr. Stanley of Kentucky compared him with Alexander Hamilton, whom he designated as "an obscure adven turer," and both of whom he said had profound contempt for the constitu tion and displayed everlasting impa tience with its restraints. Mr. Cocks of New York, representing the presi dent's district, defended the president against the recent attack of Mr. Wil lett Determination to conduct a filibus ter on all occasions where opportunity presented itself, in order to force the Republicans to action on an employ ers' liability bill and other measures deemed necessary of enactment, was announced by Mr. Williams of Missis sippi In the house of representatives. PERSONAL. Gov.- Broward appointed Hall Milton of Marianna to succeed the late Sena tor Bryan of Florida in the United States senate. Calvin Demarest won the national amateur billiard championship at Chi cago by defeating H. A. Wright Comptroller ofthe Currency Ridgely resigned to become president of the National Bank of Commerce of Kansas City. He will be succeeded by Law rence O. Murray. Maj. Gen. A. W. Greely of Arctic .feme, having reached the age of 64 years, was transferred to the retired list John W. Stewart of MIddlebury, Vt, former governor of Vermont was appointed to the United States senate by Gov. Fletcher D. Proctor to fill the vacancy, caused by the death of Sen ator Redfield Proctor. Dr. Nicholas McCabe, mayor of .North Platte, Neb., was arrested on a charge of selling liquor illegally in his .drag store. Henri Rodiette, once a waiter, has been arrested in Paris for swindles that are said to have brought him in $i2.eo,oe. GENERAL NEWS. Mrs. George Tanning of Millers burg; la mistook a cup of gasoline for water and poured it on her burn ing apron. She was fatally burned. Gen. R. C. Van Home was acquitted of the charge of murdering H. J. Groves, managing editor of the Kan sas City Post, and was committed to an insane asylum. Three Chicago robbers who- were in a stolen cab were fired da by a police-' man and one was killed. One man was instantly killed and two others seriously injured in Pe oria, lit, by the caving In of the wall of a building which was recently de stroyed by fire. A Chicago woman sent $200 to the "conscience fund" of the collector of customs at New York. - Fire that destroyed the leaf-tobacco warehouse of T. S. Hamilton. Co., at Covington, Ky is supposed to have bean Incendiary. Frank Froerer. president of a Lin coln m.) bank and owner of the Lin- company, was held up by and robbed of $,. Ualetor Wu, has ex an lavKatloa for the American set .to atop in China on Its way around the world. NEWSNOTES: ii- . FIR TIE ( BUSY IN X Most Important Happen- J- ijl ings of the World X ; Told in Brief! 3 liiiisniTwee ktHed a The town of Chilapa, Mexico, having lS.OOO inhabitants, was practically de stroyed by.eartheuake shocks followed by a conflagration. It is believed no lives were lost' Much damage' was .done by sever windstorms in Michigan, Iowa and Illinois. . Gov. John A. Johnson is willing to accept the Democratic nomination for president but is not seeking the honor. This is the gist of his reply to a letter sent him March 23 by Swan J. Turabald. publisher of the Swedish American Post of Minneapolis, asking just how he stands in the' matter. Secretary Taft announced that he had ordered federal troops to the Tread well mines in .Alaska, where 800 strikers are threatening to destroy property with ten cases of dynamite they have stolen. In a desperate affray on a Pennsyl vania avenue car in Washington, a negro and a white man were shot by Congressman Thomas J. Heflin of Alabama who tried to stop the negro's drinking on the car. Daniel Leroy Dresser, former presi dent of the Trust company of the Re public, '.who recently was arrested on a charge of larceny, was discharged because the statute of limitations in tervened. Two robbers blew up the post ofice at South San Francisco and escaped with $2,000. W. H. Kennan of Mexico. Mo., for mer adjutant general of Missouri, com mitted suicide by fringing. Illinois Republicans indorsed Speak er Camion for president and asked re vision of the tariff; Democrats of In diana Indorsed Bryan and nominated a ticket headed by Thomas R. Mar shall for governor; Iowa Democrats declared for Bryan. The Leland hotel at Springfield, HL, one of the most widely known hotels In the country, and which has been the center of political gatherings for the last 30 years, wad severely dam aged by fire. Delegates to the Repub lican convention risked their lives to save their baggage. Robbers made a vain attempt to crack the safe of the Farmers' bank at Springtown, Ark., and one of them was killed by a premature explosion of dynamite, his head being blown off. Mexico City was shaken by two se vere earthquake shocks, four persons being injured. The general assembly of Virginia adopted a resolution removing Judge J. W. G. Blackstone of the Eleventh circuit from office for immorality and