The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 25, 1908, Image 4

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Ereeybody afcoold stand ap for Co
Thursday evening by
.down to tae aaaml Commer-
cwl daebaaquet at Maeuneicnor hall.
Geaeral Stoemel kas catered' upon
kis tea year terai cfjuprieoauteat for
tlia eurrender of Port Artknr to the
What a travesty of justice.
ly urougkt the
markets of the
.prioe ia the
and some of the
of the
why their Goveraor
ahoald be given the demo-
for president at
July. It m aaedleaa to
aay that oar William J. Bryaa and
utwcticaHy every democrat of Ne
hraahm don aot agree with them.
The maaagers of tho presidential
campaign of Secretary of War Wra.
H. Taft aaaouace that he is bow cer
taia of aomiaatioa oa the first ballot,
irreapectiveof the votes of aay sooth
en state. It menu there is really no
orgaaisafl republican party in these
states. One set of ansa, who hold the
federal appoiaUaeats, aad another set
who want to hold them, usually man
afje to send coatestiag delegations to
As txaueatioa, aad very often each
delegation is seated with half a vote,
aad sametimcn they loose out alto
gether. We hope before the conven
tion assets in Chicago on Jane 16,
Mr. TafVs nomiaatioa will be nude
in a body composed of .eight coua
cilaua and a mayor an opposition of
two is very slight They can never
bstractaay legislation or prevent
any appointment being confirmed.
Iaaar system of goverameat, for the
-spadofallooaceraed the opposition
shsald have a representation at least
that large. The republicaas of this
city have only put up two candidates
fin the council, R. S. Dickinson in the
Third ward aad Julias Nichols ia the
Fourth ward. We understand Mr.
Dickiasoa's right to a seat will not be
contested. The democrats have put
np J. C. Echols in opposition to Mr.
Nichols. Mr. Echols is a good nun,
we have no fault to find with him,
hat he should not accept thenomina-
A. W. Clark, the other demo
nominee, will surely be elected,
he has Urn time aad the experience for
taeontce. We are stiU in hopes that
asv democratic brothers will withdraw
Echols and their lominee for
The'vOmaha dailies announce that
the Commercial dab of that city has
asked the people of Douglas county to
vote bonds for $5,000,000 to build a
canal in order to have cheap
ower. If these bonds carry,
it will be a great blaming for Colum
bia and all eastern and central Ne-
and especially the city of
of experience in
ponmsend the utilising of
the Platte river for a newer canal. It
ia trae, it is nearer to Omaha than the
river, aad in addition to its own-
i the waters of the Loup, bat
the bettem of the Loup is day,
i efthe Loup are steady
, no matter how dry
, the Platte river bottom is
ami hi many places quick-
Often the Platte runs very low,
dries np altogether, aad no
haw large the reservoir they
amy ksiki, they can never get the of the Platte that can be
mi final the Loup. 8o wo hope the
Dspglss eeunty bonds will carry and
canal of the Loup will be
Xa ear hat imne we admitted, as we
inra in myor of a csb-
We alas slated that the
af the auyor's
nfiaaeoots creamm j batter haa
w. a. j
all tim year reaad.
all sand,
- w j
mnmammmmar. Vmmfihnmmvamwnmnk
ip -. .w - WW M m
flnrnwanV W JnnWnWPntfiBI T aTMnTstaMMQf
- masXJaajwitjrfoarneople. Rom
a. sjnsm nnsl "rsssjsjBsaaaj wa ssstaan)an
that each a ticket wotdd be
pat up. The rspakliniBs snrt dome
at.UwcaaaoU ahamasf. last
ereaiag. he jrepahoaM
proaspdy made a proposition to be
ssAisfied vnth oaeoMaoilaua in each
the Third aad Fourth wards, giving
the ieanuaimr six members to the
aad one member
of the school beard, aad the democrats
" . ". .
the mayor, cleric, treasurer, surveyor,
oolice indce aad the other member of
the achotoi board. -To oursarpriss, the
deasoomti refused this offer, for hrms
muchTas they can find no one who will
run for councilman ia the Third ward,
they are only conceding as one coua
dlman aad the water commiaaoaer.
