The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 01, 1908, Image 1

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" ' -j - . euunwmaUrmPUUBVBBJBy x v . . -.,
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with the Gotambus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1006.
"l y . --J". -
-.-"A. . i,
I Business Men
DM Yes ever
How easy it is for a member
in the association to borrow
maqr on his stock, with
which he ctn discount a bill
of goods. .''.It puts him in a
position to buy his roerchan
disaNMGllSII. When he
sellshis goods.if be desires, he
may repay the moaey to. the
Building Association. Try
planing $4 00 or 96 00 a week
is series "S" of the Ooianbus
Lead. Loan and Building As
sodatieau See Heary Hock,
eaberger, secretary.
Hockenberger &
OaU 40
Wheat ... 80
Bye '- 62
Corn : 51
Baricyj , 40
Hogs, top SB 35
1 I mi
Files of the Joarnal April 1, 1874.
-J. G. Boateon takes the place of John
Haber oa the nail aad atage route float
Oelaaibas to Madison.
We maderstand that J. A. Baker will
.erect a two story brick baaineas hoase
oa Nebraska" Aveaae adjointas: the oae
to beerected by Messra. Turner & HuUt.
' The Loup Fork is bow croeable again
by a temporary bridge coastructed in
. about a week. The aieano, forbuildins;
' this bridge were faraisbed by the busi
ness mea of Oolumbaa, and the cost of
it will not exosad 3S0.
Messrs. Tamer k Hoist bays purchas
ed tlweoraer lot oa Twelfth street aad
l(ebraskaATaefnm J.A.Bkerapoa
lirhioh they will erect a two&tory build
tag 22x0S feet. The lower story will be
ased as a haakiag hoase, the apper for
a hall. These geatleeaea will oocapr
. their old oBoe oa Elereath street as a
haak, aalil their new building is com
pleted. The spriag prairie fires are agaia in
working order. Scarcely aa erening
psssssaow but we can see from oar
dweUiag aaassroas fire, some nearby,
and others at a distance. Notwith
standing large amoaats of property are
aaaaally destroyed by these fires, yet
these scums to be a reckless carelessness
oa the part of those who set them out,
that is difficult to account for. We be
lieve that each individual of the com
munity cannot exercise too much cau
tion in regard to gettiasr out these fins,
as the past damages inflicted upon pro
perty holders of the state has been im
mense. Property owners should guard
withm watchful eye and hand against
these fires, by making use of every pro
tection within their power.
Eamara AttafttMa.
The executive committee of the Oo
lambas Farmers ! Institute have been
asked by the commission for the Nation
al Corn Exposition to organize and inter
est the farmers of Platte county in mak
iag a collective exhibit of cora for the
eomiag corn show. To farther this
matter the execative committee requests
all farmers interested in corn growing to
meet at the Fireman's hall at 2 p. bl, on
Saturday, April 11; for the purpose of
disrassiac the raising of corn for this
exposition To enooarage the matter
the State Beard of Agriculture will offer
liberal premiums for the best corn raised
by each county.
' Albert Stksork, Sec'y.
Ts TaaPmalie.
The Union Pacific will sell round trip
tickets tp San 'raaciaco, Los Aagelea
aad Sua Diego far the "arrival of the
fieet" at rate of $60.00. tickets oa sale
April 4th 5th-25ta-26ih, good for return
limit of sixty days. Ask the ticket clerk
aboat it. E. O. Browx, Agent.
TlwStw CalMiaM
Successor to John Cover k Oa, will
leanest Msreh 1st. Highest cash
i paid for hides aad jaak. Call or
writs as for prices. The aew Oolambus
i Oow, ColamlNM, Nabr.
We hare a largo atnek of coal. Rook
Maitlaad, Zeigler, Treatba,
r, Ooldea Ash, aad Monarch
in lamp aad ant.. Also Penan, hard
esal w-all aatea. NewmWAWekch.
Fam Far Sals.
The Kerr esUU,se 1-4 1-184)
dae north of Moaree. Call en er
. a B. Watts. Monroe. Neb.
Bte TnajFar Salt.