gross neglect of official duty. Postmaster General Meyer Issued an order annulling the second-class mailing privilege granted in 1905 to "La Questione Sociale," an Italian pub lication issued by an alleged anarchist group at Paterson, N. J. In a quarrel over $2.50, the price of a load of wood, Peter Karanen of Cal umet Mich., shot and almost instantly killed John Ahlgren, a farmer. With the completion of a 75-pair cable between Omaha and - Council Bluffs, the Omaha Independent Tele phone company was given connection with half a million telephones in Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois and Missouri. v Max Jagerhuber, Jr., who escaped from the Presidio, San Francisco, is reported to be the son of Max Jager huber of New York, who has a fortune of $20,000,000. The young man is charged with desertion. Milwaukee's Democratic primary election resulted in the nomination of David S. Rose fof mayor. In the West London police court Magistrate Garrett sentenced Dr. Stan ton Colt a noted writer and lecturer, to one month's imprisonment for as sault upon the conductor of an omni bus. Half of the business section of Middleville, Mich., was destroyed by fire, the loss being $75,000. The German government has de clined to receive Dr. David Jayne Hill in the capacity of American nmbanna dor to succeed Charlemagne Tower, because the kaiser personally objects to him. Republicans of Tennessee had a vicious fight in their state convention at Nashville. Gov. Hughes refused to save Chester Gillette from being executed for the murder of Grace Brown. The subcommittee of congress that investigated charges against Judge wimey oi we American court M. ouaugiuu reported, censuring tV judge, but not recommending ImpeacMhn order temporarerily enjoining the - I I4a SkMBSMS 9 BAf1Wftj4 AVIM IM Io0 1 An AMI Citizens of Lexington and central Kentucky signed a petition asking the president for federal aid in suppres sing the night riders. Officers of the Society of Equity denied a report that the society had reached an agreement ith the American Tobacco company. The American car in the New York-to-Paris race reached San Fran cisco, far ahead of its competitors. Pasquale Patl, a rich Italian banker of New York, who killed a member of the Blank Hand, was forced to sus pend and flee from the city In fear of death. Leo WojelnsU of Milwaukee killed Miss Nettie Plaschek, his sweetheart. and himself by poison. OBITUARY. Dr. P. A. LiadahL president of the Augustana Book concern and editor of the Augustana, a Swedish publication, died in Rock Island, 111. D. W. Stevens, the adviser of Korea, who was shot in San Francisco by a Korean, died of his wounds. Rev. Dr. Charles N. Sims, former chancellor of Syracuse university, died at his home in Liberty, lad., aged 73 years. F. Louis Soldan. superintendent of the public schools of St Tuiff hq fell dead on the street Rev. Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hall. president Union Theological seminary. uiea ai au nome in Mew York. May Thompson, aged 32, white de lirious, escaped from a St Loam hos pital and lunged herself. Ralph C. Many, a Rhodes from New Orleans. La, at Oxford. washed off the rocks and drowned at Port Isaac, Cornwall. Walter Wycoff of Massane, la, died of fright oa the operating table hi a hospital. Spaacar Comptoa Cavendish, eighth dsjko of Devonshire, died of heart tafl- MmnURG MINE HUE EXPLOSIONS ATTENDED MANY FATALITIES. WITH HO OCCUR H HMMNNES It w Believed That Seventy Lives Are LosL.Thoug.hAII the Bodies are Net Yet Recovered. Hanna, Wyo. Seventeen men lost their lives in mine No. 1 of the Union Pacific Coal company Saturday after noon, when an explosion of gas com pletely wrecked the colliery and en tombed the unfortunate miners, a mile and one-half below the surface. The fire broke out some days ago, and although 200 men have worked every other day, the fire being well walled off while they were at work and fought barring the off days, it could not be extinguished. Saturday the miners were idle and only the force of fighters, gas men and fore men went in. The supposition is that the' brattices leaked and let the gas out Into the fire area, causing an ex plosion which ignited the dust of the mine, completely wrecking the work ings. Large gangs of men are engaged in the work of rescue, but the entombed miners are dead and their bodies may not all be reached for many days. All were married and leave large families. An explosion in the same mine on. June 30, 1903, entombed 169 miners and it was six months before all of the bodies were recovered. Shortly after daylight the dismem bered remains of Tennant and Huhta la were picked up on the prairie some distance from the cast slope, where they were blown by the second ex plosion last night and which snuffed out the lives of more than fifty men who were working like beavers to reach' Superintendent Briggs and his1 seventeen companions who were killed earlier In the