Bight here we want to say we thiak
the mayor should have put his foot
down and insisted on the acceptance
of this fair offer. It is not so essential
a to what party ksaccessfal at a local
election, but by having a anion ticket
without a contest, this boose busiaess,
this buying and selling votes, which is
a reflection oa our whole town aad a
disgrace to those who encourage it,
would be practically doae away with.
The office of water commissioaor is not
a political office in any sense. Even
if the pay attached to it is a little
larger than the others, experieace aad
fitness should count, not politics. The
republicaas were williag to give up
the satire political machinery of the
city, all of the appoiative offices, and
in the interest of good government the
democrats should have acquiesced.
We trust the 'voters will see it as we
do and prove it by their votes.
Two' objections' naturally suggest
themselves to the layman to Judge
Wood's sentence of Harry Orchard to
death, with a recommendation' of
clemency, on his plea of guilty of hav
ing ssmsBiasted former Governor
Steunenberg of Idaho. If Orchard
told the truth when he confessed, and
as Judge Wood professes to believe,
he should pay the penalty to the
utmost limit of the law. If his con
fessioas were distorted by personal
spite, he should be punished to the
extreme for his attempt to swear away
the lives of innocent men.
Judge Wood's recommendation of
clemency certainly lends color to the
charge nude in the Haywood and
Pettiboae trials that Orchard had been
promised immunity if he would turn
states evidence. While" this charge
was denied with much emphasis dur
ing the former trials, this apparent I
move of the court to come to the re
lief of Orchard will surely tend to
strengthen the suspicion that Orchard
was assured in advance the benefit of
the turncoat.
In summing up the case, Judge
Wood makes his recommendations for
clemency for Orchard appear some
what ridiculous by reviewing the
criminal career of the man, covering
many years aad including "a long'
series of the most atrocious crimes
committed by himself." Of course,
Orchard was not on trial for any of
the nets of homicide which apparently
formed his pastime, except for the
murder of Steunenberg, but his free,
if not boastful, confession of many
murders mark him as a nun dan
gerous to society who should on gen
eral priadples be' nude forever inca
pable of committing further crime.
Omaha Bee.
By "your road" we mean the road
in front of your farm. Whether you
are paid for it or not, and whether the
farmer on the other side pays aay at
tention to it or aot, it will pay you to
drag your road after every rain and
thaw. You will fed more comfortable
when yon go to town, your wife and
daughter will he snore williag to go
with you, your farm will look better,
and yea will be on better terms with
You ought to be able to see your
supervisor aad nuke an arraagessent
with him by which you wfll receive
fifty cents aa hour for the time spent
in dmggiag. If you can not do this,
you ought to be able to arrange with
your neighbor to take tura about ia
draggiag the road. If you can not do
either one, then for the reasons above
stated drag it aayhow.
We have spent tisse eaoaghaad
money enoughto demoastrate clearly
to the people ia half a dozen states
that reads can be kept ia good coadi
tioa with the minimum of labor and
expense by the ase of the drag, which
we have dcacrabed so oftea that at
least our old readers know 11 about
For the benefit of our
who may not he -unarmed, we
gent that they take a good siaad
A white ceasj post eight inches
the purpose. 8aw it in two
leastwise; put the halves split
feressostthNsaada half feet
tie them together wkh pieces of
ibWorminreaajfimteaa logrhsia
theoatone,raay ether chain
which yon can. hkchso as to give it
Mugle of forty 4ve degrees.
Then when your roads aremaddv
rjartbegianiagtodry oaf, depend
ing on the duraeter of your soil; get
on your drag, staadiagoa some boards
arid across the ties, aad with a good;
stow,-heavy team, of draft horses go
up one side of the road aad dowathe
other two or three times. Then' let
it alone till after the next rain or
tluw.aaddoitagaia. If the ditches
are filled up opeataess. For the read
drag is aot a road builder bat a road
auiataiaer'aad notwithstanding all
that is claimed for it, it will not nuke
a good mad aalsm there is drainage.