Warn. F. Bath, one half miU east of the
Bsaaugfha Jar sals sll aisos of aim
Mr. aad Ma. Wm. Connor of Shell
Creak towaahin are much eoucsrned
over the disappsaraace of their son 8sm,
who was hbUI March 90, attending the
Commercial college in this city. At the
time of his disappsaraace he was board
iag at the Central hotel. nd on that
evening a young mo, who was a stran
ger in the city, called for him. He was
informed that Sam had gone to his home
iu the country, and remarked that lie
thought ha could overtake him before be
noes far. Sam was about twenty-one
years of age and had no bad habits. He
had beea attending the college dunag
the winter aad was taking grant interest
in his studies. It was his iateatioa to
drop his studies ia about two weeks, and
then work for Chris Hilmer ib Shell
Creek township. So far his friends and
relatives have beea unable to get any
trace of him. and his disappearance ia
very much of a mystery to them:
Colambas people are known, far and
near, aa amoBg those who enjoy an out
ing, both hunting aad fishing. We now
have a game protective association that
bids fair to do much in the way of im
proving conditions in this vicinity. It
might be well for the general public to
know that this organization has about
150 members nt present, and names are
added almost daily. Those who are in
the habit of paying no attention to the
game laws had belter take a second
thought when they are out shooting or
fishing, for this association is going to do
all in their power to enforce the law.
The better way is tor all to assist ia the
protection of game birds that are to be
liberated, aad help tbe association to
succeed in their undertaking.
Last Friday Clarence Umland, son of
J. N. Umland, had an experience with a
railroad torpedo that he will not care to
go through again. A box which had
contained a supply of torpedoes had
been taken to the Umland home for use
as a hen's nest, and among the excelsior
the boy discovered a torpedo. His
curiosity led him to investigate what the
torpedo would do when expolded and he
placed it oa an old stove and struck, it
with a hand axe. The result was a bad
wound under the.cbin and one on the
side of the knee, which the required the
attendance of a physician. The boy if
getting along nicely nt preseat and will
soon recover from the effects of the ex
plosion. ?""
G. D. Meiklejoha received a letter this
week fromG. B Nunnally, better known
as "Antelope Dusk." G. B. is now locat
ed at Coffey ville, Kas , and has attached
M. D. to his name, and is boosting a line
of p'atent medicines for a Coffey villeoon
cern. Dick will be remembered among
the old timers here for he was the first
publisher of a newspaper in Nance
county which he called the Magnet and
published it at Genoa. Ha married a
daughter of Royal Smith, but after
wards was divorced. Fullerton News
Journal. The aaaual meeting of the assessors of
Platte county was held at the court
house Monday afternoon, sll the pre
cincts being represented except St. Ber
nard. The assessiag of values this year
was thoroughly discussed and County
Assessor Clark instructed the deputies
to assess all property at its fair actual
value. While there was no inflexible
rule adopted, the assessors will try to
make the values of live stock, grain, eta,
as new uniform as possible, to lighten
the work of the board of equalization.
Helen Louise Biedinger of Humphrey
died at the hospital Monday, aged 11
years, death being due to heart trouble.
She was born in Humphrey March 37,
1897. Her sickness was of only ten days'
duration and she was brought to tbe
hospital a week before her death. Tbe
body was shipped to Humphrey Monday
evening and the funeral will be held
from the Catholic church Wednesday
asoming, April 1.
The tri-ennial county convention of
the Modern Woodmen of America of
Platte county will be held in this city
today (Wednesday) at 11 a. m., in Wood
men balL There will be twenty-three
delegates aad Colambas, Humphrey,
Platte Center and Monroe will be repre
sented This convention selects a dele
gate and alternate to attend the state
convention at Lincoln.
Beginning today (Wednesday) the
Grand Island local freight, which was
taken off some time ago, will be put on
again. The local freight which has been
handling this business had more than
eaeagh to do, and the present change i
the result. Conductor A. J. Smith, who
hadthia run regular before, will return
to ColuaUmi agaia, aad resume bis
Dimiu Bruckner, colored, filed a com
plaint in police court chargiBgOilie Fox
of Omaha with stealiag her purse, eon-
taning a3i.G0ui cash. A warrant was
placed in the hands of the sheriff and
the deendent brought up Cor trial Tans
dayasorniag. The evidence was such
that Oeuaty Attorney Heasley disea
sed the case Before it wasisiehed.
of Du
Henry Dermaa were before Police Judge
O'Bnea Monday charged with
drank aasloBsorderly and were
$1 andeasta each. Andrew draw a roll
of bilk aad liquidated km assessment.
but Henry was snmasllsd to lay bis nut
Try the Victoria cigar..