day by an explosion of gas while fighting fires below the tenth level Tennant's head was blown from the body and has not been found, and it is supposed to be in the mine. One arm was blown away, but was recovered. Huhtala's body was badly burned and mangled. The bodies of Warburton, Perry and Munson, recovered last night, were badly burned about the face, head and hands. The five bodies have been prepared for burial and shipment The efforts of the relief workers were devoted to the closing of the west slope, which has been sealed. It is believed that this will have a ten dency to smother the flames on the tenth level and enable the rescuers to draw .off the large quantities of gas and permit them to enter the east slope in search of the bodies which are known to be scattered all along from the tenth level to the wrecked entrance, a distance of more than 1,500 feet Later Although seventy coffins are being rushed to Hanna and those in a position to know say this is the num ber of dead, only fifty-four names of victims has been obtained so far. The Union Pacific Railroad company is do ing all within its power to assist in the rescue of the entombed miners Special trains bearing all possible as sistance were hurried to the scene of the catastrophe. EVANS TO GO FOR TREATMENT. Admiral Is on His way to San Louis Obispo for His Health. Washington. Admiral Evans com manding the Atlantic fleet, is on his way from Uagdalena bay to San Fran cisco aboard the Connecticut Arriv ing at San Francisco he will proceed at once to San Luis Obispo by rail, there to take treatment at a mineral springs resort The Connecticut will return to Magdalena bay at once, stop ping at San Diego on its way. It will join the fleet, which will come up the coast under command of Rear Ad miral Thomas. ENJOIN FREIGHT SCHEDULE. U. 8. Circuit Court Prohibits Kansas Commission From Enforcing It Topeka, Kas.-Judge Pollock in the TTnltori Rtatoc. rtrrnlt court 1ipk ftKiuxl and Attorney General Jackson from putting into effect the new schedule of freight rates April 1. The rail roads assert that the rates are confis catory. The case will be argued here on April 14. Ridgely Leaves for West Washington. -William B. Ridgely left for Kansas. City, Ma, to assume his new duties as president of the re organized National Bank of Commerce. Lawrence O. Murray, the assistant sec retary of commerce and labor, who will succeed Mr. Ridgely, Is still ill at Atlantic City, N. J., and wiU not be able to take up the new work for a few days. Robbers Get S200. 8aa Francisco, Cal. Two robbers blew up the postoffice at South San Francisco an secured $2,000 in coin and stamps. Bank to Reopen. ' Kansas City. Its credit restored with $6,000,000 cash and exchange with which to pay a deposit account of $12,M0.00 and with financie-s of nations! prominence in charge, the National Bank of Commrce cf this city will reopen Monday. te Four Thousand. Evaasville. William Jennings Bry an, who arrived from Cincinnati late Saturday afternoon, addressed about 4.SM people at Evans' hall in this city He did not touch on the theme of poll ales during his speech. Count Benl Is In Paris. Boat de Castellane. the divorced husband of Mm. Anna Gould. It at present In Paris, and so far as can ho aceraained he Is not going to the United States. ATTRACTIONS FOR'STATE FAIR. Contract Signed With -Mberatl's Mili tary Bond ana OporatCompany. Secretary Mellor aad Chairman Cook, on behalf of the State Board of Agriculture, signed up contracts for Literati's Military Band and Opera Concert company of New York City as the main musical attraction for the state fair, August 31 to September 4. This band consists of sixty people, eighteen of whom are opera singers from the Metropolitan Grand Opera company. Llberati was the originator of pre senting to the public Rossini's "Stabat Mater" and other operas with full vocal score .and will present, this wonderful production with - solos, duets, quartets and chorus numbers with his band at the fair. "The securing of this attraction has brought forth the necessity for an auditorium or music hail on the fair grounds," said a state officer, "and we confidently expect from the pro gressive managers of our state fair that some sort of a building capable of seating 4,000 or 5,000 people will be erected In time for use when the gates open to the public on August 31. A management which can put $33,000 out of funds made by the as sociation into permanent improve ments on these fair grounds in one year can build a good, comfortable place to enjoy such meditorious at tractions as this." WOULD CARVE LINCOLN STATUE Omaha Man Will Do the Work for $12,000. Lincoln. Xavier Stadler of Oma ha has offered to outline the Lincoln statue. His offer is as follows: "Concerning the Lincoln statue to be erected on the capitol grounds I wish to state that I could furnish the model and carve the statue out of one of the blocks of Tennessee marble which are lying