Hitch to your drag in such a way as
to pull a littledirt toward the center
of the road. You will find out by
experience how that jean be done to
the best advaatage. Be careful in
riding the drag or it is likdytoMbuck"
aad give you a nasty fall. Do not
pernut -children to ride it. Do not
drive fast
Don't wait for good roads until the
dty folks begia to talk about auca
dam at public expense. This will
cost from three to five thousand dol
lars a aule; and for country purpose,
where there is no heavy hauling,' is
no better, nor as easily maiataiaed as
a road properly made with the road
drag. Five dollars a mile with a
proper useof the road drag will keep
the ordiaary couatry road that is pro
perly drained, graded, and bridged or
culverted, in first-class condition . nine
Bsonths in the year and nuke it a
fairly decent road the other three
months. But this can aot be done in
one year or two. The . longer the
drag is used intdtigently, the better
the road will become, until fiaally it
is oval and smooth and hard and
elastic. This is the ideal road, and
nothing but a road properly made
with the drag, or aa asphalt road,
meets all these requirements.
We have demonstrated this thing
so thoroughly in the last three years,
have published so many cuts of roads
made in this way, and have had such
uniform reports of favorable results
that it is now up to the farmer to se
cured what he can secure if he has
the send to go after it. Wallaces'
Vertebras Classed as OMest Human
Remains Found In the Nsy WerM.
The oldest human remains on the
American continent have been discov
ered In the Argentine republic. Some
four or Ave rears. ago a vertebra was
dug up in the neighborhood of Monte
Hermoso and deposited In the museum
of La Plata. There It attracted the
attention of the director, a German,
Herr Lehmann-NItsche. He 'recog
nised it as having strong resemblances
to a human cervical or neck vertebra
and also some relation to the bones of
the higher apeswtthotot exactly corre
sponding with either.
Then he compared it with some other
bones in the collection, and the result
of his study was the hypothesis of a
new type, neither human nor ape, but
related to 'both. Tne curve of the
spine Indicated by the bones sug
gested an animal that walked upright,
but the sise and formation of the
bones nude it clear that the head
they supported was snull and light
with very small brain capacity.
The remains resemble certain bones
of a primitive race of men found In
Java more closely than any other non
hunun or near human specimens.
They represent altogether the oldest
type of humanity. If human they are,
ever found In the western continent.
Instinct ef Design Seems Planted In
When a Japanese cannot mold the
shape of aa object, when he cannot
redeem it by 'a design, when, ia fact,
he has no control over its creation at
all, but it Is placed la his hands as It
Is, fnished, says the author of uKa
keaoso," he will still contrive ,to add
beauty to it merely by arrangement
"I Irst noticed this on board the
steamer going out," says Mr. Edwards,
"where the Japanese 'boy arranged
the extra blanket on the berth In n
new design each day. He folded It
into lotus leaves and chrysanthemums,
lato half-opened fans and half-shat
buds. He had one wonderful ar-'
rangement which, being patriotic, was
more often reseated than the rest
The blankets of the steamship com
pany had at top and bottom two wavy
red Hues on a white ground. By sense
wonderful twist of his fngers the hoy
would fold that blanket Into the rising
sun, with the four red lines coming
out like blood-red rays. He did
It so perfectly that I recognised the
nag of Japan the moment I saw If
Youth's Companion.
s Vhw VanawawM awewswv avwvwJmw
To same the counterfeiters, who are
both numerous and cunning in Madrid,
the Bank of Spam has pursued the
policy of changing Its notes with great
freauency and retiring each issue as
fast as possible.