Wall paper at Leavy's.
Dra. Paul aad Mataea, Dentists.
Use 8ole Proof for Soon, Leavy's.
' Dr. VaUiar.OaiiSlh.Bnrbsrhsenk.
Dry stove wood for aula J. W. My let.
Dr. W. H. 8Jstor. veterinarian, phone
People who get results advertise am the
Dr. C.A. AUeebarger, offkw ia new
State Bank building.
Miss Hazel Clark ana beea oa the siek
list for the past week.
The city schook are haviag their usual
spriag holiday Una week.
' McOaUpatternal0andl5oenUatthe
Fitzpatrick Dry Ooode Store.
Tom Lyoae of St. Edward visited
with Columbus friends this weak.
Bora,oaTharsday.Maroh 2a, to Mr.
and Mm. J. B. Tachady, a daughter.
F. F. Clark of Creetoa was a guest at
thsboaieof Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Magill
on Monday.
A nice line of wedding rings jast re
ceived at Carl Froamel'e, Eleventh
street jeweler.
Six of the bast farms in Nance county
for sale on easy teraas. Address Boss &
Lamb, Genoa, Nebr.
G. A. Lutz left Monday on a weeks'
business trip to Chicago, Detroit and
other potato in the east.
Arthur Mitchell of David City ia visit
ing this week in Columbus at the home
of his grandmother, Mrs. Hannah
For Sale Harness shop doing good
business, also shoes repair shop ia con
nection. Call on or address Peter Mnn
ter, Monroe, Neb.
Wanted, agents to make asore moasy
than acting aa other agents. In the
best, organization in the world. Address
N. B. CL, Monroe, Nebr.
Lost. A small tan terrier- Had on
collar the words "Doofey McKelvey" in
scribed. Finder pisses retura to this
oSteasfsaeivwwatij ., ...
County Superintendent Lecroa's office
at the court hoase is being freshened
with new paper aad a fresh ooatof paint,
making it much mora pleasant.
640 acres choice pasture and meadow
land seven miles from Genoa, pries til
per acre. Easy teraas. Must be sold in
39 days. Rose k Lamb, Genoa, Nebr.
Frank Vavreka of Schuyler died nt
the hospital last Thursday aad was
buried Friday at 8 a. m. from the Catho
lic charch, Father Mareelliaus omciat
ing. Miss Florence Kramer returned last
Friday from tor extended visit ia the
east. While in Washington. D.C Mies
Kramer was the gaestof Ooagreaaman
J. F. Boyd and family.
B. 8. Palmer the tailor, cleaa, dyes
and repairs Ladies and Gents clothing.
Hats cleaned aad reblocked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Germania Dye
Works. Nebraska Phone.
Mr. and Mrs. Gea Muellenix retarned
to their home at 8pragae, Washington,
last 8unday after a visit with thelatters
folks, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoub. They
were accompanied by Miss Mary Staub.
Ellis Williams of Genoa and Miss Bes
sie Kalsrck of Crete are bow employed
in the dry goods department of tbe
Gray Mercantile Oa Mr. Williams tak
ing Mr. Tiffany's place f and Miss Kal
arck, Mrs. Murphey' place.
JohnW. Early left Wednesday for
Aurora, where ha haa been offered the
management of the electric light plant.
Mr. Early is one of the rising electricians
of the state and should he accept the
poaitioB the management wUlbeassar-
ed of a first class
Rev Arthur E. Cash, formerly of
Columbus, but now of Albion was ia the
city Monday, earouto hoase from Cen
tral City.- Bev. Cash will soon take
charge.of his aew Said, Crate and Geao
va, this state, to which he was appoiatod
some time ago, amkiag hie laaidenoeat
John Bagaa, a resident of Platte
cboaty for Uirty-Sve years, died at the
hospital Saturday aighL The remains
were shipped to Platte Center Sunday
evening and the fuaeral was held from
the St. Josepha eharoh Monday at 9 a.
m. He leaves a wife who Uvea in Platte
H. E. Maaselmsa, a well known rail
road maa, employed on the Union Pacific
breaches oat of this city for the last ten
years, bought the furniture aad fixtures
of the Man hotel last week of Aagust
Man. Mr. Maaaslmsa will eeatinae the
hotel on the aame plan aa before and
will no doubt enjoy a large trade.