on the grounds for the sum of $12,000. "About eight years ago I proposed to carve the statue at my own ex pense and risk, being satisfied that the legislature would sooner or later approve and accept my work and pay me the price it was worth. I was unable to obtain the permission to use tlie marble, however, nobody seeming to be willing to take the responsibility and let me go on with the work." SARPY IN CORN SHOW. Farmers of County Perfect Organiza tion for Exhibits. Gretna. Sarpy county farmers are perfecting an organization for the purpose of representing this county in the Nation Corn show at Omaha This has always been one of the best agricultural counties in the state, and it will not take a second place this year. Besides the fanners entering Into the different contests, there will be not less than 500' boys and girls entering into the junior contests. TWO GIRLS BURN TO DEATH. Daughters of A. Hoff of Shickley Die in Burning Barn. Shickley. After making desperate efforts to rescue her two daughters from a burning barn Mrs. A. Hoff. wife of a farmer living near this place, was compelled to listen to their agonized screams as they were burned to death. The two girls attempted to light the carriage lamps. It is sup-, posed that one ot the lamps exploded. Students Suspended.' Eight students, two of them young women, were peremptorily suspended from Wesleyan university on Thurs day afternoon by Curator Moore, who is also treasurer of the institu tion, because they did not heed his orders to vacate a tennis court on the college campus. The tennis players claim .that they got permission last fall from the Wesleyan faculty to use a part of the campus for a court Prosecutions of Retailers. Deputy Food Commissioner John son has ordered prosecutions as fol lows for selling unbranded and short weight butter. At Chappell, against C. O. Swanson and Loeten Mercan tile; Lincoln count', against A. F. Beeler and G.W. Brown of Hershey: Kimball county, W. J. Davis, F. M. Woolbridge, B. K. Bushee and J. S. Bradt. Prosperous York. Contractors report more building contracts for York this spring than for years past The brick yard is putting In a new stock and kiln and otherwise improving the ' plant to make a capacity of 30,000 bricks a day and the new postoffice and Elks' building will make great activity in York building trades. Was Nurse in Civil War. Peru. Mrs. Julia A. Prouty who died here, came to Nebraska with her husband, in 1847. They were among the earliest settlers of Peru. When the civil war broke out, Mrs. Prouty went with her husband to the front and served by his side in the capacity of' an army nurse. Nebraska Banks All Right Lincoln. Nebraska banks have emerged from the panic sounder than ever. So declares Secretary E Royse of the state banking board in the monthly report. There has been an increase of 3 per cent in the legal reserve and a decrease In bills pay able. Old Soldier Killed on Track. Y. P. Murted, a paroled inmate of the Soldiers' home at Miiford, was killed near Burnham by Burlington passenger train No. 2. He was at tempting to cross the track. I Murderer Hamblin Pleased. Grand Island. John Hamblin, con victed murderer of Rachel Engie. is pleased with the decision of the su preme court in modifying the judg ment of the lower court by substitut ing imprisonment for the death pen alty. Barkley Delivers Bonos, -Lincoln. W. B. Barkley. jr., who recently contracted to' furnish: $424,- 00 in bonds to the state, delivered I a block of $150,000. A Chicago Arm undertook to All the bill and failed to do so. NEBRASKA PfflMTERS STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON , DENSCD FORM. MnESS.nLnrjMPNLB What Is O4og on Here aod There that ie of Interest to the Readers Rates to the Padflc coast this mer, it is said, will be cheaper than for some time. The cases of smallpox at Gretna have disappeared and no new devel opments are recorded. Columbus had fifteen saloons last year, and applications are in for the same number this year. Mrs. Anna Maxwell for thirty-one years matron of the Nemaha county poor farm died last week. The Paddock hotel block in Beat rice has been sold to Telford' Wat son, two Chicago capitalists. With mumps and scarlatina pretty much out of the way Guide Rock is now having a tussel with chicken pox. Sutherland has for sometime been advocating a water works system, and now the authorities are about to favorably act. A preacher at Utlca who denounced women who attend kenslngtons was pounced upon by three irate hus bands and badly beaten. A petition in involuntary bank ,ruptcy has been flled in federal court against Faugler I. Munneke, a dry goods merchant of Pawnee City. The ladles' auxiliary society to the Young Men's Christian association of Fremont has swelled the membership to 500 and expects to soon increase it to 1,000. Daniel Freeman, the first home steader in Nebraska, was brought to his home in Gage county from Okla homa on a