The hank has now deternrinei en n
new plan. It has placed an order for
a series of notes with af English
cern, una it wiu reiy ror safety
a special color process. Ia addition
the antes are to present pictures ef
with a perfection that will defy
are to he so beautiful
wffl he tempted to
of the set walhe
nee." Tar the
Is a great deal of
"- i7
trivileas That Je
Female vonvicss.
iTlete ujsve ,ae
artvtleae that female convtets of other
countries do net enjoy they are al
lowed to get married. Bat the hus
bands must also be convicts. Every
tx; months a nefces Jaletcenlated .
aD women who feel minded to go out
to New Caledbaia. in tha-South Bueluc
and henurried to nuke application"
to Out eweiet through- tins gofsraor.
.Elderly woman are said .to.
tesmklmg such apftfeafieni
are, aot.eatcrtalaed. aa the
must be young aad
didatea have to alga eugagesseuta
promising to marry convicts aad eet
tle la New Caledonia for the remain
der of their Uvea. Oa these couMttoah
the government transports them and
gives them aa outtt and a ticket-of
leave when they laid tat Noumea.
Their' msrriages are arranged foir
them -by the governor of' the cokmy,
who has a nalectl'en of "we&heaavef
ivlcts'.for them to choose from, aad
girl amy consult her own fancy
within- certain Hmlts, for tke pro
portion of nurriagoabWinen to won
en is about three to one. .Sonutlmes
wardens' or free settlers have wooeat
a pretty female convict, hut before"
being' permitted .to marry her must
place themselves, in thojosltfou of a
tlcket-of-Ieave nun aad undertake,
never to leave the cokmy. The Path
Suspicion ef Fleer Net Very Flatter
ing to His Grace.
At a dinner given by the marquis
of Bute, among the- guests was a well
known duke who, -la fu)L. HJghland
dress, had his piper standing behind
his chair.. At dessert a. very hand
some and- valuable sauffbox belong
tag. to another of the guests was han
ded round. ,Wheu the tinie came to
return it to Its owner, the snuCbbx
could not be found anywhere, though
a very thorough search, was made.
The duke was specially anxious about
it, but with no, result Some months
afterwards the duke again donned the
kilt for another public cereuMmy the
Irst time he had worn it since the
above dinner and- happening to put
his hand lato his sporran he,, to has
utmost astonishment; found there the
snuffbox which had been lost at the
public dinner. Turning to his piper,
the duke said: "Why. this Is tho sunt)
box we were nil looking 'for! Did you
not see see put it away la my spar
ranr "Tee, your grace. replied the
piper. T did. but I thoeht ye washed
tae keep It" San Francisco Argo
naut , Sad-Celered Feed.
Now that It .has been discovered, .or
rediscovered, by an eminent physician
that the colors of' food have much to
do with the' appetite, a woman la town
who Is known for her novel entertain
ments Is going' to give a luncheon
where all the dishes "will be bright
and cheerful In tone." There win be
no overdone Jrossts at .this repast. A
London gastronomic expert, preach
ing along the Pittsburg doctor's Hum.
says: "Persons naturally avoid
tbre-colored food. As an Instance,
will come home to dinner aad
see a grayish-colored, overdone leg of
mutton before him. He won't touch it
It Is not the meat, but the color, which
has turned him against the food. The
same sun win see a piece, of .red. un
derdone beef, and he fancies It nt.once.
He Is attracted by the color."
HoaRh and Cooking.
Good cooking, is rapidly becoming'
a" lost art They, who prepare the
food for the world decide the health of
the world. Toa have only to go on
some errand amid the hotels of -the
United States and Great Britain to ap
preciate the fact that a vast muitttude.
of the hunun race are slaughtered by
incompetent cookery. Though a young
woman may have taken lessons in'
music, and may have taken lessons m
painting, and' lessons- in. astronomy.
she le net well educated unless 'she
has taken' lessons In dough.
Cure fee Criminals.
Physiological drcunwtances may
totally change the character, as. for
Instance, sMetal disease, and even n
aught Injury to the brain. It Is. Oris
latter cuss of crimlaak Tidms y
acoMent uat has so far come under
surgical trcatuMut There Is no rea
son why we should not attempt the
same operation on those coagenitally
deformed uat le, en the typical pro
fsnetoual criminal, whom so far all
methods of reform and; nil varieties
and Btessures of puuuhinent have.
failed to cure. Dr. Hollander, la
Strand Magasine.