N. J. Gentleman, who
to aiaetoea years in the
the murder af
Center, will be
at Platte
, his to)
hietermwBsredBeed to
thie with km good time
Ha wiO gate
Uibnlli Spiciil
The -panic left a great
aaaaj nianufacturen over
stocked last fall, caused by
couotermands " from the
Bterchaats. I hare pro
cared anumber of Wizard
SUk Umbrella. with gold,
aad solid sterljag silver
handles valued regularly at -
I shall put them on sale for
a short time at -.
We will also eSgrave your
Bsoaograui in tka latest rib
bon style free. iThe mono
gram alone is worth $2.00
The handles are 'warranted
for five years. 1
Jeweler & Optician
Lee's Stock Food at Leavy's. '
Dr. Neumann. Dentist 13 St.
Dr. L. P. Carstenson J Veterinarian
G. B. Prieb.
paintiag andj paper
printing doae at tbe Jour-
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr office new Oolum
bms State Bank building.
Mrs. Robert Wagner; who has beea
seriously ill with the grip, is improving.
Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully
cleaned and repaired at Carl Froemel's,
Eleventh street jeweler.
, Miss Mammie Jenny of Leigh was a
guest at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Jacob
Glur of few days lsst week.
Oscar Hegel went to Omaha .Monday
afternoon where be has taken a position
with aarautomobile
T W. W VM.11I2 at.
,mj, x. a-uiiuppa was si at. aavna
from Saturday until Monday, looking
after his See quarter section of land in
that locality.
Henry Swagert, aged 40 years, died at
the hospital Friday night and the funer
al was held from the Gass undertaking
rooaw Monday.
FOUND A Galloway fur mitten.
Owner can have same by calling at the
Journal office, proving property and
paying for this notice.
George Benson of Waterbury, Conn.,
a former Columbus citizen, arrived in the
city. Tuesday evening, and expects to lo
cate in this dtj again.
E. H. Chambers left Wednesday 'for
Tulsa, Oklahoma, to look after eome gas
and oil wells owned by himself and oth
er residents of Columbus.
But one marriage license was issued
by Judge Ratterman during tbe last
week, the couple being Geo. W. Neks
nnd Belle Lenore Ager of Denver, Cola
A telegram from Wheatland, Wyo.,
last Thursday, brought the news of tbe
serious illness of Dick Bruggeman with
an attack of pneumonia. His condition
serious and bis brother Fred- left at
oaee for Wheatland.
John Hebda, charged with wife beat
ing, was up for trial last Thursday. He
was bound over to the district court,
hia bond being placed at $200, whioh he
was unable to procure, and be is now
confined in the county jail.
Liaeala-Calaaibas Bowling Hatch.
An enthusiastic crowd of bowlers
witnessed the match between tbe Lincoln
and Columbus teams at Hegel's bowling
alley Taesdsy evening, which resulted
in a victory for Columbus. Three games
were played, Columbus winning two and
Lincoln one. During the match the
Columbus City Band furnished some ex
cellent musia Following k the score:
tot. 3d. 3d. Total.
Brian. U 137 IB) KK
Haant 304 IU 1 471
Davis 141 125 - lzs .an
8 MS IS m n
8aedd MS 167 175 MB
TBI 891 674 2MM
.. . tot. Si. 3d.' Total.
Nichols .142 ltt 145 430
Sawyer ...Jtt 157 149 498
Wav 131 141 151 4a
Baall 114 130 MS 413
Haselv .....141 158 198'- 48
. t n ia 78S v asi
ward Republican club, Friday evening
Aprils, at the council chamber, for the
purpose of cdmpletiag its organisa-Uoa-
All republican voters of the
Fourth ward are cordially invited to At
tend. ' CowxrrrsB.
Quite Likely..
"We thought,-' aaid the reporter,
"you ndght care to say something
jAeux, these chargesagainst you."