stretcher. He is quite sick, but his condition is not serious. A 'refrigerating plant to cost about $1,600 will be bought by the board of public lands and buildings for the penitentiary. This cost will not in clude power or a motor to operate it. At a regular meeting of the town board the petition of T. A. Clements to. con vert the village of Wilber into a city of the second class was laid on the table. Nothing further will be done in the matter. Jennie Braf of Leigh has been re reported by the deputy state food com missioner for prosecution on a charge of selling unbranded cheese. Cheese in packages s subject to the same branding regulations as package but ter. A leak in the gasoline tank of an automobile owned by Dr. E. F. Ste wart of Beatrice caused the machine to blow up on the highway four miles southwest of Beatrice. The machine caught fire and was practically de stroyed. At Nebraska City a city baseball league has been organized with M. R. Thorp, president; John C. Miller, sec retary, and Richard Schanot official umpire; F. H. Marnell, H. B. Swalley and George M. Thomas as a board of managers. The students of Peru will enjoy a short vacation from April 2 to 6 In clusive. This is the time of meet ing of the majority of the district teachers' associations in which many of the members of the faculty will participate. Stanton E. Mansfield of York has been reported to County Attorney R. E. Randall for prosecution on a charge of selling adulterated cream of tartar. An analysis of a sample by State Chemist Redfern revealed the presence of phosphate of lime. Arrangements for the boys' corn growing contest in Gage county to be held next fall, are about completed. Seeds have been purchased from two of the best corn growers in that part of the state, and it is planned to make the contest even larger than the one held last year. The Commercial club of Central City has decided to go after the Union Pacific railroad and induce it. if possible, to rescind its order com pelling all passengers on westbound train to get on and off the cars on the north side of the track. At the last meeting of the club a resolution was adopted setting forth the disad vantages and' hardships imposed upon passengers by this regulation. The town board of Valentine, through their chairman, W. S. Bar ker, applied to Congressman M. P. Kinkaid last December for the north west quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of 30-34-27. then a part of the Fort Niobrara military reservation, to be granted to Valen tine for the purpose of using the land as a site for a reservoir and a dam for water to furnish power to pump water and run electric light system. Mr. Barker has received a message that congress has granted his request and that the land (240 acres) comes to Valentine without the payment of a dollar. The foundation for the new Catho lic church at Falrbury has been com pleted, and now the remainder of the work will go briskly -forward The Guthrie boys, who farm the land lying to the north and west of Exeter cemetery, had put out some fire to help clean off some of the trash which had accumulated. The wind went suddenly from south west to north and blew a gale. The fire took up across the corn stubble and from there to the cemetery, go ing like a race horse and burning everything clean as if went, doing much damage. The assessors of Dodge county at a recent meeting fixed $55 as the basis for their valuations of unimproved land in their county. Four years ago, and for each succeeding year, the basis was $53 an acre for improved land. G. P. E. Haldln, the manager of the Stroauburg Electric light Heat aad Power company,, sold out his en tire Interest in the plant to Elmer Jeffreys of Benedict, who will take charge of the same at once. Mr. Haldia expects to move to Denver the forepart of May and will take his family overland .by automobile. Tie State Capital Matters off General Interest rsoM marasmus yeas e Utterly Disregard the Law. Believing that express companies have shown no disposition to obey the law but on the contrary have manifested a reckless disregard for the law and have defied It In nearly every Instance, Attorney General Thompson has refused to consent to the dismissal of the criminal suit of the state In the Lancaster county court to compel the companies to pay flues for failure to flle reports with the state railway commission as re quired by law. This statement was made by the attorney general in reply to a request from Attorney R. W. Breckenridge of Omaha to have the case dropped and devote time to other litigation which he says in volves more Important litigation. In his letter Mr. Breckenridge says the information in regard' to salaries of officers of express companies was not furnished in the form desired by the railway commission, but that the facts were placed before the commis sion, and he promises to place it ia proper form. The attorney general's letter Is as follows: "I have your letter of March 18. relative to the criminal suits insti tuted in this county against the ex press companies. You suggest that these suits should be withdrawn for the reason the companies subsequent to the bringingrof these actions filed the information with the state rail way commission which it was re quired -to file and which it was in de fault of furnishing at the time the suits were instituted. "I know of no conduct on the part of these express companies that merits the clemency you suggest. They have shown little or no dispo sition to obey the law. On the con trary they have manifested a reckless disregard for the law and have defied it in nearly every instace. Their at titude has been both exasperating and reprehensible. I know of no reason why express companies, conducting themselves in this way and manner, should be treated differently than an individual who has been charged with" a violation of a penal law and who is believed to be guilty." Showing of Nebraska Banks. The quarterly statement of Nebras ka state banks, compiled by Secretary Royse of the banking board, shows an Increase of half a million dollars in deposits as compared with the amount one year ago. Whjle this in crease is smaller than usual, it is considered a good showing for a period covering the recent panic. The report shows the condition of banks at the close of business February 28. Deposits decreased $321,830 since November 30, 1907. The deposits February 28 aggregated $64,114,319. Secretary Royse said ot the showing., "It will be seen thax the banks of Nebraska have emerged from the re cent financial troubles in a very strong and healthy condition, the average reserve of thirty-five per cent, being two and one-third, times the legal requirement "While the Increase in deposits is not so great as has been reported in recent years, it must be remembered that the country has just experienced a financial panic, the effect of which, however. Is not so very pronounced among the banks of Nebraska, ex cept in the shrinkage of loans of nearly $200,000.00, which indicates that the people are slowing up a little and paying their debts. "The increase of three per cent in legal reserve and the decrease of $47,000.00 in bills payable and notes and bills rediscounted shows that the banks at this time are stronger and better prepared than ever to meet any emergency that might arise." Contract? of the State. This week the Board of Purchase and Supplies will make contracts for food and clothing for the wards of the state. In the thirteen institutions in which the state maintains wards there was a population of 4.331 last fall. This includes officers, employes and inmates. To feed this army of people three months it is estimated that 43.000 pounds of sugar will be required. According to the consoli dated report of the state accountant who has gone over the estimates. 32,525 pounds of beef will be needed, besides 600 pounds of liver and 21. 620 pounds of chuck beef, and 8,730 pounds of pork and 8.850 pounds of bacon. Chewing tobacco is one of the luxuries, bought by the state for its wards. The superintendents of institutions ask for a total of 835 pounds of smoking and 3,018 pounds of "eating" tobacco. Coal oil amount ing to 1.050 gallons, and 1.675 gallons of gasoline are on the list. Lease of State Lands. Deputy Land Commissioner J. M. Shlvely has returned from a land leasing trip. He visited Antelope, Sheridan. Brown and Sioux counties and leased all the state land except one traot in Antelope county and half a section in Brown county. He leased 1,120 acres in Sioux county on the appraised value of $1 an acre and in addition received for the state a cash bonus of $106. In Antelope county he leased one eight acre tract of state land on an appraised value of $12 an acre. Complain of Oil Rate. A representative of the Kansas Co operative Reining company of Chan ute, Kas., called on the Railway com mission to make a complaint against the Santa Fe for charging exorbitant rates for tho shipment of oil into Nebraska. The oil man said the rates from Chaaute to Weber, Kan, 2S flee, was $21 a car; the rate from Weber to Superior, nine miles. is $22 a car, and only one-half mile of tale distance Is in Nebraska. He wants a better rate out of the-town of Superior for his goods. lag the decision of the Uafced States supreme court In the nUnnesnts rate cane. Attorney General Thompson urged the adoption of a nuaenre that would restrain circuit courts, tho creatures of toterfer- ence at legislatioa after the state courts had gt la tho matter .and tho the United States court of the findings of tho state latioa to this effect i A reso- time ago at i general hi St of attorneys. Mr. says: "The recent ruling in tho Minnesota case emphasizes the wisdom of tho resolutions passed by tho convention of attorneys general and the necessi ty of congress to enact a .statute ia conformity therewith. There is no constitutional