"Joha," said the bride, as they were
starting away, "haven't you forgotten
I don't thiak so. darling. What do
"I didn't see you hand unythmg to
the aslnhrter."
"Oh. Out's an right HI pay aim
when we get back from our wesdmg
trip, rn know better una than I do
now how mueh he ought to have."
a PJuanWsT eaWlsrJ(v
Is your daughter as snurt as her
old dsdr
"Snurt? Goteg; to marry n duke.
"Is uat smartr
"Ia this case. yes. Love match; gets
aim for nothing."
Wonderful Love and Loyalty ef Den
to Its Master.
. There was a tune when tae.
,sje hunun friend, perhaps, be' verr
early ia the. life of the. world, ho .nnd
sad haa.
lys a writer .lu.e.
New Ha
softieeted flu detT'Ho ami "lav
stuck ever since;
MsssIim ami fs the
lJ:.ho nemleetaf deg hewpnms. Wet
-nreas.jns own mess mn nues use mem
Mm Mws tojeuhtte dags, whleh.are ae
maah'.ta the hitereet ef the dog as'm
Om'lmterest'of hunmns
To the Meal of "one nag. one coun
try, eae wile at a 'Usee," aright be
added Tone dog nt n Usee." One dog
.ISjrsirTraf. r.r-r;r,Tr" lt,m upeiset
for Meal companionship. There le
enmsthmg' Inepiringry ' pntheUs'u the
"eomrsdishlp. -th,at aosseUBses springs
up setweslu the right sort of n nun
and the right nest -ef a dog. -There la
a Sdettty Out aright shame many a
maa. In the love and leynHy of a dog to
hie master. History sad. Hteratura
are starred with its hrightaees aai.
beauty. Pity the stea who cunt
date n dog. even It .ha doesn't J
to own' one. "Surety hie soil lucks.
something mere leeesnttal than ndera
tfaa of music he's It for worse than
treason, stratagems ami spoils.
Hungry Traveler.
The hungriest I ever was hi say
Mfe," remarked one Bert Foster, well
known Cleveland traveler and club
nun, .the .ether any,, "was at .a little
station down in Texas' one day where
the trala stopped tve minutes for
luncheon. . I went Ja and grabbed up
a cbapte of sandwiches the hut oaee
they hsd nhj the oiaytMags I saw
on the counter.. Out. wort, entente, aad
then rushed, hack eu , thojtrate, for
I jBlssed the train I would have had
to stay there vver sight Th saad
wlches were ell that stiod between ne
and starvation, for therewasno.dia
lag car on the trafn and, the next
stop where one could buy' things to
eat was about 15e nuies farther on.
Ton can flgure it out for yourself
how anxious I was to get after the
two sandwiches. I bit into one of
them:-and what do you thiak the
aandwich was? It was a cream pan!!
Two cream puis that I had. thought
were sandwiches Thst wss all that I
had to til up the great void.'Iri my
Isoldes. I might as we'll have had a
couple of hickory nuts. Nice Jolly
sUuatioB for a starving nun. Out,
wasn't itr
From Li Hung Chang.
Impertinent questions to others, or
comments' on their appearance, mark
bnd.breediBg. and lead to sharp re
bukes. LI Hung Chsng, the remous China
nun. while visiting this country was
known for the keenness of his wit
and tae Ineness of his courtesies. One
day' when he was calllag upon an
American lady . her little boy, who
had' been looking sharply at him.
"Say, nristerj how few hairs you
."And, my little man.' said U. pat
Mag him on the . head, "how few
sjanaers yon have!"