"Ne," replied the crooked public of
leml. "I believe that 'slleace Is gnl-
"Wll- ntntUxl tlMt rnnrtop "nan.
haas the' public might beUeve it's
BMrely gilt ia this case." FhUadel-
The Second annual baaqaot of the
Colambas Commercial olah. held at Ue
Maannerchor hall last Thursday evening
was ample evidence that the orisjaalza
tioa is doing some effective Jboostiag for
Colambas. Aboai'two haadred ssem
bars ware preseat at the aweting and
banquet, which was eenred by the ladies
ofthePresbyteriaacharca. Beprsasat
stives were present from the Oomssereisl
dabs of Fremont and Central City, aad
these with members of the local elnb
made short talks on the growth and pros
perity of Columbus daring the last
year. But the oae tsiag all were iatec
estad was the power, oaaal project. Pater
Schmitt. the Shell Creek miller, who
had just returned from a trip to Spokane
and the northwest, told of the wonder
ful development made there by tbe utili
sation of water power, and compared
that city before the plants ware develop
ed with Columbus at the present time.
H. E. Baboock, who haa been a permteat
worker for the project, was the -last
speaker, and he had asore encourage
ment to offer than since the beginning
of hm work. Hia talk was of -great in
terest to everyone present, nnd he ex
plained the disunities which had to be
surmounted and what had been done.
That the audience appreciated his efforts
was made manifest by tbe adoption of
a resolution that the Commercial Olab
express thanks to Messrs. H. E. Baboock
F. Jaeggi and Mr. Winkler for their un
tiring efforts to finance this great power
canal undertaking, and in tbe further
resolution that the Columbus Com
mercial Club fully endorses the Loup
river power canal project and will fur
ther it by a-skting tbe gentlemen in
their work. The rearrangement of the
wards in the city necessitated tbe elec
tion of an entire new board, whioh w
composed of the following gentlemen:
First ward L. Jaeggi, G.W.Viergutz,
G. Frischholz. Chas. F. 8egelke, F. J.
Kersenbrook, W. J. Walters.
Second ward Sam Gass, jr.,0. B.
Speice, George Fairehild, Chas. Wurde-
man, 8. J. Byaa, Jacob Greisen. y
Third ward B. & Dkskinsoo, Gas
Becher, jr., G. a Sheldon, H. A. Clark,
C.J. Garlow.
Fourth ward G. W. Philips. M. D.
Karr, J. 8. Nichols, Frank Gerharz,
Henry Bagatz.
The foHowieg from tbe Fremont Tri
bane, written by one who was preseat
is of interest and covers the ground:
Various features of water power de
velopment for Nebraska were discussed
enthusiastically at the annual meeting
oftho Commercial olab at Columbus
lsst night. Bepreeeatatives were pre
sent from Fremont, Schuyler, Central
City. Grand Island and other towns.
Those who went from here were Presi
dent O. F. Turner of the Fremont club,
E. C. Misner and H. C. Richmond. .
H. E. Baboock, who for fourteen
years has been active ia the promotion of
of the Columbus canal project, made tbe
principal address of the evening on the
canal subject. He is- most sanguine
over prospects, and altho prominent
engineers have declared the Fremont
scheme to be the more feasible, Mr. Bab
cock still pins his faith to the one of the
Platte county town. He consoled the
Fremont delegates by saying thnt since
the power could be transmitted from
Columbus to Fremont with a loss of
but a tenth of one per cent, it would be
no particular advantage to the latter
place to have its project developed, in
preference to the one nt Columbus. It
would mean great things not only for
Fremont and Columbus, but for other
Nebraska towns and the state.
Mr. Babcock introduced Mr. Jaeggi of
Switzerland who made the statement
that he 'presented a foreign company
that was ready to take two and a quar
ter million dallors worth of bonds for
the scheme provided it got backing for
the balance.
Babcock wants to see a twelve million
dollar power scheme developed. It
means 200.000 horsepower, whereas the
five-mrllion dollar scheme means but
50,000. He estimates tbe canal could be
built in n year and n half by 800 men and
900 teams.
The Commercial club meeting was a
large one. Nearly all of the three hun
dred members 'were preseat. Leaflets
containing the following resolutions of
the Omaha Commercial olnb endorsing
the proposed plant were distributed:
"Your committee on manufactures, to
which was referred the matter of tbe
proposed water-power development of
the Loup river, as presented by Mr. H.