impediment to tho en actment of such a statute since the federal courts, inferior to the United States Supreme court are creatures of congress and their jurisdiction and authority may be limited and cob trolled by that body. In my judg ment the vexation produced by the granting of injunctions against state officers, which has the effect to sus pend state statutes by the power of the federal courts on an ex parte showing, may be effectively removed without injury to the rights of any one by the enactment of a statute, by congress, embodying tho idea sug gested la the foregoing resolution. "I may add that there would be no necessity for an act of congress in conformity with the suggestions in the resolution adopted by the attorneys general were the federal judges throughout the country as considerate or the interests of the state in sucU, cases as are the district federal judges of Nebraska." Anti-Pass Suit Appealed. The anti-pass suit flled against Dr. David T. Martin was appealed to the supreme court. Martin is a Union Pacific surgeon. He was prosecuted under the King act and won out. Tho state has appealed. This suit is ex pected to determine the constitution ality of the King act." The definition of what constitutes the major portion of a surgeon's time will be emphas ized. In the bill of exceptions filed by County Attorney Hensley and J. J. Sullivan, the latter acting, as special counsel, it is stated that Martin re ceived $30 a year in addition to his pass. Edson Rich represents the Union Pacific in the suit The bill of exceptions denies that Dr. Martin comes under any of tho exceptions named as follows: Of ficers, agents, bona fide employes, the major portion of whose time is de voted to the service of such railrod company, and the dependent mem bers of their immediate families: children under 7 years of age; of ficials and linemen of telegraph com panies, ex-employes retired from service on account of age or because of disability sustained while in the service of said railroad company and the dependent members of their im mediate families, or the widows or de pendent children of employes killed while in the service of such railroad companies ; necessary caretakers of live stock. " poultry, vegetables and fruit including transportation to and from the point of delivery; employes of sleeping car companies and ex press companies and railway mail service employes; newsboys on trains baggage agents and persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending them. Better Than He Hoped. Governor Sheldon, says a Washing ton dispatch, who came here with a representative delegation of live stock growers and shippers for the purpose of securing an abatement or liftnlg of the quarantine against scabies, as defined by the bureau of animal in dustry of the Agricultural department, will leave the national capital better satisfied over the results attained than he honed for when he left Ne braska. No License Issued. Insurance Commissioner Pierce has refused to issue a license to the Dela ware Fire Insurance company of Do "ver to transact business in Nebras ka during the current year. The company has been doing business in this state, buf the insurance depart ment is not satisfied with its condi tion as shown by its annual state ment Must Give Bills of Lading. , The railway commission, after con sidering a complaint of creamery companies, has decided to Issue an order requiring all transportation companies to give bills of lading or receipts for all goods offered for ship ment, the receipts to he given on de mand of the shipper. To Present Silver Service. Governor Sheldon and his military staff will probably start for Saa Fran cisco April 26 to present a silver service to the- battleship' Nebraska and to witness the review 'of the United States fleet The review is 9 take place May 8. . National Corn Shorn. The Nebraska com commission held a meeting at the Llndell hotel ' at which it urns decided to can a meeting of the county organisers to be held in Lincoln where plans for the work ahead will be perfected. The commission plans la the end to secure exhibits for the national corn show to be held In Omaha next December.- Efforts wfll be made to in terest people in various counties in eorn growing aad in the holding of county shows in the fall. These will be visited by the commission. State After Lee Grior. The attonrney general Jtos filed a motioa for a rehearing ia the case oC Lee Grier of Omaha, who was charged with embezzling fines collected by him as clerk of the poliee court. Tho supreme court recently reversed tho ease and the state acmtfar m rehear ing, alleging that at uo'ttme was it claimed the prosepnChni 'wen prawn ture or that Grier and farther time- In which to place tho moawy hi tho school fundi The state afligta that, tho tndinctment under which ho was tried was proper in X c 5to? .A fe '..- Siyka "i'i ww i ii'niMipwiilByr i-s&i &5 vytg-aaK&g a ?ini$ 7 ii