Fatal Expteoatiens. '
Nothing Is more fatal te, friessly
.relations thaa eomplaiats- aad re
proaches aad demands for explaua
Uos. People must be judged in the
wholeness, of their conduct A thou
sand subtle lnf uences. unexpected) and
unforeseen events, have their action
and reaction oa life. A thousand things
occur Out can neither be analyzed not
denned. Many a temporary alienation
is effectively overcome by silence. Re
preaches, questionings, but widen the
-gulf. Leaving it alone, taking up other
Interests and. Ideas, bridge it over.
Unwelcome Gift
Gunner Why In the world Is Har
ker looking so angry these dsys?
Guyer Why, they hsd- a wooden
wedding dowa to his house about a
nuwth ago aad he'a been worked up
ever since.
Gunner What about? I thought a
wooden wedding was a Joyous oc-
Guyer Not this due. 'Some one
presented him with a wooden snow
shovel aad his wife bus been maklag
him use It ever since.
Sincerity Gives 'Fewer.
There u sothiag which will add so
much to ene's power as the conscious
nesa of being nbeolutely sincere, genu
ine. ' It your life is a, perpetual Ue. it
youaru consdoua that you are not
what you pretend to be, yon cannot be
strong. There is n restralat. a per
petual 'ughting against the truth going
on within you. a struggle "which saps
your energy and, wsrps your conduct
Sham and shoddyare powerless: only
the genuine and the' true are worth
T1H1 PWCuWRmWy ne'VsTuFBAvfsft
"Father," said the young
,"I begin to realise that beauty hi only
skis deep."
"How's that?" ewesUoned her pn.
"Nowadays,'' coatlaued the girl, "a
dowry is much deeper."
Whereupon her father resolved to add
a little store water to tae stock Out
a fund .might he established to attract
desirable young nun. Detroit
uVdaWaw MEJusvps
The late Lord KelrJa
ly unpunctunl nt meals, and
absorbed over the repast m
setentlnc nhetmetien. In trie own din-
Ins-room a favorite, parrot
ate. appearance with "Lute
Winum!." Tet he had a
of humor. MmpMcfty ef
not In hie plan. As el
public dinner, for
announce Out "the conversion of cel
lular Ossne into chemical
mny now begin,
Tvsrnfaw aEUBusvuwlupw of wewdmrPJu
pesslnuss; eleatks. stoics, pythsaer
lata aad Intuitloniste. They arise aad
uap.taeir shimmeriag wman.and taey
fade mto hurt.
wave of
uo. Udn Otaar ef
aanm. Mr
HirjMB nt n
iBSmiK he rase to
I Magazine Binding I
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Bxem BBum
Four-Pifthe ef the H
of tae WerM
Are Found
Of tae I9MM.MS horses known to
exist In tae world. 8e.eee,eae or four
Ifths of the entire number are found
In the temperate cone and nearly nil
assong the occidental people.
Accordiiag to tae National Geogra
phical Magadan, the remaining 20.
e00,eea( scattered 'through tae tropics
are largely employed In the service
of temperate zone visitors or resi
dents aad are but feeble representa
tives of thst snimal as he is known
to the people of Europe or Anwrica.
Ia the United States and Canada we
have 1 horse for every 372 persons; in
South America, 1 for every 7; In Mexl
co, 1 for every 12; in Japan, 1 for
every 30; 1 to 40 in Turkey, for 60 iu
tae Philippines, for about 15 ia Af
rica aad 200 j is ladia aad Southern
The llama will carry from 5 to 200
pounds; a nun from 75 to 150 pounds;
the donkey 760 to 2M pounds: an ox
15e to 20 pounds; n horse from 2ee
to 259 pounds; the elephant from
1.8SO to 2,50 pounds; the camel from
350 to SW pouBds.
Offlcisl's Ailment One Comparatively
Easy to Cure.
Gen. Joubert Pienssr wss talking
to n Washington reporter about a
West African omclsl.
"It Is in that man's territory," said
Gen. Plenaar, "that the blacks are still
branded. The mnn neglects his work.
Well lutenttened, but Isxy. In his Ig
norance he suffers all sorts of inieui
ties to go on among his people. . . -
"Tes, he Is lazy aad neglectful. In
the last heat he- was taken sick aad a
physician was sent for.