E. Babcock, begs to report as follows:
"First Four committee has examiaed
the reports of soate of the engineers who
have-examined the plans and who pro
aoanced the project feasible in every
respect aad that the earning powern of
such a development would undoubtedly
be great.
"Second The reports show that the
Loup river k one of the most uniformly
flowing stream that the United States
geological survey haa ganged aad that
successive developmeats are possible,
the first development beiag capable of
Droduotng fO.OOO horse power on n
twelve-hour basis every day in the year,
Successive developments will greatly iu
orease the amount of power available, a
total of 800,000 horse power oa a twelve
hour basis being possible.
Third Reports show that there is a
market in Omaha. South OmahaGoaa-
eil Bluffs aad other adjacent cities er
approximately 40,000
to electric, reads ia alaee of
aad a third de-
it waald soon become a
Jty. .
Fourth That the coat of the first de
velopmsat will be aeproxiaMtely 94,000-
000 for 50,000 horse power,' twelve-bour
ssrvies eaoh day of the year, delivered to
Omaha or other points equally- distant
from the power plant.
"Fifth That we are assured that
capitalists aad manufacturers of ' S
eial strength are satisfied that this power
development would be n vary profitable
lavesUasnt aad that they stand ready to
assist ia finanoiag the project and that
a corporation ia soon to be organist d
known aa tbe Nebraska Power compaay,
with aa authorised capital of 9l2.0u0.00o
aad aa authorised bond issue of 98,000-
000. '
"Your committee believes that the de
velopment of this project would be of in
estimable value to Oasaha aad to the en
tire atato of Nebraska. Every city with
in 100 mikaof the Columbus power pl.tnt
would receive a great impetus in its
growth. The growth of our neighboring
cities would still farther increase tbe
rapid growth of oar great jobbing inter-
Bat aut of all. it would give Omaha
that cheap power which would result in
bringing large factories here, factories
that woa'd employ from 2,000 to 9,000
workmen. While Omaha ia probably ss
favored as Kansas City, Minneapolis.
Chicago or St. Louis, in the price of
steam power or electric pro wer generat
ed by steam pleats, it is the view of your
committee that the- development -of the
Loup river power would give Omaha her
greatest need in becoming a great manu
f acturing city.'
"The cheap power would give Omaha
advantages over any of her rivals that
woald attract the attention of manu
facturera the entire country over.
"lour committee taererore recom
mends that' the Commercial olab of
Omaha indorses and encourages .the
building "of a hydro-electric power plant
aad believes that tbe general plans, i
outlined by Mr. Babcock, .are practical
andTahonld receive the assistance of the
Commercial elab aad the citizens of
Omaha and the entire stateot Nebraska."
marketad hoge in'PTatte
Center Monday.
Louis Bakeahua called at Was. Meuke's
Sunday eveaiagl
George Hageman ia in Frontier county
on a business trip.
John Albers of Monroe was visiting
with J. W. Albers Sunday.
Charles Coupon aad Miss Ida Soullier
were at Columbus Saturday.
John Saalfeld, jr., and family of route
Na 1. were visiting nt John Brunken's
Otto aad Ed Reims and Frank Adams
were hunting ducks and geeae on the
river Sunday.
Ray and Gay Kuntzelman went to
Monroe Saturday for n weeks' visit with
Mm. Gea Ifland.
The Short Creeks were entertained by
George and Alms Hageman Sunday eve
ning. Valentine won nil honors.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Campbell and fam
ily of the Oconee neighborhood were
visiting at Wm. Reese's last Friday.
Fred Mindrop and family of Roches
ter, N. Y., are expected home about the
middle of May to remain here during
Mr. Mindrnp'a vacation.
The young folks held a party at Peter
Schmitt's Sunday evening, and a good
time is reported. Prof. Koebke says the
young ladies of Shell Creek are excep
tionally nice.
In honor of her nineteenth birthday
the young friends of Miss Lena Goed
kln gave her a party last Friday evening
Cards furnished amusement for tbe eve-
ningandathree'eourse lunch was ser
Bev. Hilxinger of the Platte Center
Baptist church will occupy the pulpit of
the German Baptiat church on this route
every Sunday afternoon from 3 to 4
o'clock. Everyone cordially invited
Sunday school will be held from-2 to 3
The bachelors had a smoker at Ru
dolph Hageman's Saturday evening, and
you could have heard stories by old
timer, which would either make your
hair stand up straight or crack two mile
emilet. .At midnight a two course lunch
was served, after which each bachelor,
with all his smiles, struck out for his
respective quarters.
The Shell Creek, Cornet Baud met
Monday eveningat tbe sociable home of
Mr. aad Mm. Fred Behten, er., to cele
brate the wooden weeding of one of their
most active numbers, Wm. Behlen. nnd
the birthday of their lender, John Beh
len. A good time waa reported by sll
who attended, and the northern lights
were oat whan all returaed to their res
pective homes. Jack Botchers, oa his
way home from the wedding, had the
misfortune to break bis baggy and ha
waa compelled to'. walk home, leadiag
bis broncho. No serious daaaage. .
JeeenhL'tehigieshiagting hia
MissBdaa-Duabam. who
visiting at the home of W. A.
will retarn to 1
The most durable, by-
giciuvy ueauuiui ana
economical wall coat
ing. Made in sixteen
different tints and
white. Sold in care
fully sealed amd
properly labeled
Pollock Co.
Cot aar
leate la- f.
Carrier Na 5 was taking a
his annual vacation during the
Robert Kummer added a aeu
bouse to tbe improvements be is audriaaT
oahw place. v
L. Hahn moved to Columbus last week.
occupying tbeotdRickley place, owned,
by his son J. H. and L. P. Hahn will ran
the farm tbis.summer.
Carrier No. 5 was aot forgotten by ihe
newly- wedded couple on the route.
When he opened the mail hex be found
a liberal supply of cake, chocolate sandy
and oranges.
H. L. Olcott and Miss Ida Haaseiench
were married at Overton, Netk, Wedrfe
day. Tuey returned to their home on
Route 5 Thursday and that eveaiag t he
boys of the neighborhood gave t
old fashioned chivari.
Beat Be. L
John Ahemn. is discing his alfalfa thia ''
EdwrnAbreaaaoldnaa-fat hege1aet '
Friday. ' ' -r - "
Fanners on the roate have commenced
sowing grain. i
The schools on route Na 1 are having
vacations this week.
The Shell Creek tin eaa band expect
1 1 have a concert in tbe near future.
Albert Lemp is fixing up the old house
on hid land, which be recently purchased
from Joseph Henggler.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luscben brought
their two year o!d son to the hospital
last Monday for an operation for. a tum
or. '
Some of the farmers on Route 1 were
fighting flree last Wednesday -night on
account of the wind scattering fire fun
the straw pile.
Farmers sre busy in the fields but no
body in the neighborhood haestarld to
sow oats.
Oliver and Leonard Swanson are Lome
again from tbe Genoa High school, tbe
school having been closed on account f
scarlet fever.
Andew Nelson shipped hogs from St.
Edward last week and be is now out try
ing to buy an other load, but the h:igs
are nearly all picked up.
Gilbert Swanson. who got scared of
the hail storms and quit farming, has
sold hie burses at a private sale, but be
has yet about eight or ten tons of god .
prairie bay-he would like to sell, either
by the ton or otherwise.
laatiit Charch
Rev. D. W. Reinbart, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. m.; preaching by tbe paior.
11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Bible class Tues
day 8 p. m ; prayer meeting Thursday 8
p. m.; choir practice Saturday 7:30 p m.
Subject Sunday morning "A Permac-at
Memorial"; subject Sunday evesisg
"What naptist Believe."
We have the agency for the
famous Mnnstng Uuderweur, tbr
best popular priced Union Suit
on the market. Prices in mean
from 81.60 to 94.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, 91 and $115
In iwo piece garments we have
n spieenid line ready for your ia-
speetion' aad ranging m
irem ae toffw a garment.
early while the i
bones, J"! " M 1
haa been . asahT MM W -'
Oossman ! I '- faj .r
BBananm .bbb mm snw ami ami BBamma sr t
her hoase m. i" m m mr .
.y:. .-jirt, '."--?' .. '.
."Vii-t r"
kK' ' r.'U - -
x . t
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