" 'I wsnt you to tell me frankly,' he
said to the physlcisn. 'what is the nut
ter with me.'
"The physician frowned nt the fat.
flushed face and. frankly enough, re
plied: " The trouble with you. sir. Is that
you are suffering from underwork and
over pay.' "
The Teacher's Creed.
I believe ia boys and girls, the men
end, women of n great to-morrow; that
whatsoever the boy soweth the maa
shall reap. I believe la tho curse ot
Ignorance; in the eMcacy of schools;
In the dignity of teaching, aad la the
Joy of serving .others. I believe In
wisdom ns revealed In hunun lives, ss
well ss In the pages of tae printed
book. In lessons taught, not so much
by precept as by example; In ability
to work with tho hands ne well ns
think with the head; In everything
that nukes life urge and lovely. I
believe in beauty ia the school room,
in the home. In daily life and out of
doors. I believe In laughter, hi love.
In faith; la all ideals' and distant
in vr. inwtd i
-NO W is the time to co. Only
Every day, March 1st to April 30th, 1906, to San
Francisco, Los Angeles aad nuny other Caluorau
To Portland, Seattle, Tacossa aad nun j other
Oregon aad Wsaaiagtoa aoiats.
Tickets good in Tourist Sleepiag Gars.
By takias; a tourist sleeper, snnseagers can au
termlly redace tae coat of a Feeble Coast trip
without ncrifciag tke slignteat degree ol com
fort. Tourist Sleeping Cars rua through daily
E. Q. BR0WN, Agent.
hopes thst lure us on. I believe that
every hour of every day we receive a
Just reward for all we are and all
we do. I believe In the present aad
all its opportunities; in the future
and its promises, and in tho divine Joy
of living. Edwin Graver.
by Failures.
Life Is often
failures. What
beet Judged by Its
we attempt la fro-
qeeatly much
what wo do. Tho result of the fn-
Charge of the. Light Brigade
tore glorious than if taey hud
captured some strong position la
disobedience to tho conuuade of the
edscers whom they hud sworn to
obey. It is net necessary to go aa
far as Stevenson dM whoa ho oaM
that, whatever else we are meant
for. we are not meant to
But It is necessary to
we are assent to be true.
no success. It nuy be n nobler thing
to lend in vain a forlorn hope thaa to
plant our colors on the very citadel
of the enemy. Failure to be faithful
is the only failure. Sunday School
Revived M Hie
! A strange case of revivincation
! f Adams of Dei Rio, East
t Tennessee. A
Is n mining en-
' a"1" and one morning he was found
ia bed appareatiy dead. A physicii
said it was a case of heart failure. The
body was made ready for interssent
aad relatives and friends in Philadel
phia were notifled. A check was re
ceived from Phludelplrin In pay
stent of the undertaker's bill.
but the undertaker declined to
accept anything save the hard
cash. This caused further demy,
and while waiting tho Tearing of tae
iy by express tae eyes - of the
tnere was a yawn
there Hkewtes was a sudden. 4te
apeearaace of the undertaker and eth
ers from the room. Mr.
severed and la still alive.
The Trouble with Carr.
T rather like your friend." Mrs.
Page said, graciously, after Carr had
none heme. "He la good looking and
agreeable, but you can't call him n
brilliant conversationalist. Tho Law
ton girls talked all round Mas."
"Unfortunately.M replied Mr. Pago.
"Carr caanot talk on n subject unless
he knows something about It."
Youth's Companion.
Truly Popular.
Old Jerry, the butler, was very
proud of the popularity of his young
mistress, who hud Just nude her debut
in society. In describing tho glories
of the debut null and tho sahns
ejuent delights of the debutante's social
career, he said: .
"Tes. sub; yen, nab; she certainly
Is eujoyin' herself, nan. Why, every
day she Jes has dozens oh
such like, aad I jes' cunt
nuay boxes ob boo
rerognlie that
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